Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) Discusses 'Ron Paul's Revolution'
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
Ron Paul's two presidential campaigns have galvanized a mass movement for smaller government, sound money, and an end to our interventionist foreign policy. This genuinely spontaneous movement has featured blimps, "money bombs," the rEVOLution logo, and thousands of college students chanting "End the Fed" at campuses across the country. Somehow the message Ron Paul had been advancing for 30 years caught on in an era of financial collapse, bailouts, unprecedented deficits, and the two longest wars in American history. Brian Doherty, a senior editor at Reason and author of several books on libertarian history, has been covering Ron Paul since 1999. In his new book he looks at Paul's background, his early years in Congress, his 1988 Libertarian presidential run, his recent campaigns, the grassroots activists who joined the Ron Paul revolution, and indeed the election of Senator Rand Paul.
Long Live The Ron Paul Revolution
ron paul > chocolate milk
ron paul > the white stripes
ron paul > kittens
Very good point about supporting all the bill of rights. We need more rallies for our rights in general. Problem is most people say they support the constitution but don't. I use to be a republican till they refused to call out their own party on violations. Now I'm a Libertarian big fan of Rand & Ron
Win Pennsylvania Republican Primary You have my vote Hang in there dearest ally and friend
Thank you!!
Rand Paul spokesperson for his great dad .I never knew how to pronounce Ayn before this.
Teach your son of the evils of the ethyl alcohol drinking 🍺
Ron was so based, he was present at the Boston Teaparty.
I only love you Rand and Jesus from Jesse Kopcie 🇺🇲😭
Please save us Mr. Apple and Thermos 🇺🇲😭
Win it in 2024 Best Friend from Jesse John Kopcie of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
He may be against it but he does not want to allow the government to tell you what you can and cannot do. If you want ot get married to a dog, cat, ant, etc. He's not going to stop you. Its your right and freedom to do what you want to the point of not violating anyone else's right or become a harm/threat to others safety.
Goodbye Last Jedi, from Mr. JESSE JOHN KOPCIE.
Love the shout out to Ayn. I dont think Rand Paul is an Objectivist, and probably not even a pure libertarian, but I still appreciate the mention for the bad-ass'est of them all, Ms Ayn Rand.
I think a balance of individualism and altruism is good :)
To me the really Baddest is Ron Paul!
The Prophet.
Me encanta el gobernador Rand Paul muy directo
RAND PAUL 2016 !!!
Each state will have different laws that will be voted on by the people in that state. The Same as it is now but with out the Federal Laws trumping state laws..
Rand, we also know that Romney and Obama are the same. Do not endorse Romney or your done.
I think people should care if leaders endorse murderers.
Ron Paul has said he believes life starts at conception. As a an obstetrician, it was his job to protect the life of both the mother and the child. IMO, it's understandable for him to be against abortion as it is terminating life (murder) in his eyes.
The state government is not as bad as the federal gov't because it has less reach. One bad decision made in the federal government affects all the states. If you want people to support abortions and gay marriage, try to spread those ideas
niiiice us help us all
Bring the psychiatric units to the Amendment II.
Instruct him well
Win Iowa Caucus 2024
You do a better job of spelling it out than Paul does. He's a terrible candidate, all but completely inarticulate. But then if you think the public is ready for all that right now, you'd make a terrible candidate too. And so nothing at all gets done. A smart candidate runs on auditing the fed and scaling back our overseas commitments, and leaves it at that for now. One drastic measure at a time. Paul could've been that candidate, with a clear and sensible message, but he's a wild nutjob instead.
They Republican Party is 1 of 2 parties. There are, for now only 2. Take your pick and hold fast to your Libertarian values! I always see people talk trash about Rand. He rocks! Yes he is true libertarian! Yet he still relates w/diehard old republicans. He has a great approval in Kentucky, and he stays true to his campaigning! Bad mouth him some more...u r ignorant!
Help please
This was beautiful lol
Trump Trump Trump
Methyl alcohol is wood alcohol
The first part is true the second not so much. Why would "everyone" want to replace Obama with Obamalite? We need real solutions, and Mitt isn't it.
I like Rand Paul but i was dissapointed with his recent stance against gay marriage and ghis tie to christian conservatives,at least Ron Paul voted to end Dont Ask dont Tell.
Rand Paul seems to be more of a hybrid Libertarian tea party type but nonetheless Rand is still better than Romney
It's 2019. Where is the tea party now?
JFK democrat switched to libertarIan republican.
How is Ron Paul libertarian when he advocates against abortions? Gay marriage? Leave these to the state gov't he said right? Why do people pretend that the state gummint is not as bad as the one at the federal level?
troll!! go away with that BS.. ill take my rights and property over safety any
Boaz and Rand..... drabby, unenergetic....