Thank youJimin and Taemin for making this happen, i have been waiting years for this to happen again, you are both such sweet and happy people. I hope you do it again and ...padding squad forever,
Teamin, hermoso,buen amigo siempre está para jimin el conoce y sabe bien del artista que es y siempre tiene palabras de elogios para su persona gracias por valorar a Park jimin, Teamin 👏👏👏👏👏♥️♥️
I'm sorry, but I'm hung up on this remix... I need that in my life. I really love the part in "Hard" where it says knock you out in the MCT countdown, and Jimin stops and contemplates this. That was funny.
Eu acho o jimin e o Taemin lindos 😻e talentosos dois💎dançando juntos performance perfeita ,os dois poderiam fazer uma dupla íria se show,marvilhosos arrasam!❤💛🕺🎶🎤🥰😇🙆♂️🙆💯💫
It’s true Taemin that u both of similar style BUT Lee Taemin wen u step on stage the aura that u have I have yet to see any with in all my time in Kpop!!!!! That’s the FACT!!💎💎💎
Lol okay! Even when a f***king KPop Idol complimenting his close friend’s, Jimin, dance skills, some troll has to come out from her ugly hole to insult him! Jimin is where he is for a reason and it’s NOT luck! Even THESE guys don’t know what jealousy is! Grow TF up!
Ganhou meu respeito é amigo do Jimin também é meu amigo.
Grandes artists los dos, me encanta su baile y sus voces!!!!
Taemin y Jimi únicos grandes bailarines ❤
Thank youJimin and Taemin for making this happen, i have been waiting years for this to happen again, you are both such sweet and happy people. I hope you do it again and ...padding squad forever,
According to Jimin, he loves and supports his outside Bts friends.💖💖❤❤💜💜
Jimin and Taemin are great dancers!
Teamin, hermoso,buen amigo siempre está para jimin el conoce y sabe bien del artista que es y siempre tiene palabras de elogios para su persona gracias por valorar a Park jimin, Teamin 👏👏👏👏👏♥️♥️
Taemin and Jimin are in tuned to each other.They look good together ,as they both have similarities.❤❤❤
Jimin e nosso diamante onde for brilha tem luz própria! amamos. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Jimin siempre será extraordinario, es un ser de luz ,un chico adorable y siempre entrega amor y contención
Jimin and Taemin, dance geniuses (along with JHope and Kai)…truly inspirational! 💎💎💎💎
I miss Jhope and Kai. I will be so happy when they return from MS
@@Mimikoo same
Pareja de baile perfecta megustaris juntos💜💜💜💜💜🙌💔🙌💃💃💃
Очень рада что они дружат ..😚😚😚таемин все время говорит только о хороших качествах чимина 😚😚😚😊😋🤗
Parece que hubieran bailado toda una vida juntos, que química que tienen excelentes los dos 👏👏
TAEMIN hermoso genial 🥰
Потрясающие замечательные невероятные артисты ! Обожаю их высококлассное творчество ! Bravo #Jimin & Taemin 💜
Taemin is like jimin with jhope energy when dancing. 🤭
Молодец надо поддерживать чисина❤🎉
I'm happy, that he is back from the military. It's hard for everybody, especially artists.
О как же тоже я Люблю безумно Вас за все мои Любимые Великие Тэмин и Чима сладкие мальчишки ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
Taemin is one of Jimins role models ❤
I'm sorry, but I'm hung up on this remix... I need that in my life.
I really love the part in "Hard" where it says knock you out in the MCT countdown, and Jimin stops and contemplates this. That was funny.
Чимин❤❤❤❤❤Темин 😍😍😍💜💜💜
Eu acho o jimin e o Taemin lindos 😻e talentosos dois💎dançando juntos performance perfeita ,os dois poderiam fazer uma dupla íria se show,marvilhosos arrasam!❤💛🕺🎶🎤🥰😇🙆♂️🙆💯💫
Both of them are great dancer by call. 👍🎉💜
Jimin 💛.Taemin ❤. Lo mejor de los mejores.💎💎🤗😘😘
Concordo totalmente.
que guapos los dos son increíbles los dos ✌ ❤❤❤❤❤😂😊😊😊😊
Cutie Lovely Jimin Taemin😍
Me encanta su amistad y Taemin tiene mucho talento, pero el baile ni el canto jamás será parecido, JIMIN ES ÚNICO E INIGUALABLE 🕺🎶👑💯
투민 좋다^^ 우정 영원히💛💛
Ils se ressemblent tellement jimin et teamin ❤❤ j'aimerais bien quis fassent une colab une tres belle chanson qui ressemble a leurs styles de musique
Ojalá hicieran una canción juntos, me muero!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Excelentes los dos
I love them ❤
I Strongly recommend Jimin and Taemin's duet Song ❤
Чимин очень светлый человек
2 dozen diamond legends.🥰
Parabéns meninos perfeito parabéns 😍❤️🫰🫰👏💜🫶🇧🇷🇧🇷🥰🥰😘😘😘
Je vous aime tous les deux. On attend une chanson de vous deux❤
Love how older idols call them their full name instead of BTS
ellos hacen una hermosa pareja🤭💕
Desde luego! Hacen un gran duo!!
@@vkgods5008TeaMin (2min) es precioso 💜
Vorrei vedere cantare y ballare grandes bailarines 🔥🔥🔥💜💜💜🤟🫰
Son los mejores y grandes Amigos
Don't you love it when 🥺 Jiminie 🥺
지민 태민 멋찜
#Jimin Angel! Самый классный 💜
Muito lindo dois
The name of song or remix please😢😢❤❤
Good Jimin hsa good friends😊
The name of the second song please 😢
Song is so good name?
Its a remix
@@saemaya1479 which song remix?
@@hassanmustafa6214 check my comment i posted earlier. I forgot, ill reply back when im not busy n ill tell you
I found the song! Search up Thirstydipity MV mashup
It’s true Taemin that u both of similar style BUT Lee Taemin wen u step on stage the aura that u have I have yet to see any with in all my time in Kpop!!!!! That’s the FACT!!💎💎💎
Lol okay! Even when a f***king KPop Idol complimenting his close friend’s, Jimin, dance skills, some troll has to come out from her ugly hole to insult him! Jimin is where he is for a reason and it’s NOT luck! Even THESE guys don’t know what jealousy is! Grow TF up!
Жаль перевода нет на русский
Both of you so good he's just a little more petite!! Pocket Rocket 😂😆🥰💚💜🫶🍬🎤🎶👑🌟😎