Subscribed. I've got myself a £5er training plan from Training Peaks app and using Suunto to help with training. Have entered the full YorkshireMan marathon but feel currently I may have overdone it. Am used to 200 miler cycle rides but am rubbish at running too far at the mo!
Subscribed. I've got myself a £5er training plan from Training Peaks app and using Suunto to help with training. Have entered the full YorkshireMan marathon but feel currently I may have overdone it. Am used to 200 miler cycle rides but am rubbish at running too far at the mo!
You have got plenty of time to train. Just start slowly and build consistently. It’s a great route I’m sure you will love it
Great run Dom, do you think the blister was partly caused by you running different to protect the ankle? Saw the Instagram photo of it, painful stuff
That could very well be the cause I hadn’t thought about that