These kind of historic events bring so much perspective about the world we live in. I didn’t know about the genocide in Cambodia. Somehow the Holocaust came in my mind. When you get to Eastern Europe, maybe you can visit the Jewish memorial cemetery in Poland. So heart breaking to see so many new born babies buried… Some humans are so cruel, evil, pure evil😔
저도 뚜어슬랭 갔다오고나서 이틀간 기분이 우울했습니다..다 같은 느낌이 들겁니다
그러니까요... 너무 마음 아파요 😢
These kind of historic events bring so much perspective about the world we live in. I didn’t know about the genocide in Cambodia. Somehow the Holocaust came in my mind. When you get to Eastern Europe, maybe you can visit the Jewish memorial cemetery in Poland. So heart breaking to see so many new born babies buried… Some humans are so cruel, evil, pure evil😔
Yes you are right. In the world, There are few devils as humans. It was so bad story😭😭😭