Clarification: Wanted to get the dates right, so I went back through my e-mail history. My original Fanhome order date was the 28th. My October shipment only charged 2 days late, but sat in pre-shipment status from October 30th until November 5th. It was delivered on November 9th. It only felt later because my September package was shipped early, and had been delivered by September 30th. All of this I could've seen a lot easier if Fanhome hadn't gotten rid of the online member area.
You were very evenhanded and careful with your criticism, but it sounds like someone with responsibility at Fanhome has failed to actually take responsibility. The poor communication makes it even worse. A nice idea, in principle, but at that price, it seems like they have to improve on the total experience for customers,
Unless I'm misunderstanding by what you mean with "online member area", I still see my area. It shows that my next shipment is The Long Halloween Part 2 and The Killing Joke for month five.
As a collector the packaging, missing product and delays are a deal breaker. The beat up dust jackets is not good. Also, displaying book with dust jacket spine next to cover bind printed spine does not display the same. I would have a big issue with that. They should have been transparent about that too. My OCD going nuts just thinking about that. If you are paying a premium price for a product and service and they are not delivering this early on I would end it now. Appreciate you being honest on this experience. I hope they do better.
I'm honestly partially relieved to hear I'm not the only one that was having bizarre difficulties with this sub, especially for how expensive it is. Sucks because I would have loved for it to be as good as I expected but between having multiple books come in damaged, not getting the bonuses listed, and how overpriced the books are (Hush for 50 bucks is insane when I got the paperback for 20 a few years ago) made me strongly consider canceling instead of just putting a pause.
One thing is for sure: Eaglemoss went bankcrupt years ago. From that moment I would not subscribe on those, because the whole thing is uncertain. All the books, additional stuff, gifts, posters, special issues are available on eBay, Amazon....that's how I got mine Legend of The Batman books.
BJ, I subscribed and cancelled quickly after getting shipment one due to having a bad feeling plus I personally have many of the stories that will be included in this collection. I say cancel and look for earlier printings of TPBs or HCs of these same stories you can read sooner rather than wait years to read. And I would imagine it would be cheaper. Appreciate you sharing your experiences so far with us :)
As Someone who was interested in this program, I'm glad I didn't go through with it. I would have Subscribed to it after the second box, but I didn't get the posters. I think I'm just going to save and get the Omnis to have the complete collection.
I appreciate you continuing the subscription, because I am as well. We started the subscription at the same time and are both on the same package number so we are going through the exact same thing together. I’d love it if you continued as I feel as if I have a partner in this endeavor lol and you seem to have good insight into how this should go. I did look in fanhome’s site and the legends of Batman offer is back up as far as I can tell, so idk what’s going on with that. I received my 4th package last week and was charged for my 5th today and the site says the books coming are, the long Halloween part 2 and the killing joke so fingers crossed.
Start hitting 1/2 price books, you may find many of these. These exact books were available in the UK as a subscription from Eaglemoss. They pop up here in Canada at Dollarama for $5, and based on some price stickers I know they share a distributor with 1/2 price books, which we don't have here. The UK series is well over 100 volumes. I've collected dozens in the last few years. Edit: We've picked both books featured in the video this way, quite a time ago.
Hey, appreciate your honesty on this subscription. I’ve had the same experience. I contacted Fanhome informing them that the lack of communication with subscribers is very poor. They said to be patient and I will receive everything. The invoice in future boxes will continue to have the free items listed until I receive it. It feels like some guy is working in his apartment sending out these boxes. I’ll stick with it until it gets cancelled or it finishes, although I may feel differently later.
@ because I would like to see the completed set on my shelf, and that’s the only reason. It’s not hurting me financially, if service doesn’t improve, and gets worse than it is,I definitely will cancel.
@@jessechurch71 I mean hey if you are totally cool with it then don’t let anyone stop you. I definitely would love to see the finished set but much like he said in the video my faith in them to finish it is slim. I also received half of my books with problems occurred in shipping which I hate especially for displaying them.
Long term contract commitments are a thing of the past. I saw the ads for this on FB and watched your video on the initial commitment. Seeing its a black HC underneath along with the spines really not being worth the extra money, makes me scratch my head on what you are spending your money on. Target doing a B2G1 free and you can get alot of these in HC with alot better format or flair.
As I mentioned to you before. My deliveries have sucked so far from the fourth onward. Just looking at your box I can see they taped yours. They only did a rubber band on mine. My mailman gave be an empty Box. Lol. My fifth box was destroyed of course not on them. But they Don t wrap. So they get banged up. Al so I have yet see a FREE so called item. No prints, No tin poster and No cup.
$60 a month! I’ve seen this advertised everywhere at the minute. We had a similar thing of these spine image books in the UK. You find them for sale now for like 3 for £10 ($13) in most places. I know you’re a collector like me, but I wouldn’t bother with it anymore.
Are those the Eaglemoss Collectibles books? They show up here in Ontario, Canada at Dollarama stores. $5 each, it's a great bargain when they trickle in. Edit: they are the exact same books as the video, but different printer I guess. That set is past 100 volumes so far I think.
Are you referring to the Marvel Collection that was available and came in these small hard bound books and when you put them together it made an image? I got a couple from the comic shop in London. They were kind of pricey too (about 20 pounds and contained 4 issue mini series or one off stories).
Sorry to hear about the problems buddy. Its a shame when companies are quick to take your money, but slow on communication or delivering on promises made. Hope either way you get some resolution.
While I also subscribed to this because of your first video on this, and I do understand your concerns and such, I am personally not going to cancel this yet, and my plan is once I recieve my 4th package sometime soon I will be posting a video myself and starting to post them monthly myself, I personally think you should keep the subscription for now, you can always cancel in the future if you want, but either way I have enjoyed all your videos, and for me luckily I guess it is not a double dip and I do not own any of these book yet in a different version
Why stick out the subscription if they are consistently giving bad service? As consumers we shouldn’t let companies just earn money for poor quality especially with collectibles.
@amped_comics to each their own but like I said I am keeping this for now and will probably keep the service until they stop it, you all are entitled to your own opinions on this, but I know from past experiences with just about any subscription company like FanHomes there are potential problems that ca arise, granted yes I do agree they could do better at communication and such, but I just feel that I am happy thus far with everything I have recieved, true the free items aren't getting shipped yet. But I didn't do this service just for the few free items, so it doesn't bother me too much and so far I have not had and packaging problems so we shall see.
@@amped_comicsI personally don't feel that I am getting constant bad service with this, but to each their own, as I said as of right now I have no plans of canceling my subscription
@@amped_comicsno damage or missing thing so far for me unless you count the free gifts missing, I have posted my first video about the subscription, and am planning on a monthly video for it.
Thanks for the video. I was thinking about getting this when I first saw this offered. Glad I didn't. Too many red flags. If I was in your position, I would drop the subscription. Good luck.
Thanks for the video. I was thinking about subscribing to this and decided against it. Your video affirms I was right in my decision. The cost was the biggest factor in my decision. Almost £60 a month here in the UK. Eaglemoss did a hardcover batman run a couple years back and you can pick most up online for a fivver. Sounds like the customer service is atrocious. Don't blame you for cancelling.
Mine came about 3 weeks after they generated the order. They processed the payment, creating a shipping label and it just sat. Waiting for usps to pick up package. It’s frustrating. The contents have been good, the service has been terrible. I’m going to ride it out but I don’t have a lot confidence they will actually finish the collection. I’m collecting the DC finest books and those will be my backup.
I’m glad I got out early. I was subscribed for one month and after the first book came in I wasn’t that impressed. The cover was very faded and it felt real cheap
So My Card got charged for package 4 on the 9th of November as my subscription date is the 9th. But they didn't ship anything out till the 14th, again not bad, not complaining. But after looking at this video I tracked my USPS shipping info and looks like wont be getting my books till the 20th which is annoying. That said I have couple comic book pulls and sometimes it takes forever for publishers to deliver, like still waiting on my Absolute Batman 2. What bothers me is they don't tell us the lists of books we will get. I am feeling like the gifts are just a bait to keep people in as long as they can. I signed up with paypal and got a promotion so I was supposed to get 4 book ends, a heavy art cover plus the gifts and signed up for the premium package so I am supposed to get 8 huge prints. Now I cant find these info on my account anymore. Luckily I have an email, but still bit sketchy.
I've gotten two shipments so far and I'm sticking with it. I don't have many Batman books (no omnis) so even if they don't make it to 100 or whatever, I'm still getting books I want and I like the quality. Concerning that they aren't taking new orders, but I guess we'll see.
Yeah I wouldn’t blame you if you canceled. You definitely have legitimate reasons to do so. One thing that i always look at is communication when it comes to these sort of things. Now with that being said I also completely understand your reasons for being hesitant on cancelling. Based on your experience so far though that wouldn’t be enough for me honestly. Not when you have to consider the financial part of it on your end. Things are coming late and you’re not receiving everything. Big no for me.
To be honest, I know Fanhome basically took over for Eaglemoss which fell under. While Eaglemoss was successful when they did the same thing with the Star Trek comics which I regret not getting, it seems that the company may be biting off more than they can chew. I have seen numerous complaints about the late shipping on the model parts and that is what happened before Eaglemoss started faltering. The fact that they are not taking any more new sign ups is a major warning, I would cancel it if I was you to be honest. While it is a nice idea to have them look so good on the shelf, it is a gamble if it is going to be completed.
i feel you man I started to get into omnibus collecting and been thinking this is more of a display piece with some reading every month so im thinking the same thing.
I will say based on my own experience, the member area is still there for me. I can still see the package history, tracking, prices and what not. It is true that new meme wrs cannot sign up, I assume to help with these supply chain issues. They were clearly not ready for how many people would sign up. For what it's worth, I am enjoying it so far and will probably go till the end and make about my experience. My only gripe is that I agree shipping material could be better, and I had some payment issues where they charged me twice for the same order. But they were real quick to refund me when I contacted them, so that is good.
Just saw your video. I would cancel for sure. Here's a thought check out the New DC Finest line. They are releasing books reprinting runs of their characters like marvel is doing with their epic collections. The only issue it's not in chronological order. I picked up the first Batman and it covers from 1986 to 1987 of his Batman and Detective issues. It's a nice paperback presentation. The books look to be covering from 1939 to 2011, all the pre new 52. Just a thought if ur looking to collect his older stuff. Also, I just subscribed. Great channel.
I bought the definitive transformers collection and have to say, while I know they can be cheaper in the aftermarket, I loved the collection. There was the odd problem, damage or wrong book sent, but they always fixed the problem without hesitation. All in all, if you’re not feeling it, quit but otherwise, get out now. Nothing worse than a 50% collection.
I just went to the site and did a chat. They said that they no longer offer the collection and do not have any information if it will be returning to be available. That has me concerned if they would be able to finish the run like they originally stated. I know that the UK had a subscription service for these types of books and I have bought some second hand through people selling them. It is often that the books get dinged on the edges and the dust jackets. So I am not surprised with that. I really doubt you'll see the freebies, but we'll see. My guess is those will never arrive and the collection itself may stop before the nd of the year (maybe early next year) with a blast email going to all subscribers letting them know.
I'm waiting on my 3rd shipment and haven't received any of my gifts either😩. This is starting to sound real iffy. It's a lot of issues and months to get through, to ALREADY be having issues. I really wanted this to work but I'm not giving up just yet. I'll report how it's going for me in your comments in later months if you continue the subscription as well
The service is way too sloppy for the price at the moment, however I’ve had a really positive customer experience with them outside of the same issues you were experiencing. My Flashpoint dust jacket was torn, as well as having spine issues with Year one part two and they’ve proceeded replacements free of charge for both within 24 hours. However the quality control like poor shipping and mistakes in print (year one has a cover for Batman 21 rebirth instead of new 52, and the intro for long Halloween part 1 is the exact same for Hush part 2) suggests they have a lot of work to do. For person preference, I actually like that the event books don’t have the art on the cover as it makes it easier to sell if you dont care for that particular story, whereas it’s much harder if its part of a collection
I cancelled last month. I really don’t think they have the best quality control or customer service, I think it’s a good idea to cancel. Love the vids.
Yeah I canceled as well due to much of the same sentiment being shared around. Sucks to see this because I think the collection could’ve been amazing on the shelf but not worth it with all the hassle.
Why didn't they send you the complete story of The Long Halloween as 1 book (omnibus)? Wouldn't that be more logical? Hopefully you receive part 2 in your next shipment.
Here in Brazil we had those, but we mostly bought single issues that were sold sepparately. Eaglemoss had DC and Batman, salvat had Marvel, spidey, Conan and Bonelli. Some of these collections were completed, some were not. Both companies have gone bankrupt. Conan was picked by Panini and finished.
Yeah I dropped it after getting five books or so. The price per page calculation makes no sense. And I was getting 100% double dips with what I already have. Definite remorse! That Flashpoint book is cool, agreed.... But damaged DJ is not cool.
I actually subscribed after I saw your first video about it and looked into it more. Got the same message about there being a delay and still have not received my first book. I did it at the end of October and still nothing.
I’m in the UK and I haven’t received any free gifts yet and I didn’t get the flashpoint book either. I only have zero year 1 & 2, the long Halloween, hush 1 & 2, Batman and son. So I’m at the same point in the subscription as you
I had a very similar experience with the posters never showed up as well as the packaging of the books is very abysmal it was a fifty fifty chance the book would already come with some damage. I decided to cancel due to that personally the whole point of collecting these is the display ability. I know they offer to replace books, but if you have to keep doing it over and over, it becomes more of a hassle than a collection in my opinion.
I am promised my tin cup in my next shipment with some posters. I guess I will see if get them. And for 55$, I could almost get an omnibus. I don't like the website how my account is hard to get basic information. I really wanted the spines to if I am honest. I have a majority of the stories also. And I love the new 52. I guess I have some thinking to do.
This was a great series of books as Eaglemoss (haven't seen a Fanhome version).......I have @250 of the DC & Batman line to make a solid spine image. BUT......I got most of mine from a Dollar store chain here in Canada for $5 each. Not liking the way things are trending already, bro. Good luck.
Yeah, I did two of these collections in the UK, one for Eaglemoss for a DC subscription and one for Pananai for a Marvel collection and both were plagued with issues in dispatches, damages books and the Eaglemoss DC collection was never completed because they went bankrupt before the end of the collection. So I have never gone subscribed to one of these collections again. I've moved to buying singles issues each month, it's more costly to buy 30 monthly books but more efficient and buying trades directly under DC for the series I'm not picking up monthly. These collections aren't worth it and they are always ran by literal grifters. I will tell you for experience twice over it won't happen, plus they will extend the collections without notice which is was happend when this collection was under Eaglemoss.
Part of the problem is usps kansas city has the worst usps in the nation time wise and is why packages take so long for me at least mines coming from there
There may come a point when enough people cancel to where it's more cost effective for them to discontinue the series. I wonder if you hadn't spoken up that they would have addressed your concerns. Sucks to be an afterthough considering you trusted the company enough to invest in this.
I subscribed to this in the UK and so far the only issue that we’ve had are the free extras being out of stock and from the looks of the website you can still join it in the UK so maybe it’s a US problem ? Oh and our members area is still up so I can still see my orders and book collection update just received my fourth parcel and I received the prints but the tin mug is still delayed
I'm guessing it's no longer available to new subscribers because the current subscriber count is so low. Which if true, indicates it's only a matter of time until they cancel the subscription service altogether.
The quality seems not that great. They didn't deliver what they promised and no one else can get in on it. Not worth it to keep spending money unless you want them. Reviews are kinda pointless like you said. Love your videos.
Yea man I think 60 a month is pretty steep for a couple standard size hardcovers, you’re paying the price of an omnibus every month, I’d rather just get that.
Every single person I know who has used Fanhome has had problems with them. Doesn’t matter which subscription, they’ve all had issues. All but one has canceled their subs after several bad experiences.
Mine got messed up they gave me flashpoint and part one long halloween for month 3 not 4 now i get extra copies free and they are sending me the right one now and the ones i just got at end of the month
I did receive the posters on the second one just received the 3 order and so far my payment went In on the 10 and received it today on the 15 I’m hopping I get that mug for my next order or I’m gonna be mad
Personally I’m giving it a year for them to iron out the problems before I consider subscribing, maybe try pausing the subscription and waiting a couple months
First of all...thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate hearing from other subscribers and fans, which is why I started making my MUCH more amateur effort videos. Mine are strictly there to share a bit of info and I realize that I've already gotten fairly lazy. I didn't mention the blank cover on the special (I agree it's a waste) or the odd (but not bad...just odd) texture on the cover. My own complaints are all the same as yours, with the added miscommunication between myself and customer service. Late stuff, missing stuff, doubles (I received three copies of the second box, just received a second copy of The Long Halloween Part 1) and inadequate packaging that so far hasn't resulted in any damage. The worst offense for me, personally, is that if I assume I won't have money, but I do, but then I don't, that's not great for me. I want to know when my bank account is going to be hit. I would like to give you a head's up, although it might have already updated for you - my next shipment was charged and I see The Long Halloween Part 2 and The Killing Joke are in processing. So, fingers crossed those arrive in less than five to six weeks. Also, I'm in a FB group and received a, let's say, holistic explanation there for the set no longer being available. Apparently, Fanhome has never been too good about budgeting, shipping, timing, or prepping orders, so much so that they occasionally shut down the application page until they can catch up. Considering most of us have received at least one late shipment and no bonus items, my fingers are crossed that what's to blame is logistical cockups rather than Fanhome giving up on the set early. I haven't made up my mind just yet to quit, and I think I'd like to explain that, since I've made at least four videos doing little else other than complaining about their mistakes. If you're really looking for a reason to stick with it, maybe I'll have one for you. Going to make a video right now about it. (Update:
Because I’m in the US, hunting them down on eBay isn’t super cost effective. But also, the Eaglemoss set is supposedly different from the fanhome set, so there’s no guarantee the spines would line up with what I have so far.
okay i think i can help you solve your problem especially about you waiting to receive some free stuff from your orders that you have been ordering now have you contacted these companies by email or have you talked to them right over the phone? i think emails is a waste of time how i know because i have my differences with this one video store company and they really would not give me a straight out answer like i wanted to know if this one movie is American that is the question that i asked. so you let me know just how your order situation all goes
BJ.. I know I’m new to this game but I’ll say this.. my passion is strong!! ESPECIALLY when it comes to Batman! - like you said, you’ve already got most the stories ! An you’re double dippin🤣 we all do that (I do with my Blu-rays, a lot!) but the way the communication is 💩 an along with some promised items not gettin to you, shows that somthin aint right ! I’d give it a week or two if nothing changes ! Cut out an save the money to use somewhere you kno is gonna provid. That’s jus my two pence.👊🏽
Clarification: Wanted to get the dates right, so I went back through my e-mail history. My original Fanhome order date was the 28th. My October shipment only charged 2 days late, but sat in pre-shipment status from October 30th until November 5th. It was delivered on November 9th. It only felt later because my September package was shipped early, and had been delivered by September 30th.
All of this I could've seen a lot easier if Fanhome hadn't gotten rid of the online member area.
You were very evenhanded and careful with your criticism, but it sounds like someone with responsibility at Fanhome has failed to actually take responsibility. The poor communication makes it even worse. A nice idea, in principle, but at that price, it seems like they have to improve on the total experience for customers,
Unless I'm misunderstanding by what you mean with "online member area", I still see my area. It shows that my next shipment is The Long Halloween Part 2 and The Killing Joke for month five.
@@Mewzard interesting. Mine has disappeared along with my order history. All I can see is my address.
@@comicsaredope Are you looking on a desktop, or mobile?
@@TheOneNerd1 I was going to ask the same thing. My member area is still there but I’m using mobile.
As a collector the packaging, missing product and delays are a deal breaker. The beat up dust jackets is not good. Also, displaying book with dust jacket spine next to cover bind printed spine does not display the same. I would have a big issue with that. They should have been transparent about that too. My OCD going nuts just thinking about that. If you are paying a premium price for a product and service and they are not delivering this early on I would end it now. Appreciate you being honest on this experience. I hope they do better.
For every reason you stated is why I quit… it sucks because it could’ve been great. Instead I started collecting every Absolute edition DC has!
I'm honestly partially relieved to hear I'm not the only one that was having bizarre difficulties with this sub, especially for how expensive it is. Sucks because I would have loved for it to be as good as I expected but between having multiple books come in damaged, not getting the bonuses listed, and how overpriced the books are (Hush for 50 bucks is insane when I got the paperback for 20 a few years ago) made me strongly consider canceling instead of just putting a pause.
One thing is for sure: Eaglemoss went bankcrupt years ago. From that moment I would not subscribe on those, because the whole thing is uncertain. All the books, additional stuff, gifts, posters, special issues are available on eBay, Amazon....that's how I got mine Legend of The Batman books.
BJ, I subscribed and cancelled quickly after getting shipment one due to having a bad feeling plus I personally have many of the stories that will be included in this collection. I say cancel and look for earlier printings of TPBs or HCs of these same stories you can read sooner rather than wait years to read. And I would imagine it would be cheaper. Appreciate you sharing your experiences so far with us :)
As Someone who was interested in this program, I'm glad I didn't go through with it. I would have Subscribed to it after the second box, but I didn't get the posters. I think I'm just going to save and get the Omnis to have the complete collection.
I appreciate you continuing the subscription, because I am as well. We started the subscription at the same time and are both on the same package number so we are going through the exact same thing together. I’d love it if you continued as I feel as if I have a partner in this endeavor lol and you seem to have good insight into how this should go.
I did look in fanhome’s site and the legends of Batman offer is back up as far as I can tell, so idk what’s going on with that.
I received my 4th package last week and was charged for my 5th today and the site says the books coming are, the long Halloween part 2 and the killing joke so fingers crossed.
Start hitting 1/2 price books, you may find many of these. These exact books were available in the UK as a subscription from Eaglemoss. They pop up here in Canada at Dollarama for $5, and based on some price stickers I know they share a distributor with 1/2 price books, which we don't have here. The UK series is well over 100 volumes. I've collected dozens in the last few years.
Edit: We've picked both books featured in the video this way, quite a time ago.
Oh no!!!! You seemed like you were so excited!!!! 1:23 GOOD LUCK FOR THE FUTURE
Hey, appreciate your honesty on this subscription. I’ve had the same experience. I contacted Fanhome informing them that the lack of communication with subscribers is very poor. They said to be patient and I will receive everything. The invoice in future boxes will continue to have the free items listed until I receive it. It feels like some guy is working in his apartment sending out these boxes. I’ll stick with it until it gets cancelled or it finishes, although I may feel differently later.
Why stick with it if you are getting poor service could use that money to buy something else?
@ because I would like to see the completed set on my shelf, and that’s the only reason. It’s not hurting me financially, if service doesn’t improve, and gets worse than it is,I definitely will cancel.
@@jessechurch71 I mean hey if you are totally cool with it then don’t let anyone stop you. I definitely would love to see the finished set but much like he said in the video my faith in them to finish it is slim. I also received half of my books with problems occurred in shipping which I hate especially for displaying them.
Long term contract commitments are a thing of the past.
I saw the ads for this on FB and watched your video on the initial commitment. Seeing its a black HC underneath along with the spines really not being worth the extra money, makes me scratch my head on what you are spending your money on. Target doing a B2G1 free and you can get alot of these in HC with alot better format or flair.
As I mentioned to you before. My deliveries have sucked so far from the fourth onward. Just looking at your box I can see they taped yours. They only did a rubber band on mine. My mailman gave be an empty Box. Lol. My fifth box was destroyed of course not on them. But they Don t wrap. So they get banged up. Al so I have yet see a FREE so called item. No prints, No tin poster and No cup.
delivering an empty box is insane. sorry your experience has been so bad!
$60 a month! I’ve seen this advertised everywhere at the minute. We had a similar thing of these spine image books in the UK. You find them for sale now for like 3 for £10 ($13) in most places. I know you’re a collector like me, but I wouldn’t bother with it anymore.
Yeah the price seemed kinda high. I never been a fan of subscription services.
Are those the Eaglemoss Collectibles books? They show up here in Ontario, Canada at Dollarama stores. $5 each, it's a great bargain when they trickle in. Edit: they are the exact same books as the video, but different printer I guess. That set is past 100 volumes so far I think.
@ yes that’s it eaglemoss. They are a great bargain to read for how cheap they are.
@@tylerbrunton7696 Yeah. Those books are a great deal to pick up. I think I've lucked out and found 40 so far.
Are you referring to the Marvel Collection that was available and came in these small hard bound books and when you put them together it made an image? I got a couple from the comic shop in London. They were kind of pricey too (about 20 pounds and contained 4 issue mini series or one off stories).
Sorry to hear about the problems buddy. Its a shame when companies are quick to take your money, but slow on communication or delivering on promises made. Hope either way you get some resolution.
Cancel man, your concerns are more than valid. Thanks for the honest reviews!
While I also subscribed to this because of your first video on this, and I do understand your concerns and such, I am personally not going to cancel this yet, and my plan is once I recieve my 4th package sometime soon I will be posting a video myself and starting to post them monthly myself, I personally think you should keep the subscription for now, you can always cancel in the future if you want, but either way I have enjoyed all your videos, and for me luckily I guess it is not a double dip and I do not own any of these book yet in a different version
Why stick out the subscription if they are consistently giving bad service? As consumers we shouldn’t let companies just earn money for poor quality especially with collectibles.
@amped_comics to each their own but like I said I am keeping this for now and will probably keep the service until they stop it, you all are entitled to your own opinions on this, but I know from past experiences with just about any subscription company like FanHomes there are potential problems that ca arise, granted yes I do agree they could do better at communication and such, but I just feel that I am happy thus far with everything I have recieved, true the free items aren't getting shipped yet. But I didn't do this service just for the few free items, so it doesn't bother me too much and so far I have not had and packaging problems so we shall see.
@@amped_comicsI personally don't feel that I am getting constant bad service with this, but to each their own, as I said as of right now I have no plans of canceling my subscription
@@chrism023 Hey do what makes you happy! I do have to ask though none of your books have gotten mangled in shipping?
@@amped_comicsno damage or missing thing so far for me unless you count the free gifts missing, I have posted my first video about the subscription, and am planning on a monthly video for it.
Thanks for the video. I was thinking about getting this when I first saw this offered. Glad I didn't. Too many red flags. If I was in your position, I would drop the subscription. Good luck.
Thanks for the video. I was thinking about subscribing to this and decided against it. Your video affirms I was right in my decision. The cost was the biggest factor in my decision. Almost £60 a month here in the UK. Eaglemoss did a hardcover batman run a couple years back and you can pick most up online for a fivver. Sounds like the customer service is atrocious. Don't blame you for cancelling.
Mine came about 3 weeks after they generated the order. They processed the payment, creating a shipping label and it just sat. Waiting for usps to pick up package. It’s frustrating. The contents have been good, the service has been terrible. I’m going to ride it out but I don’t have a lot confidence they will actually finish the collection. I’m collecting the DC finest books and those will be my backup.
I’m glad I got out early. I was subscribed for one month and after the first book came in I wasn’t that impressed. The cover was very faded and it felt real cheap
So My Card got charged for package 4 on the 9th of November as my subscription date is the 9th. But they didn't ship anything out till the 14th, again not bad, not complaining. But after looking at this video I tracked my USPS shipping info and looks like wont be getting my books till the 20th which is annoying. That said I have couple comic book pulls and sometimes it takes forever for publishers to deliver, like still waiting on my Absolute Batman 2. What bothers me is they don't tell us the lists of books we will get. I am feeling like the gifts are just a bait to keep people in as long as they can. I signed up with paypal and got a promotion so I was supposed to get 4 book ends, a heavy art cover plus the gifts and signed up for the premium package so I am supposed to get 8 huge prints. Now I cant find these info on my account anymore. Luckily I have an email, but still bit sketchy.
Sounds like a scam to lure people in. I don't think you guys will be getting those extras.
I've gotten two shipments so far and I'm sticking with it. I don't have many Batman books (no omnis) so even if they don't make it to 100 or whatever, I'm still getting books I want and I like the quality. Concerning that they aren't taking new orders, but I guess we'll see.
Yeah I wouldn’t blame you if you canceled. You definitely have legitimate reasons to do so. One thing that i always look at is communication when it comes to these sort of things. Now with that being said I also completely understand your reasons for being hesitant on cancelling. Based on your experience so far though that wouldn’t be enough for me honestly. Not when you have to consider the financial part of it on your end. Things are coming late and you’re not receiving everything. Big no for me.
To be honest, I know Fanhome basically took over for Eaglemoss which fell under. While Eaglemoss was successful when they did the same thing with the Star Trek comics which I regret not getting, it seems that the company may be biting off more than they can chew. I have seen numerous complaints about the late shipping on the model parts and that is what happened before Eaglemoss started faltering. The fact that they are not taking any more new sign ups is a major warning, I would cancel it if I was you to be honest. While it is a nice idea to have them look so good on the shelf, it is a gamble if it is going to be completed.
i feel you man I started to get into omnibus collecting and been thinking this is more of a display piece with some reading every month so im thinking the same thing.
Double dipping, $60, and its a shoddy service out the gate...... yeah i would be out of there bud
I will say based on my own experience, the member area is still there for me. I can still see the package history, tracking, prices and what not. It is true that new meme wrs cannot sign up, I assume to help with these supply chain issues.
They were clearly not ready for how many people would sign up.
For what it's worth, I am enjoying it so far and will probably go till the end and make about my experience.
My only gripe is that I agree shipping material could be better, and I had some payment issues where they charged me twice for the same order. But they were real quick to refund me when I contacted them, so that is good.
I just sent a message to support to get my Member Area back. Maybe it's just my account with that problem.
Right with you man! Entire thing smells fishy and feels icky!
Way to bring awareness tho so others now know!
I cancelled mine.
Just saw your video. I would cancel for sure. Here's a thought check out the New DC Finest line. They are releasing books reprinting runs of their characters like marvel is doing with their epic collections. The only issue it's not in chronological order. I picked up the first Batman and it covers from 1986 to 1987 of his Batman and Detective issues. It's a nice paperback presentation. The books look to be covering from 1939 to 2011, all the pre new 52. Just a thought if ur looking to collect his older stuff. Also, I just subscribed. Great channel.
I bought the definitive transformers collection and have to say, while I know they can be cheaper in the aftermarket, I loved the collection. There was the odd problem, damage or wrong book sent, but they always fixed the problem without hesitation. All in all, if you’re not feeling it, quit but otherwise, get out now. Nothing worse than a 50% collection.
I just went to the site and did a chat. They said that they no longer offer the collection and do not have any information if it will be returning to be available. That has me concerned if they would be able to finish the run like they originally stated.
I know that the UK had a subscription service for these types of books and I have bought some second hand through people selling them. It is often that the books get dinged on the edges and the dust jackets. So I am not surprised with that.
I really doubt you'll see the freebies, but we'll see. My guess is those will never arrive and the collection itself may stop before the nd of the year (maybe early next year) with a blast email going to all subscribers letting them know.
I'm waiting on my 3rd shipment and haven't received any of my gifts either😩. This is starting to sound real iffy. It's a lot of issues and months to get through, to ALREADY be having issues. I really wanted this to work but I'm not giving up just yet. I'll report how it's going for me in your comments in later months if you continue the subscription as well
I'm gonna keep it going at least until Christmas. But if Fanhome wants to come with me to 2025, they've got some changes to make.
The service is way too sloppy for the price at the moment, however I’ve had a really positive customer experience with them outside of the same issues you were experiencing. My Flashpoint dust jacket was torn, as well as having spine issues with Year one part two and they’ve proceeded replacements free of charge for both within 24 hours.
However the quality control like poor shipping and mistakes in print (year one has a cover for Batman 21 rebirth instead of new 52, and the intro for long Halloween part 1 is the exact same for Hush part 2) suggests they have a lot of work to do.
For person preference, I actually like that the event books don’t have the art on the cover as it makes it easier to sell if you dont care for that particular story, whereas it’s much harder if its part of a collection
I cancelled last month. I really don’t think they have the best quality control or customer service, I think it’s a good idea to cancel. Love the vids.
Yeah I canceled as well due to much of the same sentiment being shared around. Sucks to see this because I think the collection could’ve been amazing on the shelf but not worth it with all the hassle.
Why didn't they send you the complete story of The Long Halloween as 1 book (omnibus)? Wouldn't that be more logical? Hopefully you receive part 2 in your next shipment.
Here in Brazil we had those, but we mostly bought single issues that were sold sepparately. Eaglemoss had DC and Batman, salvat had Marvel, spidey, Conan and Bonelli. Some of these collections were completed, some were not. Both companies have gone bankrupt. Conan was picked by Panini and finished.
Yeah I dropped it after getting five books or so. The price per page calculation makes no sense. And I was getting 100% double dips with what I already have. Definite remorse!
That Flashpoint book is cool, agreed.... But damaged DJ is not cool.
Good video, keep up the hard work! 💪🏻
I actually subscribed after I saw your first video about it and looked into it more. Got the same message about there being a delay and still have not received my first book. I did it at the end of October and still nothing.
I’m in the UK and I haven’t received any free gifts yet and I didn’t get the flashpoint book either. I only have zero year 1 & 2, the long Halloween, hush 1 & 2, Batman and son. So I’m at the same point in the subscription as you
Sorry about all of these problems. Hearing this makes me glad I didn't go in on this.
I had a very similar experience with the posters never showed up as well as the packaging of the books is very abysmal it was a fifty fifty chance the book would already come with some damage. I decided to cancel due to that personally the whole point of collecting these is the display ability. I know they offer to replace books, but if you have to keep doing it over and over, it becomes more of a hassle than a collection in my opinion.
I am promised my tin cup in my next shipment with some posters. I guess I will see if get them. And for 55$, I could almost get an omnibus. I don't like the website how my account is hard to get basic information. I really wanted the spines to if I am honest. I have a majority of the stories also. And I love the new 52. I guess I have some thinking to do.
This was a great series of books as Eaglemoss (haven't seen a Fanhome version).......I have @250 of the DC & Batman line to make a solid spine image. BUT......I got most of mine from a Dollar store chain here in Canada for $5 each. Not liking the way things are trending already, bro. Good luck.
Thanks for telling us.
Yeah, I did two of these collections in the UK, one for Eaglemoss for a DC subscription and one for Pananai for a Marvel collection and both were plagued with issues in dispatches, damages books and the Eaglemoss DC collection was never completed because they went bankrupt before the end of the collection. So I have never gone subscribed to one of these collections again. I've moved to buying singles issues each month, it's more costly to buy 30 monthly books but more efficient and buying trades directly under DC for the series I'm not picking up monthly. These collections aren't worth it and they are always ran by literal grifters. I will tell you for experience twice over it won't happen, plus they will extend the collections without notice which is was happend when this collection was under Eaglemoss.
I hope yo get all your stuff 🎉
Part of the problem is usps kansas city has the worst usps in the nation time wise and is why packages take so long for me at least mines coming from there
My comics went between KS and MO every day for a week 2 months ago.
Same issues as you I just cancelled I stopped after Batman and son tbh not worth it I rather buy omnibuses each month with that money or other comics
There may come a point when enough people cancel to where it's more cost effective for them to discontinue the series. I wonder if you hadn't spoken up that they would have addressed your concerns. Sucks to be an afterthough considering you trusted the company enough to invest in this.
Dang that sux you got all that happening. I see a lot of things like this happening these days.
I subscribed to this in the UK and so far the only issue that we’ve had are the free extras being out of stock and from the looks of the website you can still join it in the UK so maybe it’s a US problem ? Oh and our members area is still up so I can still see my orders and book collection update just received my fourth parcel and I received the prints but the tin mug is still delayed
I am in the exact same spot. I just got my box 4 and no free stuff.
Appreciate the update man, I’m sorry this has not lived up to expectations
I'm guessing it's no longer available to new subscribers because the current subscriber count is so low. Which if true, indicates it's only a matter of time until they cancel the subscription service altogether.
I think I’m just gunna stick to DC finest books and omnis based on this and how long it’s going to take to get all the books in total
The quality seems not that great. They didn't deliver what they promised and no one else can get in on it. Not worth it to keep spending money unless you want them. Reviews are kinda pointless like you said. Love your videos.
Yea man I think 60 a month is pretty steep for a couple standard size hardcovers, you’re paying the price of an omnibus every month, I’d rather just get that.
Every single person I know who has used Fanhome has had problems with them. Doesn’t matter which subscription, they’ve all had issues. All but one has canceled their subs after several bad experiences.
Mine got messed up they gave me flashpoint and part one long halloween for month 3 not 4 now i get extra copies free and they are sending me the right one now and the ones i just got at end of the month
I did receive the posters on the second one just received the 3 order and so far my payment went In on the 10 and received it today on the 15 I’m hopping I get that mug for my next order or I’m gonna be mad
Does the channel have an opinion on digital comics like VEVE?
I’m not big on digital assets/nft/crypto. But I love digital comics just for reading purposes.
Personally I’m giving it a year for them to iron out the problems before I consider subscribing, maybe try pausing the subscription and waiting a couple months
If you cancel it, then you can up your monthly budget for NCBD. Heh.
For $60/month I’d rather just put that towards an omnibus or absolute
This would def earn a cancel from me. Thanks for the info!
I’d be out. Better off putting the $60 into Omni’s or Bitcoin.
I would cancel right away, but stay on them to honor their promises.. Terrible service..
This, the MMPR subscription, all their sht looked weird to me, and the math didn't make sense at all.
Cancelled mine after 1 book. Called it quits.
I don’t see the point. You can buy this stuff whenever you want.
First of all...thanks for stopping by. I really appreciate hearing from other subscribers and fans, which is why I started making my MUCH more amateur effort videos. Mine are strictly there to share a bit of info and I realize that I've already gotten fairly lazy. I didn't mention the blank cover on the special (I agree it's a waste) or the odd (but not bad...just odd) texture on the cover. My own complaints are all the same as yours, with the added miscommunication between myself and customer service. Late stuff, missing stuff, doubles (I received three copies of the second box, just received a second copy of The Long Halloween Part 1) and inadequate packaging that so far hasn't resulted in any damage. The worst offense for me, personally, is that if I assume I won't have money, but I do, but then I don't, that's not great for me. I want to know when my bank account is going to be hit.
I would like to give you a head's up, although it might have already updated for you - my next shipment was charged and I see The Long Halloween Part 2 and The Killing Joke are in processing. So, fingers crossed those arrive in less than five to six weeks. Also, I'm in a FB group and received a, let's say, holistic explanation there for the set no longer being available. Apparently, Fanhome has never been too good about budgeting, shipping, timing, or prepping orders, so much so that they occasionally shut down the application page until they can catch up. Considering most of us have received at least one late shipment and no bonus items, my fingers are crossed that what's to blame is logistical cockups rather than Fanhome giving up on the set early. I haven't made up my mind just yet to quit, and I think I'd like to explain that, since I've made at least four videos doing little else other than complaining about their mistakes. If you're really looking for a reason to stick with it, maybe I'll have one for you. Going to make a video right now about it. (Update:
On ebay I can pick up single books from this series brand new for less than £10.
Because I’m in the US, hunting them down on eBay isn’t super cost effective. But also, the Eaglemoss set is supposedly different from the fanhome set, so there’s no guarantee the spines would line up with what I have so far.
@@comicsaredope Yeah, I only have the eaglemoss sets and they are very cheap here since eaglemoss went bankrupt and liquidated their inventory.
Tin mug??😢 You gotta be one of these to fall for that scam
I don’t like the order they have these is. They are all over the place.
Speaking as a former Eaglemoss customer, get out now.
yeah, I'd rather quit at 7 volumes than have the rug pulled out after 50. But part of me has hope it'll get better.
Definitely cancel bro. It's not worth the hit on your wallet, and the lack of transparency is concerning.
okay i think i can help you solve your problem especially about you waiting to receive some free stuff from your orders that you have been ordering now have you contacted these companies by email or have you talked to them right over the phone? i think emails is a waste of time how i know because i have my differences with this one video store company and they really would not give me a straight out answer like i wanted to know if this one movie is American that is the question that i asked. so you let me know just how your order situation all goes
the connected spines look lame as hell why would you even want that??
we'll have to agree to disagree. I love the connected spines lol
I was thinking about this until the DC Finest line was announced. Glad I never subscribed.
the thing about the dust jacket is not nitpicky that's very reasonable to not have the books damaged on dilivery
Cancel. Lots of other publishers or shops would love your business.
Not worth it imo, customer service doesn't sound the best
BJ.. I know I’m new to this game but I’ll say this.. my passion is strong!! ESPECIALLY when it comes to Batman! - like you said, you’ve already got most the stories ! An you’re double dippin🤣 we all do that (I do with my Blu-rays, a lot!) but the way the communication is 💩 an along with some promised items not gettin to you, shows that somthin aint right ! I’d give it a week or two if nothing changes ! Cut out an save the money to use somewhere you kno is gonna provid. That’s jus my two pence.👊🏽
Cancel them, who wants to deal with 4 years of that nonsense
60 dollars a month for 5 dollar books ok mate you have been sold snake oil