Jo White Priceless, indeed. 🤗🤣🤣 Here in America their desperation is showing, as they try to circumvent our First Amendment to banish any and all criticism of ANYTHING to do with Israel, Jews or Palestine as hate crimes. They are looking more and more like medieval tyrants, desperate to cling to their tyrannical power. They are losing ground fast, and it’s beginning to show.
@@myyowwnemmpire127 Oh no hun! I did wonder where u had gone! 😂 hope the new phone didn't set u back too much?.... You wanna come join the chat group again? X
he didn't mention that Hamas, the democratically elected authority of Gaza, vows every Jew, be it men, women or children, be pushed into the ocean as part of its political manifesto.
my grandfather is older than the occupied land called israel.einstein tried his best the correct explanation of chosen one,or chosen he said he cpuld not fing anything choosen in jews.fredmen another jew said israelI white european looking jews r khszars(koestler.....thirteenth tribe).....not antisemitic
She is controlled opposition for the communist Northern Han Neanderthal crime family. The Northern Han Neanderthal crime family have been marked for extermination. Psalm 21 KJV
In western media saying equal rights is good unless it’s about Israel then it’s highly controversial, anti semtic, and we condemn this man and apologize to bibi.
She was bamboozled 😂 and the fact she couldn’t push her agenda is a amazing thing to see! (She got some free knowledge today, “but it’s the hearts that are blind and deaf not the eyes and ears”)
Lol... I love that he came in with his own agenda of messages that needed to be said regardless of the questions. This is how you turn mainstream narrative on their head!
So true. Unfortunately, once the Kosher masters in Tel Aviv hear of this they will send out the order to the 99.9% of the media they own to not touch him with a 10 foot pole. Of course, the Kosher owned “reporter” had to say freedom for Palestine is highly controversial. An obvious desperate plea to protect her paycheck, after being severely outclassed. He did an awesome job, regardless.
""It's either racism or democracy. It's not a difference between Jews and Palestinians, it's a difference between those that believe in the equality of all and those that believe in the supremacy of some." - Thank you for spelling it out so clearly, Lowkey.
Antoine Cassar Struth, importing 600,000 people into the West Bank is an environmental Disaster in the happening. I’ve been to that region and the ecology simply cannot support that many people, it’s far too arid. So the aquifers, Sea of Galilee and River Jordan are getting very low. How’s this for a solution: Get Professor Bryan Robert high altitude wind turbines in the air, harvest the electricity and use it to create thermal power stations whilst at the same time powering up vast desalination plants to provide abundant water (and salt)..... And then apply The Paradise Plan.....
Antoine Cassar it's more of a hick up and swallow effect within the system that seemingly cannot be avoided and not such a temporary thing as 600,000 people to being misplaced
+russell Hawkins Antoine Cassar it's more of a hick up and swallow effect within the system that seemingly cannot be avoided and not such a temporary thing as 600,000 people to being misplaced
The way she was contorting her face while speaking, pausing, trying to ask the least damaging thing, then trying to interrupt after realizing the interview is going south, deeeeep south.....that was funny as hell
@@illnessshaw so she let him speak, by stammering? 😂 I'm gonna use your words "don't be an idiot". When someone allows you to speak, they'll articulate their question/statement in an a smooth manner. In fact news reporter Emily in the UK, allowed the Palestinian representative to speak to got his view across.
yeah these views are not controversial at all. how do we know that this is a fact? because other countries who are deemed as "enemies" can do the same thing or less and face sanctions and punishment. the only reason it would be controversial would be to someone who wants to call everything antisemitic
@L T people in the west (mostly the US) love to complain about Russia when they annexed Crimea. called it a terrible crime. but when Israel annexes Palestinian land, you hear nothing about it. and if you call it out, they call you antisemitic. #LongLivePalestine
@L T oh well dang that look a left turn. idk about all that, I'd say fuck Netanyahou and the Likud party, but not Israel as a whole. idk about the whole god stuff either, since conservative right wing Zionists use religion to justify their actions and justify their reasoning for claiming Jerusalem
**Lowkey citing only facts and figures from verified historical sources, internationally recognised organisations and international law** CNN: "Well that's a controversial personal opinion" 😂😂😂
@@muskratlover9994 why would you lie when you know they have their homes taken from them? They are imprisoned within the Gaza strip, their land shrinking and their lives taken or lived by the dictation of Israeli forces. Children killed by Israeli forces and prospects diminished, dehumanised and under threat. We have species who go extinct and those who have labels attached to those still around, for Palestinians there is a threat against them by a force who wants to ethnically cleanse them whilst the rest of the world lives distracted from this.
Love the way lowkey kept just smirking and crossing his arms and nodding his head every time she spoke and even after speaking facts she tried say it’s his views and he laughed it off! Knowledge is power ignorance is bliss
Imagine this: we are thrilled simply because someone is "brave" enough to speak on Israeli crimes let alone act against it. Wow. Unreal and we swear we are free in the West. Much respect for Lowkey, he has begun to act
all these oppositions to the problems are all stooges. like Lenin said....the best way to control the opposition is lead it yourself. they never put legit people on TV.
That's a bit harsh, I think she was taken aback and he probably messed up her script. I think she was respectful if a little out of her depth talking to him.
@@Lyagani "Israel does not have a right to defend its occupation" statement clears everything. 1- The refugees to return from they were forcefully expelled. 2- Two states with equal status, or one state where all citizens are equal. Those are the very logical basic human rights.both Palestinian and Israeli lives are precious
This interview is a great example of why I like this guy. He's assertive, articulate, clear, concise, comprehensive and charming. When celebrities from the world of music engage in politics it's usually so cringe. Even Ice-T and Spike Lee - who I love and agree with - both of them at times communicate with all the coherence of a teenage boy.
@@Tansle620 I've seen him speak elsewhere and I always come away impressed and informed. If you want to find fault with something about him because you support Israel then there is no convincing you.
That occupation is bad, and that IS has different laws for Jews and Arabs, and that IS has violated and continues to violate International law. These are all facts, but apparently they're controversial? lol
I'm screaming. I mean, there's no better way to crush Zionist propaganda and racist arguments than to point bigots to the extra Geneva Convention citation that they are violating. 😂😂😂
@ismail adam so ur saying that in ur own logic that a land which was founded more than 3000 years ago by the Hebrew people who took it and have been leaving there since to just simply give it to there enemies who wants them whipped of from the face of the earth ?
fiker henock how is land founded man! I never knew people create land! Wow! Or did you mean the Hebrew people found that land so it belongs to them!?? Yeah mate everyone is out to get you! You are the weak lamb! What enemies are you talking about mate??
ينضم إلي مغني الراب البريطاني لوكي الآن من لندن. مرحبا كيف حالك؟ أولاً، كنا نقوم بالبث المباشر إلى 35.000 شخص حول العالم، وهذا أكثر من التذاكر التي تم بيعها فعليًا لخدمات البث الأوروبية والإسرائيلية. كانت إسرائيل أول دولة منذ 64 عامًا من تاريخ مسابقة يوروفيجن التي لم تكن قادرة على تمويلها بنفسها. واعتمدت على خدمات البث الأخرى للقيام بذلك. نحن نعلم أنه لم يكن هناك ارتفاع في السياحة ونعلم أيضًا أن قرية اليوروفيجن نفسها كانت على أنقاض قرية ياثا الفلسطينية التي تم حذفها من الوجود عام 1948. لذلك رأينا أن إسرائيل في وضع حيث إنه ينتهك قرارات الأمم المتحدة والقانون الدولي أكثر من أي دولة أخرى. ومع ذلك يبدو دليلا على العقوبات. ولهذا السبب، واستلهاماً من حملتهم في جنوب أفريقيا، ونصيحة من الرئيس الأمريكي الأسبق جيمي كارتر. الرئيس السابق يعرّف إسرائيل بأنها دولة فصل عنصري. إن عقوبات المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات، الحائزة على جائزة نوبل للسلام، هي شكل من أشكال المقاومة غير العنيفة. لوكي، لقد تم إنجاز عملك (أن تكون مناصرًا لفلسطين) من أجلك نوعًا ما من قبل مادونا، أليس كذلك الليلة الماضية، ومن قبل الفرقة التي تمثل أيسلندا، أعني أن مسابقة الأغنية الأوروبية تقول إن الأمر لا يتعلق بالسياسة ولكنه كان الليلة الماضية؟ حسنًا، كنا نفضل ألا تعبر مادونا خط الاعتصام، لكن حقيقة أنه كان عليها أن ترفع العلم الفلسطيني على المسرح هي شهادة على نجاح حملتنا وأن إسرائيل لا تستطيع ترك 12.5 مليون شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم، وهو الفلسطينيون في جميع أنحاء العالم. السكان في حالة حرب أنطولوجية، أو في حالة من الترقب المستمر لمستقبل أكثر عدلاً. وأيضا حقيقة أن المنتخب الأيسلندي شعر بالحاجة إلى إظهار العلم الفلسطيني أيضا. كنا نفضل ألا يتجاوزوا خط الاعتصام. هذه اللفتات الجمالية محدودة ولكن في الوقت نفسه أود أن أقول إنها تشهد على نجاحنا. دعونا نتحدث عن سياسة المنطقة، وقد وُعدنا بتفاصيل خطة جزئية من صهر الرئيس الأمريكي جاريد كوشنر، وليس لدينا التفاصيل حتى الآن. هناك من يرى أن هذه الخطة سوف تناور الفلسطينيين بدعم من العديد من الدول للمضي قدمًا دون ترك الفلسطينيين خلف ما تقوله.. حسنًا، الفقرة السادسة من المادة 49 من اتفاقية جنيف تحظر نقل مواطني دولة الاحتلال من داخل تلك القوة إلى الدولة التي تحتلها. وقد قامت إسرائيل عبر عملية السلام ببناء مستوطنين غير شرعيين في الضفة الغربية يبلغ عددهم حوالي ستمائة ألف نسمة. ويحصلون على أكثر من 70% من المياه النظيفة في الضفة الغربية. لقد نظرنا إلى عملية السلام باعتبارها ذريعة لاستمرار استعمار الأراضي الفلسطينية والتطهير العرقي للشعب الفلسطيني من وطنه. إذا نظرت إلى القانون حتى داخل إسرائيل، نعم هناك 1.5 مليون فلسطيني يحملون الجنسية الإسرائيلية ولهم الحق في المشاركة في الانتخابات، كما أود أن أذكركم بالمستوطنين غير الشرعيين في الضفة الغربية بالمناسبة. لكن هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين ما زالوا فلسطينيين داخل إسرائيل، ما لديهم هو الجنسية الإسرائيلية. وليس لديهم جنسية عربية . هناك جنسية يهودية، وهناك جنسية روسية، وهناك جنسية سورية. وقد حددت مجموعة الحقوق القانونية "عدالة" أكثر من 50 قانونًا داخل إسرائيل يكرس عدم المساواة بين اليهود والعرب. لقد قال باراك بوضوح أن إسرائيل إما أن تكون غير ديمقراطية أو يمكنها أن تكون كذلك. إما العنصرية أو الديمقراطية، وهذا خيار واضح بالنسبة لنا. ولا فرق بين اليهود والفلسطينيين. إنه الفرق بين أولئك الذين يؤمنون بالمساواة بين الجميع وأولئك الذين يؤمنون بسيادة البعض. مفتاح منخفض، شكرا لك. سيعتبر البعض هذا الأمر مثيرًا للجدل للغاية. إنها آرائكم، وأشكركم على ذلك.
"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." - Father John Sheehan "Today, nearly everything is made in China, except for courage. Courage is made in Palestine." - Anthony Bourdain "Freedom of Speech ends where the truth about israel begins. " - Mohamad Zaki
Amazing to see such anchors that find "hard facts and figures" so difficult to digest and then provide the public a dis-service to the dissemination of information - big up Lowkey for speaking with great clarity and sincerity which will always serve as your credentials !!!
Guy came in with factual evidences no nonsense no bs Thay can't handle the truth ! Truth Hurts she tried even at the very end it didn't work RESPECT ALHAMDULILLAH
Ive had Lowkey on my radar for a long time.. He's a politicians nightmare as hes not bound by any BS codes and he tells it like it is. A highly intelligent man who I saw at Kensington giving the political clowns hell over their response to the Grenfell horror.. Lowkey is a class act.. Finger on the pulse and very socially aware, both nationally and internationally ! Humble and very astute with a radar for crap and nonsense. Id love to meet this man, who I named my pet squirrel after 👀 These news stations assume theyre going to be dealing with the average dumb dumb rapper ! Theyre stunned when such an articulate and considered man arrives for th interview .. She though she was going to chew him up, but found out hes forgotten more about this situation than she knows
That lady thought she was interviewing a rapper so it would be easy.... Little did she know.... 😂
Right? They still think we’re all idiots.
@@redpillscholar560 Love seeing them look stupid instead though! 😂 xxx
Jo White
Priceless, indeed. 🤗🤣🤣
Here in America their desperation is showing, as they try to circumvent our First Amendment to banish any and all criticism of ANYTHING to do with Israel, Jews or Palestine as hate crimes.
They are looking more and more like medieval tyrants, desperate to cling to their tyrannical power.
They are losing ground fast, and it’s beginning to show.
Heyyy Jo 😀 I found you again 😀 I lost my phone and lost contact with you. Hopes you are well. Ps. Do you still have that inbox/chat you created?❤
@@myyowwnemmpire127 Oh no hun! I did wonder where u had gone! 😂 hope the new phone didn't set u back too much?.... You wanna come join the chat group again? X
In the words of kevin hart.. " she wasn't ready "
"Oh no no no no no Oh no Oh no no no" lmao
Haha brilliant bro
You are a born winner
THIS is why he isn't mainstream. He is full of truth and facts
Then we need to start pushing his name out there then dont you think?
he didn't mention that Hamas, the democratically elected authority of Gaza, vows every Jew, be it men, women or children, be pushed into the ocean as part of its political manifesto.
@@iamthatiam4496 pretty sure Israel game Gaza its autonomy to elect whoever it sees fit. they thereafter promptly elected a terrorist organization.
No he just makes shit music with good lyrics
my grandfather is older than the occupied land called israel.einstein tried his best the correct explanation of chosen one,or chosen he said he cpuld not fing anything choosen in jews.fredmen another jew said israelI white european looking jews r khszars(koestler.....thirteenth tribe).....not antisemitic
Many are watching these videos now. Huge huge respect to Brother Lowkey who was aware and active for their freedom long before many of us
CNN...Will you dare bring this man again who speaks the truth and nothing but the truth ?
CNN can't even spell "Truth" or you get fired like Marc Lamont Hill did 4 years ago
Doubt it, they learned their lesson the hard way 😂
Love 💕 lowki ❤
Peace, all people deserve to be treated equally ✊☮️
Controversial to CNN??🤯
I love how chilled out he is
Rahma Dabo When you know you’re right without question, it’s very easy to be as relaxed as he happens to be.
@Terry Tibbs i think the dinosaurs might want to have a talk with you
People who speak the truth they are naturally chilled out because there is nothing to be paranoid about.
Humans have caused war, don’t blame religion.
He was
Lowkey spoke so clearly without any hesitation or mistakes. This woman was struggling to ask questions 😂
I almost choked laughing when she was talking about Jared Kushner’s “peace” plan 😀
Yes . Way outclassed her . 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
@@nas84payneI heard that as "peace ban" 😂
She is controlled opposition for the communist Northern Han Neanderthal crime family. The Northern Han Neanderthal crime family have been marked for extermination. Psalm 21 KJV
The woman lack fact and knowledge that why she was struggling law key speak plain facts and reality
Why is she yelling? A very strange way of speaking
A Channel
She’s trying not to laugh by the looks of it, and covering her jovial emotions with shouting.
She saw that she was interviewing a rapper and though this'll be easy . Then got worried when he started talking
Ikr. I have to lower the volume everytime she speaks.
Because she thought that he doesn’t speak English so she started to shout so that he can understand her like fat fighters in little Britain
Controversial??? He was just stating facts. Becky needs to do some real journalism
In western media saying equal rights is good unless it’s about Israel then it’s highly controversial, anti semtic, and we condemn this man and apologize to bibi.
@@JAYZ999that doesn't seem normal, good or even fair
❤lowkey 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸❤
This lady doesn't sound like a journalist. Raising your voice and throwing superficial jabs doesn't make her right.
She was bamboozled 😂 and the fact she couldn’t push her agenda is a amazing thing to see! (She got some free knowledge today, “but it’s the hearts that are blind and deaf not the eyes and ears”)
She's not all that good at her job of controlling the flow of conversation, I mean I felt sorry for her at the end XD
@@Henchman.24 yeah
Don’t feel sorry for them they are a wall between right and wrong
Lol... I love that he came in with his own agenda of messages that needed to be said regardless of the questions. This is how you turn mainstream narrative on their head!
reflection111 ya lowkey is the man ✌🏻
So true. Unfortunately, once the Kosher masters in Tel Aviv hear of this they will send out the order to the 99.9% of the media they own to not touch him with a 10 foot pole.
Of course, the Kosher owned “reporter” had to say freedom for Palestine is highly controversial. An obvious desperate plea to protect her paycheck, after being severely outclassed.
He did an awesome job, regardless.
Terry Tibbs Tommy Robinson has support because he portrays the feelings of the white working class.
""It's either racism or democracy. It's not a difference between Jews and Palestinians, it's a difference between those that believe in the equality of all and those that believe in the supremacy of some." - Thank you for spelling it out so clearly, Lowkey.
Antoine Cassar
Struth, importing 600,000 people into the West Bank is an environmental Disaster in the happening. I’ve been to that region and the ecology simply cannot support that many people, it’s far too arid. So the aquifers, Sea of Galilee and River Jordan are getting very low.
How’s this for a solution:
Get Professor Bryan Robert high altitude wind turbines in the air, harvest the electricity and use it to create thermal power stations whilst at the same time powering up vast desalination plants to provide abundant water (and salt).....
And then apply The Paradise Plan.....
Antoine Cassar it's more of a hick up and swallow effect within the system that seemingly cannot be avoided and not such a temporary thing as 600,000 people to being misplaced
+russell Hawkins Antoine Cassar it's more of a hick up and swallow effect within the system that seemingly cannot be avoided and not such a temporary thing as 600,000 people to being misplaced
How are non Muslims treated in Islamic countries?
What's the penalty for apostasy in Islam?
Adultery? Homosexuality?Blasphemy?
@Azzury Street angry victims?
Her face when she realizes she fukd up her bonus...
Anabolic Thinking 🤣🤣🤣 that s a good one
More like ffed up her reputation, i actually used to like her to some degree...
The way she was contorting her face while speaking, pausing, trying to ask the least damaging thing, then trying to interrupt after realizing the interview is going south, deeeeep south.....that was funny as hell
“Deep pockets”
He won’t be silenced, he’ll keep on preaching ✊ 🇵🇸
I just got done arguing with people supporting the takeover of Palestine. This algorithm came at the perfect time. Free Palestine❤🇵🇸🇺🇸
Are you alive 😂😂
@namesarecliche3850 Yea, sadly those from Gaza aren't. We are awake (is a better way to say it)
@@newsystem420 guessed so... I mean I hope so and same goes for you.
She got educated the right way. I hope she goes back and memorizes the lessons she learned from Low Key. 👍😂
“Your views will be considered by some, extremely controversial”?? Since when were FACTS extremely controversial??
She has no choice but to make up for her incompetency as an Israeli supporter with that remark hoping for a promotion.
only considered controversial by the msm when it goes against their narrative
He literally just dropped some internationally agreed-upon laws. It's mind boggling how inconsistent some people choose to be.
Cnn trying to spin it around.
"Rap like I'm trying to hurt you it's commercial, but rap like I'm trying to help you it's controversial" - Lowkey
Lowkey presented himself in an eloquent, articulate manner. Whilst the supposed news anchor kept stammering every other word.
Abu Junayed don’t be a idiot, she let him get his point across without him having to argue that’s good
yeah but he is another Zionist stooge. that is the real nothing gets done.
@@illnessshaw Clearly, she attempted to interrupt him many, many times,
if you listen closely, unless you're virtually deaf.
@@illnessshaw so she let him speak, by stammering? 😂
I'm gonna use your words "don't be an idiot". When someone allows you to speak, they'll articulate their question/statement in an a smooth manner. In fact news reporter Emily in the UK, allowed the Palestinian representative to speak to got his view across.
It's like her telepromter can only fit a few letters at the time so she cant even read one whole word at a time.
News anchor "Your views will be considered by some extremely controversial"
Lowkey "No, I disagree. Thank you"
dirtythirtypsn yo thanks I seemed to miss that
Maybe a little bird said say that in her ear 😉
@@jeremiahr5328 she got mugged off. From the get go, and then was stuttering and thinking so hard through out loved it
Skengy Official Facts
Lowkeys such a legend man, if his name isn't remember by history its just another example of the dumbfuckery we live in
This has aged like a fine wine and is even more relevant now than it was then!
Lowkey did his homework. But that CNN lady didn't🤣🤣🤣
CNN: "Your views are extremely controversial"
Lowkey: Smiles, shakes head "nah mate"
@@muskratlover9994 It's in fact the capitalists who support Israel.
yeah these views are not controversial at all. how do we know that this is a fact? because other countries who are deemed as "enemies" can do the same thing or less and face sanctions and punishment. the only reason it would be controversial would be to someone who wants to call everything antisemitic
@L T people in the west (mostly the US) love to complain about Russia when they annexed Crimea. called it a terrible crime. but when Israel annexes Palestinian land, you hear nothing about it. and if you call it out, they call you antisemitic. #LongLivePalestine
@L T oh well dang that look a left turn. idk about all that, I'd say fuck Netanyahou and the Likud party, but not Israel as a whole. idk about the whole god stuff either, since conservative right wing Zionists use religion to justify their actions and justify their reasoning for claiming Jerusalem
Yep, typical sheeple talk. It reminds me of the sheeple I tried to wake up in the past.
Shes lost for words!! Just shows how talented low key is
Israel has no argument that's why
She’s reading off a tele prompter
Lowkey is the man
Low-key AKA Lowlife
@@arjsharma7577 dafuq
Did cow dung rubbing over your body to protect you from corona help?
@@arjsharma7577 that was weak asl, come up with better insults
@@arjsharma7577 Hey are u getting oxygen back there or is ur pm still fking up every1 in ur country?😂😂
Low key is the man… absolute genius and amazing human being
To be fair, she did let him speak unlike other interviews that I have seen similair to these.
Cause he caught her off-guard
She was trying to cut him off but he kept talking and finishing his point.
Vendetta X your damn right about that!
Bollocks. She tried to stop him from speaking but had nothing to say. She wasn’t being fair at all she just couldn’t do her job.
She was expecting Miggos mind set but was educated about Geneva articles and shit! I'm a dabb to this!
haha u da man dave!
apparently he was educated too. Why is my man reading a teleprompter for something he is apparently educated on?
@@Tansle620 he obviously wasn't reading teleprompter. What makes you think that
Why did her accent change when she started talking to him? What a strange lady.
Because she's an actor
Elfeftheria i thanatos
😂😂😂😂😂 I died bro. Suddenly bitch started screaming
She lost her poshness
Because she was intimidated and realized she wasn't qualified to take him on.
**Lowkey citing only facts and figures from verified historical sources, internationally recognised organisations and international law**
CNN: "Well that's a controversial personal opinion"
*"If I don't steal your house,someone else is going to steal it"*
Yaqub an Israeli settler from Brooklyn USA 2021
He is from Long Island
When he quoted the Geneva articles, you know it's over for her.
Well done to Lowkey for maintaining composure and stating facts.
She didn't interviewed him at all, he held is own
Low-key AKA Lowlife
@@arjsharma7577 hahaha stfu
@@arjsharma7577Arj sharma Aka low life😂
Cow dung = aka cow worshipper
A perfect example of GOB SMACKED - or OWNED - loving this!
She looks like Katie Hopkins little sister
Hahaha fuck me you are right
Second that 😂
I'm done 😭😂😂😂
SATANIC FEMALE Spawn of SHAYTAN- el Diablo - MAY ALLAH CURSE these degenerate women who are paid by Zionist-Banking Child Molesters like Epstein"!..
She sounds like an American woman trying the accent out for the first time at a drunk frat party.
After a while she didn’t know what she was interviewing about, she had the symptoms of “getting owned”
My God , he didn’t half sort her out. I could listen to low key forever 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Thank you for speaking the truth
@@LucasS095 get help lad
How is it bad to give the freedom enjoyed by Israeli citizens to Palestinians huh?
@@LucasS095 .
@@muskratlover9994 .
@@muskratlover9994 why would you lie when you know they have their homes taken from them? They are imprisoned within the Gaza strip, their land shrinking and their lives taken or lived by the dictation of Israeli forces. Children killed by Israeli forces and prospects diminished, dehumanised and under threat. We have species who go extinct and those who have labels attached to those still around, for Palestinians there is a threat against them by a force who wants to ethnically cleanse them whilst the rest of the world lives distracted from this.
The guy slapped that woman from across many thousands of miles.
Love the way lowkey kept just smirking and crossing his arms and nodding his head every time she spoke and even after speaking facts she tried say it’s his views and he laughed it off! Knowledge is power ignorance is bliss
Thank you brother standing up for humanity.
Prayers and love for the oppressed and occupied palastine peaple 🇵🇸 🧡🤍💚
Imagine this: we are thrilled simply because someone is "brave" enough to speak on Israeli crimes let alone act against it. Wow. Unreal and we swear we are free in the West. Much respect for Lowkey, he has begun to act
all these oppositions to the problems are all stooges. like Lenin said....the best way to control the opposition is lead it yourself. they never put legit people on TV.
Thumbs up for Kareem Dennis (Lowkey) and his wisdom
When it said lowkey, I thought it ment he lowkey destroys CNN reporter 😂
Hahahaha me too. He definitely didn't do it low-key.
My thoughts exactly!
Heyyy same. Though he literally destroyed her🤣🤣🤣
Lowkey is so well spoken and factual
"lady", YOU just got served!...EAT UP.
When a reporter is more of a mouth piece and her guest is more like a reporter. The MSM needs to be broken up. Thank you Lowkey for informing us.
She seems really mad at him and the evil spirit is trying escape her body 😂
Described it to the T lol 😂😂😂
That's a bit harsh, I think she was taken aback and he probably messed up her script. I think she was respectful if a little out of her depth talking to him.
@@ladymuck2 well glad that only you think that 👏🏽
What a steady guy. Thats the way how to use airtime to show the world whats going on. Cheers from germany.
Lowkey high-key taught her a good lesson
The intelligent guy destroyed the lady faster than atomic explosion.
Kudos man🇵🇸💜
the level of absolute knowledge in this man's mind.
Omg!!! Who is this guy?! LOVE HIM She was NOT ready 😂😂😂
This interviewer is horrible. You're on a mic, no need to screech out noises in between the ridiculous questions.
She may have suffered a stroke so please be compassionate.
@@JJ-Toreddie lol
I have heard her many times before...she was never annoying like this... pretty sure she came with an agenda this time..
Becky always shouts - just her style. He was very well researched and more than a match for her.
Reminds me of a character in harry potter. What was her name again??? Oh yeah its Dolores Umbrid
She is like an attack dog , mean and arrogant . Lowkey handed her none sense right back to her , Lowkey is AWESOME 🥰
Ironic... For a people who suffered similar atrocities in the 1940s, they seek to inflict the same pain on others.
Maybe you should look into that a little deeper.
@@Lyagani "Israel does not have a right to defend its occupation" statement clears everything.
1- The refugees to return from they were forcefully expelled.
2- Two states with equal status, or one state where all citizens are equal.
Those are the very logical basic human rights.both Palestinian and Israeli lives are precious
@@strugglefortruth262 I mean the “suffering” they endured in the 1940s, look deeper into that.
Remarkable isn't it
Guess who financed Hitler? Ultra rich jews like Rockefeller. Apparently it was their excuse to occupy the "Holy lands"
This lady got schooled 😅
That moment when the reporter nor the producers are prepared to combat or refute facts. 👀😂😂😂😂
He came he saw.... she spoke.... he conqured... ☝️
❤❤❤❤ Lowkey 🥰 proud to be his supporter 👍
This interview is a great example of why I like this guy.
He's assertive, articulate, clear, concise, comprehensive and charming. When celebrities from the world of music engage in politics it's usually so cringe. Even Ice-T and Spike Lee - who I love and agree with - both of them at times communicate with all the coherence of a teenage boy.
didn't notice him reading the script eh?
@@Tansle620 I've seen him speak elsewhere and I always come away impressed and informed.
If you want to find fault with something about him because you support Israel then there is no convincing you.
Free Palestine 🇯🇴
Michael Smith Palestine doesn’t need to be free except from THEMSELVES and their violent religious ideology
@@cr8tive401 'Violent religious ideology' which part of their religion is violent?
@@cr8tive401 fuck off to isreal u zio pig!!!! Noone wants to see your comment
@@nafeezofficial whipping out Israel from the face of the earth and there violent actions is the cause of it
@@3219993 same with urs
Lowkey makes me proud to be apart of humanity
To your point, it's sad when people are such disappointments to the rest of humanity. I hope people do better!!
What did he say that was controversial?
The truth
@@UnitAlir exactly. What a world!
Absolutely nothing
That occupation is bad, and that IS has different laws for Jews and Arabs, and that IS has violated and continues to violate International law. These are all facts, but apparently they're controversial? lol
Jacob Cohen, shalom! We need more brothers like you! One Love!
“Well… Paragraph 6: Article 49 says;” -Lowkey 😂
This is where she was defeated
I'm screaming. I mean, there's no better way to crush Zionist propaganda and racist arguments than to point bigots to the extra Geneva Convention citation that they are violating. 😂😂😂
How the hunter becomes the hunted; she wasn't expected this articulate this man to destroy her..
She went home and pulled out her toy and went to town thinking bout what he did to her in that interview! 😂
She is the type that will use a cucumber or a gurking to please her self and then eat it raw !
@@crysis4real well depending on who used it I can't say I wouldn't do that also 😂
From river to sea Palestine will be free
@ismail adam so ur saying that in ur own logic that a land which was founded more than 3000 years ago by the Hebrew people who took it and have been leaving there since to just simply give it to there enemies who wants them whipped of from the face of the earth ?
fiker henock how is land founded man! I never knew people create land! Wow! Or did you mean the Hebrew people found that land so it belongs to them!?? Yeah mate everyone is out to get you! You are the weak lamb! What enemies are you talking about mate??
@CrossWood Productions The Egyptians owned it before the Jews. I suppose Israel is actually Egyptian land?
Sirush Levonyan it was 3000 years ago and lost it 😉 shalom
@Sirush Levonyan Ancient Jews were Arabs
الرجاء ترجمة هذه المقابلة حتى تكون مرجع لنا للرد على ترهات الاعلام الغربي والبروباغاندا التي يروجون لها.
ينضم إلي مغني الراب البريطاني لوكي الآن من لندن. مرحبا كيف حالك؟
أولاً، كنا نقوم بالبث المباشر إلى 35.000 شخص حول العالم، وهذا أكثر من التذاكر التي تم بيعها فعليًا لخدمات البث الأوروبية والإسرائيلية. كانت إسرائيل أول دولة منذ 64 عامًا من تاريخ مسابقة يوروفيجن التي لم تكن قادرة على تمويلها بنفسها. واعتمدت على خدمات البث الأخرى للقيام بذلك. نحن نعلم أنه لم يكن هناك ارتفاع في السياحة ونعلم أيضًا أن قرية اليوروفيجن نفسها كانت على أنقاض قرية ياثا الفلسطينية التي تم حذفها من الوجود عام 1948. لذلك رأينا أن إسرائيل في وضع حيث إنه ينتهك قرارات الأمم المتحدة والقانون الدولي أكثر من أي دولة أخرى. ومع ذلك يبدو دليلا على العقوبات. ولهذا السبب، واستلهاماً من حملتهم في جنوب أفريقيا، ونصيحة من الرئيس الأمريكي الأسبق جيمي كارتر. الرئيس السابق يعرّف إسرائيل بأنها دولة فصل عنصري. إن عقوبات المقاطعة وسحب الاستثمارات، الحائزة على جائزة نوبل للسلام، هي شكل من أشكال المقاومة غير العنيفة.
لوكي، لقد تم إنجاز عملك (أن تكون مناصرًا لفلسطين) من أجلك نوعًا ما من قبل مادونا، أليس كذلك الليلة الماضية، ومن قبل الفرقة التي تمثل أيسلندا، أعني أن مسابقة الأغنية الأوروبية تقول إن الأمر لا يتعلق بالسياسة ولكنه كان الليلة الماضية؟
حسنًا، كنا نفضل ألا تعبر مادونا خط الاعتصام، لكن حقيقة أنه كان عليها أن ترفع العلم الفلسطيني على المسرح هي شهادة على نجاح حملتنا وأن إسرائيل لا تستطيع ترك 12.5 مليون شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم، وهو الفلسطينيون في جميع أنحاء العالم. السكان في حالة حرب أنطولوجية، أو في حالة من الترقب المستمر لمستقبل أكثر عدلاً. وأيضا حقيقة أن المنتخب الأيسلندي شعر بالحاجة إلى إظهار العلم الفلسطيني أيضا. كنا نفضل ألا يتجاوزوا خط الاعتصام. هذه اللفتات الجمالية محدودة ولكن في الوقت نفسه أود أن أقول إنها تشهد على نجاحنا.
دعونا نتحدث عن سياسة المنطقة، وقد وُعدنا بتفاصيل خطة جزئية من صهر الرئيس الأمريكي جاريد كوشنر، وليس لدينا التفاصيل حتى الآن. هناك من يرى أن هذه الخطة سوف تناور الفلسطينيين بدعم من العديد من الدول للمضي قدمًا دون ترك الفلسطينيين خلف ما تقوله..
حسنًا، الفقرة السادسة من المادة 49 من اتفاقية جنيف تحظر نقل مواطني دولة الاحتلال من داخل تلك القوة إلى الدولة التي تحتلها. وقد قامت إسرائيل عبر عملية السلام ببناء مستوطنين غير شرعيين في الضفة الغربية يبلغ عددهم حوالي ستمائة ألف نسمة. ويحصلون على أكثر من 70% من المياه النظيفة في الضفة الغربية. لقد نظرنا إلى عملية السلام باعتبارها ذريعة لاستمرار استعمار الأراضي الفلسطينية والتطهير العرقي للشعب الفلسطيني من وطنه. إذا نظرت إلى القانون حتى داخل إسرائيل، نعم هناك 1.5 مليون فلسطيني يحملون الجنسية الإسرائيلية ولهم الحق في المشاركة في الانتخابات، كما أود أن أذكركم بالمستوطنين غير الشرعيين في الضفة الغربية بالمناسبة. لكن هؤلاء الأشخاص الذين ما زالوا فلسطينيين داخل إسرائيل، ما لديهم هو الجنسية الإسرائيلية. وليس لديهم جنسية عربية . هناك جنسية يهودية، وهناك جنسية روسية، وهناك جنسية سورية. وقد حددت مجموعة الحقوق القانونية "عدالة" أكثر من 50 قانونًا داخل إسرائيل يكرس عدم المساواة بين اليهود والعرب. لقد قال باراك بوضوح أن إسرائيل إما أن تكون غير ديمقراطية أو يمكنها أن تكون كذلك. إما العنصرية أو الديمقراطية، وهذا خيار واضح بالنسبة لنا. ولا فرق بين اليهود والفلسطينيين. إنه الفرق بين أولئك الذين يؤمنون بالمساواة بين الجميع وأولئك الذين يؤمنون بسيادة البعض.
مفتاح منخفض، شكرا لك. سيعتبر البعض هذا الأمر مثيرًا للجدل للغاية. إنها آرائكم، وأشكركم على ذلك.
CNN wasn't ready for the facts straight fire he told her more then she learned at school in 4 minutes 😂
Low key brother you are no more low key. You nailed it brother, intelligent and full of facts. BRILLIANT!!!
Lowkey my bro. Thank u for educatibg us true history.
Proud of this man !!! Such a badass and intelligent person ❤🇵🇸❤
An Arab iraqi hero in England
Love u akhi 🇵🇸✌🏽☝🏾
What an absolute through and through great man! GO Lowkey!
His song says "Free Palestine" and she's going after him....crazy. Major Karen. I wonder who was issuing her paychecks.
Wowwwww. He absolutely destroyed her. And he did it with poise and intelligence, while being respectful. Brilliant.
Thank you, Lowkey!
Mad respect to you Lowkey!
Speaking truth!
Looks like she is reading every word on the teleprompter AS THEY TYPE IT.
Lowkey....You are speaking the truth...Free Palestine( INSHALLAH)
"Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can't help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East." - Father John Sheehan
"Today, nearly everything is made in China, except for courage. Courage is made in Palestine." - Anthony Bourdain
"Freedom of Speech ends where the truth about israel begins. " - Mohamad Zaki
Lowkey, you are a great guy! Thanks
I don't know if it was her accent. But i hardly understood a word she was saying.
yeah i feel u i couldn't understand some words that were coming out of her mouth
Trying so so hard to disguise her local English accent with a fake “upper class “ queens english accent , shouting like a fool
David Ezenwa no, it's just her bullshit
Amazing to see such anchors that find "hard facts and figures" so difficult to digest and then provide the public a dis-service to the dissemination of information - big up Lowkey for speaking with great clarity and sincerity which will always serve as your credentials !!!
Guy came in with factual evidences no nonsense no bs
Thay can't handle the truth ! Truth Hurts she tried even at the very end it didn't work
Free Palestine love from Ireland 🇮🇪
He unleashed a hurricane force of knowledge on her head and she didn't know wtf to say. Legend.
3:17 that noise was the reptile trying to get out of her
I thought exactly the same thing what a strange woman
She literally had nothing to say so she labeled the facts he explicitly convayed "controversial views" and hung up 😭
She couldn’t wait to interrupt him😂n push him off 😂
I feel like low-key wants to burst out laughing at this lady 😂
I love his cheeky grin while talking #Lowkey #Legend
This guy is such an inspiration, knowledgeable and straight to the point.
I respect you so much lowkey. Do what you do and these fools will fall in their on ignorance. Bless you!📿
Ha , I don’t think she was excepting that, barrage of well informed eloquence. Quick get him off air !!!
Classic when that
Patronising smile slowly faded and she realises she’s not talking to a traditional rapper, I’m still laughing
Ive had Lowkey on my radar for a long time.. He's a politicians nightmare as hes not bound by any BS codes and he tells it like it is. A highly intelligent man who I saw at Kensington giving the political clowns hell over their response to the Grenfell horror.. Lowkey is a class act.. Finger on the pulse and very socially aware, both nationally and internationally ! Humble and very astute with a radar for crap and nonsense. Id love to meet this man, who I named my pet squirrel after 👀 These news stations assume theyre going to be dealing with the average dumb dumb rapper ! Theyre stunned when such an articulate and considered man arrives for th interview .. She though she was going to chew him up, but found out hes forgotten more about this situation than she knows
she wasn't prepared for the answers..she thought her smirk would scare him off!!
This guy can change the world over night!