Yo me suscribí a este canal porque mostraba la vida rural, nómada de Irán, me pareció interesante, hoy, la veo como una serie Netflix dónde actúan unos personajes súper idiotas, mentirosos y sin educación (exceptuando a los niños que solo son utilizados) que manipulan a los espectadores más ingenuos que creen que todo lo que ven, es real. El padre se lamenta de no tener dinero para pagar el terreno en donde viven, dramatizan y mueren de angustia, él no trabaja esperando maná del cielo, luego bajan a la ciudad por el accidente de la pequeña Elnaz y de pasada compran golosinas a lo rico. (Imran debe educar a Mahan para que entienda de no tomar cosas de las tiendas de manera furtiva y no pagar por ellas) . Sr., por favor lea esto a Imran. Salud para Elnaz.
Deberían enseñar a Mahan a no agarrar nada de la tienda, tomo dulces los abrió y los comió, por lo menos debería pedir permiso a Inram y tiene con que pagar. Muy malcriado el niño.
I was thinking the same thing, Mahan always helps himself to sweets. Also why would you let your 6 year old travel in the front of the car with no seat belt on and the mum 9 months pregnant.
уних воспитания ноль мама психопатка и дети видят как она себя ведет и наглые беспредельно только требуют сама ни дня нигде копейку в дом не принесла.Как мужик столько терпит постоянно недовольна долги имеет как пришли в магазин она уже о них забыла.а дети они как маугли вечно они голодные в магазине хапают мамаша как тормоз ей пофиг чтобы сделать замечание.УЖАС посмотрите какие мальчишки у ее сестры да она и сама приятная хотелось бы чтобы оператор передал ей коментарии потому что не приятно смотреть и количество подписчиков будет меньше.
Poor Elnaz! My heart breaks to see her in pain..She is such sweet little girl, all of the children are very kind and loving! I hope Irman does the right thing with this debt he owes and doesn’t cause his family great hardship!!!!!!
Such is life, limbs break, children and adults alike, it will be fine, as long as there is understanding and harmony in the family and not quarrels, which is what I wish them..❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@cindygartner157 Isn't it enough cause that Imran barely keeps the family afloat? With his haphazard projects/ non viable ideas managed to be in permanent debt ? Unless they created this never ending chaos as the signature " theme " of the channel , played for the viewers . 😜
Que podemos esperar si desde el principio de la historia inventaron todo diciendo que los dos eran viudos, que inram no era el padre de estos niños etc cuando todo esta grabado en videos viejos donde ellos estaban en una boda en el 2016..y tenian a malika en brazos ...
Lo mismo o peor pasará con el llorón consentido de Quasim que va pegando a todo el mundo y nunca lo corrigen, al contrario. Yo estoy harta de decirlo, pero parece que opinar así es un tabú y siempre saltan las voces censoras, así que cada vez veo menos estos videos.
Me indigna el poco.amor de esa madre la.pasividad con la que se toma lo que le paso a Elnaz . Nisiquiera queria ir . Y maham un atrevido agarrar golosinas y comerselas sin pedir permiso el se hace el que no lo ve ???? Realmente cada dia me.descepcionan mas
I also was shocked, that Angel first said she did not want to go to the hospital, what Mother would not want to be with her child going to the hospital is very strange, it seems as if she don't want Iram to discipline the kids when they misbehave, but in anything else , its all his responsibility.
Cocugu acidim mahan hirsiz ne anne ne baba cocuklara eğitim verecek duzgun insanlar değiller herseyden once anne baba cocuğunu eğitmeli filim yapimcisi sen oğren yorumlari okutun onlara kadini hamile değil bunla dilenmekte uzmanlasmislar koyunlar ac gunah
Papá mamá enseñen a su hijo si se sacan productos y no se pagan se lo que sea es robo y si se acostumbra cuando sea grande tendrá problemas es muy mal educado el niño no te hagas papá que no lo vistes estás encubriendo una conducta del niño que no debe ser
Também já estou ficando com raiva .. Essa mulher só sabe reclamar do marido, se ela olhar para trás vai ver o que esse homem fez na vida dela. Ele se preocupa e cuida mais das crianças do que a própria mãe.😤😮💨
What the hell is wrong with you Fereshte??????? It isn't Imran's fault that Elnaz fell. Can't you go a day without harsh words????? Poor little Elnaz, the sweetest little girl is in so much pain. Children fall and break arms and legs. It is no one's fault, it was an accident.
Viewers said from the time he built those steps that someone would get hurt, they are difficult to maneuver and are not even the same depth. They also suggested he install a rail to hold on to.
Fereshte is a moody ,angry, miserable woman. She is nothing like her sister, the wife of Quasim. I don’t know how Imran tolerates her. I don’t think she loves him, although he’s such a good man!
Здравствуйте наша любимая семья❤боже мой как жаль Эльназ. Имран и Фереште будьте пожалуйста терпимее друг к другу,прекратите ссориться при детях,они переживают отсюда и все белы.ГОСподин оператор спасибо вам за ролики,ждём каждый день.❤
Y ahora es que te das cuenta que la vida de esta familia es mentira?? Todo lo inventan para que los seguidores comenten y les den dinero...inram es un hombre muy vago , que no le gusta trabajar
Bende inanmiyorum herseyleri yalan bunlar dilenci cingene bunlara para vermeyin alismislar dilenmeye ilkel insanlar ben gerceği oğrendim gerceği oğrendikten sonra asla yardim yapmaktan vaz gectim duzenbaz insanlar
STOP BLAMING IMRAN!! FERESHTE IS THEIR MOTHER. She is so lazy. Expects Imran to do everything and then blames him for anything that goes wrong. She is going to break him. Those kids do not listen to Imran because their mom always interferes.
Она очень ленивая, жалко девочку упала бежит Имран, везите ребенка до врача, да не мучяйте ребенка,какая же тупая как пенёк, ребенок плачет рука опухла.
How much more bitchy can she get? Unbelievable. Blame someone else for the child's fall off the steps? 🫨 And then doesn't want go to take the child to the hospital.
When they first got together Imran was such a happy man made everyone else's happy.. now it's like all the joy and happiness has gone from this family.😢 She was miserable before now she's even more miserable
Hola amigos como acá desde Uruguay había distanciado por intereses particulares cómo están cómo está esa relación maestro constructor y Ángel los extrañé mucho familia un abrazo desde Uruguay❤❤❤🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾
Que brutalidad 😡 la niña llora que le duele y ella le tira del brazo y él le apreta , si la niña llora es porque realmente le duele. Ese niño es muy mal educado , deberian corregirlo para que se comporte en público. Que venda esas cabras y pague la dueda , estan muertas de hambre y sed
A inram no le gusta vender cabras.lo que siempre busca es que los seguidores le depositen dinero y el pagar deudas..Por favor que nadie le transfiera dinero porque eso seria ser complices de su mala cabeza e irresponsabilidad ...ya estoy dudando que fereshte esta embarazada ya que parece que tuviera una almohada
@@eternalblossom9287…Imran is either a sadist or completely ignorant. No one in their right mind would handle a child with a broken arm that way or he just doesn’t care.
Mr videographers I’ve been reading the comments. Most of the viewers dislike the spoilt, aggressive brat named Mahan. They notice how he steals candy and other things from the store. He is not disciplined and he steals. The second big complaint is about Fereshte. Viewers don’t like her. She is mean, moody, and generally miserable. She blames Imran for everything. She is not an angel and you are loosing membership because of her and the golden child Mahan. Please talk to them about this.
Lazy men, live hand to mouth. and all the sweets they buy the kids. also they help them selves in shops, no control on the and actions. I am not impressed with this family.,
So much junk food! Little boy gets what he wants and eats it standing by the door. Was it paid for? He should not be allowed to touch anything in the store.
What are the spices that they use in their cooking dishes that they eat ?? I love using spices and I would thank you if I could know the English words for them. Thank You Mr. Cameraman
That woman makes me sick. If it was Mahan she would be running to the doctors right away . And everything ,she blames Imran . I can not like this woman,she is very manipulative and mean . She will not be a good mother to the new baby ,just because it is Imran's child.
I broke my arm twice as a child these things happen no one is to blame ,my mum did not take me to the hospital till the day after it does not make a bad parent
It shows they have got no sense pulling the childs arm about .. pulling her jumper off any idiot would no it was broke As parents go they are hopeless... And teach that naughty boy some manners
Yet again Mahon has got his hand in the sweet jar, hoping that he will not be seen. Maybe when he gets older he will become a thief? Imran knows what he is like but turns a blind eye. Leave the boy in the car when you go to a shop if he cannot stop stealing.
Isn’t it terrible when a parent fails his child. Imran saw Mohan stealing sweets but chose not to correct his bad behaviour. How is the boy going to learn not to steal if his parent doesn’t do anything about it. I’m afraid Mohan is destined to be a thief like his father.😢
Spot on!!! This has been happening for months. He is the first one with his hand in Akbars sweet jar, sweets put in pockets without paying and Imran chooses to ignore it because he dare not chastise “the golden child” in case he cries and then Fereshet tells him off!! If Imran carries on ignoring this thieving and general gluttony type of behaviour then god help them all!! 🐷🐽🤦🏻♀️
🐨 Poor lil Elnaz, I wish a speedy recovery for you 🧚🏻♀️ and I hope all goes well at the Doctors tomorrow. Try to rest and keep still today, it’s a good day to watch cartoons on TV. Tell Mummy if your arm starts to throb. Big hugs and kisses sweet child 😘 🦄🌈
Esto es vergonzoso... Esperan para llevarla al médico... No solo eso la madre no quiere ir.. Un tipo que no quiere trabajar y una madre sin sentimiento,estaba suscrito, ya no. Espero que nadie le gire dinero a este parásito
Bunlarin yalanlari bitmez gerceği ben oğrendim son anda ogrendim yardimi iptal ettim acindirmak icin cocuklar betona yatiyor sonradan ogrendim birisi dedi orda uyumuyorlar yalancilar
Нельзя чтобы ноги замёрзли, одевайтесь носки, все болезни от простуды, вам девочки ещё рожать надо,нельзя простудить организм, Иране врачи почему не говорят об этом
Там все животные(у всех) бродят по всей деревне, чужие овцы приходят к ним в сарай, осел каждый день в "гостях".Жизнь этих людей сильно отличается от нашей и их она устраивает.
Making pizza is very easy and healthy if you make it yourself. But first make an oven from the stones you used to make the garden wall. And make a kind of house with cement. Make sure you make a floor where you can put a hob on it. If you can make a hatch and close it you have a beautiful stone oven..... good luck with your next pizza project Imran...
These people have no common sense at all The man keeps touching her arms CLEARLY she in pain stop touching her..these people are idiots are all nomads this careless in the dome......
Oh my, poor Alnaz took a big fall onto concrete and broke a bone. Maybe Imran could install railing on each side of the steps for everyone to hold on to in case they have a misstep. I am really be afraid for Foreshte in her current condition and in the future carrying a baby. Imran, you need to make your home safer for your family. You are the one responsible for their safety. God bless.
Şimdi cokkizginim benim elnazim düştü bu rezilliği durdurun bir el yüz lavabosu cokmu zorduuykudan kalkan cocuklar icincocuk büyük terliklerleri le iniyor acil lavabo yapın ilk yaşam hic bitmedi kuzum çok üzüldüm umarim iyisindir😢😮❤
Unbelievable that they fight for 2 days over having no money, then the first chance Imran gets he is buying rubbish in a shop, BUT he asks credit from Akbar. He let's his spoiled son steal from the shops, all ok with Imran ! Where's the money coming from today ?
Everybody comment I read very well take my time I thought I’m the only one I found the lady. She’s so weird. She never be happy. No appreciate bad influence for her daughters. I feel bad for imran
Mahan steals sweets from the shop and eats them as he walks around the shop and his father allows this and buys them rubbish food to eat full of sugar this is child abuse and rots their teeth
Perché piangi miseria, hai un piccolo capitale con le capre, vendile almeno la metà e ti togli dai guai... Pensa che tra pochi giorni dovrebbe nascere il bimbo e non avete nessun corredino.... Svegliatevi
Имран, зачем ты берешь Махана в магазин, ты же знаешь, как он себя ведет? Взял конфету, съел. Еще взял, а Имран даже замечание не сделал, все в порядке вещей. Махан, ты воришка!
Sharabanu's sister Angel is not arrogant, she is a good lady, but her husband Imran is a bad and careless seller, he spends money on frivolous things, he asks for money from all the viewers, he does not work to earn money but spends money on expensive food and things, he does not pay for other people's land, but he uses all the land in the mountains as if it were his own, that's why Angel insulted Imran, it is the wrong Imran.
I don’t know anymore about any of these so called real life dramas, but I’m out of here, the mom needs to be taught how to speak to her husband , she’s rude and mean mouthed. Bearing child or not Love your husband or pack up and get OUT!
Девочке в больнице нельзя было обувь снять ,прям в обуви легла на больничное место ,такие люди до них вообще ничего не доходит. Мамаша ,как не от мира всего.
Bonsoir a tous et toutes.cette femme est vraiment mauvaise n a pas du tout d empathie.je ne la supporte plus depuis bien longtemps quand je regarde la vidéo je ne regarde que imram le pauvre qui subit tous ces caprices d enfant mal élevé.je comprends mieux pourquoi son ex Belle mere la mis a la porte un vrai dragon en faite .je serai cette homme il y a bien longtemps que je serai parti et la laissant dans sa tente avec ces mouflets ingrat mis a part cette pauvre malika qui doit supporter les cris de sa mère en permanence.operateur dite lui sincèrement de changer de comportement ou votre chaine sera vraiment en peril .je dis ça mais notre avis ne compte pas pour cette femme.
Just jealous…you?She is very pregnant, and you only see what you want to see. Mean words I read by a lot of people: there are who disgrace Fereste, others disgrace Imran… I read no normal uplifting advices by those people…. I read al the nasty comments and think: who speaks so nasty about others …is nasty her/ himself. Yes: so the world will not become a better place. So please 🙏🏼 think 😂before reacting…They do their best.🕊️
@inekeory3886 pour vous répondre en aucun je suis jaloux de qui que soit .c est un fait tous simplement au fur et à mesure des vidéos même si vous dite quel est enceinte et que vous lui trouverez toute les excuses du monde dans un couple on est souder et on ne se rejette pas la faute l un sur l autre a contrario de ce que l'on peut voir ici .certe on vit un monde où la critique est facile mais elle sert aussi pour avancer quand on a un esprit ouvert ou l on ne s arrête pas a certain mots .vive la liberté d expression.en tous cas je vous souhaite une belle journée amour et paix 😉
I do agree with some words you are saying when it ‘s about free speaking and going forward: and so: but my mom learned me” c’ette le ton qui fait la musique”’ and I read a lot to nasty criticism far beyond real advice in the comments …sorry my french is not so good… 😌thanks for the feedback and wish you of course the best for life.🫶and I do hope that the children will grown up as good as possible: they are the future of their country. 🙋🏼♀️
Che mamma preoccupata x la figlia, ma io dico che mamma sei se non vuoi accompagnare tua figlia? Te stai godendo nel incolpare gli altri e litigare con tuo marito
Geçmiş olsun Elanaz. Umarım tez zamanda kolun iyileşir.
What a brave little girl. 😢 I hope she will be fine once she heals . ❤
Yo me suscribí a este canal porque mostraba la vida rural, nómada de Irán, me pareció interesante, hoy, la veo como una serie Netflix dónde actúan unos personajes súper idiotas, mentirosos y sin educación (exceptuando a los niños que solo son utilizados) que manipulan a los espectadores más ingenuos que creen que todo lo que ven, es real. El padre se lamenta de no tener dinero para pagar el terreno en donde viven, dramatizan y mueren de angustia, él no trabaja esperando maná del cielo, luego bajan a la ciudad por el accidente de la pequeña Elnaz y de pasada compran golosinas a lo rico. (Imran debe educar a Mahan para que entienda de no tomar cosas de las tiendas de manera furtiva y no pagar por ellas) . Sr., por favor lea esto a Imran. Salud para Elnaz.
Eso sí bien dicho
He did pay for it
Gerçekleri söylediğiniz için sizi tebrik ediyorum. İnsanları saf zanneden, kötü bir oyuncu ekibi var.
Deberían enseñar a Mahan a no agarrar nada de la tienda, tomo dulces los abrió y los comió, por lo menos debería pedir permiso a Inram y tiene con que pagar. Muy malcriado el niño.
I saw him do that. It’s called theft. Why does no one correct him? You cannot do that!
He is a greedy child ! No one stops him.
Si l'ho visto anche io e il negoziante anche
I was thinking the same thing, Mahan always helps himself to sweets. Also why would you let your 6 year old travel in the front of the car with no seat belt on and the mum 9 months pregnant.
уних воспитания ноль мама психопатка и дети видят как она себя ведет и наглые беспредельно только требуют сама ни дня нигде копейку в дом не принесла.Как мужик столько терпит постоянно недовольна долги имеет как пришли в магазин она уже о них забыла.а дети они как маугли вечно они голодные в магазине хапают мамаша как тормоз ей пофиг чтобы сделать замечание.УЖАС посмотрите какие мальчишки у ее сестры да она и сама приятная хотелось бы чтобы оператор передал ей коментарии потому что не приятно смотреть и количество подписчиков будет меньше.
Poor Elnaz! My heart breaks to see her in pain..She is such sweet little girl, all of the children are very kind and loving!
I hope Irman does the right thing with this debt he owes and doesn’t cause his family great hardship!!!!!!
I think he needs to get a job so he can get out of debt
Such is life, limbs break, children and adults alike, it will be fine, as long as there is understanding and harmony in the family and not quarrels, which is what I wish them..❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ese niño es x demás ¡¡¡VIVO!!!x sus cinco años.Super maleducado y egoista.Ya lo dije antes: Se le está yendo de las manos.
نصيحتي هي ان تذهب الى العمل خير لك من الجلوس امام زوجتك طوال الوقت وتستطيع ان تسدد كل الديون
He is lazy!
When he tries, she gets upset with him. Then again, she is always getting mad at him for no cause!
@@cindygartner157 Isn't it enough cause that Imran barely keeps the family afloat? With his haphazard projects/ non viable ideas managed to be in permanent debt ? Unless they created this never ending chaos as the signature " theme " of the channel , played for the viewers . 😜
Этот мальчик обсолютно не воспитан ,поднимат руку на отца это сверх не воспитанность , ноо что ждать от этих родителей которые обманывает вес мир
Ох,как Вы правы!
Que podemos esperar si desde el principio de la historia inventaron todo diciendo que los dos eran viudos, que inram no era el padre de estos niños etc cuando todo esta grabado en videos viejos donde ellos estaban en una boda en el 2016..y tenian a malika en brazos ...
@@Kchi-c9i آیا شما تماشاکردی فیلم اون سالو مطمئن هستی از این موضوع یعنی تمام این داستانها سناریو از قبل نوشته شده بوده
Dire d un petit garçon qu il est inculte ne relève pas beaucoup de l intelligence !!!mal élevé possible mais c est tout !!!!
Люди зарабатывают ,многодетная семья ,просто смотрите и наслаждайтесь. Семья отличная❤
El mal educado saco algo y lo está comiendo en la puerta siempre hace lo mismo y fue y saco otra vez que la madre le enseñe a no robar
Ese niño no tiene mas modales y respto x nadie que triste futuro le espera
Lo mismo o peor pasará con el llorón consentido de Quasim que va pegando a todo el mundo y nunca lo corrigen, al contrario. Yo estoy harta de decirlo, pero parece que opinar así es un tabú y siempre saltan las voces censoras, así que cada vez veo menos estos videos.
Me indigna el poco.amor de esa madre la.pasividad con la que se toma lo que le paso a Elnaz . Nisiquiera queria ir . Y maham un atrevido agarrar golosinas y comerselas sin pedir permiso el se hace el que no lo ve ???? Realmente cada dia me.descepcionan mas
I also was shocked, that Angel first said she did not want to go to the hospital, what Mother would not want to be with her child going to the hospital is very strange, it seems as if she don't want Iram to discipline the kids when they misbehave, but in anything else , its all his responsibility.
Cocugu acidim mahan hirsiz ne anne ne baba cocuklara eğitim verecek duzgun insanlar değiller herseyden once anne baba cocuğunu eğitmeli filim yapimcisi sen oğren yorumlari okutun onlara kadini hamile değil bunla dilenmekte uzmanlasmislar koyunlar ac gunah
Papá mamá enseñen a su hijo si se sacan productos y no se pagan se lo que sea es robo y si se acostumbra cuando sea grande tendrá problemas es muy mal educado el niño no te hagas papá que no lo vistes estás encubriendo una conducta del niño que no debe ser
Também já estou ficando com raiva ..
Essa mulher só sabe reclamar do marido, se ela olhar para trás vai ver o que esse homem fez na vida dela.
Ele se preocupa e cuida mais das crianças do que a própria mãe.😤😮💨
Why do you tell a child not to cry my goodness if they’re hurting, they should cry. It’s a natural and necessary thing..
What the hell is wrong with you Fereshte??????? It isn't Imran's fault that Elnaz fell. Can't you go a day without harsh words????? Poor little Elnaz, the sweetest little girl is in so much pain. Children fall and break arms and legs. It is no one's fault, it was an accident.
Can't agree moore....thanx
Viewers said from the time he built those steps that someone would get hurt, they are difficult to maneuver and are not even the same depth. They also suggested he install a rail to hold on to.
Fereshte is a moody ,angry, miserable woman. She is nothing like her sister, the wife of Quasim. I don’t know how Imran tolerates her. I don’t think she loves him, although he’s such a good man!
@@RandaSamaraI guess when you are eight months pregnant you are a bunch of fun. You can see she is just tired now
Mi bella Elnaz, todo va a estar bien😘
Здравствуйте наша любимая семья❤боже мой как жаль Эльназ. Имран и Фереште будьте пожалуйста терпимее друг к другу,прекратите ссориться при детях,они переживают отсюда и все белы.ГОСподин оператор спасибо вам за ролики,ждём каждый день.❤
Tanto amor por las cabras y pasan mas hambre y sed que el perro de un ciego
What a darling baby goat. Such a happy little animal!
Yes it's a shame they keep it away from it's mother so greedy nasty Fereshte can steal the baby's milk
Вчера плакали ,что денег нет сегодня закупают столько сладостей и рассчитываются карточкой ,это что вчерашнее ,обман людей
А Вы каа думали,побольше поплачешь побольше денег получишь
Y ahora es que te das cuenta que la vida de esta familia es mentira?? Todo lo inventan para que los seguidores comenten y les den dinero...inram es un hombre muy vago , que no le gusta trabajar
Bende inanmiyorum herseyleri yalan bunlar dilenci cingene bunlara para vermeyin alismislar dilenmeye ilkel insanlar ben gerceği oğrendim gerceği oğrendikten sonra asla yardim yapmaktan vaz gectim duzenbaz insanlar
Ну вот до каких пор Имран будет всем детям носочки одевать, обувь? Они сами все прекрасно справятся, уже не такие маленькие.
Ma il bambino è uno scostumato prende la roba dA sopra gli scaffali senza nessun ordine. Dovete dargli più educazione
STOP BLAMING IMRAN!! FERESHTE IS THEIR MOTHER. She is so lazy. Expects Imran to do everything and then blames him for anything that goes wrong. She is going to break him. Those kids do not listen to Imran because their mom always interferes.
Amen sister. Preach
Она очень ленивая, жалко девочку упала бежит Имран, везите ребенка до врача, да не мучяйте ребенка,какая же тупая как пенёк, ребенок плачет рука опухла.
How much more bitchy can she get? Unbelievable. Blame someone else for the child's fall off the steps? 🫨 And then doesn't want go to take the child to the hospital.
Посмотрите сколько ступенек Имран настроил на участке . Поломаних рук и ног будет много . К сожалению .
Nous souhaitons un tres bon retablissement à la douce elnaz
Pues de bueno no tiene nada los padres son responsables de los hijos y notienen nada de buenos
Ворюга растет у них в семье по имени Махараджа😂😂😂, ни отец ни мать не видят, как он ворует в магазинах😮
When they first got together Imran was such a happy man made everyone else's happy.. now it's like all the joy and happiness has gone from this family.😢 She was miserable before now she's even more miserable
Get well soon elnaz 😢❤❤🙏🙏🎊🇵🇭🇵🇭❤️❤️🌷🌷🏡🏡
Элечка ,маленькая ручку сломала, выздоравливай ❤
Hola amigos como acá desde Uruguay había distanciado por intereses particulares cómo están cómo está esa relación maestro constructor y Ángel los extrañé mucho familia un abrazo desde Uruguay❤❤❤🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾🇺🇾
Hi dear friend thank you welcome you. 🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
That money he has just spent on sweets could have bought the baby some clothes
الحمدلله على سلامة الناز والشفاء العاجل ان شاء الله ودفع الله ما كان اعظم
Que brutalidad 😡 la niña llora que le duele y ella le tira del brazo y él le apreta , si la niña llora es porque realmente le duele. Ese niño es muy mal educado , deberian corregirlo para que se comporte en público. Que venda esas cabras y pague la dueda , estan muertas de hambre y sed
A inram no le gusta vender cabras.lo que siempre busca es que los seguidores le depositen dinero y el pagar deudas..Por favor que nadie le transfiera dinero porque eso seria ser complices de su mala cabeza e irresponsabilidad ...ya estoy dudando que fereshte esta embarazada ya que parece que tuviera una almohada
@@eternalblossom9287…Imran is either a sadist or completely ignorant. No one in their right mind would handle a child with a broken arm that way or he just doesn’t care.
Still no Seat Belts . What irresponsible people with their children
Infelizmente aconteceu😢escada sem corrimão é bem perigoso Deus te abençoe pequena Alnaz!
😂😂😂😂 OMG! I am laughing my a off at the old sheep who keeps running around in circles. You gotta love him.😂😂🥳🤩🐏🐑
Животные такие голодные, что не слушаются хозяина. Из рук рвут корм.
Корм надо закупать впрок, где зимой скотина найдет корм.
Elnaz bonita todo tiene arreglo ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Stop messing with her arm can't you see you are making it worse. Where is your common sense
Виздоравливай Єльназ!❤❤❤
Mr videographers I’ve been reading the comments. Most of the viewers dislike the spoilt, aggressive brat named Mahan. They notice how he steals candy and other things from the store. He is not disciplined and he steals. The second big complaint is about Fereshte. Viewers don’t like her. She is mean, moody, and generally miserable. She blames Imran for everything. She is not an angel and you are loosing membership because of her and the golden child Mahan. Please talk to them about this.
Real life you can't please everyone and I doubt half the people who complaining have/had perfect kids. Stop throwing stones
Hi dear friend thank you yes. 🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
@@Atrueangel You are welcome
Почему мужики в этой деревне не работают никто? На что живут , строятся?
Stupid qestion its the same in every willlages in the mountin, no work!!!!!
Lazy men, live hand to mouth. and all the sweets they buy the kids. also they help them selves in shops, no control on the and actions. I am not impressed with this family.,
Разве только в этой деревне мужики не работают? Все кочевники не работают. А что наши цыгане работают?
Главное чтобы правильно рука срослась. Здоровья всем и терпения.
Se um casal n tem amizade e nem amor para na hora das dificuldades ter união é melhor viver sozinho!!Fico com pena é pelas crianças!
Elnaz preciosa 💖 dulce niña besos 💋
Elnaz linda niña pobrecita y humilde ❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
He has no idea how to handle livestock he doesn't think before he acts he is stupid
So much junk food! Little boy gets what he wants and eats it standing by the door. Was it paid for? He should not be allowed to touch anything in the store.
No. He did not pay for it!😡
Бедный ребёнок. Выздоравливай. Эльназ. 🎉🎉🎉
Я поражаюсь над Имраном, когда работать будет этот мужчина? Одни обещания. Через неделю ребенок родится, о чём они оба думают?
Он и так работает , ютуб это тоже работа и здесь больше заработаешь чем там, где лопатой махать целый день.
Чему Вы поражаетесь? Он работает на Ютубе.
What are the spices that they use in their cooking dishes that they eat ?? I love using spices and I would thank you if I could know the English words for them. Thank You Mr. Cameraman
Hello dear friend, the name of the spice is red pepper, black pepper, turmeric, garlic powder.🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
That woman makes me sick.
If it was Mahan she would be running to the doctors right away .
And everything ,she blames Imran .
I can not like this woman,she is very manipulative and mean .
She will not be a good mother to the new baby ,just because it is Imran's child.
I agree. I worry about this baby and how she will treat her. She is a horrible woman, mean and always in a bad mood.
I broke my arm twice as a child these things happen no one is to blame ,my mum did not take me to the hospital till the day after it does not make a bad parent
تحياتي للجميع من العراق دعواتكم لأبني بالشفاء العاجل ولبناتي بالذريه ❤❤❤❤🎉
It shows they have got no sense pulling the childs arm about .. pulling her jumper off any idiot would no it was broke
As parents go they are hopeless... And teach that naughty boy some manners
Yet again Mahon has got his hand in the sweet jar, hoping that he will not be seen.
Maybe when he gets older he will become a thief? Imran knows what he is like but turns a blind eye. Leave the boy in the car when you go to a shop if he cannot stop stealing.
Isn’t it terrible when a parent fails his child. Imran saw Mohan stealing sweets but chose not to correct his bad behaviour. How is the boy going to learn not to steal if his parent doesn’t do anything about it. I’m afraid Mohan is destined to be a thief like his father.😢
Spot on!!! This has been happening for months. He is the first one with his hand in Akbars sweet jar, sweets put in pockets without paying and Imran chooses to ignore it because he dare not chastise “the golden child” in case he cries and then Fereshet tells him off!!
If Imran carries on ignoring this thieving and general gluttony type of behaviour then god help them all!! 🐷🐽🤦🏻♀️
🐨 Poor lil Elnaz, I wish a speedy recovery for you 🧚🏻♀️ and I hope all goes well at the Doctors tomorrow. Try to rest and keep still today, it’s a good day to watch cartoons on TV. Tell Mummy if your arm starts to throb. Big hugs and kisses sweet child 😘 🦄🌈
Sono d'accordo lo dovete dire quello che diciamo
Hi dear friend thank you yes. 🌹🌹🌹❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏
Alles gute kleine Alnatz gute Besserung ❤❤❤❤
الناز جان انشالا زود خوب بشی دختر مهربون ❤
Kıyamam Elnaz cığım çok geçmiş olsun tatlı bebeğim❤
Esto es vergonzoso... Esperan para llevarla al médico... No solo eso la madre no quiere ir.. Un tipo que no quiere trabajar y una madre sin sentimiento,estaba suscrito, ya no. Espero que nadie le gire dinero a este parásito
Bunlarin yalanlari bitmez gerceği ben oğrendim son anda ogrendim yardimi iptal ettim acindirmak icin cocuklar betona yatiyor sonradan ogrendim birisi dedi orda uyumuyorlar yalancilar
Parents need to find a way to communicate without quarelling especially in front of the kids
Gute Besserung, liebe Elnaz ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Mi niña Dios les dé fuerte bendiciones
Para de comprar tudo que o menino quer já não tem dinheiro pra comprar roupas Para obebe nem pra pagar o terreno alguém tem que trabalhar
Нельзя чтобы ноги замёрзли, одевайтесь носки, все болезни от простуды, вам девочки ещё рожать надо,нельзя простудить организм, Иране врачи почему не говорят об этом
Там все с голыми ногами, в куртках но босиком. Странно как то
Имрам у тебя козы голодные,они никогда вес не наберут,ты их не кормишь,бродят по всей деревне,люди ругаются
Там все животные(у всех) бродят по всей деревне, чужие овцы приходят к ним в сарай, осел каждый день в "гостях".Жизнь этих людей сильно отличается от нашей и их она устраивает.
Gente isso e um roteiro tdo cenario
Making pizza is very easy and healthy if you make it yourself. But first make an oven from the stones you used to make the garden wall. And make a kind of house with cement. Make sure you make a floor where you can put a hob on it. If you can make a hatch and close it you have a beautiful stone oven..... good luck with your next pizza project Imran...
Μικρη μου πρινγγηπισσα σε αγαπαμε πολυ
Ε❤λ❤σ❤α❤ ολα θα πανε καλα κοριστακι μου.....
Μοχαμ να. Προσεχετε .....παιδιακια❤❤❤❤🩷💞💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🧡🫶
Look what he. Buys comfort food
Schade. Alles ungesund für die Kinder .
C'est ridicules la quantité de bonbons . J'ai pas d'argent 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
These people have no common sense at all
The man keeps touching her arms CLEARLY she in pain stop touching her..these people are idiots are all nomads this careless in the dome......
Oh my, poor Alnaz took a big fall onto concrete and broke a bone. Maybe Imran could install railing on each side of the steps for everyone to hold on to in case they have a misstep. I am really be afraid for Foreshte in her current condition and in the future carrying a baby. Imran, you need to make your home safer for your family. You are the one responsible for their safety. God bless.
It’s not safe at all. He fed those dang goats before driving her to the hospital.
Когда этот мужик будет работать.
Никогда, подписчики прокормят 😂
Şimdi cokkizginim benim elnazim düştü bu rezilliği durdurun bir el yüz lavabosu cokmu zorduuykudan kalkan cocuklar icincocuk büyük terliklerleri le iniyor acil lavabo yapın ilk yaşam hic bitmedi kuzum çok üzüldüm umarim iyisindir😢😮❤
Буквально вчера не было денег и была ссора , а сегодня деньги быстро нашлись😂😂😂😂😂 концерт для оператора сработала наверное😂😂😂😂😂
Her sey yalan kimse para vermesin
Unbelievable that they fight for 2 days over having no money, then the first chance Imran gets he is buying rubbish in a shop, BUT he asks credit from Akbar. He let's his spoiled son steal from the shops, all ok with Imran ! Where's the money coming from today ?
Everybody comment I read very well take my time I thought I’m the only one I found the lady. She’s so weird. She never be happy. No appreciate bad influence for her daughters. I feel bad for imran
Misericórdia!alnaz, quebrou o braço?
Entre une maman sauvage. Et un beau pere inconscient et mauvais en affaire ces enfants ne sont pas à l'abri.
Elle est haineuse
A pregnant woman goes through hormonal changes including fatigue, stress and mood swings!
Оператор почему они двоих детей дома не оставляют. Все детей таскают с собой.
Mahan steals sweets from the shop and eats them as he walks around the shop and his father allows this and buys them rubbish food to eat full of sugar this is child abuse and rots their teeth
Terbiye almayan çocuk böyle oluyor Herseyi alıyor adam ama gözleri aç doymadılar
Alguém dá família tem que trabalhar o dinheiro não cai do céu
Perché piangi miseria, hai un piccolo capitale con le capre, vendile almeno la metà e ti togli dai guai... Pensa che tra pochi giorni dovrebbe nascere il bimbo e non avete nessun corredino.... Svegliatevi
Имран, зачем ты берешь Махана в магазин, ты же знаешь, как он себя ведет? Взял конфету, съел. Еще взял, а Имран даже замечание не сделал, все в порядке вещей. Махан, ты воришка!
Sharabanu's sister Angel is not arrogant, she is a good lady, but her husband Imran is a bad and careless seller, he spends money on frivolous things, he asks for money from all the viewers, he does not work to earn money but spends money on expensive food and things, he does not pay for other people's land, but he uses all the land in the mountains as if it were his own, that's why Angel insulted Imran, it is the wrong Imran.
E esse cachorrinho mancando 😢ninguém por ele?Tomara q sim 🥰
I don’t know anymore about any of these so called real life dramas, but I’m out of here, the mom needs to be taught how to speak to her husband , she’s rude and mean mouthed. Bearing child or not Love your husband or pack up and get OUT!
Бог велик Имран он все видит
Imran is blind
Coitada da Elnaz!
Selamlar geçmiş olsun Allahtan acil şifalar diliyorum
Девочке в больнице нельзя было обувь снять ,прям в обуви легла на больничное место ,такие люди до них вообще ничего не доходит. Мамаша ,как не от мира всего.
Deleting comments is so boring 🥱
Why are you waiting so long to take the child to a Dr.???
Bonsoir a tous et toutes.cette femme est vraiment mauvaise n a pas du tout d empathie.je ne la supporte plus depuis bien longtemps quand je regarde la vidéo je ne regarde que imram le pauvre qui subit tous ces caprices d enfant mal élevé.je comprends mieux pourquoi son ex Belle mere la mis a la porte un vrai dragon en faite .je serai cette homme il y a bien longtemps que je serai parti et la laissant dans sa tente avec ces mouflets ingrat mis a part cette pauvre malika qui doit supporter les cris de sa mère en permanence.operateur dite lui sincèrement de changer de comportement ou votre chaine sera vraiment en peril .je dis ça mais notre avis ne compte pas pour cette femme.
Just jealous…you?She is very pregnant, and you only see what you want to see. Mean words I read by a lot of people: there are who disgrace Fereste, others disgrace Imran… I read no normal uplifting advices by those people….
I read al the nasty comments and think: who speaks so nasty about others …is nasty her/ himself.
Yes: so the world will not become a better place.
So please 🙏🏼 think 😂before reacting…They do their best.🕊️
@inekeory3886 pour vous répondre en aucun je suis jaloux de qui que soit .c est un fait tous simplement au fur et à mesure des vidéos même si vous dite quel est enceinte et que vous lui trouverez toute les excuses du monde dans un couple on est souder et on ne se rejette pas la faute l un sur l autre a contrario de ce que l'on peut voir ici .certe on vit un monde où la critique est facile mais elle sert aussi pour avancer quand on a un esprit ouvert ou l on ne s arrête pas a certain mots .vive la liberté d expression.en tous cas je vous souhaite une belle journée amour et paix 😉
I do agree with some words you are saying when it ‘s about free speaking and going forward: and so: but my mom learned me” c’ette le ton qui fait la musique”’ and I read a lot to nasty criticism far beyond real advice in the comments …sorry my french is not so good… 😌thanks for the feedback and wish you of course the best for life.🫶and I do hope that the children will grown up as good as possible: they are the future of their country. 🙋🏼♀️
Je suis d accord avec vous
Che mamma preoccupata x la figlia, ma io dico che mamma sei se non vuoi accompagnare tua figlia? Te stai godendo nel incolpare gli altri e litigare con tuo marito
È una mamma egoista che pretende tutto da quel povero irman