I first heard AB at Bible Conference in the 1980’s in Grand Rapids when I was a student at Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary, now known as Cornerstone University. Back then we had a week of Bible Conference speakers and services when students and the public attended services. Times change. He did not.
Listening to this talk is very timely in my life right now. There is a lot of problems we are facing in our family at this time & it’s so helpful to hear Pastor Alistair preach on being bold in a Christ like manner & prayer. Thanks again Alistair & May our awesome God look after you & your family ❤
I like the way the pastor prays and asks our creator GOD to help us be what our creator GOD wants us to be. This is exactly what I always ask for to our creator, to make me. I want to be what my creator God wants me to be and do what he wants me to do in the name of my Savior, King and Lord Jesus. Amen!
I thank God for this sermon because the Lord has convicted my heart and soul. The Lord Holy Spirit has told me to look very deep into my heart. The Lord God has made see that I have been prideful. I thank God for making me see that I have to change this. I ask the Lord to cleans me of all prideful, anger, resent, bitterness, and everything else that my Lord God doesn't want to be in Jesus name. Amen!
Prayer is the way to Gods heart, He said My house shal be called the house of prayer. It will strenghten us to stay in his Holy Word. Pray is used in many ways but always staying in contact with our Father.
All glory to God 🙌❤️. Pastor Begg has become my favorite pastor online. He always preaches the holy word of God. Thank you dear Pastor for keeping the gospel message out there for those that will receive truth. I pray for you every day 🙏✝️❤️
i have listened to this sermon a bunch of times. i get something new for my notes each time i listen i need this and will continue to carefully listen until I've exhausted it fully
Thank you Alistair Begg who preach the Armor of God to read Ephesians chapter 6:10-24. I thought that preaching was powerful and effective prayer. Amen Alleluia. Love in Christ from Jesus and Sylvia Nazareth.
Praying for all the ministries in Ukraine and for the protection of all those in war at this time. May they put on the armour of God and stay strong through it all. In Jesus Christ Name Amen 🙏🏼
I have been in constant prayer for these peaceful people who have shown the world and myself, how they care for one another, march forward and are both courageous and brave. I truly believe, we should pray that they are under the Lord's mighty Protection and if not already, each has come to know Him as Lord and their Savior forevermore.
He is truly anointed by the Lord and He teaches the truth of the Word of God. So happy you found him. I started listening to him in 1998 on the radio. These UA-cam presentations are a gift. You can catch him on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, Parkside Community Church. Be blessed!
I have listened to Pastor Beg for over 10 years. He, like my pastor, always seeks to point us to follow Christ, live a life that glorifies God and to love one another as Christ loves us. Also to show that love to the world.
It is stunning how “Stalinesque” as Pastor Begg states..things have become in the world and how evil and lies have been tolerated and even embraced as “normal”..
My pastor preached a similar sermon tonight from 2nd thessalonians 3:1-5. May our God and Heavenly Father use His word to encourage, convict,and grant us the desire,by The Holy Spirit,to repent and apply this truth to our prayers and prayer life.God bless
I will pray for you daily now Pastor Begg🙏 I have been listening to you for at least a year online and on the radio. You are truly a man of God and I know how much my shepherds need and far need prayer🙏 May God continue to bless you and your ministry 😇😇😇🥰❌⭕️❤️
recently found A B on line. I'm so blessed by his teaching. thank you Sir. I want to know God more. I'm 80 and trusting God and will try to pray more for God's people and Pastors who are scared to preach the full gospel🙏
If we fail to pray for the ministry, we will not benefit, be blessed, grow up to maturity in the image of Christ, be sanctified or be led in the way of holiness. Do we want God to be our teacher? Do we desire to know God and to love Him more? Do we long to hear His voice and be made to obey all His commands? Yes!! If you don't really care about these things, then you may question your salvation and your new birth from above! One of the signs that you are born again is that you will care greatly about things like this!!
Thank you so very much for sharing wonderful sermon Pastor Begg! So many lessons!!! Thank you for sharing Mr. McClouds beautiful words! I will be trusting God best I can and trying to do right best I can everyday! Many prayers to you, your family, and your growing congregation! 🙏🖤💝💗🐞🙏
We so need to pray for our pastors ,that God may speak to us from their lips. They need to be kept humble so they will not rob God of the glory that belongs to Him alone! To God alone be the glory! We must understand that the minister is nothing but an instrument like a violin, it can only make beautiful music by the one who plays it. Can the violin boast? The player is God and He alone will be seen. Who gets all the glory, the player or the instrument? So let us pray that God will be seen and heard and glorious in the one whom He has chosen and sent to preach His precious word!! Thanks for sharing, and God bless you all!!
🙏 praying for you & others in ministry, as well as God's saints everywhere. Thank you for this call to pray. It is so needed today. May the Lord continue to bless you & this work in Christ. 🇨🇦
I have been listening and watching you semons for a few years now, and I have to say this sermon was one of the best yet! Thanks for the timely uplifting message!
Thank you ptr ... i wish i could find a ptr like you here in hongkong but so far.. the church that i went were not preaching the word correctly 😢😢😢 i'm still praying that God will someday, send me there but now I'm very thankful that God raise you for this very purpose.. thank God for your life ptr.. Godbless.. I was so shock when i heard the ptr said his not a sinner anymore..
I absolutely loved this talk by you. I learn so much from you every time. I prayed for you before writing this comment, that God would continue to strengthen you, bless you, comfort your heart. I am humbled by you and admire your integrity. Mahalo nui Mick from Hawaii
Loved it! You keep it authentic and accurate while not sacrificing all the "flavor" of an interesting & often humourous articulation of scriptural truths. TY Pastor Begg! 🐑⛲🛐 🙏 ⚓ 📖
I Had No Right I thought first, maybe not right. I stood at the edge of the crowd, listening. My life was a complete misery, yet love enflamed my heart beyond reason. He spoke tenderly of love and family. My mind, so weary, heart thorn-stabbed. I thought again of my daughter. Her chances were obvious and bad. I heard His promise, His compassion, all worry melted, replaced by certainty. Even from my knees, seeking faith within! I appealed to His obvious surety. They could not; He said, "Do not silence." I believed with cause, proven correct. Our prayers always reach heaven. It's pure faith Christ will never neglect. I knew I was not adopted, and mucky. Yet, with bitter sorrow for my wrong I approached His table believing kindness, my tears and prayers, deepest song. I spoke a request that He save another. Precious life, I knew, was His true concern. I knew in His presence, I was rescued. His spoken word said the unlearned. His light, so bright, the shaded garden grows all affected as rescue brings double. Christ demonstrates to the wild edge, He makes space for true faith at His table. ~ kk
Thank you, Pastor Begg. What a wonderful sermon. I have only just found you on the internet and will make sure I listen to more of your wonderful messages.
This was so powerful about the times we live in now and as freedom to speak truth from God's Word can now be judged 'hate speech' This was preached: May 25, 2021 The ending of this message is so important for Christians to understand. Reciting some verses in the Bible now can get one labeled a speaker of hate that will bear harsh consequences. Today almost a year later from this message it is more evident and forces more organized to report said speakers. I cannot imagine this was an easy lesson to teach for Pastor Begg as it is a most important one and at the close he was warning that 'chains' that got Paul arrested can now become 'chains' for us today. "Calm mid the bewildering cry, Confident of victory." He who would glorify his God must set his account upon meeting with many trials. No man can be illustrious before the Lord unless his conflicts be many. If then, yours be a much-tried path, rejoice in it, because you will the better show forth the all-sufficient grace of God. As for his failing you, never dream of it-hate the thought. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end." -- Spurgeon The battle is raging and it is against the Body of Christ.
Thank you Alistair, this message has helped me to understand and appreciate how my relationship to God ought to be. I will be much more serious about prayer and more grateful that we serve such an amazing God!
God has put it on my heart to have a prayer ministry, I wake up nearly early every single morning, It does break up my day so sometimes I have to go back and take a nap at 57 years old, But I stated out with a handful of people, The Lord's great incredible grace and faithfulness, has increase me, to Nearly 45 It takes nearly about an hour to go through everybody And would you believe that in the Perilous Times we are living There's only a few people that say thank you so much brother God-bless you Everybody else Have a cavalier attitude We read an Exodus When God got so serious about, The sabbath If you violated it You would be put to death, God is holy, We are generally Very sinful As the pastor read About the letter to the Ephesus Brothers and sisters We wrestle not against flesh and blood But evil rulers In the heavilies I thank God for my prayer ministry, By the grace of God I'm also a caregiver for my sick wife And I try to run a business from home to support us My wife and I just survived coronavirus As to unvaccinated individuals Again by the grace of God And now we're in a huge financial trial If we're not in prayer guys That's like taking the air out of you The word of God is our spiritual food And prayer is like the air that we breathe "Men ought always to pray" Thank you for your great message pastor
Amen! Bless you and your wife. I overcame original, and Omnicrom Corona virus as a unvaccinated person also. I put my faith in God, for decision for myself. I kept isolated all that time. Pastor Begg, thank you for such a important message, during these times and all the time.
" Guys" is impersonal. It expresses no loving camaraderie between the speaker and the listener. It is an acceptable address in many circumstances. But not in this pastoral message. "Loved ones" not only expresses a desired personal connection and honor, it also is a demonstration of obedience of followers of Jesus to " love one another as I have loved you." When addressed as an object of Christian love, one senses that he/she is significant, and that the speaker wants the best for you.
I always wonder if Paul made a comparison between the armor of God and the armor of Roman soldiers so the 1st century Christians had a better idea of how they should follow Christ and what they could accomplish with Gods power.
Preaching is akin to an oracle of God. It's beginning is the spirit joined to God's Spirit: inspiration is from the mind of God who knows the hearers through and through: every sin, every weakness, every infirmity. A preacher can point out a man and speak directly to that man about things that no man knows but the hearer.. A prophet can be a preacher and or a teaching prophet. A prophet must fast and pray for greater yieldedness. Rebuke can come forth from such a one as though from the throne room, leaving the speaker to think afterwards: "Now, I am a dead man." A man that God uses in such a way, might have to be dragged from his prayer closet and set up before men, because he fears what might come forth. He preaches to kings as boldly as to paupers, in any way that God would speak to a common mortal, whose next breath is in His hands. A prophet will have a supernatural calling by way of a gift that is part of his ministry, ie. an 'open' vision and/or a dream. The teacher is the renewed mind, orderly in instruction & dividing rightly the Word. An apostle can teach and preach and knows easily which one he is flowing in. There can be insight of teaching & illumination embedded within preaching. An apostle can at sometime flow in all ministry gifts: planting churches at God's direction, or ministering as a prophet, or as a powerful evangelist with mighty signs and wonders, or as a teacher, or as a pastor. The prophet can see "in the Spirit" or have a vision while Gods words are filling his mouth; in such a state, his mind lags behind in awe and wonder at what is happening as God uses him. People who do not know these things should not speak of them, as they only cause confusion.
Good morning Brother Alisttair, What is your stand and explanation on the use of musical instrument in worship? Thank you very much for the wisdom that you share with us all. God bless you and your family.
(Jude 20-23) "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference: AND OTHERS SAVE WITH FEAR, PULLING THEM OUT OF THE FIRE, HATEING EVEN THE GARMENT SPOTTED BY THE FLESH. (II Cor. 5:11) "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men." ARE WE SMARTER THAN ST. PAUL? Do we dare correct St. Jude the brother of our Lord? Seems to me we need to read and study our Bibles a little better! Our God is not just a God of love and compassion. If the Book is true, and we know it is, we are not to just preach and teach about the love of God but also "the wrath of the Lord"! Only so do we save ourselves and them that hear us.
Dear Alistair Begg Channel. I heard a message a few months ago, in which Pastor Alistair was breaking down a number of ways in which churchy people break the commandments, in particular, I think, he was talking about the ninth commandment. I wanted to locate that message, but couldn't figure out which one it was. Could you guide me to that sermon, please?
Hi David, you can go to the top of UA-cam and do a search or reach out directly to their office. I found something regarding the 10th commandments, will see if I can send it to you.
Yes the Lord is with Tommy. However I wonder if our call to intercede includes the sick and vulnerable, are they too not bound by other thing.." Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against evil. The blessings of Abraham are many one of which I believe is health to partition and go to do gods work. We have a God who heals I can testify to the truth of that. Therfore as we rejoice and fill the air with praise (which includes prayer) we Glorify the Lord of hosts the lion of Juda and Jesus Christ is up fount and center. I don't often coment I hope this is OK and I've not ruffled any feathers. Jo Monroe. ❤
He couldn't care less about being a fashionista. He cares more about being a good deliverer of God's Word, of which he is gr8888888. I've seen Pastor's dressed in suits who are woke, teaching crt, embracing blm. So in that case I prefer 👖 over suits.
@@steventroyer5801 He was at a meeting for Pastor's, not a fashion show. Focus on what was said not the small things, e.g. his attire. The attire didn't stop him from teaching the word.
I thought the jeans underscored his humble approach, and I liked them. But far be it from any of us to give our pastors correction on what they wear, especially when they show up with the word of God so conscientiously prepared and lovingly delivered.
Jill relax, Steven didn't say anything to get such a snappy comment, he was working and needs to be cozy, yes we are not used to seeing him this relaxed but He is human so let's cool our jets & really pay attention to what matters... blessings to all & let's keep it kind.... let's pray for Ukraine and all of the people, our neighbors who are hungry & in need of a human to help. Peace be with you🐢
Go read the creation account in Genesis and look at Gods account of a "day" notice what's missing the name's of the day's....the Jewish calendar takes from the Babylonians...the day's are named after their god's.....so I work 6 day's as described by Gods standard that He worked.. and the seventh He rested... I rest on the 7th after 6 day's.. and set it aside for devotion and worship of Him....
the message the need of prayer needs to be listened to again and again till it sinks deep into your soul. no prayer, no souls for CHRIST.
bless you pastors, continue to be bold, teach us Gods words, we need it so.
I first heard AB at Bible Conference in the 1980’s in Grand Rapids when I was a student at Grand Rapids Baptist College and Seminary, now known as Cornerstone University. Back then we had a week of Bible Conference speakers and services when students and the public attended services. Times change. He did not.
Listening to this talk is very timely in my life right now.
There is a lot of problems we are facing in our family at this time & it’s so helpful to hear Pastor Alistair preach on being bold in a Christ like manner & prayer. Thanks again Alistair & May our awesome God look after you & your family ❤
Father, advance the Kingdom for the glory of Your Son, Amen
I like the way the pastor prays and asks our creator GOD to help us be what our creator GOD wants us to be. This is exactly what I always ask for to our creator, to make me. I want to be what my creator God wants me to be and do what he wants me to do in the name of my Savior, King and Lord Jesus. Amen!
I thank God for this sermon because the Lord has convicted my heart and soul. The Lord Holy Spirit has told me to look very deep into my heart. The Lord God has made see that I have been prideful. I thank God for making me see that I have to change this. I ask the Lord to cleans me of all prideful, anger, resent, bitterness, and everything else that my Lord God doesn't want to be in Jesus name. Amen!
Wonderful and provoking. God help me be all You need me to be. All for the Glory of Jesus
I like the pastor has such a sense of humor 😂
Pray for your pastor all the time.
Prayer is the way to Gods heart, He said My house shal be called the house of prayer. It will strenghten us to stay in his Holy Word. Pray is used in many ways but always staying in contact with our Father.
Your sermons are so rich with common sense for our day.
Thank you for the word of Jesus Christ our lord and savior 🙏
All glory to God 🙌❤️. Pastor Begg has become my favorite pastor online. He always preaches the holy word of God. Thank you dear Pastor for keeping the gospel message out there for those that will receive truth. I pray for you every day 🙏✝️❤️
I heard him on the radio 105.7 FM, and had no idea that his sermons were on youtube. Praise the Lord for His goodness!
Praying for you Pastor Begg
Thankyou humble servant of our might Father and Saviour . You have been used by Him to strengthen
many for the fight.
i have listened to this sermon a bunch of times. i get something new for my notes each time i listen
i need this and will continue to carefully listen until I've exhausted it fully
Thank you Alistair Begg who preach the Armor of God to read Ephesians chapter 6:10-24. I thought that preaching was powerful and effective prayer. Amen Alleluia. Love in Christ from Jesus and Sylvia Nazareth.
Yes, we have to say what is and say what isn’t by the Word of God AMEN THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO GOD AND THAT IS JESUS CHRIST 🙌🙌
Praying for all the ministries in Ukraine and for the protection of all those in war at this time. May they put on the armour of God and stay strong through it all. In Jesus Christ Name Amen 🙏🏼
I have been in constant prayer for these peaceful people who have shown the world and myself, how they care for one another, march forward and are both courageous and brave. I truly believe, we should pray that they are under the Lord's mighty Protection and if not already, each has come to know Him as Lord and their Savior forevermore.
Thank GOD for Pastors like you who is staying on the wall
Linda Williams
May our creator GOD Almighty give them strength to fight the good fight of faith in the Lord Jesus name. Amen!
Praise the Lord!
Thank you Alaister , I know Paul and Spurgeon a little more after today .. Ordinary men , .mighty through Christ
Thank you!
God bless you sir. Your sermons are a blessing! 🙋🕊️
Just learned about Pastor Begg last week, and have greatly enjoyed his edifying sermons. Great servant of the Lord Jesus. Thanks Mr. Begg!
He’s fabulous isn’t he !
He is truly anointed by the Lord and He teaches the truth of the Word of God. So happy you found him. I started listening to him in 1998 on the radio. These UA-cam presentations are a gift. You can catch him on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am, Parkside Community Church. Be blessed!
@@CalvaryChapelGal I second that! Download the free “Truth for Life” App and stay connected with Alistair.
God bless you all.
Interestingly, I learned of Alistair Begg about 5 years ago. Which means I only have about 35 years of sermons to catch up on.
@@lonmayer130 you'll NEVER be sorry for time spent with Alistair Begg in the Word of God.
Boldness to speak the truth for God. Thank you for your sermon.
Jesus gave us the prayer that we are to model ours after. Thanks be to God!
Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you Pastor Begg. Thank you for your faithfulness to break the word to us.
Reaching Deeper takes Prayers of Boldness thank you AB
never ever stop praying -- there is just no other way. Thank you for always reminding us what it all is about -- CHRIST AWARENESS.
I have listened to Pastor Beg for over 10 years. He, like my pastor, always seeks to point us to follow Christ, live a life that glorifies God and to love one another as Christ loves us. Also to show that love to the world.
Begg* 😊
Wow what a message
It is stunning how “Stalinesque” as Pastor Begg states..things have become in the world and how evil and lies have been tolerated and even embraced as “normal”..
Gorly to God
KEEP on KEEPING ON , Pastor BEGG!! All Pastors proclaiming The Word, God’s Word!! Praying for all of You! 🕊
My pastor preached a similar sermon tonight from 2nd thessalonians 3:1-5.
May our God and Heavenly Father use His word to encourage, convict,and grant us the desire,by The Holy Spirit,to repent and apply this truth to our prayers and prayer life.God bless
Amen and Amen ✝️🙏
I will pray for you daily now Pastor Begg🙏 I have been listening to you for at least a year online and on the radio. You are truly a man of God and I know how much my shepherds need and far need prayer🙏 May God continue to bless you and your ministry 😇😇😇🥰❌⭕️❤️
Keep on 👍✝️🙏
Yes the “Body of Christ” needs BOLDNESS🙌🙌 God have mercy on us🙏🙏 Thank you for this most necessary message 😇😇😇✝️
recently found A B on line. I'm so blessed by his teaching. thank you Sir. I want to know God more. I'm 80 and trusting God and will try to pray more for God's people and Pastors who are scared to preach the full gospel🙏
I definitely need to pray more and as Alistair read in the Word I need to pray in the Spirit not just mere words
Bought his daily devotional. It is great!
22:02 utterance is perfect
Such a blessing truth for life has been to me the past year Pray protection over Alistair and his family and ministry 😇
Seeing Alistair Begg in jeans is cracking me up. All this time I thought he wore a suit to bed.
I remember you along with a select few true gospel teachers daily. Thank you for your service in preaching the word.
Powerful, challenging message- thank you pastor Begg
Wonderful pastor
With Love incorruptible ! If we all would close our every coming and goings in this manner
Thank you Pastor Begg! May the Lord continue to use you to advance His Kingdom.
Excellent stuff
If we fail to pray for the ministry, we will not benefit, be blessed, grow up to maturity in the image of Christ, be sanctified or be led in the way of holiness. Do we want God to be our teacher? Do we desire to know God and to love Him more? Do we long to hear His voice and be made to obey all His commands? Yes!! If you don't really care about these things, then you may question your salvation and your new birth from above! One of the signs that you are born again is that you will care greatly about things like this!!
Thank you so very much for sharing wonderful sermon Pastor Begg! So many lessons!!! Thank you for sharing Mr. McClouds beautiful words! I will be trusting God best I can and trying to do right best I can everyday!
Many prayers to you, your family, and your growing congregation!
Mr. MacLeod's* beautiful words...??
We so need to pray for our pastors ,that God may speak to us from their lips. They need to be kept humble so they will not rob God of the glory that belongs to Him alone! To God alone be the glory! We must understand that the minister is nothing but an instrument like a violin, it can only make beautiful music by the one who plays it. Can the violin boast? The player is God and He alone will be seen. Who gets all the glory, the player or the instrument? So let us pray that God will be seen and heard and glorious in the one whom He has chosen and sent to preach His precious word!! Thanks for sharing, and God bless you all!!
Amen amen
Thank You pastor Begg, I enjoyed that again again....All Glory to our Heavenly Father & our Savior Jesus Christ !❤
Very grateful to have find you , God is good
What we are not, God make us.
tnx rev... GBU
Absolutely Alistair, these are “perilous days” so thank you for this important reminder to pray for one another that the gospel is boldly preached
I have a propensity to go off on tangents and then forgetting where I was. Notes keep me on track.
🙏 praying for you & others in ministry, as well as God's saints everywhere. Thank you for this call to pray. It is so needed today. May the Lord continue to bless you & this work in Christ. 🇨🇦
What we have not , Give us God
I have been listening and watching you semons for a few years now, and I have to say this sermon was one of the best yet! Thanks for the timely uplifting message!
Thank you ptr ... i wish i could find a ptr like you here in hongkong but so far.. the church that i went were not preaching the word correctly 😢😢😢 i'm still praying that God will someday, send me there but now I'm very thankful that God raise you for this very purpose.. thank God for your life ptr.. Godbless..
I was so shock when i heard the ptr said his not a sinner anymore..
Thank you Lord for this sermon and this pastor. I need Sound doctrine!
Still Praying for you!
So good. God bless you pastor Begg
I absolutely loved this talk by you.
I learn so much from you every time.
I prayed for you before writing this comment, that God would continue to strengthen you, bless you, comfort your heart. I am humbled by you and admire your integrity.
Mahalo nui
Mick from Hawaii
This was so timely, and uplifting, and most definitely, one of Pastor Begg's finest sermons. Loved it!
I needed this today. Thank you.
We are blessed to have him. I too needed this today! Thanks be to God.
Loved it! You keep it authentic and accurate while not sacrificing all the "flavor" of an interesting & often humourous articulation of scriptural truths.
TY Pastor Begg! 🐑⛲🛐
🙏 ⚓ 📖
I Had No Right
I thought first, maybe not right.
I stood at the edge of the crowd, listening.
My life was a complete misery,
yet love enflamed my heart beyond reason.
He spoke tenderly of love and family.
My mind, so weary, heart thorn-stabbed.
I thought again of my daughter.
Her chances were obvious and bad.
I heard His promise, His compassion,
all worry melted, replaced by certainty.
Even from my knees, seeking faith within!
I appealed to His obvious surety.
They could not; He said, "Do not silence."
I believed with cause, proven correct.
Our prayers always reach heaven.
It's pure faith Christ will never neglect.
I knew I was not adopted, and mucky.
Yet, with bitter sorrow for my wrong
I approached His table believing kindness,
my tears and prayers, deepest song.
I spoke a request that He save another.
Precious life, I knew, was His true concern.
I knew in His presence, I was rescued.
His spoken word said the unlearned.
His light, so bright, the shaded garden
grows all affected as rescue brings double.
Christ demonstrates to the wild edge,
He makes space for true faith at His table.
~ kk
Thank you, Pastor Begg. What a wonderful sermon. I have only just found you on the internet and will make sure I listen to more of your wonderful messages.
This was so powerful about the times we live in now and as freedom to speak truth from God's Word can now be judged 'hate speech' This was preached: May 25, 2021 The ending of this message is so important for Christians to understand. Reciting some verses in the Bible now can get one labeled a speaker of hate that will bear harsh consequences. Today almost a year later from this message it is more evident and forces more organized to report said speakers. I cannot imagine this was an easy lesson to teach for Pastor Begg as it is a most important one and at the close he was warning that 'chains' that got Paul arrested can now become 'chains' for us today. "Calm mid the bewildering cry, Confident of victory."
He who would glorify his God must set his account upon meeting with many trials. No man can be illustrious before the Lord unless his conflicts be many. If then, yours be a much-tried path, rejoice in it, because you will the better show forth the all-sufficient grace of God. As for his failing you, never dream of it-hate the thought. The God who has been sufficient until now, should be trusted to the end." -- Spurgeon The battle is raging and it is against the Body of Christ.
Thank you Alistair, this message has helped me to understand and appreciate how my relationship to God ought to be. I will be much more serious about prayer and more grateful that we serve such an amazing God!
God has put it on my heart to have a prayer ministry, I wake up nearly early every single morning, It does break up my day so sometimes I have to go back and take a nap at 57 years old, But I stated out with a handful of people,
The Lord's great incredible grace and faithfulness, has increase me, to
Nearly 45
It takes nearly about an hour to go through everybody
And would you believe that in the Perilous
Times we are living
There's only a few people that say thank you so much brother God-bless you
Everybody else
Have a cavalier attitude
We read an Exodus
When God got so serious about, The sabbath
If you violated it
You would be put to death,
God is holy, We are generally Very sinful
As the pastor read
About the letter to the Ephesus
Brothers and sisters
We wrestle not against flesh and blood
But evil rulers
In the heavilies
I thank God for my prayer ministry,
By the grace of God I'm also a caregiver for my sick wife
And I try to run a business
from home to support us
My wife and I just survived coronavirus
As to unvaccinated individuals
Again by the grace of God And now we're in a huge financial trial
If we're not in prayer guys
That's like taking the air out of you
The word of God is our spiritual food
And prayer is like the air that we breathe
"Men ought always to pray"
Thank you for your great message pastor
Amen! Bless you and your wife. I overcame original, and Omnicrom Corona virus as a unvaccinated person also. I put my faith in God, for decision for myself. I kept isolated all that time. Pastor Begg, thank you for such a important message, during these times and all the time.
Just stumbled upon this message and was truly blessed, thank you!
🙏 Amen
Jaante ho Jesus said do not be fear. Fear means sadness. Sadness means low self confidence. Jesus is saying to be happy. Confidence means happiness
What we know not teach us.
I love the way pastor Alistair Begg calls the people "loved ones" instead of -guys- or some equally insensitive address.
What is insensitive about calling people guys?
" Guys" is impersonal. It expresses no loving camaraderie between the speaker and the listener. It is an acceptable address in many circumstances. But not in this pastoral message. "Loved ones" not only expresses a desired personal connection and honor, it also is a demonstration of obedience of followers of Jesus to " love one another as I have loved you." When addressed as an object of Christian love, one senses that he/she is significant, and that the speaker wants the best for you.
@@roxanneklafehn8516 Yes, I agree with you.
Miss you but have appreciated the pastors who are sharing in your absence. Enjoy the study of Hebrews.
Thank you for your encouragements and messages. I do feel like you are a brother in Christ though you are Scottish. 😳
I always wonder if Paul made a comparison between the armor of God and the armor of Roman soldiers so the 1st century Christians had a better idea of how they should follow Christ and what they could accomplish with Gods power.
Preaching is akin to an oracle of God. It's beginning is the spirit joined to God's Spirit: inspiration is from the mind of God who knows the hearers through and through: every sin, every weakness, every infirmity. A preacher can point out a man and speak directly to that man about things that no man knows but the hearer.. A prophet can be a preacher and or a teaching prophet. A prophet must fast and pray for greater yieldedness. Rebuke can come forth from such a one as though from the throne room, leaving the speaker to think afterwards: "Now, I am a dead man." A man that God uses in such a way, might have to be dragged from his prayer closet and set up before men, because he fears what might come forth. He preaches to kings as boldly as to paupers, in any way that God would speak to a common mortal, whose next breath is in His hands. A prophet will have a supernatural calling by way of a gift that is part of his ministry, ie. an 'open' vision and/or a dream. The teacher is the renewed mind, orderly in instruction & dividing rightly the Word. An apostle can teach and preach and knows easily which one he is flowing in. There can be insight of teaching & illumination embedded within preaching. An apostle can at sometime flow in all ministry gifts: planting churches at God's direction, or ministering as a prophet, or as a powerful evangelist with mighty signs and wonders, or as a teacher, or as a pastor. The prophet can see "in the Spirit" or have a vision while Gods words are filling his mouth; in such a state, his mind lags behind in awe and wonder at what is happening as God uses him. People who do not know these things should not speak of them, as they only cause confusion.
Good morning Brother Alisttair,
What is your stand and explanation on the use of musical instrument in worship? Thank you very much for the wisdom that you share with us all. God bless you and your family.
(Jude 20-23) "But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference: AND OTHERS SAVE WITH FEAR, PULLING THEM OUT OF THE FIRE, HATEING EVEN THE GARMENT SPOTTED BY THE FLESH. (II Cor. 5:11) "Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men." ARE WE SMARTER THAN ST. PAUL? Do we dare correct St. Jude the brother of our Lord? Seems to me we need to read and study our Bibles a little better! Our God is not just a God of love and compassion. If the Book is true, and we know it is, we are not to just preach and teach about the love of God but also "the wrath of the Lord"! Only so do we save ourselves and them that hear us.
Dear Alistair Begg Channel. I heard a message a few months ago, in which Pastor Alistair was breaking down a number of ways in which churchy people break the commandments, in particular, I think, he was talking about the ninth commandment. I wanted to locate that message, but couldn't figure out which one it was. Could you guide me to that sermon, please?
Hi David, you can go to the top of UA-cam and do a search or reach out directly to their office. I found something regarding the 10th commandments, will see if I can send it to you.
Yes the Lord is with Tommy. However I wonder if our call to intercede includes the sick and vulnerable, are they too not bound by other thing.." Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against evil. The blessings of Abraham are many one of which I believe is health to partition and go to do gods work.
We have a God who heals I can testify to the truth of that. Therfore as we rejoice and fill the air with praise (which includes prayer) we Glorify the Lord of hosts the lion of Juda and Jesus Christ is up fount and center.
I don't often coment I hope this is OK and I've not ruffled any feathers.
Jo Monroe. ❤
Love your teaching. Blue jeans don't look good on one of my favorite Bible teachers/preachers.
He couldn't care less about being a fashionista. He cares more about being a good deliverer of God's Word, of which he is gr8888888. I've seen Pastor's dressed in suits who are woke, teaching crt, embracing blm. So in that case I prefer 👖 over suits.
I too am glad he usually dresses better. But a good sermon.
@@steventroyer5801 He was at a meeting for Pastor's, not a fashion show. Focus on what was said not the small things, e.g. his attire. The attire didn't stop him from teaching the word.
I thought the jeans underscored his humble approach, and I liked them. But far be it from any of us to give our pastors correction on what they wear, especially when they show up with the word of God so conscientiously prepared and lovingly delivered.
Jill relax, Steven didn't say anything to get such a snappy comment, he was working and needs to be cozy, yes we are not used to seeing him this relaxed but He is human so let's cool our jets & really pay attention to what matters... blessings to all & let's keep it kind.... let's pray for Ukraine and all of the people, our neighbors who are hungry & in need of a human to help. Peace be with you🐢
How do I pray for my homeless son in addiction
You're worried about his clothes? I think he's worried about souls.
Go read the creation account in Genesis and look at Gods account of a "day" notice what's missing the name's of the day's....the Jewish calendar takes from the Babylonians...the day's are named after their god's.....so I work 6 day's as described by Gods standard that He worked.. and the seventh He rested... I rest on the 7th after 6 day's.. and set it aside for devotion and worship of Him....
And a private jet with French chef
How ironic that Tychius is the the latest episode of THE CHOSEN! Alistair puhleeeze watch The Chosen!
My word I thought u were early 50s.
Why are these pastors laughing at this very serious talk? Sometimes I think people just want to be entertained. See the irritation with Pastor Begg?
lol mom