Wild Horse Islands - How to Get Infernal Horse!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @boombox469
    @boombox469 2 роки тому +32

    Putting this on my watch list for when i'm a high enough level! Thank you. :)

  • @sharisefiscus9717
    @sharisefiscus9717 2 роки тому +14

    Wow you are so lucky♥️
    All Bhurnes seems to want to trade me is hot peppers

  • @AprilsLife_
    @AprilsLife_ 2 роки тому +55

    Hello I'm the girl that was in your game!

    • @Paws_claw55
      @Paws_claw55 2 роки тому +12

      Girl she’s in a private server

    • @BaldiGyatt
      @BaldiGyatt 2 роки тому

      And i oof

    • @Addy.190
      @Addy.190 Рік тому +1

      I was in the one she just made

    • @mychellewoody3374
      @mychellewoody3374 Рік тому

      she's in a prob server if u look she opens the thing that shows people and one one was in there!😂

    • @AprilsLife_
      @AprilsLife_ Рік тому +1

      @@mychellewoody3374 no , I didn’t mean that moment.. before they recorded it I was in a public server and ran into them

  • @rosie7758
    @rosie7758 2 роки тому +8

    Oh my god! Congratulations! You teached me how to get an inferno coated horse tysm!

  • @jalpabenpatel3284
    @jalpabenpatel3284 2 роки тому +9

    Woah, so cool and thanks for this video! It helped. That arabian you got was lucky, the stamina stat bar is 95/99 which is a good stat, hope you have a very nice day ! :)

  • @soulsandthefox1810
    @soulsandthefox1810 2 роки тому +25

    Hey yall dont worry ive found out these are quite sometimes easy to get ngl me and a friend grinded in a server for 4 entire hours and i ended up getting two infernals both mustang and andalusian so basically if u keep saving enough minerals you can get at least two or more of these unique horses

  • @Western_horseback_rider
    @Western_horseback_rider Рік тому +1

    I love the vid thank you so much for helping me. I’ve always wanted one. I’m going to try to do this but I need to get on the right level. Thank you so much.

  • @peaches8040
    @peaches8040 2 роки тому +3

    I grinded for 4 entire hours and traded 200 minerals but didn't get an infernal horse. Why is this the case??

  • @cameliatokyosrevengesedits4661

    Mais comment ont fait pour avoir lui au squelette

  • @aloha_6071
    @aloha_6071 2 роки тому +1

    TYYYY!! I've been finding sum tut how to get it!!

  • @megatronmeg1647
    @megatronmeg1647 2 роки тому +11

    Okay, how on earth are you finding so many?! How do you track where they land?! I’ve been running all over the island on my private server for an hour and haven’t found one 😢

    • @snartsnart9241
      @snartsnart9241 2 роки тому +7

      Its better to wait at the top of the volcano in public servers, since the amount that spawns depends on the amount of people in a server, and then wait for some to shoot out, keep track of the general direction they go and then mine them all ^^

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому +4

      I wait in one spot and wait for them to shoot out while watching. Then I track it down. :D

  • @bowie.101
    @bowie.101 2 роки тому +8

    y'all after i watched this i got one first try- a infernal perch--
    i am in SHOCK.

    • @dumbledamn_
      @dumbledamn_ 2 роки тому +1

      Wow! Congratulations! You're lucky! I got an Infernal Paint on my- like, 4th try. Lol.

    • @unicorns_rainbows7129
      @unicorns_rainbows7129 2 роки тому


    • @h4rl3yfromwildcraft20
      @h4rl3yfromwildcraft20 2 роки тому


    • @h4rl3yfromwildcraft20
      @h4rl3yfromwildcraft20 2 роки тому +1

      @@bowie.101 i dont have an infernal at all TT

      @INDIEBOMBB 2 роки тому +1

      LUCKYY! i only have infernal fjord atm. not a very good breed but still cute. i love fjords and i got what i wanted :D

  • @SnowiJay
    @SnowiJay Рік тому +2

    I played for around seven hours straight and traded over 200 minerals, so does anyone know if am I just extremally unlucky, or have they become harder to get

  • @ToxiicGamingYT
    @ToxiicGamingYT 2 роки тому

    congratulations! i kept getting mustangs & andas!

  • @Galaxy_Equestrian
    @Galaxy_Equestrian Рік тому

    Fuzzy is the infernal arab ft? I have rlly good offer

  • @Feli-o9g
    @Feli-o9g 7 місяців тому

    I was so lucky yesterday i havent stepped a foot on volcano for ages and the first volcanic minerals i harvested gave me an infernal andalusian😮

  • @lilymaustin901
    @lilymaustin901 2 роки тому

    Congratulations on the Arabian!

  • @blariiie
    @blariiie 2 роки тому

    Hello! I have question for you! :3 do u maybe have infernal fri? If u have ill offert good wc events and more ;)

  • @kendrabare6208
    @kendrabare6208 Рік тому

    i saw yo in a srever once but i was shy to come up to say hello

  • @No-kj7ir
    @No-kj7ir Рік тому

    Yeah but when I try to turn them in he says I have to do 10 quest but when I go to do the quests he said he don’t have none.

  • @togetherbytommorow
    @togetherbytommorow Рік тому

    do u have any extra volcanic minerals that I could have for free I just need like 20??

  • @lilaibrahim7266
    @lilaibrahim7266 2 роки тому +1

    Also is the inferno Arab for trade?

  • @AshEquineYT
    @AshEquineYT 2 роки тому +1

    I think you joined the server I saw in earlier today lol

  • @starfishxs
    @starfishxs Рік тому

    Is a paint horse with a black mane infernal horse good?

  • @AgniteSSO
    @AgniteSSO 2 роки тому

    Question : So I'm on the quests, and I'm stuck on this one quest when im supposed to find the guys thing on lunar. It says there should be smth on the map to show where it is, but theses nothing on the map.

  • @xzijr
    @xzijr Рік тому +1


  • @esmaeconstancio6169
    @esmaeconstancio6169 Рік тому

    POV of her screen: you just got a new sub plus a like

  • @notglory7160
    @notglory7160 Рік тому

    How?! Do you get so many minerals?! They don't spawn so much😢

  • @unicorns_rainbows7129
    @unicorns_rainbows7129 2 роки тому +1


  • @Addy.190
    @Addy.190 Рік тому +2

    I was in it too!

    • @Addy.190
      @Addy.190 Рік тому

      I’m RMM0991 for real!

  • @stridewayYT
    @stridewayYT Рік тому

    How can you go through the lava?

  • @juliatk7349
    @juliatk7349 10 місяців тому

    How can i get the lava cake ??

  • @Marbehehe
    @Marbehehe 2 роки тому +2

    Wait so when u get the horse is it a random breed?

  • @wildhorsesislandsrobloxbr2807
    @wildhorsesislandsrobloxbr2807 2 роки тому +5

    obrigada, eu tava procurando saber como fazia para conseguir essa skin

  • @SlaySami
    @SlaySami 2 роки тому +1

    i knew how to get them, i just started second guessing myself cause i gave man so man and still nothing LMAO

  • @Dutch69564
    @Dutch69564 2 роки тому +1

    Wait, you can get them without volcanic minerals?

  • @Galaxy_Equestrian
    @Galaxy_Equestrian Рік тому

    Does anyone have infernal fri or perch or qrab? I have rlly good offers including infernal clyes and rare event horses!!

  • @BlueWarryOmni
    @BlueWarryOmni Рік тому

    Is the infernal arab for trade-?

  • @XxWildHorseIslandsProxX
    @XxWildHorseIslandsProxX Рік тому

    Could I offer for inf et bal Clyde if you have? X

  • @Mintz_Eventing
    @Mintz_Eventing 2 роки тому +2

    For some reason I still can’t do any quests with bhurnes and I really need advise on how to do his quests because he keeps saying “not right now come back later”

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому

      You need to do 10 Quests before you can trade with him. The quest option is the first bar that pops up when you Talk to him.

    • @miatate2745
      @miatate2745 2 роки тому +1

      @@FuzzyWooo But it wont let me do any quests. He says com back later

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому

      @@miatate2745 that just means you haven't done 10 quests. Keep doing quests until you can trade with him.

    • @cloverheart
      @cloverheart 2 роки тому

      @@FuzzyWooo you misunderstand; we can't DO the quests because he won't give them. you click the quest button, and he tells you to "come back later".

    • @Insertsomethingpls
      @Insertsomethingpls 2 роки тому +1

      It’s probably because you didn’t finish a quest that he once gave you. Try Doing all the quests that you didn’t finish if you don’t know what one it is

  • @P4tP4t
    @P4tP4t Рік тому

    How many Minerals are in need for one? Bc I nerver got one and I give like 300+ or somthing like that

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  Рік тому

      Some servers are more unlucky than others. :( There's no set number, it's all random.

    • @P4tP4t
      @P4tP4t Рік тому

      @@FuzzyWooo Oh boy.. That mean I will never get one XD okay but Thx

  • @mongooseodon7608
    @mongooseodon7608 2 роки тому +3

    Did you get an Arabian because you were riding an Arabian? If I get one of those I want it to be an Arabian, as I am an Arabian collector lol

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому +2

      Honestly, I'm not sure.

    • @peaches8040
      @peaches8040 2 роки тому +2

      I believe it is random, since the infernal coat is with many horses

  • @andreoiuraisa
    @andreoiuraisa Рік тому

    Can u breed them?

  • @BB.Barrel.Racer17
    @BB.Barrel.Racer17 Рік тому +1

    Wait, I die in lava tho? How is she imune?

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  Рік тому

      By having the horse eat a lava cake. You trade volcanic minerals to Bhurnes to get rewards, and sometimes he gives you lava cakes. :D

    • @BB.Barrel.Racer17
      @BB.Barrel.Racer17 Рік тому

      @@FuzzyWooo ohh ty!

  • @amaleigh
    @amaleigh Рік тому +3

    Edit: I did not know that you had lava cakes XD

    • @macy.doesstuff
      @macy.doesstuff Рік тому +1

      do u know how to get lava cakes?

    • @amaleigh
      @amaleigh Рік тому +1

      @@macy.doesstuff yea I have some in my inventory right now

    • @macy.doesstuff
      @macy.doesstuff Рік тому +1

      How do you get them?

    • @amaleigh
      @amaleigh Рік тому +1

      @@macy.doesstuff volcanic minarals

    • @macy.doesstuff
      @macy.doesstuff Рік тому

      @@amaleigh ty

  • @calypso1598
    @calypso1598 Рік тому

    I get one in trade for an overpay, I put 3 val fri v2 (one pure, one with hair dyed creamy fade and one with pink/gold mane and rose gold tail), a winter clyd, 2 unique bred fri v2, a lot of crossbreds, an andalu nothern light with hair dyeds winter fade, and a caught fjiord automn

    • @KRZY_MODZ
      @KRZY_MODZ Рік тому

      I've given 2 away for free.

    • @calypso1598
      @calypso1598 Рік тому

      @@KRZY_MODZ huh serious -_-

    • @KRZY_MODZ
      @KRZY_MODZ Рік тому

      @@calypso1598 Yup, Gave 2 away, kept one for myself

  • @Andyplays40k
    @Andyplays40k 2 роки тому +1

    Can u show us How to Get neon flowers?

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому +2

      Neon flowers are found randomly on Lunar Island when they spawn. OR you can also grow them on your private island. Plant the flower seeds and hopefully some will spawn for you. :)

  • @michellesantos1085
    @michellesantos1085 Рік тому

    Hello ty for showing me this i was so confused how to get infernal horses so ty and ur videos are great 👍

    • @KRZY_MODZ
      @KRZY_MODZ Рік тому

      How did the person in the video not die when they went riding through the lava??????

  • @Mary-jk8iu
    @Mary-jk8iu 2 роки тому

    Sorry, how to get lava cake?

  • @Blehhxwhi
    @Blehhxwhi Рік тому

    I can’t find any

  • @ValerieLung
    @ValerieLung 2 роки тому +1

    how can you touch the lava without dying??

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому

      By eating a lava cake first. Bhurnes trades them to you.

    • @ValerieLung
      @ValerieLung 2 роки тому

      @@FuzzyWooo how does he trade it to you? do you have to give him some volcanic minerals or something??

    • @ValerieLung
      @ValerieLung 2 роки тому

      @@FuzzyWooo and will you always have to eat it if you keep on joining again?

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому

      @@ValerieLung yes, you trade him 5 volcanic minerals and he chooses what to trade you in return. Sometimes it can be lava cakes or it might be something else. It's random.

    • @ValerieLung
      @ValerieLung 2 роки тому

      @@FuzzyWooo and will you always have to eat it if you keep on joining again?

  • @vanillacosmic
    @vanillacosmic Рік тому +1

    if the infernal Arab is ft, may I trade infernal Clyde for t?
    also if anyone replying has an infernal fri up ft I am willing to give my infernal Clyde and adds

    • @Cupid213
      @Cupid213 Рік тому

      I have infernal arab for trade

  • @torysmith3393
    @torysmith3393 2 роки тому


  • @Iris_Griffin
    @Iris_Griffin 2 роки тому

    Can i ask u ? Do u have infernal thoroughbred its my dream horse?

  • @headlesspiper936
    @headlesspiper936 Рік тому

    i been doing the quests i never even got it

  • @Wombatwrongbat
    @Wombatwrongbat Рік тому

    This is my friends dream horse she just got me mine so i gotta get this for her

  • @lenaochal8151
    @lenaochal8151 Рік тому

    JM poland.prosze nagraj takie coś po polsku albo wytłumacz inaczej,bo nie rozumiem próbuję to wymieniać z rym typem ale nie da rady koleżanka powiedziała mi że tszeba jakieś zadania zrobić ale nie wiem pomożesz plissss

  • @lilaibrahim7266
    @lilaibrahim7266 2 роки тому +1

    Wait can I offer for ur angelic aura and you angel halo ?

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому +1

      sure :) but I have almost everything. What would you offer?

    • @lilaibrahim7266
      @lilaibrahim7266 2 роки тому +1

      Idk an inferno qh and 3 volcanic minerals and 2 prismatic gems and 4 colour changing shards + some extra horses including blue R0AN perch and maybe a confetti aura? Idk I have a lot of horses so u could pick from them if u wanted

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому +1

      @@lilaibrahim7266 an inferno qh would do and a perch, what others do u have?

    • @lilaibrahim7266
      @lilaibrahim7266 2 роки тому

      Idk do u mean what other perches do i have? If so i only have blue roan and bay so I could do inferno QH, bay perch and blue roan perch?

    • @lilaibrahim7266
      @lilaibrahim7266 2 роки тому

      @Fuzzy Wooo I don’t mind adding more horses

  • @Ellie_2007
    @Ellie_2007 2 роки тому

    How do you survive in the lava?

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому

      You have to feed your horse a lava cake first then you can ride it into the lava for a certain amount of time. The lava cakes are traded to you by Bhurnes. He randomly trades them.

  • @rylenvanderhoek2834
    @rylenvanderhoek2834 Рік тому

    How do you get minerals? where do you mine them?

  • @addyyyyyyyyyyy
    @addyyyyyyyyyyy 2 роки тому

    Fuzzy I was just in your roblox server!! DR3SS_4LIFE ❤❤

  • @gigglelife9611
    @gigglelife9611 2 роки тому

    What is Lava Cake?

    • @Nox_Luvalis27
      @Nox_Luvalis27 2 роки тому

      It makes your horse immune to lava for a few mins. I'm not sure if the players are immune since when I got down the horse when still in lava I died.

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому

      @@Nox_Luvalis27 Only the horse is immune. You have to stay on him/her.

  • @cynthiasweeney9057
    @cynthiasweeney9057 2 роки тому

    How to have lava cake please?

    • @FuzzyWooo
      @FuzzyWooo  2 роки тому +1

      By trading with Bhurnes

  • @DzikaDolinka
    @DzikaDolinka 2 роки тому

    cool I have fire perch is cude :D

  • @gameroblox.girl.6760
    @gameroblox.girl.6760 Рік тому

    Omg what whaat!you run in the lava a go to run in the lava am dead😨😨😨🤩

  • @xqqerenqqx
    @xqqerenqqx 2 роки тому

    pls, is ur aarab ft-

  • @taytayxversion
    @taytayxversion 2 роки тому

    I’m so sad I got a quarter horse 😭😭

  • @mathildamathilda5617
    @mathildamathilda5617 2 роки тому

    You went into lava and you didn't die !How??????????????????????

  • @Dutch69564
    @Dutch69564 2 роки тому

    Wait. . .Nevermind R.I.P

  • @J_DerrAnGedWoLF
    @J_DerrAnGedWoLF 2 роки тому

    Thanks but I'm on too low lvl😂😂😥

  • @samlesserofficial
    @samlesserofficial Рік тому +1

    The deposits never spawn for me :')

  • @Aerin_Lynx
    @Aerin_Lynx 2 роки тому

    Omg i remeber yo :0

  • @Babyyygirl0572
    @Babyyygirl0572 9 місяців тому

    I want to buy a stallion infernal arab for 1 mil


    Wow the arab so fast

  • @kitty-yl3io
    @kitty-yl3io 2 роки тому

    You are very lucky!

  • @thekraken8082
    @thekraken8082 Рік тому +1

    I can’t believe I was this dumb to not think of the idea that infernal Appaloosa came from volcano island 😂😂😂

  • @WildhorseXlover
    @WildhorseXlover Рік тому

    I'm only level 302

  • @Cupid213
    @Cupid213 Рік тому

    Trading infernal arab

  • @onegirlandheranimals
    @onegirlandheranimals 2 роки тому

    Omg inferno arab i am tempted to trade my inferno fri for it-

      @INDIEBOMBB 2 роки тому +2

      hi, do u still have the fri ft? If so, what would u like for it?

  • @Elisa-dj4gm
    @Elisa-dj4gm 2 роки тому

    anyone that has one for trade?

  • @XylitolEnjoyer
    @XylitolEnjoyer 2 роки тому

    does anyone have a spring arab ft?

      @INDIEBOMBB 2 роки тому

      I do! its a female, and she is maxed! what will u offer?

      @INDIEBOMBB Рік тому

      @@THONGKILLER yes, she is pure too.

      @THONGKILLER Рік тому

      @@INDIEBOMBB will you take a CC and two sooty buckskins?

      @INDIEBOMBB Рік тому

      @@THONGKILLER cc?

      @INDIEBOMBB Рік тому

      @@THONGKILLER ohh, clover clyde?

  • @lily_sur_robloxyt1587
    @lily_sur_robloxyt1587 2 роки тому

    If anyone trade the infernal coat arabian I have good offer TvT

  • @genevievediamond-carey3374
    @genevievediamond-carey3374 2 роки тому

    i traded twice lol

  • @mc_eventing7391
    @mc_eventing7391 2 роки тому

    Does anybody have volcanic minerals for trade? I have such bad luck getting them, and nobody has them for trade! Tell me ur user and how many u have! Thanks