They incidentally found one in y lung that was less than 2mm. It was decided not to keep imagine for it as it was super unlikely to become anything and repeat CTs increased the risk of neoplasm later on down the track.
I.been diagnosed with.these nodal one of them was growing in my lung I have had 8 goes of radiation treatment it has gone smaller but I have a few nodal in my lungs they said I will have to have scans every 6 months is there anything can get rid of them am. X smoker I haven’t smoked for 21 years now am 67 years of age please is there anything you can do for me please thanking you so much Liverpool England
They incidentally found one in y lung that was less than 2mm. It was decided not to keep imagine for it as it was super unlikely to become anything and repeat CTs increased the risk of neoplasm later on down the track.
Excellent video so helpful for me as NP working in pulmonary
Excellent video! Thank you very much!
do you recommend PET before the biopsy or after? We are a low resource setting so infections generally are more on the higher side.
Could a lung wash cause the nodule to burst
I.been diagnosed with.these nodal one of them was growing in my lung I have had 8 goes of radiation treatment it has gone smaller but I have a few nodal in my lungs they said I will have to have scans every 6 months is there anything can get rid of them am. X smoker I haven’t smoked for 21 years now am 67 years of age please is there anything you can do for me please thanking you so much Liverpool England
#1. Is cancer ,,#2 , is cancer ,,,#3 is ,, cancer ..#4 cancer ..#5 cancer ..#6 cancer ..#7 cancer roll going to die..