@@yj9032 except osama would bomb you and shkreli would up the supply of a rare drug by pricing it correctly for suppliers to have incentive to produce it which really hurts no one other than greedy insurance companies. You tell me which is the genius you'd save.( If you're done comparing apples and oranges that is)
It's fun watching a horde of young, impressible men defend every inhuman shitpile to slowly raise up from the internet's bowels. It's like that Milo guy all over again. Take the one above calling the guy who never graduated from college and is extorting the sick for money a "genius".
scaryfaced1 And look what happened with Milo. All those people wanting to shout and inflict violence on him and his people. Just let the guy talk. He may be a troll but your actions only fuel the negative outlook when you attempt to express violence, attempt to label as hate speech or some shit. If anything, both sides are in the wrong and you people lack any sense of decency.
Ok, guess we'll change topics then. Yes, I agree, let Milo speak. Let everyone know just how big of a piece of shit he is and society can then judge him and ostracize him for it. That's how free speech should work. For example, Shkreli's doing exactly that. Showing the world just how much of a piece of shit he is and now we're all judging him for it. Welcome to public life. It's full of scrutiny. That's the price for gaining wealth off of fame.
+scaryfaced1 He dropped out of college because he was only being taught things he already knew. He read Don Quixote and the world's greatest and most difficult literature as a kid/teenager, invented the first drug for PKAN, consistently proves he's well-read and incredibly well-educated when he streams, and has been called a genius by top investors and chemists. You clearly have no evidence of anything you're saying. "Showing the world just how much of a piece of shit he is and now we're all judging him for it." Except he's not a piece of shit, so you're vilifying a regular guy who has contributed more to the world than your entire lineage. He's a lovely guy, who has been focusing on inventing drugs for rare diseases his entire adult life. He's donated millions to charities. When he was on Twitter he'd always comment on the greats of chemistry, like when Chris McGuigan died. You don't know who Chris is because you know absolutely nothing about chemistry or pharma. When you insult him, you're revealing your ignorance of his character. You have absolutely no idea what he's about and you make that point axiomatic when you spew it. "Welcome to public life." You have no public life, so you cannot welcome people to it. "That's the price for gaining wealth off of fame." When did he gain wealth from being famous?
Marcianus Valerius I bet that's the first thing you say when you get home: "Hey Ma, Brainwashed Conformist that you are, can you put this button back on this shirt?" I bet you're a real hit with the ladies, too.
Marcianus Valerius Ha! What Humanoid Male said. I'd go on a date with him. Maybe you should allow some new neural pathways to get traced there buddy, and think about what he said.
@@mikegarza8648 the entire planet is full of corrupted elite who prey on humans. You're not a sheep but you don't know. Martin is literally nothing compared to the actual problem plaguing the world. If you want to hate on someone he is definitely not the one.
@@mikegarza8648 he literally would've gave the medicine for free to those that needed. He is on the record saying that multiple times. The insurance company is the one who would've payed the large fee. That is why I told you to do your research.
It seems like nobody here realizes that they should direct their hate towards the system that allows price hikes like that and not towards Shkreli who's just one out of many. Wake up people!
_JoeBananas_ lol well I think that's a partially true statement, the system is awful, but I think that suggesting that he doesn't deserve every ounce of hate he's getting is weird. All assholes should be treated the same, even if there are more of them lol.
no sorry - you can hate the player AND hate the game. Most of us learn this thing called morals that convince us we shouldn't completely shaft our fellow man for our own amusement/profit. People who take advantage of loopholes or flawed political/economic systems are nothing more than opportunistic scum
Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS
I really hope Colbert's writing team or whomever is in charge of that to really check Shrikeli's claims that he sells at that price only to insurance companies and gives it almost for free to people who can't afford it. If this is actually true it really reflects badly on the late show...
Now he is obviously a selfish tool, but isn't the real problem that systems are in place to let him do this? He bought something extremely valuable at a really low price, then sells it at a high price - this is capitalism. If the government has a problem with this then why didn't THEY buy at the low price, before the Shkrelis buy it? Or impose drug price limits?
Sorry, but he is on trial for securities fraud because he screwed his investors by not giving them back the little money left after numerous poor investments. He did nothing in pharma but take over a company and screw over sick people. Do some research on this clown before posting.
The government created a law that prevented the government from negotiating with pharmaceutical companies to lower drug prices. They literally made it illegal for themselves to buy low.
x13. Then repealing that law first would be the main stepping stone to make any universally accessible health care act truly affordable. Why don't the lawmakers go after that law?
I was just about to make a joke about how Shkreli testifying before Congress was distracted by wondering if he had fed his last unfortunate captive he had in the pit in his basement, then at the last second you make him Hannibal Lector.
As slimy and douchy as he is, I can't really side with the senators calling him out - don't take the high moral ground and call him out for unethical price raises when *you're* the ones who should be regulating the prices of drugs in the first place.
Guys, let's be real here. We have to acknowledge his great medical deeds for humankind. For example, he cured me of my chronical belief that violence is not the answer.
Rory Hernandez if you did research, you'll actually know why he jacked up the price, don't go off inciting violence for a guy who was following the guidelines. It wasn't even illegal in the first place.
So, you're saying that instead of researching why he jacked up the price, you still insist on keeping your opinion? He actually did this to fund research for rare diseases that pharma companies won't do since there isn't any money in it. As I might not be correct, at least do some research before hating on the guy.
Not at all. I have done my work. You don't need to worry your little brain on how I arrive at my opinion. You have NOTHING to do with how I perceive the world. You are just a source of entertainment atm.
2:02 This is not the face of a man who gave away a drug for free and bravely fought against insurance companies. This is the face of a man with no remorse who smugly believes that he will get away with anything.
I like him. He is against the big evil company’s and that’s why they and the media that gets their money made him the “evil” nerd. Normal people get the drug for 1$. Only Insurance Company’s and Companys like Walmart need to pay 700$
Shkreli is the former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, which in 2015 raised the price of the drug Daraprim by 5,000%, from $13.50 per dose to $750 (cutting it to a mere $375 for some hospitals, after an outcry). The drug treats infections from toxoplasmosis, which can be fatal in patients also suffering from AIDS. *You need more than one dose to be cured, duh*
Although the company has emphasized that its patient assistance programs and discounts meant that no patients paid full price for the drug, the internal documents reveal that some did experience high co-pays, with at least one patient facing a $16,830 coinsurance payment and others charged $6,000. How much of an income is considered "unable to afford" to qualify the person for free prescriptions?
For all the people that are claiming that this guy is ACTUALLY a good guy, can you please provide some sources or proof? I mean, beyond his youtube channel with him talking about him, or a nytimes article that lets him talk but doesn't fact check. I mean, documented cases.
+M V I think you misunderstand here. I don't give a fuck, either way. I'd like to know, though. I've seen a lot of evidence to say he's a douche, but there are people defending him as well. So I've looked at the evidence that's been provided by those defenders (very scant, tbh), and it wasn't evidence at all. So I'm simply asking for some. If you THINK he's a good guy, but can't back it up, I really don't give a fuck. I'm not saying he's a bad guy. Or a good guy. So fuck off with your whole answer a question with a question bullshit.
If you don't know, just say so. I think my question is plenty specific. Also open enough that I'm allowing for ANY evidence you can provide. You're not making a very good case for him.
I wouldn't say "good". I'd say on the good side of evil. He claims that he gives away 2/3's of the life saving drugs his company makes to those that can't afford them. He claims he is only ripping off the insurance companies and that he has a fiduciary responsibility to do so. He says he has invested most of the money into bringing better drugs to market and specializes in treating diseases that effect too few people for other drug companies to invest in. He sees himself as a robin hood capitalist and that sets his smugness off like a lightning rod. He views himself as morally superior to his critics and he takes great pleasure in trolling them. There hasn't been any corrections to his claim in interviews, and with the dislike, I'd think that there would be If he was lying. He implied that the criminal case against him was due to actions he took to pay back investors. That he depends on being a good investment and thinks he can beat the charges because he got the best lawyer.
+Abram Carroll ok. And if that's all the case, than yeah, he's probably in the right. But 2/3 of your gross inventory is a pretty big deal, and should be easy to find verification (at the time of the claim) with a simple google search, and somehow I still can't find anything. That's kind of a critical flaw, when your damage control needs damage control, lol.
amazing how we live in an era where information is completely free yet we decide to only shape stories around our feelings instead of fact. y'all people who hate shkreli for raising the drug price are actually clueless.
I'm very much a non-violent person. Being a career nurse, this an important part of who I am. Even I would have an overwhelming desire to slap that odious man child Martin Shkreli. This is the face of evil. His parents must be deeply ashamed.
I don't understand how the fools defending him in the comments aren't taking into account how he alternated between flat out ignoring and giving condescending looks/nods to the guy who said he could use his infamy to help people??? Like if he was a good person, at all, that would have been his chance to prove it. Instead he continued to be a shitcanoe. There's no argument here.
I'm sorry but you are naive. Congress is not run by noble people it is run by bad morally corrupt people. I know it might feel better to think they have your interests at heart but they don't. He plead the fifth because they wanted nothing more than to embarrass him. He is not in prison for hurting sick people all of the people that actually need the drug can get it at an affordable price. He is in prison for pissing off rich people with lots of power. Regardless of what you think of his character as a person that is the truth don't spread disinfo.
I see a lot of people saying the dude gives the drug out free to people who can't afford it. I'm wondering a few things... first of all, how do they know that? Second... what determines whether they can afford it? Suppose they just barely can, but it means they spend any extra cash staying alive? How is he suddenly a saint for making insurance companies pay more instead? And finally, if he's such a gret guy, why is he showing as much contempt for Congress as he can manage? It's all very well to diss the government when they aren't trying to tell whether you are in fact in huge freaking trouble for something! But this idiot's smirking like a spoiled child who knows he'll never get a spanking. Even if you were completely innocent, you'd be a fool to act that way... or at least a smug jerk.
It's because they decided to make him a poster child for the pharma industry without doing their due diligence on him. Not saying he's completely innocent of all wrong doing but the big pharma companies get away with MUCH MUCH worse for drugs that are very needed to many people and they have never gone after them in such a manner. The hypocrisy is staggering. Just do some reading up on the background and make up your own mind.
When you condemn one person for their actions while protecting other people doing the same thing. Hypocrisy. Appearing to be virtuous and moral, casting stones and judgement at one and not actually paying attention and giving a free pass to the real "monsters" and dealing with the root of the problem (big pharma/corporate greed): basically hypocrisy. He does appear to give away the drug free to anyone that contacts him or his company. I'm not defending the guy but you still need to look at the facts. The guy does act like a slimy weasel but he's no "monster" by any definition. Have you even looked into any of this or are you going by just the video alone? The world is a gray place so peppering your narrative with simplistic categorical name calling like "monsters" and "evil" is quite childish and ignorant.
1. Because he said it and it's a common thing to do in the pharmaceutical industry for expensive medication. Also one of his employees testified under oath that they do it, and there's information about it on their website. 2. Usually what determines it is if you have insurance or not, otherwise tax returns 3. Who says he's a saint for that? 4. Because he din't want to be there and they refused to give him immunity for him to testify
Wasn't Shkreli raising prices so that the rich insurance companies would have to pay more for the drug? He gives the drug away free for those who can't afford it.... and for those who are insured, it's the insurance companies which have to buy the drug. That's what my understanding was anyways. At first, I couldn't stand the guy either, but if you look at some of his videos on youtube... you might change your mind.
Yup, copay for people on government insurance is a crisp $1 bill. Copay for private insurance is probably $20-$80. People don't seem to understand how insurance works or the fact that you never ever pay sticker price for a drug, unless you don't have insurance which is what Trump and his buddies are trying to do.
TheAregadon It seems like you need to talk to your friend about getting better insurance, then. If you pay thousands for a drug that has dollar copays, you have a bad, bad, bad policy and should really switch.
If rich insurance companies pay more for the drug, that means they'll raise premiums later to offset the cost, so the patients end up paying more. I don't think you know how this works.
Liyah U (Not saying that Trump would ever do something like that but) Trump and shkreli have similar attitudes and facial expressions look at 2:17 and tell me you dont see it
I'm going down the how to fix the world rabbit hole again, but damn the only way i see is me having a pen with infinite ink, 3 barrels of tendonitis medicine, and a Death Note.
Damn I'd love this guy as a video game character. Take him out of the government so he doesn't make any actual decisions and give him a video game so none of hjs decisions affect the real world.
I'd find this whole "Shkreli is a misunderstood genius who was actually saving everyone" things a lot easier to swallow if he wasn't currently on trial for fraud and the only reference we have for his philanthropy is his own words.
Indeed, very misunderstood. Shkreli is strong at lying and using correct informations to lead to false conclusions, aka misleading people. And misled he has. A lot. Misleading is what narcissistic sociopaths do. And he is the poster child of the narcissistic sociopath. Sociopaths are pretty inoffensive when they are alone, but they prey on people if they are in contact with them. Shkreli has shown no remorse (as per the prosecutor), only pity for himself. He has smirked all along his trial, showing no respect and no respect of authority. He is charming but often shows superficial charm (most notably on TV). He also relishes to be at the center of attention (hence his live streams, his "discussions" with random people that allow him to ). He lies all the time. He thinks himself superior to other people. You can see his sense of superiority in a lot of videos. If he meets contradiction, he will do everything he can to destroy it. He never apologizes. He never admits he may have done something wrong, but will always have an excuse. He aggrandizes his achievements. He also shows sexual promiscuity when he harrasses Lauren Duca. He has complete disregard for the consequences of his actions on other people and always denies them with lies and excuses. Finally he engaged in criminal activities. These are all traits of typical narcissistic sociopathic behavior (malignant narcissism). In order to detect this type of personality, you have to look at them objectively through his actions, like I just did, not through your subjectivity (he looks nice). I predict he will never have remorse for defrauding investors, even less for what he did to patients who needed his drug, and will always think he was the victim. I have the feeling judge Matsumoto had detected his true nature and that's why she said he was dangerous to society. And to all the bros who are confident Martin is a nice guy in an apartment) because they watched his streams (I have watched a number of them), please go watch videos of Ted Bundy, go watch videos of other psychopaths, and tell me they don't look like the next guy next door. In fact go read the comments under Ted Bundy's video. Dozens of women still comment that he is "hot", that's all they see in this monster, and it's pretty clear they woud have ended as sausages if they had met him. Well brahs, you are the male equivalent of these chicks. Even though you know that he is a complete fraud, you're still giving this sociopath a pass. Had you met Shkreli, he would have defrauded you and squeezed you to your last $ just like he did for his dozens of victims. Of course, it is also completely correct the other pharmaceutical companies are doing the same and that ultimately, it's due to politicians who have been bought to allow free pricing of drugs.
The thing about Shkreli's price hike is that (according to him) the hike only affects the distributors who buy and resell the drug. He's stated many times that anyone in need who cannot reasonably afford the drug can just ask him over twitter to receive it for free. Now I still think that Shkreli's move was strange and slightly immoral, but I think it's important to present two sides of the story. In addition there are several other reasonably priced meds that are capable of replacing the ones with a hiked price, meaning that the people who are really losing money over this are Big Pharma companies. Once again, this is stuff I've read from one of his interviews so take it with a grain of salt, but keep in mind that it wouldn't be the first time the media would have gone into a "witch-hunt" like this.
After investigating the matter myself, the move is like 60% douchebaggery with the correct context. It really depends if he is lying or not about the new treatment. It's a mixed issue and I'm finding it hard to decipher the PR bullshit from Shkreli and the media witch hunt.
Are you familiar with "trickle down economics?" It means the cost eventually trickles down to the patient. HTH. Good luck in your future astrotrufer career.
... Your reaction to my comment is quite baffling. All I was saying is that you need to do your own research into the whole story, or you're no better than the ignorant people who jump onto ever possibility for fear mongering * like fox news and mainstream conservative media* You would go so far as to call me a "dumbass" for the reasonable complaint of wanting to be provided a more complete picture instead of judging a guy for a smug face which I remind you, isn't exactly evidence of anything. You sir, are not only a "dumbass" but also a judgmental temperamental prick who forgets that hiding behind a screen doesn't excuse you from common human decency.
First of all, not only do I understand trickle down economics, I can assert with much confidence that you're misnaming the principle you're referring to. There are a lot more mechanics in play here than simply "raising the price". For the sake of my defense, I wasn't defending Shkreli in any way. I was bringing up that Colbert's coverage of the events is not only one sided, but close minded as well. This is part of a bigger picture of issues that I have with Colbert's show (or more accurately his audience, that I'm a part of). Stephen Colbert is not a journalist. The people who write for his show are also not journalists. He is a comedian, and a comedian does not follow any sort of journalistic practice like say illustrating an objective, balanced view of the news. Sure, anyone can see that Shkreli is an asshole. That doesn't mean we should burn him at the stake without hearing his defense. In this case, he actually has a defense that holds up a little, but it is completely ignored by the media on all sides, because inflammatory speech sells, and decent coverage does not. If you choose to ignore his side of the story and join the metaphorical "witch hunt", do it out of an informed opinion and not because CNN or Fox News told you to.
And that's just what I try to bring up. I dislike Shkreli and his practice, especially out of dislike for the grip that Big Pharma companies hold over the U.S. but even I have to bring up that the guy has some good points and might not be as evil as News outlets make him out to be. Especially if you read the responses to my comment, you see that too many people forget that Colbert has no obligation to present the news in a balanced fashion because he isn't a journalist. That's why he allows himself to present some guys face as a justifiable cause for disliking him and it all just reeks of populism (not that he's alone, not on his side of the political spectrum or any other). Shkreli is an asshole but so is anyone who judges him without doing their research (which btw, kudos to you) ;)
Funny that this guy has a legion of fans online to always defend him. "He only sells it high price to big companies" or "It's a free market, jackass". I find it quite sad... Hell, does it even take a genius to realize that jack the price of medicine up is going to hurt people? I happen to know people which need to take these sort of drugs for chronicle diseases, most already expensive. People without means to buy it directly and that even end up demanding it from the government. Putting prices up hurts them. So, any greedy bastard trying to sell it higher is already deserving my fist in his face. I don't even know what is worst, those who admit it or those who pretend it's not that bad. Either way, I know that his smirk looks cartoonishly evil.
So.... anyone that cares for people, society in general and dislikes greedy, corrupt slimeballs is a 'dumbass liberal'. What exactly are the likes of you defending these guys then? On his payroll are you?
Where did I say that? Ah another sensitive liberal. I'm really so glad that people like you will forever blame others, point fingers and be negative overall. I really do feel sorry for you and MAYBE find sucess in life someday.
I love Stephen and have watched him religiously for the entirety of my life, ever since his days as Chuck Noblet but I hate when he covers Shkreli because of just how misinformed and bias it is. Anyone who can't afford the drug gets it free and the reason he charges what he does to those who can afford it. Is to fund research to find cures to other diseases which don't get the research they deserve or desperately need. That's why he's smiling at that buffoon congressman who's saying he wishes Martin could see the faces of those who can't afford the drugs they need because of him because it's a lie. Everyone who needs his drugs, gets his drugs and that's a fact. People may not like him based off first impression and the click bait headlines the media feeds them about him but he does some of most important work in the world and is ridiculed for it and it's disgusting to be honest.
Nope. This guy isn't evil. He's a Troll king, but he rips of the rich and insurance companies to fund R&D for drugs to treat diseases the big companies don't. He provided the HIV drug for free to people without insurance. 2/3's of his drugs are given away and doing such a thing would make Trump's head explode. Trump is the guy that stole from kids with cancer after all, because he demands that charity be profitable.
Abram Carroll 1. He doesn't provide the drug. He's a straight up liar 2. Premiums are being radised because insurance has to pay for that shit now 3. Don't believe everything Satan tells u on his YT channel
I think it is important to verify the information you are saying to your audience, but I guess you are a comedian so it doesn't really matter.
Yup, as long as it supports their left-wing cause, they could care less.
You guys are the lambs and Shkreli is literally the wolf.
Feels like I'm throwing all the lessons about not 'judging a book by its cover' out the window.
watch some interviews to find out why he hiked the price.
Andrew Spaziani Nobody on here will, because they have zero understanding of economics and how businesses function
@Lawrence Houle Yes, but thats a totally other case why he got the 7 Years in Jail, that has nothing to do with the price increase of that drug.
These top comments are so damn brainwashed..
@@akshatsahay1079 Hoping on board the hate train the media created without question.
@@akshatsahay1079 Three years later
@@akshatsahay1079 Go and read about what he actually did instead of listening to these idiots like stephen colbert.
When I saw him in Congress I thought: "Wow, does he actually think he's playing a villain in a Hollywood movie?"
So many people in the comments don't understand Shkreli and drug prices
Not much to get , he is a piece of shit who ripped poor bastards off on Wall street and the pharma biz. A white collar crimelord and phony du jour
Shkreli is a legendary CEO, business man and investor
@@despotzapper You have no idea how the business world works in the US
Shkreli is a genius! Watch his channel and the value he provides.
Even osama was a genius.
@@yj9032 except osama would bomb you and shkreli would up the supply of a rare drug by pricing it correctly for suppliers to have incentive to produce it which really hurts no one other than greedy insurance companies. You tell me which is the genius you'd save.( If you're done comparing apples and oranges that is)
Shkreli's face is the same face every little comment section debate class master makes while he misuses the term 'strawman'.
He's a genius, you play video games.
It's fun watching a horde of young, impressible men defend every inhuman shitpile to slowly raise up from the internet's bowels. It's like that Milo guy all over again. Take the one above calling the guy who never graduated from college and is extorting the sick for money a "genius".
scaryfaced1 And look what happened with Milo. All those people wanting to shout and inflict violence on him and his people. Just let the guy talk. He may be a troll but your actions only fuel the negative outlook when you attempt to express violence, attempt to label as hate speech or some shit. If anything, both sides are in the wrong and you people lack any sense of decency.
Ok, guess we'll change topics then. Yes, I agree, let Milo speak. Let everyone know just how big of a piece of shit he is and society can then judge him and ostracize him for it. That's how free speech should work. For example, Shkreli's doing exactly that. Showing the world just how much of a piece of shit he is and now we're all judging him for it. Welcome to public life. It's full of scrutiny. That's the price for gaining wealth off of fame.
+scaryfaced1 He dropped out of college because he was only being taught things he already knew. He read Don Quixote and the world's greatest and most difficult literature as a kid/teenager, invented the first drug for PKAN, consistently proves he's well-read and incredibly well-educated when he streams, and has been called a genius by top investors and chemists. You clearly have no evidence of anything you're saying.
"Showing the world just how much of a piece of shit he is and now we're all judging him for it."
Except he's not a piece of shit, so you're vilifying a regular guy who has contributed more to the world than your entire lineage. He's a lovely guy, who has been focusing on inventing drugs for rare diseases his entire adult life. He's donated millions to charities. When he was on Twitter he'd always comment on the greats of chemistry, like when Chris McGuigan died. You don't know who Chris is because you know absolutely nothing about chemistry or pharma. When you insult him, you're revealing your ignorance of his character. You have absolutely no idea what he's about and you make that point axiomatic when you spew it.
"Welcome to public life."
You have no public life, so you cannot welcome people to it.
"That's the price for gaining wealth off of fame."
When did he gain wealth from being famous?
I'm a simple woman. I see Stephen. I click.
I'm a simple man, i see women i grab it.
@J K
Yeah, you seem like a simpleton.
Typical woman. Brainwashed conformist.
Marcianus Valerius I bet that's the first thing you say when you get home: "Hey Ma, Brainwashed Conformist that you are, can you put this button back on this shirt?" I bet you're a real hit with the ladies, too.
Marcianus Valerius Ha! What Humanoid Male said. I'd go on a date with him. Maybe you should allow some new neural pathways to get traced there buddy, and think about what he said.
call me crazy but I like him, do your research please.
You like him because he's rich and you don't need his medicine
@@mikegarza8648 you don't know what you are talking about. Shush sheep. You're in the presence of a lone wolf
@@phenomsmithjr Im a 9 year veteran with 2 war deployments. I dont need to dupe sick people outta their money.
@@mikegarza8648 the entire planet is full of corrupted elite who prey on humans. You're not a sheep but you don't know. Martin is literally nothing compared to the actual problem plaguing the world. If you want to hate on someone he is definitely not the one.
@@mikegarza8648 he literally would've gave the medicine for free to those that needed. He is on the record saying that multiple times. The insurance company is the one who would've payed the large fee. That is why I told you to do your research.
It seems like nobody here realizes that they should direct their hate towards the system that allows price hikes like that and not towards Shkreli who's just one out of many. Wake up people!
_JoeBananas_ lol well I think that's a partially true statement, the system is awful, but I think that suggesting that he doesn't deserve every ounce of hate he's getting is weird. All assholes should be treated the same, even if there are more of them lol.
We're more than capable of directing our hate towards both, thank you very much.
no sorry - you can hate the player AND hate the game. Most of us learn this thing called morals that convince us we shouldn't completely shaft our fellow man for our own amusement/profit. People who take advantage of loopholes or flawed political/economic systems are nothing more than opportunistic scum
Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS Stephen Colbert won't touch CNN getting caught red handed by Project Veritas CNN RUSSIA FAKE NEWS
are you saying you would do the same thing, and raise the price of a drug which people need? and only care for your investors?
he kind of looks like young Voldemort
Jess Gilchrist voldy was a charming young man.
Put a little square mustache under his nose.
He looks like a wealthy educated CEO.
Voldemort didn't look like such a smug shit stain you just want to punch until you make prettier
How dare you cheapen Voldemort like that! Voldemort was at least competent and a human at one time.....
I really hope Colbert's writing team or whomever is in charge of that to really check Shrikeli's claims that he sells at that price only to insurance companies and gives it almost for free to people who can't afford it. If this is actually true it really reflects badly on the late show...
why not give it to everyone for free? that just means people paying for it are getting jipped. why even say this?
@@coryleblanc no one paid for it he was scamming insurance companies an he was giving it away for free he was hated by all the right people
@@mrmoonlight1001 but everyone in america needs insurance
@@coryleblancbecause he used the money that he got for the drug (from the insurance company) to research other drugs he’s a good guy
Shkreli looks even more like a ventriloquist's dummy than John Cryer does.
Now he is obviously a selfish tool, but isn't the real problem that systems are in place to let him do this? He bought something extremely valuable at a really low price, then sells it at a high price - this is capitalism. If the government has a problem with this then why didn't THEY buy at the low price, before the Shkrelis buy it? Or impose drug price limits?
Sorry, but he is on trial for securities fraud because he screwed his investors by not giving them back the little money left after numerous poor investments. He did nothing in pharma but take over a company and screw over sick people. Do some research on this clown before posting.
MrHucker09 He had a legal duty as a fiduciary to make as much money for his investors and that was a way to do that
The government created a law that prevented the government from negotiating with pharmaceutical companies to lower drug prices. They literally made it illegal for themselves to buy low.
x13. Then repealing that law first would be the main stepping stone to make any universally accessible health care act truly affordable. Why don't the lawmakers go after that law?
My comment has nothing to do with his securities fraud trial.
At this point they'll have to contact Tom Riddle and co. for help filling the jury.
Shkreli is hilarious lmao
I was just about to make a joke about how Shkreli testifying before Congress was distracted by wondering if he had fed his last unfortunate captive he had in the pit in his basement, then at the last second you make him Hannibal Lector.
"Hey Shkreli, here's a baseball mitt."
WTF, why do I need this?
"So you can catch these hands!"
As slimy and douchy as he is, I can't really side with the senators calling him out - don't take the high moral ground and call him out for unethical price raises when *you're* the ones who should be regulating the prices of drugs in the first place.
*if they can do it i can*
Everyone seems to listen to what is said about Shkreli. But noone listens to what he is saying
Guys, let's be real here. We have to acknowledge his great medical deeds for humankind. For example, he cured me of my chronical belief that violence is not the answer.
I used to be a pacifist before I heard about this guy last year. Now, I do believe greed should be punished with euthanization.
Rory Hernandez if you did research, you'll actually know why he jacked up the price, don't go off inciting violence for a guy who was following the guidelines. It wasn't even illegal in the first place.
Shut up. There is no "research" that justifies that level of greed. It SHOULD be illegal. My opinion cares not what you think.
So, you're saying that instead of researching why he jacked up the price, you still insist on keeping your opinion? He actually did this to fund research for rare diseases that pharma companies won't do since there isn't any money in it. As I might not be correct, at least do some research before hating on the guy.
Not at all. I have done my work. You don't need to worry your little brain on how I arrive at my opinion. You have NOTHING to do with how I perceive the world. You are just a source of entertainment atm.
I knew I hated Shkreli, but I had forgotten how much I wanted to punch that smug face. And I'm a pacifist.
"Micheal Jackson nose kid" - Ghostface Killah
pretty sad that the majority of Americans get their politics from a comedian.
Leave it to Colbert to neglect nuance in order to elicit groans and laughs from idiots
Martin Shkreli is the sort of person jury nullification was made for. Someone please do the world a favour.
*looking at Shkreli*
"Get me a hose"
"Just get it. With the full power nossle"
Omg that artist's rendition of Shkreli's face 😂
Im on martin shkreli side argue with me if you want smoke
This is not the face of a man who gave away a drug for free and bravely fought against insurance companies. This is the face of a man with no remorse who smugly believes that he will get away with anything.
Yes of course, you heard the facts and yet you still base your opinions off his appearance.
It's an angry little man who wants to get back at his bullies from high school by making other people suffer.
would you sell something to some people and give the same product away for free to other people? big brain
Who are his parents??? What did both of you do?? You clearly didn't train him! 😂😂😂
Bet he was Moriarty from BBC Sherlock for Halloween...
Pyrimethamine sold under the Brand name Daraprim, came into medical use in 1953.
A pack of 10 *tablets costs less than 50 cents* in my country .
He's the only one who Donald Trump could possibly lose to in the 2019 Republican Primaries.
I'm honestly shocked that Shkreli isn't in Trump's cabinet yet,
Monologue order: (1/2) Trump Has United The Planet... Against Him; (2/2) People Can't Stand Martin Shkreli's Face
MarimBoyWonder better because you've left out the editorial
Did you know the Late Show youtube channel adds a playlist for each day with the videos in correct order?
BdR76 well, I do now.. thanks for the heads up!
Martin Skhreli thinks he's Tony Stark but he's actually Justin Hammer.
I like him. He is against the big evil company’s and that’s why they and the media that gets their money made him the “evil” nerd. Normal people get the drug for 1$. Only Insurance Company’s and Companys like Walmart need to pay 700$
Colbert doesn’t even know what diseases Daraprim treats lol
Swine of America Trump He’s saying it is an HIV drug. It isn’t.
He should run for congress, it's filled with his kind.
Looks like an elementary school principal telling a 10-year-old bully to apologize
Could someone tell me one person who needed his drug and could not get it. I'll save you the research time. It's 0.
CyberCanadian Wow, what an insensitive horse's ass.
Shkreli is the former CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, which in 2015 raised the price of the drug Daraprim by 5,000%, from $13.50 per dose to $750 (cutting it to a mere $375 for some hospitals, after an outcry). The drug treats infections from toxoplasmosis, which can be fatal in patients also suffering from AIDS. *You need more than one dose to be cured, duh*
You do have to admit that the title of this video is completely accurate though...
Although the company has emphasized that its patient assistance programs and discounts meant that no patients paid full price for the drug, the internal documents reveal that some did experience high co-pays, with at least one patient facing a $16,830 coinsurance payment and others charged $6,000.
How much of an income is considered "unable to afford" to qualify the person for free prescriptions?
nelsonta00 if you don't have insurance or the money you get it for free. You can look this up on the website.
A vision of purgatory: Shkreli, Ted Cruz, and Carly Fiorina having a three-way
Why would you split the monologue? It's such a stupid idea!
I hate when people do that
His side kick sounds like a crazy drunk dad yelling
For all the people that are claiming that this guy is ACTUALLY a good guy, can you please provide some sources or proof? I mean, beyond his youtube channel with him talking about him, or a nytimes article that lets him talk but doesn't fact check. I mean, documented cases.
+M V
I think you misunderstand here. I don't give a fuck, either way. I'd like to know, though. I've seen a lot of evidence to say he's a douche, but there are people defending him as well. So I've looked at the evidence that's been provided by those defenders (very scant, tbh), and it wasn't evidence at all. So I'm simply asking for some.
If you THINK he's a good guy, but can't back it up, I really don't give a fuck. I'm not saying he's a bad guy. Or a good guy. So fuck off with your whole answer a question with a question bullshit.
If you don't know, just say so. I think my question is plenty specific. Also open enough that I'm allowing for ANY evidence you can provide. You're not making a very good case for him.
I wouldn't say "good". I'd say on the good side of evil. He claims that he gives away 2/3's of the life saving drugs his company makes to those that can't afford them. He claims he is only ripping off the insurance companies and that he has a fiduciary responsibility to do so. He says he has invested most of the money into bringing better drugs to market and specializes in treating diseases that effect too few people for other drug companies to invest in. He sees himself as a robin hood capitalist and that sets his smugness off like a lightning rod. He views himself as morally superior to his critics and he takes great pleasure in trolling them. There hasn't been any corrections to his claim in interviews, and with the dislike, I'd think that there would be If he was lying.
He implied that the criminal case against him was due to actions he took to pay back investors. That he depends on being a good investment and thinks he can beat the charges because he got the best lawyer.
Abram Carroll so all there is for evidence is his word. It is not very convincing.
+Abram Carroll ok. And if that's all the case, than yeah, he's probably in the right. But 2/3 of your gross inventory is a pretty big deal, and should be easy to find verification (at the time of the claim) with a simple google search, and somehow I still can't find anything. That's kind of a critical flaw, when your damage control needs damage control, lol.
Note to senator Cornyn: Martin Shkreli is the poster-child of why we should regulate the pharmaceutical industry.
amazing how we live in an era where information is completely free yet we decide to only shape stories around our feelings instead of fact. y'all people who hate shkreli for raising the drug price are actually clueless.
Police: "El Chapo is the biggest drug lord ever"
Martin Shkreli: "Hold my beer..."
I'm very much a non-violent person. Being a career nurse, this an important part of who I am. Even I would have an overwhelming desire to slap that odious man child Martin Shkreli. This is the face of evil. His parents must be deeply ashamed.
I swear Shkreli looks like Dr. Oz in that courtroom sketch.
nobody who needed daraprim didnt get it. Shkreli is a douche but he's a smart guy. Read up abt him. He's not evil
There are people who are going to suffer and he just sits here and FUCKING grins!
You cry for rich people who can't get a third jet? I wouldn't call that suffering.
No, he develops pharmaceuticals for illnesses that big pharma companies don't see any profit in.
I don't understand how the fools defending him in the comments aren't taking into account how he alternated between flat out ignoring and giving condescending looks/nods to the guy who said he could use his infamy to help people??? Like if he was a good person, at all, that would have been his chance to prove it. Instead he continued to be a shitcanoe. There's no argument here.
Because looks mean nothing.
I'm sorry but you are naive. Congress is not run by noble people it is run by bad morally corrupt people. I know it might feel better to think they have your interests at heart but they don't. He plead the fifth because they wanted nothing more than to embarrass him. He is not in prison for hurting sick people all of the people that actually need the drug can get it at an affordable price. He is in prison for pissing off rich people with lots of power. Regardless of what you think of his character as a person that is the truth don't spread disinfo.
Am I the only one who's deeply impressed by how comfortable Shkreli is in being completely hated?
You're the only one.
You are basically impressed with sociopathy. Good luck with that.
I see a lot of people saying the dude gives the drug out free to people who can't afford it. I'm wondering a few things... first of all, how do they know that? Second... what determines whether they can afford it? Suppose they just barely can, but it means they spend any extra cash staying alive? How is he suddenly a saint for making insurance companies pay more instead? And finally, if he's such a gret guy, why is he showing as much contempt for Congress as he can manage? It's all very well to diss the government when they aren't trying to tell whether you are in fact in huge freaking trouble for something! But this idiot's smirking like a spoiled child who knows he'll never get a spanking. Even if you were completely innocent, you'd be a fool to act that way... or at least a smug jerk.
Wow, what a wholesome individual! Thank God he cares about the consumers! /s
It's because they decided to make him a poster child for the pharma industry without doing their due diligence on him. Not saying he's completely innocent of all wrong doing but the big pharma companies get away with MUCH MUCH worse for drugs that are very needed to many people and they have never gone after them in such a manner. The hypocrisy is staggering.
Just do some reading up on the background and make up your own mind.
When you condemn one person for their actions while protecting other people doing the same thing.
Hypocrisy. Appearing to be virtuous and moral, casting stones and judgement at one and not actually paying attention and giving a free pass to the real "monsters" and dealing with the root of the problem (big pharma/corporate greed): basically hypocrisy.
He does appear to give away the drug free to anyone that contacts him or his company. I'm not defending the guy but you still need to look at the facts. The guy does act like a slimy weasel but he's no "monster" by any definition.
Have you even looked into any of this or are you going by just the video alone? The world is a gray place so peppering your narrative with simplistic categorical name calling like "monsters" and "evil" is quite childish and ignorant.
O.key: I also know the definition of irony.
1. Because he said it and it's a common thing to do in the pharmaceutical industry for expensive medication. Also one of his employees testified under oath that they do it, and there's information about it on their website.
2. Usually what determines it is if you have insurance or not, otherwise tax returns
3. Who says he's a saint for that?
4. Because he din't want to be there and they refused to give him immunity for him to testify
What kind of drugs do you have to be on to make these creepy smiles? Dude looked like a ventriloquist doll
He's the face of Republicanism, right?
Colton Allgire hope so. He's contributing more to research than anyone else
"Ooooooh, Star Wars News :P" *pauses video, gets ice cream*
Wasn't Shkreli raising prices so that the rich insurance companies would have to pay more for the drug? He gives the drug away free for those who can't afford it.... and for those who are insured, it's the insurance companies which have to buy the drug. That's what my understanding was anyways. At first, I couldn't stand the guy either, but if you look at some of his videos on youtube... you might change your mind.
Yup, copay for people on government insurance is a crisp $1 bill. Copay for private insurance is probably $20-$80. People don't seem to understand how insurance works or the fact that you never ever pay sticker price for a drug, unless you don't have insurance which is what Trump and his buddies are trying to do.
Nope my Friend had to buy Pills for himself pretty much fucked him over real bad with the 75$ a pill pricing atleast until the alternative was out.
Right, because _UA-cam_ is a reliable source of information...
TheAregadon It seems like you need to talk to your friend about getting better insurance, then. If you pay thousands for a drug that has dollar copays, you have a bad, bad, bad policy and should really switch.
If rich insurance companies pay more for the drug, that means they'll raise premiums later to offset the cost, so the patients end up paying more. I don't think you know how this works.
He said bad motivator, I had to think a second, then I died laughing.
Liyah U (Not saying that Trump would ever do something like that but) Trump and shkreli have similar attitudes and facial expressions look at 2:17 and tell me you dont see it
"Maybe he should make himself look more innocent"..Yeah, Hannibal Lecter's face plate does it completely! hahahaha!
"Are you listening?"
What he should've said was:
"Boy I will slap you upside the head! Pay attention!"
Just like my dad used to
Oh, so thats why ur brain cant handle basic economics?
Martin Shkreli kinda makes me think of the happy mask guy @ 2:27
It really is the definition of a punchable face. Like, his face is the most punchable and Mitch McConnell is a VERY close second.
We have a phrase in Chinese for people like him that translates into, "He looks like he's owed a slap."
Not first, because nobody is.
Potato Power Well...one person is...and I'm the FIRST reply :D
6 hours since my comment, so hardly.
I'm going down the how to fix the world rabbit hole again, but damn the only way i see is me having a pen with infinite ink, 3 barrels of tendonitis medicine, and a Death Note.
Damn I'd love this guy as a video game character. Take him out of the government so he doesn't make any actual decisions and give him a video game so none of hjs decisions affect the real world.
It's a dustbin... you bought a DUSTBIN for $2.75 million- :P
I'd find this whole "Shkreli is a misunderstood genius who was actually saving everyone" things a lot easier to swallow if he wasn't currently on trial for fraud and the only reference we have for his philanthropy is his own words.
Why didn't Harry Potter know THAT spell?
Most misunderstood pharma bro
Indeed, very misunderstood. Shkreli is strong at lying and using correct informations to lead to false conclusions, aka misleading people. And misled he has. A lot.
Misleading is what narcissistic sociopaths do. And he is the poster child of the narcissistic sociopath.
Sociopaths are pretty inoffensive when they are alone, but they prey on people if they are in contact with them.
Shkreli has shown no remorse (as per the prosecutor), only pity for himself.
He has smirked all along his trial, showing no respect and no respect of authority.
He is charming but often shows superficial charm (most notably on TV).
He also relishes to be at the center of attention (hence his live streams, his "discussions" with random people that allow him to ).
He lies all the time.
He thinks himself superior to other people. You can see his sense of superiority in a lot of videos.
If he meets contradiction, he will do everything he can to destroy it.
He never apologizes.
He never admits he may have done something wrong, but will always have an excuse.
He aggrandizes his achievements.
He also shows sexual promiscuity when he harrasses Lauren Duca.
He has complete disregard for the consequences of his actions on other people and always denies them with lies and excuses.
Finally he engaged in criminal activities.
These are all traits of typical narcissistic sociopathic behavior (malignant narcissism). In order to detect this type of personality, you have to look at them objectively through his actions, like I just did, not through your subjectivity (he looks nice). I predict he will never have remorse for defrauding investors, even less for what he did to patients who needed his drug, and will always think he was the victim. I have the feeling judge Matsumoto had detected his true nature and that's why she said he was dangerous to society.
And to all the bros who are confident Martin is a nice guy in an apartment) because they watched his streams (I have watched a number of them), please go watch videos of Ted Bundy, go watch videos of other psychopaths, and tell me they don't look like the next guy next door. In fact go read the comments under Ted Bundy's video. Dozens of women still comment that he is "hot", that's all they see in this monster, and it's pretty clear they woud have ended as sausages if they had met him. Well brahs, you are the male equivalent of these chicks. Even though you know that he is a complete fraud, you're still giving this sociopath a pass. Had you met Shkreli, he would have defrauded you and squeezed you to your last $ just like he did for his dozens of victims.
Of course, it is also completely correct the other pharmaceutical companies are doing the same and that ultimately, it's due to politicians who have been bought to allow free pricing of drugs.
InXLsisDeo I think you need a hug
I'm fine, thx.
The word you are all looking for is "backpfeifengesicht"
The thing about Shkreli's price hike is that (according to him) the hike only affects the distributors who buy and resell the drug. He's stated many times that anyone in need who cannot reasonably afford the drug can just ask him over twitter to receive it for free. Now I still think that Shkreli's move was strange and slightly immoral, but I think it's important to present two sides of the story. In addition there are several other reasonably priced meds that are capable of replacing the ones with a hiked price, meaning that the people who are really losing money over this are Big Pharma companies. Once again, this is stuff I've read from one of his interviews so take it with a grain of salt, but keep in mind that it wouldn't be the first time the media would have gone into a "witch-hunt" like this.
After investigating the matter myself, the move is like 60% douchebaggery with the correct context.
It really depends if he is lying or not about the new treatment.
It's a mixed issue and I'm finding it hard to decipher the PR bullshit from Shkreli and the media witch hunt.
Are you familiar with "trickle down economics?" It means the cost eventually trickles down to the patient. HTH.
Good luck in your future astrotrufer career.
... Your reaction to my comment is quite baffling. All I was saying is that you need to do your own research into the whole story, or you're no better than the ignorant people who jump onto ever possibility for fear mongering * like fox news and mainstream conservative media*
You would go so far as to call me a "dumbass" for the reasonable complaint of wanting to be provided a more complete picture instead of judging a guy for a smug face which I remind you, isn't exactly evidence of anything. You sir, are not only a "dumbass" but also a judgmental temperamental prick who forgets that hiding behind a screen doesn't excuse you from common human decency.
First of all, not only do I understand trickle down economics, I can assert with much confidence that you're misnaming the principle you're referring to. There are a lot more mechanics in play here than simply "raising the price". For the sake of my defense, I wasn't defending Shkreli in any way. I was bringing up that Colbert's coverage of the events is not only one sided, but close minded as well. This is part of a bigger picture of issues that I have with Colbert's show (or more accurately his audience, that I'm a part of).
Stephen Colbert is not a journalist. The people who write for his show are also not journalists. He is a comedian, and a comedian does not follow any sort of journalistic practice like say illustrating an objective, balanced view of the news. Sure, anyone can see that Shkreli is an asshole. That doesn't mean we should burn him at the stake without hearing his defense. In this case, he actually has a defense that holds up a little, but it is completely ignored by the media on all sides, because inflammatory speech sells, and decent coverage does not. If you choose to ignore his side of the story and join the metaphorical "witch hunt", do it out of an informed opinion and not because CNN or Fox News told you to.
And that's just what I try to bring up. I dislike Shkreli and his practice, especially out of dislike for the grip that Big Pharma companies hold over the U.S. but even I have to bring up that the guy has some good points and might not be as evil as News outlets make him out to be. Especially if you read the responses to my comment, you see that too many people forget that Colbert has no obligation to present the news in a balanced fashion because he isn't a journalist. That's why he allows himself to present some guys face as a justifiable cause for disliking him and it all just reeks of populism (not that he's alone, not on his side of the political spectrum or any other). Shkreli is an asshole but so is anyone who judges him without doing their research (which btw, kudos to you) ;)
Fleecing sick people is not illegal. It's presidential in the USA
I have nothing against this young man.
Only knives, an axe, various hammers and a hand saw.
Why didn't Wu-Tang send out Bill Murray to dissolve is guy in a barrel of sarcasm already?
Don't drop the soap, Martina!! 😅😅
Martin Shkreli: The only man whose face could be depicted accurately by means of the Oblivion character customisation.
Funny that this guy has a legion of fans online to always defend him. "He only sells it high price to big companies" or "It's a free market, jackass". I find it quite sad...
Hell, does it even take a genius to realize that jack the price of medicine up is going to hurt people? I happen to know people which need to take these sort of drugs for chronicle diseases, most already expensive. People without means to buy it directly and that even end up demanding it from the government. Putting prices up hurts them.
So, any greedy bastard trying to sell it higher is already deserving my fist in his face. I don't even know what is worst, those who admit it or those who pretend it's not that bad. Either way, I know that his smirk looks cartoonishly evil.
uve put ZERO research into it, dumbass liberal
So.... anyone that cares for people, society in general and dislikes greedy, corrupt slimeballs is a 'dumbass liberal'. What exactly are the likes of you defending these guys then? On his payroll are you?
Where did I say that? Ah another sensitive liberal. I'm really so glad that people like you will forever blame others, point fingers and be negative overall. I really do feel sorry for you and MAYBE find sucess in life someday.
I defend youtube from redditerrhia "someone is arguing with me, better call him a sensitive liberal."
^ typical liberal right here, coming up with their own arguments
For $2.75 million, that R2D2 had better still have Kenny Baker inside it.
I love Stephen and have watched him religiously for the entirety of my life, ever since his days as Chuck Noblet but I hate when he covers Shkreli because of just how misinformed and bias it is. Anyone who can't afford the drug gets it free and the reason he charges what he does to those who can afford it. Is to fund research to find cures to other diseases which don't get the research they deserve or desperately need. That's why he's smiling at that buffoon congressman who's saying he wishes Martin could see the faces of those who can't afford the drugs they need because of him because it's a lie. Everyone who needs his drugs, gets his drugs and that's a fact. People may not like him based off first impression and the click bait headlines the media feeds them about him but he does some of most important work in the world and is ridiculed for it and it's disgusting to be honest.
Lol half the people here don't understand pharmaceuticals
misunderstood #Shkrelithegod
This is why rich people need to be taxed the hell out of
Search 'Internet Comment Ettiquette Martin Shkreli'
Its a good video about Shkreli.
Are we completely sure, Mr. Shkreli did take his own medication? He looks like he might need some. O.o
Shame on you Colbert.
If I was a lawyer I'd take his side and just sit there with a smug grin on my face and see how he likes that
Wow, someone more evil than Trump.
Nope. This guy isn't evil. He's a Troll king, but he rips of the rich and insurance companies to fund R&D for drugs to treat diseases the big companies don't. He provided the HIV drug for free to people without insurance. 2/3's of his drugs are given away and doing such a thing would make Trump's head explode. Trump is the guy that stole from kids with cancer after all, because he demands that charity be profitable.
Abram Carroll 1. He doesn't provide the drug. He's a straight up liar 2. Premiums are being radised because insurance has to pay for that shit now
3. Don't believe everything Satan tells u on his YT channel
Trump has created millions of jobs and stabilized the economy. Shkreli saved thousands of lives. Of course you hate them both.
Abram Carroll no evidence, disphit
The farmer bro lmao!
Shkreli for president 2020.
IRONMAN MY FAVORITE EVIL VILLIAN xD all good superheroes going down ! Muahahahaha
It's apparent that Shkreli is a sociopath. He is incapable of feeling for his fellow beings. Profit is all he understands.
And these type of shows complain about Bodyshaming