Excellent WOD! I really like long "chipper" WODs. The mind numbing grinding through reps is easier for me to do mentally than to have to actively push myself harder on shorter WODs. Right now I'm working on improving the box jump. I struggle to graduate from 16 in. box to 20 in. box.
+WODwell Nope, sure haven't, but it looks pretty brutal. I recently did "Karen" which is basically one-third of this workout and it took me 13-something to complete, so I figure this one would probably take me at least 45 minutes.
Good question. I actually don’t think there’s a standard regarding use of hands to stand on a box… that would mean using the hands on the thighs is acceptable.
Excellent WOD! I really like long "chipper" WODs. The mind numbing grinding through reps is easier for me to do mentally than to have to actively push myself harder on shorter WODs. Right now I'm working on improving the box jump. I struggle to graduate from 16 in. box to 20 in. box.
Both under 25 minutes. Wow, very impressive!
Totally agree. Have you given Morrison a shot?
+WODwell Nope, sure haven't, but it looks pretty brutal. I recently did "Karen" which is basically one-third of this workout and it took me 13-something to complete, so I figure this one would probably take me at least 45 minutes.
What's the deal with hands planted on thighs prior to being upright on the box jumps. Susperct this might not be good form...?
Good question. I actually don’t think there’s a standard regarding use of hands to stand on a box… that would mean using the hands on the thighs is acceptable.
skillet ??
This one looks "ugly", thumbs up for both athletes
This WOD looks miserable