• @johnlauland6785
    @johnlauland6785 5 років тому +48

    Knowing and believing are 2 different things. But believing that Jesus is the person who He says He is isn't the same as accepting Him as God our Savior.

    • @kalligrace1077
      @kalligrace1077 5 років тому +1

      John Lauland

    • @angelmd43
      @angelmd43 5 років тому +4

      God our LORD and Savior. :) If he isn't our Lord then he isn't our Savior.

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 4 роки тому +9

      If you believe He is who He says He is, wouldn't you also believe He is your God and Savior?

    • @jk41shadow
      @jk41shadow 4 роки тому +2

      Graft Me
      yes it is, thats why once saved always saved is not a true teaching. because you can later in life change your mind and reject jesus but you believe in him.
      Hebrews 3:12-14 "Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. 13 But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. 14 For we have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original confidence firm to the end."

    • @larrejackson8722
      @larrejackson8722 3 роки тому

      Amen and Yes

  • @andreay9935
    @andreay9935 3 роки тому +8

    Whoaaa! This is crazy, as in good. I've been praying that to God, to not have the belief as in the demon have of Jesus but to trust and believe in Jesus as my Lord and Savior. A genuine faith and to hear these words be worded back to me it really speaks volumes to me.

    • @frankcrawford416
      @frankcrawford416 2 роки тому

      If you have ever received the word with joy and you knew you were forgiven than you are saved, even if you don't have faith now. 2tim2 13 If we are faithless he is faithful for he cannot leave himself. If you have once tasted the heavenly gift and the powers to come, if you fall away it is impossible to be renewed onto repentance. It's impossible to fall all the way back to egypt. Not one back sliding jew ever walked all the way back. Yes, without faith they may have died, but lose salvation, Never! A christian cannot ever need our savior again because he is already saved its impossible. Therefore since you have been once enlightened, you are saved, therefore since you have been once been enlightened, you cannot lose it. The Bible says not one of you will be lost. We may think we are lost as many people in bible including King David, but we aren't. You will know them by their fruit, right, but this also means we won't know they are Christian if they are not producing fruit out of season. You know Christians have seasons like plants do. Conversely no christian Ever! Produced bad fruit. Not possible ever!, it says in bible. If were not producing fruit they won't know us and even we may doubt. The 4 soils, Jesus clearly explained this. The 2nd and 3rd soils clearly saved along with the 4th who bore much fruit. The 2nd and 3rd received the word with great joy, hear me on this-They Received the word. They believed they were saved. They came to knowledge of the truth. What truth, that Jesus saved them! Fruit is not a requirement of salvation, bu fruit is shown when we are descipling. Descipling is not a requirement either. The narrow door is when we receive Christ. The narrow path is descipling. Keeping the faith is a requirement of descipling. Paul was a disciple and he said ì have kept the faith. God is so good many dont understand how far grace goes. If we after coming to the knowledge of the truth, not knowledge of who Christ was, but the knowledge of the truth of what he did for us. He saved us. What, that they are saved this means again trample underfoot this grace and put him again to open shame then their remains no more sacrafise for sins. Of course their isn't another sacrifice, again, they are already saved. When full blown this lack of faith can mean that we can die, have as fearful sense of judgement, but go to hell never. Peter felt fear when he lost sight of Jesus when he was walking out to Jesus. Of course everytime a christian loses faith he feels fear of judgement. How to return to Jesus, to our first love in revelations, how to keep our lampstead from being snuffed out is to come back by what we did in our start. Trust Jesus paid for it all. Our light will shine again. The light is our fruit. The oil in the lamp is the holy spirit. The oil is the holy spirit. We are sealed til the day of redemption. So if we are in fear, back to that verse Jesus said he will destroy the adversaries. What adversaries. The adversaries to our faith. So while we are in fear God is destroying the adversaries causing that fear adversaries to our faith. He is using all things for our good for those that love him,, no matter how we got into a fix. It is a faithful saying if we died with him we will live with him. If we deny him he will deny us. What does this mean yes, everytime we have no faith for our sin we do we get denied our rewards, our joy and if we die like that our rewards in heaven. But, if we are faithless, he is faithful for he cannot deny himself. Deny what?, cannot deny himself. You are going to heaven whether you like it or not. If we disciple with him we will reign with him. Again, talking to christians by the first verse in the stanza. Reigning above all the others in heaven that did not keep the faith like Paul did. Fight for the faith it says in bible. It also says do not lose your confidence which has great reward. This is joy now and rewards later. We all go through ups and downs and seasons of fruit bearing. But remember this Paul said I am confidant of this very thing that He who begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ. Isn't this comforting he will no matter how it looks today. God bless!

    • @andreay9935
      @andreay9935 2 роки тому +1

      @Madison 07 honestly it having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. For example let say your mom is always going to parties, leaving you home alone and not attending anything from you. So it your graduation from High school and she tells you "hey to celebrate your graduation I'll take you to France," you wouldn't believe her, you would have no faith in her words, none, because in yours and hers relationship you wouldn't trust her, there nothing genuine about her words so you won't put faith in her. Also some people would say "hey moms are supposed to be there for their kids, don't you believe in your mom?" Now you agree that moms are to be believed in, but for you personally you don't believe in her. You know there existence of moms being there for their kids, but not yours. In that way, it asking God to help you know him, and believe in him. Not just read the bible and have it be words, but for his words to mean something personal. After all it is a personal relationship between you and Jesus. It seeking God in prayer, reading your bible, and having him be part of your life. See God as your bestfriend, talk to God as you would a good friend. If you lack faith that okay, you can ask God to help you have faith in him. Overall it letting God know where your heart is at and you need help.

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 Рік тому

      @Madison 07 Matthew 19:16 And, behold, one came and said unto him, *Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?*
      Matthew 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, *keep the commandments.*
      Matthew 19:18 He saith unto him, *Which?* Jesus said, *Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness,*
      Matthew 19:19 *Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.*
      _In Matthew 19:16 a man asks, “Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?”_
      _Matthew 19:17 Jesus replies, “... keep the commandments.”_
      _Matthew 19:18 the man then asks, “Which?” (meaning “which” commandments)._
      _Matthew 19:18-19 Jesus' replies by reciting from the words of the covenant, the ten commandments. Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself._

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @heatherartus2905
    @heatherartus2905 5 років тому +15

    Remember the fruits of the spirit this is so important

  • @MasterBeighter
    @MasterBeighter 5 років тому +5

    Saved by grace through faith in Jesus, but faith without works is dead. That doesn't mean you need to do works to go to heaven, but if you have true faith, itll show in your lifestyle/works

    • @chanelgraham4463
      @chanelgraham4463 4 роки тому

      edgy guy no one could’ve explained that better. Simple and plain.

  • @sephrothguy
    @sephrothguy 5 років тому

    I like these videos and find them helpful and interesting. Thank you for sharing and helping others. Sometimes when it's summed up quickly it's better and easier to understand

  • @alanendurace
    @alanendurace 5 років тому +3

    You guys have been doing a great work for many years! this channel deserves much more subs!
    Loved the demons analogy to make your point. please keep up this amazing ministry

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @starlalowry2743
    @starlalowry2743 4 роки тому +6

    I know God heard my prayer and really saved me because I felt it. More than feeling better. More than feeling relief. More like a tub of honey poured out in my soul. . Keep in mind that this is only my testimony. I cannot speak what will happen to you. Salvation is a personal experience.

    • @HerveyShmervy
      @HerveyShmervy 3 роки тому

      Im sorry but prayer doesn't save us from our sins

    • @taylor_almond4274
      @taylor_almond4274 3 роки тому

      True But Jesus tells us to ask for things when He shares with us how we should pray . Her said it's also His will for what's best for us . Like Jesus said before "ASK AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE " KEY WORD ASK JESUS CONSTANTLY SAYS ASK!

  • @gonzaloahumadajr3093
    @gonzaloahumadajr3093 3 роки тому +1

    John 3:16 we have every lasting life if we believe in Jesus

  • @1soapspongesasmr
    @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

    Acts 16:31 KJV
    And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @larrejackson8722
    @larrejackson8722 3 роки тому +1

    Believing in Jesus Christ is knowing that we have a marriage relationship or commitment to him to do his will and not our own. He loves us as we are his family. That's what makes it so easy to love him back. Blood is thicker than water.

  • @tubecrazy3000
    @tubecrazy3000 2 роки тому +3

    My problem is I can’t even tell if I’m saved. It’s a strange sensation I’ve never felt until this past year.

    • @michaelg7267
      @michaelg7267 Рік тому

      yes it is possible to be a believer and still perish in hell Jesus Christ own words recorded in mathew,mark,luke and john proves that nobody is saved by belief alone
      just simply praying and repenting and believing isn't enough and being baptized is not enough either yes it is good to be baptized must repent first before being baptized to though
      but just like believing if all you have and all you do is have belief alone then you are not saved belief alone isn't enough and just simply being baptized isn't enough
      Jesus Christ Himself made it perfectly clear that we our all required to do more than just believe we are required to do more than just be baptized
      if you don't hear Jesus speak to you then you are definitely not saved and nobody is officially saved until they actually enter heaven
      you can be getting saved but while we are still in this earthly world we are not officially saved yet
      john 10:25-30. john 5:39-44 Jesus said that to and about people that are pharisees and hirelings and the people who think themselves to be saved by belief alone
      Jesus's own words recorded in mathew,mark,luke and john proves that nobody is saved by belief alone.
      just simply praying and repenting and believing isn't enough to be able to enter heaven Jesus Christ made it very clear with what He taught and said
      ya'll believe satan's lies and believe in a false gospel with false doctrines if you think yourself to be saved by belief alone.
      Jesus Christ Himself never preached a grace gospel

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJVAnd they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @wonderwhy5824
    @wonderwhy5824 3 роки тому

    Man. I love these short but POWERFUL ANSWERS. thanks be to God!

    • @wonderwhy5824
      @wonderwhy5824 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood how long have you been a Christian?

    • @wonderwhy5824
      @wonderwhy5824 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood sounds good to me.
      But I'm not the one you have convince. See you in Heaven hommie

    • @wonderwhy5824
      @wonderwhy5824 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood yo! lemme research. Its gettin hot and heavy now.

    • @wonderwhy5824
      @wonderwhy5824 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood he who has ears let him hear.

    • @wonderwhy5824
      @wonderwhy5824 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood don't forget the lake of fire

  • @r.c.9314
    @r.c.9314 4 роки тому +3

    "You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe-and shudder!" Book of James 2:19 ESV

    • @larrejackson8722
      @larrejackson8722 3 роки тому

      Amen and thank you

    • @ml1712
      @ml1712 3 роки тому

      The demons believe but they cannot be saved because the plan of salvation did not include the devil or the demons! The plan of salvation was for human beings only!

    • @r.c.9314
      @r.c.9314 3 роки тому

      @@ml1712 Yes I agree but the original question was, "Can I believe in Jesus and not be saved?"
      What did Jesus say in Matthew 7:21-23? “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ ESV

    • @ml1712
      @ml1712 3 роки тому

      @@r.c.9314 If you say believe (in) Jesus then i would say yes you can believe in Jesus and not be saved! A person would only believe objectively! If this same question is asked using the word believe (into)Jesus Based upon my studies then a person would believe subjectively! If i see a cheeseburger in front of you but don't eat it you only believe objectively! If you eat the cheeseburger you believe subjectively! By believing subjectively you actually eat the cheeseburger and you have satisfied your hunger! So, John 3:16 says For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Believeth in this verse is pisteuo in Greek! This word believeth means to have faith or trust in a person or thing! Matthew 7 21-23 in my understanding is talking about people who knew about Jesus and did miracles in his name but did not put their faith and trust in Jesus as Lord and Saviour! The issue here is faith! 1st John 3:23 says the will of the Father is to believe in Christ! A lot of people in the 1st century were performing miracles in Jesus name and if i understand correctly charging money to do miracles but they were not saved because they did not have faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour! For by Grace are you saved by faith into Jesus not of works lest any man should boast! Ephesians 2:8

    • @r.c.9314
      @r.c.9314 3 роки тому

      @@ml1712I understand your point about objective and subjective beliefs. However, it seems these people in Matt 7 acted as if they believed in Jesus being their Lord. This whole chapter compares true to false.
      Only the Lord knows one's heart but we are told a true believer is known for their fruit. Salvation is indeed a gift of from God. I agree that doing good works and keeping commandments does not buy us salvation. What can a human possibly do to get rid of sin without God? Our good works are never good enough as the Prophet Isaiah compared them to filthy rags in Isaiah 64:6. However if a "believer" is without good works they may be in for a surprise when they meet Jesus as shown in Matthew 7.

  • @Thedjgilber
    @Thedjgilber 5 років тому +1

    Powerful ❤️

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @troydrury12
    @troydrury12 3 роки тому +1

    Putting your trust in him saves you (plus nothing, minus nothing). This is the Biblical definition of believe: "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise," - Ephesians 1:13

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @dvdndsWill
    @dvdndsWill 5 років тому

    Awesome unpacking!

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @anthonycastellano7555
    @anthonycastellano7555 4 роки тому +2

    You have to accept Christ’s offer of salvation and place your trust in the lord to be saved.

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @1soapspongesasmr
    @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

    This is the perfect example of what it is written that 💁📖 Jesus said; John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
    I immediately notice that Jesus didn't say this ☝ that this man is saying about a "demonic faith" not in the scriptures.

  • @FennyWhopper
    @FennyWhopper 4 роки тому +8

    I have constantly been tormented over whether I am genuinely saved. I fear judgement day and fear being a self deceived believer. Does this mean I'm the one described in this vid

    • @robyn905
      @robyn905 3 роки тому +5

      Do not doubt Gods grace for that is the biggest sin you could make. Do not follow out of fear. Accept him, ask Him for conviction and clarity. Read the word, the truth. The rest will follow. God Bless you. You are loved

    • @dakittygirl6727
      @dakittygirl6727 3 роки тому +2

      Here is my question for you, have you sincerely accepted Jesus? If you have( also repent) it’s all in Gods hands so just trust he will save you!

    • @twenty-fivethirty-six3946
      @twenty-fivethirty-six3946 3 роки тому

      To fully understand why an intellectual belief in Christ isn't enough to save us visit our channel to watch our short video called; "Saved by Grace through Faith".

    • @brandondaniel4266
      @brandondaniel4266 3 роки тому

      Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ and You shall be Saved!
      It can never be taken away there is No good work you must do.

    • @twenty-fivethirty-six3946
      @twenty-fivethirty-six3946 3 роки тому

      @@brandondaniel4266 If by Christ you mean the Word of God fully revealed through the heart and Spirit of God, and if by believe you mean to truth in that Word by allowing it to be fulfilled in your heart, then yes. But its more likely you mean just believe in the concept of Christ and that false understanding of conversion isn't going to provide the faith required to be transformed into the image of Christ. In other words, its not about conversion to the doctrines of Christianity, but about being transformed into the image of Christ by allowing Christ to fulfill the Word in our heart.

  • @patrickphilip777
    @patrickphilip777 3 роки тому +1

    I am beyond salvation. I used Jesus as a license to sin. I didn't know what blasphemy of the Holy spirit was. I was stubborn whenever people would come and try to tell me about Jesus bc I thought I knew already. I now feel like the Holy Spirit has left me

    • @xgoosey
      @xgoosey 3 роки тому

      He who began a good work in you will carry it on until completion onto the day of our Lord Jesus. God is not like you, when he starts a project he finishes it. Have confidence that the good work God began in you he will finish regardless of how you feel he is there with you always.

    • @patrickphilip777
      @patrickphilip777 3 роки тому +1

      @@xgoosey thank you brother! I've been noticing God working on me and my mom noticed too

    • @tommorrow2627
      @tommorrow2627 3 роки тому

      @@xgoosey yes, once you have been born of God, but remember, many prophesied in Christ's name, healed the sick and even cast out demons in His name, yet He said He never knew them because they continued to practice lawlessness. In 9ther words, we can't lose our salvation because our judgment comes after we die or when Christ returns... until then we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling.

    • @jetdriver26
      @jetdriver26 11 місяців тому

      If you have any concern at all about this, do know that you are far from beyond salvation.

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @georgew4629
    @georgew4629 Рік тому

    You don't just add Jesus to your life. He becomes your life.

  • @georgew4629
    @georgew4629 Рік тому

    Jesus knew who would respond to His call. He calls everyone but knows some will not respond. The lambs book of life has already been written.

  • @MsButterfly1179
    @MsButterfly1179 5 років тому

    This is Good. The best described differences of these two Beliefs.

    • @MsButterfly1179
      @MsButterfly1179 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood Jesus Is Lord

    • @MsButterfly1179
      @MsButterfly1179 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood Jesus Is THE Lord, (1 Tim. 6:15 and Rev. 17:14; 19:16) and He and the Father are ONE.
      John 10:30.

    • @MsButterfly1179
      @MsButterfly1179 3 роки тому

      There are Not Two lord's, there is only ONE God, you have that correct.
      But Jesus and the Father are One, that One God, that One Lord.

    • @MsButterfly1179
      @MsButterfly1179 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood You're Correct there Too, they are Not the Same Person, no, but the SAME Lord, God.

    • @MsButterfly1179
      @MsButterfly1179 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood Col. 1:15
      Jesus IS the Image of The Invisible God.
      Jesus is One Person of the Trinity, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, that's Person's, but God Himself is ONE Being.
      Salvation is In Christ Only, He Is the only Way to the Father and He IS the Way, the Truth and the Life.

  • @nathancordova4618
    @nathancordova4618 Рік тому

    Sabbath truth ❤ sunday counterfeit

  • @eagle7757
    @eagle7757 2 роки тому

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Ephesians 2:8-9, Jesus Christ is the only way...

  • @Goldtaker23
    @Goldtaker23 5 років тому +8

    How do you know if your really believing ? I want to put all my faith and trust in Him but I cant serm to do it even though I want to confused :/

    • @othersteeve1048
      @othersteeve1048 5 років тому +6

      You know man I don't know if I am in the same boat as you. I want to trust Jesus more and more. But it is things like matthew 7 and 1 or 2 corinthians 13 5 and 1 John that constantly have me looking at myself and not looking to Jesus. I don't know man. Answer is the same regardless. Seeking Him. It's hard. I've been comforting myself with the fact that He is completely sovereign and am trusting that my pursuit of Him (as fickle as I am) has gotta be from Him. But I hate my sin and my selfish mind that pull me away from intimacy with Him. And I desire to trust Jesus and to know Him and for all my hidden and known resistances to Him to be removed. Idk man. Hang in there. Try not to glue your eyes just on yourself. Turn them to look to Jesus. Not see. Look to. I learned that recently from a spurgeon sermon.

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 5 років тому

      ​@@othersteeve1048 Man we sound like we could be twins! lol I could of written that almost word for word! What does it mean specifically to look to Jesus then can you explain ?

    • @othersteeve1048
      @othersteeve1048 5 років тому +8

      Cool! Good to know it's a relatable experience as well as with others. I'm no teacher or anything dude. I'm still learning what it really means to look to Him. I think I can't put my trust in Him as long as I am putting my trust in myself while looking at myself, and it may be a cause of my doubt. I can know intellectually I am saved by Jesus work on the cross but I think I live by putting my faith in myself. I don't know. I'm still in the middle of this. I just went through a couple weeks of extreme doubt and stress. I think I am beginning to trust Him more than my fickle self. I have been thinking a lot about His sovereignty, unfailing love and faithfulness. He is in absolute control, he's the one thst puts it in me to seek Him and He is the one who gives me faith and will discipline perfectly in order to bring me back to Himself. Idk man I read lamentations 3 and its really encouraging. He doesn't cast one off forever. He will never leave me or forsake me. Though I feel His seeming absence He is still there. Idk man still working through it. Paul's writing "we live by faith, not by sight" has been sitting with me. I'm putting my trust in Him to restore me. While I seek Him. I got a problem with the phone if you catch my drift and I am coming to the realization that it is literally quenching the Spirit, destroying intimacy with God, etc. I heard a sermon from my church last week that we are to praise/worship God in all circumstances, regardless of how we feel, but not faking it, but to tell God 'I feel empty and i cant see you or your glory, but I will epeship you still.' I think total transparency with God is a key. Idk man. It isn't no step by step program to get closer to God as if God will obey those step programs. It's on His time and His purpose when to do something. All we can do is seek Him man! Whenever I catch a crumb of Him i tend to let off the gas pedal a little bit and find myself back at start. The world is full of innocent stuff in itself that can be idols. For me those are things like movies and videogames. Hang in there dude. You and I and I'm sure all Christians go through this. You and I don't may not know exactly what God's specific purpose is behind things like this. But i am learning to trust Him while also being honest to Him about everything I think. Doubts, agitations, hopeless feeling prayers, just sitting/laying there feeling burnt out, beggings, etc. He is sovereign, it's nothing that He didn't know would come. Seeking Him always the answer. I could be saying this and find myself struggling with this despair this week or next week I don't know. God is in control. I just need to keep seeking Jesus and maybe even out of desperation is when He will really be able to work. I went on a tangent there sorry hehe. Let's seek Jesus dude and trust Him in the process while we seek to 'see' Him and know Him.

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 5 років тому +2

      @@othersteeve1048 Amen to all that brother its amazing how similar we are ive been learning faith is key its what pleases Him I need sronger faith dont know about you ? I pray about things and nothing changes thats another problem I have same with you ?

    • @othersteeve1048
      @othersteeve1048 5 років тому +2

      Totally dude. My faith is weak. I fear what people think about me. When prompted to share Jesus with someone i try to brush it under the carpet as if it were an inappropriate time. My faith is weak when I give in to lustful temptations. I think God increases our faith/trust in Him through trial and through His word in like romans 10 17 states. I had a guy challenge me to just read to learn about God and not just read to figure out if I was a Christian or not, leading to self condemnation when I find something that I am (not) doing. Thst was hard in and I didn't see anything really come from it. Yeah dude I need an increase of faith and love for Jesus. I get the sense that you and I are the kind of guys who google every question and doubt we have and endlessly read articles until we find an answer to our question or are able to relate to someone else and feel assured. I'm learning to trust in who God says He is in His word and etc etc. Even today dude I had a doubtful thought. I told Jesus about it and I told Him that I trust in Him and His work and that I trust Him and His sovereignty. I'm trying to rightfully wear the title 'sinner' not just intellectually (because that is what I am) so that I can appreciate Jesus more and see my absolute dependence on Him. Idk man I could be thinking I am figuring things out when I am not and God could put me through the ringer again. I just need to keep seeking Him and pursuing Him. Even now dude I don't feel all jazzed up to pursue Him or sit down and read His word. So I be honest to Him about it and still do it (most times).

  • @Abel-nl2yo
    @Abel-nl2yo 5 років тому +2

    Thanks for this video. But Jesus has the best theology in the new testament

  • @jalapeno_m
    @jalapeno_m 5 років тому

    What’s the difference between Catholicism and Christianity? And which one should I believe in?

    • @user-mr1zs1np7w
      @user-mr1zs1np7w 5 років тому

      Christianity, Catholics dont worship jesus, Catholics deny that you can be saved by faith Catholics worship idols.
      1 jhon 5:13
      Romans 11:6
      Jhon 3:16
      Jhon 3:18

    • @eileen66
      @eileen66 4 роки тому

      You should believe in Jesus and the Bible

  • @Europeangardens
    @Europeangardens 3 роки тому

    How much trust must be placed in Jesus to be it the faith of a mustard seed? (Remember, He said He would have us either hot or cold because if we're luke warm...He'll Spit us out).So is it 20% of faith in Him? 50%? 90%? For verily, verily, I say unto have a 100% FAITH (Full Trust in Jesus for Salvation) becomes the Death of YOU.... and the resurrected Life of Christ takes it's place. Not "works", for the one who's dying can not work. To God be the Glory! This is the Power & WORK of the Holy Ghost. When it comes to Salvation... it's Not "You AND Jesus"...
    .... it's "YOU" OR "JESUS". He that will Save his life will lose it(Hell, which is eternal torment) but he that will Lose his Life for my name's sake(Jesus) shall find it.
    I dare not Trust the sweetest frame but wholly Lean on JESUS' name. Thank you Jesus.

  • @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185
    @eddiesblacksmithingkjv9185 5 років тому


  • @FrankAndrews
    @FrankAndrews 3 роки тому

    You can't possibly know Jesus unless he draws you to him. (John 6:44)

  • @frankie9899
    @frankie9899 5 років тому +3

    There are lukewarm Christians who know everything jesus has done and believe but they don’t obey the Bible they don’t believe every word of god the Bible says you can no longer practice sin you have to try your best to live a holy life and if you do sin I don’t care if it’s 20 times a day and your really trying not to sin confess it to jesus stay away from every kind of evil the Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you the Bible said it is holy for a man to fall 7 TIMES A DAY and then get back up and repent you falling means sining repentance never goes away in a Christian life but there is a change in your mind about sin you have it your try your hardest not to sin god sees your heart the Bible says he will judge the thoughts and intents of the heart jesus is coming back all end time prophecies are being fulfilled get ready saints obey believe be baptized if you can pray about it if you can’t our lord is coming soon

    • @InChristJesus87
      @InChristJesus87 5 років тому +2

      Jesus Christ Amen! This is absolute truth what you say! You know I was saved 8 years ago and I’ve never been much of a reader of anything so after being saved I didn’t really read the Bible like I should have. I just knew that I was saved. My testimony is frankly unbelievable but I failed Him by not continuing my walk with Him and not reading His Word the way I should have. I just thought I knew everything I needed to know because I knew I had the Holy Spirit in me. Well I struggled with pornography; I was exposed to it as a young innocent child and carried it into adulthood. So when I sinned against Him it broke me every time I gave into that horrible Sin. I remember often crying myself to sleep praying to Him because I was letting Him down every time I did it and didn’t want to. It was painful and I’m sure it was for the Lord to see me like that. I told the Lord that I would always love Him and that I would take the axe and never refute Him (I wasn’t sure about the rapture at that time)
      Before I knew it I was living in full blown sin just like I was before I was saved. Yes I had made major changes in my life that only God could have done but in many ways I was still sinning every day. Throughout the years though I was always fascinated by end times and prophecy and right after I was saved I gained tons of knowledge I even had a timeline of things that were to happen now and through the next decade.
      When the September 23rd sign happened my head exploded because I remember reading the passage in Revelation; I remember scratching my head about that particular passage. I also remember how it said that we are to be blessed by reading Revelations and so I WAS! I came running back to the father in full repentance crying out on my knees knowing that the time of potentially taking that axe was drawing very near. I knew that I was the prodigal son and by that time I knew enough to know that the Christ was going to rapture us but that I had walked away.
      Interestingly enough the last year has been a battle of spiritual darkness like nothing else I’ve ever experienced. Satan has battled for my mind and yet the only thing that’s gotten me to where I am is by clinging onto the truth of the gospel which I know is stamped in my heart. It has been an arduous journey which was made difficult by the deceitful one making me feel like God didn’t want me back like I wasn’t saved.
      Praise be to God though that He brought me out of the depths by reminding me in the Spirit that all I need to do is walk in faith! Day by day trust in Him and follow Him and that I have nothing to worry about. I realized through the Lord that I didn’t have to try; me trying was futile which led me down the road I had taken originally. All I had to do was allow Him to lead me through His Word. While yes Im not perfect and I still stumble from time to time but I know the Lord is leading me down the road of sanctification day by day. I’m now pointing in the right direction that the Lord has us walking in. He had a plan for me the day I felt and saw His presence the moment I repented 8 years ago. For we are nothing without the Lord!
      I don’t know why I felt the need to share this but I guess it’s just because of the Joy that I feel in my heart 🙌❤️✝️ Praise the Lord!

    • @frankie9899
      @frankie9899 5 років тому

      kwazykilla87 yes praise the lord thank you for your testimony god will never leave you keep you eyes on him read his word get close to him draw nigh to him and he will to you humble yourself to the lord because he gives mercy unto the humble

    • @Goldtaker23
      @Goldtaker23 5 років тому +2

      But what if you WANT all those things to obey to have fellowship with Jesus but just cant seem to do it ?

    • @eileen66
      @eileen66 4 роки тому

      Mike Hill hey it’s been a year since this comment ...wondering how’s it going with your relationship with God?

    • @frankie9899
      @frankie9899 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood your right Jesus saves can’t believe I use to believe this retarded teaching faith alone once saved always saved is the truth and that’s clear in those verses you gave me

  • @ml1712
    @ml1712 3 роки тому

    Jesus didn’t die for the Devil and Demons he died for humanity that’s why they can’t be saved!

  • @jaystreet4004
    @jaystreet4004 Рік тому

    Is there a 100% sure way to know? I've struggled with it because I'm the Bible people called him Lord and he said depart from me. I don't ever want to hear that.

  • @debbiramsey4603
    @debbiramsey4603 3 роки тому

    The problem is some say do this some say do that. Many say nothing about baptism. Then why was it in the Bible at all. tThe romans verse says it's saying something more than believing.. it also needs baptism like in the likeness of His death,

  • @pjfrog10
    @pjfrog10 4 роки тому +1

    Believe involved believing in every word he spoke not just that he is who he is, the Christ. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.

    • @pjfrog10
      @pjfrog10 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood under the Law of Moses that was true. Today Jesus is the One whom we remember. Everything since Adam and Eve has pointed towards Jesus who died and was resurrected to take away our sins. Mark 16:15-16. Go into all the world and teach the gospel. He that believes and is baptized shall be saved.

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @Nate-mp8jl
    @Nate-mp8jl 3 роки тому +2

    This guy is talking about demons. Jesus didn’t die for demons. He died for humanity. Not demons. Jesus made salvation possible for humans not demons.

  • @duskyviolets2560
    @duskyviolets2560 4 роки тому

    I believe in Jesus and that he is Lord and died for my sins and my family's sins, but I'm cowardly and are scared of preaching it in fear of people looking down on me or becoming an outcast, which is a loathe some trait to God, people who truely love and believe in God and Jesus are fearless in speaking up about the good news of the gospel...fear is not of God and causes inequity, and God knows what's in our hearts, we don't do things to be saved, we do things because we are saved...and I didn't used to believe but I've recently decided to turn to Jesus because it's true that he is Lord and savior of our souls, so many people have dreams from God and I don't have any, I think it's because of my sloth/cowardice, my grandma used to tell me to believe, I asked her why she cared if I do or not and she said because it's true, but she mocked me for not believing and I am scared she will mock me for choosing to accept jesus...which is totally wrong in God's eyes, I also plan to be baptized in the future, but first I should tell more people to believe and accept Jesus/God and ask him for forgiveness and do their best to this point and time, I'm terrified of going to hell and I'm trying to do better to repent, worrying about what other people think of me has always been my weaknesse

  • @sherlockhomeless7138
    @sherlockhomeless7138 4 місяці тому

    This is exactly what my faith is like and it scares me to death. I KNOW Jesus died for sinners. I KNOW He is God in the flesh and I KNOW He rose from the death. But there's something seriously wrong with my faith. I don't love God, I don't feel grateful, I don't love others... Please help

  • @whiteblood9165
    @whiteblood9165 5 років тому +2

    Also you could be a goat, as in the sheep and goats judgment described in Matthew 25 31. This is also very scary because these people believed to the point of being able to cast out demons which I would think is extremely hard unless you have almost perfect Faith just like the faith you would need to do real physiological healings. Yet the Lord tells these people to go away from him because they never helped the least of his brothers when they needed it.

    • @damonofchrist9709
      @damonofchrist9709 5 років тому

      Lukewarm Christians too risk burning in hell

    • @jeremiet2739
      @jeremiet2739 5 років тому

      White Blood so then who actually gets saved? Like 0.00000000000% of people who ever lived? Does that sound like a good God who wants to save only such a small % of people?

    • @damonofchrist9709
      @damonofchrist9709 5 років тому +1

      Jeremie T “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;”
      ‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:9‬.

    • @damonofchrist9709
      @damonofchrist9709 5 років тому

      That’s all

    • @damonofchrist9709
      @damonofchrist9709 5 років тому

      Jeremie T well you also need to obey his word

  • @frankcrawford416
    @frankcrawford416 3 роки тому

    Can a man be saved if he is read a verse such as For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God , not of works lest any man shall boast.. I was read that verse long time ago. But I remember saying to the pastor as the holy spirit came over me I believe, I believe. AlsoI remember him asking me do you have any sins you want to confess and I turn around and I said Jesus already paid for them. Most people today are saying it's Romans 10:9 or 1st Corinthians 15:4 that saves when I'm wondering if I possibly could be saved even though I wasn't read those so they get the full relevant Revelation from God about everything I needed to believe. The thief on the cross ask Jesus to remember him.

    • @twenty-fivethirty-six3946
      @twenty-fivethirty-six3946 3 роки тому

      I think our teaching called: "Believing the Gospel doesn't save you, only Faith in Christ can" would be a blessing to you as we explore your question in detail.

    • @frankcrawford416
      @frankcrawford416 2 роки тому

      @@twenty-fivethirty-six3946 Thank you. There is a verse hebrews 4:2 the gospel did not profit them because they did not mix it with faith. That is doing the word, having belief that they have eternal life. The Bible says the works of salvation is belief. All it takes is a one time belief. Then we are saved and secure. We are sealed by the holy spirit of promise.

    • @twenty-fivethirty-six3946
      @twenty-fivethirty-six3946 2 роки тому

      @@frankcrawford416 Well that's certainly the mainstream Christian inherited understanding, but that's a long way from what the Scriptures tell us. The principles of what Christ would accomplish on the cross were developed in the Old Testament. I think our teaching "The Whole Gospel" would be a blessing to you in understanding just want the death and resurrection of Christ actually accomplished. Blessings!

  • @kmbj142
    @kmbj142 4 роки тому +1

    1st john 5 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. Its not just about what you believe its about who is in you, do you have the son of God in you?

  • @Faithful.adanna
    @Faithful.adanna 5 років тому +1


  • @frankie9899
    @frankie9899 5 років тому +6

    Pray it to jesus to help you overcome you sins so that you barely sin anymore the less sin the better you should almost be doing no sin as a Christian god can help you but you have to really try don’t get lazy everyday it a battle put on the full amor of god that you might be able to stand against all evil

    • @sophia66404
      @sophia66404 5 років тому I only read 3 comments here you poor souls have no clue... You better find out before your time ends...Jesus said sin no more.... Not cut down on it! Wow ignorance will burn your soul

    • @frankie9899
      @frankie9899 5 років тому +1

      Chris Toscano so you think you can be sinless like jesus the rest of you life one sin takes to you to hell and the Bible says all sin is equal and that if you commit one sin it’s like you have done every sin that’s how holy are god is

    • @frankie9899
      @frankie9899 5 років тому

      He did say sin no more but what happens when we sin we have to repent right

    • @InChristJesus87
      @InChristJesus87 5 років тому +2

      Chris Toscano we are all sinners, it’s not an on off switch; come on you know this. The other person is talking about sanctification, rely on the Lord daily to stop sinning completely and be the mirror image of the Lord. Many people are saved but still struggle with particular sins and addictions in their life.

  • @mykilahsenwilliamsdorsey1495
    @mykilahsenwilliamsdorsey1495 5 років тому +1

    The only thing that has ever distinguished Christianity from all other beliefs systems is the fact that our God paid for our sins. We don’t do it only Christ alone did it. All this mental gymnastics about real faith and false faith and knowing the truth but not being under the blood of Christ and not ever hearing or understanding the gospel message but still possibly making it into heaven because Jesus knows your true choice if you had heard and understood the gospel..... How did we get to this crazy line of thinking? (I’m be rhetorical) Humans have ALWAYS wanted to play a part in their salvation. It is pride at the core of all of this line of thinking. I repented, they didn’t. I sacrificed, but they didn’t so I’ve got more blessings than them coming my way. Jesus accepts me and not you because I did (fill in the blank) and you didn’t. Remember the parable of the prodigal son? Who was that lesson truly for? Was it the obvious choice that a rebellious son finally came home, or was it the jealous older brother who was rebellious in his heart because he mistakenly thought his own willingness to forsake an irresponsible life style would award him a status greater than his brother? They NEVER stopped being sons of their father because that power was not given to them. They could only choose what type of son they were going to be. In the end NEITHER understood the nature of who their father was or who in fact they were. They were the sons of a loving father who only wanted them to love themselves, each other and their father no matter what. The body of Christ still struggles with this today.

    • @twenty-fivethirty-six3946
      @twenty-fivethirty-six3946 3 роки тому

      To me the main issue is no one teaches the "whole" gospel, which is why so much misunderstanding is able to come into Christian doctrine. If you have a few minutes visit our channel to watch our teaching called; "The Whole Gospel", I think it will be a blessing to you.

  • @jesussuperlightchris5797
    @jesussuperlightchris5797 4 роки тому +3

    The demons believe now coz its too late for them they already had rebelled before Jesus so that's not a valid argument to belittle faith that comes via the Holy Spirit to all that seek God. If people cry out for God he is there, for those who ask for the living water it will be freely given. So this video is basically wrong, keep spirit folks

    • @larrejackson8722
      @larrejackson8722 3 роки тому

      Yes and Amen

    • @randylan89
      @randylan89 3 роки тому

      Lemme get out of this Christian channel sorry for bothering

    • @sandykayrn2
      @sandykayrn2 3 роки тому

      I believe James was pointing out the demon's faith as deeper than the saved Jewish Christians he was writing to BECAUSE the demons had a faith that was actually producing an action (trembling) i believe James was saying be better than the demons who believe & produce something & remember the awesomeness of God that causes demons to tremble & let that awe be your motivation to produce something God can use. Also you have to remember a faith towards Salvation was not the debate in James concerning the demons, it was monotheism .

  • @angelmd43
    @angelmd43 5 років тому

    Believing in Christ is believing in God's Word(what he says) and so you do it.

    • @heatherartus2905
      @heatherartus2905 5 років тому

      It's trusting GOD our abba in heaven and trusting his word the holy bible

    • @angelmd43
      @angelmd43 5 років тому

      @@heatherartus2905 Trusting is doing what he says.

    • @angelmd43
      @angelmd43 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood calling on Him is doing what he says for it is written in His written Word.

  • @WellFedSheep
    @WellFedSheep 11 місяців тому

    Belief alone will not save you. You must call upon the Lord to be saved. For over 20 years I lived the Christian life and was fully convinced I was saved. I made a profession of faith as a little boy but as I grew older I strayed further from God and stopped reading the bible. Last year I finally humbled myself and asked God to save me from sin I was struggling with that I did not want to give up and from that day I have been free from that addiction. My life changed dramatically from that day and in a matter of weeks I became a whole new person. If I had not asked the Lord after 20 years of pride and shame keeping me from asking for help I would have ended up in hell fully convinced that I was saved.
    2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV
    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
    Romans 10:9-10 KJV
    9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
    10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому +1

      Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 2 роки тому +1

    Defining the terms is always entertaining, especially when the wolves write their own dictionary.

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Exactly 💁Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @freespirit7450
    @freespirit7450 2 роки тому

    What about the people Jesus mention who called him lord lord? They believe in him because they did works and cast out devils in his name but jesus said he never knew them.

    • @KeepingWatch95
      @KeepingWatch95 Рік тому

      Matthew 7:21 *Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.*
      Matthew 7:22 *Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?*
      Matthew 7:23 *And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.*
      _Matt __7:21__ (he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.) = keeping his law/commandments._
      _Matt __7:23__ (depart from me, ye that work iniquity.)_
      _Look at what this Greek word ἀνομία (iniquity G458) means._
      G458 ἀνομία anomia an-om-ee'-ah From G459; illegality, that is, violation of law or (generally) wickedness: - iniquity, X transgress (-ion of) the law, unrighteousness.
      _“iniquity G458” “violation of law G458”_
      _Also note this Greek word ἀνομία G458 comes from the Greek word ἄνομος (G459)._
      G459 ἄνομος anomos an'-om-os From G1 (as a negative particle) and G3551; lawless, that is, (negatively) not subject to (the Jewish) law; (by implication a Gentile), or (positively) wicked: - without law, lawless, transgressor, unlawful, wicked.
      “G459 without law, lawless”
      Matthew 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work [violation of law G458] [without law G459]
      Matt 7:23 ...depart from me, ye that work [without law] [lawless] [violation of law]

  • @toastedtcake2947
    @toastedtcake2947 Рік тому

    I find it crazy that some Christians truly believe they are ‘saved’ just because they believe in Jesus whilst also acting so bad to other humans. Like surely you have to treat others just like Jesus did?
    I have nothing against Christian’s or any other religion but let me tell you the worst bullying I ever experienced (I am autistic and don’t look ‘normal’ whatever normal is and find social situations extremely uncomfortable and it shows) was those who thought they were saved just because they believed in Jesus and what he did.

    • @1soapspongesasmr
      @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

      Was King David saved AND anointed? He sinned with adultery and killed and read what The Lord says about Him darling, if we confess our sins He ☝ is faithful AND Just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse of our unrighteousness 💁 Acts 16:31 KJV
      And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • @sandykayrn2
    @sandykayrn2 3 роки тому

    Demons have faith that produces. It Produces trembling. It produces obedience. When Jesus told them to go into pigs they had to obey. Obedience does not save or prove saved. It only proves motivation. Believing (Trusting) that your sins are removed from you by the work of the cross & resurrection is what saves. You better believe the demons trust Jesus is who he is and they trust he died for human sins and believe he rose. They aren't saved because it is not offered to them. There is no plan to redeem fallen angels. Faith can not save demons but that does not mean they can't have faith, it just can't save because they can not trust in something that does not exist for them. Atonement for THEIR sins DOES NOT EXIST. They don't assent to it because they know the truth that there is no plan of redemption for them. Jesus came as a man to redeem man. He did not come as an ANGEL. Apples to oranges. To try to use the demon's faith as an example of spurious faith is flawed. On the contrary the demons arguably have a non-spurious faith because they trust jesus is who he is & has the power to save (humans) so much that it causes them to tremble AND obey. When is the last time you saw a Christian believe so deeply that they tremble? No such thing as spurious faith. You either are convinced about Jesus & your sin or you aren't. I like your trust emphasis. That's good.. Keep the message simple you.

  • @dustinlandrum8896
    @dustinlandrum8896 5 років тому

    So are you saying that you don’t have to be baptized?

    • @calebdunn2662
      @calebdunn2662 5 років тому +2

      You don’t have to be baptized to be saved.

    • @briannaelliott4388
      @briannaelliott4388 5 років тому +1

      You dont have to be baptized to be saved... however, God does command us to. The criminal on the cross next to Jesus believed with his whole heart and Jesus said that he was saved.

    • @dustinlandrum8896
      @dustinlandrum8896 5 років тому +1

      Bri Elliott that’s true, I didn’t think about that

    • @ycageLehT
      @ycageLehT 5 років тому +3

      Jesus was baptised. We should follow his example.
      Matthew 3:16 (KJV)
      And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
      Acts 2:38 (KJV)
      Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
      John 3:5 (KJV)
      Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and [of] the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
      Mark 16:16 - He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

    • @cz7755
      @cz7755 5 років тому +1

      Hooded Black I believe that baptism means being created new, it’s not water baptism. Water baptism is a re-enactment of your baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is how we were created new in Christ. Much love and God bless!

  • @cherubsasquatch2987
    @cherubsasquatch2987 4 роки тому

    Lord Lord ppl are hired hands trying to enter sheep fold without Christ. Also, 1 John 4:15. 1 John 5:1. 1John 5:5.

  • @1soapspongesasmr
    @1soapspongesasmr 10 місяців тому

    Did Jesus teach about a demonic faith? Because I have NEVER heard of a demonic faith 🤷 in the body of Christ, I did hear and it is written Jesus saying let them because no one that speaks about Jesus will curse HIM, I heard Jesus say, let the wheat grow with the tare because if you pull the tare you might accidentally pull the wheat which looks exactly the same until it gives fruit, no one in my opinion should separating anyone from the body of Christ but Jesus who has said that on that day He will separate the sheep from the goats, He will say to them depart from me I never knew you, he that work INIQUITY so the doing miracles and works and casting out devil's in His name is not the problem is The Inquity in them, the sin in them the Sin they are committing that's the problem, read Revelations where Jesus said that a group of people where were Satan sits but they did not denied His name, y'all got to be careful, because even Jesus said that the Pharisees and Saducees were teaching commandments of men and not of God, we need to teach what God ☝📖 wants us to teach, via the it is written word. Yes the devil's believe and tremble we know that because Jesus told us and they knew who He was but Jesus NEVER spoke about a demonic faith be very careful. 😮

    • @sherlockhomeless7138
      @sherlockhomeless7138 4 місяці тому

      I totally understand what you're saying and it's probably hard for you to understand there can be people who actually believe the things about Jesus, but still have a cold heart. I'm afraid I'm one of them. I suspect I'm a covert narcissist. I grew up in a christian family and I even believe myself. I KNOW Jesus died for sinners, I KNOW He rose from the death. And still it doesn't spark joy in me and it doesn't make me grateful. I'm in great danger. I guess you could compare it with Pharaoh who must've believed in God when he saw the ten plagues. But he still refused to listen. His heart was hardened.

  • @christopherlampman5579
    @christopherlampman5579 2 роки тому

    How can anyone know they are actually saved with this type of theology?

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 2 роки тому

    The demons don’t have faith. There’s no such thing as a demonic faith. The demons to not believe in Jesus.

  • @danielvaliente3956
    @danielvaliente3956 5 років тому

    I just found you guys and got to say I love your videos. However I have a topic for you that I can’t rack my brain around and I’m so tired of searching for answers every where. You might shed some light on it in a video for me. Here is my question: if Adam knowing and walking with god knew he was god, and he named all the animals why did Adam name the Dog, Dog knowing that backwards it spells God? I mean didn’t back then your not suppose to call God, meaning he was know as I AM. I’m so confused and can’t stop thinking about this.

    • @znhait
      @znhait 5 років тому

      I doubt this is a serious question. I have no idea how God communicated with Adam, but I'll bet it wasn't in English.

  • @Runyamouth
    @Runyamouth 5 років тому +1

    I'll try remember what he said in the vid. Even the devil believes, but he is a rebel against god.

  • @heatherartus2905
    @heatherartus2905 5 років тому +3

    Not everyone that says lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven

    • @angelmd43
      @angelmd43 5 років тому +1

      Amen Heather, only the ones who obey God.

    • @Elic205
      @Elic205 4 роки тому +1

      This is referencing anyone who hasn't placed their full trust in the death burial and ressurection of Jesus as atonement for their sins. We aren't saved by works or kept saved by works. We were all judged at the cross with his death. Anything other than trusting his sacrifice alone for salvation is an accursed gospel. Satan's #1 goal is to blind people with thinking they can earn it. One sinner, one savior = Jesus

    • @randylan89
      @randylan89 3 роки тому

      lol going to hell punished bc ur not worshiping god 👎

  • @fredsackey906
    @fredsackey906 5 років тому +1

    This is harrd to grasp, can anyone expound on it any further?

    • @glendagetagripfull
      @glendagetagripfull 5 років тому +1

      I agree. He confused me even more

    • @chriskidwell3250
      @chriskidwell3250 5 років тому +4

      I invite anyone else to comment on this as I just went through this, but I think what he is saying is that we can know everything about Jesus, but until we accept Him as our personal Lord and Savior and trust his finished work on the cross, it doesn’t matter. For example, I was struggling with if I believed enough or how much faith I needed to be saved or what must I do to gain this faith. I wrestled with this for two long weeks and prayed that I could believe enough, etc. After talking with my wife, she said “It’s not about you believing enough, it’s about Him believing in you and trusting his work on the cross. He loves you.” I then prayed for a changed heart and mind and trusted Him and His work fully for my salvation, to the point where I trusted he’d change my belief and faith. In doing that, it showed that that was the faith I needed lol. What new converts don’t share is how scary it can be when you first read. You tend to put yourself in the parables as the one who gets cast away and your view of God can get to the point where you are afraid. Just remember God loves you and hell is not intended for God’s creation unless they reject Him. He wants you to be saved and loves you very much. I encourage you to look up God’s Love Letter and watch some of Joyce Meyer if you’re anxious or nervous. She helps a lot.
      In summary, we can’t do anything to earn our salvation. If we trust fully in Jesus for our salvation and trust His promises, that’s what I think the preacher in this video is talking about. I encourage anyone to comment on this, but that’s what I think he’s talking about. I’m not a preacher or scholar by any means, but if you’re struggling and need help, feel free to reach out. We’re all in this together.

    • @livingunashamed4869
      @livingunashamed4869 5 років тому +6

      There are plenty of lukewarm christians that think they are saved but being saved comes with a renewing of the mind, repentance, and good works should follow. Like the bridge analogy.....many people can believe a bridge is safe to walk on but how many will actually walk on it. Don't tell me you're a christian show me. Be set apart.

    • @lifeisbetterwithjesus
      @lifeisbetterwithjesus 5 років тому +5

      I used to go to church just knowing Jesus in my mind. It was until I began living for him that i hope he became to know me. What I believe is important is Him knowing me, than just me knowing about him. Its about having full repentance in your life and being reborn into a new one after. Never do I want to hear him say "depart from me, I never knew you..."

    • @mackids7122
      @mackids7122 5 років тому +3

      As an example let’s say there’s a celebrity you know all about because you can read about their life on the internet. You hear they are holding a big party for all their friends. But when you turn up saying can I come in, they say ‘who are you? I have never seen you in my life.’ If however, you had met this celebrity before and got to know them as a person they would gladly accept you.
      You can know (intellectually) about God/Jesus but if you don’t have a relationship with him (like a father and son) then chances are God will say who are you? on judgement day.
      But I would say if anyone is worried about whether they are saved, then they fact they are thinking about it is a good sign. I think we all know deep down if we are actually trusting God and desiring to know him.

  • @NyNy-if7ub
    @NyNy-if7ub 5 років тому

    Jesus Christ already came a second time in secret just like He did 2000 years ago. The bible prophesied Christ would come in the flesh in the last days to restore back the Passover that was destroyed in 325 AD by Emperor Constantine and all of the Lord’s feasts. Christmas, Easter, Communion, all came from the Roman Catholics. They changed God’s feast times and laws, fulfilling the prophecy in Daniel 7:25. Christ told us he would appear after Israel gains their independence in 1948 through the Parable of the Fig Tree. From then on, Christ preached the gospel for 37 years, fulfilling the prophecy of King David. In Revelation 5:1-5, Apostle John saw the future, the last days, and saw that no man can interpret the bible but God himself. So God had to come a second time to bring us salvation first, then the end will come.

    • @eileen66
      @eileen66 4 роки тому

      Ny Ny Get out of here with that false Christ ansanghang teaching. That false mother god teaching.

    • @DashieNCheekie
      @DashieNCheekie 2 роки тому

      Every eye shall see him even those that pierced him

  • @Myjesus-1
    @Myjesus-1 Рік тому

    Sinners are not saved. In the true gospel, Jesus taught that obedience is required to enter his kingdom.
    The only way to overcome sin is by the power of the Holy Spirit which we recieve when we are Born Again.
    Scripture says:
    Colossians 2:11: "and in Him (Jesus) you were also circumcised with a circumcision performed without hands, in the removal of the body of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ,"
    Jesus removes the flesh nature and we lose sinful desires. Not many people believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to enable them to be righteous and to live righteous. If one is not born again they cannot enter God's kingdom.
    Ezekiel ch 44-9
    "This is what the Sovereign LORD says: No foreigner uncircumcised in heart and flesh is to enter my sanctuary, not even the foreigners who live among the Israelites."
    Those who struggle with sin do not have the Holy Spirit. They are still under the law because they deny the power of the Holy Spirit and they will be judged by the law. They are trying to control their sins on their own because they don't believe that Jesus removes the flesh nature when he baptises us with the Holy Spirit. They deny that the we can live without sin through the power of the Holy Spirit, who is able to free us from the bondage of sin itself. Their unbelief in the power of God to deliver them is one reason why they will not receive salvation. The free gift is not given to everyone simply because they asked for it. They have to believe.

  • @michael75884
    @michael75884 10 місяців тому

    just because you believe that doesn't mean you will be saved
    belief alone saves nobody
    if you don't obey Jesus and do as He commanded of us then you will perish in hell
    belief and obedience is required

  • @ricklamb772
    @ricklamb772 9 місяців тому

    Yes you can believe a guy named Jesus really lived,But not know why He came and who He is.

  • @brandondaniel4266
    @brandondaniel4266 3 роки тому


  • @exodus6963
    @exodus6963 Рік тому

    I wonder how much this “man” made by quoting Scripture.

  • @77goanywhere
    @77goanywhere 5 років тому +1

    So much of what Todd says is true. But what is very wrong about much of "Evangelical" theology is the understanding of "salvation".
    The scriptures are very clear that "salvation" is both an OBJECTIVE AND SUBJECTIVE reality.
    All the world was SAVED in Christ, and there is nothing that anyone needs to DO or even BELIEVE in order to "be saved" in this sense. "As in Adam all died, so also, inChrist ALL will be made alive". 1 Cor 5:22.
    But, the EXPERIENCE of the salvation that is ours in Christ comes as we come to know and trust in Christ. But that is a PROCESS not an EVENT!
    There is no INS and OUTS in God. All are included in Christ, but not all KNOW they are included, and so in that sense are deprived of the benefits of their inclusion.

  • @jimkraft9445
    @jimkraft9445 4 місяці тому

    Demons can't be saved. Only people. Acts 16:31. It is that simple. The Simplicity that is in Christ. Romans 1:16. The GIFT of God is eternal life. Once you accept the GIFT, you have eternal life. Romans 6:23. No one can earn it. And once you have it you cannot lose it because it is eternal life. Not temporary life, or probationary life, but ETERNAL LIFE. Second Corinthians 9:15. Thanks be to God for His UNSPEAKABLE GIFT, ETERNAL LIFE. Ephesians 1:13-14 Sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. Our guarantee of eternal life. Ephesians 4:30. And grieve not the Holy Spirit in whom ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Hebrews 13:5. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will never cast us out. John 10:28-29. He will never let go of us. Our faith may fail but Gods word lasts forever. John 6:47. Gods promises are true. He does not make promises He does not keep. That is why we sing "Standing on the promises of God our savior." And redeemed by the blood of the lamb, a child forever I am.

  • @nategraham6946
    @nategraham6946 3 роки тому +1

    And thus, faith isn't enough, and it depends on works.

  • @cloudsvideos2405
    @cloudsvideos2405 3 роки тому

    Even the devil believed Lord Jesus but are not saved

    • @cloudsvideos2405
      @cloudsvideos2405 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood God the Father sent his Son to the world as the ultimate sacrifice so it might be saved

    • @cloudsvideos2405
      @cloudsvideos2405 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood Sure at first he is not coz thats the plan, but after his resurection He is fully God and he said God the Father Jehova gave him all the authority on earth and i heaven Mat 28:18

    • @cloudsvideos2405
      @cloudsvideos2405 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood God required lamb blood sacrifies at the old testament for sins, but God setup the ultimate sacrifies and thats Him self in the Lord Jesus

    • @cloudsvideos2405
      @cloudsvideos2405 3 роки тому

      @Peter Smallwood well the Lord Jesus is part human He did die(part of Gods plan) but he rose again, went back to heaven and to earth several times and lived forever more...and he will return soon

  • @jonathanjosiah4733
    @jonathanjosiah4733 2 роки тому

    Can a person believe the gospel and not perform or does performance accure at belief always? if not always then I guess the answer is yes. Or else you say always performance is there, if that's true are you doing all you believe? Why not? So you see you even you do not do all that you believe. Yet you claim others must show you a performance.

  • @debbiramsey4603
    @debbiramsey4603 4 роки тому

    Let's don't confuse the issues. Romans 6 5 said essentially if we are baptised in the likeness of His death you
    Will gave a good ending in life. You will be saved. Belief will not save you. Sprinkling will not save you, I was sprinkled and of course believed but it did not save e, the verse is kind of do this and this will happen for you. Do you believe God?. it doesn't save you. Do you believe the words He's left for you? Then do what the verse He's set there. Christ was buried under the tomb. We mimic that with under the water baptism as likeness of He's death. Don't worry about the kind of faith you have, if you believe then go do this. That's the simple view. I was going to the wrong place and told what the valves has misled me,

  • @John5.24
    @John5.24 Рік тому

    You are preaching confusion sir. BELIEVE on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou Shalt Be Saved! Acts 16.

  • @HlkBrilliantshps
    @HlkBrilliantshps 3 роки тому

    You need sheikh Ahmed deedat

  • @JonathanGrandt
    @JonathanGrandt 2 роки тому


  • @michaelg7267
    @michaelg7267 Рік тому

    yes it is possible to be a believer and still perish in hell Jesus Christ own words recorded in mathew,mark,luke and john proves that nobody is saved by belief alone
    just simply praying and repenting and believing isn't enough and being baptized is not enough either yes it is good to be baptized must repent first before being baptized to though
    but just like believing if all you have and all you do is have belief alone then you are not saved belief alone isn't enough and just simply being baptized isn't enough
    Jesus Christ Himself made it perfectly clear that we our all required to do more than just believe we are required to do more than just be baptized
    if you don't hear Jesus speak to you then you are definitely not saved and nobody is officially saved until they actually enter heaven
    you can be getting saved but while we are still in this earthly world we are not officially saved yet
    john 10:25-30. john 5:39-44 Jesus said that to and about people that are pharisees and hirelings and the people who think themselves to be saved by belief alone
    Jesus's own words recorded in mathew,mark,luke and john proves that nobody is saved by belief alone.
    just simply praying and repenting and believing isn't enough to be able to enter heaven Jesus Christ made it very clear with what He taught and said
    ya'll believe satan's lies and believe in a false gospel with false doctrines if you think yourself to be saved by belief alone.
    Jesus Christ Himself never preached a grace gospel

  • @sophia66404
    @sophia66404 5 років тому


    • @ipodtouch573
      @ipodtouch573 5 років тому

      Chris Toscano so what do you have to do to be saved