Old or not, still a usefull way to comunicate 3D models outsie your organisation, only sharing external volumes and not internal secrets. or simplifying very large assemblies.
“He” does it with Layers. My datums are automatically placed on Layers. Then I use the Model Tree to make certain planes visible. Then when I toggle the Datum Plane Visibility icon, only a handful are seen.
Old or not, still a usefull way to comunicate 3D models outsie your organisation, only sharing external volumes and not internal secrets. or simplifying very large assemblies.
You mention that the functionality is outdated. Can you explain a bit more why? If it is outdated, what has come in place? Simp. Reps & Shrinkwraps?
how does he manage planes to keep it so clean?🤔 if I turn on my datum planes, you won't be able to see the assembled object😄
“He” does it with Layers. My datums are automatically placed on Layers. Then I use the Model Tree to make certain planes visible. Then when I toggle the Datum Plane Visibility icon, only a handful are seen.