One thing that I found impressive was the depth of understanding, and the appreciation for the significance of the Eucharist, as expressed by both the elementary school girl and the college freshman. There is always an air of condescension towards the youth when it comes to matters of religion. They are stereotyped as being dismissive of faith and they are characterized as treating Mass as a cumbersome ritual devoid of meaning. Clearly these two young people offer a nice counterpoint to that narrative. They demonstrate the power of being properly catechized and they are a cause for celebration and hope for future generations.
Well done Father Casey. I came back to the Catholic Church as a result of the videos you and Father Patrick have posted which I followed up by taking Catholic Theology classes at the McGrath Institute. I just started my adult confirmation class at my local parish. May the Lord richly bless you both.
As a person who recently turned Protestant (Reformed) from Greek-Catholic, I'm really glad that you decided to make a video in a longer time format, in which you not only discuss your own/catholic interpretation, but also engage in interdenominational dialogue. I'm grateful for not trying to disregard or forget about other views about Lord's Supper/Communion. I'm really thankful to you for promoting Christianity. May the Lord help you with that.
My mother taught us the the mass is built around the sacrament of receiving the eucharist - the most sacred part of the mass, our communing, becoming physically joined with Jesus. We are following God's commandment and Jesus's instruction because of his etetnal sacrifice for us. Being present in the mass, being in a state of grace and preparing to receive the eucharist and taking thst firward into our daily lives and relationships to others and the world is enormous but also intimate, very special.
My parents wouldn’t take the Eucharist for a large part of their marriage. They are devoted Catholics (dad died) dad prayed the rosary daily, so it was mind boggling. I could only presume it was because they not only didn’t love each other anymore but because they didn’t like each other. I figured they thought they were in a state of perpetual sin. They never offered an explanation. But it would bother me. My mom wouldn’t take the Eucharist as late as last month. I brought her over to Spain with me from the US six weeks ago and had her go into to confessional. Now I make sure she goes up to receive the body of Christ every Sunday. Thank you for this.
40 years ago, one of the priests at my parish was Vietnamese. He spent years at a prison camp in Cambodia. On Corpus Christi we had our yearly church picnic at a local Boy Scout camp. He said Mass outside under the trees. His sermon was about his experience in the camp, when RedCross workers would smuggle in consecrated hosts and what it meant to the Catholic prisoners. He had a friend there who was a Buddhist monk. He talked about how the sharing of the Eucharist brought the Catholics together and gave them strength in the horror they were living in and how his people had nothing doing that for them. I can’t convey the power of that sermon but people who were there still mention it 40 years later.
that is the power of great Catholic preaching. Drawn from the scriptures and personal life experience magnified through grace. God bless that father and the Vietnamese people whi paid for their faith in blood!
I loved father Vinh, but I think the French Catholics really screwed up in Vietnam. Vietnam was 80% Buddhist, but the wealth and the power were controlled by the French and Vietnamese Catholics. The majority of Vietnamese lived in abject poverty. That kind of situation leads to turmoil. Ho Chi Minh started out as a nationalist. He appealed to the US for aid. We had treaties with the French and turned him down. Ho then appealed to China and the USSR. The rest is history.
I’m a convert from a pretty strict Protestant faith - 32 years now. One of the many reasons I decided to do it was that I’ve always been drawn to mystery. The experience of it. But for the longest time I didn’t think much about what it meant. If I did, I was one of those who figured it was symbolic and lovely but I totally didn’t get it. Then I started a contemplative practice in my prayer life. Chugged along with that for awhile, life getting more meaningful (and HARDER). When Pope Francis suggested we try to experience it. So I made a big decision - I stopped trying to figure it out! I chose to bring Contemplation into it. It was a long time with nothing much changing except turning my brain off, over and over. Then one day, at an especially challenging moment, He was in front of me. He held my face in His hands, looked at me, and said, “Shhh. Shhh. I’m here. I’m right here with you.” No kidding. It hasn’t happened again but I can savor it always. Just stop trying to figure it out. Experience it. I did. Thankfully always.
Jesus said, "Take and eat." He did not say "Take and understand." I am OK with not having a perfect understanding of the Eucharist, so long as I am allowing Jesus into my life. I have not done a good job of running my life. Allowing Jesus into my heart to control and direct my life is making things much better.
This is interesting. There is no better way to illustrate how impactful something is than by showing how people, from different walks of life and different levels of comprehension, can view something. Given the centrality of the Eucharist in our Catholic liturgy, being the climax to the story of salvation that we reenact at every Mass, it is wonderful to see how different people see this experience. You are truly a good teacher for coming up with such a unique way of conveying the salience of the Eucharistic celebration. Thank you Father Casey.
I really like this format Fr. Casey. It's great to see you talk about the Eucharist in several different ways, with different individuals. This is good stuff to remember, especially with regards to evangelization and meeting people where they are, rather than expecting them to "fill in the gaps".
This is wonderful! Very well thought out and put together! It was good to include the Protestant. I appreciate you and your ministry. I am so glad you are my brother in Christ!
This was really great to hear so many different perspectives. I've logically understood the importance of the Eucharist, but hadn't really considered what that actually means and how it reflects in my life outside of liturgy.
This was such a wonderful video. In particular, I'm thankful that the Protestant you chose was someone who was not vehemently anti-Catholic. As a Protestant, it reminds me that my Catholic brothers and sisters place a lot of importance on the Eucharist. We need to remember that Catholics believe the Eucharist is the actual body and blood or our Lord, not just a symbol.
This video was fabulous! Father Casey took such a great approach by not talking at us, but talking with us and dialoging with them about their perspectives. All those who participated had great insights. The younger people had such a depth of faith that truly showed. I was glad to hear from the Protestant who provides more nuance and helps us appreciate the Eucharist. Overall, it's clear that the Eucharist is not just a ritual, but ultimately one moment in a way of life.
Thank you for taking time with one of our brothers to hear him out on the eucharist. Francis Piché , Grand knight , council 3096 L'Assomption , Québec , Canada
i watched a Eucharistic Miracle video on youtube at 30y/o and that is only when it hits me that It really is the body of Jesus. i tried to understand more of it and now, the Mass and Eucharist has never been the same. ❤✝️
Loved this~ thank you Father for sharing such a beautiful discussion. Growing our faith is a never ending process. The Eucharist is the most intimate relationship we can have here on earth. Truly understanding that He lives in us and becomes part of us at the Table of our Lord is an overwhelming reality. Also, understanding that we are not to just watch but to participate when the Priest celebrates the sacrifice of the mass-- that our prayers - whatever we bring to Him are part of that sacrifice. We should be putting everyone we love--even our enemies as Christ instructed- on that alter to draw closer to God. These are lessons that I have learned recently (since Covid- hit) and am so thankful for the power of them.
When I used to go to a Lutheran church, the catholic bishop, bishop Malone, used to come and say mass once in a while, trying to remind Lutherans you guys are actually catholic, become one church again. It was actually beautiful
I love the moment when I take the body and blood of Christ. And I love that the prayers of the priest and the people have brought the miracle of transubstantiation. I actually have the watering of my mouth and the thirst for it. On the surface it looks like bread and a sip of wine, but it is the body and blood of Christ in heaven and earth.
The prayers and actions of priest alone brings the Incarnate Word on the Altar not the people.... we unite our prayers with the sacrifice he is offering. He by virtue of his ordination has this ability
Christians have no trouble believing that God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and they think that is so cool i wish God would appear to me. Every time you receive communion He is right there in your hand.
I used to wish I would receive an apparition from God like so many Holy Saints did, but I realized how much extra suffering they were called to endure. Now I just hope to squeak into heaven as an ordinary Christian and not be noticed too much.
This video reminded me of a book I have. It is "Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church as Communion," written by Cardinal Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI. Ratzinger's conversation with the Lutheran Bishop, Metropolitan Damaskinos of the Orthodox Church is well done, as well as his Declaration of the LORD God Jesus Christ, "Dominus Iesus," written in 2000, signed by Pope John Paul II. Full of the Word of God!
Would you [or perhaps you already have] make a video explaining why, as a Christian but non-Catholic, I am able to take communion at other Churches but not partake in the Eucharist at a Catholic Church. Thank you. I have very much enjoyed listening to your talks, loved hearing about your journey, may you make many more. Thank you again.
The first half of the Mass is the Last Supper. The second half of the Mass is when Jesus broke the bread, blessed it, gave it to His Apostles, saying "This is my Body, this is my Blood", incorporating it into the Last Supper, now the Mass.
I would like to see you talk with an Eastern Orthodox Christian on the Eucharist. They share much of what we believe on Eucharist (their minor difference, aside from some Orthodox Christians' thinking us unwashed or you not truly ordained, whereas others, e.g., Fr. Angelo Maggos of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Rochester, NY, would admit you are validly ordained, is when they think consecration occurs, i.e., at the epiclesis, which they have after the institutional narrative).
I have taken Communion at a Catholic church.... my Grandma made me do it. She was Catholic. She had a meeting with her Priest (I attend a Pentacostal church) and "got permission". Turns out he switch the elements! He had regular grape juice and a piece of bread waiting for me. 🤣 Oh well. Grandma was very happy.
I wouldn’t say I feel superior to our Protestant brothers and sisters. I would just say I’m up for battling my demons and changing for the lord vs taking life a little easier on myself. At a certain point nothing of this world means anything. And at that point you need the truth that only the Catholic Church can offer.
I wonder whether what Jesus was doing at the Last Supper was to explain to his disciples what these two things (the bread and the cup) were within the Passover meal? But in doing that he certainly institutes a new ritual which we, as believers, are to follow. So he might have been saying that 'this bread (which we are about to eat as part of the Passover meal) symbolises 'my body' - not that it is literally his body. And the cup, which he took after dinner, was always meant to symbolise his blood, even in the Passover meal. So he was unveiling the true meaning of these things within that ritual. But from that, he definitely intended it to become an ongoing ritual for believers and I believe that partaking in it has very powerful ongoing spiritual significance.
Am I the only one who was just eagerly waiting to watch the Protestant comment assuming what he might say? Jokes aside loved the video and all ideas shared God bless you fr. Casey
Fr Casey, ""eucharist ... the source and summit of our lives as Catholics" (time 0:11). Yes, "source ... of our lives". Lives as consenting in uncertainty of belief to be joined as consecrated family members in consecrated marriages is the "summit". "Catholic" is a helper of the family procreation gift role, not a family member identity in need of union.
The Mass is most importantly a Sacrifice. It is the unbloody representation of the Sacrifice on the Cross. Oh I got the whole “Meal “ theology back in the 70’s with my unhabited Sister in Catholic school. I had to seek out the Church’s true teaching about the Eucharist. This is just watering down
Completing the knowledge of God, the Eucharist carries the incarnation by uniting us to the Being of Christ, whom the apostles, men like us, saw with their eyes (quote from a doctor of the Church).
Considering the importance of the Eucharist in the Church - I've wondered why the Catholic version of the Apostle's Creed does not include our belief in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
I mean saying “the holy Catholic Church” in the prayer says we believe in the teachings of the church as well concluding the eurchatist involved. So we are saying it but not specifically.
@@VanillaGorilla3Catholic in this context doesn't specifically mean Roman Catholic - it refers to a more universal church on earth. Hence the Apostles' Creed is used across denominations, including in the Anglican Communion, for example.
I asked this question to my priest. The creeds deal with matters that were debated at the time. The Eucharist was a given when both creeds were written, the second one in 325 AD Also, many protestant faiths use the same creeds.
@@rhysking2728 It means the Church Jesus founded on the Rock of Peter. It includes the Western and Eastern Catholic Churches. It doesn't apply to Protestantism or Anglicanism because they are man made.
Video idea: Is it okay for a Catholic to celebrate Halloween? The reason I’m asking this is because Halloween is All Hallow’s Eve which comes before All Hallow’s Day which is also known as All Saints Day. However, some people say Halloween is a way to invite demons. So, hopefully you make a video on this.
May 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany, the Holy Eucharist was given to Muhterem Aras, President of the regional Parliament and a Muslim, on behalf of the so-called "eucharistic hospitality". 28 August 2023 in Brasil, Archbishop Steinmetz gave the Holy Eucharist to cheikh Ahmad Saleh Mahairi, founder of a local mosque. It is still being debated which of these acts or the subsequently provided justifications are the most shocking. Don't blame people for leaving the Catholic faith when priests just convert the holy ciborium into a common bowl of potato chips to entertain mere visitors.
Depends on the topic and the nature of the agnostic/atheist. I'm not interested in debates, but I love to talk about lots of topics with people of good will.
For me, the real tragedy is that there is no dialogue.. among Christians ! Every decade, the different traditional churches should organize and discuss matters of faith. From Ethiopia to Moscow, to Rome. Nothing would be off the table. In other words.... *MAKE CONCILES GREAT AGAIN* .
Bishop Barron recently presented a talk where he observed that the majority of Roman Catholics in the USA consider the eucharist to be symbolic. Bishop Barron was determined to ensure Roman Catholic teaching was offered to parishioners on this matter. But it does indicate that most parishioners and I imagine many priest and Bishops share the same view as Methodist. This would be hardly unusual. Most Christians church adherents would know little of theological teachings.
@@nightyew2160 We outsiders get so amused that Christians spend some much time having a go at each up... Keep it up. But don't wonder why your own children couldn't be bothered listening to ignorant clergy and priest when they can read the original in Greek - and see all the errors
@@russellmiles2861 I am glad I could amuse you, but I don't intend any hostility to other Christians in any way. I had an interdenominational family, and though that generation has passed, we really never spent time having a go at one another over our theological differences. Unfortunately our local school only teaches Spanish, but the one person I know who studied the Bible in Greek continues to respect the priesthood and advocate for the Catholic understanding of Scripture. So, yeah, I would be really surprised if your prediction came true. I suspect if the next generation decides to leave the Church it will be due to ignorance, wish fulfillment, or apathy rather than expertise in Biblical languages.
Jesus Christ performed the first Mass at The Last Supper with His apostles, told them to continue it until He returns. When the Priest blesses the bread & wine, they transform into The Body & Blood of Jesus Christ; this is The Transubstantiation. This only occurs in a Catholic or Orthodox Mass. Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is the most beautiful, powerful & intimate union we can have with Him while on earth. Beautiful Faith! 1 Cor11:23-29,Jn 6:51-59
You're on something of a hotstreak (quality-wise, at least) right now aren't you, Father? This was a really good video, and I think it does a lot of benefit to the perception of you. If you'll permit me to analyze you a bit, your internet persona is largely focused on being an accessible and gentle person, perfect for the average person to come to when they're just dipping their toes in the idea of Catholicism. Whilst (I, at least) logically understand that in order for you to have completed seminary you had to have completed X amount of theology and X amount of philosophy, by the very nature of your internet persona you don't seem like a philosophically charged person, and (forgive me for saying this) you don't present as a wise person. Of course, this is down to stereotyping, everyone *knows* that a 'wise philosopher' looks like Socrates - approximately 55 years old, male pattern baldness, long grey-white beard, scowling constantly with his wrinkled face, and speaks in an unnecessarily long-winder manner - not a youthful looking man with a clean haircut and normal dark brown hair. This video did a good job of showing that you are indeed a wise person. I think it did a great job of complementing the gentle and kind persona you've built, by fleshing it out with some philosophy and wisdom. Thank you for the work you do. Keep up the good work, I will pray for you.
Good content Father. For me I will stick with the church founded by Jesus in 33AD. I feel for our protestant brothers and sisters. Kind of like they are rounding 3rd base but dont know where home plate is.
Did Jesus lie to us or try to trick us about the Eucharist? Of course not. Then why would he tell us unless you eat my body and drink my blood you will not have life within you? Many did not believe and walked away.
Us Anglicans are a good chunk of Protestants worldwide (the biggest actually) and the majority of us have quite a high view of the Eucharist. I’d love a comparison between the Episcopalian and American Catholic liturgies, since Vatican II changed a lot for us too, making us more Catholic. Theologically I think Vatican II solved most of the issues that the early reformers had with the Catholic Church.
“Wherefore, strictly adhering, in this matter, to the decrees of the pontiffs, our predecessors, and confirming them most fully, and, as it were, renewing them by our authority, of our own initiative and certain knowledge, we pronounce and declare that ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been, and are, absolutely null and utterly void.” -Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curiae, on the nullity of Anglican orders (schismatics)
"Theologically I think Vatican II solved most of the issues that the early reformers had with the Catholic Church." I think there's a good deal of truth to that. Certainly between Anglicans and Catholics, but even more broadly with Protestants in general. Obviously it is going to depend on who you are talking to, but I think a lot of 'differences' in the modern day are more a matter of vocabulary or rather than theology. In many other cases, where there is a real difference, the modern Protestants who disagree with Catholics, Anglicans, Eastern Orthodox, etc. also disagree with the reformers - they just don't realize that they've changed - so unfortunately just working out the issues that the reformers had won't solve everything but it will at least help those of us who are closer to being on the same page.
@@John_Fisher that’s my hope. I long for a world where Anglicans, Lutherans, orthodox, Roman, etc can be in communion in unity over uniformity. I’ll continue to pray and work towards that future.
This comment is crazy : "We do not know God, not even Jesus Christ"! Meanwile Jesus himself tells us: “Whoever has seen me has seen God. Who knows me, knows God”. This is why we must learn a little more every day about Jesus-Christ. How ? by reading the Gospel, by praying to God, by going to the sacraments and by putting the Gospel into practice in our ordinary lives. And by practicing, Faith, Hope and Charity. But the most important is indeed the Charity (Saint Paul).
I don't remember anyone saying this in the video, but it is possible the comment meant, "We do not even know Jesus Christ," rather than, "Not even Jesus Christ knows God."
I'm a year too late, but here we go. It's called a faith becaus you don't have full 100% proof for it. When I was in a deep pit in my life, I experienced the tenderness of Christ and it shined like a light.Those "bunch of stories" are the words that CHrist wants us to read and learn, and become better people. Loving another is all it comes to. Christ loves us, and that's enough for us to love others, even if it may be silly. I believe that this is divinity in its most simpele and clair form, and the very 'proof' of my faith
@@mariannakrejniuk6858if you don't believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist, you cannot partake in receiving. Doesn't matter if we are all Christians, there is only one true church. The Catholic church.
I'm in my Adult catholic classes and can't wait for my first communion
Wonderful. Enjoy and God Bless.
@@francesmanderson176 Thank you, please pray for me
@@antoniosanjurjo8442 With pleasure and prayers. 🙏
I am cradle Catholic and I am also taking this classes, I am learning so much! Welcome home brother.
Likewise. I'm glad to be home.
This girl is very knowledgeable about GOD. She is well taught by her parents and the church she goes to. GOOD JOB little lady 🙏🙏🙏
Her view is closest to my understanding of the Eucharist.
She also has good taste in food lol
And great job, mom and dad!
So the 5th grader is at the level of understanding I was when I was in my 20s... wow!!
One thing that I found impressive was the depth of understanding, and the appreciation for the significance of the Eucharist, as expressed by both the elementary school girl and the college freshman. There is always an air of condescension towards the youth when it comes to matters of religion. They are stereotyped as being dismissive of faith and they are characterized as treating Mass as a cumbersome ritual devoid of meaning. Clearly these two young people offer a nice counterpoint to that narrative. They demonstrate the power of being properly catechized and they are a cause for celebration and hope for future generations.
Well done Father Casey. I came back to the Catholic Church as a result of the videos you and Father Patrick have posted which I followed up by taking Catholic Theology classes at the McGrath Institute. I just started my adult confirmation class at my local parish. May the Lord richly bless you both.
Me as well! I stumbled upon their uploads last year and have come back to the Catholic Faith. I was Methodist for several years
As a person who recently turned Protestant (Reformed) from Greek-Catholic, I'm really glad that you decided to make a video in a longer time format, in which you not only discuss your own/catholic interpretation, but also engage in interdenominational dialogue. I'm grateful for not trying to disregard or forget about other views about Lord's Supper/Communion.
I'm really thankful to you for promoting Christianity.
May the Lord help you with that.
God bless you. ❤
Igor, turning protestant is protesting Christ's Church. Really pray and discern. Christ wants you in his church. Jezu ufam tobie!
@@KH-vp4ni It was charitable for you to say this. God bless! ❤️
Igor, if I may ask, why is it that you have turned away from the Catholic Church?
My mother taught us the the mass is built around the sacrament of receiving the eucharist - the most sacred part of the mass, our communing, becoming physically joined with Jesus. We are following God's commandment and Jesus's instruction because of his etetnal sacrifice for us. Being present in the mass, being in a state of grace and preparing to receive the eucharist and taking thst firward into our daily lives and relationships to others and the world is enormous but also intimate, very special.
My parents wouldn’t take the Eucharist for a large part of their marriage. They are devoted Catholics (dad died) dad prayed the rosary daily, so it was mind boggling. I could only presume it was because they not only didn’t love each other anymore but because they didn’t like each other. I figured they thought they were in a state of perpetual sin. They never offered an explanation. But it would bother me. My mom wouldn’t take the Eucharist as late as last month. I brought her over to Spain with me from the US six weeks ago and had her go into to confessional. Now I make sure she goes up to receive the body of Christ every Sunday. Thank you for this.
40 years ago, one of the priests at my parish was Vietnamese. He spent years at a prison camp in Cambodia. On Corpus Christi we had our yearly church picnic at a local Boy Scout camp. He said Mass outside under the trees. His sermon was about his experience in the camp, when RedCross workers would smuggle in consecrated hosts and what it meant to the Catholic prisoners. He had a friend there who was a Buddhist monk. He talked about how the sharing of the Eucharist brought the Catholics together and gave them strength in the horror they were living in and how his people had nothing doing that for them. I can’t convey the power of that sermon but people who were there still mention it 40 years later.
that is the power of great Catholic preaching. Drawn from the scriptures and personal life experience magnified through grace. God bless that father and the Vietnamese people whi paid for their faith in blood!
I loved father Vinh, but I think the French Catholics really screwed up in Vietnam. Vietnam was 80% Buddhist, but the wealth and the power were controlled by the French and Vietnamese Catholics. The majority of Vietnamese lived in abject poverty. That kind of situation leads to turmoil. Ho Chi Minh started out as a nationalist. He appealed to the US for aid. We had treaties with the French and turned him down. Ho then appealed to China and the USSR. The rest is history.
I’m a convert from a pretty strict Protestant faith - 32 years now. One of the many reasons I decided to do it was that I’ve always been drawn to mystery. The experience of it. But for the longest time I didn’t think much about what it meant. If I did, I was one of those who figured it was symbolic and lovely but I totally didn’t get it. Then I started a contemplative practice in my prayer life. Chugged along with that for awhile, life getting more meaningful (and HARDER). When Pope Francis suggested we try to experience it. So I made a big decision - I stopped trying to figure it out! I chose to bring Contemplation into it. It was a long time with nothing much changing except turning my brain off, over and over. Then one day, at an especially challenging moment, He was in front of me. He held my face in His hands, looked at me, and said, “Shhh. Shhh. I’m here. I’m right here with you.” No kidding. It hasn’t happened again but I can savor it always. Just stop trying to figure it out. Experience it. I did. Thankfully always.
Jesus said, "Take and eat." He did not say "Take and understand." I am OK with not having a perfect understanding of the Eucharist, so long as I am allowing Jesus into my life. I have not done a good job of running my life. Allowing Jesus into my heart to control and direct my life is making things much better.
Well put. I can't imagine everyone at the "last supper" knew how Jesus fit into the passover story. But they participated❤
Happy feast of St. Francis, Fr. Casey! PAX ET BONUM.
Thanks for the video.
Happy Feast of St Francis today!! God bless you!! Thank you for your ministry and that of your fellow friars! 🙏🙏🙏
Happy St Francis day Father Casey!
This was a really cool idea to invite so many different people to share their thoughts and experiences. Awesome video
Happy feast of St. Francis!
This is interesting. There is no better way to illustrate how impactful something is than by showing how people, from different walks of life and different levels of comprehension, can view something. Given the centrality of the Eucharist in our Catholic liturgy, being the climax to the story of salvation that we reenact at every Mass, it is wonderful to see how different people see this experience. You are truly a good teacher for coming up with such a unique way of conveying the salience of the Eucharistic celebration. Thank you Father Casey.
This is probably one of the greatest video ideas you’ve ever had. Awesome!
May God reward you with goodness and provide you with goodness without expectation, Amen⚘️💕
Thank you for all of your videos.
Wish you a great feast day of St Francis!
I really like this format Fr. Casey. It's great to see you talk about the Eucharist in several different ways, with different individuals. This is good stuff to remember, especially with regards to evangelization and meeting people where they are, rather than expecting them to "fill in the gaps".
Happy Feast - Day of St. Francis!
Father, you give me so much hope for Catholic UA-cam. Thank you for your channel. I know it’s rough around here 🙏
This is wonderful! Very well thought out and put together! It was good to include the Protestant. I appreciate you and your ministry. I am so glad you are my brother in Christ!
This was really great to hear so many different perspectives. I've logically understood the importance of the Eucharist, but hadn't really considered what that actually means and how it reflects in my life outside of liturgy.
This was such a wonderful video. In particular, I'm thankful that the Protestant you chose was someone who was not vehemently anti-Catholic. As a Protestant, it reminds me that my Catholic brothers and sisters place a lot of importance on the Eucharist. We need to remember that Catholics believe the Eucharist is the actual body and blood or our Lord, not just a symbol.
These were very good conversations. Thank you for sharing them, Father.
I think this format leads to a good survey and discussion of the topic. Try it out for some other topics, hopefully it does well.
"When Heaven touches Earth". Wow that is a powerful statement.
Love this especially being in a hlaf catholic and half Lutheran house hold i still find myself torn.
This video was fabulous! Father Casey took such a great approach by not talking at us, but talking with us and dialoging with them about their perspectives. All those who participated had great insights. The younger people had such a depth of faith that truly showed. I was glad to hear from the Protestant who provides more nuance and helps us appreciate the Eucharist. Overall, it's clear that the Eucharist is not just a ritual, but ultimately one moment in a way of life.
This was a great episode. Everyone was so articulate and insightful, yet each interview approached the Eucharist from a different angle.
Thanks for the video. Come Lord Jesus!
Thank you for taking time with one of our brothers to hear him out on the eucharist.
Francis Piché , Grand knight , council 3096 L'Assomption , Québec , Canada
i watched a Eucharistic Miracle video on youtube at 30y/o and that is only when it hits me that It really is the body of Jesus. i tried to understand more of it and now, the Mass and Eucharist has never been the same. ❤✝️
Very well done Father!
Holy moly, thank you Father Casey ❤
Beautiful video! These young people have so much faith, I was very inspired by them
Loved this~ thank you Father for sharing such a beautiful discussion. Growing our faith is a never ending process. The Eucharist is the most intimate relationship we can have here on earth. Truly understanding that He lives in us and becomes part of us at the Table of our Lord is an overwhelming reality. Also, understanding that we are not to just watch but to participate when the Priest celebrates the sacrifice of the mass-- that our prayers - whatever we bring to Him are part of that sacrifice. We should be putting everyone we love--even our enemies as Christ instructed- on that alter to draw closer to God. These are lessons that I have learned recently (since Covid- hit) and am so thankful for the power of them.
When I used to go to a Lutheran church, the catholic bishop, bishop Malone, used to come and say mass once in a while, trying to remind Lutherans you guys are actually catholic, become one church again. It was actually beautiful
I love the moment when I take the body and blood of Christ. And I love that the prayers of the priest and the people have brought the miracle of transubstantiation. I actually have the watering of my mouth and the thirst for it. On the surface it looks like bread and a sip of wine, but it is the body and blood of Christ in heaven and earth.
The prayers and actions of priest alone brings the Incarnate Word on the Altar not the people.... we unite our prayers with the sacrifice he is offering. He by virtue of his ordination has this ability
Christians have no trouble believing that God appeared to Moses in a burning bush and they think that is so cool i wish God would appear to me. Every time you receive communion He is right there in your hand.
I used to wish I would receive an apparition from God like so many Holy Saints did, but I realized how much extra suffering they were called to endure. Now I just hope to squeak into heaven as an ordinary Christian and not be noticed too much.
This video reminded me of a book I have. It is "Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith: The Church as Communion," written by Cardinal Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict XVI. Ratzinger's conversation with the Lutheran Bishop, Metropolitan Damaskinos of the Orthodox Church is well done, as well as his Declaration of the LORD God Jesus Christ, "Dominus Iesus," written in 2000, signed by Pope John Paul II. Full of the Word of God!
What a wonderful video….
. . . great video . . . simply thanks . . .
This is a great episode!
Excellent episode!
I see what format you got inspired by here! I would've never come up with the idea but it's brilliant!
We need to know those around us at Mass. When we call a person by name we affirm their dignity and build a relationship with them.
Would you [or perhaps you already have] make a video explaining why, as a Christian but non-Catholic, I am able to take communion at other Churches but not partake in the Eucharist at a Catholic Church. Thank you. I have very much enjoyed listening to your talks, loved hearing about your journey, may you make many more. Thank you again.
The first half of the Mass is the Last Supper. The second half of the Mass is when Jesus broke the bread, blessed it, gave it to His Apostles, saying "This is my Body, this is my Blood", incorporating it into the Last Supper, now the Mass.
I love the Eucharist. It makes me feel so whole, if that makes sense
God loves you... and I'm trying. 🤣🤣🤣. I love that part
Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6.17)
"welcome to the dark side" the honesty is appreciated. Truer words were never spoken.
I would like to see you talk with an Eastern Orthodox Christian on the Eucharist. They share much of what we believe on Eucharist (their minor difference, aside from some Orthodox Christians' thinking us unwashed or you not truly ordained, whereas others, e.g., Fr. Angelo Maggos of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Rochester, NY, would admit you are validly ordained, is when they think consecration occurs, i.e., at the epiclesis, which they have after the institutional narrative).
Amen ❤️🔥🙏🛐
It would be an interesting episode for you to talk with a confessional Lutheran.
As a Confessional Lutheran myself I would also love to see that.
Really cool take on the Eucharist
I have taken Communion at a Catholic church.... my Grandma made me do it. She was Catholic. She had a meeting with her Priest (I attend a Pentacostal church) and "got permission".
Turns out he switch the elements!
He had regular grape juice and a piece of bread waiting for me. 🤣
Oh well.
Grandma was very happy.
I wouldn’t say I feel superior to our Protestant brothers and sisters. I would just say I’m up for battling my demons and changing for the lord vs taking life a little easier on myself. At a certain point nothing of this world means anything. And at that point you need the truth that only the Catholic Church can offer.
Poinciana shrub in aquamarine crystal
Its base is turquoise, studded with rubies
Its light shimmers like beautiful fluorite⚘️💕
I wonder whether what Jesus was doing at the Last Supper was to explain to his disciples what these two things (the bread and the cup) were within the Passover meal? But in doing that he certainly institutes a new ritual which we, as believers, are to follow. So he might have been saying that 'this bread (which we are about to eat as part of the Passover meal) symbolises 'my body' - not that it is literally his body. And the cup, which he took after dinner, was always meant to symbolise his blood, even in the Passover meal. So he was unveiling the true meaning of these things within that ritual. But from that, he definitely intended it to become an ongoing ritual for believers and I believe that partaking in it has very powerful ongoing spiritual significance.
Great video
a great video
I'm a protestant but believe in the eucharist as the mystical reception of the body and blood of Christ.
Am I the only one who was just eagerly waiting to watch the Protestant comment assuming what he might say?
Jokes aside loved the video and all ideas shared
God bless you fr. Casey
I remember 5th grade. Worst 3 years of my live.
Ha Ha
Nice set and interview design.
Is it correct, when i describe transubstantiation that it is basically being at the last super with Jesus and the disciples?
That's an element, yes. It doesn't capture the whole thing but yes!
Catholic Church is the greatest gift of God
Fr Casey, ""eucharist ... the source and summit of our lives as Catholics" (time 0:11).
Yes, "source ... of our lives".
Lives as consenting in uncertainty of belief to be joined as consecrated family members in consecrated marriages is the "summit".
"Catholic" is a helper of the family procreation gift role, not a family member identity in need of union.
Do a story on Episcopalian Nuns.
Christ is King.
Yes he is indeed! Vivo Christo Rey! Ave María! 🇻🇦🙏✝️🙏🇻🇦
The Mass is most importantly a Sacrifice. It is the unbloody representation of the Sacrifice on the Cross.
Oh I got the whole “Meal “ theology back in the 70’s with my unhabited Sister in Catholic school. I had to seek out the Church’s true teaching about the Eucharist. This is just watering down
Completing the knowledge of God, the Eucharist carries the incarnation by uniting us to the Being of Christ, whom the apostles, men like us, saw with their eyes (quote from a doctor of the Church).
Considering the importance of the Eucharist in the Church - I've wondered why the Catholic version of the Apostle's Creed does not include our belief in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
"Catholic version"? There is no other.
I mean saying “the holy Catholic Church” in the prayer says we believe in the teachings of the church as well concluding the eurchatist involved.
So we are saying it but not specifically.
@@VanillaGorilla3Catholic in this context doesn't specifically mean Roman Catholic - it refers to a more universal church on earth. Hence the Apostles' Creed is used across denominations, including in the Anglican Communion, for example.
I asked this question to my priest. The creeds deal with matters that were debated at the time. The Eucharist was a given when both creeds were written, the second one in 325 AD Also, many protestant faiths use the same creeds.
@@rhysking2728 It means the Church Jesus founded on the Rock of Peter. It includes the Western and Eastern Catholic Churches. It doesn't apply to Protestantism or Anglicanism because they are man made.
Love that college girl.
Nice vid!
Video idea: Is it okay for a Catholic to celebrate Halloween?
The reason I’m asking this is because Halloween is All Hallow’s Eve which comes before All Hallow’s Day which is also known as All Saints Day. However, some people say Halloween is a way to invite demons. So, hopefully you make a video on this.
Father Chris Alar have a video on this. you can try to check it out on his Explaining the Faith series 😊
like this format do it again once a month?
May 2022 in Stuttgart, Germany, the Holy Eucharist was given to Muhterem Aras, President of the regional Parliament and a Muslim, on behalf of the so-called "eucharistic hospitality".
28 August 2023 in Brasil, Archbishop Steinmetz gave the Holy Eucharist to cheikh Ahmad Saleh Mahairi, founder of a local mosque.
It is still being debated which of these acts or the subsequently provided justifications are the most shocking.
Don't blame people for leaving the Catholic faith when priests just convert the holy ciborium into a common bowl of potato chips to entertain mere visitors.
I want to return to my 5th grade understanding of the Eucharist. I have added so much baggage to The Body of Christ that It is often unrecognizable.
Imagine how the dialogue will turn out if Fr. Casey talks to an agnostic/atheist
Depends on the topic and the nature of the agnostic/atheist. I'm not interested in debates, but I love to talk about lots of topics with people of good will.
@@BreakingInTheHabitcould you do a review of the Play God on Trail
For me, the real tragedy is that there is no dialogue.. among Christians !
Every decade, the different traditional churches should organize and discuss matters of faith. From Ethiopia to Moscow, to Rome. Nothing would be off the table.
In other words.... *MAKE CONCILES GREAT AGAIN* .
The Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists do believe in the real presence (although, like the Orthodox shy away from the term "Transubstantiation").
Bishop Barron recently presented a talk where he observed that the majority of Roman Catholics in the USA consider the eucharist to be symbolic. Bishop Barron was determined to ensure Roman Catholic teaching was offered to parishioners on this matter. But it does indicate that most parishioners and I imagine many priest and Bishops share the same view as Methodist. This would be hardly unusual. Most Christians church adherents would know little of theological teachings.
Ironically, you don't actually have the real presence without a real and valid priesthood.
@@nightyew2160 We outsiders get so amused that Christians spend some much time having a go at each up... Keep it up. But don't wonder why your own children couldn't be bothered listening to ignorant clergy and priest when they can read the original in Greek - and see all the errors
@@russellmiles2861 I am glad I could amuse you, but I don't intend any hostility to other Christians in any way. I had an interdenominational family, and though that generation has passed, we really never spent time having a go at one another over our theological differences. Unfortunately our local school only teaches Spanish, but the one person I know who studied the Bible in Greek continues to respect the priesthood and advocate for the Catholic understanding of Scripture. So, yeah, I would be really surprised if your prediction came true. I suspect if the next generation decides to leave the Church it will be due to ignorance, wish fulfillment, or apathy rather than expertise in Biblical languages.
Jesus Christ performed the first Mass at The Last Supper with His apostles, told them to continue it until He returns. When the Priest blesses the bread & wine, they transform into The Body & Blood of Jesus Christ; this is The Transubstantiation. This only occurs in a Catholic or Orthodox Mass. Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion is the most beautiful, powerful & intimate union we can have with Him while on earth. Beautiful Faith! 1 Cor11:23-29,Jn 6:51-59
You're on something of a hotstreak (quality-wise, at least) right now aren't you, Father?
This was a really good video, and I think it does a lot of benefit to the perception of you. If you'll permit me to analyze you a bit, your internet persona is largely focused on being an accessible and gentle person, perfect for the average person to come to when they're just dipping their toes in the idea of Catholicism. Whilst (I, at least) logically understand that in order for you to have completed seminary you had to have completed X amount of theology and X amount of philosophy, by the very nature of your internet persona you don't seem like a philosophically charged person, and (forgive me for saying this) you don't present as a wise person. Of course, this is down to stereotyping, everyone *knows* that a 'wise philosopher' looks like Socrates - approximately 55 years old, male pattern baldness, long grey-white beard, scowling constantly with his wrinkled face, and speaks in an unnecessarily long-winder manner - not a youthful looking man with a clean haircut and normal dark brown hair.
This video did a good job of showing that you are indeed a wise person. I think it did a great job of complementing the gentle and kind persona you've built, by fleshing it out with some philosophy and wisdom. Thank you for the work you do. Keep up the good work, I will pray for you.
Pax et bonum
How about the beggars outside shops? Some of them are in organised gangs. I never give now. I give directly to the charity.
Good content Father. For me I will stick with the church founded by Jesus in 33AD. I feel for our protestant brothers and sisters. Kind of like they are rounding 3rd base but dont know where home plate is.
Did Jesus lie to us or try to trick us about the Eucharist?
Of course not.
Then why would he tell us unless you eat my body and drink my blood you will not have life within you? Many did not believe and walked away.
I love this video, but I'm surprised you don't add chapter breaks between each guest.
Us Anglicans are a good chunk of Protestants worldwide (the biggest actually) and the majority of us have quite a high view of the Eucharist. I’d love a comparison between the Episcopalian and American Catholic liturgies, since Vatican II changed a lot for us too, making us more Catholic.
Theologically I think Vatican II solved most of the issues that the early reformers had with the Catholic Church.
“Wherefore, strictly adhering, in this matter, to the decrees of the pontiffs, our predecessors, and confirming them most fully, and, as it were, renewing them by our authority, of our own initiative and certain knowledge, we pronounce and declare that ordinations carried out according to the Anglican rite have been, and are, absolutely null and utterly void.”
-Pope Leo XIII, Apostolicae Curiae, on the nullity of Anglican orders (schismatics)
"Theologically I think Vatican II solved most of the issues that the early reformers had with the Catholic Church."
I think there's a good deal of truth to that. Certainly between Anglicans and Catholics, but even more broadly with Protestants in general. Obviously it is going to depend on who you are talking to, but I think a lot of 'differences' in the modern day are more a matter of vocabulary or rather than theology. In many other cases, where there is a real difference, the modern Protestants who disagree with Catholics, Anglicans, Eastern Orthodox, etc. also disagree with the reformers - they just don't realize that they've changed - so unfortunately just working out the issues that the reformers had won't solve everything but it will at least help those of us who are closer to being on the same page.
Vatican 2 promoted a lot of errors
@@oliveri9407 thanks! You’ve added nothing new to the conversation. And ignored a lot of hard work of reconciliation done by ARCIC. Have a nice day.
@@John_Fisher that’s my hope. I long for a world where Anglicans, Lutherans, orthodox, Roman, etc can be in communion in unity over uniformity. I’ll continue to pray and work towards that future.
"Their perspectives", but you're lecturing them
This comment is crazy : "We do not know God, not even Jesus Christ"! Meanwile Jesus himself tells us: “Whoever has seen me has seen God. Who knows me, knows God”. This is why we must learn a little more every day about Jesus-Christ. How ? by reading the Gospel, by praying to God, by going to the sacraments and by putting the Gospel into practice in our ordinary lives. And by practicing, Faith, Hope and Charity. But the most important is indeed the Charity (Saint Paul).
I don't remember anyone saying this in the video, but it is possible the comment meant, "We do not even know Jesus Christ," rather than, "Not even Jesus Christ knows God."
do you have any proof that the supernatural exists or do you just believe in a bunch of stories
Open the eyes of your soul, man! 😂
If it's supernatural it can't be natural, so you can't have proof, genius.
I'm a year too late, but here we go. It's called a faith becaus you don't have full 100% proof for it. When I was in a deep pit in my life, I experienced the tenderness of Christ and it shined like a light.Those "bunch of stories" are the words that CHrist wants us to read and learn, and become better people. Loving another is all it comes to. Christ loves us, and that's enough for us to love others, even if it may be silly. I believe that this is divinity in its most simpele and clair form, and the very 'proof' of my faith
I think there shouldn't be any restriction to receive eucharist for people from other denominations.
Then you should learn more about the Catholic faith and think deeper.
I agree, but we Catholics are not the ones who excluded those denominations. They excluded themselves. 😢
@rhwinner I totally agree with you. I think there shouldn't be any reform in the first place but people should come to a conclusion together.
@iamian9322 I am catholic but I also mean the other way around when catholics join churches from other denominations. After all we're all christians.
@@mariannakrejniuk6858if you don't believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist, you cannot partake in receiving. Doesn't matter if we are all Christians, there is only one true church. The Catholic church.