i bought them off ebay hahha i need to fully secure them with double sided tape eventually link for them is www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284533923226?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=TSKwYvMkSWq&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=B9bGWvuCSsq&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY i had to get some convex circle mirrors to stick on top anyways cuz these ones were flat
@@blaigeard5423 being comepletely honest they are flimsy hence i woudl reccomend putting double sided tape down as well but other than that they play the vision you get isn’t great but i compensate by having a big trace view that let’s me see my blind spot :)
Nice job
thank you man , stay subscribed we got some big plans for the build over winter
Do you know what brand those mirrors are? Or where you bought them
i bought them off ebay hahha i need to fully secure them with double sided tape eventually link for them is
i had to get some convex circle mirrors to stick on top anyways cuz these ones were flat
Ahh, okay. Yea I think those are the ones I found on Amazon also. People were saying they were a bit flimsy. How have they been holding up?
@@blaigeard5423 being comepletely honest they are flimsy hence i woudl reccomend putting double sided tape down as well but other than that they play the vision you get isn’t great but i compensate by having a big trace view that let’s me see my blind spot :)
Well thanks for the feedback and creating the video! Much appreciated