سخت سردی میں کٹے کٹیوں کی خوراک

  • Опубліковано 10 січ 2023
  • سخت سردی میں کٹے کٹیوں کی خوراک
    Feeding calves in cold winter requires extra care to ensure they stay healthy and warm. Some steps to consider when feeding calves in cold weather include providing them with extra feed, making sure they have access to fresh water, and providing a warm and dry shelter.
    It is also important to monitor their body condition and make sure they maintain a healthy weight. Calves may require more energy to keep warm,so increasing the amount of high-energy feed like corn or barley in their diet may be necessary.
    Additionally, it is a good practice to ensure the feed is not too cold, as it can cause digestive issues, so you could use a heater or insulation to keep the feed warm.
    Tags: #calf feeding, #cold weather, #winter, #nutrition, #shelter, #energy, #digestion
    Best nili ravi calves
    Dr burhan
    "In this video, we show you how to properly feed calves during the cold winter months. From providing adequate shelter to ensuring the feed is the right temperature, we cover all the essentials for keeping your calves healthy and warm. With tips on how to maintain their nutrition and hydration, this video is a must-watch for any cattle farmer. #calfcare #coldweatherfeeding #cattlefarming #calftips #wintershelter #calfnutrition #calfhydration #farmlife #cattleshow #calftraining #calftemperature #calftreatment #calfhealth #calfmanagement #cattlemanagement #livestock #farmingtips #cattlefarmer #cattleindustry #calves #calvingseason #cattleproduction #cattlefeed #cattlefeeding #cattlehandling #cattlebreeds #cattlebiology #cattlehealth #cattlecomfort #cattlewelfare #calftank #calffeedingtrough #calffeedingbottle #calfmilkreplacer #calfstarterfeed #calfgrowth #calfrearing #calfraising #calfperformance #calfpotential"
    Les bhunikey