Can you imagine what an example it would set for the world if we were able to find a way to live in peace in Eretz Yisrael? All the pieces of the puzzle are there: a shared monotheistic tradition, a shared land, and shared interests.We are closer to actualizing this than most people realize.Peace is in the best interest of all parties is a non-zero sum game.May Hashem bless us with the wisdom to see clearly that peace is a matter of creating the conditions for mutual prosperity.
A PRAYER FOR PALESTINE FROM A JEW: Let us help them to create something extraordinary,just as we have for ourselves-it is in our best interest to do so!Let us help them to build a home they will love with all their hearts, as we love Israel! It is foolish to risk damaging something so precious.We are both great nations…let us never forget this.Let us nurture peace with our enemies, and recognize that they are a mirror…reflecting light unto the nations.
Can you imagine what an example it would set for the world if we were able to find a way to live in peace in Eretz Yisrael? All the pieces of the puzzle are there: a shared monotheistic tradition, a shared land, and shared interests.We are closer to actualizing this than most people realize.Peace is in the best interest of all parties is a non-zero sum game.May Hashem bless us with the wisdom to see clearly that peace is a matter of creating the conditions for mutual prosperity.
just awesome....Thank you danalex33
A PRAYER FOR PALESTINE FROM A JEW: Let us help them to create something extraordinary,just as we have for ourselves-it is in our best interest to do so!Let us help them to build a home they will love with all their hearts, as we love Israel! It is foolish to risk damaging something so precious.We are both great nations…let us never forget this.Let us nurture peace with our enemies, and recognize that they are a mirror…reflecting light unto the nations.
Hey i need to know what's the name band. Could you Tell me ?
Nice! Name of song and artist???