Piaggio Medley review | road test

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @fingerhorn4
    @fingerhorn4 5 років тому +15

    Typical UK motorcycle press review. Anything that doesn't accelerate like a bat out of hell or falls short of 130 mph top speed is considered beneath the reviewer. It's actually a very good looking scooter and immensely capable. Full face helmet storage, cheaper and just as good as Honda's Sh125i. UK biking media is infected by its obsession with "cool" and speed and is partly the reason why UK bikers are also obsessed with speed and frankly ridiculously expensive, dangerous bikes. We need a radical cultural shift in the UK about two-wheeled transport. This scooter is perfectly capable of A road presence, and even Motorways.

  • @secretpsyco1
    @secretpsyco1 8 років тому +41

    Background music quite distracting.

  • @camil721
    @camil721 7 років тому +3

    Very competent review, congrats ! I was already convinced by Medley, but you confirmed in a clear, elegant manner. Thanks again !

  • @-runningwithscissors-9766
    @-runningwithscissors-9766 8 років тому +34

    +1 on music being distracting. Too loud and totally unnecessary.

  • @krollpeter
    @krollpeter 5 років тому +2

    I think this is not meant to be a performance or sport scooter.
    It is an environmentally friendly Euro 4, low fuel consumption scooter. Compared good ergonomics for 2 Caucasian people, most Asian scoots feel smaller. As well, the suspension is better than most in its class. The workmanship is good, and the large under seat space is probably unique among the 125 cc scooters.
    In other countries it's 150 cc ... and that helps of course!

  • @and30ers
    @and30ers 8 років тому +8

    Good content, but please just drop the super annoying background "music". I had to stop watching the vid, the music was unbearable.

  • @Am979100
    @Am979100 7 років тому +3

    I'm disappointed the goth didn't burst into flames scooting around in the sun!

  • @davidjones535
    @davidjones535 5 років тому +2

    135 mpg and runs , runs & runs with out breaking down

  • @ziondanny7081
    @ziondanny7081 8 років тому +5

    "Anyone who's ridden a scooter in London..." Seriously? London is special in some way? Come on guys, there's a big world out there!

    • @kenny3way
      @kenny3way 8 років тому +1

      True, they could have just said "in the city". But eh, no harm no foul

    • @migueldecarvalho8012
      @migueldecarvalho8012 6 років тому


    • @Bangandthedirtisgone
      @Bangandthedirtisgone 4 роки тому

      Chill out. I think he was just referencing it because he either comes from there or intended the video for the Uk market.

  • @belankaadam8021
    @belankaadam8021 27 днів тому

    Hey! Can i asked How tall are you?

  • @MiguelGGT
    @MiguelGGT Рік тому

    La moto va muy bien, pero no pasa de 110 kph

  • @charlieboyvespa8610
    @charlieboyvespa8610 3 роки тому

    Who will give a test ride on a 125

  • @alanhayward6719
    @alanhayward6719 10 місяців тому

    FFS lose the background music

  • @muhammadabdulah3064
    @muhammadabdulah3064 5 років тому

    Vespa mapera rekodasi

  • @Sp3ll633
    @Sp3ll633 8 років тому

    Vietnam undefeated xDDDD

  • @frankt.1391
    @frankt.1391 5 років тому +1

    If it's made in china I won't buy the damn thing

    • @JDMz
      @JDMz 3 роки тому

      Most things are made in China. Even Japanese bikes lol

    @CEAAJI 7 років тому +2

    Fucking music!

    @MOZEN.KATSUO 8 років тому
