Remarks at the Antisemitism: Face It, Fight It Conference

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2023
  • October 17, 2023
    Prime Minister Justin Trudeau delivers remarks during the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) Conference, Antisemitism: Face it, Fight it Conference.


  • @heatherjones9773
    @heatherjones9773 8 місяців тому +58

    Resign and get out of Canada.

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +3

      Heather…no country wants him though. But, maybe with enough fish, we can bribe the penguins in Antarctica to take him.

  • @grandmufftwerkin9037
    @grandmufftwerkin9037 8 місяців тому +49

    Justin must have been fighting the urge to show up in full Rabbi costume.

    • @OdintheBully
      @OdintheBully 8 місяців тому +6

      Gold 😂

    • @tdeo2141
      @tdeo2141 8 місяців тому +4

      Oh man that’s good 😂

  • @KiddKainMusic
    @KiddKainMusic 8 місяців тому +25

    Criminal lips are movin again?

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      He’s not a criminal…he’s a Liberal. There’s a big difference…er, actually they are the same.
      Sorry, my mistake.

  • @Inferlogist
    @Inferlogist 8 місяців тому +18

    Hypocrisy is rampant in Canada .

  • @marcelcanuck
    @marcelcanuck 8 місяців тому +16

    The virtue signaling drama teacher strikes again
    Canadians have heard enough just step down and leave the country

  • @bjorn____
    @bjorn____ 8 місяців тому +16


  • @kingofhearts4395
    @kingofhearts4395 8 місяців тому +14

    Trudeau do what's right for Canada and Canadians. Step Down, You are the worse PM in Canadian History.

    • @Vickytoriahirt1234
      @Vickytoriahirt1234 8 місяців тому +3

      We need him to go into the next election as leader because he will lose. If someone else replaces him beforehand, the Liberals may improve in the polls.

  • @grandmufftwerkin9037
    @grandmufftwerkin9037 8 місяців тому +30

    Ladies and gentlemen;
    The guy who claps for notsees.

  • @grandmufftwerkin9037
    @grandmufftwerkin9037 8 місяців тому +27

    Remember when Justin said that a Jewish MP stood with swastikas?
    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    • @lifelfe
      @lifelfe 8 місяців тому

      Go back to watching cartoons, dude.

    • @grandmufftwerkin9037
      @grandmufftwerkin9037 8 місяців тому +11

      I am watching the cartoon that is the Trudeau government.
      Absolute Looney Tunes.

    • @grandmufftwerkin9037
      @grandmufftwerkin9037 8 місяців тому +8

      Are you denying that Trudeau said these things?

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      Grandmuff…all of Trudeau’s supporters live in denial about how bad they f😳cked up when they voted.

    • @luckreluck4308
      @luckreluck4308 8 місяців тому +2

      ​@grandmufftwerkin9037 same over here a approve your message.

  • @grandmufftwerkin9037
    @grandmufftwerkin9037 8 місяців тому +45

    Wars breaking out everywhere, and Justin cuts $1 billion from the defence budget.
    Stunning, and brave.

    • @lifelfe
      @lifelfe 8 місяців тому +1

      Reported this account for terrorist ideology

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      See, the thing is, Trudeau doesn’t believe we should have weapons or defend our country. If we got invaded, we would automatically surrender to the invading country and become their b!tches.

    • @marcelcanuck
      @marcelcanuck 8 місяців тому

      If you pay attention to history Bankrupt Countries cut their military budget then if things don't pick up social programs are next
      Trudeau's Canada

    • @jimdent351
      @jimdent351 8 місяців тому +1

      An overly sensitive person has reported a comment that was here of yours about "Justin going to bed at night..." I see it's now been removed.

    • @lifelfe
      @lifelfe 8 місяців тому +1

      According to the British Terrorism Act (2006), terrorism refers to the use and threat of action "designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public" and "made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause." Similar to the legal definition of terrorism in Canada, violence against people; damage to property; endangerment of life; and risks to the health or safety of the public are the key actions addressed within the Act

  • @jimdent351
    @jimdent351 8 місяців тому +13

    I'm guessing that Pierre Poilievre singlehandedly has more subscribers than ALL of the Liberal caucus combined.

  • @cotch40
    @cotch40 8 місяців тому +8

    Resign. Please, for the love of God, resign,

  • @notthetypicalcanadian0727
    @notthetypicalcanadian0727 8 місяців тому +14

    I love it how when Justin Trudeau uploads a video and the comments are full of people saying vote for Poilievre. I get sometimes a good chuckle out of it.

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +6

      It’s because people need to vote for Pierre.

    • @notthetypicalcanadian0727
      @notthetypicalcanadian0727 8 місяців тому +1

      @@stephenparchewski1998 Do what you want bud, but I am gonna stick with Trudeau as he isn't endorsed by Harper 🤣

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +3

      My vote goes to the politician who isn’t completely brain dead and hell-bent on destroying the country…so Pierre gets my vote.

    • @kingofhearts4395
      @kingofhearts4395 8 місяців тому +2

      @@stephenparchewski1998 Pierre gets my vote. Trudeau's the worse PM in Canadian History.

  • @grandmufftwerkin9037
    @grandmufftwerkin9037 8 місяців тому +19

    Did Trudeau arrive via magic carpet?

  • @jimdent351
    @jimdent351 8 місяців тому +8

    Drop the virtue signalling. People have finally woken up to realize it's nothing more than empty words.

  • @MrMistrEnigma
    @MrMistrEnigma 8 місяців тому +21

    Ahh….he will now lecture us on Antisemitism….
    The same clown and party that has lectured us on the (still undefined) Islamaphobia for numerous years.
    Sit down, go away and let the leader the country needs take over

  • @jimdent351
    @jimdent351 8 місяців тому +19

    I bought 4 cans of yellow label PC peas yesterday because they were on sale. As I was putting them in the cupboard I saw that I still had one can left from the last time I bought peas. The problem was that the newly bought cans were 4 oz smaller now than they used to be. The can I found in the cupboard from a few months ago was 14 oz and the one I just bought was only 10 oz. Thank you Justin! You did this to Canadians!!

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      Trudeau doesn’t believe Canadians deserve food. When people starve, it helps the climate…

    • @lifelfe
      @lifelfe 8 місяців тому

      It was the PM's fault, that's hilarious. He caused the can shrinkage

    • @jimdent351
      @jimdent351 8 місяців тому +7

      @@lifelfe YES it's his fault. Absolutely 100% his fault that these companies must shrink portion sizes to hide the inflation. Many people would never notice the cans getting smaller and the price staying the same, BUT they notice when prices climb for the same size container. 100% his fault!!!

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +2

      This one’s for you Jimdent351

    • @JSTIUK
      @JSTIUK 8 місяців тому +1

      ​@@lifelfehe's a fool , an arrogant irrelevant has been . The only reason he's still our prime minister is because he's conned jagmeet into some BS coalition..

  • @trevortoop5166
    @trevortoop5166 8 місяців тому +7

    Trudeau: I guess he wasted all that practice on his "Salem Alekum".

    • @ilhamemoon364
      @ilhamemoon364 8 місяців тому

      Nah he said "shaloum" it's a jewish greeting

  • @billclay9511
    @billclay9511 8 місяців тому +6

    Skidmark on the underpants of Canada

  • @grapefruitsimmons
    @grapefruitsimmons 8 місяців тому +6

    Idk, if a group of people keep gettin run out of where they are again and again, at what ppint do they look at themselves and ask "wait, is it us" 😂

  • @kellieromanoff8548
    @kellieromanoff8548 8 місяців тому +5

    U um u u um just resign already.! Let me make myself perfectly clear Canadians want you and WEF GONE!

  • @user-sf6td1qu9y
    @user-sf6td1qu9y 8 місяців тому +8

    He is too fake 🙏

  • @ctosspot5192
    @ctosspot5192 8 місяців тому +9

    Time for you to leave trudeau

  • @FrolFrodo
    @FrolFrodo 8 місяців тому +4

    Rather than be concern of international affairs our Prime Minister should think of Canadians first. Our Welfare system needs reform, at this point it is designed to support those who already homeless, and no help for people who have temporary issues, but do not want to loose their life.

  • @somethingtofilltheblank3526
    @somethingtofilltheblank3526 8 місяців тому +3

    We need to fix Canada and he's the biggest and first obstacle

  • @jason8679
    @jason8679 8 місяців тому +11

    We love you!! You’re the best!! Oh poop, I thought this was Pierre’s page. Sorry.

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +2

      The Führer does not approve of your comment as your comment hurt the Führer‘s feelings…

  • @cyriltench6580
    @cyriltench6580 8 місяців тому +8

    Let’s trade him to hamus for our Canadian hostages

    • @drbluechipx
      @drbluechipx 8 місяців тому +2

      If they don't want him, let's trade him to Antarctica for a glass of ice cubes.

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      Hell, even half a glass would suffice.

  • @anotheran
    @anotheran 7 місяців тому +1

    If only you could enforce 319 section 2 of the criminal code. But if you aren’t then I guess it’s hard to prove in court it’s antisemitism.

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому +1

    Do something to stop the genocide against Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @FrolFrodo
    @FrolFrodo 8 місяців тому +2

    Looking deeply into Israel Palestine conflict. By 1947 agreement Israel should give part of occupied territories to Palestine, which they never did. This created a disonance that result in War, that lasting for many decades. I am, as Canadian, personaly not in support of any violence, hence i can understand that Pallestinians are fighting for their own freedom and sovereignity. Some of freedom groups more radical, which is not acceptable. But What is our Prime Minister message is? It would be sad to see our own citizens (Palestinians about 30 000) or our muslim communities (about 2.5 000000) be upset with a commets of our goverment. In oppose to (335,295 Jewish members). Historicaly Canada and most of Western World have stronger ties with Israel. And at no point i excuse violence that was executed by Hamas. Hence, as multi cultural Country Canada should represent every Citizen, and respect other sides of World conflicts. We should stand for peace from both sides. I, along with milllions of other Canadians standing for Peace in a whole World, and those politicians who stand for War does not belong to our Canadian herritage and do not represent Our Values.
    Most canadian families immigrate to Canada becouse it is free from Violance, Racism, Nationalism and Corruption, should this change our country will turn into haos, as we host so many nations that historicaly in fight with each other, and it is only Canada Law and Canada Values that keep all this people in peace.

    • @Vickytoriahirt1234
      @Vickytoriahirt1234 8 місяців тому +2

      Not correct. The Arabs were given a state of their own by the UN and they rejected it. The Arabs want full control of the region. Hence their unwillingness to have peace. Their inability to accept Israel is what is causing this war to go on forever. The sooner the Arabs accept Israel, the sooner Arabs will stop being hurt in Israeli counterattacks. It's very simple. Stop attacking Israel. Stop starting wars with Israel and Israel will stop retaliating.

  • @ujazz5765
    @ujazz5765 8 місяців тому +1

    What about children in Gaza ???

  • @stephenparchewski1998
    @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +2

    Justin, after 10 hours this video is at 600 views. Pierre released one 3 hours ago and his is at 9900 views. What is it going to take for you to get the message?

  • @ownrhythm6536
    @ownrhythm6536 7 місяців тому

    Am I islamophobic and antisemitic for being an atheist that questions the moral conviction of any of these religious people that put their faith above their duty to be civil to their fellow man?

  • @youtubehatesus2651
    @youtubehatesus2651 8 місяців тому +1

    invites Waffen SS to Parliament

  • @karenreid109
    @karenreid109 5 місяців тому

    You have single handedly amped up racism

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Please stop the war

  • @lifelfe
    @lifelfe 8 місяців тому +4

    Most of the comments here are deporties. Not to be rude or anything, but alot of people don't belong here obviously. Canada is a bilingual country and not solely governed by either side

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      Now, about most of the comments being deportees…do you have any proof of this? I’ve been in Canada my whole life.

  • @esox66
    @esox66 8 місяців тому

    Oh look, it's a TaxMan, his power is destroying Canadian lives

  • @reniyareni5646
    @reniyareni5646 8 місяців тому

    Majesty ummmmmmmmmmmah

  • @vieirajose998
    @vieirajose998 8 місяців тому +4

    GOD'S LOVE.✝️

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      The Führer does not approve of your comment as the Führer worships Satan.

    • @flomo7382
      @flomo7382 8 місяців тому

      RELIGION is a cause of many WARS

  • @fersoygizem4164
    @fersoygizem4164 8 місяців тому

    Dady i love u so much

  • @user-zk8wi1kh5j
    @user-zk8wi1kh5j 8 місяців тому

    My real or unreal sis snatched my i.d card and my job. And they keeping me in house as kidnapped. I want to be free and I want my everything which he is snatching. I don't know my real parents name and husband if they are.

  • @LisaG442
    @LisaG442 8 місяців тому

    Is he really at a conference? I don’t see ppl. Clapping could be dubbed in ..

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому

      I doubt it. Nobody’s shouting “F😳ck Trudeau” in the background…so there’s probably nobody there.

    • @LisaG442
      @LisaG442 8 місяців тому +1

      @@stephenparchewski1998 🤣😂🤣 👍🏻

  • @foggyblues13
    @foggyblues13 8 місяців тому +5

    Hey drama teacher! Where's your Jewish costume?
    VOTE FOR PIERRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +1

      The Führer does not approve of your comment. The Führer hates Jews.

  • @tannerc900
    @tannerc900 8 місяців тому

    BOO 🗣️

  • @Nathan-lt6bw
    @Nathan-lt6bw 8 місяців тому +6

    please leave canada

  • @markeves8949
    @markeves8949 8 місяців тому

    Err, you making up forcthat Nszi thing? Transparent much?

  • @TheSupertoons
    @TheSupertoons 6 місяців тому


  • @Boby_Johnny
    @Boby_Johnny 8 місяців тому

    sit with your legs close together

  • @basementdweller100
    @basementdweller100 8 місяців тому


  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

  • @reniyareni5646
    @reniyareni5646 8 місяців тому

    Majesty I got deep love on you but by knowing this Priscilla chan immediately changed my face. I sat thought for a while . According to my thinking capacity this Priscilla chan thought hey reniya for you 3 in one millionaire a? Never . Priscilla chan has pride that she is Chinese woman. See majesty your loving me because Iam looking beautiful but Priscilla chan kept her hands on my face because of your love . Majesty why? Majesty i have to face hell of problems because of your love . I promise in jesus christ name I love justin Trudeau very much . But because of Chinese people bigshots especially Xinjiang I don't want you . I want my face back. Face vs love means , face only wins . So majesty I denied you means not simply for timepass I loved you . Because of this bigshots Xinjiang, Priscilla chan. (My face ,complexion, ,structure) everything they took . The only reason is 3in one millionaire loves reniya (tamil girl) for that reason only I said I din love you majesty don't reflect this temper and anger in my work place. I always love you and your Charlotte , smoking in British pipes and your favourite German shepherd dogs , gun shots , dancing salsa. Justin Trudeau is Benz baby, lacto baby, romanbaby especially charloote baby , royal baby. Snowy weather, snowfall oh it's Christmas carol, charloote with shepherd dogs are roaming around. Where is British smoking pipes . Wow chimneys produce hell of smoke. Snow fall moves . Happy prince was born that is none other than 3 in one justin Trudeau king of Canada country

  • @shelld8854
    @shelld8854 8 місяців тому


  • @luckreluck4308
    @luckreluck4308 8 місяців тому +2

    What we have here is a Duconlajoie in person,resign small🥔

  • @Nicklan1961
    @Nicklan1961 8 місяців тому +2

    I have no problem with antisemmatism at all I don't have a problem at all with Jewish people
    For example the jewish groups sitting in the senate today demanding a ceasefire I totally support them.
    But I do have a problem with people who cannot tell the truth and keep putting a lie after lie like the Israeli government has been doing.

    • @Vickytoriahirt1234
      @Vickytoriahirt1234 8 місяців тому +1

      If the Arabs stopped attacking Israel, there would be no counterattack and no Arabs will die. Very simple. They have to accept Israel and stop starting wars with Israel. Hamas has to stop the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Israel will stop retaliating. The problem is 60% of people in Gaza support Hamas. So really they are terrorists too. Hamas is a terrorist group. And those who support terrorism are also terrorists in my book.

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    More then 3000 Palestinian people were killed this is not okay

  • @defence4all
    @defence4all 8 місяців тому

    boycott trudeau. defer 2023 income tax until we get federal elelction

  • @Dank69410
    @Dank69410 8 місяців тому

    Shame 🔔

  • @dodohando8287
    @dodohando8287 7 місяців тому

    5000 children, 11000 civilians, 32 United Nations employees and 38 journalists are killed. Or what does genocide mean to you, Justin? Feel sorry for yourself. Do you know what war crimes, human rights are, Justin?

  • @Scradley2241
    @Scradley2241 8 місяців тому +4

    You can tell this room was pretty empty just by how much your echoing. Wouldn’t be surprised if the claps were fake.

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Israel is laying

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @reniyareni5646
    @reniyareni5646 8 місяців тому

    Majesty please understand I din like you , I din get love on you ,if I say no to your love . Your institution people are scolding me for unnecessary reasons . Majesty if I love you ,I have to face lot of problems . Especially Xinjiang prime minister ,Priscilla chan , lot of bigshots I have to face . Sorry majesty because your loving me ,this Priscilla chan immediately changed my face totally. This is all because of your love on me . I have decided to marry someone else, instead of bearing mental tortures from Xinjiang prime minister to Priscilla chan. I cannot fight with sophie Trudeau, George Trudeau etc. Sorry majesty your a millionaire, roman catholic owner , Canada country prime minister. First itself I told you I din get love on you . But your institution pressure on me made myself to push and love you . But it got failed . Sorry majesty I din get love on you

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому

      See everyone…this is what Trudeau’s drugs are doing to people.

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    You’re news is fault

  • @brandonliberty9218
    @brandonliberty9218 8 місяців тому

    Don’t forget to down vote!

  • @eanerickson8915
    @eanerickson8915 7 місяців тому

    Costume boy is out of dress.

  • @Seekthetruth.Dontfollowblindly
    @Seekthetruth.Dontfollowblindly 8 місяців тому


  • @anishapadamshi2408
    @anishapadamshi2408 8 місяців тому +1

    ❤ 🇨🇦 ❤

  • @Passion886
    @Passion886 8 місяців тому


  • @leeproulx7412
    @leeproulx7412 8 місяців тому +6

    I am very proud of our prime minister and our opposition leader who have strongly spoken to the fact, that there are rules in wars, that must be followed, and are supplying humanitarian relief aid to innocent citizens, affected by this war.

  • @dsqm2738
    @dsqm2738 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you very much for your hard work and dedication, keep the great work 👍🏻❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🎊🎊🥳🥳🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +8

      What did he do?

    • @QAn0nYourm0m
      @QAn0nYourm0m 8 місяців тому +9

      Hi Justin!

    • @stephenparchewski1998
      @stephenparchewski1998 8 місяців тому +3

      @He_his_him…DSQM always implies that Trudeau did something good. As far as I know, Trudeau hasn’t resigned or unalived himself…so I don’t know what good he did.

    • @dembipor
      @dembipor 7 місяців тому

      Dildeau, is this you ?

  • @paulwiens5918
    @paulwiens5918 8 місяців тому

    How are electric car sales going justin? Have you paid the construction company yet? Are they back to work? How much money is this costing the taxpayers justin? Is there even a demand for the batteries? Good luck with that justin!

  • @anishapadamshi2408
    @anishapadamshi2408 8 місяців тому +2


  • @user-sf6td1qu9y
    @user-sf6td1qu9y 8 місяців тому +4

    He is too fake 🙏

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @Ahldhakari
    @Ahldhakari 8 місяців тому

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸