"I'm probably going to redo the entire video, hope you guys don't mind" bro, I look forward to your videos every weekend and I would guess that's a pretty common thing among your viewers. I used to HATE yard work but now I find myself out in the lawn almost every day doing some kind of upkeep all because of your content and passion for lawn care, once I started to understand the science and art it all just became one more of my many hobbies so thank you for doing what you do, keep the vids coming!
I bought the Honda HRX after your videos with it. I discovered the instructions for the speed control is backwards. You actually want to set on max and then slowly press in to get a nice slow pace. I enjoy mowing with it and best mower I ever owned.
Something I've recently noticed about the Toro Super Recycler that I bought this past May. I am in Michigan, have mostly Kentucky Bluegrass and cut it at 3 3/4" (second to highest setting). I had been mulching since I bought it and have been very pleased with the results. During the last mow, I had a lot of "whirleys" and "cotton" from trees so I thought I would use the bag instead of mulch. To my surprise, I noticed that I could visually see the grass blades outside of the deck being sucked into the deck! I'm now looking forward to my next mow without the bag to see if it has always been that way or if its only when the bag is on. Not sure what this means, but either way, bag or mulch, I am extremely happy with the purchase. Thanks Alan and other people who have commented in the past about the Super Recycler! I'm sure all of you will be getting your residual check from my purchase very soon! :P
Wow I did not know about this.. I actually have been doing that for 3 years now.. people on fixed income,veterans,and the disabled.. even though sometimes it’s hard for me financially but I still do it. Working 40 plus hrs at my normal days job that I have been at for the last 15 years is what has helped me get by and pay for my equipment.. love what ido and won’t change that
Im still running 1995 Toro Super Recycler, at the time it was top of the line. Runs the same as the day I bought it! Never buy Lawn equipment from a BIG BOX STORE! BTW MY lawn 15K sq ft. size......
I own an exmark commercial 21" pushmower. That thing is a beast in thick grass as the deck is about 5" deep. Paid $945.00 for it back in 2011 and It is still going strong.
On my toro I lower the front a half notch more than the back and it mulches better when cutting high grass. I did it because my John Deere riding mower says tilt the front deck 1/4 lower than the back and it worked good for me.
LCN I really believe the low RPM from the EPA for noise quality and lower emissions is a factor in not getting a clean cut. I noticed this when I was running a mower from the 70's and the cut quality was better than a new mower my neighbor was using (2500 vs 3800 RPM) but the engines last longer with fewer oil changes.
Ive had both mowers, my honda has the gcv 200 motor though. What I believe is causing the missed blades is the weight in front end. The hondas greatest fault in my opinion, is its to light in front end. Ive found mowing thick grass slowing down helps alot
Not being a dedicated "Lawn-Care-Nut", I'm normally only cutting my south Florida St Augustine lawn but every 10-14 days in the warmer months. That said, my 20 year old Honda mower has some difficulty not clumping, especially down near the lake where the grass gets the most sun and water. Lowering the rear wheels does help but increasing the RPM is the real answer. I figured that my mower was pretty well "broken-in", mowing 12 months a year for almost 20 years so a boost in RPM should hurt anything. The extra RPM with a touch of Octane-Boost seems to power-through the the tall St Augustine pretty well.
Generally having the front higher is not recommended and is actually opposite of what most manufacturers recommend. The reason being that the grass ends up getting cut twice, once at the front of the mower and once at the back. Because both the front and back are cutting, it takes power and blade speed away from the mower. If the mower is lower in the front, it's called "toe in" and if it's lower in the rear, it's called "heal in". Most manufacturers recommend toe in for leveling in order to keep the blade speed higher. If you're mowing twice a week, like LCN recommends, then it probably doesn't matter.
Maybe its just me, but from what I could tell the Toro had a better cut quality over the Honda right up until you adjusted the rake on the Honda.. that definitely improved its cut quality.... I went from a Sears Craftsman 21" to a Toro Timemaster recently and I'm definitely addicted to the cut quality and time savings of the Toro.. a switch I wish I had made ages ago!.
Great video! I actually have both mowers. 2007 Toro SS & Brand new HRX with the 200 CC engine. Bottom line, you can’t go wrong with either machine. If I were to list a winner, it would be the Toro. Why? The shorter wheel base & the Personal Pace Drive makes the mower very easy to operate. I would rate it as a superior “Trim” Mower. If you have to mow 18” long grass, then the Honda would be your choice. It’s unstoppable, great power to say the least. I am still not sold on the dual blade system. I think it is more hype than functionality. Reason being: during my first sharpening of both blades I noticed that on the larger blade only a 1/2” of blade tip was missing the factory paint that needed sharpening. The inner blade looked like it had no signs of wear. Basically it was along for the ride. Maybe just good marketing on Honda’s part!
At the same time, I had an older Toro recycler for years and then I picked up an older Honda recently on craigslist, and I gotta say I've noticed the clippings it produces are actually shorter and more "fine" than the clippings produced by the Toro, cut at similar heights. It's just one data point I know. I cant say for sure of it's better to have two blades but it isnt hurting either.
@@algorel4763 is there a huge difference between a super recycler and a regular "recycler"? As long as you are using a mulching blade it should all the same correct? I have noticed that some aftermarket blades like the Oregon gator blade can have better mulching performance.
DIY Dad Very good question. There is a major difference between the two Recyclers. I have owned both. Aside from the two hundred dollar difference, the deck design is the major difference. The cast Aluminum deck on the Super model is deep domed with three triangle plastic “Kickers” screwed in at the top of the dome. This creates an obstacle the blades of cut grass hits and in turn gets hit again and again by the mowers’ blade. It just offers better mulching capability than the standard Recycler with the stamped steel deck. The Toro Co. owns the grass cutting industry. Next time you ride by a golf course take notice of all those sizable red mowing machines keeping the course playable. Guess what? Those are not Honda machines!
@@algorel4763 didnt know that, good info! A lot of the pro landscaper companies around here run Toro, exmark (owned by Toro I believe! ), scag, or gravely. I'll have to pay attention next time I'm at a golf course lol.
I always mulch because not only are the mulched clippings good for your lawn but also I’m lazy so I don’t like to bag, except for the first cut of the year. I have an older model Craftsman mower (10 years, + or -) with a single blade, no side discharge, no mulching plug, no mulching lever, variable speed self-propelled (I propel it myself, LOL) manual choke (just for initial start-up) and a Chinese Honda motor. It does a great job. and I’ve had a few items repaired on it over the years. When it comes time for a new mower, I’ll most likely buy a Honda powered mower but I do miss my Tecumseh powered mower, I’m not sure if they’re still manufactured
I have a 1000sq lawn... live in PHX ARIZONA so as you know.. it gets hot out here. I try to mow my lawn 2x a week and always double cut... do you think a Timemaster is overkill??
I have the Honda and with my thick Bluegrass I have to be careful not to let it get too long. I can mow at 3.5 inches ok but if I go to 3, it will leave grass lay on top. I will try raising the front wheels up a notch next time I mow. I mow every 3 days.
I used to be a die hard honda mowers fan, but after owning an HRR, the only thing I like about it is the engine and roto stop. The rear wheels lock up when pulled back and the front wheels are misaligned and worn down after only 4 years. My next mower will be a super recycler with a Honda engine.
I have a Honda HRX, and since ive sped up the RPM's a little, ive been getting a way better cut. I feel like they just have it set to low from the factory, and theres so much goin on under that deck with 2 blades. I think mine was at 2900 RPM's, and i turned it up to bout 3400 RPM's. And yes, i know honda says the max is like 3100 RPM. sometimes u just gotta throw it down and hope for the best lol
ShooterReadyStandBy I have done the same and it is definitely an improvement . Forget the mulch setting -- at the higher RPM just use rear discharge and it creates a great cut because the suction is so much greater with itt able to pull in more air. Too tight on mulch
I wish i had ur inspiration when I was a kid, I hated mowing the lawn. Now I love it! I think about it at work/at play, all the time since I found your channel.
I’ve got a Toro personal pace recycler from 2009 and cuts like new. Always cut with bagger but mulch most of the time unless I’m in a bad area of lawn with weeds etc then I’ll bag or next to mulch areas...just flip lever and bagging it.
My Toro Timemaster (190cc version with governor tweaked up for an additional 200-300 rpm) has a tough time mulching my very thick bluegrass & tall fescue lawn at 3" in the spring and fall when the grass is lush. I cut at least twice a week. In the spring I almost can't mulch because the deck packs up so badly with grass. In spring I use the mulching blade and the rest of the year I switch to the high lift blade. If I mulch at 3 1/2" I can avoid excessive grass clippings on the top of the lawn but the cut when mulching does not look nearly as good as cutting at 3". I have tried the trick of different wheel height settings but i was told to set rear wheels one notch higher. It helped a bit but the cut does not look as nice as having both front and rear wheels set the same. My lawn is only about 1/3 acre but i like the time savings and larger stripes of the 30" deck. Is there a better way to do this or a better mower that can mulch this without leaving clippings on the lawn?
I just got back from a vacation to CO with the family for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb. My KBG is now WAY overgrown. Going to jack my Super Recycler all the way up and try to mulch it. Going to double cut either way. My try side discharging the first cut and mulching when I drop for the second pass.
Good video. My Honda does exactly the same thing with my St. Aug. For some reason it tends to leave blades uncut even with me adjusting the overlap. I mow the lawn every 4 days at the highest setting and do a double pass to get it nice and even. I'm going to try that suggestion of adjusting the wheel height to see what it does for me. Thanks Allen for the video. Keep them coming.
I'm thinking about giving my son my 21 year old Toro Super Recycler and buying myself a new Toro. Right now, the Toro is on sale for $549.99. I was looking hard at the Honda, but I have had Toro's all my life.
I want to get that hrx mower but I do alot of mulching of hedge limbs and I've seen these hrx or plastic deck mowers with holes and cracks in the deck from mulching hard debris. I use an hrt216 steel deck mower now with the 9" hrx wheels and it's been great, chops anything I throw under it with no problem.
I know this is an older video, but with the rise in electric (think Terminator), I still feel the Toro Super Recycler is one of the best designed self-propelled lawnmowers out there for it's simple design and mulching capabilities. If you can find one with a Honda engine even better, although I've had tremendous success with the Toro TXP 159 Honda GX Chinese clone.
Great Honda wheel height tip. I will give the wheel setting tip a try the next mow. Also ... Because of your videos my yard has gone from mediocre to the envy of our block ! Thank you for all the knowledge you share.
I have the HRX and have been really happy with it. (Mostly KBG, PR, and some Fescue in spots). When overgrown, I will not do 100% mulching but split it about 50/50 with the bag. Generally I get good results with that. That St Aug is so damn spongy, I would think a heavier mower would be better. I like the HRX, but it's light.
Allyn, I'm curious if you've ever used a 2 cycle Lawn Boy with a staggered deck? The aroma of 2 cycle exhaust mixed with the toasted fresh cut grass for the under deck muffler models, combined with the cut and the power they provide....it is by far the best mowing experience you can have! 2004 is when they stopped producing the 2 cycle mowers, but the F series engine models with their under deck mufflers were produced from 1978 - 2000. F series models were the overall best mowers Lawn Boy produced.
Ok, LCN- If you could only have one? Would it be your TimeMaster? You seem to really like that one a lot. I liked how you trued these two mowers up, sharpening their blades and all.
my 75$ mower is awesome. used, 6.5hp, mulch, i beat on it and she purrs... and i keep that blade nice and sometimes new. If i had a $800 mower, id bring it in the house.
Hi. Could you please tell me what the name is of the stand/jack that you use to keep the mower raised to change the blades? I have a HRX217HMA and love it going on 15 years now......
I just can't get away from the Toro personal pace. I've used the Honda and Milwaukee, but just find the personal pace superior to the point I can't really consider other mowers. It really is a great relaxing mow. I would love to see an updated review of the newest line of 21"/22" walk behind mowers.
Haven't had a chance to mow with an HRX so I cannot comment on that mower. It seems like a nice machine and is very evenly matched with the Super Recycler. I currently have an SR4 super recycler and have owned about 3 other Super Recyclers over the years and I love em'. They mulch great, leave a great quality of cut and I love the cast aluminum deck. For my money, it's hard to beat the Super Recycler as far as mowers you can buy new. Have to say though, as a 2 cycle Lawn Boy collector, the best mowers will always be 2 cycle Lawn Boys. Damn you EPA for banning them!
@@WisconsinEric The Toro TXP engine is very similar to the honda GXV series that Honda uses on their commercial walk behinds, and is superior to the GCV series on the HRX and available on the toro SR. There is no reason to buy the toro with the honda engine.
@@lambert1702 beLIEve that if you like sir. That is a communist China made Honda clone built to the lowest price point. I have been driving Hondas for 23yrs and I was driving a heavily modified Honda CRX Si years before the first Fast and Furious movie came out. I have heard hundreds of folks claim Honda's competition is just as good as Honda over those 23yrs. It is never the case. How long those Chinese clones been on the market sir? Not long enough for me to trust them. MAGA
@@colnathanrjessup687 You bet. The serial number on my American made Honda HRX reads MAGA101xxx. I'm not kidding. All 3 of my Honda Accords have been made in USA too. The sole Mugen dealer in all North America(King Motorsports) is right here in Wisconsin. I used to live 30min from them. They built me a '01 spec B18c5 15yrs ago. They have raced Hondas since 1981. MAGA
I bought one a few hours ago . Me personally like to bag my clippings because I hate thatch and mower is like yard vac ! Works awesome! I think the mulching option is a thatch maker in my experiences .
Al please show underneath the decks of each. My timemaster struggles to mulch my thick kbg . The deck gets so clogged up it bogs down. I always bag but sometimes side discharge and double cut. I cut every 3 days at 2 3/4
I have a HRR now and it cuts like shit, Mohawks everywhere. The Toro #20340 it replaced due to engine issues cut leaps and bounds better. I wish I could have that Toro back but lost my receipt. HD purchase.
Yep, I found that with my HRX 190cc that increasing the speed a few hundred RPM is night & day. It was factory set at ~2600 for some reason, so I upped it to ~2900, which helped alot with cut quality. Also I can go over the lawn at a quicker pace than before which was at a slowish pace especially compared to the mowing pace he did in this video, which was waaaay faster than what I would ever be moving at (and maybe I'm just more patient, haha).
I'm looking to retire my JE75 John Deere with the Kawasaki FC150V blade clutch/oil filter/electric start. Just replaced the blade clutch this week (186$) and I discovered the crank was slightly bent :(. New crank is 130 bucks, but I'm at the point where dumping more money into it isnt really a good option and me throwing in a new crank will take time and more money in other parts. Grandfather bought it new and my dad passed it down to me a few years ago so I wanted to keep it going as they're still one of the best mowers that were ever made with by far one if the best mower engines. I'm going to be purchasing a new Honda HRX217HZA (few steps up from this one in the video). The speed selector in the hydrostatic version an absolute must with the throttle and blade brake clutch. Honda engine is a better engine over the new briggs and "Toro" engines. The toro brand engine is impossible to find parts for and if you do they're expensive and most of the time have to be bought under toro brand name. Rarely ever have to fix honda engines. The version with the briggs no oil change engine with the plastic carbs are an absolute dumpster fire of a motor and destroyed briggs engines for me. The older briggs flatheads and the generation of OHV engines before these were by far better.
I have a Lawn Boy insight from 2006 that I think could hold its own in a side by side by side comparison with both of these mowers! Maybe I’m biased, I have always owned Lawn Boy mowers and love the cut quality they have provided. I’d be glad to drive it down and let you have at it!
that ho da just makes the grass look so much nicer. with the microcut technology you do t have to worry as much about what direction your mowing in. beautiful mowers. also they dont stall out with grass 3 feet high like Toros do!
The toro has a secret setting that will take it even higher, instead of setting it to G go a little further. This will take it to or pass 4 1/2 perfect for summer.
Wow Allyn I enjoy every second of your videos. I have tried for 4 years straight to make a yard for my kids and wife to enjoy but I have been unsuccessful to say the least. I watch and watch and watch your videos. I travel a few hours daily and do nothing but listen Even with all that I am still so lost on where to begin. I planted st aug in the rear and it’s doing ok kinda but front is where it’s at and I can’t win. Thx for the videos at least I can keep watching and wishing I could give them the yard they deserve.
Hello...I have a 3-4 year old Honda GCV160 ....I absolutely hate it...it doesn’t have enough power to cut through grass...so I found a video to increase speed of engine...so now engine has enough power/speed to get through the thick grass but what’s driving me crazy is I mulch and the pos lawnmower mulches the grass and the grass gets trapped under the deck making lawnmower heavy and self propeller struggle to move lawnmower...then God forbid I have to stop to move something in yard and re-engage mower blade all the clumps of grass that is trapped under deck falls out in a big pile and then I have to rake it up...this is by far the worst lawnmower I have ever owned...what would be the best mulching mower on the market that I can purchase? Thanks for listening to me vent
I have the Honda HRR and I love it. I use the bag but when I am cutting my tall fescue at 4" I get less than a bag of clippings on my 4500 sq ft. lawn so even with the bag on most of the grass is getting mulched back into my lawn. Could be an issue if you have fungus problems and you want to remove all the clippings. However when I go full mulch I seem to get some grass clippings in my tracks that don't get mulched all the way. Thanks for all the info you give us Alan. My yard is looking awesome following your program!
Live near you and have same issues with St Aug. Always on the fence for getting a new lawn mower. I have to go over it several times to make it look good. Thanks for doing the review.
I don’t want to tell what I was doing while watching your video lol.I was surprised but happy to see it up this early. My Honda HRX is 15 years old and going strong so I don’t think I’ll be needing a mower anytime soon( especially since I became a LCN I really take good care of it). Great to see your son get involved, and great to know Rodney is still going strong! One last thing I want to mention, knee pads when kneeling on those pavers Bruh!!!! Have a great Sunday!!
1.5 hrs to do an 8 k lawn, wow, yes you are a professional it takes me 4 days , 2 hrs each days well am over weight, back pain and have asthma.almost forgot I mow with craftsman 22" 6.5 HP self propel mower
Another great video and lots of respect to you for deciding that you would like to redo it. I'm glad you posted it! Good camera work, Son of LCN 😎. p.s. I get a lot out of your videos even though I live in a cooler climate and have all different grasses and a much bigger yard. Thank you!!!
I just bought the Honda HRX up here in Vancouver Canada eh... It's now 200cc (2019 model) and love it on the cool season grass. I think it's time to ascend to 4K as it would really be nice in a video like this... Ryan's video's look prostate... Damn spell check... PROSTAR. Love your videos Allyn! Have learned so much over the years and always look forward to your next video! Cheers!
I have a Honda and I have a toro, even though I got the Honda straight through my thick grass and my toro kept mulching and dying on me, I don’t know if the Honda has a mulching blade or not it not the one in this video and I have a toro 22” recycler, there no comparison the toro wins hands down, I think the video shows that to, I hope I keep it a long time and the best part of this post is my Toro striping kit come tomorrow, woot, woot
I think you need to test both overgrown and normal cuts. The Honda will clump some when the grass is completely overgrown, so I set it somewhere the middle to bag some and mulch some. I find it still mulches quite a bit and small enough without any clumping. Honda mulching shines when it's not overgrown. A double cut test on overgrown grass would also be interesting.
I like the Toro better but I bought a Craftsman - Honda 3 in 1 mower 15 or 17 years ago...The Honda 5.5 Hp OHC has less torque than the equivalent Briggs & Stratton motor of my dad’s Toro Recycler, but once it is up to temperature it works very well. I’m starting to have clutch slippage and one of the traction wheels is not spinning but there are still parts around!
Alan. Perfect review. You are one of the few that did a good and correct comparison. Honda HRX versus Toro super recycler. I cannot believe how many videos out there do not feature the correct models.
What dedication, to do a 20 min video and then essentially scrap it. That's awesome. We have a 10k sq ft lawn. Currently using my 21" push Craftsman. It's terrible. But I have nowhere to go with a rider, and $1k for Timemaster is tough to swallow. Am leaning towards 22" personal space recycler. Its rear wheel drive. Is rear wheel the way? Or AWD? Pretty sure I have heard front is bad because it bounces off bumps.
I prefer high rear wheel, rear wheel drive for bumpy lawns. I don't think AWD would help, I think of that more for slopes and inclines. But for sure, rear wheel drive is the way to go - if you go FWD then whenever the drive wheels hit a bump and come off the ground you have no self propulsion happening. Same when you have to turn for a new pass.
With all this talk about jackin up the rear end, bump up rpms, heal and toe, traction assist, I say we put on some fat tires in the back and skinnies up front, with a big ole rear wing and call ourselves Lawn Outlaws featuring Insane Hayne and the maniacs. Tag line: We cut grass from A to B. Intro: Green Onions Happy Independence Week ~GP
Got my super recycler a few days ago. It blows my Husqvarna out of the water. No clipping clumps anywhere. And the personal pace works better than I hoped. Very happy with it. I was sold on it after your review of it a few months ago. Thanks Allyn😎
I have a Toro Super recycler that’s 16 years old. Aluminum deck. Every season, I think, maybe I should buy a Honda as my neighbors lawn looks a bit better after a cut. But then I replace the oil, filter, spark plug and sharpen the blade on my Toro, and think, naaaaah, it’ll do. Good comparison though. Thx.
Haha I watched the JTLK and LCN review of the Recycler vs Super Recycler yesterday and today here is the next round in the competition. I replaced my old Toro Recycler with a Troy-Built branded Honda. I gotta say, I miss that Toro.
I feel the Toro did a better Job with less missed blades and less clumps at least until you Carolina Sqated the Honda. I also think this video is not a waste as sometimes we all let our lawns get overgrown at one time or a other. Much like mine will be when I get back from vacation. So this in my opinion should make a good companion to the reshoot in normal, and more idea or typical lawn conditions.
@@TheLawnCareNut if you Google it and click on images I'd imagine you would be in for a laugh... It is basically when someone would lift the front end of a truck only making it look as though it was lifted evenly and had a heavy load and the truck was squatting. Not really sure about its origins
You could probably easily make one out of a couple of 2x4's. :-) I just make sure there is no gas in the mower and tip the mower on its side. Easy peasy.
@@alan30189 I'm sure I could do that, but then I wouldn't be able to say, "This is the EXACT SAME ONE Allan, The Lawn Care Nut uses!" to all my friends and make them envious. I have to man-shame guys with bigger yards and riding mowers, its tough to do sometimes.
I prefer the cut quality of the HRR over the HRX. Technically the HRX is slightly heavier than the HRR. But I think the deck effects it. Or maybe the lower cc motor? I'd like to see a review between the HRR and HRX.
I apologize if you have answered this question already but can you say where you got the lawnmower jack you used when sharpening the blades? I've looked online and only found jacks for larger mowers. Thanks!
I heard about adjusting the rake, but opposite of how you did it. I heard you have the rear HIGHER than the front. That way it kicks the clippings up into the free spinning blades, mulching them better, and reducing the drag on the blades overall
I have a 22” Recycler I bought this year and no way it would get through that stuff. It usually doesn’t struggle on my yard but if it gets high it will.
I was talking to our local Toro dealer today. He said the Recycler does just as good a job at mulching as the Super IF you cut off 1/2” at a time. In other words, mow weekly 😊
"I'm probably going to redo the entire video, hope you guys don't mind" bro, I look forward to your videos every weekend and I would guess that's a pretty common thing among your viewers. I used to HATE yard work but now I find myself out in the lawn almost every day doing some kind of upkeep all because of your content and passion for lawn care, once I started to understand the science and art it all just became one more of my many hobbies so thank you for doing what you do, keep the vids coming!
Looking gangsta with that cigar...I now call you “Sod Father”.
ha ha! 💪
I bought the Honda HRX after your videos with it. I discovered the instructions for the speed control is backwards. You actually want to set on max and then slowly press in to get a nice slow pace. I enjoy mowing with it and best mower I ever owned.
It's amazing to me that random people I talk to about lawns know who the Lawn Care Nut is, you're a legend!
everyone is a lawn care nut, they just don't know it yet!
Something I've recently noticed about the Toro Super Recycler that I bought this past May. I am in Michigan, have mostly Kentucky Bluegrass and cut it at 3 3/4" (second to highest setting). I had been mulching since I bought it and have been very pleased with the results. During the last mow, I had a lot of "whirleys" and "cotton" from trees so I thought I would use the bag instead of mulch. To my surprise, I noticed that I could visually see the grass blades outside of the deck being sucked into the deck! I'm now looking forward to my next mow without the bag to see if it has always been that way or if its only when the bag is on. Not sure what this means, but either way, bag or mulch, I am extremely happy with the purchase. Thanks Alan and other people who have commented in the past about the Super Recycler! I'm sure all of you will be getting your residual check from my purchase very soon! :P
Wow I did not know about this.. I actually have been doing that for 3 years now.. people on fixed income,veterans,and the disabled.. even though sometimes it’s hard for me financially but I still do it. Working 40 plus hrs at my normal days job that I have been at for the last 15 years is what has helped me get by and pay for my equipment.. love what ido and won’t change that
Im still running 1995 Toro Super Recycler, at the time it was top of the line. Runs the same as the day I bought it! Never buy Lawn equipment from a BIG BOX STORE! BTW MY lawn 15K sq ft. size......
I own an exmark commercial 21" pushmower. That thing is a beast in thick grass as the deck is about 5" deep. Paid $945.00 for it back in 2011 and It is still going strong.
On my toro I lower the front a half notch more than the back and it mulches better when cutting high grass. I did it because my John Deere riding mower says tilt the front deck 1/4 lower than the back and it worked good for me.
LCN I really believe the low RPM from the EPA for noise quality and lower emissions is a factor in not getting a clean cut. I noticed this when I was running a mower from the 70's and the cut quality was better than a new mower my neighbor was using (2500 vs 3800 RPM) but the engines last longer with fewer oil changes.
Ive had both mowers, my honda has the gcv 200 motor though. What I believe is causing the missed blades is the weight in front end. The hondas greatest fault in my opinion, is its to light in front end. Ive found mowing thick grass slowing down helps alot
Lawn care nut is the man. I have a Honda so I literally watched just for fun but he makes these so fun.
Not being a dedicated "Lawn-Care-Nut", I'm normally only cutting my south Florida St Augustine lawn but every 10-14 days in the warmer months. That said, my 20 year old Honda mower has some difficulty not clumping, especially down near the lake where the grass gets the most sun and water. Lowering the rear wheels does help but increasing the RPM is the real answer. I figured that my mower was pretty well "broken-in", mowing 12 months a year for almost 20 years so a boost in RPM should hurt anything. The extra RPM with a touch of Octane-Boost seems to power-through the the tall St Augustine pretty well.
"a boost in RPM shouldn't hurt anything"
Generally having the front higher is not recommended and is actually opposite of what most manufacturers recommend. The reason being that the grass ends up getting cut twice, once at the front of the mower and once at the back. Because both the front and back are cutting, it takes power and blade speed away from the mower. If the mower is lower in the front, it's called "toe in" and if it's lower in the rear, it's called "heal in". Most manufacturers recommend toe in for leveling in order to keep the blade speed higher. If you're mowing twice a week, like LCN recommends, then it probably doesn't matter.
Maybe its just me, but from what I could tell the Toro had a better cut quality over the Honda right up until you adjusted the rake on the Honda.. that definitely improved its cut quality.... I went from a Sears Craftsman 21" to a Toro Timemaster recently and I'm definitely addicted to the cut quality and time savings of the Toro.. a switch I wish I had made ages ago!.
Great video! I actually have both mowers. 2007 Toro SS & Brand new HRX with the 200 CC engine. Bottom line, you can’t go wrong with either machine. If I were to list a winner, it would be the Toro. Why? The shorter wheel base & the Personal Pace Drive makes the mower very easy to operate. I would rate it as a superior “Trim” Mower. If you have to mow 18” long grass, then the Honda would be your choice. It’s unstoppable, great power to say the least. I am still not sold on the dual blade system. I think it is more hype than functionality. Reason being: during my first sharpening of both blades I noticed that on the larger blade only a 1/2” of blade tip was missing the factory paint that needed sharpening.
The inner blade looked like it had no signs of wear. Basically it was along for the ride.
Maybe just good marketing on Honda’s part!
At the same time, I had an older Toro recycler for years and then I picked up an older Honda recently on craigslist, and I gotta say I've noticed the clippings it produces are actually shorter and more "fine" than the clippings produced by the Toro, cut at similar heights. It's just one data point I know. I cant say for sure of it's better to have two blades but it isnt hurting either.
DIY Dad Was the Toro a Super Recycler? Because that’s what we are talking about here!
@@algorel4763 is there a huge difference between a super recycler and a regular "recycler"? As long as you are using a mulching blade it should all the same correct? I have noticed that some aftermarket blades like the Oregon gator blade can have better mulching performance.
DIY Dad Very good question. There is a major difference between the two Recyclers.
I have owned both. Aside from the two hundred dollar difference, the deck design is the major difference. The cast Aluminum deck on the Super model is deep domed with three
triangle plastic “Kickers” screwed in at the top of the dome. This creates an obstacle the blades of cut grass hits and in turn gets hit again and again by the mowers’ blade. It just offers better mulching capability than the standard Recycler with the stamped steel deck.
The Toro Co. owns the grass cutting industry. Next time you ride by a golf course take notice of all those sizable red mowing machines keeping the course playable. Guess what?
Those are not Honda machines!
@@algorel4763 didnt know that, good info! A lot of the pro landscaper companies around here run Toro, exmark (owned by Toro I believe! ), scag, or gravely. I'll have to pay attention next time I'm at a golf course lol.
I always mulch because not only are the mulched clippings good for your lawn but also I’m lazy so I don’t like to bag, except for the first cut of the year.
I have an older model Craftsman mower (10 years, + or -) with a single blade, no side discharge, no mulching plug, no mulching lever, variable speed self-propelled (I propel it myself, LOL) manual choke (just for initial start-up) and a Chinese Honda motor. It does a great job. and I’ve had a few items repaired on it over the years.
When it comes time for a new mower, I’ll most likely buy a Honda powered mower but I do miss my Tecumseh powered mower, I’m not sure if they’re still manufactured
I have a 1000sq lawn... live in PHX ARIZONA so as you know.. it gets hot out here. I try to mow my lawn 2x a week and always double cut... do you think a Timemaster is overkill??
I have the Honda and with my thick Bluegrass I have to be careful not to let it get too long. I can mow at 3.5 inches ok but if I go to 3, it will leave grass lay on top. I will try raising the front wheels up a notch next time I mow. I mow every 3 days.
I used to be a die hard honda mowers fan, but after owning an HRR, the only thing I like about it is the engine and roto stop. The rear wheels lock up when pulled back and the front wheels are misaligned and worn down after only 4 years. My next mower will be a super recycler with a Honda engine.
I have a Honda HRX, and since ive sped up the RPM's a little, ive been getting a way better cut. I feel like they just have it set to low from the factory, and theres so much goin on under that deck with 2 blades.
I think mine was at 2900 RPM's, and i turned it up to bout 3400 RPM's. And yes, i know honda says the max is like 3100 RPM. sometimes u just gotta throw it down and hope for the best lol
Papi4l2 Just bump your oil viscosity up a notch and you’ll be fine at higher rpms
Done the same.
The lower rpm is to make it run quieter.
I run full throttle only while mowing and so far so good.
Can you share how you bumped up the RPMs?
@@elypelowski5670 look for a video from Steve's Small Engine Saloon. He shows how to do it.
ShooterReadyStandBy I have done the same and it is definitely an improvement . Forget the mulch setting -- at the higher RPM just use rear discharge and it creates a great cut because the suction is so much greater with itt able to pull in more air. Too tight on mulch
I wish i had ur inspiration when I was a kid, I hated mowing the lawn. Now I love it! I think about it at work/at play, all the time since I found your channel.
Where cam I get that lift you use for the mowers to change the blades
I’ve got a Toro personal pace recycler from 2009 and cuts like new. Always cut with bagger but mulch most of the time unless I’m in a bad area of lawn with weeds etc then I’ll bag or next to mulch areas...just flip lever and bagging it.
My Toro Timemaster (190cc version with governor tweaked up for an additional 200-300 rpm) has a tough time mulching my very thick bluegrass & tall fescue lawn at 3" in the spring and fall when the grass is lush. I cut at least twice a week. In the spring I almost can't mulch because the deck packs up so badly with grass. In spring I use the mulching blade and the rest of the year I switch to the high lift blade. If I mulch at 3 1/2" I can avoid excessive grass clippings on the top of the lawn but the cut when mulching does not look nearly as good as cutting at 3". I have tried the trick of different wheel height settings but i was told to set rear wheels one notch higher. It helped a bit but the cut does not look as nice as having both front and rear wheels set the same. My lawn is only about 1/3 acre but i like the time savings and larger stripes of the 30" deck. Is there a better way to do this or a better mower that can mulch this without leaving clippings on the lawn?
I just got back from a vacation to CO with the family for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb. My KBG is now WAY overgrown. Going to jack my Super Recycler all the way up and try to mulch it. Going to double cut either way. My try side discharging the first cut and mulching when I drop for the second pass.
Good video. My Honda does exactly the same thing with my St. Aug. For some reason it tends to leave blades uncut even with me adjusting the overlap. I mow the lawn every 4 days at the highest setting and do a double pass to get it nice and even. I'm going to try that suggestion of adjusting the wheel height to see what it does for me. Thanks Allen for the video. Keep them coming.
I'm thinking about giving my son my 21 year old Toro Super Recycler and buying myself a new Toro. Right now, the Toro is on sale for $549.99. I was looking hard at the Honda, but I have had Toro's all my life.
I want to get that hrx mower but I do alot of mulching of hedge limbs and I've seen these hrx or plastic deck mowers with holes and cracks in the deck from mulching hard debris. I use an hrt216 steel deck mower now with the 9" hrx wheels and it's been great, chops anything I throw under it with no problem.
I know this is an older video, but with the rise in electric (think Terminator), I still feel the Toro Super Recycler is one of the best designed self-propelled lawnmowers out there for it's simple design and mulching capabilities. If you can find one with a Honda engine even better, although I've had tremendous success with the Toro TXP 159 Honda GX Chinese clone.
Great Honda wheel height tip. I will give the wheel setting tip a try the next mow. Also ... Because of your videos my yard has gone from mediocre to the envy of our block ! Thank you for all the knowledge you share.
I have the HRX and have been really happy with it. (Mostly KBG, PR, and some Fescue in spots). When overgrown, I will not do 100% mulching but split it about 50/50 with the bag. Generally I get good results with that. That St Aug is so damn spongy, I would think a heavier mower would be better. I like the HRX, but it's light.
Allyn, I'm curious if you've ever used a 2 cycle Lawn Boy with a staggered deck? The aroma of 2 cycle exhaust mixed with the toasted fresh cut grass for the under deck muffler models, combined with the cut and the power they provide....it is by far the best mowing experience you can have! 2004 is when they stopped producing the 2 cycle mowers, but the F series engine models with their under deck mufflers were produced from 1978 - 2000. F series models were the overall best mowers Lawn Boy produced.
Ok, LCN- If you could only have one? Would it be your TimeMaster? You seem to really like that one a lot. I liked how you trued these two mowers up, sharpening their blades and all.
TimeMaster all the way - my daily driver.
my 75$ mower is awesome. used, 6.5hp, mulch, i beat on it and she purrs... and i keep that blade nice and sometimes new. If i had a $800 mower, id bring it in the house.
The best mower I've ever uses commercial Toro 21 with the Honda motor is beautiful cut beautiful I've been in the business for 25 years
Hi. Could you please tell me what the name is of the stand/jack that you use to keep the mower raised to change the blades? I have a HRX217HMA and love it going on 15 years now......
I just can't get away from the Toro personal pace. I've used the Honda and Milwaukee, but just find the personal pace superior to the point I can't really consider other mowers. It really is a great relaxing mow. I would love to see an updated review of the newest line of 21"/22" walk behind mowers.
Best part was you showing us how you jack the mower.. and how you sharpen and level the blades.. thanks for that. What kind of wheel on the grinder?
To my eye, the Toro had more missed cuts with Mohawks sticking up.
You must be a Honda fan lol.
Haven't had a chance to mow with an HRX so I cannot comment on that mower. It seems like a nice machine and is very evenly matched with the Super Recycler. I currently have an SR4 super recycler and have owned about 3 other Super Recyclers over the years and I love em'. They mulch great, leave a great quality of cut and I love the cast aluminum deck. For my money, it's hard to beat the Super Recycler as far as mowers you can buy new.
Have to say though, as a 2 cycle Lawn Boy collector, the best mowers will always be 2 cycle Lawn Boys. Damn you EPA for banning them!
I've raised my front wheels one notch higher on my husqvarna 62522fe mower and it makes a difference.
Couldn't be happier with my 2016 Toro Super Recycler with a Honda engine. Best of both worlds!
crossing the streams!
The only way to get the 190-200cc GCV motor is to buy the HRX. Honda only sells the smaller 160cc version to other manufactures.
@@WisconsinEric The Toro TXP engine is very similar to the honda GXV series that Honda uses on their commercial walk behinds, and is superior to the GCV series on the HRX and available on the toro SR. There is no reason to buy the toro with the honda engine.
@@lambert1702 beLIEve that if you like sir. That is a communist China made Honda clone built to the lowest price point. I have been driving Hondas for 23yrs and I was driving a heavily modified Honda CRX Si years before the first Fast and Furious movie came out. I have heard hundreds of folks claim Honda's competition is just as good as Honda over those 23yrs. It is never the case. How long those Chinese clones been on the market sir? Not long enough for me to trust them. MAGA
@@colnathanrjessup687 You bet. The serial number on my American made Honda HRX reads MAGA101xxx. I'm not kidding. All 3 of my Honda Accords have been made in USA too. The sole Mugen dealer in all North America(King Motorsports) is right here in Wisconsin. I used to live 30min from them. They built me a '01 spec B18c5 15yrs ago. They have raced Hondas since 1981. MAGA
I bought one a few hours ago . Me personally like to bag my clippings because I hate thatch and mower is like yard vac ! Works awesome! I think the mulching option is a thatch maker in my experiences .
Al please show underneath the decks of each. My timemaster struggles to mulch my thick kbg . The deck gets so clogged up it bogs down. I always bag but sometimes side discharge and double cut. I cut every 3 days at 2 3/4
I bought the Honda HRR and had the same issue with even cuts. Sold it and bought a Toro Recycler and no issues now.
I have a HRR now and it cuts like shit, Mohawks everywhere. The Toro #20340 it replaced due to engine issues cut leaps and bounds better. I wish I could have that Toro back but lost my receipt. HD purchase.
I have the Honda. I did the RPM hack found on the Grass Daddy channel. Improved cut quality big time!!
Yep, I found that with my HRX 190cc that increasing the speed a few hundred RPM is night & day. It was factory set at ~2600 for some reason, so I upped it to ~2900, which helped alot with cut quality. Also I can go over the lawn at a quicker pace than before which was at a slowish pace especially compared to the mowing pace he did in this video, which was waaaay faster than what I would ever be moving at (and maybe I'm just more patient, haha).
@Believe231 I saw the hack with the tension spring, but how do you actually measure that you went to 2900 RPMs?
I'm looking to retire my JE75 John Deere with the Kawasaki FC150V blade clutch/oil filter/electric start.
Just replaced the blade clutch this week (186$) and I discovered the crank was slightly bent :(. New crank is 130 bucks, but I'm at the point where dumping more money into it isnt really a good option and me throwing in a new crank will take time and more money in other parts.
Grandfather bought it new and my dad passed it down to me a few years ago so I wanted to keep it going as they're still one of the best mowers that were ever made with by far one if the best mower engines.
I'm going to be purchasing a new Honda HRX217HZA (few steps up from this one in the video).
The speed selector in the hydrostatic version an absolute must with the throttle and blade brake clutch.
Honda engine is a better engine over the new briggs and "Toro" engines. The toro brand engine is impossible to find parts for and if you do they're expensive and most of the time have to be bought under toro brand name. Rarely ever have to fix honda engines. The version with the briggs no oil change engine with the plastic carbs are an absolute dumpster fire of a motor and destroyed briggs engines for me. The older briggs flatheads and the generation of OHV engines before these were by far better.
My grandfather use to use a nail on the wall for balance.
On my Honda HRX; I lowered my handle height by one notch. Since the deck is lighter then a metal one; I was pulling the front up while walking.
I have a Lawn Boy insight from 2006 that I think could hold its own in a side by side by side comparison with both of these mowers! Maybe I’m biased, I have always owned Lawn Boy mowers and love the cut quality they have provided. I’d be glad to drive it down and let you have at it!
that ho da just makes the grass look so much nicer. with the microcut technology you do t have to worry as much about what direction your mowing in. beautiful mowers. also they dont stall out with grass 3 feet high like Toros do!
Thank you for comparison I've owned a toro but think im going w the Honda this time. I like the Honda motor
I generally have to double cut at 4" in my St. Aug lawn with the HRX. It misses quite a bit if you do back and forth passes.
The toro has a secret setting that will take it even higher, instead of setting it to G go a little further. This will take it to or pass 4 1/2 perfect for summer.
Wow Allyn I enjoy every second of your videos. I have tried for 4 years straight to make a yard for my kids and wife to enjoy but I have been unsuccessful to say the least.
I watch and watch and watch your videos. I travel a few hours daily and do nothing but listen
Even with all that I am still so lost on where to begin. I planted st aug in the rear and it’s doing ok kinda but front is where it’s at and I can’t win. Thx for the videos at least I can keep watching and wishing I could give them the yard they deserve.
1:26 I be doing my own “LCN’ing” after I cut to compare cuts these days too
Nice video! I'm 2 years late but I enjoyed and learned something from this video.
So satisfying seeing a lawn get mowed
Hello...I have a 3-4 year old Honda GCV160 ....I absolutely hate it...it doesn’t have enough power to cut through grass...so I found a video to increase speed of engine...so now engine has enough power/speed to get through the thick grass but what’s driving me crazy is I mulch and the pos lawnmower mulches the grass and the grass gets trapped under the deck making lawnmower heavy and self propeller struggle to move lawnmower...then God forbid I have to stop to move something in yard and re-engage mower blade all the clumps of grass that is trapped under deck falls out in a big pile and then I have to rake it up...this is by far the worst lawnmower I have ever owned...what would be the best mulching mower on the market that I can purchase? Thanks for listening to me vent
I have the Honda HRR and I love it. I use the bag but when I am cutting my tall fescue at 4" I get less than a bag of clippings on my 4500 sq ft. lawn so even with the bag on most of the grass is getting mulched back into my lawn. Could be an issue if you have fungus problems and you want to remove all the clippings. However when I go full mulch I seem to get some grass clippings in my tracks that don't get mulched all the way. Thanks for all the info you give us Alan. My yard is looking awesome following your program!
Your hat game is always on point.
Live near you and have same issues with St Aug. Always on the fence for getting a new lawn mower. I have to go over it several times to make it look good. Thanks for doing the review.
for sure it's not an easy turf to manage with a small mower, especially when the stolons get super thick. My TimeMaster def does a better job.
Try using the Honda with the front tires one click down from the back.... like 4 and 3.5.... helps me sometimes with different grass types....
I don’t want to tell what I was doing while watching your video lol.I was surprised but happy to see it up this early. My Honda HRX is 15 years old and going strong so I don’t think I’ll be needing a mower anytime soon( especially since I became a LCN I really take good care of it). Great to see your son get involved, and great to know Rodney is still going strong! One last thing I want to mention, knee pads when kneeling on those pavers Bruh!!!! Have a great Sunday!!
we mow over 50 lawns a week here in central nebraska with the commercial grade honda.. i think hrx 216 TBH.. HOGS- they cant be stopped..
What would happen if you adjusted the rake on the recycler?
You can improve the Honda HRX factory blades by grinding them. No need to drop the rear after tweaking/sharpening the blade.
1.5 hrs to do an 8 k lawn, wow, yes you are a professional it takes me 4 days , 2 hrs each days well am over weight, back pain and have asthma.almost forgot I mow with craftsman 22" 6.5 HP self propel mower
Another great video and lots of respect to you for deciding that you would like to redo it. I'm glad you posted it! Good camera work, Son of LCN 😎. p.s. I get a lot out of your videos even though I live in a cooler climate and have all different grasses and a much bigger yard. Thank you!!!
They both should have been set at 4" to get an accurate comparison.
@Stuff the toro doesn’t have a 4” setting only a 4.25” setting than drops down to 3.75”
@@huskerjock oh, thought it went from 4.25 to 4. My mistake.
Almost always going to have better cut quality (when mulching) when cutting slightly lower. Makes more difference than you'd think.
I just bought the Honda HRX up here in Vancouver Canada eh... It's now 200cc (2019 model) and love it on the cool season grass. I think it's time to ascend to 4K as it would really be nice in a video like this... Ryan's video's look prostate... Damn spell check... PROSTAR. Love your videos Allyn! Have learned so much over the years and always look forward to your next video! Cheers!
I have a Honda and I have a toro, even though I got the Honda straight through my thick grass and my toro kept mulching and dying on me, I don’t know if the Honda has a mulching blade or not it not the one in this video and I have a toro 22” recycler, there no comparison the toro wins hands down, I think the video shows that to, I hope I keep it a long time and the best part of this post is my Toro striping kit come tomorrow, woot, woot
The "OCD Lawn Care Channel"...and I love it.
nice! enjoy the mow!
I do the same thing with the Timemaster. Front wheels up higher and rear wheels lower.
I think you need to test both overgrown and normal cuts. The Honda will clump some when the grass is completely overgrown, so I set it somewhere the middle to bag some and mulch some. I find it still mulches quite a bit and small enough without any clumping. Honda mulching shines when it's not overgrown. A double cut test on overgrown grass would also be interesting.
What's a good grass to grow in Oklahoma ???? I think I have fescue but I wanted to place a deeper green grass under my shaded areas underneath a tree
I love your attention to detail and the fact that you knew the test was a bit skewed. You're Truly "THE Lawn Care nut". Great video Allyn.
I like the Toro better but I bought a Craftsman - Honda 3 in 1 mower 15 or 17 years ago...The Honda 5.5 Hp OHC has less torque than the equivalent Briggs & Stratton motor of my dad’s Toro Recycler, but once it is up to temperature it works very well. I’m starting to have clutch slippage and one of the traction wheels is not spinning but there are still parts around!
You just made another Toro fan. Thank you for showing me the quality. Love it. Keep the videos coming.
Alan. Perfect review. You are one of the few that did a good and correct comparison. Honda HRX versus Toro super recycler. I cannot believe how many videos out there do not feature the correct models.
What dedication, to do a 20 min video and then essentially scrap it. That's awesome. We have a 10k sq ft lawn. Currently using my 21" push Craftsman. It's terrible. But I have nowhere to go with a rider, and $1k for Timemaster is tough to swallow. Am leaning towards 22" personal space recycler. Its rear wheel drive. Is rear wheel the way? Or AWD? Pretty sure I have heard front is bad because it bounces off bumps.
I prefer high rear wheel, rear wheel drive for bumpy lawns. I don't think AWD would help, I think of that more for slopes and inclines. But for sure, rear wheel drive is the way to go - if you go FWD then whenever the drive wheels hit a bump and come off the ground you have no self propulsion happening. Same when you have to turn for a new pass.
With all this talk about jackin up the rear end, bump up rpms, heal and toe, traction assist, I say we put on some fat tires in the back and skinnies up front, with a big ole rear wing and call ourselves Lawn Outlaws featuring Insane Hayne and the maniacs.
Tag line: We cut grass from A to B.
Intro: Green Onions
Happy Independence Week
I love it. I'll call Cleetus McFarland and start the build lol do it for Dale!
The Honda is better on the big end.
Got my super recycler a few days ago. It blows my Husqvarna out of the water. No clipping clumps anywhere. And the personal pace works better than I hoped. Very happy with it. I was sold on it after your review of it a few months ago. Thanks Allyn😎
I have a 24 inch cut self per pelled cub cadette it is the best mower
I have a Toro Super recycler that’s 16 years old. Aluminum deck. Every season, I think, maybe I should buy a Honda as my neighbors lawn looks a bit better after a cut. But then I replace the oil, filter, spark plug and sharpen the blade on my Toro, and think, naaaaah, it’ll do. Good comparison though. Thx.
Haha I watched the JTLK and LCN review of the Recycler vs Super Recycler yesterday and today here is the next round in the competition.
I replaced my old Toro Recycler with a Troy-Built branded Honda. I gotta say, I miss that Toro.
I feel the Toro did a better Job with less missed blades and less clumps at least until you Carolina Sqated the Honda. I also think this video is not a waste as sometimes we all let our lawns get overgrown at one time or a other. Much like mine will be when I get back from vacation. So this in my opinion should make a good companion to the reshoot in normal, and more idea or typical lawn conditions.
"Carolina Squat". New terminology fir me lmao !
I haven't heard Carolina Squat for a long time! I have to start using it again. Thanks👍
@@TheLawnCareNut if you Google it and click on images I'd imagine you would be in for a laugh... It is basically when someone would lift the front end of a truck only making it look as though it was lifted evenly and had a heavy load and the truck was squatting. Not really sure about its origins
Good to know on the Honda, I notice mine cuts like crap only on the highest setting.
Yes, mine is like this as well. Loses all its suction. Even a double cut is still not really clean.
You are awesome!! Thank you for all your help and all you do!!!
Where did you get that cool mower repair stand/lift?
You could probably easily make one out of a couple of 2x4's. :-)
I just make sure there is no gas in the mower and tip the mower on its side. Easy peasy.
@@alan30189 I'm sure I could do that, but then I wouldn't be able to say, "This is the EXACT SAME ONE Allan, The Lawn Care Nut uses!" to all my friends and make them envious.
I have to man-shame guys with bigger yards and riding mowers, its tough to do sometimes.
Hi. Could you please tell me what the name is of the stand/jack that you use to keep the mower raised to change the blades?
I prefer the cut quality of the HRR over the HRX. Technically the HRX is slightly heavier than the HRR. But I think the deck effects it. Or maybe the lower cc motor? I'd like to see a review between the HRR and HRX.
I like the domination line in your photo
glad you just said that just went looked mine is a HRR
I apologize if you have answered this question already but can you say where you got the lawnmower jack you used when sharpening the blades? I've looked online and only found jacks for larger mowers. Thanks!
I would like to know too.
I heard about adjusting the rake, but opposite of how you did it. I heard you have the rear HIGHER than the front. That way it kicks the clippings up into the free spinning blades, mulching them better, and reducing the drag on the blades overall
maybe I'll try that too then. see how it does. thanks bro
I find the opposite suggestion works better, front wheels one notch lower than the back. That's with a base recycler from HD.
Just became a subscriber and love your honest videos. Good job
thanks and welcome!
I have a 22” Recycler I bought this year and no way it would get through that stuff. It usually doesn’t struggle on my yard but if it gets high it will.
I was talking to our local Toro dealer today. He said the Recycler does just as good a job at mulching as the Super IF you cut off 1/2” at a time. In other words, mow weekly 😊
Great video, Is there weight difference? Thanks