Smoked Chicken Legs | Pit Boss Austin XL



  • @pearlwsz7
    @pearlwsz7 2 роки тому +16

    Nick is gonna go ahead and go ahead. He really went ahead with this one.

  • @bslav94pgt
    @bslav94pgt Рік тому +1

    I have a rack with a drip tray, i will definitely try this after I assemble it. Thanks

  • @Old80sPimp
    @Old80sPimp Рік тому +1

    Nice job. Thanks for the honesty.

  • @shanewoosley8303
    @shanewoosley8303 10 місяців тому

    Great video. Gonna try those maybe today.

  • @texmsmrfc
    @texmsmrfc 3 роки тому +7

    Best vid yet my man. Your personality really came through and appreciate the authenticity. Keep up the great work.

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  3 роки тому

      Wow thanks so much. That's an amazing compliment! I really want to make videos that people love to watch. My wife and I are studying how to edit better and make better content. Hearing feedback like that lets me know we are doing something right :D

  • @mostlyamazing
    @mostlyamazing Рік тому +3

    That chicken has no business looking that delicious 😭😭😭 I can’t wait to buy my smoker and try this!

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому +1

      Haha thanks for the compliment. Hope your chicken turns out great!

  • @clay1671
    @clay1671 Рік тому +2

    Those look great I'll be trying this later today great video man

  • @mattnelson9395
    @mattnelson9395 3 роки тому +1

    Love the videos they have helped me with smoking keep them coming

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  3 роки тому +1

      Thanks! Makes me happy to know the videos help :D I got plenty coming!

  • @christophermeeson8350
    @christophermeeson8350 5 місяців тому

    Everyone I have done these for love em! Thanks my guy!

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  5 місяців тому

      Thanks! Makes me happy

  • @jeffreyheese
    @jeffreyheese 2 роки тому +2

    Great video on chicken legs. Thank you. I plan on making these for the 4th this year. Any updates or tweeks?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      Thanks! No updates or tweaks really. Most important thing is to cook it to the right temperature and it'll turn out good.

    • @ShariHarris-ok7lf
      @ShariHarris-ok7lf Рік тому

      I love my rack, but I notice in the oven it burns from the top of chicken leg so I wrap with aluminum foil just the small chicken tip end. Just remember to spray the rack with Pam before using it's hard to clean. I use the chicken rack to cook a larger rib on top in the oven just remember to use Pam on the rack before cooking on it.

    • @ShariHarris-ok7lf
      @ShariHarris-ok7lf Рік тому

      @@Nicks-BBQ I love my rack, but I notice in the oven it burns from the top of chicken leg so I wrap with aluminum foil just the small chicken tip end. Just remember to spray the rack with Pam before using it's hard to clean. I use the chicken rack to cook a larger rib on top in the oven just remember to use Pam on the rack before cooking on it.

  • @davidallen7102
    @davidallen7102 8 місяців тому

    Where did you get that rack, please post the link, please

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  7 місяців тому

      I just tagged the product I used so if you click the link it'll take you to the page where you can buy it

  • @TheDWZemke
    @TheDWZemke 2 роки тому +1

    The trick is to do the first half as quickly and only 1/2 to 3/4 down... do not spill ... then do the 2nd half @ max coverage then re cover the first 1/2 half again but cover to max level with out spilling...

    • @TheDWZemke
      @TheDWZemke 2 роки тому +1

      Fyi I'm feeding 125 people with pulled pork I'm making 50 chicken legs just for non pork people... nice job. Goal is to do both at slow and 225 to 250...

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      wow! I have done some big cooks but not 125 people. How many pounds of pork you doing? like 40-50ish?

  • @knuckle_dragger
    @knuckle_dragger 6 місяців тому

    Are those front legs or back legs that you're smoking?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  6 місяців тому +1

      Chickens have two legs and two wings. These are the big drumsticks on the legs of the chicken. Not the little drums that come on the wings you get

    • @knuckle_dragger
      @knuckle_dragger 6 місяців тому

      @Nicks-BBQ lol I know, it was a just a joke, I want to smoke some chicken legs in my pit boss 700 pretty soon

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  6 місяців тому +1

      @@knuckle_dragger DO IT!! This is the perfect weekend lol

  • @cheriecave9080
    @cheriecave9080 2 роки тому

    Will be trying this tonight with a different glaze. No link for the leg/beer can contraption? Great video! Thank you!!

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому +1

      I thought I put one in the description but I got it at Walmart not Amazon. It was from Cuisinart

  • @ShariHarris-ok7lf
    @ShariHarris-ok7lf Рік тому

    I love my rack, but I notice in the oven it burns from the top of chicken leg so I wrap with aluminum foil just the small chicken tip end. Just remember to spray the rack with Pam before using it's hard to clean. I use the chicken rack to cook a larger rib on top in the oven just remember to use Pam on the rack before cooking on it.

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому

      That is good advice! I love my rack too. I'll have to try wrapping the tips in foil as well.

  • @waterguy5924
    @waterguy5924 2 роки тому

    Hey Nick, great video...where can we find this rack ?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

  • @sharonmack2450
    @sharonmack2450 Рік тому

    Where did you get your rack from

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому

      I got this rack at Walmart. It was kn the grilling section. The brand I believe was Cuisinart

  • @ismy47
    @ismy47 10 місяців тому

    Im new to smoking chicken so i checked the temp with a thermometer but the meat still has a pinkish red tint to them. Is that normal temp reached 170f

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  10 місяців тому +2

      I smoke my legs all the way up to 185 it'll be more juicy imo but when you smoke mest the outside will be red or pink. That's the meat sucking in the smoke. If it is pink in the center of the meat it's still raw. But on the outside it's okay.

  • @im0nfier3
    @im0nfier3 Рік тому +1

    put ur hands down bro this aint a robbery xD

  • @Paul-ng4jx
    @Paul-ng4jx 2 роки тому

    Is that a smoker or a grill? It’s not smoking every time you open it up I open up my smoker it pours out smoke.

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому +1

      It's a pit boss pellet grill. What do you have?

  • @jimbennett1519
    @jimbennett1519 3 роки тому +1

    Good video man but where did you get that rack? Inquiring minds need to know lol

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  3 роки тому +2

      I bought it at Walmart. I think the brand was cuisinart. It was only 18 bucks I believe.

    • @jimbennett1519
      @jimbennett1519 3 роки тому +1

      @@Nicks-BBQ Thanks

  • @JonathanFox-uj1rv
    @JonathanFox-uj1rv 6 місяців тому

    I pick one up on Saturday!!😊😊

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  6 місяців тому

      That's sweet! Have a great weekend!

  • @kristenmaddux7046
    @kristenmaddux7046 2 роки тому

    Do you have a link for the rack?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      I don't I bought it at Walmart. But if you type in chicken rack on Amazon I'm sure there are smiliar products or maybe even the same one.

  • @clifjohnson8582
    @clifjohnson8582 2 роки тому

    Where did you get the rack from?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      I got it from Walmart. But you can find it on Amazon I believe. Search chicken drumstick rack

  • @Soapboxministry
    @Soapboxministry 15 днів тому

    Perfect this..that’s what I’m gonna do

  • @B_Payne
    @B_Payne 2 роки тому

    I just bought one, but I'm not getting the smoke. Any tips?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      What kind of smoker? Does it have pellets? Explain in more detail your issue and I might be able to help

    • @B_Payne
      @B_Payne 2 роки тому

      I have the austin xl and was using hickory pellets.

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      @@B_Payne I'm not exactly sure what the issue would be honestly. I would try calling customer support for pit boss. You might have a faulty part.

  • @chrismeeson4641
    @chrismeeson4641 Рік тому

    Thanks dude

  • @Picklerickyi
    @Picklerickyi Рік тому

    Please come back

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому

      I really want too. Filming got so difficult with my wife being my videographer and having kids at home with our 3rd on the way. I'm currently saving money to hire out videography. Working 60 hours a week at my job and also been getting my health in order. When I started the channel I was 315 pounds I'm down to 240 now. I'll be back when the lords timing is right!

  • @Boondox1016
    @Boondox1016 2 роки тому

    Where do I get this rack

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      I got it at Walmart. You can find one on Amazon too just type in chicken racks

  • @dinaann9631
    @dinaann9631 3 роки тому +1

    Great video! Love you guys!! ❤Mom

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  3 роки тому +2

      Thanks mom :D glad you like the videos!

  • @christianbriones6124
    @christianbriones6124 2 роки тому +1

    rule number 1 in smoking.... never change the temp when the smoke is already in progress!!! nice looking legs tho!!!

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      Thank you! I've never heard that before. What's the reason?

    • @christianbriones6124
      @christianbriones6124 2 роки тому +1

      @@Nicks-BBQ well for instance if you are smoking a brisket at 250 say about an hour in maybe two that meat is already in the process of cooking a certain way and once you change that temperature it's almost like flipping a steak too many times for better reference.

    • @christianbriones6124
      @christianbriones6124 2 роки тому

      @@Nicks-BBQ sometimes it'll also change how the outside and inside Cooks 👍🏼

  • @marcichaparro1623
    @marcichaparro1623 2 роки тому

    Link to rack?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      I got it at Walmart but this one looks similar on Amazon

    • @marcichaparro1623
      @marcichaparro1623 2 роки тому

      @@Nicks-BBQ Thanks buddy!!!

  • @ruizjacob136
    @ruizjacob136 Рік тому

    I Just Tried Smoking Chicken Legs For The First Time Today, I Have The Smokin Ace Offset Smoker. Unfortunately My Attempt Was Unsuccessful. The First Thing That Went Wrong I Couldn’t Keep The Temp Above 250F. I Ended Cooking Them For About 4 Hours. I Used Wood Chips And They Only Burned For About 3-5 Mins And Most Importantly My Chicken Temp Was Around 130F. I Give Up

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому +1

      Thanks for commenting on the video. When using an offset smoker you'll need to use charcoal as a base for heat and the wood is for smoke flavor. You can use sticks or chunks. On an offset you can smoke chicken around 275.

  • @jmarialfilm6325
    @jmarialfilm6325 Рік тому

    Want some chicken with your seasoning breh?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому

      I should smoke a bottle of seasoning and sprinkle some chicken on it

  • @kevinkoszarek
    @kevinkoszarek 2 роки тому +1

    all those links to shit and not 1 to the rack?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      I got that from Walmart. Not Amazon.

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому here's a link for another one I found on Amazon.

  • @Doug6714
    @Doug6714 2 роки тому

    Great video. I need to smoke some legs for my wife. Keep smoking

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  2 роки тому

      Indeed brother. Legs are great on the smoker.

  • @FasterthanSpeed414
    @FasterthanSpeed414 Рік тому

    You want chicken cold af when you put it on. Not set out for 30 minutes

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому

      Makes a minimal difference. In smoke absorption. Don't see the point.

  • @cesarlimones1550
    @cesarlimones1550 Рік тому

    Anyone can make chicken drumsticks on an electric smoker 😂 just set it and forget it right? 🥹

  • @big24fanz
    @big24fanz Рік тому

    Do you have a link for the rack?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому +1

      I don't. I got them at Walmart in the baking section. I'll work on finding a link for it on Amazon

  • @Lykapodium
    @Lykapodium Рік тому

    Do you have the link for the rack?

    • @Nicks-BBQ
      @Nicks-BBQ  Рік тому

      I thought I did but I guess not. Lol. I got them from Walmart but sure you could find something similar on amazon