This video was an all around joy to work on. Learning about mushrooms is like a rabbit hole that gets more interesting the deeper you go. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with Fungi Academy. If you want to learn more, check out their magical course. You can also go on a hike and try to find mushrooms in the wild. It's a fun hobby during the wet winter months. If you like this video and want to see more, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon. You will get access to videos before they go public and you'll be able to help choose future video topics. Thank you!
The possibility of a connection between psychedelic experiences and human evolution is a taboo that the anti-science left cultural Marxist critical race Theory Nut Job feminazis don't want you to even question
How did Nietzsche not understand what was going to happen to civilization and society when they killed God The foolishness of mankind that thinks that they can separate themselves from nature it is in fact the exact opposite socialism communism all of these morons believe that they can use a nuclear weapon to blow a hole in the ground to make a reservoir you cannot conquer nature you are part of nature it is symbiotic The Human Experience is connected to Nature not existing in a vacuum from it you can not just change your gender none of that is real... You must accept what you cannot change ancient knowledge is forgotten because ancient knowledge except the reality that we all live in
Thankyou so much for actually posting this comment ❤️❤️❤️ yesterday I was crying in bathroom alone as I realised I wasted most of my work past few months and you may not believe me I turned into a topper to last bencher 😭😭😭😭 glad that I am just 13 so that I can start all over again 🙏 🙏🙏
I remember few years back after my wife died, I was left alone with 3 kids. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with bipolar. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment changed my life for better. I can proudly say i'm totally clean for 4years and still counting. Always look to nature for solution to tough problems, Shrooms are phenomenal.
I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing!
mushrooms have got to be highly sentient because they help you learn and understand empathy. i believe there's no way that it could pass that info onto us without being aware of that concept first.
@@rockerman735 coffee and sugar are way worse than weed. But still most ppl don't categorize them as drugs. We live in a world of marketing; lies repeteaded enough become 'truth'.
The brain is just a 'reducing valve' as originally stated by Aldous Huxley. It allows us to filter the important information for survival. Quiet the brain (via meditation or psychedelics) and the greater universe (/mind) can be experienced.
I think the reason why a lot of mushrooms contain psilocin/psilocybin is because, like the mushrooms that take over the ant's nervous system, psilocybin allows the mushroom consciousness to share the mammal's nervous system, and for the duration of the effect, the mushroom consciousness can experience life through other mammals' experience. they are very wise and incredibly knowledgeable and can guide you through anything you want to learn... and I mean *anything*... just try it out :)
Perhaps don't talk, if you haven't experienced it. If other peoples facts/experience challenge you it's not the facts/experience that are at fault. Narrow minds are not what is needed by humanity - evidenced by? Maybe take a look at the news.
Because psilocybin changes your brain neurologically and psychologically, I agree with your statement. I believe these organisms connect us with the Web of life.
Beautiful, let's all wake up society. The purpose of life is so clear! The purpose of life is simply to enjoy living. The structure of our society is restricting people from experiencing their own inner dimensions of blissful awareness. We are entering into a new age, the collective ego death is here! Don't miss it.
What an amazing, well-written, and edited video. I've been studying psilocybin during all my waking hours for the past month, bought some capsules and a grower kit, which the person who sold me will not provide me instructions so I'm searching about it, I noticed you have the fungal academy, I just can't afford it, but it seems very good judging for your youtube videos, you are a great teacher! And a professional smiling person haha. Thanks for the content 🙏🏻🍄✨
oh, and when on "" and clicking on the video, it brokes the website. "something went wrong, error number 5"
Dude don't pay sir free knowledge that is available everywhere on the internet just go on growing forums that's what I did, just download or save the useful articles :)
when i tried mushrooms , it made me search for the term "entheogenic". it means that breeds the god . inspires what life is . i felt that our intelligence as humans is owed to mushrooms .
@@BrutusAlbion thy r healthy not just tasty but ok man I don't want to argue about food an healthy balanced diet is something you feel balanced your body hormones that's all no need to tell me about my answer doesn't add up I personally think so hell mushrooms have lipeds and all that kind of stuff eating it will only increase your health.
There was this comment one time I saw of a guy talking about how he talked to the fungi and it told him that they are multi dimensional creatures that are connected all across existence or something like that. I can't quite remember anymore, but the comment really had me thinking about existence for quite some time.
@@AfterSkool GAGAGAGAGAGA!!! I watched this video and it is really not that good compared to my perfect videos. GAGAGAGAGA!!! This is NOT self-promotion! This is the reality! This is the world! We are the people! Don't disl****ke my vide*****s, my dear skol
Idk why but watching this video brought me a sense of inner peace and a smile to my face. Thank you for all that you do to provide this quality content for us all to view. Great Work!👍🏽
i LOVED this video. it made me feel so connected to nature and its infinate wisdom. i absolutely adore learning about fungi and their infinate knowledge and intelligence. THANK YOU!!
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. The wisdom is not to change but to evolve; not to survive but to adapt. This is why a true champion can adapt to anything 🖖
Hello friend. I am a shaman and haf a 13g mushroom trip with my "partner strain" i have experienced everything you covered here and a little more. For example.. i learned that mushrooms and all psychedelics are made by gods as to access the dimensions of our minds and consciousness and for us to direct access to the gods themselves. Love the video man keep it up.
This is brilliant! When I first heard of the mushrooms that create 'zombie' insects I just dismissed it as a cool fact. But really thinking about HOW THAT IS POSSIBLE is mind-blowing. Thanks for sharing your passion, would love to see more of these 😃
You can always consider that our creator all mighty is in the control of every organism in our planet and by his grace our ecosystem is flourishing ✨❣ Our responsibility as people is not to interrupt this process and have deep understanding and respect 👏👍
My mind was blown when the subject of WHY these mushrooms produce psychadelic compounds came up. When you think about it all compounds and molecules serve an evolutionary purpose. And psilocybin only helps human beings on am evolutionary cycle. My mind is blown.
Think about it, the mushrooms know humans will want to eat them, therefore the humans will inevitably preserve the species and breed them.. essentially doing all the work ;)
This is what I learned from eating mushrooms too, I've been thinking these same topics latetly alot and also during my life. Mushrooms indeed has some own intelligence, each time I eat; Cordy Ceps to boost my body or Lions mane or Chaga to boost healthy or Psilocybin to boost my mentality is like consuming some sort of spirit into you, it's really wierd how to explain it. It's not spirit of animal it's more like spirit of nature or some sort of and I can literally feel it.
I’ve been a psychonaut since I was a teenager. Hundreds of high dose lsd ceremonies alone in the dark and every other type but I prefer the lsd. Anyway I always ask myself this question and it is a warp zone wherever I am in life..... “what if the opposite is true” can’t say answers but I ask this question about this “awakening” everyone is talking about... warp zone. I ask this question when I figured out all the conspiracies... warp zone. Anyway lately I been smoking blue lotus and I get this message.... the plants aren’t telling the truth. 🤔 I said to myself “ the plants are lying?” And the message repeated to me... the plants aren’t telling the truth. Another warp zone. You think a small group is conspiring against you? So did I. Then I asked myself if the opposite could be true. Biggest warp zone yet. I never stop asking myself that question and I never get bored to say the least. No “arrival” for me. I don’t trust the plants anymore. Don’t we “humanize” them anyway? Like don’t we look at the entire world through our subjective experience? Isn’t it strange we seem to get the same messages from certain plants? I think because we accept those answers as “positive”, we believe them. What if we let go of the judgement? I love what happens when that question is truly asked.... “what if the opposite is true?” Even take shrooms, have a deep experience, then ask yourself the question! 🤯 Who’s cultivating who? Isn’t it possible the plants are gardening us? We take care of them while we are alive then we die and feed them with our bodies. They don’t offer their fruit to enjoy, they offer it to spread their seed kinda like how your apps offer you convenience while they make you obsolete. Not saying they’re “good” or “bad” but that we shouldn’t assume they’re telling us the truth. Especially since they tell everyone the same thing. 🤷🏻♂️ I’m bias. I don’t experience an actual “ego death” yes I lose my identity and become one with everything but I return to this organic state, completely abandoned by “source” every single time. I’m here more than I’m there but I’m always longing for the story the plants tell. Like if I had a dad but I never saw him. I live with my mom. Dad tells me all about this life I could be living with him... then I create my own story about how awesome he is and he’s gonna save me from this evil “mom” but I find out he’s full of humbug and even tho she’s a bitch she’s been taking care of me while he’s been MIA. So whos telling the truth? The one selling you a fantasy dream or the one who you can see feel and touch and who’s been wiping your ass and feeding you? I still think I’m me, the individual. After all the crazy trippin and life changing visions I still identify with myself. I’m here and I’m alone and no one gives a shit. Knowing that makes me more present and effective in reality. I’m still trying to figure it out but I do not accept what the plants tell me anymore. I’ve heard it a million times. What if the opposite is true?
There is a video I want to recommend to you called the botany of desire. You can watch on youtube. It explains how plants like weed, potatoes and flowers have evolved to try to appeal to us so that we will cultivate them and spread their seed. Very interesting what you said.
It’s called symbiosis for a reason ;) Living together with nature means give and receive, it goes both ways for survival. Also another theory is that plants with psilocybin actual removes the barriers and opens us up to what we already know, this experience would be meaningless if we all knew we’re all “the same” being individual from each other actually helps expand the possibilities of creation. This is not an illusion as many call it, it’s all. :) when it comes to the brain it’s a receiver, transmitter and processor of all our body and worldly signals (transmissions) we have many ways to perceive the world, senses that don’t give immediate responses as we know them, but subtle (and it depends on your evolved consciousness, unnoticeable signals) that your brain try to interpreted with the knowledge you already possess to give it meaning. The more you learn and evolve, the difference of how your brain interpret the signals change :)
So you think synthetic psychedelics are better in a sense than organic ones? I kinda think the opposite is true from my experience LSD and others derivatives dont match the therapeutic power of plants af all.. plants could well be here for us too if they are intelligent enough to understand that we are all one..
Comsuming cubensis once changed me, you really felt the mushrooms hijacking the mind and showing you what’s what, it’s weird but it sure gave me lasting benefits
@@kimmyp3407 That's along the lines of what I'm thinking. I'm not sure I would classify it as parasitic. I'd say it's more symbiotic because humans gain pleasure from ingesting it. But yeah, they basically trick our brains into liking them and therefore wanting to make more of them.
It's great to see there are people following in footsteps of Paul Stamets. I was surprised it was not his talk, and was pleased that it was like his talk.
@@FS-yq9ef Virginia Haze and Dr K Mandrake Phd. its called The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible. The definitive guide to growing and using magic mushrooms. got it on amazon for like 20 bucks.
7:49 I saw this exact thing while on a mushroom trip. I held my breath for fear that I would destroy such a delicate and beautiful structure by moving a fraction of an inch.
If intelligence is working toward a survival goal, fungi are very smart. So what does a brain do? IMO, a brain lets an organism choose between competing survival goals. Mostly this is a matter of weighing between going right or left. One day an organism might need food badly, and another it might need to go to the water hole. (Brains and mobility seem to be deeply linked.) The point isn't simply needing something to survive, but needing to weigh choices between the things we all need. Fungi need to make choices. For example, they choose between growing toward food or away from it. But there is little advantage to growing away from food, so there's not really a choice. When a fungus takes control of an ant, it could send the ant into the colony to infect more ants. But that would require making a choice between forcing the ant to climb up high and spread that way or going into the colony. It would require a brain. The fungus doesn't have a brain, so it only can choose one option. Brains require too much metabolic cost for fungi, so they don't have brains and can't choose between competing options. For advanced pack hunters, dealing with others in the pack seems to drive the most difficult decisions. Choosing whom to trust and how to respond to other pack members' activities leads to hard decisions. Do I give up my share of food to another pack member? It depends on the strengths and social positions of the individuals. Choices are hard. Those who make the best choices survive, and those that make poor choices perish. So a key to intelligence is choosing between competing actions. Ranking actions in their importance to survival is key. This ranking creates hierarchies of need. Jordan Peterson did a lot of work understanding hierarchies in his job as a professor of psychology. I recommend his videos on the subject even if you don't buy into the Kool Aid of his political views.
This video-essay is one of the deepest, most impactful things Ive ever seen. Of course, further research is needed to verify these causal relations. However, these conclusions a priori seem plausible and have the potential to redefine our understanding of the world. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
If you enjoyed this video, check out the book Entangled Life, it was recommended by Paul Stamets. It dives into early mycology research, environmental uses of mushroom, spiritual aspects (some Terence Mcknenna in there) and more. This was a great video 🙏🏻 we can learn so much from these species from eons ago.
Don't listen to white rabbit, and bail on the "true meaning of life" profound this or another searching and instead try to see if you can find the missing joke
Intelligence comes from the heart. All ancient schools of wisdom beginning with the Vedas knew this. The brain mediates the sensory system. Intelligence emanates from the One Supreme Creator who is situated in the heart as Supersoul who connects all living entities in existence. The ultimate goal of all paths (spiritual or material) culminates in the understanding that we are not the body but a part and parcel spark of the Creator’s superior energy rather than the inert matter that our soul temporarily animates and we have been conditioned to think we are. Psilocybin, when utilized properly under the expert guidance of a bona fide liberated spiritual master, has the ability to open us to the causeless mercy and love of the Supreme Creator which we are all dying for want of. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare🙏🏼
You are as blinded to the books of vedas as christians are blinded to their bible . NOTHING is certain . Keep open mind but don't believe blindly something you can't know for sure .
@@TwDjLsT I guess it would be me, technically my subconscious mind, replicating his voice in my dreams. Maybe I'd have to start out by listening to him at night and then it'll get locked in there lol
Keep telling me you make sense , I'll listen. One is entirely missing the point at which now you are guessing about and perhaps it's yourself. The 'maybe's join the 'guess' now and it may have gotten gay (no judgement). 'Technically', that would be your unconscious mind not 'subconscious'. One 'may' see the difference if One was at a higher state of 'consciousness'. My goal here is not stab, simply show you self.
🍄I truly felt like the mushrooms were speaking to me in some advanced language. They seamed ancient, and sentient. Maybe I was just trippen, maybe not.✨
Wait, so what evidence points to the fact that mushrooms are sentient? I can't even hypothesize how mushrooms could know we're sentient, let alone know how a particular molecule could affect our nervous system.
@@Sokofeather I see what you mean but you're missing the point that this guy is making alot of assumptions that can only be explained with pseudo-science.
I think the definitions of conciousness, sapience, and sentience beginning with an assumption that it's either there or not, rather than as either an emergent property of complex behaviors or a property of scalar magnitude, limits our recognition of clearly complex, "as aware as necessary", behaviors. The appropriate examples are too prevalent and numerous to even begin listing, but take fungal caretaking of each individual tree in a mycoraisal symbiosis, acting like an intelligent resource distribution department: it senses need here, resources there, disease on this one - and manages. Sure, this is all it does, and it doesn't write books about its experience, but it's eerie and we arbitrary assume no consciousness, even though we have no human-interfacable model to make either determination about these 400-pound brains.
@@Sokofeather Mycoraisal symbiosis, I can at least wrap my head around. There's an intuitive cause and effect thing going on there, and it directly affects and benefits the mushroom. But mushrooms providing a hallucinogenic molecule to a self-aware human, for what purpose? There's a huge stretch there.
@@maillardsbearcat it's more mercurial to get at than basic nutrients, from our perspective, having these classifications a priori. And I now see the conjecture you're pointing out, which implies *intention and planning*. But I'm thinking, what do these varieties of plants use neurotransmitters for? Why make them? I would guess the same purpose as all other life, to keep it simple: some kind of internal nervous- system- like intracommunication. Now, maybe humans adapted to use the available compounds, and not the other way round as this video suggests. But, as a nutrient presence, and as a compound that improves visual acuity and motion detection (Johns Hopkins, U. Austin, R. Strassman) they would be helpful to adapt to, and the relationship would have been beneficial. I would draw the line of probability between as much consciousness as necessary, and the ability to project and plan. But not short of consciousness, since then the social behaviors would need an explanation even more exotic and heretofore undiscovered, whereas we live daily with ample evidence of consciousness arising from life, even if it remains a mystery.
Great video, I truly believe that the dissolving of the ego allowing you to see and feel that you are a part of this collective intelligence, is a true benefit to human evolution.
I’m so fucking elated that content like this is becoming more well received by people. The boomer mentality of “everything is a drug and drugs are bad. Except pills.” is going out the door.
I've always thought there is some sort of intelligence in mushrooms. They may just be the way mother earth is trying to talk to us, but most of us aren't listening.
As a software engineer I see a difference between the idea of consciousness and what can be otherwise described as a complex pattern of nature. Consciousness to me is rooted in the experience of an organism. When a fungus displays a trait, do we think it's experiencing and aware of its own behavior? Fungus being able to develop optimized node traversal results is amazing but it's clearly a pattern of behavior that doesn't require consciousness or awareness. The fungus executes the same instructions without the requirement for intelligence. Don't jump to conclusions when you are not aware of the evolutionary driver of sympathetic benefits between fungus and other organisms. This isn't sound logic. There is always an evolutionary driver for an evolutionary trait, even if it's not tremendously central to the survival of that species. I appreciate the idea of expanding our definition of intelligence perhaps, but I think labeling it as "consciousness" only hurts your work. Consciousness can be defined as a state of awareness beyond simple reactions to stimuli.
@@stephrobinson6433 it would help to have this new definition for consciousness clearly explained to understand the intent if the message. Otherwise it appears as click bait. The classical perspective of consciousness rooted in experience is as philosophical as it gets. Its Nietzsche. Consciousness is a neurological state that isn't diminished in its majesty by differentiating it from a new age perspective of a "universal consciousness". I believe this video was referring to the former.
That was really conspiracy full... like "why would a mushroom produce anti carcinogenic compounds?" Well just because it helps you in some way, doesn't mean that it can't be used in another way for the mushroom
@@GoronTico Why is he laughing ? . . He is assigning a stereotype, and in doing so, calling him something along the lines of or in combination of.. 'crazy, weird, burnt out, spaced, F'd up, wasted, fried, baked, burnt up, zombified, overspent, tilted, abnormal, goofy, oddball, burn out, permanently loopy, out of his mind, mentally unstable'. "You look like you've eaten acid every weekend for a decade", is not a compliment. It's associated with the stain of making people lose their mental handle on reality. Urban myth (false of course) : you are 'insane' if you trip LSD 7 times : The truth is irrelevant, people are ignorant. They were all schedule One'd and Federally F'd, must be the 'Devil'. Namaste Mr Campos.
This video was an all around joy to work on. Learning about mushrooms is like a rabbit hole that gets more interesting the deeper you go. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with Fungi Academy. If you want to learn more, check out their magical course. You can also go on a hike and try to find mushrooms in the wild. It's a fun hobby during the wet winter months.
If you like this video and want to see more, please consider supporting After Skool on Patreon. You will get access to videos before they go public and you'll be able to help choose future video topics. Thank you!
The possibility of a connection between psychedelic experiences and human evolution is a taboo that the anti-science left cultural Marxist critical race Theory Nut Job feminazis don't want you to even question
How did Nietzsche not understand what was going to happen to civilization and society when they killed God
The foolishness of mankind that thinks that they can separate themselves from nature it is in fact the exact opposite socialism communism all of these morons believe that they can use a nuclear weapon to blow a hole in the ground to make a reservoir you cannot conquer nature you are part of nature it is symbiotic The Human Experience is connected to Nature not existing in a vacuum from it you can not just change your gender none of that is real... You must accept what you cannot change ancient knowledge is forgotten because ancient knowledge except the reality that we all live in
Your videos are cool 😎
I love shrooms 😁
“Don’t be afraid to start over again.
This time, you’re not starting from scratch.
You’re starting from experience.” ✊🏽
Thankyou so much for actually posting this comment ❤️❤️❤️ yesterday I was crying in bathroom alone as I realised I wasted most of my work past few months and you may not believe me I turned into a topper to last bencher 😭😭😭😭 glad that I am just 13 so that I can start all over again 🙏 🙏🙏
Irrelevant, but profound.
Thank you universe for my past future and present please guide me on the right paths. Much luv
what does that has to do with mushrooms? are u a mushroom starting over?
@@Me-vz1rl I'm thinking he did mushrooms and this is what it taught him on his trip lol
Psilocybin mushrooms show promise in supporting mental health.
I’ve had a positive experience with mushroom. Trust me it was awesome
Can I get em?
Will he be On instgram?
And also provides like mushrooms, LSD, DMT, and even chocolate bars.
He's a top-notch mycologist, highly recommended.
I remember few years back after my wife died, I was left alone with 3 kids. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Got diagnosed with bipolar. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment changed my life for better. I can proudly say i'm totally clean for 4years and still counting. Always look to nature for solution to tough problems, Shrooms are phenomenal.
I love hearing great life changing stories like this. I want to become a mycologist because honestly mushrooms are the best form of medicine (most especially the psychedelic ones) There are so many people today used magic mushrooms to ween off of SSRI medication- its amazing!
doctormaxshrooms is your guy, got all kinds of psychedelics.-:(
How do I reach out to him? He on telgram? Or TikTok
Yes, that's his name.
Thanks for sharing this great information, this would help my daughter
*Comment sections in a nutshell:*
• Cocaine and Crack: it ruined my life
• Mush & LSD: it saved my life
• Weed: I’m so high right now lol
😂😂😂 you ain't lying though...
Every experience is what makes you you!!!
tinha q ser brasileiro
Cigars: emptied my wallet
Ironically, those are all medicines, some endogenous.
I have realized that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is.
- Alan Watts
And there is no way to quantify or describe the Present in any sort of physics equation...
The now is all we have everything else is just memory or thought.
@@jacobrackham432 thank you Ekhart!
@@swisstrader - I can only assume you mean Eckhart.
Did he say that in the past?
mushrooms have got to be highly sentient because they help you learn and understand empathy. i believe there's no way that it could pass that info onto us without being aware of that concept first.
That blows my fucking mind.
They must be a repository of the spirit of the Earth.
Congratulations to drugs, for winning the war on drugs
Its the war on some drugs...!!
You copied this comment. Still good though.
Not the war this is just a battle in the grand scheme of it
One drug I stay away from is Coffee... The withdraw is stupid, water and exercise has given me natural energy
@@rockerman735 coffee and sugar are way worse than weed. But still most ppl don't categorize them as drugs. We live in a world of marketing; lies repeteaded enough become 'truth'.
The brain is the most important part of the body... According to the brain 😂
The brain is just a 'reducing valve' as originally stated by Aldous Huxley. It allows us to filter the important information for survival. Quiet the brain (via meditation or psychedelics) and the greater universe (/mind) can be experienced.
Actually no, consciousness exists outside of the brain
@@therealucifer I agree, Idealism is the ontology I most identify with.
Big brein time
I think the reason why a lot of mushrooms contain psilocin/psilocybin is because, like the mushrooms that take over the ant's nervous system, psilocybin allows the mushroom consciousness to share the mammal's nervous system, and for the duration of the effect, the mushroom consciousness can experience life through other mammals' experience. they are very wise and incredibly knowledgeable and can guide you through anything you want to learn... and I mean *anything*... just try it out :)
Don't talk like it's a fact
Perhaps don't talk, if you haven't experienced it. If other peoples facts/experience challenge you it's not the facts/experience that are at fault. Narrow minds are not what is needed by humanity - evidenced by? Maybe take a look at the news.
Because psilocybin changes your brain neurologically and psychologically, I agree with your statement. I believe these organisms connect us with the Web of life.
@@thatpandaz6094try it
Your passion for this subject made this a very engaging episode
Beautiful, let's all wake up society. The purpose of life is so clear! The purpose of life is simply to enjoy living. The structure of our society is restricting people from experiencing their own inner dimensions of blissful awareness.
We are entering into a new age, the collective ego death is here! Don't miss it.
Exactly. Alan Watts said it well... "Life is like a song, or a dance. The point is not to finish, but to learn from and feel it." 🙏🏼🙇🏼♂️🎭
I hope this collective ego death arrives, it is more needed than ever
I would rather die.
What an amazing, well-written, and edited video. I've been studying psilocybin during all my waking hours for the past month, bought some capsules and a grower kit, which the person who sold me will not provide me instructions so I'm searching about it, I noticed you have the fungal academy, I just can't afford it, but it seems very good judging for your youtube videos, you are a great teacher! And a professional smiling person haha. Thanks for the content 🙏🏻🍄✨
oh, and when on "" and clicking on the video, it brokes the website. "something went wrong, error number 5"
Shroomery dot org 😉
@@opedromagico Check out PhillyGoldenTeacher and North Spore channels.
You will learn a lot from them.
Dude don't pay sir free knowledge that is available everywhere on the internet just go on growing forums that's what I did, just download or save the useful articles :)
when i tried mushrooms , it made me search for the term "entheogenic".
it means that breeds the god . inspires what life is . i felt that our intelligence as humans is owed to mushrooms .
Where did you buy them ?
@@IYeleven a long time ago in a smart shop at amsterdam . it was a very unique experience .
Which type were they ?
@@IYeleven its been 15 years since then , i have no idea . there are many reviews that you can find on the internet .
I have a philosophy final report due this week so I ate a shit load of shrooms
May i ask What kind of philosophy class is it? Curious as I am a Phil major so it’s got me like dafaq 🤔?!
U ahead of the herd haha
I mean its gonna helo a lot more than popping addys at 2 am to finish
HA......GOOD ONE GRINGO !!!!!😵💭
@@chimpypimpy8245 energy drinks and pills till the brain dissolves and finally thinks its smarter 🤣
Golden teachers helped me quit alcohol for good. I recommend anyone living in darkness to take that journey alone, you won't regret it.
How many grams? Dried?
What do you mean by living in darkness?
Living in darkness?
@@stoneofthor4279 3.5 dried
@@MRR7 depression, sadness, stress
This was a GREAT VIDEO I‘m loving the direction this channel is going ✨🍄
I love his passion for his area of study it’s infectious
Conscious mushrooms are a staple in a healthy breakfast
Really not staple but it's needed a bit but even more so especially if u have a weak immune system.
@@lifeisagameofknowingyourro6327 Why if you have a weak immune system?
@@BrutusAlbion mushrooms r healthy and if u consume them you also get healthy period💯
@@lifeisagameofknowingyourro6327 thats not much of an answer but they can be tasty, I agree.
@@BrutusAlbion thy r healthy not just tasty but ok man I don't want to argue about food an healthy balanced diet is something you feel balanced your body hormones that's all no need to tell me about my answer doesn't add up I personally think so hell mushrooms have lipeds and all that kind of stuff eating it will only increase your health.
There was this comment one time I saw of a guy talking about how he talked to the fungi and it told him that they are multi dimensional creatures that are connected all across existence or something like that. I can't quite remember anymore, but the comment really had me thinking about existence for quite some time.
I heard this in Terrence Mckenna video. I think it was towards the end of the True Hallucinations video here in yt.
I've definitely experienced fungal intelligence and seen sacred geometry! Seed of life was the first pattern I saw :)
I saw the same thing :)
@@AfterSkool GAGAGAGAGAGA!!! I watched this video and it is really not that good compared to my perfect videos. GAGAGAGAGA!!! This is NOT self-promotion! This is the reality! This is the world! We are the people! Don't disl****ke my vide*****s, my dear skol
@@AxxLAfriku hmmm.... oookay
The geometry that the fungi gives us is a wonderful present🙏
@@AxxLAfriku someone has never taken mush with that ego
Idk why but watching this video brought me a sense of inner peace and a smile to my face. Thank you for all that you do to provide this quality content for us all to view. Great Work!👍🏽
i LOVED this video. it made me feel so connected to nature and its infinate wisdom. i absolutely adore learning about fungi and their infinate knowledge and intelligence. THANK YOU!!
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. The wisdom is not to change but to evolve; not to survive but to adapt. This is why a true champion can adapt to anything 🖖
whatever this guy had, i want two of that.
Two mushrooms it is!
Yeah go buy 400 dollar course haha
If ya tell him yer schizophrenic, you get 20 😋
Reach out to david_grantrig_ii on insta; LSD(paper/gel), DMT(5-MeO-DMT/Toad venom), psilocybin, penis envy, MDMA. He delivers anywhere discreetly!
Hello friend. I am a shaman and haf a 13g mushroom trip with my "partner strain" i have experienced everything you covered here and a little more. For example.. i learned that mushrooms and all psychedelics are made by gods as to access the dimensions of our minds and consciousness and for us to direct access to the gods themselves. Love the video man keep it up.
You have learned nothing.
@@659dude you are right Dude. Indeed i have learned no thing 👌🏻
I want to hear more
@@stiah i have a lot more. Contact me on FB if you like
You’re a shaman in your own world.13 grams.Try that with some ovoids
And this makes much more sense when you actually eat psilocybin mushrooms
It's been a while lol
Why though
@@adrian_zombturtle148 just eat the mushrooms
@@chrisgould101 oh ok I might do it on the weekend
@@adrian_zombturtle148 recommended dosage bro. And do it with a friend in a safe area/house. ❤
That was one of my favorites! I love fungi! There is a wealth of untapped potential for symbiosis with Gaia right below our feet!
This is brilliant! When I first heard of the mushrooms that create 'zombie' insects I just dismissed it as a cool fact. But really thinking about HOW THAT IS POSSIBLE is mind-blowing. Thanks for sharing your passion, would love to see more of these 😃
You can always consider that our creator all mighty is in the control of every organism in our planet and by his grace our ecosystem is flourishing ✨❣
Our responsibility as people is not to interrupt this process and have deep understanding and respect 👏👍
My mind was blown when the subject of WHY these mushrooms produce psychadelic compounds came up. When you think about it all compounds and molecules serve an evolutionary purpose. And psilocybin only helps human beings on am evolutionary cycle. My mind is blown.
Blew my mind too, I actually started crying. Crazy how everything is so effortlessly connected.
@Martina Montero i'm still mentally decimated
Think about it, the mushrooms know humans will want to eat them, therefore the humans will inevitably preserve the species and breed them.. essentially doing all the work ;)
@Jeremiah Liggins but don't they serve an evolutionary purpose for the organism that produces it?
Reach out to david_grantrig_ii on insta; LSD(paper/gel), DMT(5-MeO-DMT/Toad venom), psilocybin, penis envy, MDMA. He delivers anywhere discreetly!
Okay this was just cool af. Thanks, After Skool and Jasper.
I've learned more from After Skool than I learned in an actual public education system.
edit: Thank you AfterSkool 🙏
Yep. Self-Education has made many school and university courses redundant. But the powers that be do not want you to educate yourself.
Jasper seems like a fungi lol, love puns.
This video will save me a lot of time explaining my mushrooms tattoos
Mushlove to all! ❤️
This is what I learned from eating mushrooms too, I've been thinking these same topics latetly alot and also during my life. Mushrooms indeed has some own intelligence, each time I eat; Cordy Ceps to boost my body or Lions mane or Chaga to boost healthy or Psilocybin to boost my mentality is like consuming some sort of spirit into you, it's really wierd how to explain it. It's not spirit of animal it's more like spirit of nature or some sort of and I can literally feel it.
I thoroughly enjoyed this presentation. Thank you so much
I really love this guy's enthusiasm. It's really endearing.
Jasper thank you. That was amazing perspective. Especially the part about yeast manufacturing ethanol...
I’ve been a psychonaut since I was a teenager. Hundreds of high dose lsd ceremonies alone in the dark and every other type but I prefer the lsd. Anyway I always ask myself this question and it is a warp zone wherever I am in life..... “what if the opposite is true” can’t say answers but I ask this question about this “awakening” everyone is talking about... warp zone. I ask this question when I figured out all the conspiracies... warp zone. Anyway lately I been smoking blue lotus and I get this message.... the plants aren’t telling the truth. 🤔 I said to myself “ the plants are lying?” And the message repeated to me... the plants aren’t telling the truth. Another warp zone. You think a small group is conspiring against you? So did I. Then I asked myself if the opposite could be true. Biggest warp zone yet. I never stop asking myself that question and I never get bored to say the least. No “arrival” for me. I don’t trust the plants anymore. Don’t we “humanize” them anyway? Like don’t we look at the entire world through our subjective experience? Isn’t it strange we seem to get the same messages from certain plants? I think because we accept those answers as “positive”, we believe them. What if we let go of the judgement? I love what happens when that question is truly asked.... “what if the opposite is true?” Even take shrooms, have a deep experience, then ask yourself the question! 🤯
Who’s cultivating who? Isn’t it possible the plants are gardening us? We take care of them while we are alive then we die and feed them with our bodies. They don’t offer their fruit to enjoy, they offer it to spread their seed kinda like how your apps offer you convenience while they make you obsolete.
Not saying they’re “good” or “bad” but that we shouldn’t assume they’re telling us the truth. Especially since they tell everyone the same thing. 🤷🏻♂️
I’m bias. I don’t experience an actual “ego death” yes I lose my identity and become one with everything but I return to this organic state, completely abandoned by “source” every single time. I’m here more than I’m there but I’m always longing for the story the plants tell. Like if I had a dad but I never saw him. I live with my mom. Dad tells me all about this life I could be living with him... then I create my own story about how awesome he is and he’s gonna save me from this evil “mom” but I find out he’s full of humbug and even tho she’s a bitch she’s been taking care of me while he’s been MIA. So whos telling the truth? The one selling you a fantasy dream or the one who you can see feel and touch and who’s been wiping your ass and feeding you?
I still think I’m me, the individual. After all the crazy trippin and life changing visions I still identify with myself. I’m here and I’m alone and no one gives a shit. Knowing that makes me more present and effective in reality. I’m still trying to figure it out but I do not accept what the plants tell me anymore. I’ve heard it a million times. What if the opposite is true?
There is a video I want to recommend to you called the botany of desire. You can watch on youtube. It explains how plants like weed, potatoes and flowers have evolved to try to appeal to us so that we will cultivate them and spread their seed. Very interesting what you said.
It’s called symbiosis for a reason ;)
Living together with nature means give and receive, it goes both ways for survival. Also another theory is that plants with psilocybin actual removes the barriers and opens us up to what we already know, this experience would be meaningless if we all knew we’re all “the same” being individual from each other actually helps expand the possibilities of creation. This is not an illusion as many call it, it’s all. :) when it comes to the brain it’s a receiver, transmitter and processor of all our body and worldly signals (transmissions) we have many ways to perceive the world, senses that don’t give immediate responses as we know them, but subtle (and it depends on your evolved consciousness, unnoticeable signals) that your brain try to interpreted with the knowledge you already possess to give it meaning. The more you learn and evolve, the difference of how your brain interpret the signals change :)
So they just want us to eat them essentially. That's mad! Thanks for the epic comment anyway
So you think synthetic psychedelics are better in a sense than organic ones? I kinda think the opposite is true from my experience LSD and others derivatives dont match the therapeutic power of plants af all.. plants could well be here for us too if they are intelligent enough to understand that we are all one..
Jasper!! This video was phenomenal! Thanks so much for sharing your passion for mushrooms and teaching us some things 😄
I've got a gut feeling you're onto something here!
Einstein got many of his ideas from gut feelings .
Reach out to david_grantrig_ii on insta; LSD(paper/gel), DMT(5-MeO-DMT/Toad venom), psilocybin, penis envy, MDMA. He delivers anywhere discreetly!
I cannot relate to any and all who say “I hate mushrooms!”
I live 40 minutes from Philadelphia, yet cant find source to buy a psilocvbin(mushroom). Anvone have anv idea?
Comsuming cubensis once changed me, you really felt the mushrooms hijacking the mind and showing you what’s what, it’s weird but it sure gave me lasting benefits
Psilocybin or psilocin evolved as a reproduction mechanism. The people who ingest it become obsessed with it and quite often cultivate it themselves.
interesting, so you think. those type of mushrooms are parasites just trying to get us to spread the "message" and therefore their spores?
@@kimmyp3407 That's along the lines of what I'm thinking. I'm not sure I would classify it as parasitic. I'd say it's more symbiotic because humans gain pleasure from ingesting it. But yeah, they basically trick our brains into liking them and therefore wanting to make more of them.
It's great to see there are people following in footsteps of Paul Stamets. I was surprised it was not his talk, and was pleased that it was like his talk.
I just bought the Psilocybin Bible. what a fascinating book. my goal is to have a jar of blue honey for every strain i grow.
@@FS-yq9ef Virginia Haze and Dr K Mandrake Phd. its called The Psilocybin Mushroom Bible. The definitive guide to growing and using magic mushrooms. got it on amazon for like 20 bucks.
7:49 I saw this exact thing while on a mushroom trip. I held my breath for fear that I would destroy such a delicate and beautiful structure by moving a fraction of an inch.
God I love this channel
Haha aww thank you 🙏🏽
@@AfterSkool m8, your channel is one of the best on UA-cam not even lying.
This was definitely one of the best videos you guys have made !
If intelligence is working toward a survival goal, fungi are very smart. So what does a brain do?
IMO, a brain lets an organism choose between competing survival goals. Mostly this is a matter of weighing between going right or left. One day an organism might need food badly, and another it might need to go to the water hole. (Brains and mobility seem to be deeply linked.) The point isn't simply needing something to survive, but needing to weigh choices between the things we all need.
Fungi need to make choices. For example, they choose between growing toward food or away from it. But there is little advantage to growing away from food, so there's not really a choice. When a fungus takes control of an ant, it could send the ant into the colony to infect more ants. But that would require making a choice between forcing the ant to climb up high and spread that way or going into the colony. It would require a brain. The fungus doesn't have a brain, so it only can choose one option. Brains require too much metabolic cost for fungi, so they don't have brains and can't choose between competing options.
For advanced pack hunters, dealing with others in the pack seems to drive the most difficult decisions. Choosing whom to trust and how to respond to other pack members' activities leads to hard decisions. Do I give up my share of food to another pack member? It depends on the strengths and social positions of the individuals. Choices are hard. Those who make the best choices survive, and those that make poor choices perish.
So a key to intelligence is choosing between competing actions. Ranking actions in their importance to survival is key. This ranking creates hierarchies of need. Jordan Peterson did a lot of work understanding hierarchies in his job as a professor of psychology. I recommend his videos on the subject even if you don't buy into the Kool Aid of his political views.
Jordan Peterson understands how to really make a grift work.
I feel totally blessed that you popped up on my home feed. What a beautiful presentation - I feel like I'm waking up from a deep sleep. Thank you!!!
Afterskool never disappoints 😭💯
My brain just got angry tho 😂
This video-essay is one of the deepest, most impactful things Ive ever seen. Of course, further research is needed to verify these causal relations. However, these conclusions a priori seem plausible and have the potential to redefine our understanding of the world.
Thank you so much for sharing this with us.
If you enjoyed this video, check out the book Entangled Life, it was recommended by Paul Stamets. It dives into early mycology research, environmental uses of mushroom, spiritual aspects (some Terence Mcknenna in there) and more. This was a great video 🙏🏻 we can learn so much from these species from eons ago.
Wonderfully explained and amazing information, thank you
I don't know... He seems like a really Fungi.
::groans:: 😉
Subbed because that guys so genuine.
Off to buy some magic mushrooms and expand my mind to find the true meaning in life!
I learned patience , while waiting for them to wear off. 😂
Make sure to listen to White Rabbit while on it, trust me
Don't listen to white rabbit, and bail on the "true meaning of life" profound this or another searching and instead try to see if you can find the missing joke
dont change how you narrate these videos.. its awesome for real
Sounds like he is saying "fun guy" :D
This channel is pure gold thank you so much!
I didn't know there were anti-carcinogens for mammals in mushrooms or mushrooms that help re-grow neurons in the brain. Um, where do I buy those?
Lions mane mushrooms and psilocybin mushrooms one is illegal in most places
@@inkpoison8395 Lion's mane is legal and can be bought at most sites that sell vitamins.
@@fionnaitsradag5152 I know I take it I wasn’t referring to the lions mane
Such an amazing video, wonderful information.
Thank you for sharing. ❤
"Intelligence: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
Any being who thinks of themselves as intelligent can't dictate what intelligence is because there's a bias there. Same with consciousness.
@@P.Subaeruginosa By your criteria, no one can.
@@freesk8 PRECISELY, no ONE can.
This is wonderful, thank you!
Intelligence comes from the heart. All ancient schools of wisdom beginning with the Vedas knew this. The brain mediates the sensory system. Intelligence emanates from the One Supreme Creator who is situated in the heart as Supersoul who connects all living entities in existence. The ultimate goal of all paths (spiritual or material) culminates in the understanding that we are not the body but a part and parcel spark of the Creator’s superior energy rather than the inert matter that our soul temporarily animates and we have been conditioned to think we are. Psilocybin, when utilized properly under the expert guidance of a bona fide liberated spiritual master, has the ability to open us to the causeless mercy and love of the Supreme Creator which we are all dying for want of. Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare🙏🏼
You are as blinded to the books of vedas as christians are blinded to their bible . NOTHING is certain . Keep open mind but don't believe blindly something you can't know for sure .
Very informative video, and I am generally a fan of After skool.
I need this guy to narrate my dreams lol
One may be able to accomplish this themselves..
@@TwDjLsT that's missing the point entirely
@@munihmuni8814 Which is?
@@TwDjLsT I guess it would be me, technically my subconscious mind, replicating his voice in my dreams. Maybe I'd have to start out by listening to him at night and then it'll get locked in there lol
Keep telling me you make sense , I'll listen.
One is entirely missing the point at which now you are guessing about and perhaps it's yourself. The 'maybe's join the 'guess' now and it may have gotten gay (no judgement).
'Technically', that would be your unconscious mind not 'subconscious'. One 'may' see the difference if One was at a higher state of 'consciousness'.
My goal here is not stab, simply show you self.
Beautiful video. Bless the Fungi fam
Hi You’re doing great I appreciate all you did but i have a question
Do you really draw those pictures?
Yup 💯
@@AfterSkool cool!!!
thank you so much for this!
Do coral intelligence next
!!!!!!!!! Yes!!!!!!
i love after skool,full of information
🍄I truly felt like the mushrooms were speaking to me in some advanced language. They seamed ancient, and sentient. Maybe I was just trippen, maybe not.✨
What do you mean
Great video!! 🍄
Wait, so what evidence points to the fact that mushrooms are sentient? I can't even hypothesize how mushrooms could know we're sentient, let alone know how a particular molecule could affect our nervous system.
What's a trustworthy measure for sentience, taken from the outside? The ability to problem solve or respond selectively to stimuli?
@@Sokofeather I see what you mean but you're missing the point that this guy is making alot of assumptions that can only be explained with pseudo-science.
I think the definitions of conciousness, sapience, and sentience beginning with an assumption that it's either there or not, rather than as either an emergent property of complex behaviors or a property of scalar magnitude, limits our recognition of clearly complex, "as aware as necessary", behaviors. The appropriate examples are too prevalent and numerous to even begin listing, but take fungal caretaking of each individual tree in a mycoraisal symbiosis, acting like an intelligent resource distribution department: it senses need here, resources there, disease on this one - and manages. Sure, this is all it does, and it doesn't write books about its experience, but it's eerie and we arbitrary assume no consciousness, even though we have no human-interfacable model to make either determination about these 400-pound brains.
@@Sokofeather Mycoraisal symbiosis, I can at least wrap my head around. There's an intuitive cause and effect thing going on there, and it directly affects and benefits the mushroom. But mushrooms providing a hallucinogenic molecule to a self-aware human, for what purpose? There's a huge stretch there.
@@maillardsbearcat it's more mercurial to get at than basic nutrients, from our perspective, having these classifications a priori. And I now see the conjecture you're pointing out, which implies *intention and planning*. But I'm thinking, what do these varieties of plants use neurotransmitters for? Why make them? I would guess the same purpose as all other life, to keep it simple: some kind of internal nervous- system- like intracommunication. Now, maybe humans adapted to use the available compounds, and not the other way round as this video suggests. But, as a nutrient presence, and as a compound that improves visual acuity and motion detection (Johns Hopkins, U. Austin, R. Strassman) they would be helpful to adapt to, and the relationship would have been beneficial. I would draw the line of probability between as much consciousness as necessary, and the ability to project and plan. But not short of consciousness, since then the social behaviors would need an explanation even more exotic and heretofore undiscovered, whereas we live daily with ample evidence of consciousness arising from life, even if it remains a mystery.
Absolutely mind blowing!! 🤯 Thank you! As always, Fantastic video and awesome ideas!
Great video, I truly believe that the dissolving of the ego allowing you to see and feel that you are a part of this collective intelligence, is a true benefit to human evolution.
Makes perfect sense honesty!
Damn, and I thought I was a fun guy!
So much more to discover, such wonderful Life. Rahayu
I’m so fucking elated that content like this is becoming more well received by people. The boomer mentality of “everything is a drug and drugs are bad. Except pills.” is going out the door.
this sounds like a drug addict response...
What he said about alcohol at the end there got me thinking. I'm glad I don't really drink anymore.
I've always thought there is some sort of intelligence in mushrooms. They may just be the way mother earth is trying to talk to us, but most of us aren't listening.
Great episode 😊👍🏾🙌🏾💫
Jellyfishes are from a foreign planet🐐❤️🌻
Then octopuses must be from a different universe
That must be why I like to go to aquarium of the Pacific so much
Great illustration! I really enjoy watching this video! Thank you for this interesting information!
Bruh I was eating while watching this...
Also I was eating eggs and mushrooms with some sliced beef...
So yeah this was a sign.
I love this guy!!
As a software engineer I see a difference between the idea of consciousness and what can be otherwise described as a complex pattern of nature. Consciousness to me is rooted in the experience of an organism. When a fungus displays a trait, do we think it's experiencing and aware of its own behavior? Fungus being able to develop optimized node traversal results is amazing but it's clearly a pattern of behavior that doesn't require consciousness or awareness. The fungus executes the same instructions without the requirement for intelligence. Don't jump to conclusions when you are not aware of the evolutionary driver of sympathetic benefits between fungus and other organisms. This isn't sound logic. There is always an evolutionary driver for an evolutionary trait, even if it's not tremendously central to the survival of that species. I appreciate the idea of expanding our definition of intelligence perhaps, but I think labeling it as "consciousness" only hurts your work. Consciousness can be defined as a state of awareness beyond simple reactions to stimuli.
@@stephrobinson6433 it would help to have this new definition for consciousness clearly explained to understand the intent if the message. Otherwise it appears as click bait. The classical perspective of consciousness rooted in experience is as philosophical as it gets. Its Nietzsche. Consciousness is a neurological state that isn't diminished in its majesty by differentiating it from a new age perspective of a "universal consciousness". I believe this video was referring to the former.
This video has "sacred geometry" in it. Don't expect much substance from it.
Beautiful and instructive video! I am actually recommending that my young middle school student watch the first 4 minutes
That was really conspiracy full... like "why would a mushroom produce anti carcinogenic compounds?" Well just because it helps you in some way, doesn't mean that it can't be used in another way for the mushroom
Soo cool!!! Love and Light my friends
This dude clearly takes a lot of shrooms. Lol
Based on what? I bet you anything he was weird as hell before his first trip. Hater.
@@TwDjLsT Why do you call him a hater? He seems whole and collected, if anybody said i look like i take psychs i would take that as a compliment
@@GoronTico Why is he laughing ? . .
He is assigning a stereotype, and in doing so, calling him something along the lines of or in combination of.. 'crazy, weird, burnt out, spaced, F'd up, wasted, fried, baked, burnt up, zombified, overspent, tilted, abnormal, goofy, oddball, burn out, permanently loopy, out of his mind, mentally unstable'.
"You look like you've eaten acid every weekend for a decade", is not a compliment. It's associated with the stain of making people lose their mental handle on reality. Urban myth (false of course) : you are 'insane' if you trip LSD 7 times :
The truth is irrelevant, people are ignorant. They were all schedule One'd and Federally F'd, must be the 'Devil'.
Namaste Mr Campos.
Great video like always. This gave me much to think about.
As I’m taking shrooms lol
I'D do shrooms with YOU.....Any day....any NIGHT !!!!!!!!
Awesome video, nice work Jasper