SP!Dusttale - Necroptosis completed by A.I (Suno)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ThatEdgyStickman
    @ThatEdgyStickman 24 дні тому +44

    If SP!Dusttale was in Underverse:

    • @KyoSuperWorld
      @KyoSuperWorld 20 днів тому +3

      That would be so cool

    • @MrBoggy25
      @MrBoggy25 19 днів тому +1

      Pretty sure he’d just kill everyone there.

    • @KyoSuperWorld
      @KyoSuperWorld 19 днів тому +1

      @@MrBoggy25 with the power of jesus chri-!
      Im joking

    • @ThatGabrielGuy_1985
      @ThatGabrielGuy_1985 18 днів тому +2

      @@MrBoggy25 Well atleast half of it, hes still dust anyway, just insanity-like mental state. And christian.

    • @Monofett
      @Monofett 14 днів тому

      that would be friggin amazing. sp dust reminds me of killer a lot, would be cool to see em fighting everyone simply because he can

  • @FunniDust
    @FunniDust 25 днів тому +23

    "Is it okay?"
    "It's fine!"

  • @Nara_timoti76
    @Nara_timoti76 19 днів тому +7

    "I can't see"
    "It so cold"
    "Why did we do this?"
    "Because of us,pain exist"
    "I don't want pain"
    "Is it okay?"
    "It's fine!"

  • @vavalaz
    @vavalaz 25 днів тому +33

    This would probably be the theme for the pacifist route told as a possible ending by SP1dusttale creator

    • @Gladki_Lucas
      @Gladki_Lucas 25 днів тому +1

      Ain't pacifist is impossible to achieve?

    • @vavalaz
      @vavalaz 25 днів тому +5

      @ not sure, but apparently "pacifist" route ends with sans absorbing the souls and uh..shitting on us.

    • @DustedJugamos
      @DustedJugamos 25 днів тому +2

      ​@@vavalaz that not mean pacifist 😭😭 everyone die because of sans powers 😭😭

    • @AccountForMiscellaneous
      @AccountForMiscellaneous 25 днів тому +4

      SP!Dusttale имеет несколько канонов (как Христианство, ну это так, притянул за уши). Я например слежу за SoundCloud версией, она называется Re-Take. В ней Necroptosis - финальный трек Геноцида. Также в Re-Take есть Пацифист и Нейтрал, и даже четвёртый - "Confession", где мы перекладываем свои грехи на Санса. В общем, одно из достоинств этой AU в разных интерпретациях
      cool, yeah

    • @vavalaz
      @vavalaz 25 днів тому +3

      @@DustedJugamos pacifist as in the player doing a pacifist run not sans.

  • @UlcFunnyBoneMan
    @UlcFunnyBoneMan 14 годин тому


  • @DustedJugamos
    @DustedJugamos 25 днів тому +18


  • @Cookie13-lu9kp
    @Cookie13-lu9kp 25 днів тому +15

    I've never heard this megalo before, but it's not surprising because there are so many of them

    • @Gladki_Lucas
      @Gladki_Lucas 25 днів тому +4

      Strange, it kinda got to the mainstream recently (if you listen to megalos of course)

    • @True-Lovely-Bastard
      @True-Lovely-Bastard 25 днів тому

      Its not megalo

    • @shiftie114
      @shiftie114 24 дні тому +1

      @@True-Lovely-Bastardrule ???
      If it’s sans genocide, then it’s megalo

    • @TheFalseSavior-g4d
      @TheFalseSavior-g4d 22 дні тому

      ​@@shiftie114i don't think we can count SP!dusttale only route as genocide.
      Because Sans doing this himself.

  • @PapyrusEncounter123
    @PapyrusEncounter123 19 днів тому +7

    can you make 1 hour version ❤ im love this

  • @TcBlob1
    @TcBlob1 19 днів тому +6

    Well done now is my turn...
    [NO AU] OVER

  • @Enigamanic
    @Enigamanic 22 дні тому +4

    If SP!Dusttale had a anime opening

  • @xoticplayr
    @xoticplayr 24 дні тому +3

    AI amazes me with what it can do, I've been trying to do just a cover of meglovania by ear, but I just gave up because I lost some inspiration. Either way, the video is awesome!

    • @xoticplayr
      @xoticplayr 24 дні тому

      Also, if you want to, you can use my cover, though, like I said, it's not finished completely

  • @KaitoKawaguchi-hz6py
    @KaitoKawaguchi-hz6py 19 днів тому +1

    Chaos end Azzy would probably be a absolute banger

  • @DustedJugamos
    @DustedJugamos 25 днів тому +6

    Help me i'm addicted to judge time

  • @allanfox350
    @allanfox350 25 днів тому +3


  • @Bad._.time77
    @Bad._.time77 25 днів тому +7

    I want an hour long video of this

  • @Hyperdust404
    @Hyperdust404 24 дні тому +2


  • @yessersonyessuroni9496
    @yessersonyessuroni9496 25 днів тому +5

    Let's get to 1K!!😎🤟🍾🎊🎉

  • @Corr_Thefrozenone
    @Corr_Thefrozenone 3 дні тому

    Nice bro,you just tell ai in detailed,Now,it get better than some remixes

  • @gonzbreathing_Official
    @gonzbreathing_Official 10 днів тому +1

    BUT HOW!!! Hey, how did you get the AI ​​to do megalovania?

  • @Radna27_ihsi
    @Radna27_ihsi 25 днів тому +6

    If it possible can you make with "eager to hug"?

  • @HaGa-q3w
    @HaGa-q3w 23 дні тому +1

    Also, nice work!

  • @Mister_Fantasty_Rades
    @Mister_Fantasty_Rades 2 дні тому

    If SP!Dusttale theme was made by nyxtheshield.

  • @koro-adventure8014
    @koro-adventure8014 25 днів тому +2

    What a sigma

  • @HaGa-q3w
    @HaGa-q3w 23 дні тому +2

    Waaaaiiitt a miiiinnnuuuiittee!! Didn't somebody in the last video, megalolazing extended by ai, that had a dust sans profile pic say: "Good job, now it's my turn, SP!Dusttale Necroptosis!"? Did Dani beat them to the punch, or are they one of the same person?!

  • @Cookie13-lu9kp
    @Cookie13-lu9kp 24 дні тому +2

    Hello my favourite ai undertale youtuber I've got another suggestion: joke trio/bereft 👍

  • @Pihurritojuasjuas
    @Pihurritojuasjuas 24 дні тому +2

    Ainavolagem plis 🙏

  • @christopherearth9714
    @christopherearth9714 24 дні тому +4

    its cool but like... theres zero motifs from the original song. it just sticks to the same 12 notes...

    • @queproenhd7305
      @queproenhd7305  24 дні тому +3

      It's hard to make the A.I follow the rhythm of the original song :/

  • @CatSlapps
    @CatSlapps 24 дні тому +2

    Quick question,not to be rude or anything…but what does cell life/reproduction haves to do with sans gone insane by the devil 2.0.

    • @enigmaticencounterlol3277
      @enigmaticencounterlol3277 23 дні тому

      The whole necromancy thing that Sans does with reviving Asgore and Flowey as zombies, I think that’s the connection, because necrotopsis and necromancy are similar terms. Idk this AU is just random as hell.

    • @CatSlapps
      @CatSlapps 23 дні тому

      Cell division as a au, undertale choose science terms to look cool I guess.

    • @TheFalseSavior-g4d
      @TheFalseSavior-g4d 22 дні тому

      Come on
      Same sans has "red aspherangia" song
      It just sounds coolass.

  • @puiasailo9923
    @puiasailo9923 19 днів тому

    Striking de demon down pls

  • @heitorthegames5053
    @heitorthegames5053 15 днів тому

    You could do it dissension too?

  • @bffl_Senseibubbbbi321
    @bffl_Senseibubbbbi321 24 дні тому

    I dare you to make a version of my theme

  • @kalebsin806
    @kalebsin806 22 дні тому

    IT could easily be a cover

  • @itsjustlevicode377
    @itsjustlevicode377 2 дні тому

    Sans but he thinks he’s god

  • @Corr_Thefrozenone
    @Corr_Thefrozenone 23 дні тому

    How'd you do this? What did you tell to AI

  • @shiftie114
    @shiftie114 24 дні тому

    If sans was Jesus, not Yahweh

  • @samueldavidsonchampi8612
    @samueldavidsonchampi8612 9 днів тому

    can you give me your discord? I want to use the background you used in your video