At home making organic compost tea

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @PattysCollectibles
    @PattysCollectibles Місяць тому +1

    Thanks for the recipe. Can't wait to try it on my one new blueberry plant!

    • @thebluegarden2060
      @thebluegarden2060  Місяць тому +1

      Hope you like it!and if you need help, just let me know. Okay?

    • @thebluegarden2060
      @thebluegarden2060  Місяць тому +1

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  • @thebluegarden2060
    @thebluegarden2060  Місяць тому +2

    Making compost tea is a great way to provide your plants with a nutrient-rich, natural fertilizer. Here’s a simple method to get you started:
    Materials Needed:
    5-gallon bucket
    Water (preferably rainwater or dechlorinated tap water)
    Compost (about 1-2 cups)
    Mesh bag or old nylon stocking
    Optional: Molasses, fish emulsion, or seaweed extract
    Fill the Bucket: Fill your 5-gallon bucket with water. If you’re using tap water, let it sit for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate.
    Prepare the Compost: Place 1-2 cups of compost into the mesh bag or nylon stocking. This will act as your “tea bag.”
    Add the Compost: Submerge the compost-filled bag into the bucket of water.
    Optional Additives: If you want to boost microbial activity, add a tablespoon of molasses, fish emulsion, or seaweed extract to the water.
    Aerate the Mixture: Stir the mixture well. For best results, use an aquarium pump to keep the water aerated. This helps beneficial microorganisms thrive.
    Steep the Tea: Let the mixture steep for 24-48 hours. Stir occasionally to keep the compost well-mixed.
    Strain and Use: After steeping, remove the compost bag. Your compost tea is ready to use! Apply it directly to the soil around your plants or as a foliar spray.
    Nutrient Boost: Compost tea provides essential nutrients to your plants.
    Improved Soil Health: It enhances soil structure and microbial activity.
    Natural Pest Control: The beneficial microbes can help suppress plant diseases
    Feel free to experiment with different composts and additives to see what works best for your garden!
    Have you tried making compost tea before, or is this your first time?

    • @thebluegarden2060
      @thebluegarden2060  Місяць тому +1

      Check out my new book on sale right now on Amazon.