Demonstratie Qwan Ki Do

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Demontratia Maestrului Pham Xuan Tong insotit de practicanti de Qwan Ki Do din Romania la Festivalul International "Arte Martiale Fara Frontiere" - Timisoara, 25 noiembrie 2007


  • @ccfighter
    @ccfighter 16 років тому +2

    long live m.pham xuan tong... i love qkd...

  • @qkdse7en
    @qkdse7en 12 років тому +1

    Qkd is the best one of martial arts. Viveee le Qwan ki dooooo...

  • @ubsrg
    @ubsrg 14 років тому +1

    @Phiqusa FYI it means the way of all life energy; which in my opinion is pretty exact : embrace QKD it all it s ways and believe me you re gonna be amazed by how it changes your life and your character !!

  • @NinjaKid3000
    @NinjaKid3000 15 років тому

    why did u get thumbs down for saying that this is the better martial art ????

  • @soareletroy
    @soareletroy 16 років тому +1

    I did't sayd that but..."kata" or " docluyens" are the artistic part of martial art...they hide a secret code and moves.

  • @danieldubaj4776
    @danieldubaj4776 5 років тому

    what is the form starting at 1:33 called?

  • @alegsandru
    @alegsandru 12 років тому

    am facut qwan ki do destul,e un stil cu o pregatire fizica foarte grea si buna,agilitatea la fel...seamana foarte mult cu kung fu...
    are si foarte multe minusuri,lapta la sol aproape inexistenta,desi e un stil foarte nou nu inteleg de ce da importanta tehnicilor cu sabii,topoare arme din epoca de piatra cand noi traim in 2012,tehnici de garda cu picioarele dezechilibrate foarte usor de secerat,ofera spatele adversarului prea mult cu lovituri din intoarcere,un permanent topait enervant etc

  • @BEDucated69
    @BEDucated69 12 років тому

    orice stil de autoaparare dak te implici cu adevarat si ai atitudine devine mortal ..asa ca nu doar mma sunt cele mai tari ....

  • @The_Midnight_Bear
    @The_Midnight_Bear 13 років тому +1

    @Reinheart89 i practise this stuff.its very interesting and usefull

  • @kevchu8045
    @kevchu8045 15 років тому

    I thought that the Wong Fei Hung song is originally sung in Cantonese

  • @georgeabcxyz
    @georgeabcxyz 12 років тому

    @13kidboy tu ai facut 5 ani de box intr-o vara?

  • @soareletroy
    @soareletroy 16 років тому

    bine ca ma lasi sa ma chinuiesc cu engleza:)) pai depinde cum le inveti vosul nostru ne-a aratat aplicatia reaqla a fiecarui miscari din doncluyen.

  • @The_Midnight_Bear
    @The_Midnight_Bear 13 років тому

    @baubaul im not vietnamese,im from the same country as you,but you are doesnt have chinese roots,it just that sitting next to a huge empire influences you very was our case,altought this was as much as them,havent we been influenced somehow by the ottomans or the slavs.not to mention the austro-hungarian influences in transilvania

  • @BEDucated69
    @BEDucated69 12 років тому

    yep ai dreptate in tot ceea ce ai spus !!! eu cred ca increderea in tine o castigi prima data in acest sport :X

  • @The_Midnight_Bear
    @The_Midnight_Bear 13 років тому

    @Phiqusa hey chill down.there not vietnamese ,their romanian and stuff like this can be confused by accident..

  • @olivrig83
    @olivrig83 15 років тому

    all martial arts are the best one....and all are the worst to the difference is only in the practising spirit
    if you say you are the best that's means you dont find yet the martial way :)

  • @alegsandru
    @alegsandru 12 років тому +1

    in comparatie cu jiu jitsu mai ales cel brazilian sau judo,muay thai este o arta a loviturilor de pumn si picior .
    si pe wikipedia daca te uiti la box tailandez scrie focused on striking,atat iar la ceelalte 2 grappling .
    ca mai are cate o priza,o parghie,o proiectie e normal dar totusi cred ca nu esti nebun sa crezi ca e la fel de buna la sol ca judo.
    asa si qwan ki do are tehnici de grappling,chiar bune si mai degraba e pe lupta apropiata decat thai care e cu "da-i costele pe coapsa"

  • @halodaemon
    @halodaemon 15 років тому

    I mean it; the ao dai, kimono and hanbok were influenced by the hanfu, up until very recently, the Vietnamese used Han characters to write with, until they switched to Portuguese writing system. Their music, religious beliefs and customs, as well were very influenced by the Chinese.
    What part of Vietnamese culture didn't incorporate Chinese culture into it? Look, it's fine that you're proud to be Viet, and I am too, but to do that, you shouldn't be ignorant about the culture.

  • @halodaemon
    @halodaemon 15 років тому

    A large part of our culture is essentially Chinese, and if you realy love your culture you have to understand that. In any case, it's not all bad. The Vietnamese influenced the Chinese too. Rice anyone? It's been shown that until the Viet people (and some other Yue tribes) introduced rice cultivation to the North, they'd been sitting around eating mantou with their hands. LOL.

  • @NinjaKid3000
    @NinjaKid3000 16 років тому

    ...the better version of taekwondo

  • @dharmabenciniko820
    @dharmabenciniko820 3 роки тому

    Duet vs qwan ki do with karate

  • @bluedestiny
    @bluedestiny 16 років тому

    4:20 is the best, Vovinam greatest ever

  • @13kidboy
    @13kidboy 12 років тому

    Sunte-ti o adunatura de mascarici care vor sa arate ca stiu tehnici,in moment de "Reply"...
    Eu facut 3 ani box,2 judo,3 arte martiale,akm fac aikido.dar cand am facut o demostratie aikido vs qwan ki do nu ati avut sanse. Asa ca...

  • @georgeabcxyz
    @georgeabcxyz 12 років тому

    "iar muay thai-ul la fel ca si qwan ki do-ul e pe distanta,daca un jujutsuka sau un judoka a ajuns langa tine te rupe de la jumate ."
    cu asta demonstrezi nestiinta ta.muay thay de la departare? hai ca ma mira asta.sunt prize pe cap,coate,proiectari,de ce vorbesti fara sa stii?

  • @BrendaAnanda
    @BrendaAnanda 12 років тому

    tenso no final! DDD:

  • @frankware4325
    @frankware4325 10 років тому

    The guy at the start just makes me think of Gollum

  • @Maiutaza
    @Maiutaza 15 років тому

    Kim Ho Dao? La acest club sunt numai copii :D deci in concluzie ai maxim 14 ani

  • @deanmuhammad
    @deanmuhammad 15 років тому

    This looks like a combination of Kung Fu and Karate.

  • @georgeabcxyz
    @georgeabcxyz 12 років тому

    adevarul e ca daca faci un sport pentru tine si nu pentru altii pentru autoaparare esti cu mult peste unul de pe strada.poate ca tie iti zic asta si cunosti sau din cate vad in posturile de mai jos te-ai cam "spurcat" cu unu si va dati mari si tari ca voi faceti 5 ani de box intr-o raman la parerea ca in romania nu poti trai din lupte pentru ca se platesc foarte prost si iti rupi carca si platesti cu sanatate pentru 2 lei.daca sunteti "bazati" tineti-o pentru voi nu va mai certati

  • @CosminROGoLaNu
    @CosminROGoLaNu 12 років тому

    si eu fac qwan ki do

  • @qkdlao
    @qkdlao 15 років тому

    cel mai bun club din tara :)) bine zicea maetre ca toate stilurile din lume sunt bune doar practicantii sunt rai, si se pare ca din cei 10 ani de qkd nu ai inteles nimic ...

  • @soareletroy
    @soareletroy 16 років тому


  • @alegsandru
    @alegsandru 12 років тому

    vorbesti ca un spectator.
    mma nici nu este o arta martiala ci o competitie de arte mixte .
    iar muay thai-ul la fel ca si qwan ki do-ul e pe distanta,daca un jujutsuka sau un judoka a ajuns langa tine te rupe de la jumate .
    in mintea ta acum ce zici "haa da' ce ca ii dau shuturi pe gamba de nu se vede,ca asta stiu eu sa fac la muay thai"" dar nu e chiar asa,chiar deloc :)
    fiecare stil are avantaje si dezavantaje,depinde si de practicant cum le adapteaza .

  • @wheyez
    @wheyez 15 років тому


  • @MetalHarp
    @MetalHarp 15 років тому +1

    Caro mio, il tuo patetico umor sulla pecora puoi tenerlo a casa tua. E dare del "maestro" ad uno dei più grandi Maestri di arti marziali del mondo non è gradito. Bada alle tue parole in futuro.

  • @soareletroy
    @soareletroy 16 років тому

    i can see you don't know to much about martial art

  • @Nhxn_
    @Nhxn_ 16 років тому

    i like vovinam better.

  • @djjopunto
    @djjopunto 11 років тому

    c est du grand n importe quoi