F1 2012 PS3 Monaco - Heavy Rain

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @MasterMOUK
    @MasterMOUK  12 років тому +1

    Thanks for your comment Nelson, I like racing in the wet conditions its so much harder to drive when all assists are off and getting the set-up right is the key to driving in wet conditions on the limit. :D

  • @cheesecheese_powerrr9050
    @cheesecheese_powerrr9050 Рік тому +1

    Are ya doing carreer or not?

  • @MasterMOUK
    @MasterMOUK  12 років тому

    Hi ZuiPaddori, its so easy to pick the best car so I choose to drive the Caterham F1 car because I do like the challenge to drive a slower car and fight for a higher position. Its so much better to drive without assists, makes it more sim then arcade F1 game, Monaco, Valencia and Singapore are my favourite tracks. This recording was done on a PS3, I am playing this on the XBOX 360 and it looks much more closer to the PC version and plays alot smoother too.

  • @ZiuPaddoriBF43
    @ZiuPaddoriBF43 12 років тому +2

    Who knows, maybe in the future i'll come back to play F1 hoping with a level of reality even better ...you know now i'm busy in other stuff :D

  • @braescanlon6645
    @braescanlon6645 11 років тому +1

    they need to bring petrov back into f1 for the Russian gp next year

  • @ZiuPaddoriBF43
    @ZiuPaddoriBF43 12 років тому

    unfortunatly you didn't drove the best car :D
    Anyway very good.
    This is pc or PS3?
    I agree with you about driving with no assist, it's much more enjoyable and you feel better that you are the driver and not the pc.
    I have GP4 for pc and played alot in the past almost only Monza and Suzuka circuits, i liked alot these 2 that i become really good because i build i good setting and knew every point of the track.
    Conversely in the other circuits i totally sucked! :D

  • @nelsontorres4315
    @nelsontorres4315 12 років тому

    This video is very good .. finally someone who plays like I do .. very good friend..xDD, also on ps3..xDD

  • @braescanlon6645
    @braescanlon6645 11 років тому

    for some reason i can never do it with manual gears

  • @96froger
    @96froger 12 років тому +1

    vrum vrum vrum

  • @vladimirjeger
    @vladimirjeger 11 років тому

    You are not shifting properly :)

  • @miguelaranda1169
    @miguelaranda1169 3 роки тому


  • @Jejking
    @Jejking 11 років тому

    I like your enthusiasm, but your driving not so much :( Rain means drifting time! :D

  • @philipbeekman4626
    @philipbeekman4626 12 років тому

    slow, slower, Master MOUK.