Zil 4906 Blue Bird Lego Technic MOC by SAMOLOT

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • Since the Soviet Union began intensive flights into orbit using Soyuz-type ships, there has been a need to develop a special system for recovering landers. Capsules with astronauts often fell in hard to reach areas of the Soviets. To this end, the amphibious PEU-1 was developed in the 1960s into a special vehicle, but it had many shortcomings, and the need for a more perfect design soon emerged.
    In the early 70s, the construction of a suitable machine began in the Moscow Zil plant (factory of Lichachiv), thus Zil 4906 was created.
    The new vehicle was intended to function as part of the Blue Bird PEK 409 system, which included two amphibious vehicles, one equipped with a crane to take the lander and the other with a cabin for transporting astronauts. The idea was that the vehicles should not be too big and they could be transported by air to the vicinity of the action.
    The vehicles were built on a lightweight aluminum frame and the fuselage was made of fiberglass, a standard 150 HP v8 engine with Zila 130 was used for the drive. The whole was made in a three-axle system, the first and third of which were steered, and the drive was transferred to all 6 wheels. The suspension was independent with a small stroke based on torsion bars. In addition, at the rear, there were two propellers and rudders providing water-based propulsion. The drive train was very interesting. Behind the engine was a 5-speed gearbox, then a special transfer case that transferred power to the shafts located on the sides of the fuselage driving individual wheels and the propeller shaft.
    When building my model, I set myself the goal of not only looking and working similar to the original but above all mapping this complicated drive and suspension system. That is why the drive from two Control plus XL engines placed under the V-eight is transferred to the transfer case which drives two shafts on the sides of the hull. These shafts drive all wheels whose suspension is independent on torsion bars. The transfer case is equipped with a remote-controlled differential lock.
    So in difficult terrain, you can fasten the drive of the right and left side of the vehicle. An additional shaft drives the propellers. The steering system moves the first and third axles and rudders behind the bolts. The amphibian is equipped with a remotely started compressor with two pumps and a pressure tank for moving four actuators that raise and extend the crane's arms. The crane roller can also be operated remotely. Pneumatics and side supports are manually operated.
    This video is for AFOLS (Adult Fan Of Lego), lego collectors and Parents
    Remotely controlled by Lego Control Plus Hub and BuWizz 2.0
    No this is not a lego set and it is not for sale. And I have no instruction for it.
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    Это самоделка, она не продается в магазинах.
    Budując mój model postawiłem sobie za cel aby nie tylko wyglądał i działał podobnie do oryginału, ale przede wszystkim odwzorowywał ten właśnie skomplikowany układ napędu i zawieszenia. Dlatego napęd pochodzący z dwóch silników Control plus XL umieszczonych pod widlastą ósemką przenoszony jest do skrzyni rozdzielczej która napędza dwa wały po bokach kadłuba. Wały te napędzają wszystkie koła których zawieszenie jest niezależne na drążkach skrętnych. Skrzynia rozdzielcza jest wyposażona w zdalnie sterowaną blokadę mechanizmu różnicowego.
    Dzięki czemu w trudnym terenie można spiąć napęd prawej i lewej strony pojazdu. Dodatkowy wał napędza śruby pędne. Układ skrętu porusza pierwszą i trzecią osią oraz sterami znajdującymi się za śrubami. Amfibia jest wyposażona w uruchamiany zdalnie kompresor z dwoma pompkami i zbiornikiem ciśnienia służący do poruszania czterema siłownikami podnoszącymi i wysuwającymi ramiona dźwigu. Zdalnie można obsługiwać również zwijarkę dźwigu. Pneumatyka i podpory boczne są obsługiwane manualnie.
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    Not a LEGO set. Not for sale. No instructions