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What about bi- male who are with female bi can they marry? Or straight man with a bi woman can they marry? And if they are Christian and one is bi can they marry?
You are brave. Please don’t ever get discouraged, because you are so encouraging to so many of us. I pray for you, I really do. Stay strong! A lot of people respect you and care for you very much and the ministry in which you are walking!
Interesting. In Russian "Pedaras" means homosexual as well. It is useless to use non-source languages to clarify Biblical passages/ideas. So much smoke is thrown in our eyes! Thank you for shedding light on this issue.
God is using you! Stay strong in the battle! I’m praying for you! And as God continues to use you as His vessel, I’m praying and believing that He will divinely lead so many to this channel! Both born again believers and the unsaved! Open our eyes Lord! Continue in the work you have been called to and continue to bring Him glory!
This was simply brilliant. I remember well the day I sat in a cafe with a Lesbian friend who told me those same arguments about the translation of homosexual. She had attended Wheaton University and sadly, it was there that she was exposed to liberal "Christians" who had decided that being gay/lesbian was okay. Why are there so FEW truth tellers like you Becket? I guess it is because the way is narrow that leads to life and broad that leads to destruction. You are in my prayers.
"Why are there so FEW truth tellers like you, Becket?" It could be that it takes a special person to be a witness to those in this lifestyle. For instance, my weight struggle is not going to be "helped" by an always-skinny person telling me I just need to eat less and move more blah blah blah because I know they've never experienced my daily temptations. In like manner, I doubt any same-sex-attracted person would believe I could have anything to say to them since I've never dealt with that particular sin. Becket has a special "mission field" for his testimony and I believe God is using him to bless many.
Yes I agree. My daughter presented me this find mainly because she wants to challenge the Bible. She said it’s referring to young boys only pedophilia. She is practicing gay lesbian. Please pray for her. Pray for her redemption.
There are all sorts of "clobber passages" that can be proof texted on various issues that gore people's oxes. It's all a matter of interpretation. There are clobber passages that suggest the Bible is pro-slavery.
The only scripture that all encapsulates Father God’s intentions with unmistakeable clarity is Jesus 2 greatest commandments. All that God is and all that God desires is love. It isn’t some complex concept but a simplicity in application that doesn’t require a biblical scholarship to understand. The message of love is a language and concept understood by all cultures in varying degrees. So if a gay couple can fulfil God’s requirements of love then men need to be careful. We demonstrate our love for God, through our love for others. Just to address your point further on multiplying based on your concept of acceptable appropriate markers of marriage. There are many couples who marry but decide not to have children despite being able to conceive. There are couples who marry but one of the partners is unable to give children due to medical reasons so remain baron. There are individuals who choose to remain single. Are they considered unGodly based on their failure to be fruitful and multiple? You see looking at Jesus Great words brings all into perspective and unravels the true meaning of God’s word and interpretation.
Your concise explanation of Greek and Hebrew speaks to me. Not everyone has your knowledge of Scripture. Thank you for your willingness to help the lost.
"It's just amazing to me to what lengths people would go to somehow, someway justify SIN. This is not some crazy mystery! The biblical sexual ethic is so clear from the beginning of the Bible to the end." Thank you! This resonated with me so much! Please let's pray for one another in these very dark times. Thank you Becket! God bless you :-) You speak with such conviction! "The christian life is about dying to ourselves" Beautiful!
And in this case “lying to yourselves”. The scholarship showing the TRUTH that homosexuality is NOT a sin is factual and undeniable. You are just too attached to your homophobia to accept it.
Most so called sins are clearly bad because of how they effect others. Two men having hot sex harms no one. Calling it immoral is the same as calling it bad but no one can explain what's bad about it. The human race doesn't have to worry about extinction anymore and from what I can tell child birth is a punishment to all women for eve eating the apple...now that sounds bad.
Wow! Such illumination on this! I hope my young adult child will watch this episode and your last episode and deprogram herself from what she is being force fed by universities.
The question still stands, what about intersex people? Yes, they make up a very small percentage of the population, but they exist and we, as Christians, need to know how to address them and their concerns.
@@ozzyb6595 i’ve heard from other Catholics that they have their own Bible I guess and so some of the scriptures that are in the original holy Bible text are not in their Bible💁♀️ is that true?
@@Narrowpath0325 oh I’m not 100% certain. I thought you referred to Sola Scriptura. Which is what all Catholics are against. They don’t believe that the Holy Bible is the only authority. They do have other books, but I’d be foolish to say I know anything about them.
I met Ed at the Q Christian conference in 2019 and listened to the seminar on their research. I couldn't help think many of the same things you saud. But what is key is that sexual orientation as an immutable identity is itself the social construct created in the 1860s. Prior to that, people accepted that sexual behaviours of all kinds happen but no one labeled themselves solely by their sexual orientation. In other words, the Bible doesn't need to use the word "homosexual" to state God's command that any sexual behaviour outside of an opposite-sex marriage, is wrong.
There is only two places to go for truth, to Jesus or to the Word of God. Turns out those are one in the same. Jesus - name above all names. Well done sir!
Very well done on “watered down preaching” also known as false teachers. “Hey you SITTING IN THE PEW, I NEVER KNEW YOU!” Thank you Becket for not holding back. Sacrifices must be made to die to oneself! Praising the LORD for you✝️
This teaching, together with the one before, make God’s heart so very clear. He will not tolerate sin, any sin. We must never seek to justify what Christ died for! Thank you, Becket, for holding so fast to the Word of Truth!❤
Very spot-on. I've seen a lot street-preachers get bombarded on this specific topic. I wish had a mini pamphlet or a cliffs notes version on how to explain the most frequent asked questions about homosexuality. I needed a video like this, thanks for researching and breaking it down. It helps a lot. Great video! ✝️ BTW, that is a very blue shirt you're wearing my friend, your eyes are poppin'! Praise God ✨ 🤗 💙
You were saved by you're mother's constant prayer and the visit to the coffee house meeting Christians you are really an inspiration to so many people.
It’s all so bizarre and wicked and the “lengths” people will go to justify their sin. Even to the point they simply deny the Bible as the Word. God bless you, Beckett. You’re so brave. What a wonderful discussion. Makes me wish we were sitting across a table studying God’s Word. But this channel will do. :) 🙏🏻
Yep… justifying the sin of heresy and calling Jesus a liar. The church doesn’t see the pole that is sticking out of its eyeball… Jesus didn’t come to condemn, but to save .. meanwhile all of you are condemning everyone around you instead of looking inwardly to see what you are missing. Do you actually believe in John 3:16.. which includes whosoever… all who believe… which includes LGBTQ people… wow .. plot twist. There will be plenty of LGBTQ people in heaven with their Father who they love. I wonder how many heretics will end up in hell because they never truly believed in what Jesus did for them and decided to be so self-righteous and do their own works 😮
@Becket Cook. Please send me a link or any information as to where I can get a HEBREW and LATIN translation of Bible. Ty so much. Where do I get BDAG also.
As a married, heterosexual conservative on-fire believer for 30+ years (who wasn't looking for deconstruction but ultimately discovered it come to my doorstep and could not ignore it), I very much understand the need to avoid reading things into the Scriptures that are not the author's original intent (aka "eisegesis", as no doubt you are aware). That being said, when it comes to the Hebrew OT Scriptures, I also generally try to bear in mind that much of what has been used for Hebrew source text to create our Protestant Old Testament is the Masoretic Hebrew text. This is important to consider, because those writings weren't even started until several centuries AFTER the days of Jesus and Paul. (They were done partly from a desire to recapture a key part of the Hebrew tradition that, had they not done that, might have been lost. The fact that we have them is obviously very valuable, but again, it creates a problem when we try to talk about controversial topics like this, because they're not as old as the Septuagint, and thus aren't as close to the time of Christ and the apostles, which, as a seminary grad would know, is a key factor in determining the level of authority to assign to a set of writings). Non-Protestant leaning biblical scholars would attest that, when Jesus and Paul would read or reference the Scriptures used by the Jews in their time, it would have been from the Septuagint. And they would say this because findings indicate, as it turns out, that much of the Hebrew population that lived during the writing/completion of the Septuagint, COULD NOT READ OR WRITE HEBREW at that time as one of the effects of Greek Hellenization. We talk about reading things into the texts, and the need to avoid this. I wholeheartedly agree. That said, there are examples uncovered by reputable biblical scholars and historians supporting the idea that human constructs assigned to God around our understanding of His nature (big fancy phrase for ideas about God that didn't come from God) have crept into the text. It's why much of the church outside of Protestantism does not hold to the ideas that the Scriptures are inerrant and/or infallible. (As a relevant aside, for the person reading this, thinking, "well, that's heresy", here's some food for thought... If I believe something, and another person presents compelling support for why they believe differently regarding that thing (and there are entire books out there that do, in fact, do that), for me to then default to calling it "heresy" based on what "I" believe to be correct carries the potential that I could leaning on my own understanding to make a judgment call, which Solomon shared is not the way we should be operating (Prov 3:5,6). Wisdom says we should trust God and hold our beliefs loosely, even if think we understand things well, including those we have to come to cherish (in fact, the "cherished" ones could be the very ones that need to be challenged - my own recent journey has proved that out to be the case). I believe that our own decisions as a Western society over the last few centuries not to heed the wisdom Solomon gave us there, is why we have 50k denominations in the Christian world, and predominantly within Protestantism, for that matter. So, don't come at me with the heresy card.) Also, it should be pointed out that, after the word "homosexual" was introduced in the 1946 RSV, the translation team later decided to replace the word "homosexual" with the phrase "sexual pervert" in the 1971 RSV, following a concern raised by a seminary student that it might later used as a "sacred weapon". (Irrespective of what Paul's intended meaning was in the passages described in this video, it cannot be denied that we have a significant societal issue in which a number of individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ have been bullied and otherwise treated poorly in society (In light of 1 Cor 13, this poor treatment cannot be justified). It seems to give credence to the concern raised following the introduction of the word "homosexual" in the 1946 RSV. I am not necessarily arguing for or against the idea that homosexual practices are sin with this comment. I am merely calling out some findings and historical items of note that I believe should be further investigated if not already done. Having admittedly not yet seen the previous video (but I do plan to do so), I'm curious whether the findings in Kathy Baldock's "Walking the Bridgeless Canyon" have been reviewed and considered before making this video. (I do understand that we must avoid pushing agendas when studying these texts - that is exactly the kind of thing that results in "eisegesis" after all; that said, it could be argued that the reason we have nearly 50k Christian denominations is because of differences over what "the Bible clearly says", which is, IMO, the result of people arguing from either side of the aisle for their own respective eisegetical interpretations. Eisegesis can be done either intentionally (which is nefarious and is the stuff of cultish tendencies) or unintentionally (which is simply human fallibility)... let's not forget that).
Most of my family, including my mother who raised me to take the Bible at face value, now believes that homosexuality is not a sin, just how people are born. When I had a conversation about that view with my mom, she made it clear that she doesn't respect Paul's teachings anymore. It broke my heart. Hearing you use Jesus and His reference to Genesis and marriage really helps. Are there other scriptures from the Gospels related to homosexuality?
Not from the gospels but read the book of Jude. It’s super short and addresses homosexuality. My father is in a “progressive” church. The rest of us are Pentecostal. Melissa Dougherty did an interview with a former lesbian friend of hers and SHE sums it up beautifully, “to people who say “I’m born this way”, I say Yes,, that’s why Jesus says we must be born again”. Your mum sounds like she’s been caught up in the “Jesus words only” movement, my own mum had an experience with that many years ago. She said it was a terrible time in her life and really threw her faith into chaos. Glory to God she realized the error of of the teaching and walked away. Praying with you 🙏
The understanding that certain men have innate capacity for attraction to and intimate relationship with men instead of women (and equivalently for women) was unknown in the ancient world. As such you will not find any reference to homoxesuality in any document before the late 19th cent including the Bible. There are a tiny handful of references to males having secs with males in the Bible, but none of them say that a loving relationship based on mutual attraction is a sin. The false teaching that it is a sin has caused incredible harm and destruction to people's faith, families and lives. Children have died. This has to stop. Genesis says explains why men and women get married. Jesus said it should be treated as permanent. Neither say that a man must ONLY marry a woman, or that it's a sin to marry another man. The exact same reasons for marriage given in Gen 2 apply seamlessly to same-secs marriage with no contradiction to the text. People such as your mother who have been fed a misinterpretation of scripture have nonetheless put Jesus' command to love one another (John 13.34) even before what they have been led to believe is a command of scripture. This too is consistent with Jesus' teaching (Mat 12.1-14). After all, it's possible to misunderstand or misapply scripture, but never wrong to love your neighbour, do good and avoid harm. Hope this helps.
I was a member of a small group at church where the leader similarly discounted Mathew 18:35 (parable of the wicked servant.) He said "of course that doesn't mean his sins weren't forgiven, he's just warning us." I did the same thing when I first started reading the Bible 41 years ago when I came across Matt 5:30 "if your hand causes you to sin..." and Matt 10:28 "...fear Him Who can destroy both body and soul in hell..." But the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me alone about those 2 scriptures. I kept being bothered even as I tried to make those verses say something nicer and more palatable that what it was actually saying. It turned out to be quite an epiphany and a pivotal moment where I saw my sinful nature and knew I was destined for hell and rightly deserved it, and only the grace of God could save me, if He had mercy on me. I got really scared and almost ran away from God until He said "run to Me." And I did! If we are honest we've all done this and might still be trying to avoid some hard truths of the Bible and Jesus's sayings.
Holy Spirit gave me the same conviction as a young lady sleeping with her boyfriend. When I first ever heard the work fornication I knew it was wrong. I knew it was sin and I was convicted. I didn’t walk a holy line from them on. I still fell again, but after receiving Christ God did bring me a Christian husband and we have been faithfully married for over 17 years now. There is no deeper love than that of a fully committed husband and wife as God intended. Thankful for His grace and mercy. Everyone needs his salvation.
Thank you so much. One of my sons is struggling with this issue. He believes in God but has been hearing arguments from affirming Christians. He just told me tonight about a documentary coming out about 1946 by a gay priest who has "studied" this issue. Thankfully my son is willing to discuss it with me right now. My fear is he will decide one day that I don't really love him because I stand on the Word of God.
Oh my heart breaks for you in your circumstances. Since your son is a believer you said, can you talk to him and say something along the lines of, "You believe in God, right? Which means you long for truth, since God is truth, right?" Hopefully he will say yes, and if so, you could continue, "Well, part of knowing the truth is flushing it out and hearing all sides... everything, and not just what we want to hear. Can I ask you to please listen to this man, Becket Cook's, testimony on this subject, so that you make a fully informed decision on this subject?" (or purchase and ask him to read Becket's book) And you can also ALWAYS say, "You know that I love you, right? I love you with all my heart, and part of MY job in loving you as your parent is to always be honest with you and guide you. Especially in the things you may not like or want to hear. Because we've ALL been there because that's our human sinful nature, right?" (again bringing it back to his faith in God) "If I didn't love you, your whole life I would have let you do whatever you wanted (stick your hand on a hot stove burner when you were young, slap your siblings when you didn't get your way, handed you some drugs as you headed out the door to hang out with your friends as a teenager, etc.), but I loved you enough to do the right thing and say "no" to things that weren't good for you or honor God, taking the risk of having you be angry with me. Because son, that's REAL LOVE. It's sacrificial, like Jesus." You and your son are in my prayers. Stay strong in your faith.
So well said Becket! Thank you for relying on Biblical truth when speaking out on this issue. I know I'm not the only one to experience this but my husband and I know many in our circle who have been and still are leaders in the church and pastors that are trying to defend the gay lifestyle. It's so surprising to see this happening in our time. "wrong becomes right..."
Marie, I was incredibly disappointed in Becket's approach on this article. This is what I wrote to him: 1. You say Ed Oxford assumed that knabenshander meant “boy molester”, and that it may not be an accurate translation for a 500 year old document - that it may have changed meanings. You call this “red flag number one”. Yet in truth Ed has done extensive study with German scholars and researchers to determine that in fact it does carry the same meaning of “boy molester” over the past several centuries. Although this word is not commonly used among German people today, word studies show the true meaning and understanding of this German word - boy molester. By the way, you are referencing an incredibly brief article that is not capable of showing the extent of study done by Oxford, so keep in mind that you should probably do your due diligence before claiming “foul” and it could lead to less embarrassment on your part. 2. You said Oxford mistakenly attributed the coining of the word “homosexual” to the Germans. In truth it was Karl Kertbeny who coined the term “homosexual”. Although Kertbeny was of Hungarian blood, he moved to Germany and settled there for the remainder of his career. I think Oxford was referring to the environment of Kertbeny’s work (Germany) rather than the bloodline of Kertbeny (Hungarian). Regardless, it was the German history, research, and case studies that Oxford was focusing on. Don’t discount the irrefutable facts in the article based on one small misunderstanding. That would not be good scholarship. 3. You continue to push your opinion that it doesn’t matter what scholars thought 500 years, ago, instead it matters what Paul intended 2000 years ago. And OF COURSE this is what we are all looking for - the original meaning. To suggest that Oxford isn’t of the same opinion would reveal that you didn’t understand the article clearly. Please reference the title of the article which is a question: “Has ‘Homosexual’ Always Been in the Bible?” The article ventures to answer that question which is a resounding “NO”. And the article goes on to give a very brief history of how other words have been used in this passage over the past 500 years. The article did not intend to discuss the previous 2000 years or it would have needed an additional 400 pages. It would be great if you could stick with the facts presented IN the article and not skirt around other passages and periods of history, and instead save those discussions for future articles when those areas are actually addressed. Everything in the article is specifically addressing the question at the beginning, yet you accuse Oxford of not being relevant to the topic, when in fact it is you who are not addressing the facts presented. To go one step further, since it is the original meaning that we are all after, why don’t you see value in tracking the way it has been translated throughout the past 2000 years? Such a study gives us incredibly valuable information. Unfortunately many Christians today are so lazy that they go to BDAG and think it is 100% accurate - this shows a lack of scholarship and understanding on how culture and history need to be included in translation. Many modern commentaries and Bible resources have allowed the culture, personal bias, and anachronistic thinking to enter the room when being written. If you spend time studying the process of how commentaries and Bible dictionaries are written then you would learn that most are created AFTER the translation comes out and not before - meaning that the commentaries and dictionaries are influenced by the Bible translation and not the other way around. So if a Bible translation got something wrong, then that mistake is carried into the commentaries/dictionaries. 4. I found it hypocritical when you accused Ed Oxford of using a modern day understanding of knabenshander (even though he utilized highly knowledgeable German researchers), yet then you brag about going to your modern Oxford Dictionary to determine the meaning of a very ancient word - pederasty. To understand pederasty in the ancient world, most scholars would not recommend the Oxford Dictionary. If you are serious about this topic then I would encourage you to be consistent with the way you approach resources.
5. You continue to say that “words change meaning over time”, and that is actually one of the points that appeared to be made in the article. Arsenokoitai has been translated as “masturbaters”, “boy molesters”, “abusers of others”, “abusers of themselves”, “people who use sex to get things”, “prostitutes”, “people who use prostitutes”, as well as “homosexuals”. For you to discard two thousand years of information is very ridiculous and not very scholarly. 6. On multiple occasions you say that the article glosses over Old Testament passages, Romans, etc. And again, it appeared to be a short article that could in no way cover such a broad topic without turning it into a book. I don’t understand why you have a difficult time dealing with the facts presented in the article. I am part of a group of straight pastors, seminary professors, parents, and church leaders who are asking a very important question: WHY IS THE SUICIDE RATE OF LGBTQ KIDS SO HIGH? In truth, LGBTQ kids have a high suicide rate, but if a kid comes from a Christian home that already high suicide rate goes even higher - EIGHT TIMES HIGHER. And this suicide dilemma did not come about until the last century when Bible translations were changed and ultimately weaponized. We have seen more teen and young adult suicides in the past few decades than in all of history. I did a deep dive looking for facts, not trying to prove one side over the other. I changed my mind because the evidence is overwhelming! You seem to be making the same mistake that many of us made for years - we started with the assumption that all same-sex activity is sinful and applied this (misguided) preconceived narrative into all passages we studied. But no book has yet proven that the Bible says all same-sex activity is sinful. All non-affirming books assume this without proving it. Mistakes are made when verses are taken out of historical and cultural context. Since you have attended Talbot I am wondering if you studied Greek and Hebrew? If so, I would encourage you to use your tools to seek the truth - regardless of what it reveals. You made an admonishment against false teaching - and that is why I implore you to do your due diligence on this topic. I am very familiar with your work, and by that I can tell that you have only scratched the surface. Becket, I think you have a kind heart and incredible love for Jesus - and I tell this to people all the time. But I think you are wrong on this topic and will cause horrible damage if you continue to propagate such harmful, inaccurate, misguided theology. God bless you.
@@mountainguy7762 Good thing until the Protestant Deformation, we NEVER relied upon sola scriptura. It didn’t exist until then. Cook is correct. Like you, Oxford is pushing an agenda. We in the ancient Apostolic Churches know what it means and always have. 🤦🏻 Greek is literally one of three main languages of my church. The other two being Aramaic and Arabic.
People have “pet sins” (not just homosexuality) that they will do intellectual acrobatics to defend. Instead of being honest with everyone and saying they don’t like or agree with God’s clear words, they would rather redefine the word to suit their beliefs.
Ty Beckett. I pray many born agains expose this lie! No homosexual can enter the kingdom. Cut off your hand… My concern is this movie may be aimed at young ppl and lead many to hell.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, AND THANK YOU. I'm humbled ny God's willingness to use me to minister to teens in a homeschooling co-op. In this group are two teens struggling with their identity. One in particular is the ring leader and brought up this argument the article addressed. WOW, GOD thank you for bringing me Your promised wisdom through the exact argument this teen brought to me and using Beckett to address and answer the lie that Satan has been scheming for years. Beckett, you are so succinct in your addressing of this topic and so organized. This explanation was so easy to understand and follow. Very grateful to Father God for you and your faithfulness to take the time to make these teaching videos!
Rebecca, I implore you to seek the truth on this. Becket has a great heart for God but he is incredibly mistaken on this topic. Your teens' lives depend upon it!
I just finished watching your previous video or maybe it was a video that you made afterwards. Like I said before i used to identify as gay but, I have turned away from that lifestyle. What I want to share is that I used to make up this same argument for why it was okay for me to be gay. People who were my friends told me this stuff so that I could justify my life. I now know that it was outlandish.
A lady in my church uses this "1946" argument to celebrate homosexuals. I was wondering about the background of it, so I'm very glad to hear this teaching.
Thank you and God bless you! My daughter has recently revealed to me that she believes she is bisexual. I have been searching for someone like you who is experienced within that lifestyle, and knowledgeable and not afraid to teach the truth. I pray and hope that as I share these videos with her the scales will fall off of her eyes and that she will be filled with the Holy Spirit just as you were! The first video I came across with you was when you spoke with focus on the family. Tears filled my eyes when I heard your testimony. My daughter still knows and loves the Lord, but she has been led astray from false teaching such as these and her generations influences. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge of the Word of God! I can’t wait to watch all of your videos! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!❤️🙏🏻
@@noirchien2622 Wow! Thank you! I am doing EVERYTHING that you have said! I just finished a 40 day fast (the Daniel fast with some full fasts within it) and my brother whom I also was praying for accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior on my last day of the fast! 🙌 I’m also praying for my daughters friends to be saved and if they will only continue to be a negative influence in her life for God to move them out. I’m also praying for her future husband to hopefully already be a Spirit filled mature Christian who will be able to be the Spiritual leader for her and their family. And I’m praying that they meet soon! But thank you so much for listening to what the Holy Spirit put on your heart to reply to me. It is definitely a conformation and uplifting to get a word from God that “Hey! I’ve heard your prayers and I’m working on it!” 🥰🙌 Thank you again! Is there anything that you would like prayer for? I would love to do that for you 🙏🏻
@hmniym thank you so much! I have and I will keep my faith and hope strong in the Lord! My daughter has yet to watch any of Becket’s videos with me and still gets upset when the subject is brought up in church about it being a sin. One thing that surprises me about her clinging onto this so tightly and yet she knows well the story I’ve told her several times that really happened when she was about 8 years old. I was cleaning in my living room and she came in and asked “Hey Mom, what is gay?” So I explained to her by using a table lamp near me and unplugged it and said that “it’s two men or two women who want to be together. But God didn’t create us to be that way.” I told her that the lamp and plug are like men and asked her “If I took two lamps and put the plugs together would they light up?”, she replied “no” and explained that the outlet on the wall was like a woman and asked her “do you think two outlets together would get a reaction?”. Again she said “no” and so I told her that “two married people like me (the outlet) and your Dad (the lamp) plug into each other and produce light and you are like the light, together they create life and that’s one of God’s purposes for us” So she smiled and said “Okay!” And skips away. Just as she did I peripherally saw and heard the chandelier to my right moving and as I looked directly at it I saw a creamed colored, mangy and shaggy, sharped toothed, red eyed monkey jump from the chandelier to the wall right next to me and it hissed at me then disappeared into the wall (and I guess out of the house). It was a demon. I calmly walked down stairs to talk to my mother who was visiting and said to her “ I just saw the weirdest thing…” she yelled “A MONKEY!!!” I was like “How did you know!? Did you see it too!?” She said “No, just as you said that an image of a monkey popped into my head!”. So I told her what happened and we’ve known all this time that this was something that the enemy was going to try and put on my daughter. So I’ve been praying for many many years, and I’ve had many many conversations with her to teach her God’s will and the truth about it all, but here we are today. I’m taking faith though that this is part of her journey and will end up being a big part of her future testimony. I’m taking faith that because I have trained my child in the way she should go and when she is old she will not turn from it! Proverbs 22:7 I’m just praying and hoping that she doesn’t wait until she is really old 😓 But thank you again and any prayers that you might could say for my daughter would be greatly appreciated as well! Her name is Ali (pronounced Alley). Thank you and God bless you!
@@crystalbigelow7515 Hi Crystal, I have abstained from same-sex practices for 24 years. Yet, inwardly I think of myself as gay. If you would, pray that the LORD'S love transforms my sense of identity.
When I listen to you, your messages are always just so clear.. it's like that verse that talks about the Word of God being like a sword, cutting through to the heart, Hebrews 4:12. I hope and pray that you stand firm because all the forces of the evil one will come at you. Just know, that Christ is MORE powerful and the Word of God is more powerful than any forces of evil that will try to twist the truth... because the human heart will choose sin and wrong, unless they become born again. It's just that simple.
When I was living in the gay lifestyle, I saw the video with Ed Oxford, who is a retired minister, and Kathy Baldock. I was hooked on their argument at the time. I am now saddened by the fact that people are being deceived by this teaching. Yesterday evening I had a videochat with a cousin who is a retired Anglican minister of the liberal persuasion. So he was pro-LGBT. The conversation did not go well. He said he was sad that I had succumbed to when he would have termed as a bigoted viewpoint. I failed to ask him for a definition of the gospel and his view of scripture (whether it was the sole authority for belief). I suspect I would have sadly disappointed in his answer. When I was recounting my testimony as a born again believer in Yeshua, I noticed in the screen a totally blank face who appeared not to be comprehending what I was trying to say. For me it is of vital importance that we share the gospel, especially as the time of Jesus' return approaches. All I can do is ask God to help me show his redeeming love to all through my life and what I say. I live for him. I am not interested in my own agenda which has been nailed to the cross. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live. Christ lives in me, the hope of glory. If that makes me a fanatic, so be it. I want to give him all the praise and honour.
i love your commitment to what God said. not how mere men put their own spin on it to twist it, attempting to make it less recognizable (less convicting to the inner man), with intention of justifying any wrong heart and wrong mind by excusing plain old wicked sin against the Lord. people have been desperately trying to suppress the truth in unrighteousness like romans 1 says through the ages but the Word of God, beginning to end, still stands. when all is said and done we are not judged by each other but by Holy God. so thankful for my Advocate before the throne of God, Jesus Christ, Who paid the debt He didn't owe to pay the debt i couldn't pay. it's done and Done for all Eternity in His Righteous Atoning! God bless you for standing in the gap to actually keep the main thing the main thing. i love you brother!
Thank you for this information. It is very helpful. Would you please clarify your teaching regarding taking up your cross. I have heard a different one.
Becket thank you so much for been so clear, historicaly correct and biblicaly sound! You really are a real Man of God ❤ With love ❤ from Mexico City!!!
Thank you for taking the time presenting the study for us all. Very informative. Wonderful explanation of the different translations. Stay blessed, Becket
Thank u so much for showing us what the word says and stands for. Thank u for dying to yourself to walk in the Light. Blessings to u! I love how smart u are!😁
Thank God for you Becket! 🙏❤🤗 its obvious He changed you to the core and you tell only the truth! I learned that as i read your book... i loved you before i read it (as i heard you speak in different interviews) and i love you even more now ❤ your love for Jesus inspired me to go deeper in my relationship with Him! 😍 He is big God indeed! May He protect you from all evil and bless you and your ministry! 🙏 Pls keep doing what you do! ✊✊✊
Whenever someone suddenly comes to a “new revelation” in the Bible, that always gives me red flags. You mean to tell me for 2000+ years bible scholars both Jewish and gentile didn’t know this!?
@@mountainguy7762 knowledge of sin is knowledge of death. We are all sinners here. The Gospel brings hope and new life. When you are born again you will no longer be a slave to this but you will have freedom..spoken from experience
Becket you are a strong warrior for truth. Thanks for wielding the sword of Gods truth through the swampy thickets of lies and deception and evil. I almost died in the “lifestyle.” Thank God for good people who have shown me the way to solid ground.
Thank you for explaining this so well. I had many questions that you answered for me and now I can answer others when asked about this. God’s blessing on you and your ministry
I would love a podcast on good Christian films or movies. My friend is trying to get me to watch The Chosen and don't feel I should watch it. Thoughts or a whole podcast on this?
I'm so so glad that I have discovered your videos. I've been struggling since my daughter told me she believes she is bisexual. I said immediately that is a lie straight from hell. However, I did eventually start to wonder if I was wrong, but your testimony is so compelling that I have no doubts now about the clarity of God's word on this subject. There is definitely an anointing on these videos, as I can feel the power and truth of the words as they are spoken. Thank you so much, and praise to Jesus for all He has done in and through you. I continue to pray that my daughter's heart will soon be softened to the truth and that satan's lies will be exposed. God bless and take care.
Becket thank you so much for your devotion to the Word of God. You give me such hope for my twin sons who are both homosexuals. They once followed Jesus, but now I can’t mention anything to do with God to them. I pray that God would be merciful and draw them back to Himself.
Great video! I wanted to understand how do you challenge the Leviticus verses? Many affirming “Christians” quote eating shell fish as an abomination and many other sins quoted in the chapter are no longer considered as part of Christian faith. How would you speak to that?
No point arguing with reprobates . The world has many urgent problems than waste time arguing with sewer lovers . No need to waste time to argue with reprobate . Imagine losing your soul for anal bs ? Not worth it.
These Leviticus laws are generally health and hygiene laws that ensured public health and safety. Shell fish are bottom-feeders, therefore feeding on excrement of fish etc. and more likely to cause food poisoning and sickness. Think about the cliches of getting sick from seafood, especially pre-refrigeration. The same can be said about pigs - this animal has greater propensity to pass viruses to humans that most other animals, hence it is forbidden. Same as people with leprosy or other contagious illnesses, they needed to quarantine, and if approaching the public, declare themselves as unclean and warn people from approaching. We understand these laws as different from morality laws given the context. Because we have the ability to screen/prevent pork from harmful disease before they are sold commercially, some people choose to not follow these particular hygiene laws as they understand modern science provided though god to be protecting them. Each law has context and purpose, some were very specific to the time and aren’t necessarily relevant to your relationship with god currently. However, how Christians approached COVID, I believe could have been more dictated by the Bible by following quarantine,washing etc and preventing spread as per the laws. God wants us to be healthy and strong both in mind AND body but the ultimate reasoning for the overarching message and if you are following the message - ie healthy lifestyle avoiding sickness, preventing spread of disease and maintaining hygiene, then for some people this is sufficiently following the message and intent as is relevant in modern day context. Morality laws are different however as generally morality doesn’t change over time greatly, however there are some cases such as slave ownership and treatment of females, much of which was specific to the context of the time period - there is a case to apply the overarching intent of God’s message to current day. This video actually misses some of the arguments as per ‘1946 The Movie’ The creators of that movie actually point out that the New Testament passages describing homosexuality in detail are often taken out of context. Becket did take those verses out of context in this video too. He read and quoted them in isolation. If you read the entire passage, it is NOT homosexuality being described, what is being described is paganism and as part of that, people following paganism have become extremely sexually immoral in the process, but the passage is condemning paganism specifically, however Christians read the specific words about homosexuality and look at them in isolation. As per this video, it’s becoming clearer that Leviticus is all about child molestation - and let’s face it, child molestation is a MASSIVE problem in the church and it only makes sense that this would be so strongly condemned by God in the Old Testament. In my opinion, we should be considering that Leviticus is NOT speaking on homosexuality. That doesn’t meant anything other than child abuse is likely worse than homosexuality for a society to partake in. It bothers me that people are so intent on Leviticus being about homosexuality only and leaving child abuse somewhat untouched. Romans 1:27 could be about homosexuality, but it also might not be.
Becket, you have a gift of explaining context very clearly! Praise Jesus! I enjoy listening to you! Plus I am learning so much! Yay! May God continue to use you for his purpose and Glory!!!!
Beckett, I have a HUGE amount of respect for you. I have been praying for a while about how to approach the homosexual community. I am not homosexual, but I sympathize with the community because I know what it’s like to really want something and yet have to face the reality that this strong desire may not be in agreement with God. I know what it’s like to hope that the “want” is not sin and even to try to justify the desire and search through scriptures in hopes to validate your desire. I thank God for your honest search of Truth. I heard the arguments from the revisionists recently and it was quite compelling. I went to the Lord and asked Him to show me the Truth. If my understanding was incorrect, I’m willing to change it and I would become the greatest advocate for gay rights if I had been wrong. But the Lord reminded me of Romans 1, but not in the same way that it is used against homosexuality. God showed me that He is revealed in His creation. He originally created one man and one woman and He made them differently yet complimentary…. And He gave them…. And them only….. the capacity to procreate. His creation reveals is divine order and nature. You touched on this point in this video. That was all I needed at the time, but your further elaboration has given me the confidence and certainty needed to boldly confront this lie from the enemy. I will be gleaning from your channel so that I can further understand the misinformations and misunderstandings of this community because I want to be as strong of an advocate for Gods truth as I would have been for the LGBT community.I want to be able to provide them with the truth in love but unrelenting and uncompromising in the message of Gods will and intention. My heart breaks for anyone who is innocently walking in blindness. God bless you and your efforts Sir.
Thank you Becket. For bringing this to light. I always learn something new from your show. So important for people to know these things. God bless your beautiful soul. 🙏🕊❤
Jesus did not re affirm what marriage. He is responding to a question about divorce. He is talking about a man and a woman who are married. He is affirming that God made man women he is establishing the equality . and that he left his family to join with his wife and they became one flesh to say he is establishing all marriage must be this way is a stretch since that was not the question asked
I am impressed and appreciative that you come with knowledge and the research that you do. You do your do diligence and it’s admirable, praise be to God :) . “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15 And you have done that! All glory to God:)
Thank you Becket, I appreciate any reference for how we got to our current situation. Off topic I had a social studies teacher who for some reason shared where the term GAY came from. He said men who were homosexual would wear Green And Yellow on Thursdays to signal other men of their persuasion. Btw this was 1974, why this was a relevant topic was beyond me but I like to understand origins of things. Do you know the history of this? Was this guy correct or just bothering the young captive minds of that moment.
It is fundamentally wrong to search the scriptures in order to prove our own point or justify our own peculiar beliefs. We must read the scriptures prayerfully in humbleness, laying aside what we think we know in search for God’s truth. Then we must be willing, by the grace of Christ, live according to the light given us.
All this hot air about a simple commandment. God created Man & Woman & said multiply. Same sex couples are unable to do so. Therefore that CANNOT be God's will.
The first creation story contains no direct commands to people. It contains commands which God speaks and they just happen. Thus God uttered the blessing to all life that it multiply, and it was so, and has been ever since. The fact that a small number of people either cannot or choose not to reproduce for any of a number of reasons poses no threat to God fulfilling his blessing. To misinterpret this as a command would mean that no one must fail reproduce (unless I suppose if they're infertile). The implications of this would be horrendous for society. Those who choose not to marry would still have to find some partner to reproduce with and end up with a single-parent baby. If one partner in a marriage ends up being infertile, they'd have to find someone outside the marriage to mate with. Ditto for those in a same secs marriage. You really need to think things through before making arguments that don't stand up to scrutiny.
Excellent teaching again Becket, thank you. I pray you stay grounded and humble and SO knowledgeable of God's Holy Word, which the body of Christ is in desperate need of in these times.
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What about bi- male who are with female bi can they marry? Or straight man with a bi woman can they marry? And if they are Christian and one is bi can they marry?
You are brave. Please don’t ever get discouraged, because you are so encouraging to so many of us. I pray for you, I really do. Stay strong! A lot of people respect you and care for you very much and the ministry in which you are walking!
Yes we do Beckett I ditto last comment
I have a gay son. I live him very much. I'm going to get your book, for him as a gift. Hope he will read it.
Interesting. In Russian "Pedaras" means homosexual as well. It is useless to use non-source languages to clarify Biblical passages/ideas. So much smoke is thrown in our eyes! Thank you for shedding light on this issue.
God is using you! Stay strong in the battle! I’m praying for you! And as God continues to use you as His vessel, I’m praying and believing that He will divinely lead so many to this channel! Both born again believers and the unsaved! Open our eyes Lord! Continue in the work you have been called to and continue to bring Him glory!
Becket, your channel is relevant for all Christians, thankyou, X
This was simply brilliant. I remember well the day I sat in a cafe with a Lesbian friend who told me those same arguments about the translation of homosexual. She had attended Wheaton University and sadly, it was there that she was exposed to liberal "Christians" who had decided that being gay/lesbian was okay. Why are there so FEW truth tellers like you Becket? I guess it is because the way is narrow that leads to life and broad that leads to destruction. You are in my prayers.
Last days. People want their ears tickled and no sound doctrine .
"Why are there so FEW truth tellers like you, Becket?" It could be that it takes a special person to be a witness to those in this lifestyle. For instance, my weight struggle is not going to be "helped" by an always-skinny person telling me I just need to eat less and move more blah blah blah because I know they've never experienced my daily temptations. In like manner, I doubt any same-sex-attracted person would believe I could have anything to say to them since I've never dealt with that particular sin. Becket has a special "mission field" for his testimony and I believe God is using him to bless many.
That makes me sad to hear about Wheaton!
@@Sundayschoolnetwork I know. And it was in some public forums too.
Yes I agree. My daughter presented me this find mainly because she wants to challenge the Bible. She said it’s referring to young boys only pedophilia. She is practicing gay lesbian. Please pray for her. Pray for her redemption.
And it bothers me when people call them the “clobber passages.” It’s Scripture. God’s Holy Word. Inerrant. Satan has blinded the mind of unbelievers.
There are all sorts of "clobber passages" that can be proof texted on various issues that gore people's oxes. It's all a matter of interpretation. There are clobber passages that suggest the Bible is pro-slavery.
The only "clobbering" that wil take place is when we stand before God and try to explain why we didn't listen to His commands.
Bible been edited bit
The only scripture that all encapsulates Father God’s intentions with unmistakeable clarity is Jesus 2 greatest commandments. All that God is and all that God desires is love. It isn’t some complex concept but a simplicity in application that doesn’t require a biblical scholarship to understand. The message of love is a language and concept understood by all cultures in varying degrees.
So if a gay couple can fulfil God’s requirements of love then men need to be careful. We demonstrate our love for God, through our love for others.
Just to address your point further on multiplying based on your concept of acceptable appropriate markers of marriage. There are many couples who marry but decide not to have children despite being able to conceive. There are couples who marry but one of the partners is unable to give children due to medical reasons so remain baron. There are individuals who choose to remain single. Are they considered unGodly based on their failure to be fruitful and multiple?
You see looking at Jesus Great words brings all into perspective and unravels the true meaning of God’s word and interpretation.
Satan has also blinded the eyes of some BELIEVERS
As it is written: "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!" Isaiah 52:7
Your concise explanation of Greek and Hebrew speaks to me. Not everyone has your knowledge of Scripture. Thank you for your willingness to help the lost.
"It's just amazing to me to what lengths people would go to somehow, someway justify SIN. This is not some crazy mystery! The biblical sexual ethic is so clear from the beginning of the Bible to the end." Thank you! This resonated with me so much! Please let's pray for one another in these very dark times. Thank you Becket! God bless you :-) You speak with such conviction! "The christian life is about dying to ourselves" Beautiful!
Just amazing to me the links people will go to justify their heat and phobias. 🙌
And in this case “lying to yourselves”. The scholarship showing the TRUTH that homosexuality is NOT a sin is factual and undeniable. You are just too attached to your homophobia to accept it.
@@Mabeylater293it is 100% percent a sin
Most so called sins are clearly bad because of how they effect others. Two men having hot sex harms no one. Calling it immoral is the same as calling it bad but no one can explain what's bad about it. The human race doesn't have to worry about extinction anymore and from what I can tell child birth is a punishment to all women for eve eating the apple...now that sounds bad.
You are a breath of fresh air !! thank you for always standing on the word of God !!
Wow! Such illumination on this! I hope my young adult child will watch this episode and your last episode and deprogram herself from what she is being force fed by universities.
Me too.
The question still stands, what about intersex people? Yes, they make up a very small percentage of the population, but they exist and we, as Christians, need to know how to address them and their concerns.
I am Catholic but I’ve learned more from you than from my priest.
Does you priest teach from the Holy Bible or do you have your own scripture ? not sure just asking ?
@@Narrowpath0325 just out of curiosity. Is this question alluding to Sola Scriptura ?
@@ozzyb6595 i’ve heard from other Catholics that they have their own Bible I guess and so some of the scriptures that are in the original holy Bible text are not in their Bible💁♀️ is that true?
@@Narrowpath0325 oh I’m not 100% certain. I thought you referred to Sola Scriptura. Which is what all Catholics are against. They don’t believe that the Holy Bible is the only authority. They do have other books, but I’d be foolish to say I know anything about them.
I met Ed at the Q Christian conference in 2019 and listened to the seminar on their research. I couldn't help think many of the same things you saud. But what is key is that sexual orientation as an immutable identity is itself the social construct created in the 1860s. Prior to that, people accepted that sexual behaviours of all kinds happen but no one labeled themselves solely by their sexual orientation. In other words, the Bible doesn't need to use the word "homosexual" to state God's command that any sexual behaviour outside of an opposite-sex marriage, is wrong.
Becket you are such a blessing! May God bless you and keep shining his light upon you your testimony is beautiful! God can save anyone! ❤️✝️
You explain these questions so eloquently and intelligently, you really know what your talking about, I'm so impressed with your knowledge!
There is only two places to go for truth, to Jesus or to the Word of God. Turns out those are one in the same. Jesus - name above all names. Well done sir!
Not his actual name tho
@@kelseykjarsgaard5774 Jesus is the name. If you call it He answers.
You are a voice of clarity in a sea of confusion.
Very well done on “watered down preaching” also known as false teachers. “Hey you SITTING IN THE PEW, I NEVER KNEW YOU!” Thank you Becket for not holding back. Sacrifices must be made to die to oneself! Praising the LORD for you✝️
This teaching, together with the one before, make God’s heart so very clear. He will not tolerate sin, any sin. We must never seek to justify what Christ died for! Thank you, Becket, for holding so fast to the Word of Truth!❤
You are such a magnificent teacher! I really look forward to listening to you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and study.
Very spot-on. I've seen a lot street-preachers get bombarded on this specific topic. I wish had a mini pamphlet or a cliffs notes version on how to explain the most frequent asked questions about homosexuality. I needed a video like this, thanks for researching and breaking it down. It helps a lot. Great video! ✝️
BTW, that is a very blue shirt you're wearing my friend, your eyes are poppin'! Praise God ✨ 🤗 💙
This is stunning on SO MANY LEVELS. I'm blown away. It's so clean I think most people won't even get what's happening. Well done!
You were saved by you're mother's constant prayer and the visit to the coffee house meeting Christians you are really an inspiration to so many people.
What a solid way to unpack this controversial claim. Thank you for this. May God bless you and your channel. All Glory to Christ!
It’s all so bizarre and wicked and the “lengths” people will go to justify their sin. Even to the point they simply deny the Bible as the Word. God bless you, Beckett. You’re so brave. What a wonderful discussion. Makes me wish we were sitting across a table studying God’s Word. But this channel will do. :) 🙏🏻
I feel same
So do I!
Yep… justifying the sin of heresy and calling Jesus a liar. The church doesn’t see the pole that is sticking out of its eyeball… Jesus didn’t come to condemn, but to save .. meanwhile all of you are condemning everyone around you instead of looking inwardly to see what you are missing. Do you actually believe in John 3:16.. which includes whosoever… all who believe… which includes LGBTQ people… wow .. plot twist. There will be plenty of LGBTQ people in heaven with their Father who they love. I wonder how many heretics will end up in hell because they never truly believed in what Jesus did for them and decided to be so self-righteous and do their own works 😮
Read GeekyJustin’s/Justin Lee’s great debate and tell me your opinions on it. He also has some YT vids.
@Becket Cook. Please send me a link or any information as to where I can get a HEBREW and LATIN translation of Bible. Ty so much. Where do I get BDAG also.
As a married, heterosexual conservative on-fire believer for 30+ years (who wasn't looking for deconstruction but ultimately discovered it come to my doorstep and could not ignore it), I very much understand the need to avoid reading things into the Scriptures that are not the author's original intent (aka "eisegesis", as no doubt you are aware). That being said, when it comes to the Hebrew OT Scriptures, I also generally try to bear in mind that much of what has been used for Hebrew source text to create our Protestant Old Testament is the Masoretic Hebrew text. This is important to consider, because those writings weren't even started until several centuries AFTER the days of Jesus and Paul. (They were done partly from a desire to recapture a key part of the Hebrew tradition that, had they not done that, might have been lost. The fact that we have them is obviously very valuable, but again, it creates a problem when we try to talk about controversial topics like this, because they're not as old as the Septuagint, and thus aren't as close to the time of Christ and the apostles, which, as a seminary grad would know, is a key factor in determining the level of authority to assign to a set of writings). Non-Protestant leaning biblical scholars would attest that, when Jesus and Paul would read or reference the Scriptures used by the Jews in their time, it would have been from the Septuagint. And they would say this because findings indicate, as it turns out, that much of the Hebrew population that lived during the writing/completion of the Septuagint, COULD NOT READ OR WRITE HEBREW at that time as one of the effects of Greek Hellenization.
We talk about reading things into the texts, and the need to avoid this. I wholeheartedly agree. That said, there are examples uncovered by reputable biblical scholars and historians supporting the idea that human constructs assigned to God around our understanding of His nature (big fancy phrase for ideas about God that didn't come from God) have crept into the text. It's why much of the church outside of Protestantism does not hold to the ideas that the Scriptures are inerrant and/or infallible. (As a relevant aside, for the person reading this, thinking, "well, that's heresy", here's some food for thought... If I believe something, and another person presents compelling support for why they believe differently regarding that thing (and there are entire books out there that do, in fact, do that), for me to then default to calling it "heresy" based on what "I" believe to be correct carries the potential that I could leaning on my own understanding to make a judgment call, which Solomon shared is not the way we should be operating (Prov 3:5,6). Wisdom says we should trust God and hold our beliefs loosely, even if think we understand things well, including those we have to come to cherish (in fact, the "cherished" ones could be the very ones that need to be challenged - my own recent journey has proved that out to be the case). I believe that our own decisions as a Western society over the last few centuries not to heed the wisdom Solomon gave us there, is why we have 50k denominations in the Christian world, and predominantly within Protestantism, for that matter. So, don't come at me with the heresy card.)
Also, it should be pointed out that, after the word "homosexual" was introduced in the 1946 RSV, the translation team later decided to replace the word "homosexual" with the phrase "sexual pervert" in the 1971 RSV, following a concern raised by a seminary student that it might later used as a "sacred weapon". (Irrespective of what Paul's intended meaning was in the passages described in this video, it cannot be denied that we have a significant societal issue in which a number of individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+ have been bullied and otherwise treated poorly in society (In light of 1 Cor 13, this poor treatment cannot be justified). It seems to give credence to the concern raised following the introduction of the word "homosexual" in the 1946 RSV. I am not necessarily arguing for or against the idea that homosexual practices are sin with this comment. I am merely calling out some findings and historical items of note that I believe should be further investigated if not already done.
Having admittedly not yet seen the previous video (but I do plan to do so), I'm curious whether the findings in Kathy Baldock's "Walking the Bridgeless Canyon" have been reviewed and considered before making this video. (I do understand that we must avoid pushing agendas when studying these texts - that is exactly the kind of thing that results in "eisegesis" after all; that said, it could be argued that the reason we have nearly 50k Christian denominations is because of differences over what "the Bible clearly says", which is, IMO, the result of people arguing from either side of the aisle for their own respective eisegetical interpretations. Eisegesis can be done either intentionally (which is nefarious and is the stuff of cultish tendencies) or unintentionally (which is simply human fallibility)... let's not forget that).
Most of my family, including my mother who raised me to take the Bible at face value, now believes that homosexuality is not a sin, just how people are born. When I had a conversation about that view with my mom, she made it clear that she doesn't respect Paul's teachings anymore. It broke my heart. Hearing you use Jesus and His reference to Genesis and marriage really helps. Are there other scriptures from the Gospels related to homosexuality?
Not from the gospels but read the book of Jude. It’s super short and addresses homosexuality. My father is in a “progressive” church. The rest of us are Pentecostal.
Melissa Dougherty did an interview with a former lesbian friend of hers and SHE sums it up beautifully, “to people who say “I’m born this way”, I say Yes,, that’s why Jesus says we must be born again”.
Your mum sounds like she’s been caught up in the “Jesus words only” movement, my own mum had an experience with that many years ago. She said it was a terrible time in her life and really threw her faith into chaos. Glory to God she realized the error of of the teaching and walked away.
Praying with you 🙏
The understanding that certain men have innate capacity for attraction to and intimate relationship with men instead of women (and equivalently for women) was unknown in the ancient world. As such you will not find any reference to homoxesuality in any document before the late 19th cent including the Bible.
There are a tiny handful of references to males having secs with males in the Bible, but none of them say that a loving relationship based on mutual attraction is a sin. The false teaching that it is a sin has caused incredible harm and destruction to people's faith, families and lives. Children have died. This has to stop.
Genesis says explains why men and women get married. Jesus said it should be treated as permanent. Neither say that a man must ONLY marry a woman, or that it's a sin to marry another man. The exact same reasons for marriage given in Gen 2 apply seamlessly to same-secs marriage with no contradiction to the text.
People such as your mother who have been fed a misinterpretation of scripture have nonetheless put Jesus' command to love one another (John 13.34) even before what they have been led to believe is a command of scripture. This too is consistent with Jesus' teaching (Mat 12.1-14). After all, it's possible to misunderstand or misapply scripture, but never wrong to love your neighbour, do good and avoid harm.
Hope this helps.
Wow so well researched and spoken. Thank you for the in depth time spent and shared.
👏👏👏Yaaaayy, I've been waiting with baited breath for this video!!
I was a member of a small group at church where the leader similarly discounted Mathew 18:35 (parable of the wicked servant.) He said "of course that doesn't mean his sins weren't forgiven, he's just warning us." I did the same thing when I first started reading the Bible 41 years ago when I came across Matt 5:30 "if your hand causes you to sin..." and Matt 10:28 "...fear Him Who can destroy both body and soul in hell..." But the Holy Spirit wouldn't let me alone about those 2 scriptures. I kept being bothered even as I tried to make those verses say something nicer and more palatable that what it was actually saying. It turned out to be quite an epiphany and a pivotal moment where I saw my sinful nature and knew I was destined for hell and rightly deserved it, and only the grace of God could save me, if He had mercy on me. I got really scared and almost ran away from God until He said "run to Me." And I did! If we are honest we've all done this and might still be trying to avoid some hard truths of the Bible and Jesus's sayings.
Holy Spirit gave me the same conviction as a young lady sleeping with her boyfriend. When I first ever heard the work fornication I knew it was wrong. I knew it was sin and I was convicted. I didn’t walk a holy line from them on. I still fell again, but after receiving Christ God did bring me a Christian husband and we have been faithfully married for over 17 years now. There is no deeper love than that of a fully committed husband and wife as God intended. Thankful for His grace and mercy. Everyone needs his salvation.
Thank you so much. One of my sons is struggling with this issue. He believes in God but has been hearing arguments from affirming Christians. He just told me tonight about a documentary coming out about 1946 by a gay priest who has "studied" this issue. Thankfully my son is willing to discuss it with me right now. My fear is he will decide one day that I don't really love him because I stand on the Word of God.
Oh my heart breaks for you in your circumstances. Since your son is a believer you said, can you talk to him and say something along the lines of, "You believe in God, right? Which means you long for truth, since God is truth, right?" Hopefully he will say yes, and if so, you could continue, "Well, part of knowing the truth is flushing it out and hearing all sides... everything, and not just what we want to hear. Can I ask you to please listen to this man, Becket Cook's, testimony on this subject, so that you make a fully informed decision on this subject?" (or purchase and ask him to read Becket's book) And you can also ALWAYS say, "You know that I love you, right? I love you with all my heart, and part of MY job in loving you as your parent is to always be honest with you and guide you. Especially in the things you may not like or want to hear. Because we've ALL been there because that's our human sinful nature, right?" (again bringing it back to his faith in God) "If I didn't love you, your whole life I would have let you do whatever you wanted (stick your hand on a hot stove burner when you were young, slap your siblings when you didn't get your way, handed you some drugs as you headed out the door to hang out with your friends as a teenager, etc.), but I loved you enough to do the right thing and say "no" to things that weren't good for you or honor God, taking the risk of having you be angry with me. Because son, that's REAL LOVE. It's sacrificial, like Jesus." You and your son are in my prayers. Stay strong in your faith.
If you can't love your child because it's gay, or has différent beliefs... Don't have children.
Fantastic! Thank you so much. So well presented, clear and articulate. I appreciate the wonderful work you do. 😊
So well said Becket! Thank you for relying on Biblical truth when speaking out on this issue. I know I'm not the only one to experience this but my husband and I know many in our circle who have been and still are leaders in the church and pastors that are trying to defend the gay lifestyle. It's so surprising to see this happening in our time. "wrong becomes right..."
💗💗💗thanks Becket, a great exposition of this subject. Thank you for your research and your heart to accurately divide the Word of truth💗💗💗
Thank you! I just actually had someone reference this fellow Ed Oxford and his 1946 argument. This was most helpful. Be blessed sir!
Marie, I was incredibly disappointed in Becket's approach on this article. This is what I wrote to him:
1. You say Ed Oxford assumed that knabenshander meant “boy molester”, and that it may not be an accurate translation for a 500 year old document - that it may have changed meanings. You call this “red flag number one”. Yet in truth Ed has done extensive study with German scholars and researchers to determine that in fact it does carry the same meaning of “boy molester” over the past several centuries. Although this word is not commonly used among German people today, word studies show the true meaning and understanding of this German word - boy molester. By the way, you are referencing an incredibly brief article that is not capable of showing the extent of study done by Oxford, so keep in mind that you should probably do your due diligence before claiming “foul” and it could lead to less embarrassment on your part.
2. You said Oxford mistakenly attributed the coining of the word “homosexual” to the Germans. In truth it was Karl Kertbeny who coined the term “homosexual”. Although Kertbeny was of Hungarian blood, he moved to Germany and settled there for the remainder of his career. I think Oxford was referring to the environment of Kertbeny’s work (Germany) rather than the bloodline of Kertbeny (Hungarian). Regardless, it was the German history, research, and case studies that Oxford was focusing on. Don’t discount the irrefutable facts in the article based on one small misunderstanding. That would not be good scholarship.
3. You continue to push your opinion that it doesn’t matter what scholars thought 500 years, ago, instead it matters what Paul intended 2000 years ago. And OF COURSE this is what we are all looking for - the original meaning. To suggest that Oxford isn’t of the same opinion would reveal that you didn’t understand the article clearly. Please reference the title of the article which is a question: “Has ‘Homosexual’ Always Been in the Bible?” The article ventures to answer that question which is a resounding “NO”. And the article goes on to give a very brief history of how other words have been used in this passage over the past 500 years. The article did not intend to discuss the previous 2000 years or it would have needed an additional 400 pages. It would be great if you could stick with the facts presented IN the article and not skirt around other passages and periods of history, and instead save those discussions for future articles when those areas are actually addressed. Everything in the article is specifically addressing the question at the beginning, yet you accuse Oxford of not being relevant to the topic, when in fact it is you who are not addressing the facts presented. To go one step further, since it is the original meaning that we are all after, why don’t you see value in tracking the way it has been translated throughout the past 2000 years? Such a study gives us incredibly valuable information. Unfortunately many Christians today are so lazy that they go to BDAG and think it is 100% accurate - this shows a lack of scholarship and understanding on how culture and history need to be included in translation. Many modern commentaries and Bible resources have allowed the culture, personal bias, and anachronistic thinking to enter the room when being written. If you spend time studying the process of how commentaries and Bible dictionaries are written then you would learn that most are created AFTER the translation comes out and not before - meaning that the commentaries and dictionaries are influenced by the Bible translation and not the other way around. So if a Bible translation got something wrong, then that mistake is carried into the commentaries/dictionaries.
4. I found it hypocritical when you accused Ed Oxford of using a modern day understanding of knabenshander (even though he utilized highly knowledgeable German researchers), yet then you brag about going to your modern Oxford Dictionary to determine the meaning of a very ancient word - pederasty. To understand pederasty in the ancient world, most scholars would not recommend the Oxford Dictionary. If you are serious about this topic then I would encourage you to be consistent with the way you approach resources.
5. You continue to say that “words change meaning over time”, and that is actually one of the points that appeared to be made in the article. Arsenokoitai has been translated as “masturbaters”, “boy molesters”, “abusers of others”, “abusers of themselves”, “people who use sex to get things”, “prostitutes”, “people who use prostitutes”, as well as “homosexuals”. For you to discard two thousand years of information is very ridiculous and not very scholarly.
6. On multiple occasions you say that the article glosses over Old Testament passages, Romans, etc. And again, it appeared to be a short article that could in no way cover such a broad topic without turning it into a book. I don’t understand why you have a difficult time dealing with the facts presented in the article.
I am part of a group of straight pastors, seminary professors, parents, and church leaders who are asking a very important question: WHY IS THE SUICIDE RATE OF LGBTQ KIDS SO HIGH? In truth, LGBTQ kids have a high suicide rate, but if a kid comes from a Christian home that already high suicide rate goes even higher - EIGHT TIMES HIGHER. And this suicide dilemma did not come about until the last century when Bible translations were changed and ultimately weaponized. We have seen more teen and young adult suicides in the past few decades than in all of history.
I did a deep dive looking for facts, not trying to prove one side over the other. I changed my mind because the evidence is overwhelming! You seem to be making the same mistake that many of us made for years - we started with the assumption that all same-sex activity is sinful and applied this (misguided) preconceived narrative into all passages we studied. But no book has yet proven that the Bible says all same-sex activity is sinful. All non-affirming books assume this without proving it. Mistakes are made when verses are taken out of historical and cultural context. Since you have attended Talbot I am wondering if you studied Greek and Hebrew? If so, I would encourage you to use your tools to seek the truth - regardless of what it reveals.
You made an admonishment against false teaching - and that is why I implore you to do your due diligence on this topic. I am very familiar with your work, and by that I can tell that you have only scratched the surface. Becket, I think you have a kind heart and incredible love for Jesus - and I tell this to people all the time. But I think you are wrong on this topic and will cause horrible damage if you continue to propagate such harmful, inaccurate, misguided theology.
God bless you.
Was looking for this comment! Thank you @@mountainguy7762
@@mountainguy7762 Good thing until the Protestant Deformation, we NEVER relied upon sola scriptura. It didn’t exist until then. Cook is correct. Like you, Oxford is pushing an agenda. We in the ancient Apostolic Churches know what it means and always have. 🤦🏻 Greek is literally one of three main languages of my church. The other two being Aramaic and Arabic.
People have “pet sins” (not just homosexuality) that they will do intellectual acrobatics to defend.
Instead of being honest with everyone and saying they don’t like or agree with God’s clear words, they would rather redefine the word to suit their beliefs.
Ty Beckett. I pray many born agains expose this lie! No homosexual can enter the kingdom. Cut off your hand…
My concern is this movie may be aimed at young ppl and lead many to hell.
Sooo love to watch your show. I see a peace on your face which is so beautiful. Love from Fontana California ❤
Hey, what a small world. GOD BLESS YOU from Rialto, California. I go to Sunrise Church but raised Nazarene.
This is right on time! You are anointed Becket! Thanks for standing firm on the word of God. ✝️
I'm Swedish and my mother tongue is Swedish. The Swedish Bible, is the king Gustav Wasa bible.
Hi Beckett, I am so blessed by your testimomy and your commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. May God continue to use you as a worthy vessel of honor!!!
Thank You Becket for your very helpful and consistent clarification in this age of increasing moral and ethical obscurity. So much appreciated!
So grateful for you, Becket, especially in these days of heresies!
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, AND THANK YOU. I'm humbled ny God's willingness to use me to minister to teens in a homeschooling co-op. In this group are two teens struggling with their identity. One in particular is the ring leader and brought up this argument the article addressed. WOW, GOD thank you for bringing me Your promised wisdom through the exact argument this teen brought to me and using Beckett to address and answer the lie that Satan has been scheming for years.
Beckett, you are so succinct in your addressing of this topic and so organized. This explanation was so easy to understand and follow. Very grateful to Father God for you and your faithfulness to take the time to make these teaching videos!
Rebecca, I implore you to seek the truth on this. Becket has a great heart for God but he is incredibly mistaken on this topic. Your teens' lives depend upon it!
this channel has content that is directly based on what the Bible says:
Thank you for this insightful perspective.
I searched gay Republican and man did it light up.
Log Cabin Republicans that are gay living secret Lives.
I just finished watching your previous video or maybe it was a video that you made afterwards. Like I said before i used to identify as gay but, I have turned away from that lifestyle. What I want to share is that I used to make up this same argument for why it was okay for me to be gay. People who were my friends told me this stuff so that I could justify my life. I now know that it was outlandish.
I'm so happy for u keep it up people who say that gay is not sin are clowns
A lady in my church uses this "1946" argument to celebrate homosexuals. I was wondering about the background of it, so I'm very glad to hear this teaching.
Your book just arrived. Cant wait to read it. You are a blessing!
Look forward to each video.....learned something new again 👍🏻😊 Blessings 💛
So appreciate you brutha! GOD bless you man!
Dang! So informative, I had to watch several times and take notes! Thank you! Appreciate the way you explain Biblical truth to us.
Thank you and God bless you! My daughter has recently revealed to me that she believes she is bisexual. I have been searching for someone like you who is experienced within that lifestyle, and knowledgeable and not afraid to teach the truth. I pray and hope that as I share these videos with her the scales will fall off of her eyes and that she will be filled with the Holy Spirit just as you were! The first video I came across with you was when you spoke with focus on the family. Tears filled my eyes when I heard your testimony. My daughter still knows and loves the Lord, but she has been led astray from false teaching such as these and her generations influences. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge of the Word of God! I can’t wait to watch all of your videos! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!❤️🙏🏻
@@noirchien2622 Wow! Thank you! I am doing EVERYTHING that you have said! I just finished a 40 day fast (the Daniel fast with some full fasts within it) and my brother whom I also was praying for accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior on my last day of the fast! 🙌
I’m also praying for my daughters friends to be saved and if they will only continue to be a negative influence in her life for God to move them out. I’m also praying for her future husband to hopefully already be a Spirit filled mature Christian who will be able to be the Spiritual leader for her and their family. And I’m praying that they meet soon! But thank you so much for listening to what the Holy Spirit put on your heart to reply to me. It is definitely a conformation and uplifting to get a word from God that “Hey! I’ve heard your prayers and I’m working on it!” 🥰🙌
Thank you again! Is there anything that you would like prayer for? I would love to do that for you 🙏🏻
@hmniym thank you so much! I have and I will keep my faith and hope strong in the Lord! My daughter has yet to watch any of Becket’s videos with me and still gets upset when the subject is brought up in church about it being a sin. One thing that surprises me about her clinging onto this so tightly and yet she knows well the story I’ve told her several times that really happened when she was about 8 years old. I was cleaning in my living room and she came in and asked “Hey Mom, what is gay?” So I explained to her by using a table lamp near me and unplugged it and said that “it’s two men or two women who want to be together. But God didn’t create us to be that way.” I told her that the lamp and plug are like men and asked her “If I took two lamps and put the plugs together would they light up?”, she replied “no” and explained that the outlet on the wall was like a woman and asked her “do you think two outlets together would get a reaction?”. Again she said “no” and so I told her that “two married people like me (the outlet) and your Dad (the lamp) plug into each other and produce light and you are like the light, together they create life and that’s one of God’s purposes for us”
So she smiled and said “Okay!” And skips away. Just as she did I peripherally saw and heard the chandelier to my right moving and as I looked directly at it I saw a creamed colored, mangy and shaggy, sharped toothed, red eyed monkey jump from the chandelier to the wall right next to me and it hissed at me then disappeared into the wall (and I guess out of the house). It was a demon. I calmly walked down stairs to talk to my mother who was visiting and said to her “ I just saw the weirdest thing…” she yelled “A MONKEY!!!” I was like “How did you know!? Did you see it too!?” She said “No, just as you said that an image of a monkey popped into my head!”. So I told her what happened and we’ve known all this time that this was something that the enemy was going to try and put on my daughter. So I’ve been praying for many many years, and I’ve had many many conversations with her to teach her God’s will and the truth about it all, but here we are today. I’m taking faith though that this is part of her journey and will end up being a big part of her future testimony. I’m taking faith that because I have trained my child in the way she should go and when she is old she will not turn from it! Proverbs 22:7 I’m just praying and hoping that she doesn’t wait until she is really old 😓
But thank you again and any prayers that you might could say for my daughter would be greatly appreciated as well! Her name is Ali (pronounced Alley). Thank you and God bless you!
@hmniym yes they are! And thank you! 🥰
Yes, actually she is. I’m not really sure what shows or characters but I know she is interested in it.
Hi Crystal, I have abstained from same-sex practices for 24 years. Yet, inwardly I think of myself as gay. If you would, pray that the LORD'S love transforms my sense of identity.
Hi Becket!! God Bless you!! I look forward to your show.
So happy you found Jesus
When I listen to you, your messages are always just so clear.. it's like that verse that talks about the Word of God being like a sword, cutting through to the heart, Hebrews 4:12. I hope and pray that you stand firm because all the forces of the evil one will come at you. Just know, that Christ is MORE powerful and the Word of God is more powerful than any forces of evil that will try to twist the truth... because the human heart will choose sin and wrong, unless they become born again. It's just that simple.
Right on, Becket! God is truly using you. 👑❤
Yes he is.
When I was living in the gay lifestyle, I saw the video with Ed Oxford, who is a retired minister, and Kathy Baldock. I was hooked on their argument at the time. I am now saddened by the fact that people are being deceived by this teaching. Yesterday evening I had a videochat with a cousin who is a retired Anglican minister of the liberal persuasion. So he was pro-LGBT. The conversation did not go well. He said he was sad that I had succumbed to when he would have termed as a bigoted viewpoint. I failed to ask him for a definition of the gospel and his view of scripture (whether it was the sole authority for belief). I suspect I would have sadly disappointed in his answer. When I was recounting my testimony as a born again believer in Yeshua, I noticed in the screen a totally blank face who appeared not to be comprehending what I was trying to say. For me it is of vital importance that we share the gospel, especially as the time of Jesus' return approaches. All I can do is ask God to help me show his redeeming love to all through my life and what I say. I live for him. I am not interested in my own agenda which has been nailed to the cross. I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live. Christ lives in me, the hope of glory. If that makes me a fanatic, so be it. I want to give him all the praise and honour.
Thank you for your insight and research!!!!
i love your commitment to what God said. not how mere men put their own spin on it to twist it, attempting to make it less recognizable (less convicting to the inner man), with intention of justifying any wrong heart and wrong mind by excusing plain old wicked sin against the Lord. people have been desperately trying to suppress the truth in unrighteousness like romans 1 says through the ages but the Word of God, beginning to end, still stands. when all is said and done we are not judged by each other but by Holy God. so thankful for my Advocate before the throne of God, Jesus Christ, Who paid the debt He didn't owe to pay the debt i couldn't pay. it's done and Done for all Eternity in His Righteous Atoning! God bless you for standing in the gap to actually keep the main thing the main thing. i love you brother!
Thank you for this information. It is very helpful.
Would you please clarify your teaching regarding taking up your cross. I have heard a different one.
Becket thank you so much for been so clear, historicaly correct and biblicaly sound! You really are a real Man of God ❤ With love ❤ from Mexico City!!!
Thank you for taking the time presenting the study for us all. Very informative. Wonderful explanation of the different translations. Stay blessed, Becket
Thank u so much for showing us what the word says and stands for. Thank u for dying to yourself to walk in the Light. Blessings to u! I love how smart u are!😁
@@BecketCook ❤
Thank God for you Becket! 🙏❤🤗 its obvious He changed you to the core and you tell only the truth! I learned that as i read your book... i loved you before i read it (as i heard you speak in different interviews) and i love you even more now ❤ your love for Jesus inspired me to go deeper in my relationship with Him! 😍 He is big God indeed! May He protect you from all evil and bless you and your ministry! 🙏 Pls keep doing what you do! ✊✊✊
@@BecketCook 😘🤗
Whenever someone suddenly comes to a “new revelation” in the Bible, that always gives me red flags. You mean to tell me for 2000+ years bible scholars both Jewish and gentile didn’t know this!?
Right? The "new revelation" is the recent addition of the word "homosexual" to the Bible.
A breath of fresh air in this fallen world. God bless you. Praying 🙏 for your protection and strength to keep going.
But his type of teaching leads to despair and death.
@@mountainguy7762 knowledge of sin is knowledge of death. We are all sinners here. The Gospel brings hope and new life. When you are born again you will no longer be a slave to this but you will have freedom..spoken from experience
Thank you, Becket! Someone raised this very issue with me yesterday & you answered so much for me!
Becket you are a strong warrior for truth. Thanks for wielding the sword of Gods truth through the swampy thickets of lies and deception and evil. I almost died in the “lifestyle.” Thank God for good people who have shown me the way to solid ground.
So thankful you are out and in Gods hands 🙌 now God Bless you my friend !!
Thank you for explaining this so well. I had many questions that you answered for me and now I can answer others when asked about this. God’s blessing on you and your ministry
That Bible verse about “itching ears” is so true! We humans, in our sinful state, will justify any sin!! Our ONLY hope is Christ!! ☝🏼✝️🙏
I have never heard of this before but this is what my daughter is using as a defender of homosexuality. She thinks you can be Christian and gay.
I would love a podcast on good Christian films or movies. My friend is trying to get me to watch The Chosen and don't feel I should watch it. Thoughts or a whole podcast on this?
Thank you so much for the clarification, Becket! God bless and stay blessed!
I'm so so glad that I have discovered your videos. I've been struggling since my daughter told me she believes she is bisexual. I said immediately that is a lie straight from hell. However, I did eventually start to wonder if I was wrong, but your testimony is so compelling that I have no doubts now about the clarity of God's word on this subject. There is definitely an anointing on these videos, as I can feel the power and truth of the words as they are spoken. Thank you so much, and praise to Jesus for all He has done in and through you. I continue to pray that my daughter's heart will soon be softened to the truth and that satan's lies will be exposed. God bless and take care.
Becket thank you so much for your devotion to the Word of God. You give me such hope for my twin sons who are both homosexuals. They once followed Jesus, but now I can’t mention anything to do with God to them. I pray that God would be merciful and draw them back to Himself.
maybe you should love your kids
Great video! I wanted to understand how do you challenge the Leviticus verses? Many affirming “Christians” quote eating shell fish as an abomination and many other sins quoted in the chapter are no longer considered as part of Christian faith. How would you speak to that?
No point arguing with reprobates . The world has many urgent problems than waste time arguing with sewer lovers . No need to waste time to argue with reprobate . Imagine losing your soul for anal bs ? Not worth it.
These Leviticus laws are generally health and hygiene laws that ensured public health and safety.
Shell fish are bottom-feeders, therefore feeding on excrement of fish etc. and more likely to cause food poisoning and sickness. Think about the cliches of getting sick from seafood, especially pre-refrigeration.
The same can be said about pigs - this animal has greater propensity to pass viruses to humans that most other animals, hence it is forbidden.
Same as people with leprosy or other contagious illnesses, they needed to quarantine, and if approaching the public, declare themselves as unclean and warn people from approaching.
We understand these laws as different from morality laws given the context. Because we have the ability to screen/prevent pork from harmful disease before they are sold commercially, some people choose to not follow these particular hygiene laws as they understand modern science provided though god to be protecting them.
Each law has context and purpose, some were very specific to the time and aren’t necessarily relevant to your relationship with god currently.
However, how Christians approached COVID, I believe could have been more dictated by the Bible by following quarantine,washing etc and preventing spread as per the laws. God wants us to be healthy and strong both in mind AND body but the ultimate reasoning for the overarching message and if you are following the message - ie healthy lifestyle avoiding sickness, preventing spread of disease and maintaining hygiene, then for some people this is sufficiently following the message and intent as is relevant in modern day context.
Morality laws are different however as generally morality doesn’t change over time greatly, however there are some cases such as slave ownership and treatment of females, much of which was specific to the context of the time period - there is a case to apply the overarching intent of God’s message to current day.
This video actually misses some of the arguments as per ‘1946 The Movie’
The creators of that movie actually point out that the New Testament passages describing homosexuality in detail are often taken out of context. Becket did take those verses out of context in this video too. He read and quoted them in isolation. If you read the entire passage, it is NOT homosexuality being described, what is being described is paganism and as part of that, people following paganism have become extremely sexually immoral in the process, but the passage is condemning paganism specifically, however Christians read the specific words about homosexuality and look at them in isolation.
As per this video, it’s becoming clearer that Leviticus is all about child molestation - and let’s face it, child molestation is a MASSIVE problem in the church and it only makes sense that this would be so strongly condemned by God in the Old Testament. In my opinion, we should be considering that Leviticus is NOT speaking on homosexuality. That doesn’t meant anything other than child abuse is likely worse than homosexuality for a society to partake in. It bothers me that people are so intent on Leviticus being about homosexuality only and leaving child abuse somewhat untouched.
Romans 1:27 could be about homosexuality, but it also might not be.
Becket, you have a gift of explaining context very clearly! Praise Jesus! I enjoy listening to you! Plus I am learning so much! Yay! May God continue to use you for his purpose and Glory!!!!
Eye opening....
You explain things more clear, consise, and to the point, than everyone on You Tube! THANK YOU!
Beckett, I have a HUGE amount of respect for you. I have been praying for a while about how to approach the homosexual community.
I am not homosexual, but I sympathize with the community because I know what it’s like to really want something and yet have to face the reality that this strong desire may not be in agreement with God.
I know what it’s like to hope that the “want” is not sin and even to try to justify the desire and search through scriptures in hopes to validate your desire.
I thank God for your honest search of Truth. I heard the arguments from the revisionists recently and it was quite compelling. I went to the Lord and asked Him to show me the Truth. If my understanding was incorrect, I’m willing to change it and I would become the greatest advocate for gay rights if I had been wrong.
But the Lord reminded me of Romans 1, but not in the same way that it is used against homosexuality. God showed me that He is revealed in His creation. He originally created one man and one woman and He made them differently yet complimentary….
And He gave them…. And them only….. the capacity to procreate. His creation reveals is divine order and nature.
You touched on this point in this video. That was all I needed at the time, but your further elaboration has given me the confidence and certainty needed to boldly confront this lie from the enemy.
I will be gleaning from your channel so that I can further understand the misinformations and misunderstandings of this community because I want to be as strong of an advocate for Gods truth as I would have been for the LGBT community.I want to be able to provide them with the truth in love but unrelenting and uncompromising in the message of Gods will and intention. My heart breaks for anyone who is innocently walking in blindness.
God bless you and your efforts Sir.
I super appreciate the way you explain things! Very linear, step by srep, and with clarity. I also like the pace you talk, and your voice! Thank you!!
Right! Exactly!
Thank you Becket. For bringing this to light. I always learn something new from your show. So important for people to know these things. God bless your beautiful soul. 🙏🕊❤
Wow, thank you for digging so deep in the Word. I really appreciate all I glean from you.
Once again, I am tremendously grateful for your study and insight. Your voice is really important. May more and more come to hear!
Very interesting! Always learn something new from your show! Godspeed!❤️🕊 I’m ready for another cooking show with Chynna!!🌮🥗🥖
Another cooking show w/ Chynna is coming out this weekend!
@@BecketCook Yes!!❤️
The Romans 1:27 and Hebrew/Rabbinical understanding of the Leviticus passages leave no room for ambiguity on this issue. Well done.
THANK YOU for boldly sharing the truth!
Jesus did not re affirm what marriage. He is responding to a question about divorce. He is talking about a man and a woman who are married. He is affirming that God made man women he is establishing the equality . and that he left his family to join with his wife and they became one flesh to say he is establishing all marriage must be this way is a stretch since that was not the question asked
I am impressed and appreciative that you come with knowledge and the research that you do. You do your do diligence and it’s admirable, praise be to God :)
. “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
2 Timothy 2:15 And you have done that! All glory to God:)
Thank you Becket, I appreciate any reference for how we got to our current situation. Off topic I had a social studies teacher who for some reason shared where the term GAY came from. He said men who were homosexual would wear Green And Yellow on Thursdays to signal other men of their persuasion. Btw this was 1974, why this was a relevant topic was beyond me but I like to understand origins of things. Do you know the history of this? Was this guy correct or just bothering the young captive minds of that moment.
It is fundamentally wrong to search the scriptures in order to prove our own point or justify our own peculiar beliefs. We must read the scriptures prayerfully in humbleness, laying aside what we think we know in search for God’s truth. Then we must be willing, by the grace of Christ, live according to the light given us.
Great stuff, thank you!
All this hot air about a simple commandment. God created Man & Woman & said multiply. Same sex couples are unable to do so.
Therefore that CANNOT be God's will.
The first creation story contains no direct commands to people. It contains commands which God speaks and they just happen. Thus God uttered the blessing to all life that it multiply, and it was so, and has been ever since. The fact that a small number of people either cannot or choose not to reproduce for any of a number of reasons poses no threat to God fulfilling his blessing.
To misinterpret this as a command would mean that no one must fail reproduce (unless I suppose if they're infertile). The implications of this would be horrendous for society. Those who choose not to marry would still have to find some partner to reproduce with and end up with a single-parent baby. If one partner in a marriage ends up being infertile, they'd have to find someone outside the marriage to mate with. Ditto for those in a same secs marriage.
You really need to think things through before making arguments that don't stand up to scrutiny.
Very excellent presentation !!
Excellent teaching again Becket, thank you. I pray you stay grounded and humble and SO knowledgeable of God's Holy Word, which the body of Christ is in desperate need of in these times.