ASMR reading you random facts to make you the most interesting person in the room

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @a-love-supremist
    @a-love-supremist 4 роки тому +28

    Congrats on 20,000! Love how you don't do clickbaity trendy vids... you stuck with your own fun laid-back style and grew an authentic, loyal following 👏 Much appreciation to you, Anna!

  • @alftupper8046
    @alftupper8046 4 роки тому +17

    Random fact: Anna is the cutest ASMrtist out there 💖

  • @Someone09938
    @Someone09938 4 роки тому +11

    I’m from Honduras and I never would have thought that someone would mention the fish rain in a fun fact video 😅

  • @syd_kjohnston
    @syd_kjohnston 4 роки тому +1

    fact: anna’s voice is so soothing

  • @natebroadus8474
    @natebroadus8474 4 роки тому +1

    Congratulations on 20k, Anna.🍻 I can't think of anyone who deserves it more. These videos have been respite on many sleepless nights and rough days.
    Keep doing what you do: there are very few things more noble than quelling someone's anxiety, or helping an exhausted person finally drift off to a welcome sleep.😌😴

  • @rakerusun
    @rakerusun 4 роки тому

    Congrats on 20k! I love your video style and I can't wait to see more from you in the future and see you grow 🥰

  • @jabbahut755
    @jabbahut755 4 роки тому +2

    Congratulations on getting to 20K! Love seeing you grow over time! Hope the best for the future! :)

  • @bayleesanchez5255
    @bayleesanchez5255 4 роки тому +1

    Your hair looks great Anna ! Congrats on 20K 🥳💕

  • @Azzi_0161
    @Azzi_0161 4 роки тому

    Please make more of these they’re a mix of interesting facts and relaxation

  • @anaaraya632
    @anaaraya632 4 роки тому

    Congrats on 20K!!! Love your content it’s what I look forward to every Sunday ❤️

  • @jesuszepeda1062
    @jesuszepeda1062 4 роки тому +1

    Heyy Beautiful Anna!! I love random facts videos!! Hope you had a wonderful Sunday!!

  • @Angeintheworld
    @Angeintheworld 4 роки тому

    Your voice is very relaxing and soft 👌🏼

  • @jaredkerby5934
    @jaredkerby5934 4 роки тому

    Anna! I had a really stressful week! Thank you for lowering my anxiety.

  • @chlooeboo
    @chlooeboo 4 роки тому +2

    you’re honestly my fave asmr artist and you deserve wayyy more than 20k!! keep going girl i’m sure you’ll get there in no time! 💖

  • @kirkkek
    @kirkkek 4 роки тому

    Whoop love it! Thanks!

  • @hellofriendo2
    @hellofriendo2 4 роки тому

    Interesting and relaxing, all at the same time 😊 Love the video today !

  • @mjolnirskeyblade7286
    @mjolnirskeyblade7286 4 роки тому +3

    “the average four year old asks over 400 questions a day” most of them are “why” “why’re you doing that” “what is that” “what’re you doing”

  • @lovealwaychar
    @lovealwaychar 4 роки тому

    Congrats on 20k girl 🥰❤️

  • @JenmarkDigital
    @JenmarkDigital 4 роки тому

    Such a calming voice 😊

  • @kristybee8114
    @kristybee8114 4 роки тому

    I loooove these kind of asmr videos!

  • @deepchillasmr6319
    @deepchillasmr6319 4 роки тому +1

    Super relaxing soft spoken voice!

  • @jaredgoldfine1391
    @jaredgoldfine1391 4 роки тому

    Thanks Anna! That photon one was craaazzzyyy. I liked the look in your eyes after reading that one. Also I like how you didnt doubt that some native americans knew english before meeting the pilgrims but you doubted the mouse going through a small hole haha

  • @jollypiratejason7297
    @jollypiratejason7297 4 роки тому

    Thank you Anna! 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @andytom91
    @andytom91 4 роки тому

    Anna is adorable!

  • @chelder9152
    @chelder9152 4 роки тому

    Thank you Anna, very cool!
    Ps. Congrats on 20,000 subs!

  • @Ghost_in_Gray_
    @Ghost_in_Gray_ 4 роки тому

    Yes!!! Another facts video! Thanks you.
    P.S. congrats on 20k!

  • @thelovelyplace163
    @thelovelyplace163 4 роки тому

    Love your background 😍

  • @francomendez1607
    @francomendez1607 4 роки тому +1

    Gorgeous Anna and so relaxing

  • @paulinaa110
    @paulinaa110 4 роки тому

    that hairstyle looks amazing on youuu

  • @brandoballer47
    @brandoballer47 4 роки тому +7

    1st the vending machine takes your $$
    2nd it halfway dispenses your selection
    3rd nobody helps you with it and you're hungry
    4th you are forced to smack the machine over and over.. no luck
    5th your arm gets stuck trying to reach in and grab what's rightfully yours!
    6th you are fed up with the vending machine game
    7th you shake the hell out of it
    8th the machine fights back, getting the last laugh.. falls on you
    9th the machine patiently waits for its next victim while you're taken to the grave yard!
    Yeah... I have a bit of experience in this arena lol

  • @stephenbrunton8002
    @stephenbrunton8002 4 роки тому

    So interesting I can’t sleep. Why have you done this to me! LOL

  • @fourleafasmr8836
    @fourleafasmr8836 4 роки тому

    Congrats on 20k! The ant fact is so scary 😲

  • @admirbarucija2018
    @admirbarucija2018 4 роки тому

    This made my entire night, I love hearing random facts haha!! 💕 I hope you’re doing great Anna

  • @quitchiboo
    @quitchiboo 4 роки тому

    You're right, someone should fact check it :) . A Human produces roughly 100 Watts of heat. After half an hour (=1800 sec) the human will have emitted 180000 Joules of heat. But bringing around 4kg (= 1 gallon) of water to a boil takes something like 1.2 Mio Joules, so they're way off. Thx for the video tough, love your content!

  • @Knightvera1
    @Knightvera1 4 роки тому

    Hello Beauty , thanks x video ❤️

  • @Dev88931
    @Dev88931 3 роки тому

    Dark theme please😜

  • @jacobhuntzinger2801
    @jacobhuntzinger2801 4 роки тому +5

    There is a church in Germany that has been playing the piece of music that was mentioned since 2001 and won't finish until 2640. The next "note change" will actually happen on September 5 of this year. The note that's currently playing started in 2013.

  • @aurorija
    @aurorija 4 роки тому

    oh wow your voice is so nice

  • @toddman2715
    @toddman2715 4 роки тому

    There are approximately 20,000 people in the world more blessed than the rest

  • @Crowlando
    @Crowlando 6 місяців тому

    Come back!! 😢

  • @dvitoc
    @dvitoc 4 роки тому

    It's impossible that any Native Americans knew English before settlers arrived. A mouse can squeeze through a hole that tiny, I witnessed it when I was a kid on Tom & Jerry

  • @zwarst
    @zwarst 4 роки тому

    Informative and sleepy, I just can’t hear you when I eat biscuits- fact!

  • @leamarie7927
    @leamarie7927 4 роки тому

    What would be the opposite of the awesome button? 🤔

  • @cassidybuell1238
    @cassidybuell1238 4 роки тому

    How dare thy assume I’m not the already the smartest person in the room🧐

  • @munn2006
    @munn2006 4 роки тому

    If a starfish can regrow an arm and an arm can regrow a whole body does that mean I can cut off all it's arms and end up with 6 starfish.

  • @cesartheskinwalker
    @cesartheskinwalker 4 роки тому


  • @btez31
    @btez31 4 роки тому

    Wow, you look beautiful ;-)

  • @depressionbird866
    @depressionbird866 4 роки тому

    Your hair looks so long!