تعلم اللغة الانجليزية من خلال النصوص المترجمة || Learn English : Listening and Reading Practice 35

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • Hello everyone! 🌟
    Thank you for watching today's video. Learning English can be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. Here are a few tips to help you on your journey:
    Practice Regularly: Consistency is key. Try to practice a little every day, even if it's just for 10 minutes.
    Use Multiple Resources: Use apps, watch videos, read books, and listen to podcasts in English. The more you expose yourself to the language, the faster you'll learn.
    Engage with Native Speakers: If possible, practice speaking with native English speakers. This can help you improve your pronunciation and conversational skills.
    Join Online Communities: There are many online communities where you can practice English with other learners. It's a great way to stay motivated and make new friends.
    Set Clear Goals: Whether it's learning a certain number of new words each week or being able to hold a conversation, having clear goals will help keep you on track.
    I encourage you to take what you've learned today and apply it. Remember, every small step brings you closer to your goal. Don't get discouraged by setbacks - they're a natural part of the learning process.
    Incentive: To keep you motivated, I have a challenge for you! Share your progress and any questions you have in the comments below. I'll be selecting a few of you to receive a special shoutout in my next video and some exclusive learning resources to help you on your English learning journey!
    Thank you for being part of this community. Together, we can achieve great things. Keep practicing, stay motivated, and remember that learning a new language opens up a world of opportunities.
    Until next time, happy learning! 📚✨
    Obsession is a persistent and often intrusive fixation on a specific thought, or activity. It can dominate a person's mind, affecting their emotions and behavior. Unlike mere interest or passion, an obsession can become overwhelming and difficult to control, sometimes interfering with daily life and well-being.
    Obsessions can take many forms. Some people might be obsessed with cleanliness, constantly feeling the need to wash their hands or clean their surroundings. Others might be fixated on a person, celebrity, or an unattainable goal, investing an excessive amount of time and energy into these thoughts.
    Obsession- الوسواس
    Persistent- دائم
    Intrusive- متطفل
    Fixation- تثبيت
    Specific- معينة
    Thought- فكرة
    Activity- نشاط
    To dominate- يهيمن
    Mind- عقل
    Affecting- مؤثرًا
    Emotions- عواطف
    Behavior- سلوك
    Unlike- على عكس
    Mere- مجرد
    Interest- اهتمام
    Passion- شغف
    To become- يصبح
    Overwhelming- مفزع
    Difficult to control- صعب التحكم فيه
    Sometimes- أحيانًا
    To interfere - يتداخل
    Daily life- الحياة اليومية
    Well-being- الراحة
    To take- يتخذ
    Forms- أشكال
    Some people- بعض الناس
    Obsessed- مهووس
    Cleanliness- النظافة
    Constantly- باستمرار
    To feel- يشعر
    Need- الحاجة
    To wash- يغسل
    Hands- أيدي
    To clean- ينظف
    Surroundings- محيط
    Others- البعض الآخر
    To fixate- يركز
    Person- شخص
    Celebrity- شخصية مشهورة
    Unattainable - غير قابل للتحقيق
    Goal- هدف
    Investing- يستثمرون
    Excessive amount- كمية زائدة
    Time- الوقت
    Energy- الطاقة
    Thoughts- الأفكار