Lucky Daye - Real Games (Official Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,6 тис.

  • @cakredi4132
    @cakredi4132 5 років тому +3664

    Three elements you can always expect in Lucky Daye's videos:
    1. Black Queens
    2. His band
    3. Groovy tunes

  • @LYBism
    @LYBism 5 років тому +6093

    Thanks, American Idol. . .you rejected him. Your loss=Our gain.

    • @carter_cam5532
      @carter_cam5532 5 років тому +25

      Lolita Brown yesss

    • @December_baby04
      @December_baby04 5 років тому +191

      Lolita Brown he was on American idol!?!!!?

    • @LYBism
      @LYBism 5 років тому +93

      @@December_baby04, yes, his real name is David Brown. Here is his audition:

    • @raecharles5494
      @raecharles5494 5 років тому +203

      Now he’s freee! Fuck American idol

    • @December_baby04
      @December_baby04 5 років тому +76

      Lolita Brown wow. Talk about trusting the process!!! That’s awesome

  • @bigharp0949
    @bigharp0949 9 місяців тому +8

    Listened to this all through COVID-19 while going through a tough divorce in 2020. This song matched that vibe perfectly. The “Real Games” are played in the court room. Glad I won and was able to move on.

  • @dynasty4068
    @dynasty4068 5 років тому +5545

    I love how lucky Daye promotes black elegance you don’t see that a lot from other artists but in his videos he always has a nice chocolate goddess as the muse to the video no hate to lightskin but BLACK ELEGANCE is beautiful and I admire it a lot

    • @essubliminals6826
      @essubliminals6826 5 років тому +337

      YoFavv.Dynasty • and he doesn’t even have the girls always shaking their ass. They’re just there showing off their elegance and its amazing.

    • @Nasrumii
      @Nasrumii 5 років тому +41


    • @Darkness-sx7xo
      @Darkness-sx7xo 5 років тому +58

      Finally someone said it

    • @AntonsClass
      @AntonsClass 5 років тому +67

      Absolutely! Thinking the same thing!!! Love the Black beauty

    • @thixcinikki
      @thixcinikki 5 років тому +18

      amen ♥

  • @IamBonkosi_SA
    @IamBonkosi_SA 5 років тому +4939

    I wish I had someone who understands my taste of music. We'd have a playlist date 😭😭😭

  • @midnightsuns4510
    @midnightsuns4510 4 роки тому +86

    1. She is breathe taking..... GORGEOUS!
    2. The hook is SO fire
    3. I feel Lucky's writing gifts are under rated!!!! He is a SUPER gifted singer and WRITER!

    • @chastinraines
      @chastinraines Рік тому +2

      Though he didn't write or produce any of this actually his og help him with this masterpiece basically it was handed over to him but he still executed it like no one else ever could

    • @alexisrobinson6979
      @alexisrobinson6979 Рік тому +1


    • @christibradford8499
      @christibradford8499 9 місяців тому

      And performer. He understands the mf ASSIGNMENT. GO, LUCKY!! 🔥🔥🔥

  • @SneaksBL
    @SneaksBL 5 років тому +658

    3:15 BRUH THAT BEAT SWITCH UP. Almost spit out my water. This too raw. Extreme talent

    • @yahrize1love548
      @yahrize1love548 5 років тому +9

      Ninety88 Agreed bruh I was drinking wine tho😂🤣🤗

    • @idreamofjenny
      @idreamofjenny 5 років тому +18

      It’s my favorite part of the song.

    • @ham305
      @ham305 5 років тому +18

      That part take u to another place

    • @seandixson8434
      @seandixson8434 5 років тому +4

      Caught me completely off guard

    • @seandixson8434
      @seandixson8434 5 років тому +12

      But the first one @ 00:58 is STILL killer !!

  • @jerrylorosae2690
    @jerrylorosae2690 5 років тому +1779

    He's a 4 times Grammy nominee this year!

    • @mamapanda404
      @mamapanda404 5 років тому +43

      I hope he wins!!!

    • @nathnath6123
      @nathnath6123 5 років тому +5


    • @nnguyen3482
      @nnguyen3482 4 роки тому +24

      really? thats amazing. I dont really listen to much "grammy" type music but Lucky is a modern old soul.

    • @williammeans2861
      @williammeans2861 4 роки тому +4

      Jerry Lorosae Have you ever heard of Fitch Means? Lucky Daye did a rendition of his song 2am Drive on her live! You should check it out

    • @jerrylorosae2690
      @jerrylorosae2690 4 роки тому +1

      @@williammeans2861 thanks buddy. Will do

  • @davephillips4508
    @davephillips4508 5 років тому +1952

    Lucky Daye, Bryson, Dvsn, Sonder, HER, SiR, Snoh, 6LACK, Daniel Caesar, Jorja Smith, Sinead ,The Weeknd, Sza, Ari Lennox...tryna make that ultimate vibez playlist am I forgetting anybody ???

    • @moriahfoster7393
      @moriahfoster7393 4 роки тому +324

      Masego, Summer Walker, Jhene Aiko, and Joy Crookes.
      I think.
      If you do put the playlist together could you send it to me, I kinda wanna hear it.

    • @aprilfelton6001
      @aprilfelton6001 4 роки тому +125

      Snoh allegra

    • @aprilfelton6001
      @aprilfelton6001 4 роки тому +106

      Alana baraz6 and sabrina Claudio

    • @LoveAlways1002
      @LoveAlways1002 4 роки тому +47

      Savannah Cristina🥰

    • @kevins9920
      @kevins9920 4 роки тому +43

      Dave Phillips sooooo...did this playlist get made. This quarantine shit is driving me insane. Need some vibes lol

  • @toledoboogz9817
    @toledoboogz9817 5 років тому +856

    Actual musicians and singing. A pretty girl who's not practically nekkit...
    Thank you so much. The future looks bright.

    • @badbn405
      @badbn405 5 років тому +36

      I hear you but, the way you spelled naked just kilt me!

    • @yahrize1love548
      @yahrize1love548 5 років тому +10

      Toledo Boogz can say that again🤗😂🤗😂

    • @swagchomp
      @swagchomp 5 років тому +14

      Nothing wrong with nudity
      Of course this looks graceful but no need to shame the other

    • @navynick7307
      @navynick7307 5 років тому


    • @KuttyJoe
      @KuttyJoe 5 років тому +17

      And she's actually a black woman. Damn. I love this!

  • @pumpkin0096
    @pumpkin0096 5 років тому +2877

    Swear i need more friends who will listen to my type of songs 😭

    • @cantthinkofaname3995
      @cantthinkofaname3995 5 років тому +11

      Sheckion Hutchinson same!!!

    • @chrissy4035-j6c
      @chrissy4035-j6c 5 років тому +23

      Can someone recommend other artists and songs that they like. Cause there’s no reason I’m just finding this artist.😢

    • @DatKomBak
      @DatKomBak 5 років тому +2

      Sheckion Hutchinson me too

    • @channingpeterson87
      @channingpeterson87 5 років тому +1

      Sheckion Hutchinson Hey Friend🙂😌

    • @syyy444
      @syyy444 5 років тому +2

      Sheckion Hutchinson Yes Girl Same 😩

  • @cocoakeke
    @cocoakeke 5 років тому +241

    His band is amazing!!! The NPR Tiny Desk is one of the top 5 of 2019. I feel like he's what RnB and soul music has been missing!

    • @ingridlockhart7048
      @ingridlockhart7048 4 роки тому +1

      Yep he is just so really what I Listen to everyday

    • @Divinesybil504
      @Divinesybil504 Рік тому +1

      He KILLED that Tiny Desk! Lucky really a beast.

  • @arielnicoleee
    @arielnicoleee 5 років тому +697

    I love how he has a black woman as leads in his videos. Reminds me of the early rnb when they had all skin tones of black women like this!😍😍😍 And the music! Ow!!😍

  • @TerinThompsonmusic
    @TerinThompsonmusic 5 років тому +595

    The future of r&b. We gotta work! Holla

    • @axftyh
      @axftyh 5 років тому +4

      Terin Thompson This more of a Funk vibe

    • @TerinThompsonmusic
      @TerinThompsonmusic 5 років тому +2

      #facts. But Im saying that based off of his whole body of work. His music is like mixed martial arts. One could compare it to Karate vs MMA. Hes the evolution

    • @axftyh
      @axftyh 5 років тому

      Terin Thompson oh okay cuz this my first time seeing bro... sumn just told me to check this out as i was scrolling

    • @TerinThompsonmusic
      @TerinThompsonmusic 5 років тому +1

      Yeah I heard him on sirius xm and was blown away. Bruh on his way fasho

    • @rogernascimento3603
      @rogernascimento3603 5 років тому


  • @tiyab3104
    @tiyab3104 4 роки тому +2045

    The guitarist was ahead of the game with the Corona mask. 😂😂

  • @anelisandungane7048
    @anelisandungane7048 5 років тому +435

    Lucky and his team know what singles to pick. Can we get 'Misunderstood' as the next single. 🔥😭

    • @mimiimstrong3294
      @mimiimstrong3294 5 років тому +3


    • @howardlee8486
      @howardlee8486 5 років тому +3

      In love with that love. So elegant. I always imagine myself in a suit by a fireplace or rooftop when i listen to misunderstood.

    • @TarrBaby601
      @TarrBaby601 5 років тому

      Love misunderstood

    • @brianaca1990
      @brianaca1990 5 років тому +1

      Anelisa other than roll some more, this was the only other song I had on constant repeat!!🤗

    • @songbird1975
      @songbird1975 5 років тому +3

      Omg yes!!! Loved that the moment I heard it!!!

  • @pimpsoda.3502
    @pimpsoda.3502 5 років тому +633

    I honestly think artist like Lucky Daye are going to be one of those artist who helps normalize the placement of beautiful black women in these videos. We're moving into a really good direction as far is inclusivity within our music videos goes. Eventually this will be the norm and we can look back at people like him who paved the way for proper representation of us in the media ✨

    • @Sunny-we7uv
      @Sunny-we7uv 5 років тому +11

      Yes this is great I start seeing it. It's coming back. It used to be in the R&B times. I love seeing more black on black love. And more different ranges of black women in the media. I really like where its going

    • @ClassyGyal
      @ClassyGyal 5 років тому +7

      Yh, and years down the line you find out he really likes white girls and this was for just for his image.

    • @Sunny-we7uv
      @Sunny-we7uv 5 років тому +3

      @@ClassyGyal oops

    • @peterdemoor6036
      @peterdemoor6036 5 років тому

      on another note, his music hits!!!!

    • @Sirdewitt
      @Sirdewitt 5 років тому +1

      No Name that’s how it always goes. They know BW are where the money is in rnb genre so they appeal to them.

  • @EmoShawtyJay
    @EmoShawtyJay 5 років тому +464

    That’s one fine man and his video girl is stunning

    • @LoveAlways1002
      @LoveAlways1002 4 роки тому +5


    • @fatimah230
      @fatimah230 4 роки тому +20

      In one of the comments someone said she’s an artist too! Looked her up and she’s AMAZING 😻 goes by the name Tanerelle 💜

    • @chester14rw
      @chester14rw 4 роки тому +7

      the bisexual energy here

  • @t.b.306
    @t.b.306 5 років тому +908

    This is sooo FUNKY I scrunch my face up every time I hear this jammin...that's that soul music...real RnB soul/funk

    • @OmbreFaye
      @OmbreFaye 5 років тому +24

      Me too! The scrunch face all the way.

    • @keithkansteiner9303
      @keithkansteiner9303 5 років тому +6

      Helllll yeaaa sameeee

    • @lilj882
      @lilj882 3 роки тому +2

      Totally agree 👍

    • @Horac3
      @Horac3 2 роки тому +2

      Realest comment on here and my like made it 777 🧘🏾‍♂️💫

    • @lovingmylife528
      @lovingmylife528 2 роки тому +3

      Lol 😂 facts

  • @nilbogratper
    @nilbogratper 5 років тому +2258

    Full lips
    Natural hair
    Dark skin

    • @maureth6520
      @maureth6520 5 років тому +55

      and perfect teeth *-*

    • @HumidGreen
      @HumidGreen 5 років тому +21

      T.J. Summerlin just about to comment on that. No color shaming like Chris Brown and Tory Lanez... love this

    • @nsy6591
      @nsy6591 5 років тому +12

      Too gorgeous

    • @Galant5x
      @Galant5x 5 років тому +15

      The girl playing tennis looks good too

    • @ninaglace7331
      @ninaglace7331 5 років тому +16

      He's so fine tf😅

    @JAUSHTHEBAUSS 3 роки тому +47

    This whole song is a vibe but the switch up starting at 3:12 is heavenly

  • @daniellekirby2253
    @daniellekirby2253 5 років тому +561

    He betta have him a chocolate Afro Goddess as his lead!!! 🙌🏾

  • @amirbradsher
    @amirbradsher 5 років тому +472

    Thankful that Lucky Daye kept faith in his journey with music because these vibes are undeniable and needed🍀👑💯

  • @marialeanicowakongelf9020
    @marialeanicowakongelf9020 3 роки тому +18

    He`s E P I C .... -

  • @simba1225
    @simba1225 5 років тому +209

    Refreshing theme for the video, plus the leading lady is gorgeous! Need that Late Night video next

  • @YoungNaturalista
    @YoungNaturalista 5 років тому +1562

    A naturally beautiful brown woman with an Afro. Take all my little money David.

    • @AntonsClass
      @AntonsClass 5 років тому +8


    • @lashaunalowe
      @lashaunalowe 5 років тому +31

      And has curves too

    • @redsiren222
      @redsiren222 5 років тому +7

      Lmbo! I heard that n I dont have to change my last name cause it is already Brown. Sexi azz dude with a beautiful voice n nice skin n teeth. Lol

      @THEPEERPATH 5 років тому +15

      And she is thick! I love it

    • @kaybest3715
      @kaybest3715 5 років тому +1

      Liked ya comments

  • @jeremiamangena825
    @jeremiamangena825 5 років тому +586

    The lady in this video goes by the name Tanarelle she's also an artist, pretty dope too

    • @StopSelfDoubting
      @StopSelfDoubting 4 роки тому +18

      Her music is incredible. I’m so happy and proud to hear real R&B again. I’m floating in another universe right now.

    • @fatimah230
      @fatimah230 4 роки тому +4

      I just looked her up and I LOVE HER OMG THANK YOU 🙏🏿💜

    • @killroy226
      @killroy226 4 роки тому +9

      Recently discovered her too. god damn she IS the divine feminine

    • @liljessi90
      @liljessi90 4 роки тому +5

      Oh my goodness I knew I recognized her from somewhere! ❤️ I just discovered her and I am in 😍

    • @blkhppie
      @blkhppie 4 роки тому +1

      i was literally on Google to see if it was her in the video. thanks for the confirmation 😭❤️

  • @chand.4401
    @chand.4401 5 років тому +99

    Lucky Daye is such an old soul and im here for it! But this dude is killing me with these Dark toned, natural hair GODDESSES as his leading ladies. YESSSS! ❤️ I am losing my mind!! Just marry me already, damn.

  • @ismaeelshabalala1914
    @ismaeelshabalala1914 5 років тому +132

    That Dru Hill "Tell Me " jump during the chorus killed me. This Song and the sound is too dope.

    • @cierrathames8056
      @cierrathames8056 5 років тому +1

      Here for it 😄

    • @KeliH_
      @KeliH_ 5 років тому +1

      I lost it at the jump

    • @tesha081394
      @tesha081394 5 років тому +1

      Ismaeel Shabalala I said the same thing lmao

  • @aidaofearth
    @aidaofearth 4 роки тому +201

    Thick thighs, afro, and dark skin, this model made me so happy. We need more of this gorgeous representation!

    • @crazzzytrex8593
      @crazzzytrex8593 3 роки тому +14

      Her name is Tanerelle and she has some good music as well

    • @psyourauntie
      @psyourauntie 3 роки тому +2

      @@crazzzytrex8593 yep 👍

  • @nadiao9966
    @nadiao9966 5 років тому +107

    I LOVE that this musically gifted young man is normalizing visuals of deeply melanated women. To some it might not mean much, but its just refreshing to watch underrepresented beauty be presented in a chill and beautiful music video.

  • @treysince21
    @treysince21 5 років тому +92

    The music is smooth and she's so beautiful. Lucky Daye, I salute thee!

  • @sagessupremacy
    @sagessupremacy 5 років тому +70

    I like how most of his songs are actually more than 2 mins. Gives me more time to actually enjoy the song.

  • @kma2891
    @kma2891 5 років тому +190

    It's been a lucky day since I found u

  • @douglasbanda349
    @douglasbanda349 5 років тому +145

    Why is he so good, can someone explain?

    • @elijahhollis1957
      @elijahhollis1957 5 років тому +5


    • @shaystube15
      @shaystube15 5 років тому +13

      he feels his music deep in his core and it shows.

    • @zedkuchalo
      @zedkuchalo 5 років тому +1

      Lol unrelated to your comment, but as someone who knows what your real name should B 😂😂 the 'B' at the end has really cracked me up. I have a weird sense of humour, don't mind me.

    • @mihawk508
      @mihawk508 5 років тому +4

      Hes black

  • @Thequestionmark7514
    @Thequestionmark7514 4 роки тому +5

    His depiction of beauty in the black women is one that should be cherished. It's literally what black femininity looks like. I don't know why the media, the internet and news broadcast outlets don't show black women like this..... Nope, instead they show black women who are pressured to conform to white beauty standards that aren't applicable to them. Putting them in a lose-lose situation.....The fellas in this video are looking Jazzy too!

    @SUNSHNEandREGGAE 5 років тому +351

    This song makes me want to use the word groovy again. TOTALLY GROOVY TUNE 😂 Lucky, keep blessing us with all of this black excellence!!! You deserve all of the good things ✨

    • @Cassykakes
      @Cassykakes 5 років тому +1

      SUNSHNEandREGGAE right 😂😂😂

    • @shawntarush343
      @shawntarush343 5 років тому +1

      Oh yessssss this is GROOVY 🙂

    • @msshayflorida
      @msshayflorida 3 роки тому

      I 100% agree I almost used it in my comment but F it this song is ABSOLUTELY GROOVY!!! Totally a stank face, head jerker 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • @lovingmylife528
      @lovingmylife528 2 роки тому


  • @adasaura8648
    @adasaura8648 5 років тому +57

    A full figured dark-skinned beauty?!! YES!

  • @tevinfalzon6198
    @tevinfalzon6198 3 роки тому +61

    Lucky Daye hasn’t missed at all with any of his releases but I’m really hoping he has more funk driven songs like this on his next album 🤞🏽

  • @LilacCalandra
    @LilacCalandra 5 років тому +55

    He's wearing my Nana's couch pattern and looks like an Adonis! 😍😍 Lucky Daye, the future is yours!

  • @10byrdie
    @10byrdie 5 років тому +81

    His love interest is always natural with beautiful dark skin #refreshing

  • @nuccipryear2400
    @nuccipryear2400 5 років тому +77

    Hey my people this brother is something special and we gotta put him on the top and support this brother this is our brother peace and blessings to my all my people that support Lucky

  • @pfwww12
    @pfwww12 5 років тому +48

    As a male RnB Artist myself I'm glad we have Lucky Daye. His vocals are are effortlessly smooth. He's definitely one of the top singers low key

  • @elevated-170
    @elevated-170 5 років тому +55

    All hits no misses. Incredibly talented brother, hope he gets the recognition he deserves.

  • @theone1onhigherground496
    @theone1onhigherground496 5 років тому +19

    I LOVE how he showcases all these BEAUTIFUL CHOCOLATE SISTER QUEENS👑 in his vids. Love this Brother for the Love!

  • @VallyVal89
    @VallyVal89 5 років тому +75

    We need a video now for "misunderstood" and "try your fire". Thank you! 💚🍀💚

    • @OhSoCarmen
      @OhSoCarmen 5 років тому

      Misunderstood is a gorgeous song. Actually, all of his music is!

  • @UnZolvedV
    @UnZolvedV 5 років тому +1106

    Dreamville needs to sign him and Him and Ari Lennox needs to make a song together❤❤❤😊🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @102040dede
    @102040dede Рік тому +7

    I heard this song on a Cadillac commercial I searched song via Google! Glad I found it! Great music I have an ear 4 good art!

  • @raecharles5494
    @raecharles5494 5 років тому +71

    I stayed for the music and now I’m in love with the beautiful dark skinned model!

  • @Taylor_Nicole98
    @Taylor_Nicole98 5 років тому +65

    I love lucky 🖤🖤 and how he represents natural black women and he’s most definitely next up ... I love his music

  • @artaviamishaw5632
    @artaviamishaw5632 4 місяці тому +7

    Boy that bass line killin 😍

  • @majesticcasual
    @majesticcasual 5 років тому +148

    that funk 🔥

  • @carolcityvixen
    @carolcityvixen 5 років тому +77

    I'm so excited about this one here!!! Love that he has a beautiful sista in the video. So awesome

    • @essielovey7348
      @essielovey7348 5 років тому +3


    • @latonyaransom8668
      @latonyaransom8668 5 років тому +3

      This is so amazing! #BlackisBeautiful 👑✨🙏❤

    • @carolcityvixen
      @carolcityvixen 5 років тому +2

      @@essielovey7348 This made my day💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

    • @carolcityvixen
      @carolcityvixen 5 років тому +4

      @@latonyaransom8668 Yes Black is Beautiful!!!! And she was also thick thick thick!!! They both made a Gorgeous couple. All that beautiful melanin and they were glowing. The whole cast was dope. Loved the Band and punk rock Asian man with a bandana covering his mouth. Awesome!!!!!!

    • @latonyaransom8668
      @latonyaransom8668 5 років тому +2

      @@carolcityvixen Yasssss! I will definitely add this to my good vibes playlist and I will be playing this song every day. I ❤ it!!!

  • @AlwaysAmy78
    @AlwaysAmy78 3 роки тому +12

    Over here at 43 vibin to music my daughter loves!! R n B with neo soul/jazz vibe!! I'm loving it 😍

  • @alishaw1195
    @alishaw1195 5 років тому +636

    What brown sugar and butter sounds like 😂😍

  • @lickledimps
    @lickledimps 5 років тому +388

    Heeereeee for this!!
    The bridge is definitely my favourite part of this song 😩✨
    Props to the director for this music video!
    This video fits the song perfectly! ❤️✨
    The aesthetics >>>>
    From the band to the styling and the beautiful black queen 😩👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    • @carter_cam5532
      @carter_cam5532 5 років тому

      Joy O. SAME OML

    • @clanderson5761
      @clanderson5761 5 років тому

      Do you know the song at the end

    • @carter_cam5532
      @carter_cam5532 5 років тому +2

      CL Anderson it sounds like a cover? Im sorry i dont know

    • @bengrimey319
      @bengrimey319 5 років тому +2

      Mine too! Got a chance to see him live in Chicago @ the Ella Mai 10 Summers Tour back in March! I went and downloaded all of his stuff off Apple Music the next day! This is my favorite song of his 🔥🔥🔥

    • @mshouse4251
      @mshouse4251 5 років тому

      Yass..that bridge...🔥🔥🎼

  • @deirdreevans2803
    @deirdreevans2803 2 роки тому +18

    I like this young man. He's extremely talented. Fine arts we love you 💕

  • @c.s7773
    @c.s7773 5 років тому +191

    I love your music snd I love the fsct my daughter is your leading lady!

    • @KrayzeeLife
      @KrayzeeLife 5 років тому +25

      Good genes! You raised a beautiful talented daughter (she sings) 😍😍😍

    • @TyraStanks
      @TyraStanks 5 років тому +8

      C. S Your daughter is beautiful!!!

    • @HeyCupertino
      @HeyCupertino 5 років тому +2

      Miss u Dad!

    • @c.s7773
      @c.s7773 5 років тому

      @Zaphael D. Thank you!

    • @c.s7773
      @c.s7773 5 років тому

      @@KrayzeeLife thank you :)

  • @askhetan
    @askhetan 5 років тому +656

    he's like parts of anderson paak, kendrick lamar, daniel caesar with a hint of donald glover mixed together. i mean that, obviously as a compliment to his stylistic range. also, his backing band are so damn good!! so damn tight!!

    • @Kam.Earles
      @Kam.Earles 4 роки тому +29

      Wit a pinch of Frank ocean maybe...

    • @marvin9860
      @marvin9860 4 роки тому +32

      @@Kam.Earles you can't tell me this 1:00 isn't Frank ocean

    • @hdisvzuqlnfp2721
      @hdisvzuqlnfp2721 4 роки тому +10

      Also Steve lacy espacially his song playground, and he produced some of kendrick songs

    • @christinagraham2915
      @christinagraham2915 4 роки тому +6

      Naw he is just David

    • @recordedbylp
      @recordedbylp 3 роки тому +9

      Glad I'm not the only one who noticed it. He really sounds like a lot of my favourite artists of this generation (that's Gambino's scream at 2:45, I'm sure of that lol)

  • @evemason3456
    @evemason3456 5 років тому +4

    Thank you for featuring that beautiful woman.

  • @gracedaniels3387
    @gracedaniels3387 5 років тому +77

    Okkkk....I’m gonna watch it 100 more times & then I’m done!!!

  • @ookingramseyoo
    @ookingramseyoo 5 років тому +88

    I don't think Lucky has the ability to make a bad song... That whole album was fire from track 1-13. Keep up the great work family. You got a fan & supporter right here. 🙏👑

    • @alielle6554
      @alielle6554 5 років тому

      Absolute FIRE! I listen from beginning to end - no skips.

    • @GoldenGraham25
      @GoldenGraham25 5 років тому

      Straight fire. It gives me Cali vibes.

  • @yrehairgrowth
    @yrehairgrowth Місяць тому +19

    Who's listening in 2024 🔥🔥🔥

  • @TheCMJernigan
    @TheCMJernigan 5 років тому +85

    I love this young man....he is proving to be quite “present” his leading lady is a chocolate, un-skinny doll!

  • @Hairitage93
    @Hairitage93 5 років тому +129

    Liked before it started cause I already knew it was fire 🔥✨

  • @FootLady_King
    @FootLady_King 4 роки тому +27

    The end of this sends chills through me love it

  • @tomheard2461
    @tomheard2461 5 років тому +18

    This brother is a millennial hybrid mix between Maxwell/D’angelo..., with a pinch of the purple one🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @chanelbell
    @chanelbell 5 років тому +71

    Thank u 4 making REAL music & not just caring about being 'mainstream'... ❤❤❤

  • @cloutclaudiuscharles2597
    @cloutclaudiuscharles2597 4 роки тому +226

    Bruh 34 and looks like he’s in his early 20’s

  • @AdrianMonique
    @AdrianMonique 5 років тому +18

    Lucky Daye is beautiful and not just in the physical aspect.. but his soul as well. His music allows you to feel every emotion whether its sadness or happiness. Either way I'm here for it 💕

  • @bisvitselimut4245
    @bisvitselimut4245 5 років тому +128

    my youtube recommendation kept showing me this for straight 3 weeks but i was sleeping on it. now i am awakened.

  • @LiveBandPromotions
    @LiveBandPromotions 11 місяців тому +3

    The Pianist playing at end 🔥

  • @makaylastokes4716
    @makaylastokes4716 5 років тому +25

    He is so fine n his voice😭‼️❤️

  • @user-jt9ju5jy7u
    @user-jt9ju5jy7u 5 років тому +45

    He’s a breath of FRESH AIR, real instruments,and lyrics. It’s not lost on the people how enjoy his music, that he always have natural black women in his video.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽✌🏾

  • @francisw3456
    @francisw3456 2 місяці тому +7

    Still a vibe 2024! ❤🖤

  • @KeishaAuNaturale
    @KeishaAuNaturale 5 років тому +184

    Definitely here for it! ❤️❤️❤️
    And I'm loving the fact that you choose the chocolate woman with the beautiful fro for your videos! Keep it up!

    • @Nepetamoon
      @Nepetamoon 5 років тому +3

      Keisha Love exactly😍.

    • @treysince21
      @treysince21 5 років тому +6

      @@Nepetamoon Was a fan of Lucky Daye already, but him showcasing the Queen like he did really made my day!

    • @Nepetamoon
      @Nepetamoon 5 років тому +2

      Elliott W same, it seems like he’s blown up super fast😩.

  • @jademc.6895
    @jademc.6895 5 років тому +390

    i wish that outro was an actual single of his:(

    • @EphemeralStars
      @EphemeralStars 5 років тому +2

      For real T_T

    • @paulineharmusial5984
      @paulineharmusial5984 5 років тому +4

      what's the tittle tho?

    • @Horac3
      @Horac3 5 років тому +1

      myles j I’ve been saying the same thing ever since he dropped this visual!! Just had to settle for a screen recording

    • @BoiseyMusic
      @BoiseyMusic 5 років тому

      Pauline Harmusial it’s the same song

    • @Horac3
      @Horac3 5 років тому +2

      Boisey Idk if you’re lost because you didn’t watch the whole video, but we’re talking about the song he’s signing with the piano player during the bts footage.

  • @beautifullyblessed89
    @beautifullyblessed89 4 роки тому +13

    You just dont understand how much i love this masterpiece! Video, words, the lead woman, the bandmates, the colors, the voice, and everything baby 💋👏🏾💃🏾💝

  • @MoldyWarts
    @MoldyWarts 5 років тому +52

    I really love the wardrobe choices and the video aesthetic. This song is phenomenal too. I feel like I'm at an art museum wishing I could explain why I like a painting but not knowing enough about the medium. This song is really cool and you all are really talented!

  • @lowkee777
    @lowkee777 5 років тому +70

    The woman in this vid is BEAUTIFUL!

  • @abigailwilliams2943
    @abigailwilliams2943 4 роки тому +130

    *LYRICS* 🤍
    I, think I just need to kiss you goodbye
    So baby, bring it over tonight
    Don't get caught in your head
    These words will keep them in this bed
    I, am feeling like the first time we met
    But I know this as good as it gets
    We know we want no more
    So baby, we can take it slow
    You, the only one got me stuck (you)
    I'm walkin' 'round, eyes wide open
    Unfocused, know you notice that, babe
    I'm tryin' to keep from moving that way
    But true, real love is for the fools
    Hurt me, know you want to
    Watch me break into two
    For you, you
    You just act a fool for the hoorah, baby
    Drop-top in the coupe, bangin' 2Pac, baby
    I saw something real, fuck what you saw, baby
    I saw something real, fuck what you saw, baby
    Tryna find a feel but it's too hard lately
    (Yeah) here's our ticket out, thinkin' we ought take it
    Ohh, ohh
    Ooh, I wonder if you know what you do
    I wonder if you know it'd take all of me to break your back?
    Don't call, no sleep, I'd rather crash
    Ooh, so easy how you make up my mind
    It work on me like every time
    Jump in my Cadillac
    And ride, too bad we goin' too fast
    'Cause you the only one got me stuck (only one got me stuck)
    Walkin' 'round, eyes wide open
    Unfocused, know you notice that, babe
    I'm tryin' to keep from moving that way
    But true, real love is for the fools (ooh)
    Hurt me, know you want to (ooh)
    Watch me break into two (two)
    For you, you
    You just act a fool for the hoorah, baby
    Drop-top in the coupe, bangin' 2Pac, baby
    I saw something real, fuck what you saw, baby
    I saw something real, fuck what you saw, baby
    Tryna find a feel but it's too hard lately (too hard lately)
    Here's our ticket out, thinkin' we ought take it (whoa)
    Oh, oh
    You got what it takes to fix it (oh, oh, oh)
    I think that you'd like to see it broke (go broke)
    Girl, this heart's too close to breakin' (I know you do)
    You got what it takes to fix it
    I think that you'd like to see it broke (go, go, go)
    I loved you back then, back when, when nobody else was around ('round)
    Who had your back when back then everything was beating you down? (Down)
    Passion, action, that was the only way a nigga stay 'round ('round)
    Fashion flashin' had you suited up from your head to the ground (ground)
    Beat it up, beat it up, told you I'm on the way so you heat it up
    Said you don't wan' go too fast so ease it up
    Didn't think you would wanna go freezing up
    I would've gave you it all
    I would've gave you the sauce
    I would've gave you the park
    Key to the house, key to the car
    Damn, we could take it too far
    I would've gave you my heart
    But it's a long shot now
    We can't get along now, now
    Too late to start over back, how?
    Blood, sweat, tears, no foul
    How did things go so south?
    So tired of tryna figure out these games
    These games, these games, these games you like to play, ohh
    These games, these games, these games she likes to play, yeah

    • @veronicasherrill9069
      @veronicasherrill9069 Рік тому +5

      Love this music 🎶 real RnB. Love the band. Keep bringing it 🎹💜

  • @jttdwrk
    @jttdwrk 5 років тому +33

    The whole aesthetic of the video is beautiful , especially having a natural black woman as lead and represented in a very elegant way. Much love and appreciation ❤️❤️❤️

  • @SkiMask_P
    @SkiMask_P 5 років тому +16

    Black excellence 🙌🏾

  • @GrowingInGrowth
    @GrowingInGrowth 4 роки тому +5

    .......but then the BLACK QUEENS in his videos are just BEAUTIFULL!!!!

  • @pclark538
    @pclark538 5 років тому +13

    I would like to thank the Music Gods 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 for sending us Lucky Daye. We are very grateful for this blessing!

  • @keyfrom92
    @keyfrom92 5 років тому +22

    Musicality wise this has real 70s vibes. Good ass wah wah guitar use, falsetto n tenor range harmonies. Melodic keys. Horns blarin but not overbearin. Breakdowns of instrumentation at every turn that kills monotonous expectations. Lyrics are story tellin without the pretentious explanation of one’s feelings. Very impressed wit this. 💯

  • @dkialindsey17
    @dkialindsey17 5 років тому +25

    Im in love with his style...his voice... his talent 🥰🥰😍😍😍 he's amazingg

  • @inarapatton1749
    @inarapatton1749 5 років тому +19

    All this chocolate. Laaawwdddd Jesus!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @ritak8715
    @ritak8715 5 років тому +129

    Harpo who dat beautiful deep melanated woman is? 😍🤩 That afro is giving me life 😍

    • @sandramakhumalo2636
      @sandramakhumalo2636 5 років тому +3

      Lol Harpo who dat women.... And im dead jst from dat💙😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @sevon751
      @sevon751 5 років тому +3

      Tanerèlle .. I think that’s how u spell her name

  • @StopSelfDoubting
    @StopSelfDoubting 4 роки тому +21

    His band is fire. His lyrics is fire. His whole existence is just 🔥🔥🔥

  • @tooclean6847
    @tooclean6847 5 років тому +5

    2:46that’s the best part of the lyrics i love that harmony it’s so soothing 🔥💯

  • @brandinoel1180
    @brandinoel1180 5 років тому +7

    Prince Vibes - I love this . True R&B vibes . This is amazing honestly . And just made me smile .

  • @kushyscoopcreamery5364
    @kushyscoopcreamery5364 3 роки тому +6

    I love the chocolateness in this video we need more of this representation of black Elegance no rachetness in this video and no cursing perfect vibe

  • @ladyv301
    @ladyv301 5 років тому +20

    I love this masterful chocolate on screen..... Personality is everything... He is soulful an breath fresh air to listen to

  • @DHix319
    @DHix319 5 років тому +11

    Him and Sza would be amazing together! Their tones compliment each other.

  • @seipatimthombenivlogs5157
    @seipatimthombenivlogs5157 4 роки тому +7

    I love how black women are so beautifully showcased, S/o to the director of the videos and especially Lucky Daye.😭❤️

  • @xoxoaminandco
    @xoxoaminandco 5 років тому +11

    Damn... he is the REAL thing.

  • @shinebabyshine.
    @shinebabyshine. 5 років тому +10

    Just saw him at AfroPunk ATL and I can’t stop thinking about his performance. He was amazing. Such a full, rich sound. 🧡

  • @thickangie504
    @thickangie504 Рік тому +5

    A Cadillac commercial brought me here. I'm mad this is the first time I'm hearing this song. It's staying on repeat ❤❤❤

  • @awad2584
    @awad2584 5 років тому +14

    I’m so excited for this guy it’s unreal... thanks for blessing us with real music🙏😘