Dear Taras, thank you for entrusting me with your precious original vocals, recorded under tough wartime conditions. It's an honour. Courageous, noble Ukraine... all alone you are saving the world from the Russian tyrant. Be forever blessed. 🇺🇦 Long live Ukraine! Слава Україні, героям слава! 🇺🇦
Elizabeth, I am infinitely grateful to fate for meeting you! You are incredibly talented and hardworking! Thank you!!! Thank too Tyler! Thank you to the French people for their support of Ukrainians! Together we are stronger!
Taras and Lisa, thank you! I love your song so much! It makes me dance in the hope of a better future. Thank you, for uniting nations of the whole world. Let's all take a stand against aggression, against military dictatorship, against stealing of other people's land, against atrocious war crimes. Long live glorious Ukraine!
Thanks very much Taras Borovok, Lisa Schettner and Tyler Brooker for this new performance of Bayraktar !! Very nice voices !! Freedom and respect of the independence of Ukraine !!
this is art What a treat to wake up to These videos are SO incredibly high quality and they just keep improving somehow, keep em coming hails from drauglur from germany
This is amazing, Lizzie. You have outdone yourself. This amazing, majestic thing. I cannot stop listening. I will play it randomly throughout the day on repeat. And the message is very strong, and bold. There is something so glorious about this song that I find myself captivated by the lyrics. You always outdo yourself, Lizzie.
Des images symboliques, aussi fortes en émotion que les paroles, un duo de choc qui dit l'absurdité et la folie destructrices, tout est réuni pour parler au coeur de l'être que nous sommes. Continuez votre combat, continuons à semer de petites graines, au nom de la liberté afin que vive l' UKRAINE 🇺🇦💓
I love the graphic symbolism. Two beautiful hearts beating at the same rhythm despite the distance, in the name of truth and justice: Lisa Schettner and Taras Borovok! 🇫🇷 🇺🇦
Very powerful lyrics and music, perfectly arranged and synchronized, driving home a most relevant message. Congratulations Lisa and Taras on a great upload!
It is a tough time for everyone and I hope seeing support from all around the world will give strength to the people, that need it the most 🇺🇦 Great work on this production Taras, Lisa and Tyler ❤️
An awesome video, both the song and the visuals. Somehow, I missed seeing the notification for this. So sad to see this criminal invasion by Russia continues, with terrible destruction, loss of lives and disruption. Glory to Ukraine. I enjoyed in full to the end. Thank you, my friend.
Lit Song! Amazing Lyrics, Edits, Music & Everything! Great Job!!! You just got a new subscriber ;) Slava Ukraine! (I Loved how you put the storyline in, like from the speculation we had of the invasion to the actual Genocide taking place, Its exactly what we needed!)
Intro forte, começamos bem! vocal excelente! Clima muito bom! esta chegando o buildup! Wow! Bass agressivo e maravilhoso! estilo que eu gosto!!! excelente e parabéns!!!
Good remix. It reminded me of Martika's song - Toy solidiers. And I think I would try to add a fragment of it at the beginning. congratulations. Forgive me for being a cynic, but I'd to play your song at the hotel if I meet Russians there.
This is a great song, thank you for your support in this war💙💛 One thing I would like to mention, I am not complaining, yet ukrainians and rssians are not brothers or brother nations, or some kind close to each other. And never were. And never will be. Story of our war with moskow lasts at least from 1400s, if not earlier. And it will always be like that, as we think.
Yes I agree, and I am 100% sure Lisa Schettner knows a lot about Ukrainian history. She is sarcastic in the song; please notice when she sings the word "brothers" her voice shivers with disgust. (pity she didn't put the word in quotation marks)
Без болю, без виграшу! «Нащадки козаків», це не ваша спадкова генетична особливість, а особливість вашої географії, яка дає вам цю особливість. Ми знаємо людей у вашій географії з історії. Тільки ви і ми, ходіть на війну, сміючись, у супроводі барабанів і музики, і ви знаєте, як померти, сміючись і танцюючи. Це той дар, який історія дала нашій загальній географії. Зарано хвилюватися, скаржитися, чекати старих добрих часів, які ще довго не повернуться. Так, ви вдарили ведмедя в ніс, але бійка триває. Ні болю, ні вигоди! Ті, кого немає, повернуться і подарують тобі життя. Ми з вами своєю історією, досвідом та любов’ю! Усі за єдину, демократичну вільну Україну! Тут Зеленський правий, ця війна не тільки ваша! Справжня битва почнеться після вашої перемоги! Байрактар у нас більше, нові приходять.. вперед! Саме кров на тканині робить її «прапором». Якщо хтось за це вмирає, то земля - «батьківщина». Слава Україно! ❤ 💛💙 No Pain, No Gain! " Descendants of Cossacks ", it is not your inherited genetic feature, but the peculiarity of your geography that gives you this feature. We know the people in your geography from the history. Only you and us, go to war by laughing, accompanied by drums and music, and you know to die by laughing and dancing. This is the gift that history has given to our comman geography. It's too early to worry, to complain, to expect the good old days that won't come back for a long time. Yes, you punched the bear in the nose, but the fight continues. No pain, no gain ! Those who are gone will come back and they will give you life. We are with you with our history, experience and love! All for a united, democratic free Ukraine! Zelensky is correct here, this war is not just your war! The real battle will begin after you win! We have more Bayraktar, new ones are coming.. go ahead ! It is the blood on the fabric that makes it " the flag". If anyone dies for it, the earth is the " homeland ". Slava Ukraine! ❤ ❤💛💙
It is time for Russia to respect Ukraine as a sovereign independent nation, and makes it flourish and grow in peace once and for all. Stop the brutal military invasion of Ukraine. Stop the brutal genocide of the Ukrainian civilian population now
Dear Taras, thank you for entrusting me with your precious original vocals, recorded under tough wartime conditions. It's an honour.
Courageous, noble Ukraine... all alone you are saving the world from the Russian tyrant. Be forever blessed.
🇺🇦 Long live Ukraine! Слава Україні, героям слава! 🇺🇦
Its gold. Comments later
Slava Ukraini!🇺🇦🌻🇺🇦🕊
Heroyam Slava!🇺🇦💜🇺🇦
- _«С чего бы мне,_ - сказал тот Морд, -
_Склоняться пред тобой?:_
На флаге моём - такой же год, -
Лишь только век другой….
Что новый век, что век иной,
Важнее - длина мечей!
Не верю я, что Тризуб твой, -
Древнее и сильней…» -
Так глаголил Он, так восклицал
Из бункера тот Морд….
Теперь лишь «Дождь» - телеканал -
В пустынный зал по Морду слёзы льёт - нет!…
_(©2022.05.16 А. Арестович; Коломбо98 (отредактировано…) - «И канула в небытиЁ "Вторая армия Мира!", ё-моё», - сага из серии «Тигры Мордора», «Манеры произвола», «Лавры та крамола», «Сансары лора» и «Паттерны Полистирола», - из цикла «Сук Тупина на измене „ПУК!“-размена», - аллюзия на “The Rains of Castamere” (“Game of Thrones”) в контексте Украинских событий в Мире, - с 24 февраля 2022 года)._
*_Ку, із Дніпра!_* ^̮^
*Миру мир! - Нам усім‼* :')
*_Ку, из Днепра!_* ^̮^
*Миру мир! - Нам всем‼* :')
*_Koo, from the Dnieper!_* ^̮^
*World peace! - To all of Us‼* :')
_(22.06.2022) _*_#Peace_**_, _**_#ДоброгоВечораМизУкраїни_**_! _**_#МРІЯ_**_: _**_#CreatorsForPeace_**_ _**_#HelpUkraine_**_ _**_#UAsoBeautiful_**_!… _**_#SaveBeautifulUkraine_**_! - _**_#Ukrainerussiawar_**_ _**_#StopRussianAggression_**_‼ _**_#StopRussianAgression_**_‼ - _**_#БожеЯкеКончене_**_‼ - _**_#HandsOffUkraine_**_‼; _**_#StayWithUkraine_**_ & _**_#StandWithUkraine_**_… - _**_#STOPWar_**_‼ _**_#NOtoWar_**_‼ _**_#НЕТвойне_**_‼ _**_#НІвійні_**_‼ -> _**_#МамиРосійськихСолдат_**_
_Где брать солнце, -_
_Когда тьма тьмущая в оконце?_ -
Хоть и отражает луна - как зеркало-блюдце -
Вчерашний свет солнца….
И лишь чай, - даже, на донце,
А давеча - кофе - но уже «вице-»,
Отражают - ну, хоть вкратце, да в абзаце -
Состояние души, - вплоть до самого конца….
Порой в ночи, находясь в кольце
Такой спирали, - луна, то ли солнце…,
Нужно совсем чуть-чуть, - чтоб где-то в сердце
Воспряли те самые лучи рассвета для ларца….
Но чуть ли не каждый раз! - На границе
Тьмы и света, на Земном часовом рубце -
Оказываешься в Бессознательной путанице,
Вносящая потом и в Сознание смуту-разгром, проказница!…
Но дни без луны и ночей были бы не «Те!», -
Как Добро и Зло на контрасте
Были бы, вдруг, сами по себе,
Не друзьями заклятыми, - вовсе! -
Когда у их полюсов, сойдясь в фокусе
В одной касте, на нуле была бы разница….
Добро - не призрачно: если какая беда в процессе,
Да ещё - для пущего контраста - в неком хаосе,
То оно - словно лучик света в окно, в тёмном классе….
А так, Добро без старого заботливого Зла - будто на паузе….
Такова уж концепция Убожества, - где красота видна и в ужасе!
- Этика - ромашки Эстетики, - во главе угла Йоги-лотоса….
Луна - Затейница!
Ночь - Произвольница!
- Сёстры интриг высшего уровня‼
И-и-и…, и это - если только….
А затем Солнце - как Паломница -
С красным лицом с утра _- Скромница?!_ -
Во имя всех-всех блик и дня!…
И-и-и, _- Неистового добра?!_ - По скольку:
Тени - как мемы - потешаясь, смеются
Из-под каждого куста, навеса,
Всё ускользая от лучей-креста, - высветляющая завеса.
Но коннотации теней - как пятна Сфинкса….
Ну, и спрашивается, вот
(Ведь покоя не даёт, -
Заселившийся на чердаке крот):
_А возможен ли здесь, -_
_Хотя б намёк на паритет, -_
_Когда фамильяр Луны и помесь_
_Из темноты, простирающие свои щупальца…, -_
_Со словами: «…То ли ещё будет!…»,_
_А днём - к добру, - авось,_
_Иль худу, то ль нейтралитет_
_От сего дуэта… - Прохладные тени, - из-за Солнца?…_
- В петле Логического парадокса….
- И так во всём!… - Хоть кровь из носа:
Ползём червячным штришком по ленте Мёбиуса
Умозрительным путём до истин «здесь» - до Космоса.
А ещё…. Всё это обостряется гораздо! - Когда война….
Где борьба Воин света с Хтонью - недвусмысленна‼
- Не отсидеться, в общем, в такие дни в тени:
Или, - в лучшем случае, ты - Скотина….
Или - что хуже - Морок та Зла парадигма….
Или же, всё-таки, ты достоин своего Родительского имени‼
Впрочем, _- быть на стороне Света_
_Или ждать конца своего «лета»?!_
_Ожидать наступление последующего Рассвета_
_Или с первыми лучами сгореть, как в атмосфере комета?!…_
Тебе решать! - И только тебе‼, в конце концов….
А также _- жить «бодрым днём», иль «забористым сном»?!_
Но торопись с этим!… - Чтоб не стать закланием Мордора оков.
Ну, а я спать…. - Вон, наконец-то, расцвело уже за окном!…
_(©2022.06.03-13 Коломбо98 - «Заснула ночка на крыльце, - вместо Бодрячка в ларце, - с сукой-войной на улице родной…»)._
Amazing song
Elizabeth, I am infinitely grateful to fate for meeting you! You are incredibly talented and hardworking! Thank you!!! Thank too Tyler! Thank you to the French people for their support of Ukrainians! Together we are stronger!
Taras and Lisa, thank you! I love your song so much! It makes me dance in the hope of a better future. Thank you, for uniting nations of the whole world. Let's all take a stand against aggression, against military dictatorship, against stealing of other people's land, against atrocious war crimes. Long live glorious Ukraine!
You're both brilliant! Bravo/Brava!
Didn't see this coming at all! As a Ukrainian, I thank you for this mix :)
Дякую ! Запальна музика ! Після перемоги на всіх танцмайданчиках !
це файна музика. дякую
We just love this catchy song. it is truthful but also addictive in a good way. 💙💙💛💛
This is actually a damn good version! Love it!
Шедеврально, клубно!!! Слава Україні!!! Дяка Байрактару!!!
Glory to Ukrayna peace from Türkiye 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦 ✌️✌️✌️💪💪💪 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Bumping this in Long Beach, California! SLAVA UKRAINI!!! We are with you Ukraine!!!! Peace & Love!
Great track! Fantastic job! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Dope! Fantastic job 👏 Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇺🇸
Great song! Two very different songs merged into one that sounds great! Keep up the good work Lisa!
One word : WOW !!
Next destination: EUROVISION !!! 👍💙💛💃🔥🔥❤️💃🕺🕴️💖
This is such a cool remix! I love it! You got me dancing. 😀 Great work, Lisa!
To number 1 in the charts we go!
Thanks very much Taras Borovok, Lisa Schettner and Tyler Brooker for this new performance of Bayraktar !!
Very nice voices !!
Freedom and respect of the independence of Ukraine !!
I am so impressed by this, You and Taras are really talented!
This is a great song! Choice lyrics! Glory to the Heroes! Glory to Ukraine! (From Ireland).
this is art
What a treat to wake up to
These videos are SO incredibly high quality and they just keep improving somehow,
keep em coming
hails from drauglur from germany
So much talent. 2022 anthem. 🇺🇦
This is amazing, Lizzie. You have outdone yourself. This amazing, majestic thing. I cannot stop listening. I will play it randomly throughout the day on repeat. And the message is very strong, and bold. There is something so glorious about this song that I find myself captivated by the lyrics. You always outdo yourself, Lizzie.
Superb dear friend, thx for sharing, best wishes Chris
Greetings From Turkey 💪🇹🇷
Des images symboliques, aussi fortes en émotion que les paroles, un duo de choc qui dit l'absurdité et la folie destructrices, tout est réuni pour parler au coeur de l'être que nous sommes.
Continuez votre combat, continuons à semer de petites graines, au nom de la liberté afin que vive l' UKRAINE 🇺🇦💓
I'm late to the comment party, but this is amazing!!! Congrats on another great production, this colab is awesome!
I love the graphic symbolism. Two beautiful hearts beating at the same rhythm despite the distance, in the name of truth and justice:
Lisa Schettner and Taras Borovok! 🇫🇷 🇺🇦
Greatest song EVER!!!!!
Слава Україні! Героям слава!
From Poland with love
It's amazing, guys! You bring a hope and share the truth! Thank you all for your support!
Very powerful lyrics and music, perfectly arranged and synchronized, driving home a most relevant message. Congratulations Lisa and Taras on a great upload!
Great and creative song!
Fantastic remix, Tyler! Smashed it as usual 🙏
Cheers man!
Damn, what a masterpiece! Best regards from Mykolaiv.
Mykolaiv? God I'm so sorry, man.... Героям слава
Awesome content. Have a nice day!❤👍
It is a tough time for everyone and I hope seeing support from all around the world will give strength to the people, that need it the most 🇺🇦
Great work on this production Taras, Lisa and Tyler ❤️
Greetings from Turkey
Wow So Really Nice Taras Borovok & Lisa Schettner and Really Really Beautiful! Keep it up Good Job! Stay Connected! 😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗
Beautiful song what our world needs is peace and love no war! Peace ☮️ 🫶🏻🙏🌻🌻🌻
Wonderful, loved it
What a song! Thank you Lisa! Best wishes from Kyiv!
Well done Lisa this is fantastic ❤️❤️
Такую версию ещё не слышала) классно получилось 👍
This is superb. You're amazing
Thanks for your support! It's super remix! I like it! 💙💛
cant wait to see a clip for this music ! Greetings from poland !
Dope mix guys sounds fantastic ❤
Absolutely amazing , love it , nice work my new phone ring 🥰 thanks
Absolutely astounding! Great job Lisa, keep on going with your songs!
Love you,
Random Guy from League
bayraktar cok güzel,sizi seviyorum ukrayna,selam
I am really impressed by this track, great work and a beautifull tribute to the horrible situation over there.
Amazing mashup, Slava Ukraini
Great song! Thanks a lot for your support!✊
Thank you for your support! Ukrainians will never forget! 💖
Браво!Гарна робота, брати, та сестри наші українці
That's an amazing mashup 🔥
Thank you for this awesome track and support. Glory to Ukraine
I really enjoyed this video.
Thanks for sharing!
Thumb up!
Glory Ukraine 🇺🇦 from Poland 🇵🇱
Ви найкращі!!!
Thank you! That's encouraging
An awesome video, both the song and the visuals. Somehow, I missed seeing the notification for this. So sad to see this criminal invasion by Russia continues, with terrible destruction, loss of lives and disruption. Glory to Ukraine. I enjoyed in full to the end. Thank you, my friend.
Lit Song! Amazing Lyrics, Edits, Music & Everything! Great Job!!! You just got a new subscriber ;)
Slava Ukraine! (I Loved how you put the storyline in, like from the speculation we had of the invasion to the actual Genocide taking place, Its exactly what we needed!)
Well said! 🇺🇦 Слава україні! 🇺🇦
Very true awesome song Thank you
We are very grateful for all support we receive from world. Thanks from Ukraine! We will win in this war!
Yes, you will win this War, because Ukrainians are so courageous. We all wish you win the War. Long live Ukraine🇺🇦
Awesome song!!!!
Awesome and meaningful song
am from Ukraine thank you this song is a amazing
Awsome 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Intro forte, começamos bem! vocal excelente! Clima muito bom! esta chegando o buildup! Wow! Bass agressivo e maravilhoso! estilo que eu gosto!!! excelente e parabéns!!!
Very nice thank you for sharing 👍🔔🐲
Good remix. It reminded me of Martika's song - Toy solidiers. And I think I would try to add a fragment of it at the beginning. congratulations. Forgive me for being a cynic, but I'd to play your song at the hotel if I meet Russians there.
nice song. well done
Incredible 👍 Taras and Lisa thank you for this powerful song!
Слава Україні! 🇺🇦
Героям Слава!
Great ! Long live Ukraine🇺🇦
This was actually damn good.
Great resistance song!🎶😊
wholesome thing!
Damn Tyler! Releasing bangers!!
Great song! Greetings from Poland
Wow! Perfect!
Після ПЕРЕМОГИ - це пісня № 1 на всіх танцполах в Україні!
Good music for good people
🇧🇪 stands with 🇺🇦
Слава Україні!
Remezcla positiva!!!Слава Україні!!! 🇺🇦Слава ЗСУ!!! 💙💛🇪🇸 💙💛
Very nice song. Slava Ukraini!
Hello Lisa
This is a great song, thank you for your support in this war💙💛
One thing I would like to mention, I am not complaining, yet ukrainians and rssians are not brothers or brother nations, or some kind close to each other. And never were. And never will be.
Story of our war with moskow lasts at least from 1400s, if not earlier. And it will always be like that, as we think.
Yes I agree, and I am 100% sure Lisa Schettner knows a lot about Ukrainian history. She is sarcastic in the song; please notice when she sings the word "brothers" her voice shivers with disgust. (pity she didn't put the word in quotation marks)
Гарненько вийшло!!!
Very nice 👍
Без болю, без виграшу!
«Нащадки козаків», це не ваша спадкова генетична особливість, а особливість вашої географії, яка дає вам цю особливість. Ми знаємо людей у вашій географії з історії. Тільки ви і ми, ходіть на війну, сміючись, у супроводі барабанів і музики, і ви знаєте, як померти, сміючись і танцюючи. Це той дар, який історія дала нашій загальній географії.
Зарано хвилюватися, скаржитися, чекати старих добрих часів, які ще довго не повернуться. Так, ви вдарили ведмедя в ніс, але бійка триває. Ні болю, ні вигоди! Ті, кого немає, повернуться і подарують тобі життя. Ми з вами своєю історією, досвідом та любов’ю! Усі за єдину, демократичну вільну Україну! Тут Зеленський правий, ця війна не тільки ваша! Справжня битва почнеться після вашої перемоги! Байрактар у нас більше, нові приходять.. вперед!
Саме кров на тканині робить її «прапором». Якщо хтось за це вмирає, то земля - «батьківщина». Слава Україно! ❤
No Pain, No Gain!
" Descendants of Cossacks ", it is not your inherited genetic feature, but the peculiarity of your geography that gives you this feature. We know the people in your geography from the history. Only you and us, go to war by laughing, accompanied by drums and music, and you know to die by laughing and dancing. This is the gift that history has given to our comman geography.
It's too early to worry, to complain, to expect the good old days that won't come back for a long time. Yes, you punched the bear in the nose, but the fight continues. No pain, no gain ! Those who are gone will come back and they will give you life. We are with you with our history, experience and love! All for a united, democratic free Ukraine! Zelensky is correct here, this war is not just your war! The real battle will begin after you win! We have more Bayraktar, new ones are coming.. go ahead !
It is the blood on the fabric that makes it " the flag". If anyone dies for it, the earth is the " homeland ". Slava Ukraine! ❤ ❤💛💙
This song brings so many together during the crisis in Ukraine. If only we could have peace and prosperity for all.
Not "crisis"! WAR!
It is time for Russia to respect Ukraine as a sovereign independent nation, and makes it flourish and grow in peace once and for all. Stop the brutal military invasion of Ukraine. Stop the brutal genocide of the Ukrainian civilian population now
🇮🇪 very good upload
Great it's very good i like