Sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish self-centered self-importance self-righteous stubborn politics and narrative is over you like or not kkkkkkkkkk
The General Tsadkan and Getachewv once they came to power as Transitional Government of Tigray through Abiy has a hidden agenda. This agenda is known to all Tigreans. It is complex nature. What I see today in Tigray after the war and particularly after the peace agreement in South Africa the major issues inside Tigray and Tigreans must be given priority. Where is Abiy and the Federal Government action in playing its role here providing all activities such as economic developments - such as providing the budgets, paying salaries, help communities repair damaged schools, Universities and overall the infrastructures. There are confusions among the civilian population in Tigray the role of a kind of two regional powers ( Tigray Administrative or Transitional Government positions). This looks anarchy is spreading around Tigray and this has to stop at any cost otherwise Tigray and Tigreans will pay heavy price. Personally, I feel sick this game is played by the people who knows the reality who have been in power and today they try to play putting their feet on two different fields at the same time. That is betrayal or sabotage for personal benefits.
Sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish they don't care about tegaru unless their advantage is in risk, we are sick and tired of those old fashioned clown few tplf they are joules of getachew and thadikan successes.
He is sick and tired of those old fashioned clown few tplf sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish self-centered self-importance self-righteous politics and narrative
Sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish self-centered self-importance self-righteous stubborn politics and narrative is over you like it or not kkkkkkkkkk, we are sick and tired of those old fashioned few tplf Clowns snacks the majority of tegaru are behind getachew and thadikan you like or not kkkkkkkkkk
You sound uneducated mhyme Shabia mafia denkurt most of you are elementary school drop out uneducated backwards living in the 16th century era go to your level Shabia denakurt media, ungreatful worth less get the hell out of here, gethika tirhak🎉duhulat the burden of tigray ethiopia east Africa and the world
ሓድነት ለያቡ እምበር ሓድነት ህዝቢ ሐዚውን አብ በትኡ እዩ። አስተውዕል! ብናትኩም ሓድነትማ ተጋሩ የለናን።
አነ እውን ጄኔራል ፃድቃን ኩሉ ትግራዋይ ክቃዎሞ ይግባእ ምኽንያቱ ጄ ፃድቃን ስለ ግዝአታት ትግራይ ናብ ዋነኦም ንክምለሱ ብፍፁም ድልየት የብሉን። ስለ ግዝአታት ትግራይ ጄኔ ፃድቃን ንምምላ አጀንድኡ የለን። ስለ ዲሞክራሲ እዩ ዘውግዕ ፍርቂ ትግራይ አረኪብኻ ሰለ ዲሞክራሲ አይኮነን ዝውጋዕ ።ፃድቃን ግዝአታን ተመዛበልትን ትግራይ ናብ ዋንኡ ክምለስ ድሌት የብሉን።
Sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish self-centered self-importance politics and narrative is over
ቃድቃን ! ይበል ስብከት ኣጋንንቲ ::
ተኸፋሊ ብልፅግና
Constructive comment from a real person . Thanks a lot ! !
ትኽክል ፅቡቕቲ ኣባሃህላ እያ እቱ ሓደ ብገርሁ እቱ ሓደ ለ ብጉርሑ የቐነየልና:: ሌ/ጀ/ ፃድቃን!
መንግስቲ ብልፅግና ንትግራይ ታእዩ ፅቡቅ ሰሪሕላ አታ ክንደይ ትሕሱ
እቶም ሐስውቴ ናይ ፃዳቃን ናይ ፕፕ ተኽፍልቴ ንኽብደኹ ታሐደሩ ካብ ርዕስ ትግራይ ውረዱ ርእሱኹም ትፍረስ ዕሱባታ ተክላት ዘይትረብሑ ሃደምቴ ፍጣሪ ንብዕት ውፁዑ ህዝብ ትግራይ እብ ልዕለኹም ውሑጀ ኻይኖ ይፍስስ በኻዐት
Sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish self-centered self-importance self-righteous stubborn politics and narrative is over you like or not kkkkkkkkkk
ስለ ጊታችውን ጻድቃን ክንሰምዕ አይንደልን። ሑሩም
መሬት ትግራይ ከተመለሰ ተመዛበልቲ ክምልስ ዝደሊ አድጊ ፃድቃን ተጋሩ ክውድኡ ስለዝደለየ እዩ
Tsadkan genzeb hizbi sebsibuwo zelo bi siweat tigray etti genzeb banki zello tehagiru mehekemi yigeziayom
ምጽላ ንጻድቃ ካብ ምንታይ ዝነቀለ? ጸለመ ትርጉም የብሉን::
አረጊት ከሀዲ ይሁዳ ጻድቃን ምስ ዓቢይ አህመድ ብይ ማዕረ ናብ ፍረዲ ጽነተት ትግራይ ይቅረብ። ጻድቃን ወንጀልኛ ኢዩ። ጻድቃን ሁሱር ኢዩ። ጻድቃን ውሩድ ኢዩ። ጻድቃን ናይ አእምሮ ህሙሙ ኢዩ ስለዚ ኢዩ ንይ 2 ዓመት አብ ዋዕላ ክፍ ኢሉ ንይ ተጋሩ ዝህምስ ዝከፍፍል ዘሎ። ጻድቃን ሰብ ዝምስል ፤ ዝብኢ ዝምሰል አራዊት እዩ። አረጊት ደንቆሮ። ክሀዲ። ውሩድ አረጊት። ክብረ ቢስ። ጻድቃን ገጽካ ይርሀቅ ኩፉእ መሽከል። ዱሁር ደንቆሮ።
ብዝኽኣሎ መጠን ዘርእዮ ጻዕሪ ንምፍሻል ትገብርዎ ይመስል። እንተተቓወምዎኸ መሰል ዶ አይኮነን? ንዋና ዜና ምብቃዕኹም እዩ ዝገረመኒ።
Jgna sh amet.nber jeneral.tsadka
Tigray bitegaru kiyimehader zrkewo. Politikawi afekalay ayitibelu nay siktan kurukus beliwo zeytewegidiwom entay tits8beyowom alekum kilte sekeste sebat gidefiwom.
እዚ ሚዲያ ካብ ሚዲያ ይወርድ አሎ ! ንምንታይ ኢኹም ትወርዱ ? እኒ ፈታይ ለውጢ ዝጸሐፎ ብተደጋጋሚ ተቅርቡ ? እሞ ሐደ ውታፍ ! በጃኹም ሚዲያ ምሰሉ
ፅሊትን አሌትን ወገናዊነትን ይትረፍ ንትግራይ ሓድነት ተቃለሱ ወሳኒ ሓድነት ኢዩ፡
Niminitay leyabu tiraha nab tsadikan gujile yiekebu ???
The General Tsadkan and Getachewv once they came to power as Transitional Government of Tigray through Abiy has a hidden agenda. This agenda is known to all Tigreans. It is complex nature. What I see today in Tigray after the war and particularly after the peace agreement in South Africa the major issues inside Tigray and Tigreans must be given priority. Where is Abiy and the Federal Government action in playing its role here providing all activities such as economic developments - such as providing the budgets, paying salaries, help communities repair damaged schools, Universities and overall the infrastructures. There are confusions among the civilian population in Tigray the role of a kind of two regional powers ( Tigray Administrative or Transitional Government positions). This looks anarchy is spreading around Tigray and this has to stop at any cost otherwise Tigray and Tigreans will pay heavy price. Personally, I feel sick this game is played by the people who knows the reality who have been in power and today they try to play putting their feet on two different fields at the same time. That is betrayal or sabotage for personal benefits.
Dege dege ayitibelu dege hanti ayigebrilomn eyom baelikum hagiziwom. Dege filtetom dirut eyu b8filay sweden.
Banda tsadkan
Sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish they don't care about tegaru unless their advantage is in risk, we are sick and tired of those old fashioned clown few tplf they are joules of getachew and thadikan successes.
Xadkan weyae zbahal kal aytkemn yedanial kbret luek ymesl
ኣሉላ ሰለሙን ግን ብከመይ ናብ ዝወረደ ናይ ፖለቲካ ሽርሒ ወሪዱ? መን ከማኹም እንዳበለ ንመራሕቲ ህውሓት መንጨብጨቢ 'ዶ ኣይነበረን። ነገሩ እኒስታሊን:ሃይለሚካኤል ከባርር ከሎ እኮ እዩ ውድቀቱ ዘቀላጠፈ...
He is sick and tired of those old fashioned clown few tplf sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish self-centered self-importance self-righteous politics and narrative
Salute Gen. Tsadkan.
ጌታቸውን ፃድቃን ናይ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ሓድነት ክፈላልዮ ናይ ትግራይ ሓይሊ ክበታትኑ ዝተላአኩ ስራሕ ፈፀምቲ ናይ አብይ እዮም ናይ ግዜ ጉዳይ እንበር አብ ቅድሚ ህዝቢ ትግራይ ናብ ሕጊ ክቀርብ እዮም
Sibhatawian corrupted group guhilatat billioner and millioner selfish self-centered self-importance self-righteous stubborn politics and narrative is over you like it or not kkkkkkkkkk, we are sick and tired of those old fashioned few tplf Clowns snacks the majority of tegaru are behind getachew and thadikan you like or not kkkkkkkkkk
Agame rigumati zerii mergemmin Ethiopias Agame game over Ethiopia fahifahii kitbili yaaa finish lemanoo
You sound uneducated mhyme Shabia mafia denkurt most of you are elementary school drop out uneducated backwards living in the 16th century era go to your level Shabia denakurt media, ungreatful worth less get the hell out of here, gethika tirhak🎉duhulat the burden of tigray ethiopia east Africa and the world