What a privilege to l isten to listen to Ronnie Mc Cracken again. We had him in our church for a week of nights, and he did a presentation on the Jewish festivals, Passover, Pentecost, Purim, and Tabernacles, Some people might think, and I say with all due respect because I was ones one of them, ? What have these borne against Christians got to offer me that I haven't already got. Sure I go to my church, I pay money into my church, I live a good life and God will never refuse me a place in Heven. Jesus said you must be born again or you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (John 3:) I never heard this preached once in my first church, And I thank the holy spirit for taking me out of it. For example if you think you can sit and watch soap opera's on t.v. during the week with all the ungodliness then go to church on Sunday you are not born again. For example is your Jesus the Jesus of John 14v6 When Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me. Or the Jesus of 1 Timothy 2: 5. for ther is one God and one mediation between God and man the man Chris Jesus. If not he is a counterfeit Jesus of the Devil 👿. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24: for let no man deceve you for many will come in my name and pretend to be me. ? And does your church or fellowship pass the 2 John 1 test when John warns us, Whoever transgress and does not abide in the doctrine of Chris does not have God. He who abides in Chris has both the father and the son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine do not receive him into your house nor greet him for he who greets him shares in his Evel deeds. The Jesus of John 14v6 is the only way. ( To be borne against you must). Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it, Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way witch leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:v13.14.
What a privilege to l isten to listen to Ronnie Mc Cracken again. We had him in our church for a week of nights, and he did a presentation on the Jewish festivals, Passover, Pentecost, Purim, and Tabernacles, Some people might think, and I say with all due respect because I was ones one of them, ? What have these borne against Christians got to offer me that I haven't already got. Sure I go to my church, I pay money into my church, I live a good life and God will never refuse me a place in Heven. Jesus said you must be born again or you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. (John 3:) I never heard this preached once in my first church, And I thank the holy spirit for taking me out of it. For example if you think you can sit and watch soap opera's on t.v. during the week with all the ungodliness then go to church on Sunday you are not born again. For example is your Jesus the Jesus of John 14v6 When Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father but by me. Or the Jesus of 1 Timothy 2: 5. for ther is one God and one mediation between God and man the man Chris Jesus. If not he is a counterfeit Jesus of the Devil 👿. Jesus warns us in Matthew 24: for let no man deceve you for many will come in my name and pretend to be me. ? And does your church or fellowship pass the 2 John 1 test when John warns us, Whoever transgress and does not abide in the doctrine of Chris does not have God. He who abides in Chris has both the father and the son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine do not receive him into your house nor greet him for he who greets him shares in his Evel deeds. The Jesus of John 14v6 is the only way. ( To be borne against you must). Enter by the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it, Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way witch leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:v13.14.
To God be the glory. Amen🙏
Amen praise the lord great to know the lord Jesus Christ as your own and personal saviour