That sounds great but how do i find out exactly what is being proposed in the bill? Also, there are many proposed developments in Gloucestershire that are threatening nature and climate as they are on greenfield sites with good biodiversity and carbon storage in the soil such as S.24/2024/OUT Development comprising up to 620 dwellings, Land South Of Haresfield Lane Hardwicke Gloucester. I would love more protection for these types of areas as they are often of great value in themselves but also provide connectivity with surrounding areas which would be lost if they are built on.
That sounds great but how do i find out exactly what is being proposed in the bill? Also, there are many proposed developments in Gloucestershire that are threatening nature and climate as they are on greenfield sites with good biodiversity and carbon storage in the soil such as S.24/2024/OUT Development comprising up to 620 dwellings, Land South Of Haresfield Lane Hardwicke Gloucester. I would love more protection for these types of areas as they are often of great value in themselves but also provide connectivity with surrounding areas which would be lost if they are built on.
Do you own a heat pump?
Because everything I'm reading says they don't work.