Thank you for again reacting to The Midnight. The more exposure they get the better, and I can't say that enough. Secondly, the digital art that was done for the videos of this album is amazing. The posters all resemble things you would find in 80's-90's kids Rooms/Dorms. The dirty dancing poster, Nirvana In Utero, Close Encounters, Blood Sport, Free Willy, Ecco The dolphin, The Terminator, ect. ect.
I love this song! Tyler's vocals are so smooth! Some of The Midnight's lyrics really speak to me and are romantic! I read somewhere that Tyler wrote this song when he moved to New York, his wife and him were uncertain in a new area, not knowing what the future holds or how they'd get through it.
Your wifes makeup looks like the room. And not gonna lie, its like you dont even exist in the video. Until you interrupt. She steals the limelight. She can be a great supporting actor in the comedy movie of the year. Shes larger than life.
Thank you for again reacting to The Midnight. The more exposure they get the better, and I can't say that enough. Secondly, the digital art that was done for the videos of this album is amazing. The posters all resemble things you would find in 80's-90's kids Rooms/Dorms. The dirty dancing poster, Nirvana In Utero, Close Encounters, Blood Sport, Free Willy, Ecco The dolphin, The Terminator, ect. ect.
I love this song! Tyler's vocals are so smooth! Some of The Midnight's lyrics really speak to me and are romantic! I read somewhere that Tyler wrote this song when he moved to New York, his wife and him were uncertain in a new area, not knowing what the future holds or how they'd get through it.
I love this songs ❤️❤️❤️
Your wifes makeup looks like the room.
And not gonna lie, its like you dont even exist in the video. Until you interrupt.
She steals the limelight. She can be a great supporting actor in the comedy movie of the year. Shes larger than life.
Please do the kids reactions