【山林蟲坊】巴拉望巨扁開產房&幼蟲轉齡縮時攝影 | Dorcus titanus palawanicus: Checking The Laying Box & The Larva Molting

  • Опубліковано 15 гру 2024
  • 巴拉望巨扁是一種人氣頗高的巨扁,巨大又協調的外型真的讓人愛不釋手呢!最近終於有時間開巴拉望巨扁的產房了。恰巧遇到一隻幼蟲正要轉齡,所以順便拍攝了牠蛻皮的過程。一起來看看吧!
    Dorcus titanus palawanicus is a very popular Dorcus titanus. Its huge and coordinated appearance is really addicting! Finally had time to open the laying box of Dorcus titanus palawanicus recently. I happened to encounter a larva that was about to turn its third instar, so I filmed its molting process by the way. Let's have a look!
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    #山林蟲坊 #巴拉望巨扁 #甲蟲 #飼育 #鍬形蟲 #產房 #幼蟲
    #甲虫 #クワガタムシ #パラワンオオ​ヒラタクワガタ
    #mfbeetles #dorcus #titanus #palawanicus #dorcustitanuspalawanicus #beetle #breeding #stagbeetle #spawn #layingbox