I seriously dont know why so many people hate Sooah, just because she works for jangga doesn’t mean she’s a bad person. Personally i think Sooah is a realistic person as she knows how harsh it is to survive in this ever-changing world and dares to sacrifice her love for her carreer. And I totally dont understand why people keep criticizing her, unamittedly she’s somehow too realistic but it’s undeniable that she’s a strong, tough girl. When she says she loved rich men this is what really motivates park se ro yi to become rich and when she keeps saying that she is the one who called the police, it shows how miserable she’s to try to make park se ro yi stops liking her, although she’ve loved him for 10 years. I love her imperturbability whenever facing yi seo and everything else. It doesn’t matter who will emd up with park sae ro yi, i just wish that Sooah could live a happy life as she deserves to be so.
Mình không cần SaeRoYi đến với SooAh. Mình chỉ mong biên kịch cho SooAh cps được hạnh phúc. Cả cuộc đời cô ấy sống trong đau khổ, phân vân, suy nghĩ, dằn vặt. Hy vọng đến cuối phim sẽ không còn vậy nữa !
i can't agree with you more, huhu, some one said that she was selfish, just think about her, but she really cares for Saeroyi through small actions, she practically does not show her direct support but always follow behind, before 14th ep, i just believe there will be a 15-year love among them, i don't like the way Saeroyi love someone, making her wait for 10 years and then said "i'm sorry" =.=
우린 친구뿐일까. 보통 홀로 짝사랑을 하는 사람이 쓰는 문장이죠. 새로이가 수아를 좋아하듯 수아도 새로이를 좋아하지만 어릴적 환경에 더불어 자신의 꿈을 쫒는 개인적인 성향이 강한지라 자신을 위해 사랑을 포기하는 방향을 추구합니다. 마치 과거 회상에서 우정을 포기하였듯이 말이죠. 그때 선생이 말했죠. 사과할 수 있는 '기회'는 많지 않다고. 수아는 그런 기회는 필요없다고 하며 이젠 홀로 쓸쓸히 하교길을 걷는 자신에게 꽃을 선물하곤 앞으로 자신을 사랑하길 다짐합니다. 사랑하고 싶지만 자라온 환경이, 열등감이 성공하고 싶다는 욕구가 사랑하려는 자신을 막는거죠. 앞으로의 전개가 어찌 진행될지 모르지만, 이미 수아는 새로이와는 다른 길을 걷고 있습니다. 자신을 위해 새로이에게 불리한 진술을 했고, 장가 지원금을 받고 대학을 다녔으며, 약 10년 동안 장가의 길을 걸어왔죠. 여전히 수아는 사랑하고 싶지만 자신을 위해, 사랑하길 포기하는 아이입니다. 자신이 제일 소중하니까요. 그렇게 그 모든 순간이 기회엿을 테지만, 10년동안 하나의 기회만을 택하던 수아가 이제야 자신의 꿈을 버리고 새로이의 기회를 택하기란.. 글쎄요. 우린 친구뿐일까라는 수아의 마음을 대변하는 내용은 어쩌면, 수아의 욕망 속 숨겨진 작은, 이룰 수 없는 바램을 표현하고 있는 것 같다는 생각이듭니다.
Sooah character is showing what reality is it's not easy to survive in this world. From the day we start breathing we start facing challenges until we die and as a Normal human no one will be so mad in love to sacrifice career and education for others when you have no clear future and no guardian or support you will obviously go for scholarships and support.We all have to make decisions and not all of our decisions are making others happy at times we have to go selfish and Yes we all do have guilt for something and we all make mistakes.I don't why people who are criticizing Sooah character are unable to think from reality point of view like her decision to accept scholarship like what will you do if you are an orphan like will seoroyi be happily living in prison if Sooah would be suffering or what difference is Sooah decision making to him.He would still be taking revenge even if Sooah was not in jangga.I think people are seeing her as yiseo opponent as seoroyi love Sooah as well people are not so regular in seeing such realistic character.Life is full of obstacles and not everyone is strong ,kindhearted,sticking to rules person like seoroyi is shown even he himself had to go through pain he had to suffer lose of his father and had to face pain which I think will never be healed like I am not saying he was wrong but it's just there are few people like him and more people like Sooah in this world. Her happy ending is to feel relieved as it's quite obvious yiseo is meant to be with seoroyi I just want Sooah happy.
One thing is not being risky or kindhearted, or Even being kind of selfish...but someone who works for the man who killed the one who helped you all your life (seo royi's dad) is being a bad person. Yes there might be more people like her but it doesnt mean is good
@@julietagomez6021 you know we all have to make such choices at time and then when I am saying realistic character it means in reality not everyone is kinder or sacrificing for others like in dramas. Secondly she feels guilty too and that's why she wants seoroyi to end things and that choice is going to make her suffer in future too as she loves seoroyi deep inside and seeing him with someone will make her sad but you know such choices are harder to make for some reason either you can care about feelings or you can waste your life suffering and suffering to such point where you can't resist harshness of this world and No more care about feelings and everything in your life seems without any reason . YOU HAVE TO PAY SOME PRICE FOR EVERY DECISION AND CHOICE YOU MAKE IN LIFE.☺☺I hope I was not rude but this is what I think life is about.At times you also choose your heart💓 too. IT DEPENDS.☺☺
I badly want them to end up together. Sooah is the one why Saeroyi did not lose hope in jail and her letter gave Saeroyi the idea to start a pub in Itaewon to make his revenge at Jangga Corp. Hays.. Second lead syndrome indeed.
but she's also the one who told jangga corp about danbam in the first place? and was about to call the police on them? I really don't understadn why people like her, but that's just me
and i really don't like it when saeroyi talks about his future plans about danbam while the person who works for the enemy is standing right there. but I just need some time to like sooah
Hokage guy she was just doing her job and Saeroyi understand that. She was torn between Saeroyi and Jangga Corp who help her. I like her character maybe because it’s more realistic and I understand her side. Her mom left her and the one who was close and supported her which is Saeroyi father died. Saeroyi was in jail. I understand her because she was doing that to survive. Let’s just say that she choose Saeroyi do you think Geun Wons father will let Saeroyi becomes successful and will not harm him? I think she was just silently protecting Saeroyi. He loves Saeroyi but circumstances will not let them. That’s just my pov about Sooah.
i ship soo ah for sae ro yi so hard, but last night's ep (ep 13) breaks my heart. i understand why sae ro yi's heart has changed, but let's see how soo ah's heart for him still doesn't change for many years. now, i wish for soo ah's happy ending only. writer-nim, please let me oh see soo ah's bright smile in the end. she's my fav character.
@@rjw8679 그렇기도 하네요... 하긴 수아는 환경이 좋지 않았고 이서는 수아에 비하면 환경이 좋았지요. 그런데 사실 수아는 꿋꿋하게 새로이의 원수기업에 다니고 있었죠. 반면에 이서는 자신의 대학도 때려치고 자신의 인생을 걸겠다며 자신의 능력을 쏟아부어서 세로이를 성공시키게해준 가장큰 영향을 끼친 인물이죠. 저도 수아는 사실 새로이의 행복을 중요하게 생각했다고 생각합니다. 새로이를 원하는거였다면 이서가 새로이와 사귄다고 했을때 화가 낫겠지요. 수아는 새로이를 원한게 아닌 새로이가 행복해지길 바란거죠. 수아는 옛부터 새로이에게 마음이 사실 정말 1도 없었다고 생각해요. 사실 1도 없다고 하면 이상한데 마음이 있다면 새로이의 아버지와 친분으로 이어진 마음? 그런거죠. 수아는 그럼에도 불구하고 장근원에게 새로이를 좋아한다고 했죠. 그건 새로이를 좋아하는게 아니라 좋아해지길 바랬던거 같애요. 그게 가장 편하니까요. 새로이의 아버지께 빚(나중에 3배로 갚겠다고한 빚)이있고 새로이는 수아를 좋아한다고 여러번 말했고 장근원을 떼어내고 싶어했기 때문에 결국에는 가장 편한 방법은 새로이를 좋아하고 싶어한거죠. 제 말은 사랑하는 정도의 크기는 비교하기 어렵지만 그래도 비교해보자면 이서가 수아보단 크다고 생각해요. 수아가 정말 새로이를 나중에라도 좋아하게 된다면, 사랑하게 된다면, 박보검이 셰프로 왔을때 바로 사랑에 빠지게 될까요? +이것도 저의 지극히 주관적인 생각이에요! 이전 글에 답변 주셔서 감사해요^^
Sooah definitely the ideal type as a girlfriend. Elegant yet endured. She has actually done so much for Saeroyi is the one who actually broke their promises
I really like her, I just don't want her to end up with Park Saeroyi, in my opinion that's not her happy ending, her happy ending is finally coming at peace with herself and realising she doesn't need anyone to free her. Free yourself queen! You are so strong and have gone through a lot! You can do it!
@@choi_uz 전 이서가 술집에서 만난 남자 후두려패는장면이 아쉬웠어요ㅜㅜ개인적으로 그장면이 좋았던건 이서가 자기힘으로는 도저히 해결할수없는 일에 처음으로 휘말리게되고 그걸 새로이가 해결해주면서 새로이에게 깊게 빠지게되는 계기가 됐다고 생각했는데 이서가 남자를 너무 손쉽게 후두려팸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I feel so bad for soo ah . In ep 14 all saeroyi cares is yiseo and how he only thinks about yiseo after the crash , what about soo ah who stood in front of a gun and waited for you for 15 years
Yiseo is like the alas of saeroyi imagine without her? can saeroyi achieve his success? she is the one who bet her life to make saeroyi dreams come true she is smart and badass and will do anything for saeroyi. But look at soo ah she is just waiting and she told saeroyi one time that he just need to give up and be happy with her. Soo ah depend on saeroyi because she knows no matter what she do he will like him.
너를 생각하면 내 가슴은 붉게 물들어 전에 없던 버릇이 생긴 것처럼 약속이라 하긴 조금 이른 서로 다른 믿음 알 수 없는 네 맘이 걱정되나 봐 네가 웃을 때면 몰래 내 맘을 빌어 다신 세상에 다치지 말라고 내 마음이 들렸을까 내 마음도 너와 같단 걸 아직 못다한 우리 얘긴 미뤄둘게 네가 없을지도 모르니 바쁜 계절처럼 우리 둘도 변해가겠지 소란스런 너와 나 기억만 두고 손을 잡을 만큼 따라나선 내 맘 말리려다 왠지 모를 슬픔이 가슴에 번져 언제부터 우린 서로를 바라봤을까 우린 여전히 친구일 뿐일까 내 마음이 들렸을까 내 마음도 너와 같단 걸 아직 못다한 우리 얘긴 어떻게 될까 내가 없다면 넌 어떻게 할까 네 마음 다 들리잖아 넌 날 위해 기다리겠지 내가 늦도록 멀리 떠난 빈자리도 그것마저 나인 것처럼 우린 그저 친구뿐일까
i find it annoying how Saeroyi told her to wait for him after all these years but ended up not even wanting her like bruhhhh don’t do that 🙄 she waited for u dude
The person we should be hating is Sae Ro Yi for consistently saying how he still liked Soo ah for 15 years uno!!!! Both Yi Seo an Soo ah are victims of this emotional torture in my opinion!! Us the viewers could easily tell that he did not like Soo ah anymore, my guy had achieved the purpose of being rich all he had to do was get Soo Ah to quit but he didn’t!
agree ...he giving a false hope for sooah by saying " you didnt wrong ,i still like you , he knows it, he knows about sooah ,but still people keep hating on sooah
His aim wasn’t to be rich but to destroy jangga family , he lived for that all these years and she knew that’s he wouldn’t chose her over his revenge from the beginning that’s why she couldn’t step forward to confirm her love for him she never said i love you to him as she knew she will be his second priority never the first , but I could never blame him they destroyed him and his life forever all i can say is that love just was in the wrong time , if he met her after he got his revenge maybe things could change drastically, they couldn’t make his character more realistic than this , also why did you expect him to sacrifice his revenge for his love but don’t expect sooah to sacrifice her career for him it’s not like she couldn’t find another job she didn’t do her part either
He was somehow awkward in expressing himself and he never himself was sure of his feelings so I think it was never his fault he went to yiseo when he was finally sure about his feelings while in Sooah case I think it was that he was never aware of what true love is .
@@ahmedahmedarshad7817 Thus the reason why he should've not told Soo Ah that he still likes her. Soo Ah was ready to let go but he promised her something that made Soo Ah hold into it until the end. Ughh my poor Soo Ah. The real victim.h
He just cant express his true feelings bcoz SRY was never been in a relationship..he was already inlove with yiseo but he doesnt knew. Soo Ah knows that SRY was already inlove with yiseo. And he didnt gave her false hope.Soo Ah is the one who thinks that SRY loves him. First love never dies but true love wins. Soo Ah is the one who always want the topic that SRY like him whenever she's with him and with Yiseo bcoz he knew at the very beginning that SRY is already inlove with Yiseo. Like is different from love. SRY didnt even mentioned in the drama that she loved Soo Ah but when Yiseo was in the hospital and was kidnapped, he realized that he likes and he loves Yiseo. Only that he realized it at the end. If you will watch it again, Soo Ah knows already that SRY was already inlove with Yiseo bcoz they were already attached to each other even if they were like just the boss and the employee. He was just confused bcoz of his excuses about his age, family or danbam issue and many more. And if my memory serves me right, Soo Ah was dumped already by Saeroyi a very long time ago before they created the IC, Inc. Maybe SRY just cant express his true flngs towards Soo Ah but Soo Ah is the one who thinks that her love for SRY may work but it didnt bcoz again, Yiseo existed already.
The moment I watched the first episode, I got a really bittersweet feeling already... The filter made everything so ordinary and happy, and I immediately got second lead feel from SooAh... I totally get her standpoint of taking care of herself first and being independent (something Saeroyi kept on telling her throughout the years) as she was an orphan, but I wouldn't say that she was just selfish. Well yes, she is selfish, but *who isn't* ? Saeroyi was selfish for focusing on his revenge rather than on SooAh and told her to wait for him until he brings JangGa down (I don't blame him though, he couldn't be happy until he did that), and YiSeo was selfish for relentlessly chasing Saeroyi and even hurting those around him because she didn't want him alone to suffer (though it is true it's because she cared so much and stayed directly by his side that she won his heart). Everyone was selfish, Saeroyi and YiSeo were just more heroic/romantic in their selfishness, and SooAh was just realistic in her selfishness, or I would rather call, independence (even though I wish I could find my true love and sacrifice everything for them as well but that's just unrealistic). Moreover, her joining JangGa was purely to bring them down with a big blow *despite the fact* that as a whistleblower she would have trouble finding another job and would lose the now-only stable thing in her life. She loved Mr. Park just as much as Saeroyi, and repaid him in her own, independent, way. I feel so bad that SooAh, after suffering so much from losing her fatherly like figure, waiting for Saeroyi for so long, enduring everything Chairman Jang forced her to do to Saeroyi, giving advice and being so caring for her rival YiSeo, is now not only abandoned by Saeroyi who broke his promise, but is also being bashed by so many people who don't understand her (thought people are quite split on the two female leads). I hate it more that people are praising YiSeo despite so many of her wrongdoings (don't get me wrong I love her too). I totally get why YiSeo and Saeroyi are together and I don't think that will change without changing a major part of the plot (that's just how the drama/comic is written and how the story goes), but I felt more chemistry and longing between SooAh and Saeroyi in their scenes, and SooAh definitely loved him as well (though she couldn't date him because she had to keep this revenge thing at JangGa a secret from Chairman Jang--even though I don't get why she couldn't have just told Saeroyi about her plan though I guess she's just very independent idk asdufhodisjf). Overall though, this is a drama about acceptance, about getting through hardships, and every single one of the characters were written so well that you could feel their pain and hardships, understand their perspectives and how they came to be who they are. Let's just hope they are all living happy and well in their world (justice for SooAh though QAQ).
Chờ đợi hơn 10 năm ko bằng người mới tới, chịu khổ, nén cảm xúc để có được bằng chứng phạm tội, mà giờ ko ai quan tâm, ai nói cô ấy thực dụng chỉ biết đến mình 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Sooah’s maybe pitiable but she also have stable love of Saeroyi, it’s rare. People can say Sooah is poor but in other way she has precious affection, I think.
Everyday I come back just to see this couple. And every time it made me realise "promise are made to be broken"💔. He shouldn't have given false hope for those many years.... Love is not blind , lover are.......indeed
RIP REPLAY BUTTON. It took me a while to realize how beautiful this song was. They crossed paths but not meant for each other. I hope Soo Ah to have peace in her heart in the end. Sml for Sondia too😭❤️
Abandoned by parents, living with poor status, want to become rich and up to class for her sake to survive in this society, be opposition from her crush, standing in front of a gun for her crush, losing important man, waiting for many years for that man to succeed in his revenge, and waiting for a promised that he gave her. Sooah did nothing wrong. She is just making her own life as a human. I felt so angry when yiseo said she don't know anything about seryo and told sooah that she is disgusted and selfish as she is likely waiting for seryo to do everything for her. Then who the fuck is the one told her to wait in a bus stop?
Tell me why why why???? They can’t be together??? Ten years of their relationship mean nothing happened to both of them??? Hopeless...sooah unnei fighting!!!
Shou ni chhuon I can feel you. I'd love to see her happy and loved as well. But I'm feeling we, who are suffering from this second-female-lead syndrome, will be heartbroken soon (next week?)
이태원 클라쓰 OST COVER EVENT 진행 중✨ (2/12~3/30)
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Dude, the thing is, subtitles should be in English if it's a Korean video, and vice-versa.
Los subtítulos a español? Me gusta itaewon class
りKゆと 梨泰院クラスですー
I seriously dont know why so many people hate Sooah, just because she works for jangga doesn’t mean she’s a bad person. Personally i think Sooah is a realistic person as she knows how harsh it is to survive in this ever-changing world and dares to sacrifice her love for her carreer. And I totally dont understand why people keep criticizing her, unamittedly she’s somehow too realistic but it’s undeniable that she’s a strong, tough girl. When she says she loved rich men this is what really motivates park se ro yi to become rich and when she keeps saying that she is the one who called the police, it shows how miserable she’s to try to make park se ro yi stops liking her, although she’ve loved him for 10 years. I love her imperturbability whenever facing yi seo and everything else. It doesn’t matter who will emd up with park sae ro yi, i just wish that Sooah could live a happy life as she deserves to be so.
Mình không cần SaeRoYi đến với SooAh. Mình chỉ mong biên kịch cho SooAh cps được hạnh phúc. Cả cuộc đời cô ấy sống trong đau khổ, phân vân, suy nghĩ, dằn vặt. Hy vọng đến cuối phim sẽ không còn vậy nữa !
i can't agree with you more, huhu, some one said that she was selfish, just think about her, but she really cares for Saeroyi through small actions, she practically does not show her direct support but always follow behind, before 14th ep, i just believe there will be a 15-year love among them, i don't like the way Saeroyi love someone, making her wait for 10 years and then said "i'm sorry" =.=
What you said is exactly what I want to say.I totally agree with you!
I don't care who will end up with who. I'm just care about soo ah.
I want her to be happy....
Shitty Reveluv :3 me too
Me too.
Same think. :3
Me too ...
Me too ❤️❤️❤️
나라 가면벗으면서 웃는표정 심장어택 지대로하네 하 너무 너무 이쁘다
그 장면보고 심쿵안한 남자없을듯
@@김은남-c4z 현재 차기작 대본리딩중 ㅎㅎ
응 너무이뻐
キャラなのか❓それとも持って生まれた才能なのか❓ クォンナラさんって スゴく難しい役をすんなり こなしてる様な❣️ 『私のおじさん』の時の役柄が忘れられない❣️
Which girl would stand in front of a bullet for a guy and waited for years. Please give her a good ending😭
She never dated anyone after Saeroyi left for 7 years.
idts. she's so confident that royi will like her even without commitment for so long. she knows that royi hates jagga co but still she works there.
She can accept Siri loveing Iso.
Just Yellow yes!
スアはパク部長が死んだ後ずっと長家に復讐するために自分が居たくないとこにわざわざ10年以上働きながら、また自分が好きな人にも知らせず一人で抱え込んできたのが本当に凄くてかわいそう でもセロイが言った通り気持ちはギブアンドテイクじゃないから
우린 친구뿐일까. 보통 홀로 짝사랑을 하는 사람이 쓰는 문장이죠.
새로이가 수아를 좋아하듯 수아도 새로이를 좋아하지만
어릴적 환경에 더불어 자신의 꿈을 쫒는 개인적인 성향이
강한지라 자신을 위해 사랑을 포기하는 방향을 추구합니다.
마치 과거 회상에서 우정을 포기하였듯이 말이죠.
그때 선생이 말했죠.
사과할 수 있는 '기회'는 많지 않다고.
수아는 그런 기회는 필요없다고 하며
이젠 홀로 쓸쓸히 하교길을 걷는 자신에게
꽃을 선물하곤 앞으로 자신을 사랑하길 다짐합니다.
사랑하고 싶지만 자라온 환경이, 열등감이
성공하고 싶다는 욕구가 사랑하려는 자신을 막는거죠.
앞으로의 전개가 어찌 진행될지 모르지만,
이미 수아는 새로이와는 다른 길을 걷고 있습니다.
자신을 위해 새로이에게 불리한 진술을 했고,
장가 지원금을 받고 대학을 다녔으며,
약 10년 동안 장가의 길을 걸어왔죠.
여전히 수아는 사랑하고 싶지만 자신을 위해,
사랑하길 포기하는 아이입니다.
자신이 제일 소중하니까요.
그렇게 그 모든 순간이 기회엿을 테지만, 10년동안
하나의 기회만을 택하던 수아가 이제야 자신의 꿈을 버리고
새로이의 기회를 택하기란.. 글쎄요.
우린 친구뿐일까라는 수아의 마음을 대변하는 내용은 어쩌면,
수아의 욕망 속 숨겨진 작은, 이룰 수 없는 바램을
표현하고 있는 것 같다는 생각이듭니다.
ㄹㅈㄷ네 ㅋㅋ 왜 안올려
이분 지리네;
@@user-shinjoowon 홀리몰리
근데 새로이가 그걸 다 받아 주고 이해해서 수아가 더 흔들리는 거 같아요
@@임수현-y5d 수아가 새로이 교도소 면회갔을 때 미안하다면서 장가가 지원해주겠다고 해서 그랬다고 말했는데 드라마에서 안나온 장면은 아닌듯
그냥 권나라님이 너무 예쁘다
진짜 인정.. 비현실적으로 예쁘심
ㅇㅇ.. 인형같긴한데 전 이서편ㅎ
권나라 지인짜 이쁘다.. 연기도 잘함..
이 드라마 보고 느낀건 사랑은 타이밍이며 용기내고 노력하는 사람이 쟁취한다는 것이다.. 수아랑 새로이 애틋하고 잘어울렸는데 ㅠ
이병규 수아겠죠 새로이는 어렸을때부터 수아를 좋아했는데 그 마음을 계속 유지하다가 이서가 나타난거고 수아는 뒤 늦게 새로이를 좋아했던 느낌
둘이 어쩔 수없는 찐사랑인듯
새로이 수아 응원해본다ㅠㅠㅜ
저도요 수아로이 ㅠㅠ
나도 무적권
정말 그대로 가면 나같은원작충이 가만있을까? ㅎㅎ
@@2a1a83 무조건임
@@내엉덩이 어우;
박서준 쌈 마이웨이 부터 드라마 나오는거 다 보고 있다 진짜 연기가 점점 발전하는거 같다 너무 좋다
청년경찰에서 부터 알았는데 짱임
한국드라마는 사극만 보는데 박서준 로코는 다 재미있어서 챙겨보내요
팬은아니지만 금뚝딱때부터 연기잘했던 ㅋ 철부지재벌역 ㅎ
그 장가 회장이 전허ㅏ해서 표정 바뀌는거 보고 소름돋음ㅁ;;
나만 드림하이 때부터 봤나 서준이형 연기 너무 잘함
Sooah character is showing what reality is it's not easy to survive in this world. From the day we start breathing we start facing challenges until we die and as a Normal human no one will be so mad in love to sacrifice career and education for others when you have no clear future and no guardian or support you will obviously go for scholarships and support.We all have to make decisions and not all of our decisions are making others happy at times we have to go selfish and Yes we all do have guilt for something and we all make mistakes.I don't why people who are criticizing Sooah character are unable to think from reality point of view like her decision to accept scholarship like what will you do if you are an orphan like will seoroyi be happily living in prison if Sooah would be suffering or what difference is Sooah decision making to him.He would still be taking revenge even if Sooah was not in jangga.I think people are seeing her as yiseo opponent as seoroyi love Sooah as well people are not so regular in seeing such realistic character.Life is full of obstacles and not everyone is strong ,kindhearted,sticking to rules person like seoroyi is shown even he himself had to go through pain he had to suffer lose of his father and had to face pain which I think will never be healed like I am not saying he was wrong but it's just there are few people like him and more people like Sooah in this world.
Her happy ending is to feel relieved as it's quite obvious yiseo is meant to be with seoroyi I just want Sooah happy.
I agree with you, please don't hate sooah character
Ahmed Ahmed Arshad i am totally agree with u! She is relatable..
I agree with you
One thing is not being risky or kindhearted, or Even being kind of selfish...but someone who works for the man who killed the one who helped you all your life (seo royi's dad) is being a bad person. Yes there might be more people like her but it doesnt mean is good
@@julietagomez6021 you know we all have to make such choices at time and then when I am saying realistic character it means in reality not everyone is kinder or sacrificing for others like in dramas. Secondly she feels guilty too and that's why she wants seoroyi to end things and that choice is going to make her suffer in future too as she loves seoroyi deep inside and seeing him with someone will make her sad but you know such choices are harder to make for some reason either you can care about feelings or you can waste your life suffering and suffering to such point where you can't resist harshness of this world and No more care about feelings and everything in your life seems without any reason . YOU HAVE TO PAY SOME PRICE FOR EVERY DECISION AND CHOICE YOU MAKE IN LIFE.☺☺I hope I was not rude but this is what I think life is about.At times you also choose your heart💓 too. IT DEPENDS.☺☺
그냥 친구로 있을 걸
그럼 지금처럼 널 잃지 않을 수 있었잖아
너가 날 상종도 안 할 일은.. 없었잖아
너무해… 정말 너무하다 너
이건 ㄹㅇ 새로이수아노래 새로이랑 수아둘이있을때 새로이가 울컥하는말할때 수아마음을 가장 잘표현해줌....
이 드라마는 수아역에 권나라가 미스캐스팅이다
이태원클라쓰는 수아는 ㅅ년에 이서의 사이다가 있어야되는데 권나라 우수에찬 눈만 보면 수아를 응원하게 된다 ㅜㅜ
진짜 수아 인생을 노래로 만든것 같다ㅠㅠ
나저씨때부터 믿고듣는 손디아님 ost...
쌉 ㅇㅈ
새로이 수아 제발 이루어지길 ㅠ
나도 제발ㅠㅠ
이 드라마는 내가 처음으로 본 한국 드라마다.
me too
권나라 진짜 너무 예쁨 .....
Hope a happy ending for soo ah, even I know she is not a main lead, but her character is so real,...
wait, what ? so sooah is not the lead female character?
she is. she has a huge impact in the story esp the main character's life
In the original story, leesa marries with seroi
@@LebronJames-y8j who's leesa?
난개인적으로 이노래가 제일 와닿는다 진짜좋다노래
I badly want them to end up together. Sooah is the one why Saeroyi did not lose hope in jail and her letter gave Saeroyi the idea to start a pub in Itaewon to make his revenge at Jangga Corp. Hays.. Second lead syndrome indeed.
but she's also the one who told jangga corp about danbam in the first place? and was about to call the police on them? I really don't understadn why people like her, but that's just me
and i really don't like it when saeroyi talks about his future plans about danbam while the person who works for the enemy is standing right there.
but I just need some time to like sooah
Hokage guy Soo-ah didnt call the police, Yi-seo’s old friend did
@@nekomanmaaaaaaa I know, I wrote "was about to call the police"
Hokage guy she was just doing her job and Saeroyi understand that. She was torn between Saeroyi and Jangga Corp who help her. I like her character maybe because it’s more realistic and I understand her side. Her mom left her and the one who was close and supported her which is Saeroyi father died. Saeroyi was in jail. I understand her because she was doing that to survive. Let’s just say that she choose Saeroyi do you think Geun Wons father will let Saeroyi becomes successful and will not harm him? I think she was just silently protecting Saeroyi. He loves Saeroyi but circumstances will not let them. That’s just my pov about Sooah.
와....진짜.....수아야.....너무 슬퍼ㅠㅠ
솔찍히 새로이는 수아랑 잘 어울렸어.
마자.. 새로이가 바보같이 해서 못이루워졌는데 바보같은짓해서 성공했지..
새로이 잘못아님 수아가 질질끌어서 못이루어진거지 마음이 흔들리기전에 고백했을때 잡았어야지 간만보니까 결국 마음이 딴여자한태 흔들리지 ...
@@c.h7558 고백했는데 새로이가 깠잖아
@@고가음 그때도 이미 늦었었지
i ship soo ah for sae ro yi so hard, but last night's ep (ep 13) breaks my heart. i understand why sae ro yi's heart has changed, but let's see how soo ah's heart for him still doesn't change for many years. now, i wish for soo ah's happy ending only. writer-nim, please let me oh see soo ah's bright smile in the end. she's my fav character.
When you watch ep15, it will be clearer :) . SA is still waiting for PSR quit her. In the end, she did herself :)
@@hongtuantrang1701 ikr :) even sooah made jangga down with her own hands, she's way too good for saeroyi lol
How is it now? Hahaha
난 수아로이 커플이 좋았어.. 둘이 가지고있는 배경도 애틋한 감정같은게 둘이 잘돼길 바랬는데.. 아쉽 원작도 봤지만 이서 보단 수아가 좋았음 나는.. 현실적이여서 그런가
저두요...전기간동안 수아가 현실적여보여서 더 마음이 가더라구요...
그런데 사실 수아는 정말 이서 말대로 아무 것도 하지않고 반면에 이서는 그 옆에서 박세로이를 도왔죠. 그래서 어울려야 하는 사람은 이서일거 같아요. 제 생각입니다. 여러분들의 생각도 궁금해요!!
@@rjw8679 그렇기도 하네요... 하긴 수아는 환경이 좋지 않았고 이서는 수아에 비하면 환경이 좋았지요. 그런데 사실 수아는 꿋꿋하게 새로이의 원수기업에 다니고 있었죠. 반면에 이서는 자신의 대학도 때려치고 자신의 인생을 걸겠다며 자신의 능력을 쏟아부어서 세로이를 성공시키게해준 가장큰 영향을 끼친 인물이죠. 저도 수아는 사실 새로이의 행복을 중요하게 생각했다고 생각합니다. 새로이를 원하는거였다면 이서가 새로이와 사귄다고 했을때 화가 낫겠지요. 수아는 새로이를 원한게 아닌 새로이가 행복해지길 바란거죠. 수아는 옛부터 새로이에게 마음이 사실 정말 1도 없었다고 생각해요. 사실 1도 없다고 하면 이상한데 마음이 있다면 새로이의 아버지와 친분으로 이어진 마음? 그런거죠. 수아는 그럼에도 불구하고 장근원에게 새로이를 좋아한다고 했죠. 그건 새로이를 좋아하는게 아니라 좋아해지길 바랬던거 같애요. 그게 가장 편하니까요. 새로이의 아버지께 빚(나중에 3배로 갚겠다고한 빚)이있고 새로이는 수아를 좋아한다고 여러번 말했고 장근원을 떼어내고 싶어했기 때문에 결국에는 가장 편한 방법은 새로이를 좋아하고 싶어한거죠.
제 말은 사랑하는 정도의 크기는 비교하기 어렵지만 그래도 비교해보자면 이서가 수아보단 크다고 생각해요. 수아가 정말 새로이를 나중에라도 좋아하게 된다면, 사랑하게 된다면, 박보검이 셰프로 왔을때 바로 사랑에 빠지게 될까요?
+이것도 저의 지극히 주관적인 생각이에요! 이전 글에 답변 주셔서 감사해요^^
수아는 새로이 학교짤리고 감옥가고
원양어선 탈때도 항상 곁에 있었죠
조이서는 어쨌건 새로이를
사장때 만났구요 조이서가
박새로이 감방가고 원양어선
탈때만났으면 과연 좋아했을까
무슨 ost가 다좋냐
Sooah definitely the ideal type as a girlfriend. Elegant yet endured. She has actually done so much for Saeroyi is the one who actually broke their promises
Her character is the realest one in this drama. I hope she gets a good ending.
I really like her, I just don't want her to end up with Park Saeroyi, in my opinion that's not her happy ending, her happy ending is finally coming at peace with herself and realising she doesn't need anyone to free her. Free yourself queen! You are so strong and have gone through a lot! You can do it!
Yes exactly
I also don't want her to end up with our saeroyi, but hope her to have a happy ending
Saeroyi betrayed in my opinion
And finally She meet someone better 👍
아 진짜 sondia너무 좋아 진짜 sondia너무 좋아진짜 sondia너무 좋아
bài hát mà làm tôi nhớ đến cô ấy khi nghe lại
나만 간절히 수아새로이를 바라는줄 알았는데 여기 그래도 꽤 계시내요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ둘이 넘 애틋하쟈나ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
gpdrhfh 수아 새로이 제발 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 잘된ㅅ으면
저도 ㅠㅠ
로꾸거 응 아니야
권나라 사랑해~♡
웹툰에서 미성년자 신고하는 장면이나 그런거에서 수아가 너무 매정하게 나오는데, 드라마에서 추가 된 장면으로 수아가 굉장히 외롭고 애잔한 캐릭터가 되어 가는듯.. 불쌍하다..
ㄹㅇ 웹툰에선 그냥 썅년이였는데 드라마에선 홀로서기위해 고군분투하면서 갈피못잡는 애잔한 캐릭터가 되버려서 미워할수가 없음ㅜㅜ
원작자님이 캐릭터 설정 다시한거 진짜 잘된듯함
@@제1부화스트페이스 확실히 광진님이 제작에 직접 참여를 하시니까 조금씩 추가되는 장면들이 뜬금 없는 내용이 아니라 좋네요. 제일 아쉬웠던건 장근수 캐릭터 옥상에서 '조오오오오올ㄹ라 힘드네요' 하고 우는 장면 안나온거 하나 정도..
@@choi_uz 전 이서가 술집에서 만난 남자 후두려패는장면이 아쉬웠어요ㅜㅜ개인적으로 그장면이 좋았던건 이서가 자기힘으로는 도저히 해결할수없는 일에 처음으로 휘말리게되고 그걸 새로이가 해결해주면서 새로이에게 깊게 빠지게되는 계기가 됐다고 생각했는데 이서가 남자를 너무 손쉽게 후두려팸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@@제1부화스트페이스 한번 매치기는 했는데, 결국 화장실에 몰려서 크게 의미없지 싶었어용
@@제1부화스트페이스 그때 결국에 화장실에서 잡혀서 새로이 없었으면 진짜 개맞았을 위기였음
나도 근데 이제막 20살이기 때문에 그 사회의 무서움을 표정으로 더 연기해줬으면 하는 아쉬움이 있음
드라마가 오지면 ost도 오지는듯
ㅇㅈ 호텔델루나 도깨비 등등 미친것들 있음
시청률이 좋으면 보통 ost도 좋죠
꽃보다남자 시크릿가든 태양의후예 등등
I really love Soo Ah and I want her and Saeroyi to end up together. I didn’t finish itaewon class because I know it won’t happen
Yiseo makes Saeroyi rich, while Sooah just wait for Saeroyi to be rich. You funny haha
Imam Abdurasyid excuse me, she’s the one who spilled jangga’s dirty secrets. And I’m not asking for ur opinion🤧
lmao that's the reason i didn't completed this drama
Me too😭😭😭
권나라 진짜이쁘다
손디아님이 부른 OST는 진짜 다좋은듯..
나의 아저씨 에서도 "어른"이라는 OST..부터 진짜 가슴을 울리는 가사들 뿐 ㅜㅜ..
와 진짜 sondia님 곡 하나로도 너무 행복했는데 두곡을 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 여러분
Sondia-어른 꼭 들어주세요 정말 좋아요 제가 제일 좋아하는 노래!!
I love you Soo Ah from thailand🇹🇭🇹🇭🇹🇭
I feel so bad for soo ah . In ep 14 all saeroyi cares is yiseo and how he only thinks about yiseo after the crash , what about soo ah who stood in front of a gun and waited for you for 15 years
Yesss ,, i hatee saeroyiii
yiseo pursued saeyori so ah just waited
Yiseo is like the alas of saeroyi imagine without her? can saeroyi achieve his success? she is the one who bet her life to make saeroyi dreams come true she is smart and badass and will do anything for saeroyi. But look at soo ah she is just waiting and she told saeroyi one time that he just need to give up and be happy with her. Soo ah depend on saeroyi because she knows no matter what she do he will like him.
I wanted them to stay together since the first episodes 😭😭😭
사랑 is 타이밍이구나~~~!!
왠지모르게 그냥 박서준만 보면 인상이 너무 좋아서 기분이 좋아짐
나라 누님 항상 예쁘십니다
I love Nara and Seo Joon chemistry 😍😍😍💞 but She's just second lead 😭
Kwon Na-ra is such a great actress 😩🥰🥰
진짜 좋다. 목소리가 너무 마음을 편하게 하네요. 새로이와 수아 테마에 딱이네요.
수아도 알고보면 참 안쓰러운 캐릭터죠
너를 생각하면 내 가슴은 붉게 물들어
전에 없던 버릇이 생긴 것처럼
약속이라 하긴 조금 이른 서로 다른 믿음
알 수 없는 네 맘이 걱정되나 봐
네가 웃을 때면 몰래 내 맘을 빌어
다신 세상에 다치지 말라고
내 마음이 들렸을까
내 마음도 너와 같단 걸
아직 못다한 우리 얘긴 미뤄둘게
네가 없을지도 모르니
바쁜 계절처럼 우리 둘도 변해가겠지
소란스런 너와 나 기억만 두고
손을 잡을 만큼 따라나선 내 맘 말리려다
왠지 모를 슬픔이 가슴에 번져
언제부터 우린 서로를 바라봤을까
우린 여전히 친구일 뿐일까
내 마음이 들렸을까
내 마음도 너와 같단 걸
아직 못다한 우리 얘긴 어떻게 될까
내가 없다면 넌 어떻게 할까
네 마음 다 들리잖아
넌 날 위해 기다리겠지
내가 늦도록 멀리 떠난 빈자리도
그것마저 나인 것처럼
우린 그저 친구뿐일까
i find it annoying how Saeroyi told her to wait for him after all these years but ended up not even wanting her like bruhhhh don’t do that 🙄 she waited for u dude
💯 💯 💯!
Totally agree
Yeah damn that ro yi bastard revenge nut
isnt the other way around? hes the one that waited for her to accept him
gluck tle yeah I agree
The person we should be hating is Sae Ro Yi for consistently saying how he still liked Soo ah for 15 years uno!!!! Both Yi Seo an Soo ah are victims of this emotional torture in my opinion!! Us the viewers could easily tell that he did not like Soo ah anymore, my guy had achieved the purpose of being rich all he had to do was get Soo Ah to quit but he didn’t!
agree ...he giving a false hope for sooah by saying " you didnt wrong ,i still like you , he knows it, he knows about sooah ,but still people keep hating on sooah
His aim wasn’t to be rich but to destroy jangga family , he lived for that all these years and she knew that’s he wouldn’t chose her over his revenge from the beginning that’s why she couldn’t step forward to confirm her love for him she never said i love you to him as she knew she will be his second priority never the first , but I could never blame him they destroyed him and his life forever all i can say is that love just was in the wrong time , if he met her after he got his revenge maybe things could change drastically, they couldn’t make his character more realistic than this , also why did you expect him to sacrifice his revenge for his love but don’t expect sooah to sacrifice her career for him it’s not like she couldn’t find another job she didn’t do her part either
He was somehow awkward in expressing himself and he never himself was sure of his feelings so I think it was never his fault he went to yiseo when he was finally sure about his feelings while in Sooah case I think it was that he was never aware of what true love is .
@@ahmedahmedarshad7817 Thus the reason why he should've not told Soo Ah that he still likes her. Soo Ah was ready to let go but he promised her something that made Soo Ah hold into it until the end. Ughh my poor Soo Ah. The real victim.h
He just cant express his true feelings bcoz SRY was never been in a relationship..he was already inlove with yiseo but he doesnt knew. Soo Ah knows that SRY was already inlove with yiseo. And he didnt gave her false hope.Soo Ah is the one who thinks that SRY loves him. First love never dies but true love wins. Soo Ah is the one who always want the topic that SRY like him whenever she's with him and with Yiseo bcoz he knew at the very beginning that SRY is already inlove with Yiseo. Like is different from love. SRY didnt even mentioned in the drama that she loved Soo Ah but when Yiseo was in the hospital and was kidnapped, he realized that he likes and he loves Yiseo. Only that he realized it at the end. If you will watch it again, Soo Ah knows already that SRY was already inlove with Yiseo bcoz they were already attached to each other even if they were like just the boss and the employee. He was just confused bcoz of his excuses about his age, family or danbam issue and many more. And if my memory serves me right, Soo Ah was dumped already by Saeroyi a very long time ago before they created the IC, Inc. Maybe SRY just cant express his true flngs towards Soo Ah but Soo Ah is the one who thinks that her love for SRY may work but it didnt bcoz again, Yiseo existed already.
진짜 권나라 외모가 화려하다
The moment I watched the first episode, I got a really bittersweet feeling already... The filter made everything so ordinary and happy, and I immediately got second lead feel from SooAh... I totally get her standpoint of taking care of herself first and being independent (something Saeroyi kept on telling her throughout the years) as she was an orphan, but I wouldn't say that she was just selfish. Well yes, she is selfish, but *who isn't* ? Saeroyi was selfish for focusing on his revenge rather than on SooAh and told her to wait for him until he brings JangGa down (I don't blame him though, he couldn't be happy until he did that), and YiSeo was selfish for relentlessly chasing Saeroyi and even hurting those around him because she didn't want him alone to suffer (though it is true it's because she cared so much and stayed directly by his side that she won his heart). Everyone was selfish, Saeroyi and YiSeo were just more heroic/romantic in their selfishness, and SooAh was just realistic in her selfishness, or I would rather call, independence (even though I wish I could find my true love and sacrifice everything for them as well but that's just unrealistic). Moreover, her joining JangGa was purely to bring them down with a big blow *despite the fact* that as a whistleblower she would have trouble finding another job and would lose the now-only stable thing in her life. She loved Mr. Park just as much as Saeroyi, and repaid him in her own, independent, way. I feel so bad that SooAh, after suffering so much from losing her fatherly like figure, waiting for Saeroyi for so long, enduring everything Chairman Jang forced her to do to Saeroyi, giving advice and being so caring for her rival YiSeo, is now not only abandoned by Saeroyi who broke his promise, but is also being bashed by so many people who don't understand her (thought people are quite split on the two female leads). I hate it more that people are praising YiSeo despite so many of her wrongdoings (don't get me wrong I love her too). I totally get why YiSeo and Saeroyi are together and I don't think that will change without changing a major part of the plot (that's just how the drama/comic is written and how the story goes), but I felt more chemistry and longing between SooAh and Saeroyi in their scenes, and SooAh definitely loved him as well (though she couldn't date him because she had to keep this revenge thing at JangGa a secret from Chairman Jang--even though I don't get why she couldn't have just told Saeroyi about her plan though I guess she's just very independent idk asdufhodisjf). Overall though, this is a drama about acceptance, about getting through hardships, and every single one of the characters were written so well that you could feel their pain and hardships, understand their perspectives and how they came to be who they are. Let's just hope they are all living happy and well in their world (justice for SooAh though QAQ).
Oh Soo ah deserves a good ending. Support her forever!
me too
진짜 아직도 후유증 ... 수아는 새로이 좋아하면서
고백을 기다렸지만 백수만들길 기다렸지만 ㅠㅠㅠ
그럼 백수만들어준다는건 구라임?
원작을 봐서 결말을 알지만
난 오수아랑 새로이가 더 좋았음 드라마에선.
만화에선 새로이랑 갑자기 생각안나...흰머리 단발 이쁘니
비행마려워센스형 이서
My most favorite Korean Drama ever
Chờ đợi hơn 10 năm ko bằng người mới tới, chịu khổ, nén cảm xúc để có được bằng chứng phạm tội, mà giờ ko ai quan tâm, ai nói cô ấy thực dụng chỉ biết đến mình 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Soo ah best girl, idc what anyone else says.
No matter what she decide to do at the end, "love yourself" is never wrong,
I really do love Sondia’s voice.
Sae ro yi proves that "promises are meant to be broken" she promise soo ah but he end up falling inlove with other girl. Soo ah deserve everything ❤️
ay cok güzeldi bitirdim aglicam boşlukta hissediyorum
이렇게 이쁠수 있구나
She is beautiful Soo ah
Soo Ah deserves to be happy 😢 hope she finds the one who truly love her
I think park bo gum( the new chef ) cameo was directing her happy ending with him.
Ahmed Ahmed Arshad it’s just an open ending to serve the fans. Anw it’s also good when she find a new man🥺
이태원클라스또 코로나와 함께했다 진짜 내가 본 드라마중에 제일 좋았던 드라마가 도깨비였는데 그걸 뛰어넘었다 그립다 벌써
4개월전이라니 시간 진짜 빠르네 고1인데 ㅠ
I like that this video is dedicated to Soo Ah and Sae Ro Yi ❤
노래들으며 진짜 울었다
Sooah’s maybe pitiable but she also have stable love of Saeroyi, it’s rare. People can say Sooah is poor but in other way she has precious affection, I think.
It's so sad but i really love sooah and saeroyi is couple
Everyday I come back just to see this couple.
And every time it made me realise "promise are made to be broken"💔.
He shouldn't have given false hope for those many years....
Love is not blind , lover are.......indeed
Nara's acting in this drama was beautiful
RIP REPLAY BUTTON. It took me a while to realize how beautiful this song was. They crossed paths but not meant for each other. I hope Soo Ah to have peace in her heart in the end. Sml for Sondia too😭❤️
They're so good together ☹️
권나라 진짜 이쁘시네 ㅋㅋㅋ
잘 어울리는데 ㅠㅠ 드라마 맴찢 시켜버리는듯 ㅠㅠ
OST랑 뮤비도 넘 잘어울리고...
또 권나라 박서준 닮은듯 뭔가 최강 커플이고.. 드라마랑도 잘 어울리고 훈훈하고ㅠ ㅎ
Abandoned by parents, living with poor status, want to become rich and up to class for her sake to survive in this society, be opposition from her crush, standing in front of a gun for her crush, losing important man, waiting for many years for that man to succeed in his revenge, and waiting for a promised that he gave her.
Sooah did nothing wrong. She is just making her own life as a human.
I felt so angry when yiseo said she don't know anything about seryo and told sooah that she is disgusted and selfish as she is likely waiting for seryo to do everything for her. Then who the fuck is the one told her to wait in a bus stop?
Agree with you 💯
I agreed but maybe seroyi always say that its okey to what ever she does to him. In reality seroyi already hurt when she brought a flower for them.
Tell me why why why???? They can’t be together??? Ten years of their relationship mean nothing happened to both of them??? Hopeless...sooah unnei fighting!!!
Shou ni chhuon I can feel you. I'd love to see her happy and loved as well. But I'm feeling we, who are suffering from this second-female-lead syndrome, will be heartbroken soon (next week?)
aubree nguyen yes , I know 😓 and thanks for your comment🙂
take it easy girl
우파늑대개 ☺️