Adam Carolla on Economics and Education

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Adam Carolla talks about basic economics and how education (a good education) can be to society's benefit.


  • @spongebobmx
    @spongebobmx 14 років тому +1

    I agree w/adam on the part where aprents don't care and their kids are the ones who are messed up and how parents expect education to be taught in schools, but on the other side, Math and Language are very important tools; he probably doesn't know how those work but they help your brain acquire spatial and visual skills;

  • @JMB129
    @JMB129 12 років тому

    There are so many people who aren't necessarily geniuses when it comes to math and literature, but have a knack for doing something else like fixing or building things. Most people can figure out basic math and some algebra but you don;t necessarily need to know trigonometry and how to interpret Shakespeare in order to learn how to repair air conditioners and fridges. Too many kids have to be forced to waste their time in classes that won't apply to the skills they build later on in life.

  • @Whirlbrain
    @Whirlbrain 12 років тому +3

    As a victim of the Chicago Public School system, I have to give credit to my General Business teacher. He taught balancing a checkbook and budgeting a household. He also taught us how to fill out tax forms, from 1040EZ to 1040 with itemized deductions.

    • @phukit5456
      @phukit5456 3 місяці тому

      50 years ago-maybe.

  • @Justen1980
    @Justen1980 13 років тому

    i actually learned how to do taxes in HighSchool, it was a class called "business math" what the kids took to get out of takin algebra 2.

  • @FrolickingGames
    @FrolickingGames 12 років тому

    I didn't know schools in America didn't do that stuff, mine did. I learned how to fill out tax reports like the 3 kinds of 1040s in economics class. one of my electives was nutrition where I learned what to eat and what not to eat (not all the time anyways) and I learned how to dress and communicate professionally in business class. I find it strange that the rest of my country doesn't do that, I kinda thought everybody, everywhere did.

  • @johnlovesbridge
    @johnlovesbridge 12 років тому

    For all those wondering, algebra is extremely important because you can not get into college without knowing it. I don't make the SATs, but it is a simple fact. You can't even get into graduate school without knowing it, once again it's on the test. I had the joy of studying it all over again because the last time I encountered it was high school. Let's just say they are certain academic skills that separate the wheat from the chaff.

  • @Roushfan5
    @Roushfan5 14 років тому +1

    I guess I got really lucky when they put me in my school because I am in a class that teaches nothing but money, and I was taught taxes last year in marketing class.
    Though truth be told they tell you in such detailed instructions on that tax forum, its pretty hard not to be able to figure it out.

  • @atikker
    @atikker 13 років тому

    I completely agree with him. He is so right. I was NEVER taught this shit in school, and we totally should have been. So many of my friends got completely shit credit scores after they turned 19 because at 18 they were send credit cards that they used like crazy because without SCHOOL or PARENTS teaching you that it's incredibly dangerous.

  • @jonathanparis1988
    @jonathanparis1988 13 років тому +1

    Well, I'm referring to general education for everyone. If one wants to be an engineer, then calculus is very useful.

  • @BrisbaneBruce
    @BrisbaneBruce 12 років тому

    the problem is there are too many colleges...and they let anybody in that can's nothing but a business, that like you said, churns out too many people, with too many worthless / low or no demand degrees. I posted about it below, but in Germany you have to test to get in to a no shit test in middle school and if you don't measure up you go to a vocational school to learn something that's needed. It's a little tough, but at least you learn something that pays the bills

  • @bandass
    @bandass 12 років тому

    @irishmobster: he wasn't describing that. in fact he even called it a crash course in life that would happen in the senior year in high school... Which makes sense if you think about it. If you don't care about school enough and you have to be there anyway, might as well teach then how to be a citizen and not let then be blindsided by the reality of life

  • @summercures2
    @summercures2 14 років тому

    I think that parents are in fact part of the reason why some kids do not excell in school. But I also think it would be a mistake to take the blame away from schools themselves. As Adam has said in previous shows, the government virtually has no competition and therefore has no incentive to increase the quality of its public schools. Also, school is mandatory and kids dont have the choice of learning what THEY want to learn. Kids are naturally curious and WANT to learn but... (continue to Part2)

  • @jonathanparis1988
    @jonathanparis1988 13 років тому

    I am Asian and this is so true.

  • @crowtservo
    @crowtservo 14 років тому

    @Hapafull That's what I was thinking. I can kind of understand teaching kids how to fill out income tax forms because if you're in a government school, they should be teaching you how to fill out the government forms that the government makes you fill out every year until you're dead.
    But shit, relationships and talking to your boss or a cop is stuff that you should be able to figure out on your own. Ok, I'm terrible at relationships, but I don't want the government telling me how to have one.

  • @davandstudios
    @davandstudios 11 років тому

    I also believe schools are not day care centers. Parents should be teaching their kids about what's out there too.

  • @gamesmaster35v2
    @gamesmaster35v2 14 років тому

    Now maybe the solution is to bring back the idea of apprenticeships where at a certain age you go to work under someone that has already mastered the trade.They teach you the ropes and you get a more specialized education specifically in the thing you want to do.

  • @atikker
    @atikker 13 років тому

    @limbdarkening That is such an excellent quote - race is what makes you look different.

  • @summercures2
    @summercures2 12 років тому +3

    @mjn76: Yep. Milton Friedman and Thomas Sowell are both very great men in the field of economics. There are plenty of videos on UA-cam that feature them. Everyone should check them out and learn something.

  • @chawk111
    @chawk111 15 років тому

    I took a class called Career and Life Management here in Alberta, Canada which I guess Carolla would be pleased with in theory but if he had to take it, he'd probably be ranting against it twice monthly. A lot of BS about meditation and guys who de-ice planes at the air port comming in to talk to you...
    When you're a kid it's all on paper until you get out in the big bad world and have to walk the pavement like everyone else. Doesn't matter what you were told in some class.

  • @JMB129
    @JMB129 12 років тому

    I partially agree with you, but what if the parents themselves can't read, write or do math? I'm not dismissing your points, just asking a straightforward question.

  • @martinmiazga
    @martinmiazga 12 років тому

    everything they mention is in the Canadian education system

  • @sgame79
    @sgame79 12 років тому

    These are actually some sound suggestions. Why not enter low-performing high school students into various internship programs so they at least have a skill with which to support themselves after they graduate? That seems like a win for both society and the kids.

  • @martincole438
    @martincole438 12 років тому

    I'm not really sure what state you live in but if it's anywhere near south america you haven't looked out your window recently. There are Spanish billboards all over several parts of Sacramento/ California. Many employers look for multilingual workers because of the sheer amount of Mexican/ South American employees already in the workforce. You might consider it worthless but that's probably only because you weren't paying attention.

  • @neilchair
    @neilchair 14 років тому

    @daiitokumyouou899 I actually didn't have the whole "fill out a cheque", or "this is what a tax form looks like" (thank you, e-filing!) but yeah... definitely remember having Careers in grade 10 and a slightly more intensive one in grade 11. And then in college, I couldn't turn around without tripping over another goddamn "learn to create a resume" class.

  • @aristotle736
    @aristotle736 13 років тому

    @jonathanparis1988 Calculus helps on the way to becoming an engineer.
    Those guys get PAID, especially the mechanical and petroleum ones.

  • @AirCanMaster
    @AirCanMaster 10 років тому +6

    I swear I couldn't tell the difference between Alison and Teresa when they switched, but whenever I hear Teresa I miss her a lot.

  • @solomon8833
    @solomon8833 11 років тому +1

    One of my friends just got their Master's Degree in Psychology. She just got her first job since she a waitress at a pizzeria. I dropped out of college because it was a waste of my damn time. Best decision I ever made.

  • @summercures2
    @summercures2 14 років тому +1

    Part 2: Also, part of the problem with public education is that its mandatory and kids do not get to choose what THEY want to learn. Kids are naturally curious and WANT to learn. The flaw of public schools however is that, for the most part, it sucks the intrinsic motivation to learn out of kids. The more compulsory the education is, the less kids learn. However, the less compulsion there is, the MORE kids want to learn.

  • @yak6ex
    @yak6ex 14 років тому

    Most people don't use algebra in the work place.

  • @ndc18
    @ndc18 13 років тому

    @QueenMajora I'm black and I agree with you. if you want it go get it.

  • @NickMac91
    @NickMac91 12 років тому

    I think Adam would be pretty fond of the Germans way of teaching basically when the childern are very young they take a series of tests throwout grade school basically its like the military's asvab if you score high you get to go to like bussiness highschool or what ever if you score low you start studying the manual labor of jobs and look at how Germany is doing.

  • @JMB129
    @JMB129 12 років тому

    If we could figure out how to find people's strengths and weaknesses earlier in life and push them more in the areas where they already show interest, there would be many more successful people. I get the whole "well rounded education" argument and I agree with it, but only up to a certain point. Math has always been my favorite subject but I have not once had a need for trigonometry in my entire life and am still as successful as I want to be right now.

  • @charlesvan13
    @charlesvan13 12 років тому +1

    Those classes like "personal finance" that teach high school kids how to pay bills and taxes are just to help ordinary shmoos.

  • @JMB129
    @JMB129 12 років тому

    Too bad you can only write so much in the comment box. I'd like to sit back an talk and listen to you for a good long time.

  • @Redoubt9000
    @Redoubt9000 14 років тому

    @redoubt9000 Apart from the problem lying with the family, which I do agree with. And yes, the education being conducted are simply useless or otherwise taught in the most ignorant fashion possible.

  • @studentofsmith
    @studentofsmith 14 років тому

    @IrkedMonkeyTim "It's hard to ask Americans in general to pay for good schools."
    Spending per pupil, adjusted for inflation, has more than doubled since 1970. Test scores are flat.
    Money is not the problem.

  • @pkoleszar
    @pkoleszar 10 років тому +3

    My school did teach me quite a few life skills like CPR, basic economics, and even dancing. But there's a good reason why they don't teach you how to do your taxes, and it's the same reason why taxes are so complicated: they want you to overpay. Why are the penalties and audits so expensive and scary? So that you don't take the risk of taking deductions you're not completely sure about. The government wants as much of your money as you'll ignorantly give. And Adam makes it seem like this wasn't their plan all along.

    • @Will-ge7ri
      @Will-ge7ri 2 роки тому

      See, pole dancing. A marketable skill lower class kids can use. Kudos to your school.

  • @dman7714
    @dman7714 13 років тому

    that's a good thing to put on your resume. 18 year old "im proficient in geometry". Mcdonald's Boss "thats great now go clean the crap off the bathroom walls".

  • @mba2ceo
    @mba2ceo 7 років тому +2

    How about laws against usury ?

  • @martincole438
    @martincole438 12 років тому

    Our public school system isn't designed to prepare kids for high salary jobs, its designed to prepare them for mid level jobs in the workforce. Which is why foreign language "could be" more valuable than complex mathematics. Therefore the purpose of >college< is to prepare young adults for more lofty careers than an off loader at U.P.S. Whats sad is that we are shooting for such mediocrity. The school system SHOULD teach children complex mathematics, applied sciences and refined art.

  • @summercures2
    @summercures2 12 років тому +1

    You want to know something about economics? Search Milton Friedman on UA-cam. He's one of the greatest economists to have ever lived.

  • @BrisbaneBruce
    @BrisbaneBruce 12 років тому

    I was in the military in Germany and they kind of do that over there...they basically size you up around middle school and put you on 1 of 5 paths...if you're going to the university you go the full 12 or even 13 years...all the way down to vocational education that ends as soon as grade 9. I thought is was a little cold blooded when I first heard of it, but it's probably really practical as the Germans tend to be. You have to test for your I'm sure it's really stressful on kids

  • @tolkus53
    @tolkus53 8 років тому +2

    taxes change so much over the years it would be hard to, and if you knew how much the government at different levels early on they wouldn't get that much money from everybody

  • @martincole438
    @martincole438 12 років тому

    To put a point on it, our school system emphasizing foreign language over science and mathematics is not ridiculous when the bulk of the class will be joining the blue collar workforce where knowing another language is more likely to be useful. IF the point of our school system were to grant children a higher learning then yes it would be a joke. You don't need common sense to follow an order and that's all dead end job's require, obedience. If you were intelligent enough to develop common

  • @jonathanparis1988
    @jonathanparis1988 13 років тому

    It's simple. Our education system is meant to turn us into worker bees, and educating people on taxes, finance and money would severely limit the elite's grasp on us economically. Thus, we need to educate ourselves.
    Seriously, how does learning calculus or literature actually help you in your life?

  • @daiitokumyouou899
    @daiitokumyouou899 15 років тому

    All the stuff he is talking about is mandatory education here in Canada. The courses are called planning (for grade 10) and transition (for grade 12) which must be completed to graduate, These cover EVERYTHING he talked about in his rant. I thought they did the same in the U.S but I guess not. Really though why the hell don't they?

  • @daiitokumyouou899
    @daiitokumyouou899 14 років тому

    @seattlehawkins That would be second year economics not high school:P On a serious note, we don't "sit back' as you put it. Canada has a significant role in the world. You really should do more research; if you did then you would know that Canada has 70% of the worlds entire fresh water resources, exports most of the worlds grain, soft lumber, uranium, insulin and we designed the rocket engine used in the space shuttle. Not bad for a country of only 33million.

  • @gamesmaster35v2
    @gamesmaster35v2 14 років тому

    Most of his rant I agreed with.But the idea that you should write a kid off just didn't sit well with me.There's no telling what opportunities or hurdles one will come to in life.Classes that many think are nonessential like Trig and algebra are parts of engineering and architecture.And because we don't know what a child will choose to be we include it.

  • @LibertarianUSA1982
    @LibertarianUSA1982 11 років тому

    I wish I never wen to college. Should have got a technical degree.

  • @MultiSmartass1
    @MultiSmartass1 14 років тому

    @Cajaquarius Youre right-Iam a smart guy. After all, I was in at least 2 AP classes when I was in high school and I possess a BA degree. I wouldn't call this a racial conspiracy-just racism. Blacks and Hispanics have generally been shut out and tracked to lower classes despite ability and aptitude. Though I support scientific enquiry, I don't think peer-reviewed experiments would be applicable here. This would social science not hard or applied science.
    Thanks for your racist remarks!

  • @eabale
    @eabale 12 років тому +2

    Did anyone hear the lisp in Bald Bryan's voice? I wonder if that was his tumor starting to effect him?

  • @ofsoundminds
    @ofsoundminds 12 років тому

    they teach you taxes, but they didnt teach you that income tax is obligatory. They assume you have to pay taxes but dont teach anything about income tax.... supreme court has ruled personal income is personal property and not required to be taxed. THe amendment gave the irs no new taxing power. .... but they teach you how to pay a privately owned company... how nice of them

  • @kevbrav
    @kevbrav 15 років тому

    Also we all know our monetary system is a fractul banking system and that we have more debt than we have money to pay it back. We all know that paying taxes means we are all consenting to illegal wars and to the death of millions of children. We all know that paying taxes also contributes to draconian contols of our own lives and our kids lives will be in crisis. We all know that buying stuff like cars and fashionable clothing doesnt really make us happy and in doing so is distroying our planet.

  • @limbdarkening
    @limbdarkening 13 років тому

    My parents still pay my taxes for me and I'm 26! NO ONE TAUGHT ME!!!!

  • @drvn8
    @drvn8 12 років тому

    damn, he actually makes a lot of sense here

  • @Omnidominatus
    @Omnidominatus 12 років тому


  • @lukefresh58
    @lukefresh58 14 років тому

    lol ive learned all this shit in Canadian highschool

  • @lsnows
    @lsnows 8 років тому +1

    OMG!! He sounds like Dave Ramsey in the first minute!

  • @nobody48803
    @nobody48803 11 років тому +1

    People should not question the value of education in mathematics and science. In fact there is not enough of it. You have no idea how every improvement in living standards EVER was the result of new technology allowed by new physics and facilitated by a knowledge of mathematics. Mathematics, science and engineering do not get the respect they deserve in society.

  • @jesussotelo4775
    @jesussotelo4775 5 років тому

    I would donate to the MANUEL scholarship

  • @lakeviewviking
    @lakeviewviking 13 років тому

    @QueenMajora A liberal arts education is wasted on most people-America once knew this, but the egalitarian mindset from the 60s has erased all that.

  • @Cbrown892002
    @Cbrown892002 12 років тому

    Fix the family don't fix the school!!

  • @Justen1980
    @Justen1980 12 років тому

    opposite of BEEeee opposite of BEEee Plus or minus square root of! plus or minus square root of! B squared minus four A D! B squared minus four A D! ALL OVER TWO A! ALL OVER TWO A!

  • @pretorious700
    @pretorious700 13 років тому

    @seattlehawkins Teachers are told what to teach. It doesn't matter how good or bad the teacher is if the curriculum is controlled by a propaganda machine. It's been proven over and over again that government controlled education doesn't work.

  • @thatonedude675
    @thatonedude675 12 років тому

    The elementary schools should stay how they are teaching the kids the basics, but middle school/high school need to become privatized trade schools. No more restricting your kid to stay in one school because of where he lives, just have some competitive schooling where schools would actually teach you what to do about what you want to learn in life and teachers would actually be paid the amount they're worth.
    Makes job searching a lot easier and job creation a lot easier.

  • @TheMrplayitsafe
    @TheMrplayitsafe 12 років тому

    @Justen1980 Business math sucks. I took both Business math and accounting in college. both sucks.

  • @RipTheJackR
    @RipTheJackR 14 років тому

    considered that the parents might have been screwed by your 3rd world schools too, and they should educated their children? makes sense doesnt it?

  • @SuperGuitarman69
    @SuperGuitarman69 14 років тому

    School choice. Private schools and vouchers are the answer. ANYTHING the government controls sucks. Mandatory schooling is a givin. But let different schools compete. They would get favor based upon performance. Where is the accountability for schools and teachers now? A school sucks with bad teachers and we throw MORE money at them?

  • @Jkwak58
    @Jkwak58 11 років тому

    Call it conspiracy but corporations prey on ignorance and stupidity. Is it any wonder that a government run by big money dosent put more emphasize on important life skills. Our unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest in 4 years. We need public school reform in this country.

  • @thefriendsociety
    @thefriendsociety 14 років тому

    just cause prayer is out doesnt mean all the other bullshit didnt leave either

  • @themack355
    @themack355 14 років тому +1

    Teresa's a jew...I was wondering why I hated her so all makes sense now!

  • @adams1458
    @adams1458 8 років тому +2

    5:00 how to post things on youtube? come on teresa!

  • @Giantswm24
    @Giantswm24 11 років тому

    I agree that education has been a waste of money at this point in time, but at the same time the US economy can't really compete with the rest of the world because we've fallen so far behind in education. What's the solution here? Not everyone is going to rant behind a microphone for a living after graduating high school illiterate (adam carolla).

  • @Welcome2TheUnknown
    @Welcome2TheUnknown 14 років тому

    "education is the new money." - Robert Kiyosaki

  • @joshn2564
    @joshn2564 6 років тому

    Public Schools teaching students to pay taxes is a little too much on the nose government control even for China. Furthermore, what about the kids who want to be Accountants be employed if everybody with a GED can file? Maybe allow honor students to skip multiple grades without the opposing economical force of the public school needing to fill seats in order to collect funding.

  • @Sumoto999
    @Sumoto999 12 років тому

    damn your lucky, I HAD to take algebra 2 lol.

  • @martincole438
    @martincole438 12 років тому

    sense and move on to college, then congrats. But you aren't the norm in this floundering country of ours. The issue isn't the school system, it's the media. Children are brainwashed with ads upon ads upon ads day after day from fucking birth. It's sickening. "Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions, is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body"-George Carlin. It's all part of the entitled generations thinking process, i live therefore i am owed.

  • @xPulse582
    @xPulse582 13 років тому

    Lol!! Manuel labor !!!!

  • @dfjono
    @dfjono 14 років тому

    Uh... Algebra is very applicable... Comeon Adam I thought you were smarter than that

  • @ramprincipato
    @ramprincipato 11 років тому

    Go watch Kymatica

  • @nickmaz6412
    @nickmaz6412 11 років тому

    Non union electricians make between $10-$15 per hour with zero benefits or retirement where I live in Ohio. Almost all construction jobs now, unless it's a gov't. project, are done by non-union contractors.Back when trade unions were stronger, a kid could reasonably expect to earn a decent living if he chose to become an electrician. $15 an hour works out to $31K a year before taxes. Single your OK, throw a wife and a kid or two in there and you're screwed.

  • @Cajaquarius
    @Cajaquarius 11 років тому

    Take away the TV and they turn to the internet or the smart phone. As an aside, I find these two options to be vastly superior. My mother is addicted to these Real Housewife shows and when her cable went out over a week due to a bad story, she spent her time off surfing the web. Sure, she spent an inordinate amount of time watching dumb cat videos but she also somehow wound up on Wikipedia reading about Quantum Mechanics. Maybe not useful to everyday to know that but better than Reality schlock.

  • @TheJrade
    @TheJrade 11 років тому

    Pulling Adam and his buddies aside is a great idea, but it wouldn't serve the ever-expanding college industry here in America. Higher education is big business, all those nuggets Occupying Wall Street with $100k in debt for their Women's Studies degree, Big College doesn't want those people taken out of the pool.

  • @Skier10
    @Skier10 14 років тому

    @KingDingaLing090 Your comment is a joke.

  • @modurhead
    @modurhead 11 років тому

    teach kids how to use a fire extinguisher

  • @solomon8833
    @solomon8833 11 років тому

    Yeah, terrible decision. I started my career at age 20 and I'm 26 now and make more than you.

  • @glenbaker1175
    @glenbaker1175 5 років тому

    Tried to get a job today,I was told they have enough Mauel labor 😂

  • @Skier10
    @Skier10 14 років тому

    An even bigger joke of a comment. You get angry too easily just like so many "conservatives". You need to find yourself a lady. Cheers.

  • @killyourtelevision999
    @killyourtelevision999 10 років тому

    "There's like two poor Jews."

  • @Lauderdizzle
    @Lauderdizzle 14 років тому

    lmao.. "Manuel Labor" XD

  • @pretorious700
    @pretorious700 13 років тому

    lol, Michelle Obama and the blame game.