TRYING TO RECALL THE PLOT OF: Blazblue Central Fiction

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @voltekka47
    @voltekka47 4 роки тому +860

    Blazblue's plot is what people think Kingdom Hearts's plot is.

    • @MrMoises621
      @MrMoises621 4 роки тому +136

      except blazblue actually has some interesting concepts it explores

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +45

      If you mean when people make it complicated for no real reason, then yeah XD

    • @darmandez
      @darmandez 4 роки тому +160

      Blazblue somehow, SOMEHOW, goes one step beyond "It's convoluted for no reason and it's stupid" and it goes full circle and becomes "It's convoluted for no reason and it's stupid AND IT'S GLORIOUS".

    • @icylives1493
      @icylives1493 4 роки тому +15

      and i love them both for no reason

    • @soracool1234
      @soracool1234 4 роки тому +43

      @@dripgodragna4266 Kingdom hearts isn't convoluted for no reason. The story seems that way because of how Nomura tells it. Plot points are told and introduced out of place most of the time, to later be explained in another game. Its pretty similar to how Metal gear story is told. One game leaves you with 10 questions then another game answers 6 of those question while giving you another 5, that gets explained later.

  • @Terumimi
    @Terumimi 4 роки тому +687


  • @xAreuto
    @xAreuto 4 роки тому +425

    The trying to recall series shows that BlazBlue is a game with a story so difficult to retain information that you can make up an entirely different story and it would still make more sense than the original.

    • @ironmaster6496
      @ironmaster6496 4 роки тому +39

      Yeah, i personally like to pretend the game is a parody of anime (which is not hard considering the cast) and that the story is overly complicated on porpouse because theres no way for me to takenthis game Seriously

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +10

      I love how these guys try to recall the plot from memory, which is funny, but the plot really isn't overly complicated lol

    • @returnedtomonkey8886
      @returnedtomonkey8886 4 роки тому +3

      @@dripgodragna4266 maybe not but it's messier than a 12 tear old's room.

    • @carlbloke8797
      @carlbloke8797 4 роки тому +5

      Ragna The Bloodedge actually is is complicated

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +6

      @@carlbloke8797 No. It really isn't. I find the fandom themselves make the series more complicated than the series does itself.

  • @drasticplastic1218
    @drasticplastic1218 4 роки тому +266

    Kinda sad there was no mention of Azrael dropkicking his way out of dimension prison

    • @joshualowe959
      @joshualowe959 4 роки тому +12

      Amane was revelant. He became an Observer

    • @thatman666
      @thatman666 4 роки тому +11

      A missed opportunity to have face him battle Susanoo and die just to showcase the latter's prowess but whatever.

    • @albertwesker6826
      @albertwesker6826 4 роки тому +1

      @loafhero 1v1 an azrael main then, and i mean 1v1 me

    • @DarkSage861
      @DarkSage861 4 роки тому

      @loafhero Ricegum much?

  • @Marius1g
    @Marius1g 4 роки тому +191

    From what I understood from BlazBlue story, it is actually giant fanfic written by Saya in Master Unit and the goal of fanfic is to have perfect protagonist to meet author and have sex with her. It makes more sense that way.

    • @luislee3247
      @luislee3247 4 роки тому +70

      Yeah basically. Saya is the self-insert for Master Unit girl, who was sent there because human want some sort of salvation from God, which ironically overlapped with the girl's wish (a salvation for herself and her own kind) and turned the whole world into her fanfic.
      The observers are basically the pov, and as time goes by some characters started to become self-sentient. Those who realized the forth wall all went kind of mad (duh) and some wants to break the loop, but Master Unit girl just rewrite/reset the timeline whenever she's unhappy about the outcomes (failed salvation).
      One day she finally created a perfect hero/husbando Ragna to save her self-insert, and things continue to happen until Ragna realized his purpose, decided to go through the forth wall to be with Master Unit girl and fulfill her wish. The time loop finally stopped and Ragna no longer exist in this fiction.

    • @59hawks
      @59hawks 3 роки тому +10

      And the author is writing the protagonist as her older brother

    • @MoriXIII
      @MoriXIII 2 роки тому +5're correct

    • @peupater7414
      @peupater7414 2 роки тому +12

      As a blazblue lore enjoyer, I can confirm that you are completely correct.
      Literally, timelines get reset just because Saya doesn't like their endings (as in, the endings don't involve Ragna saving her).
      Ragna is literally the "dream of god" (aka the Centralfiction)
      This whole plot is something you'd find in some AO3 type stuff.

    • @christophereim4102
      @christophereim4102 2 роки тому +6

      No no more like there was this real person, the ORIGINAL Ragna from the Original Timeline. And he died while becoming a Black Beast to protect the Original Saya of the Original Timeline who became Amaterasu. And because she didnt want him to die, she created a NEW Ragna when she became God. So she is essentially making a Fan Fic with her Dead Brother with a Fan Fic Brother

  • @Danothyus1
    @Danothyus1 4 роки тому +128

    I can understand Kokonoe's anger "what do you mean i can't use my giant red robot to solve all my problems!?"

  • @devildeer292
    @devildeer292 4 роки тому +99

    "I'm really tempted to say they turn Tager into a space ship!"
    *Turns Hakumen into a spaceship instead*

  • @Ijustwasted
    @Ijustwasted 4 роки тому +276

    The whole "TRYING TO RECALL THE PLOT OF: Blazblue" series is honestly a great example of how to vet and pitch stories. Definitely keeping this one in the books for reference.
    Not to mention it's a great lot of fun.
    Thanks a bundle SugarPunch Design Works.

  • @NoName-md6fd
    @NoName-md6fd 4 роки тому +58

    - Minerva stops Earth Genova because she has a miniature cauldron inside her
    - Lambda is the spaceship, but they do need Hakumen to cut through the ping pong ball
    - Mu 12 merges with hades Izanami, she's the only one who can defeat her because they are both designed after Saya
    -Noel merges with Mu 12 between the Nine arc and the Izanami Arc.
    And my favorite moment :
    -To show everyone that Saya created a universe where the Murakumo units are treated like human beings, Noel asks everyone what they think of her.
    Everyone : "You are our friend Noel!"
    Noel turns to Rachel "Rachel?"
    Rachel : "You are a fucking robot!"

  • @pedrojofre8289
    @pedrojofre8289 4 роки тому +66

    to quote a man " when you really think about it, the history is not super difficult to understand, if you only follow Ragna" .
    this age like milk.
    Love this serie

  • @EnvyMizuhashi
    @EnvyMizuhashi 4 роки тому +83

    followed by Woolie's close-up face.

  • @tonifier7550
    @tonifier7550 4 роки тому +78

    "Relius can do whatever the fuck he wants" that is literally the one defining thing about him

    • @somecreativeperson6719
      @somecreativeperson6719 4 роки тому +19

      He didn't get his just desserts since the events of CS-CP, and in the end basically got away with all of it. It's hilarious.

  • @mallow2902
    @mallow2902 4 роки тому +27

    One detail you missed was that Hakumen's body, the Susanoo unit originally belonged to Terumi in the first place, and Susanoo, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi existed since the beginning of time as basically the main gods of the universe. Susanoo wanted to rule the world or something but Amaterasu the master unit said "nah fam" and cast him out essentially. Shinto mythology, or something.

  • @kieranmclaughlin264
    @kieranmclaughlin264 4 роки тому +165

    1. What happened with the world was that izanami took everyone who isn't importants soul and used then to make the embryo which is where the majority of the game takes place.
    2. Nine made an new master unit to fix everything because the master unit (saya) as far as nine is concerned, is to blame for everything bad.
    3. Izanami after being defeated tells the cast that if they kill Noel they can get their ideal world, there's alot of arguing about if they should or not.
    4.terumi's plan was to get the susanoo unit which is his original body, destroy everything the master unit made because it's his sister and he hates her alot.
    5. Saya aka amaterastu aka the master unit want's ragna to save her, He fails and so she resets the world, Ragna's continued existence as the titular "central fiction" ensures that nothing will change and everyone will keep suffering. So he uses mind eater to steal everyone's memories of him to save everyone thus he ceases to exist sort of.
    I enjoyed the video this is just to explain some stuff that was brushed over.

    • @azureheart2846
      @azureheart2846 4 роки тому +11

      Soul Eater.

    • @azureheart2846
      @azureheart2846 4 роки тому +3

      Trayvon Collins actually she’s Saya’s evil half. Torcher from Relius and Hazama was not good for her. Relius modified her body to be similar to a doll.

    • @genokaihl008
      @genokaihl008 4 роки тому +3

      Well said. I wanted to point out all the important things that the guy completely ignored but you pretty much summarize everything.

    • @Danb.arts06
      @Danb.arts06 4 роки тому +2

      There were a lot more points but those are the main ones to highlight

    • @Aripuni1
      @Aripuni1 4 роки тому +1

      @Trayvon Collins yeah more like izanami need a physical body (vessel) to exist

  • @TallenHeist
    @TallenHeist 4 роки тому +175

    The previous "try to recall the plot of" videos usually waited a decade after the game released so Majikura properly has trouble recalling what happens in them.
    Centralfiction needed only three.

    • @HellNutcase
      @HellNutcase 4 роки тому +7

      I think one would have been enough.

    • @Izanagi009
      @Izanagi009 4 роки тому +7

      @@HellNutcase 6 months would have been enough

    • @HellNutcase
      @HellNutcase 4 роки тому +3

      @@Izanagi009 next day would have been enough.

    • @Latias38
      @Latias38 4 роки тому +5

      @@HellNutcase 5 minutes would have been enough

    • @mynameisjimmy9827
      @mynameisjimmy9827 4 роки тому +5

      @@Latias38 walking into another room would have been enough

  • @HellNutcase
    @HellNutcase 4 роки тому +116

    >"And that's the end of BlazBlue"
    But then here comes BBTAG.

    • @Izanagi009
      @Izanagi009 4 роки тому +24

      BBTag is more tolerable story wise than BBCF, hell, the ver 2 story is just funny as hell

    • @killerbee1974
      @killerbee1974 4 роки тому +28

      cant escape from crossing fate

    • @Rhannmah
      @Rhannmah 4 роки тому +8

      There's a story in BBTAG?
      *almost 500 hours played

    • @LTDLetsPlays
      @LTDLetsPlays 4 роки тому +16

      and all characters except blazblue characters are butchered to all hell
      1:making hilda smart
      2: having the worst versions of persona 3-4 characters aka spinoff game versions like persona Q (they just made it worse)
      3: making waldstein only care about strenght even though in chronicle mode he was clearly shown he is protective of linne
      4: THAT FUCKING WEIRD MOMENT BEFORE hilda and gordeau fight you thats out of character
      5: minor one but it still annoyed me making carmine careless when comes to fighting opponents stronger than him in his chronicle story he deduces he cant beat gordeau at his current skill and power so he avoids him
      as you can tell im mostly offended on under night in birth cast butchering since im used to persona characters getting butchered by spinoffs

    • @bernkastel7438
      @bernkastel7438 4 роки тому

      I’m pretty sure cross tag isn’t canon

  • @DJmouchi777
    @DJmouchi777 4 роки тому +204

    Also, you literally could have just said it's all Terumi's fault. Because everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, leads back to Terumi. Except Azrael. He's too unga for him.

    • @garytaylor8193
      @garytaylor8193 4 роки тому +63

      Azreal just wanted throw hands with god thats all

    • @drasticplastic1218
      @drasticplastic1218 4 роки тому +66

      @@garytaylor8193 Azrael wanted to suplex deities. Did nothing wrong

    • @consumerjtc5835
      @consumerjtc5835 4 роки тому +44

      Azrael never was able to unga the gods though, big sad.

    • @albertwesker6826
      @albertwesker6826 4 роки тому +20

      UNGA 4 LIFE

    • @KurotsuchiShiShi
      @KurotsuchiShiShi 3 роки тому +14

      It's actually all Relius' fault.

  • @isthiscosure1701
    @isthiscosure1701 4 роки тому +75

    This serves no purpose other than a clarification no one cares about but I'll say it anyway:
    Man found the boundary (place of infinite energy), created robots to enter it since living people could not without harm or death, the robots gained souls, one of them found the Amaterasu and became the master unit, man vs the machine war, man killed themselves with nukes and stuff, Master Unit rewrote a new reality, Susanoo got sick of the Master Unit's reality, and to protect herself she mad a man exist that could save her, others got in the way of that plan and instead caused the timeloop, and so is the Universe of Blazblue at the start
    Within said universe, Ragna, Jin, and Saya were likely lab experiments from one of Relius' lab (hence how they all have that mark on their chest) and were rescued by Jubei, and from their you learn the events of calamity trigger and so on. Ragna gets sent back in time with Nu and become the blackbeast while fighting a different him from the past for a year, until he is defeated by the 6 heroes, time continues from their until Jubei rescues kid Ragna from the lab and hands down his coat and weapon. Jin followed him back in time and became hakumen, Saya became entirely possessed by the imperator (the master unit's drive), etc.
    So, in essence...the first game...was also the clock being reset.

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +14

      Also 95% of the first game doesn't actually matter lol Which is fun to think about

    • @returnedtomonkey8886
      @returnedtomonkey8886 4 роки тому +4

      @@dripgodragna4266 the first game is basically irelevant.

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +9

      @@returnedtomonkey8886 Yeeeeep. Only the True End really matters. The game helps you grow accustomed to the cast and how they tick. They're more like character studies; at least, that's how I looked at it.

    • @anthonyalston3407
      @anthonyalston3407 3 роки тому

      Basically even harder to understand Guilty Gear.

    • @isthiscosure1701
      @isthiscosure1701 3 роки тому +2

      @@anthonyalston3407 Guilty Gear is pretty simple, it’s just that there’s still information missing

  • @DJmouchi777
    @DJmouchi777 4 роки тому +60

    The Blazblue story would be a lot easier to digest if
    1. Every game had a glossary mode instead of just the later games. Highlight specific words and let you open the glossary as you play the story a la Granblue Versus.
    2. The localization team directly translated the terminology instead of replacing it with latin equivalents. Like, a lot of it sounds cool, but you know there's a problem when there's two different wikis for the same series.
    3. All the supplementary materials were released outside japan. I really enjoy the Blazblue story, but the only side material released in the west are the Xblaze VNs. The Phase Shift novels, Bloodedge Experience, Remix Heart and Variable Heart are all important to the main story. Celica is the lynchpin (heh) to Cronophantasma's plot. Naoto's existence and history with Relius and Valkenhayn are important to Central Fiction. Neither of the stories they're the main character of are in English. At least Mai got a chapter or two in Chronophantasma Extend.
    I kinda started ranting near the end but my point is that the story would be less hard to decipher if it wasn't so goddamn hard to get all the right information.

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +8

      All I have to say is the Bloodedge Experiencs Novels and Remix Heart/Variable Heart aren't important at all. Naoto barely had any relevance in the plot, only to show up moments at a time (should've just been a guest character). The only time Naoto did something of importance (or at all) was being Ragna's punching bag. Same could be said for Es. Mai too, since she also only shows up in the story mode for almost no time at all.
      The Phase Shift Novels aren't detrimental either unless you're just interested in what took place during the Dark War in greater detail. I'd say Phase Shift Zero is the only one that really matters, even if CP tells it to you anyway during the Six Heroes section.

    • @amysel
      @amysel 4 роки тому +7

      Tbf the last game's glossary lowkey just replaced another season of Teach Me Miss Litchi where they go over the entire glossary explaining each characters and lore piece.

    • @HabitualThinker
      @HabitualThinker 2 роки тому +2

      Honestly I don’t see the lore as hard to understand, it’s only really that difficult if you were to go on someone’s summary. A summary like this video (which gets some major details wrong) lol. If anything I recommend just playing the games

  • @Fgtr4Life
    @Fgtr4Life 4 роки тому +51

    I'm impressed. He made it about halfway before the wheel of fate broke. Central Fiction is so stupid dense with irrelevant bullshit, that it's a wonder any of us loremongers remember it.
    Easiest way to remember the plot of Blazblue as a whole: only Ragna is important. Everyone else is filler.

    • @raito6689
      @raito6689 3 роки тому +4

      i both hate and love the fact that i agree with you. Then again, this is probably my favourite to dwell on after Magical Index and Elder Scrolls.

  • @impossibletetriz563
    @impossibletetriz563 4 роки тому +23

    (JUSTICE starts playing. )

  • @android21evil19
    @android21evil19 4 роки тому +20

    Hades Izanami was absorbed by Noel Vermillion, because both of them have a piece of Saya's soul.
    Hazama and Yuuki Terumi were split from each other, with Hazama doing his own thing and Terumi getting his Susanooh Unit back.
    Amane Nishiki takes over Rachel's Observer job.
    Noel watches over Lambda and Nu at the church Celica raised Ragna Jin and Saya in.
    Ragna defeats Yuuki Terumi after getting ripped out of his susanooh unit
    Tsubaki now wields the susanooh unit and doesn't kill Rachel.
    Azrael gets locked up...AGAIN.
    And thats all I got so far.

  • @dotapazappy
    @dotapazappy 4 роки тому +11

    I'm actually so impressed you can remember this much. This whole video is A+ - from the editing to the comedy to the mental gymnastics you have to do in order to recall this story and lore. Good job.

    • @HabitualThinker
      @HabitualThinker 2 роки тому

      but… a lot of the big story details were left out

  • @CelestialReturner
    @CelestialReturner 4 роки тому +21

    *Smash Ultimate: I have the story that ends all stories!*
    *Central Fiction: Hold my Bloodscythe.*

  • @mokaza40
    @mokaza40 4 роки тому +27

    I started BlazBlue with Central Fiction.
    I had no idea what was going on. But I loved everyone.
    Makoto main unite!

    • @thirdplanet4471
      @thirdplanet4471 3 роки тому

      I started with the anime, dropped it then played calamity trigger and am confused as all hell

  • @thatman7159
    @thatman7159 4 роки тому +90

    "Amazing, every single word of what you just said was wrong"
    The entire series in a nutshell
    And Space Jenova of course

  • @dognote1554
    @dognote1554 4 роки тому +26

    Damn this sounds something Mori would write despite not being what happened

  • @ChongoShow
    @ChongoShow 4 роки тому +4

    The funniest part is that there IS new lore added into the story BEFORE any Black Beast stuff, so that would be a legitimate reset the clock.
    You've done an INCREDIBLE job with this series! Good to see you finally finish this clusterfuck

  • @themanfromerf
    @themanfromerf 2 роки тому +4

    You forgot the part where Izanami is literally just Ameterasu mashing drive attacks.

  • @sonorix2248
    @sonorix2248 4 роки тому +19

    The time has come and so have we

  • @Xcopyz
    @Xcopyz 4 роки тому +40

    A moment of silence for all the characters the story ignored that had so much potential to literally be more intriguing than some of the focused on characters, but were squandered in bad writing...... Silence over.

    • @carlbloke8797
      @carlbloke8797 4 роки тому +3


    • @AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz
      @AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz 4 роки тому

      like who?

    • @Doralga
      @Doralga 4 роки тому +9

      @@AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz Mai,Carl, Azreal Tager and Makoto versus Characters who didn't need attention Celica Naoto
      and boy Hazama was the worst have this nice story developement of being seperate from Terumi only for the Finale to have him being a Terumi Simp

    • @TheBelovedBun
      @TheBelovedBun 3 роки тому +5

      I’m just gonna say that Hazama, who happens to be my comfort character (please don’t ask, I couldn’t explain why), gets almost no screen time after he splits from Terumi. Silence for my boy.
      And for Bullet. I wish she was included more, she was super cool.

    • @raito6689
      @raito6689 3 роки тому +1

      @@TheBelovedBun and she is waifu material and you can't convince me otherwise.

  • @MrTheil
    @MrTheil 4 роки тому +9

    > A new Try to Recall video comes out
    > It’s Blazblue
    Ohhhhhh boy

  • @kawaiiempoleon8721
    @kawaiiempoleon8721 4 роки тому +32

    Is there a single person in the entire universe fully understand the plot of blazeblue?

    • @JC-ky6mp
      @JC-ky6mp 4 роки тому +22

      As someone who spent hours upon hours trying to, I can safely say...that it'd probably be WAY easier if I could speak Japanese. I feel like after CS, the story just fell off the rails completely, because the first two games were pretty solid. After adding in all the side stories and making CP more linear instead of separated by the different characters, things just got too convoluted for the story to be satisfying anymore.

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +3

      Save the Light Novels we in the west cannot get our hands on (sadly) I'd say I understand it well enough since the game tells you what's canon from what's not.

    • @sium1241
      @sium1241 3 роки тому


  • @akumaten
    @akumaten 4 роки тому +11

    33 seconds in:
    "Space Jenova"
    This is going to be good

  • @BetaXeeta
    @BetaXeeta 3 роки тому +2

    “And that’s the end… of Blazblue”
    *loud ugly sobbing*

  • @suspecthalo
    @suspecthalo 4 роки тому +21

    Despite the story, genuinely hope that a new, main series Blazblue game gets released, despite knowing that it most likely won't

  • @kieranmclaughlin264
    @kieranmclaughlin264 4 роки тому +19


  • @joshualowe959
    @joshualowe959 4 роки тому +5

    11:30 E.S. Is also known as Embryo Storage. E.S. is the Azure Guardian means that she guards the gate to the true Azure

  • @Eddman368
    @Eddman368 4 роки тому +10

    “You can’t kill the goddess of death”
    King Hassan would like to know your location

  • @majesticchocolaterabbit4918
    @majesticchocolaterabbit4918 4 роки тому +6

    Wow. I don't know how you did it. But you somehow made tsubaki more useful in your recap than in the actual story.

  • @goldenglaive8078
    @goldenglaive8078 4 роки тому +12

    (I should preface that I loved this video) I feel like this was the perfect way to end it: Completely overlooking like half the game

  • @cadufraga6851
    @cadufraga6851 4 роки тому +7


  • @emerald_lord2267
    @emerald_lord2267 4 роки тому +6

    "Hakumen's sword can delete time it's really cool" *KING CRIMSON WOULD LIKE TO KNOW YOUR LOCATION*

  • @TGHoly
    @TGHoly 4 роки тому +6

    What make me love Blazblue story is how it remind me manga I drew when I was high school where the plot is all over the place and many characters is there just because I think they're cool to have and It's only game that give me that feel. XD

  • @isaiahreynolds2553
    @isaiahreynolds2553 4 роки тому +18

    Celeca is one of the most important characters to the story. Gets 2 seconds of screen time

    • @carbodude5414
      @carbodude5414 3 роки тому +2

      Because she was a Mary Sue that stole so much screen time in the last game that they had to reduce her screentime

  • @mas8705
    @mas8705 4 роки тому +8

    Where there a big collective sigh of "Oh god, we're seriously doing this?" when we got to RESET THE CLOCK! for anyone else?

  • @TheBelovedBun
    @TheBelovedBun 4 роки тому +5

    “Because Relius can just do whatever the fuck he wants!”
    Yeah, that’s just about Relius the entire series.

  • @thatman666
    @thatman666 4 роки тому +9

    Here's how I rank them based on character:
    *S* : Ragna, Terumi/Susanoo, Kokonoe, Es
    *A* : Jin, Noel/Mu-12, Rachel, Nine, Jubei
    *B* : Tager, Hakumen, Hazama, Lambda-11, Valkenhayn, Makoto, Relius, Bullet, Celica, Mai
    *C* : Carl, Bang, Taokaka, Nu-13, Platinum/Trinity, Azrael, Amane, Kagura, Hibiki, Naoto, Izanami
    *D* : Litchi, Arakune
    *F* : Tsubaki/Izayoi

  • @thatman7159
    @thatman7159 4 роки тому +8


  • @consumerjtc5835
    @consumerjtc5835 4 роки тому +52

    The only thing i can remember is that everything is Terumis fault.

  • @SquidGuy11
    @SquidGuy11 4 роки тому +6

    I've never actually read about the BB story. played the story in any of the games, or whatever. I experienced the BB story entirely through these videos. And they were amazing

  • @themilkman5004
    @themilkman5004 4 роки тому +61

    Now that he’s done with Blazblue now Majakura can start Gulity Gear

    • @carlbloke8797
      @carlbloke8797 4 роки тому +1

      loafhero actually they improve that a lot better in Xrd

    • @Doralga
      @Doralga 4 роки тому

      @@carlbloke8797 improve what to tell me that universal will shit stole That Man villain role or using backyard shit oh man and rev2 ending trying to convince me that KY is stronger than Sol the whole time despite the opposite being true for the past 20 years.
      Nah man Xrd series was a terrible retcon 😒

    • @carlbloke8797
      @carlbloke8797 4 роки тому +1

      Archus orez disagreeable

  • @opuofbengal5935
    @opuofbengal5935 4 роки тому +8

    Getting mad at a BlazBlue story for "resetting the clock" is like getting mad at a dog for barking. I mean it can get annoying if it barks too much but it's a dog that's what it does, similarly this is BlazBlue, every story is about resetting the clock. Like I think I remember Hakumen mentioning it had already reset hundreds of times by Continuum Shift.

    • @bigboss6145
      @bigboss6145 4 роки тому +9

      In CF is was painful though. We basically replayed the start of CT and had to endure characters with all of their character development reset up until halfway through the story.

    • @dripgodragna4266
      @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +3

      Yep. During the events of Calamity Trigger, time reset... a lot, to put simply. By Continuum Shift it was much less time resetting and you (the player) and Terumi peering into multiple possibilities that would lead to the desired outcome (The True End).

  • @diegomt7901
    @diegomt7901 4 роки тому +6

    The absolute madlads finally finished

  • @sephyrias883
    @sephyrias883 4 роки тому +4

    Oh god, he got so much wrong, even most of the ending. Where to begin?
    01:20 Izanami needs to get constant repairs from Relius because the doll body keeps breaking down due to her being too op. Also the doll body was originally the body of Ragna's sister, which is why Ragna gets upset whenever they meet.
    02:30 - 4:20 this part is basically correct, although Izanami first had to summon the Amatersu Unit and get Noel to look at or something like that.
    4:40 Kokonoe isn't alone, she also has Kagura and a few others on board. They frequently have to play around Izanami's minions (Azrael, Relius, etc.) and Hazama to get the rest of the gang back together.
    5:07 Jin's memories survived the reset because Trinity made a special temporary body for him. Jin basically sacrificed himself there. Also Trinity now hangs out with Jin from the get go instead of Platinum, which is why she wants Jin to check on Platinum.
    5:36 The problem here was that Noel rejected Mu-12 and the memories connected to her. When they merge again later on after defeating Nine, Noel finally gets a hold of herself and explains that she (or rather her Master-Unit Origin-self) is basically responsible for the entire plot. Something along the lines of Noel being the Original's "soul" and Izanami's body being the Original's "body" (10:20).
    8:11 Basically yes. Nine wanted to take control over the universe away from the Master Unit and let humanity rule instead or something like that.
    8:45 Nine shows up to fight Ragna. Ragna gets a lot of his memories back. Izanami then messes with the ping pong ball and everyone gets teleported around.
    Team Kokonoe attacks Nine's underground base and Kokonoe solves Nine's puzzle. Jubei fights Nine and gets beaten. Ragna defeats Nine, but then Izanami shows up to murder everyone. Nine sacrifices herself to restrain Izanami while teleporting the rest away. They get dropped at the Celica's church, where they spend some time with Celica's ghost before she disappears. Also it is revealed that the Black Beast's body was buried beneath the church. There Noel and Mu-12 merge again. Also in the meantime Hazama catches Rachel and starts torturing her.
    12:30 Nonense, Ragna defeats Izanami by forcing her to fuse with Noel.
    Then Nu-13 shows up. She's super op now, because she took the power of Nine's space Jenova. Hakumen defeats her, but Terumi ambushes Hakumen and fuses back into his original form with him: Susanoo. Susanoo kidnaps Noel again and defeats Es at the Forbidden Gate, but he can't blow up the Amaterasu Unit yet, because Ragna is now the new guardian. Meanwhile Ragna starts deleting everyone's memories of him, because he wants to collect their dreams to make them "possibilities" via the Amaterasu Unit.
    Naoto Kurogane frees Rachel from Hazama. Ragna and the others show up as well and Hazama jumps into a Cauldron. Then they teleport to the Forbidden Gate with Rachel. Once there, Ragna deletes Rachel's memories while hugging her.
    15:00 Susanoo wants to make a world where he can make everyone fear him as their merciless god.
    15:17 Ragna defeats Susanoo by ripping Terumi out of it again. Jin and Trinity then use Hakumen to destroy Terumi. The door to the Azure opens and Ragna fights Terumi's soul for the final time, deleting Terumi from existence.
    15:25 Es is long gone by then. What happened next is that Noel fuses with Original Saya, the one stuck in the Master Unit. Then comes Ragna's final betrayal - he turns his back on Jin and Noel to steal their memories and dreams as well. Trinity then uses Hakumen to bring the two back out of the boundry, while Ragna moves on to delete himself as well.

    • @Darkyan97
      @Darkyan97 4 роки тому

      Thank you!

    • @Debykyu
      @Debykyu 3 роки тому

      he probably just explained it the aggressive way

    • @Mothyn
      @Mothyn 3 роки тому +1

      To be fair,
      When you haven't played a series in a long time, then have to give a summary...
      It's not gonna be good/accurate to the actual story.
      But, thanks anyway.

  • @emanuellucianogota3595
    @emanuellucianogota3595 4 роки тому +13

    huh, this is how the story goes?; as far as i remember, ragna defeated nine becauce she was distracted by celica(who is kinda relevant in the story), then something happens and jubei appears to defend nine, and then she dies. later in the story a little bit of chilling happens then (spoiler alert) celica dissapears, minerva sacrifices herself in order to do something in the master unit, nu-13 appears, hakumen fights her , he defeated nu, then terumi appears, kills hakumen, gets back his original body: the susanoo unit, they defeated him, jin takes control of hakumen's body, then ragna and terumi fight, teruni loses.
    later (or before the whole susanoo thing), they fight izanami, ragna defeats her, noel fuses with her and then, ragna puts her in the master unit and goes to talk with amane and dissapears from existence.
    i hope this will help someone; and great video!, i can't wait to do other series like guilty gear.

    • @divyanshmalik5135
      @divyanshmalik5135 4 роки тому +3

      Yeah you basically got it

    • @emanuellucianogota3595
      @emanuellucianogota3595 4 роки тому

      hey, thanks you!

    • @consumerjtc5835
      @consumerjtc5835 4 роки тому +1

      The whole Iazanami thing happened before Susanoo ate Noel.

    • @emanuellucianogota3595
      @emanuellucianogota3595 4 роки тому +1

      wait, susanoo ate noel? when did that happen?

    • @divyanshmalik5135
      @divyanshmalik5135 4 роки тому

      @@emanuellucianogota3595 when terumi became Susanoo he choked out noel and absorbed her into his armor so her could travel to the gate of azure. It's very reminiscent of the mythos of Shinto Susanoo when he took a girl and turned her into his hair comb as a prize for accepting the task of defeating orochi. BB Susanoo does it to reach Amaterasu cause Noel is still the Eye of the Azure and he can use her to amplify his powers.

  • @ethanleach1252
    @ethanleach1252 2 місяці тому

    I watch all of these videos once a month because I love them and it's better than watching detailed breakdowns of the games.
    Thank you guys

  • @StickBreightley
    @StickBreightley Рік тому +2

    I miss this series so much

  • @mistergremm735
    @mistergremm735 4 роки тому +21

    Man, and you think some MK fans gets pissed whenever the series time resets or retcons stuff...
    blazblue is next level

    • @ShadowNinjaMaster93
      @ShadowNinjaMaster93 4 роки тому +6

      Well, BlazBlue doesn't have to worry about ending the entire franchise because the whooole cast of characters die like every other game.
      BlazBlue's time shenanigans are just a central plot point and not the only way the series isn't dead.

  • @cashordeals3672
    @cashordeals3672 4 роки тому +12

    I literally tried figuring this out because I'm like man some of these characters are cool but i cant even remember some other plotes to save my life 😅 and i thought kingdom hearts was confusing

  • @Liddell2675
    @Liddell2675 4 роки тому +2

    I don’t know that I was supposed to tear up, but I did (both at the recalled plot and the fact that this is the last BB recall.)
    I’ll miss Majikura’s recalling this whole series.

  • @SizzlingOne
    @SizzlingOne 4 роки тому +4

    Good God. This is glorious!!! What a way to revisit the ridiculous mess that is Centralfiction's narrative. But man, the journey was beautiful throughout the entire series.

  • @TheRealVordox
    @TheRealVordox 4 роки тому +9

    That moment between Rachel and Ragna. ; _ ;

  • @ingasparrow
    @ingasparrow 4 роки тому +3

    Well, we got "MUST DIE" and "Stand Unrivaled" out of it, anyways.

  • @BirdoHermes
    @BirdoHermes 4 роки тому +106

    To think, I'll never get to hear Majikura mispronounce "imperator" ever again.
    I am sad...

      @PIKMINROCK1 4 роки тому +2

      @Trayvon Collins Is there a serious plot to Tag Battle? I thought it was just the characters are randomly in this world and have to fight each other to go home. Except it's a trick for the final boss to get powerful from their fights but the heroes beat her and go home but now merged with the other worlds.
      The next trying to recall should be something like Guilty Gear or UNIEL

  • @DarkNoremaC
    @DarkNoremaC 4 роки тому +8

    Also Hakumen died, and so did celica.
    And Terumi apparently died in the last game but is here anyway.

    • @dboyriles
      @dboyriles 4 роки тому +2

      I believe Terumi sustained himself via self-observance but in this game Ragna erases him at the edge of reality so he's actually dead.
      And Celica doesn't "die" per se, but yeah.

  • @dripgodragna4266
    @dripgodragna4266 4 роки тому +1

    Always a joy to watch this little series

  • @shadowclaw7210
    @shadowclaw7210 4 роки тому +4

    Are we gonna skip that Naoto is Ragna, Jin and Saya’s time traveling uncle from alternate reality and stuff.

  • @rowd149
    @rowd149 4 роки тому +4

    I don't think you once mentioned Valkenhayne, lol

  • @galenwilds3273
    @galenwilds3273 4 роки тому

    I found this channel by chance, and by chance i also had a hankering to revisit the glorious mess that is Blazblue. Thank you good sir.

  • @Beosker
    @Beosker 4 роки тому +3

    It's fun watching him be so right yet so wrong about things

  • @joshualowe959
    @joshualowe959 4 роки тому +1

    I can explain it for you.
    LAMBDA: Gets used by Kokonoe again to fight Izanami like most characters were.
    MU: Becomes a bigger SS Class Criminal than Ragna by killing Ragna and Jin in an unknown timeline and is being hunted down by many other characters like Makoto, Tsubaki, Valkenhayn, Hakumen & Nu

    • @joshualowe959
      @joshualowe959 4 роки тому +1

      And also NU: goes around gathering & absorbing many Nox Nyctores' so she can become strong enough to merge with Ragna to become the Black Beast

  • @returnedtomonkey8886
    @returnedtomonkey8886 4 роки тому +5

    If the plot of blazblue was thin as paper. Centralfiction broke it.

  • @blueblade6174
    @blueblade6174 4 роки тому +1

    Recall BlazBlue was my introduction to this channel. Glad to see the finale.

  • @john_smith1907
    @john_smith1907 4 роки тому +10

    I’ve been waiting for this sense I found this Channel

  • @CelestialReturner
    @CelestialReturner 4 роки тому +12

    *Despite the PS5 coming soon, this is the game that signifies me stopping myself from buying future game consoles. But I will continue buying retro games as a hobby.*
    *EDIT: Not to mention catch up on other hobbies as well as starting new ones such as making MUGEN Videos.*

  • @sharzinlalebazri5673
    @sharzinlalebazri5673 4 роки тому +2

    The wheel of fate turns one last time.

  • @DharGez
    @DharGez 4 роки тому +1

    Just finished the story mode of this game yesterday, and almost everyhting said here is wrong, but still fun as heck, great videos

  • @christophereim4102
    @christophereim4102 2 роки тому +1

    That's not the end of Blazblue.
    Alpha the Apocalypse, the Awakening of Chaos awaits.

  • @natara1976
    @natara1976 4 роки тому

    Congrat. You made me on what i know about this serie. Love you guys

  • @Ramsey276one
    @Ramsey276one 4 роки тому +3

    If BBtag wasn't so short I would want one of these!

    • @killerbee1974
      @killerbee1974 4 роки тому

      try to recall the plot of BBTAG(RWBY Story)

    • @HellNutcase
      @HellNutcase 4 роки тому

      Try to recall the plot of BBTAG 2.0.

  • @obiwan4321
    @obiwan4321 4 роки тому +3

    10 seconds into the retell and he's already got it wrong😂

    • @autobotrenegade221
      @autobotrenegade221 3 роки тому

      I don't get it. 🤔
      I think he's got the first 10 seconds right.

  • @Kuribohdudalala
    @Kuribohdudalala 4 роки тому

    I was waiting for this for litterally a year. Could not be more hype

  • @Ramsey276one
    @Ramsey276one 4 роки тому +3

    6:40 still waiting to hear about ES... 11:30 there she is!

  • @JellyMayCry
    @JellyMayCry 4 роки тому

    I have never been more glad to tap out of a series halfway through.

  • @francescolombardi3438
    @francescolombardi3438 4 роки тому +7

    2:28 Killer Queen bites the Dust

  • @dietshampoo3732
    @dietshampoo3732 4 роки тому

    I’ve been waiting for this for so long

  • @shapeflesh4589
    @shapeflesh4589 4 роки тому +3

    This retelling is so inaccurate yet so much better than what we got.

  • @jpgarcia7892
    @jpgarcia7892 4 роки тому +1

    WTF its more convoluted tgan i ever imagined it would be

  • @joshualowe959
    @joshualowe959 4 роки тому

    Actually, Noel was there when Jin & Ragna battle Susano'o, but not to help Ragna & Jin, but to help TERUMI. Terumi merged with the Susano'o Unit AND Noel and became a Susano'o that would no longer be infected by the Embryo or Doomsday.

  • @skalliedA
    @skalliedA 4 роки тому +2

    It's kind of weird because I know that this recollection was almost entirely wrong, but it's been far too long for me to recall what the story actually was so I can't even argue with this.
    I love Blazblue

  • @joshualowe959
    @joshualowe959 4 роки тому +1

    I remember when Central Fiction was only in arcades, and that "Murakumo Unit" with the Amaterasu cresent at the end of act 2. I thought that the big final boss was going to be Amaterasu, but it turned out to be Susano'o instead.

  • @isthiscosure1701
    @isthiscosure1701 4 роки тому

    FINALLY!! Congrats guys, you did it!

  • @fluttermon2468
    @fluttermon2468 4 роки тому +1

    Fuck, now i'm sad again.

  • @juliagoodwin3461
    @juliagoodwin3461 4 роки тому +2

    ... I think I’ve gone cross-eyed.

  • @alanblazed9737
    @alanblazed9737 4 роки тому +2


  • @chrismanning2888
    @chrismanning2888 4 роки тому +1

    It's finally here

  • @karue7581
    @karue7581 3 роки тому +1

    This video is amazing

  • @anggakarapreviandana2877
    @anggakarapreviandana2877 3 роки тому +1

    The part when Ragna sacrifice his existence to safe the world? It happen again on a different game (Not to mention is a action game) from a different company (Bandai Namco).
    Edit: I won't tell you what the game I mentioned because the game is already out yesterday and spoiler reasons for those who haven't played that game.

  • @archie927
    @archie927 4 роки тому +3

    He’s not completely right but he’s not too far off either😂