Nulifer dear You speak about your husband's behavior have you seen your behavior? Your house. Is only one room you have 1 child. You don't have much to do. You attack him your violent. Your miserable nobody would want to stay with you should thank this man. For for staying with you, don't. Talk about him, talk about yourself and look at yourself and your issues Work on yourself, work oon your happiness Work on your personality there's ways to relay a message and it's not by hitting and biting Educate yourselfor for you and your daughter. It's all up to you, my dear. I pray that you have Happiness joy and peace sending you love and health my dear❤
Diana, your grandma and your aunties are very clean, hard working woman, lovable, and take care of their kids. There are good example for their kids. Tell him that I love him because they’re very love family🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
In watching this video I feel really sorry for Khosrow. He doesn’t have a family he can go to for advice , or that are going to pamper him the way Nifuler’s family does. The mother has done a really good job where children. The older ones help the younger ones. What I notice is that Nifuler doesn’t interact with her siblings very much, and she doesn’t seem to be helping the way the other children are. She just carries Diana around seemingly in her own world. Everyone who watches this family respects them and feels they are a very nice family. Nifuler doesn’t even seem to appreciate her family, or her mother. She comes to get away from Khosrow and the responsibilities of being a wife and mother. At her mother’s house she doesn’t even have to take care of Diana. I hope her family doesn’t get in the way of her taking responsibility for her actions . She has to sit down with Khosrow and have a long talk. Staying at mom’s house is just delaying reality, and making it harder to deal with her situation. Her family really needs to encourage her to stop blaming Khosrow for everything. They are both young and very immature. I hope their marriage makes it for the sake of their children. The one thing I learned in a couple of marriage classes I took is the couple’s relationship comes first before the children.
Nulifur the truth hurts, you are lazy,lazy,lazy you donot clean your child, feed your child, you just carry your child all the time, if you donot appreciate your husband leave and stay away, dont stay to abuse him 😮
Очень хочется надеяться, что Вы Нилуфер прислушаетесь не только к правильным советам Вашей мамы, но и Ваших зрителей. Потому что Вы к нам обратились. Вы очень много Ваших ссор с Кхосров провоцируете сами! Он много раз дарил Вам цветы и подарки, Вы же себя ведёте плохо и никогда, никогда его за это не благодарите. А наоборот бросаете и бьёте этими цветами Вашего мужа в лицо. Зачет? Вы дорогая, очень грубы. И во многом ошибка Ваших вот таких непростых отношений с Вашим мужем лежит именно Ваша вина! Купите Диане именно развивающие игры для детей. Пусть Ваша дочь ходит сама! Не носите её постоянно на руках. Научитесь говорить Вашему ребёнку слово - Нет. Подумайте над Вашим поведением тоже. Меняйтесь и взрослейте. Получайте Ваш жизненный опыт и набирайтесь силы, терпения и мудрости. С уважением/\/\
È sempre scontrosa, mai una carezza, un sorriso al marito! È sempre scocciata, fa le cose con trascuratezza e sufficienza, non tiene la bambina in ordine, capelli perennemente scompigliati, montagne di indumenti sparsi per casa....che pretende??
Нули фер тебя так идёт этот брюшной костюм, в нём ты стала совсем другая красавица. Почему не одеваться так. В этом костюме ты стала слишком молодая, я болею за тебя и дочку
Are Nifuler’s parents not aware of how badly she is behaving. Do they not see how aggressive and critical she is towards her husband? I would like to know what her father thinks. Does her mother really support such a daughter. I would never support my daughter, or allow her in my home if she behaved the way Nifuler has behaved.
I have always been on your side Nulifer. people are hateful because they want to be. do what you need to do for yourself and don't listen to anyone who tries to make you stay with a man who hits you and talks down to you. you can build your own house and take care of it, you don't need a man to do that for you.
The evidence of your laziness is seen on Diana. She cannot walk that fast because you dont know how to look after her. Khosrow than helped her to walk when you were away in your mothers home. You love Mojtab because he has been buying you things , shoes, clothes. You fought with Khosrow , now that DIANAH is not giving you peace.
Как зовут маму, этих прекрасных, добрых, дружных и трудолюбивых детей? К сожалению я не знаю как Вам зовут и как к Вам обращаться? Но хочется сказать, что Вы очень правильно и хорошо воспитали Ваших детей. Очень приятно на вас всех смотреть. Вы очень дружные! Молодцы!!!
What a lot of crap you talk about your husband , he has always took care of you . Stop your lies , you were at the house , when you lied about being at you moms .
You are spoilt and rely on your parents to do things for you. I see Nomadic women are strong and the backbone of there family , isn’t this the life of a nomadic that you were born into, grow up and stop running to your parents. Either divorce or go on your own and stand on your own two feet. I watch to see the progress of Diana the child not your drama and immaturity.
@@yvonnep4594. I totally agree with you. Nifuler doesn’t seem able to handle the stress of their way of life. What bothers me the most about Nifuler is that she never examines her own behavior. She thinks she is perfect, and everything is her husband’s fault. As long as she continues to criticize him, and doesn’t apologize for her very ugly behavior the other night I cannot support her. It was very upsetting to me to see her going after Khosrow the way she did. Hitting him really hard, biting him, and squeezing his knock. And bending his fingers back as hard as she could. When he hit her back finally it was nothing compared to the way she went after him. So if she doesn’t want me criticizing her she needs to apologize for her behavior. Because as far as I am concerned something is really wrong with a woman who acts like that coming from a nice home. Her behavior is not normal. People can criticize Khosrow all they want, but his bad behavior is nothing compared to hers. If I were in his shoes I would be looking for another wife. Who needs that kind of behavior from his wife.
Hola no es por nada no quiero ser mal pensada pero que hay entre el camarografo y niloufer veo algo ahi lo otro su mamá de niloufer la felicito por decirles bien las cosas a su hija es mi pensar pero veo algo turbio.
Здравствуйте, очень добрый, человечный, семейный, хороший фильм! 🎥 Вы хорошая и очень дружная семья.🫶👍 ❤️ А это уже очень много значит! Вы - сила и добро! Благодаря именно вашим фильмам можно увидеть и познакомится с вашими традициями и быту жизни в Иране. Я с огромным удовольствием жду новых фильмов о вас. Ваша мама очень сильная и красивая женщина! Я к сожалению не знаю имени вашей мамы …. Как её зовут? И сколько лет вашей маме?
Очень хорошая семья это хорошая мать так воспитала своих дочерей дружные такие хорошая помощь маме дочери в семье это счастье 😊 у меня тоже есть дочь и я за это каждый день благодарю бога ❤❤❤❤❤
Female has the tendency to remain patience and calm and sought out all the issues rather than males…..Nilufar thers no point in saying u r not to blame….try to see all the good things with khosrow and handle Diana as a mother…u r always frustrated and expecting something or the other from khosrow….allow them to be on his own and appreciate for all the gud things in him…s sometimes it’s irritating but still u can handle him with patience….have a peaceful life….❤
Diane, your grandma is so wonderful and your aunties are good people and your grandpa. They love you very much. Your grandma and grandpa are very strong persons but your mother has a bad attitude. I don’t know where she got that from.
Khosrow helps you with Diana every time you ask him to. Don’t pretend that he doesn’t. I would like to know Nifuler when you are going to apologize for physically abusing your husband, and criticizing him in front of other people. You are always trying to make him look like a bad husband in front of his friends and family. How would you feel if Khosrow criticized you all the time in front of others. He doesn’t. Very rarely does he complain about you to his family and friends.
bei 7.06 wow Nilofer👋👋👋👋...du bist so wunderschön und jung mit einer Hose und Schal. Ich habe dich zuerst nicht erkannt. Musste es mir 2x ansehen. So viel besser als mit so einem Kleid.
Πολύ καλά κορίτσια πόσο πρωσεχουνε τα μικρά τα αδέλφια όλο καθαρίζουνε και τα παιδιά τα εχεται πολύ καθαρά η μαμά σας είναι πολύ καλή και πολύ λογικια η μαμά και τα κορίτσια Εναι πολύ ενωμένοι ωραία οι κογενεια και πολύ βοηθάνε μπράβο το σπίτι το έχουνε πολύ καθαρό
Cara Nilufer avete tu Korsow torto e ragione entrambi cercate di parlarvi e avere più dialogo purtroppo vedo che nella tua società c'e' molto un atteggiamento maschilista come picchiare le donne no no no ma nonostante tutto Korsow mi sembra anche un bravo uomo
Do not listen to criticism or slander. Hosrow is not a loving husband. He is only forcing Nilufer to babysit Diana. He does not build houses, he goes to town all the time without propane gas or oil refills. They don't even take Nilufer to the hospital. Nilufer has returned, but please support her anytime.
Sorry, but I totally disagree with you. Khosrow has always taken Nifuler to the doctors. The appointment he did not take her to was not a doctors appointment it was a check in to get her vitamins and to find out what she needed to do next. When she asked Khosrow to take her he already had plans that day to take the truck to get building supplies for the house she insisted on. He said he would take her on Wednesday. But she called him a liar in front of his family. Since she didn’t want to wait a day he had someone else take her. She was not sick, or hurting. He always makes sure she gets what she needs. Yes, he is forgetful, but that doesn’t make him a bad husband. Nifuler doesn’t show good judgment a lot of the time as well with Diana. Many of us have been concerned about the poor judgment she displays. I don’t expect either one of them to be perfect, but she needs to quit having such a sour face, and acting like she can’t stand her husband if she wants him to support her. The most important thing a man needs from a woman is respect. Nifuler never shows that to Khosrow. If she would talk calmly to her husband without criticizing him I think he would do anything for her. Who wants to be around a woman who doesn’t talk to you when you speak to her, and who treats you like she hates you. She was like this before he meant the woman in the park. She couldn’t even smile at her own wedding. She acted like she didn’t want to be there, and definitely didn’t want to be marrying him.
@ I do not want you to agree with me. How about you stop the many comments of criticism every day? You are not the person who raised three children. If you comment on my site, I will delete your comment immediately.
Diane, tell your mom to teach you how to say some words instead of you crying all the time she should sit down and play with you and teach you things how to talk not just to carry you walking around visiting people tell her to sit down and play with you and talk to youso you can start learning how to say some words
С начала эти каналы смотрела и смотрю из за нули фери из за диану, я не обвиняю нули фер я как мать поддерживаю нули фер, и как бабушка люблю диану. Просто не выходи из твоего домо, дом не только его, если что ты их всех выгоняй
Нилуфер, Вы очень правильно поступили, что обратились к нам, Вашим зрителям и всё спокойно объяснили нам о Вашем положении и Ваших чувствах. Это было очень правильно! Спасибо Вам за это. Это делает Вашу историю и Ваше поведение более понятным и Вы заслуживаете много симпатии Ваших зрителей. Это хорошо, что Вы сейчас находились у Вашей мамы, Вашей семьи. Это придаст Вам силы, духа и покоя. Это пойдёт Вам и Вашей дочери Диане только на пользу. Вы очень молодая женщина и конечно Вы получаете Ваш жизненный и семейный опыт. Позднее и с годами это будет Ваша мудрость. Как у Вашей мамы. Ваша мама дорогая Нилуфер очень мудрая , умная и сильная женщина! Берегите себя! Желаю Вам здоровья, благополучия. Я сама тоже мама трёх прекрасных дочерей разного возраста. Поэтому хорошо понимаю Вашу маму и её переживания о её детях. С уважением и приветом к Вам из Германии /\/\
I don’t feel like she deserves a lot of sympathy from the viewers because she is not being honest. When Khosrow has tried to stay home she has kicked him out. She wants him to go to the city to earn money. She even said she doesn’t want him home. Diana is a difficult baby. I have 30 years of teaching difficult children, and have a lot of experience in behavior management. I get upset with both you and Khosrow because you constantly reinforce Diana’s crying. 90 percent of her cries are for attention and she wants her own way. You have to start saying no to her when she constantly screams at you. Sit her down with her toys and go about your business. Do not give into her cries if they are only for attention which is what most of them are for. You will find if you do not reinforce her crying it will stop. If you always give her attention every time she cry or no reason she will keep doing it, and you will be a very frustrated mother like you are now. You have to he the one in control not Diana.
@@52480-l Спасибо Вам большое, за очень правильный и чувствуется профессиональный ответ. Я с Вами во всём и абсолютно согласна. Я тоже учитель и работаю уже 36 лет с детьми и людьми от 0 - 80 лет. Во многих странах. Всё что Вы написали уважаемый правильно. Остаётся надеяться, что Нилуфер хоть немного прислушается к советам людей. С уважением 🍀
نیلوفر دخترم حرفات را زدی خوب کردی اما کمی به عقب برگرد گفتم و باز هم میگویم خسرو اشتباهاتی دارد قبول باید خودش دکتر می برد ولی یادت می اید چندسن بار گل برایت آورد چطور پرتش کردی چندین مرتبه کفش ، دمپایی آورد خیلی خشک تحویل گرفتی اینها را یادت بیار چیزهایی است که نباید جلوی دوربین مطرح بشود و شما باید خودتان بدون فیلمبردار حل کنید خوب فکر دخترم ، من هم بک زن هستم متوجه می شوم منظورت ولی شما هم کمی ظریفیهای زنانه داشته باش و پیش همه خسرو را گاز نگیر یاحرفهای زشت نزن
Elle marche toute seule si elle tombe elle va se lever toute seule un moment elle va devenir autonome,arrêtez vous tjrs derrière d’elle,elle ne se pas grandit si tjrs tout temps derrière d’elle
Nulifer no one said marriage is easy. Khosrow may be stubborn, but you are too. Maybe you should not be married and stay together. Sometimes two people just are not right for each other. Now you will bring another baby into the world and I wonder how Diana will act. You should prepare her. Buy her a baby doll and show her how to take care of it. Diana is not an easy child right now, and you have to teach her no when she hits and throws things. She can't have her way, which you have been doing. Your brother and sisters are do well behaved. Your mother must have done something right with them and taught them well.
Nilufar arrêtez de vous plaindre non? Regardez le comportement que vous avez ? Arrêtez de prendre les gens pour des cons. Vous criez sur kosrow même s'il a tort à vos yeux on s'explique. APPRENEZ À LUI PARLER ET NON CRIER. STOP DE LE BATTRE ,DIANA VOIT TOUT CECI ET VOILÀ POURQUOI ELLE CRIE ,ELLE FAIT COMME VOUS VOILÀ. POURQUOI AUSSI 1 CHOSE TRÈS IMPORTANTZ , N'ACHETEZ VOUS PAS DE CUBES ÉDUCATIFS POUR DIANA ? L'ARGENT PART INUTILEMENT DANS DES SUCRERIES VOIR DES GÂTEAUX. TU N'AS QU'À LES FAIRE TOI-MÊME TU AS UN FOUR NON? Quand tu es chez ta mère, travaille un peu ce sont les autres qui se tapent les corvées. Être enceinte n'est pas une maladie.
닐루파 언니 는 닐루파 하고 얼굴이 똑같네요 닐루파 가 하는 말은 충분히 이해가 됩니다 닐루파는 남편의 통화에 트라우마가 있습니다 코스로가 수시로 몰래 통화 하고 ATm 기 에서 돈을 인출하고 공원으로 가서 애 딸린 여자를 만나는걸 직접 목격 했으니까요 코스로 의 행동이 좋은일이든 나쁜일이든 닐루파를 속였다는게 분노 하는거지요 그럼에도 코스로는 여전히 닐루파 에 성실한 남편이 못돼고 있는거 같네요 닐루파는 정상적인 가정주부 이고 여자로서 충분히 할수있는 행동 입니다 하지만 닐루파 이혼 하지 않고 가정을 유지 하려면 코스로와 진지하게 얘기 하고 서로 지켜야 할 선을 정하세요 닐루파의 스트레스 는 뱃속 의 아가한테도 안좋고 디아나 한테도 영향이 있습니다 마음 을 편히 가지세요 닐루파 화이팅!
I disagree. I think he is being faithful, and there is no proof that he is cheating. He made a mistake by meeting the woman in the park without telling Nifuler about it. He apologized and asked for her forgiveness. She is unable to forgive him. Nifuler has been dry aggressive towards Khosrow. I feel that she should apologize for this. Why does she never apologize or take ownership of her mistakes. No one is perfect. I don’t like it when she criticizes Khosrow without ever owning up to her faults. It takes two to have a disagreement, and both need to discuss the problem and apologize to each other. If they just keep pushing these disagreements under the rug without talking about them things will never get better.
When Diana is crying she’s asking her to drop down u keep talking and finally u get a hit from her with her slippers…see wht the kid needs …handle her according to her needs rather than carrying her often….nilufar u need to handle Diana more smart ….let her be independent…when she’s crying u either carry her or dump her with food ….see y the child cries…may be she’s with drawn from moms milk or may be she’s has some pain or discomfort in her body…kids express only tru try to understand and parent her well and behave well with khosrow….❤
Bonjour tout le monde Nulifer vous êtes trop chouchouter avec votre fille ,elle marche maintenant ,il faut que vous laissez se débrouiller toute seule si vous tjs porter dans les bras c normal elle fait des caprices pour que vous porter
Jeden postřeh..kreslíte pravou rukou a Dianu krmíte levou rukou a jde vám to velice špatně..nevkládáte jí lžíci pořádně do ú druhé..vy i vaše rodina velice špatně snášíte kritiku..u vás musí být vše super a náhle je problém..Diana nechodí a pláče..nemůžete se chlubit a v tom je pes zakopaný..začnete se mračit na celý svět,místo abyste sebrala všechnu energii a oddala se zcela dceři,začnete házet nezdary jeden na druhého..žena si musí umět poradit..muži většinu dne pracují mimo domov..nezoufejte a pracujte na sobě a vašem vztahu..často býváte krutá.
Elle va le faire devenir fou cette femme ses parents devraient la secouer et lui faire comprendre qu elle est mère de famille et épouse et plus un bébé capricieux comme sa fille et surtout qu elle va être encore mère je pense que je vous suis pour lui mais elle non épouvantable cette personne
Nilufer olyan öntelt vagy de egy gyereket nem tudsz nevelni azt hiszed ha ölbe hordód akkor te vagy a jó anya ? Olyan okosnak hiszed magad. Szerinted a faluban miērt nincs barátnőd?
Why are you fixing a home that isnt yours???? You should be fixing your own house to get out of that one....or that is what you said????? Owner of that house wont give you what you put into it
Y esta sigue con la chillona en los brazos pues que ya no camina oh ya se atrasó porque no la deja caminar esta señora Niloufer dejo de ver el canal por un tiempo y luego vuelvo y sigue lo mismo lo mismo ya me cayeron gordos
Nulifer dear You speak about your husband's behavior have you seen your behavior? Your house.
Is only one room you have 1 child. You don't have much to do.
You attack him your violent. Your miserable nobody would want to stay with you should thank this man.
For for staying with you, don't.
Talk about him, talk about yourself and look at yourself and your issues Work on yourself, work oon your happiness Work on your personality there's ways to relay a message and it's not by hitting and biting Educate yourselfor for you and your daughter. It's all up to you, my dear.
I pray that you have Happiness joy and peace sending you love and health my dear❤
Diana, your grandma and your aunties are very clean, hard working woman, lovable, and take care of their kids. There are good example for their kids. Tell him that I love him because they’re very love family🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤
In watching this video I feel really sorry for Khosrow. He doesn’t have a family he can go to for advice , or that are going to pamper him the way Nifuler’s family does. The mother has done a really good job where children. The older ones help the younger ones. What I notice is that Nifuler doesn’t interact with her siblings very much, and she doesn’t seem to be helping the way the other children are. She just carries Diana around seemingly in her own world. Everyone who watches this family respects them and feels they are a very nice family. Nifuler doesn’t even seem to appreciate her family, or her mother. She comes to get away from Khosrow and the responsibilities of being a wife and mother. At her mother’s house she doesn’t even have to take care of Diana. I hope her family doesn’t get in the way of her taking responsibility for her actions . She has to sit down with Khosrow and have a long talk. Staying at mom’s house is just delaying reality, and making it harder to deal with her situation. Her family really needs to encourage her to stop blaming Khosrow for everything. They are both young and very immature. I hope their marriage makes it for the sake of their children. The one thing I learned in a couple of marriage classes I took is the couple’s relationship comes first before the children.
Nulifur the truth hurts, you are lazy,lazy,lazy you donot clean your child, feed your child, you just carry your child all the time, if you donot appreciate your husband leave and stay away, dont stay to abuse him 😮
Очень хочется надеяться, что Вы Нилуфер прислушаетесь не только к правильным советам Вашей мамы, но и Ваших зрителей. Потому что Вы к нам обратились.
Вы очень много Ваших ссор с Кхосров провоцируете сами!
Он много раз дарил Вам цветы и подарки, Вы же себя ведёте плохо и никогда, никогда его за это не благодарите. А наоборот бросаете и бьёте этими цветами Вашего мужа в лицо. Зачет? Вы дорогая, очень грубы. И во многом ошибка Ваших вот таких непростых отношений с Вашим мужем лежит именно Ваша вина!
Купите Диане именно развивающие игры для детей.
Пусть Ваша дочь ходит сама! Не носите её постоянно на руках.
Научитесь говорить Вашему ребёнку слово - Нет.
Подумайте над Вашим поведением тоже.
Меняйтесь и взрослейте.
Получайте Ваш жизненный опыт и набирайтесь силы, терпения и мудрости.
С уважением/\/\
Excellent advice. I agree with your comment.
Siempre es con dos vestidos se ve que es muy desaseada gas y ése esposo tan bonito
This is the second time I have seen Nulifer's family offer to bathe her.
È sempre scontrosa, mai una carezza, un sorriso al marito! È sempre scocciata, fa le cose con trascuratezza e sufficienza, non tiene la bambina in ordine, capelli perennemente scompigliati, montagne di indumenti sparsi per casa....che pretende??
Нули фер тебя так идёт этот брюшной костюм, в нём ты стала совсем другая красавица. Почему не одеваться так. В этом костюме ты стала слишком молодая, я болею за тебя и дочку
Everyone in the family is working except for lazy Nulifer.
В начале видио когда Нулефар берет Диану у сестры на ней очень красивый брючный костюм он так ей идет и тут же другой кадр она уже в платье ❤
Are Nifuler’s parents not aware of how badly she is behaving. Do they not see how aggressive and critical she is towards her husband? I would like to know what her father thinks. Does her mother really support such a daughter. I would never support my daughter, or allow her in my home if she behaved the way Nifuler has behaved.
I have always been on your side Nulifer. people are hateful because they want to be. do what you need to do for yourself and don't listen to anyone who tries to make you stay with a man who hits you and talks down to you. you can build your own house and take care of it, you don't need a man to do that for you.
خانواده خوبی داری نیلوفر همه بهت کمک میکنند❤
The evidence of your laziness is seen on Diana. She cannot walk that fast because you dont know how to look after her. Khosrow than helped her to walk when you were away in your mothers home. You love Mojtab because he has been buying you things , shoes, clothes. You fought with Khosrow , now that DIANAH is not giving you peace.
22:08 🛀🏼👐🏻👦🏻👈🏼🤣💬They’re Bathing Baby Princess With Her Diaper On?! OMG!🤣
Как зовут маму, этих прекрасных, добрых, дружных и трудолюбивых детей?
К сожалению я не знаю как Вам зовут и как к Вам обращаться?
Но хочется сказать, что Вы очень правильно и хорошо воспитали Ваших детей.
Очень приятно на вас всех смотреть.
Вы очень дружные!
What a lot of crap you talk about your husband , he has always took care of you . Stop your lies , you were at the house , when you lied about being at you moms .
You are spoilt and rely on your parents to do things for you. I see Nomadic women are strong and the backbone of there family , isn’t this the life of a nomadic that you were born into, grow up and stop running to your parents. Either divorce or go on your own and stand on your own two feet.
I watch to see the progress of Diana the child not your drama and immaturity.
@@yvonnep4594. I totally agree with you. Nifuler doesn’t seem able to handle the stress of their way of life. What bothers me the most about Nifuler is that she never examines her own behavior. She thinks she is perfect, and everything is her husband’s fault. As long as she continues to criticize him, and doesn’t apologize for her very ugly behavior the other night I cannot support her. It was very upsetting to me to see her going after Khosrow the way she did. Hitting him really hard, biting him, and squeezing his knock. And bending his fingers back as hard as she could. When he hit her back finally it was nothing compared to the way she went after him. So if she doesn’t want me criticizing her she needs to apologize for her behavior. Because as far as I am concerned something is really wrong with a woman who acts like that coming from a nice home. Her behavior is not normal. People can criticize Khosrow all they want, but his bad behavior is nothing compared to hers. If I were in his shoes I would be looking for another wife. Who needs that kind of behavior from his wife.
Khosrow plays and hugs Diana.
Hola no es por nada no quiero ser mal pensada pero que hay entre el camarografo y niloufer veo algo ahi lo otro su mamá de niloufer la felicito por decirles bien las cosas a su hija es mi pensar pero veo algo turbio.
Вы даже не знаете кто опе ратор зачем эти подозрения
What do you see that is shady to you?
очень добрый, человечный, семейный, хороший фильм! 🎥
Вы хорошая и очень дружная семья.🫶👍 ❤️ А это уже очень много значит! Вы - сила и добро!
Благодаря именно вашим фильмам можно увидеть и познакомится с вашими традициями и быту жизни в Иране.
Я с огромным удовольствием жду новых фильмов о вас.
Ваша мама очень сильная
и красивая женщина!
Я к сожалению не знаю имени вашей мамы …. Как её зовут? И сколько лет вашей маме?
Очень хорошая семья это хорошая мать так воспитала своих дочерей дружные такие хорошая помощь маме дочери в семье это счастье 😊 у меня тоже есть дочь и я за это каждый день благодарю бога ❤❤❤❤❤
Hi family Baby Diana princess mom Niloufar and family so happy family Thanks God ❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉😂
Yo te apoyo Nilufer. Creo en tí! ❤
Female has the tendency to remain patience and calm and sought out all the issues rather than males…..Nilufar thers no point in saying u r not to blame….try to see all the good things with khosrow and handle Diana as a mother…u r always frustrated and expecting something or the other from khosrow….allow them to be on his own and appreciate for all the gud things in him…s sometimes it’s irritating but still u can handle him with patience….have a peaceful life….❤
Ничего умнее не можешь придумать для Дианы, как крутить пальцем по ладони. Лучше себе у виска покрути.
Diane, your grandma is so wonderful and your aunties are good people and your grandpa. They love you very much. Your grandma and grandpa are very strong persons but your mother has a bad attitude. I don’t know where she got that from.
Que linda se ve la hermana de Nilufer ❤❤
Khosrow helps you with Diana every time you ask him to. Don’t pretend that he doesn’t. I would like to know Nifuler when you are going to apologize for physically abusing your husband, and criticizing him in front of other people. You are always trying to make him look like a bad husband in front of his friends and family. How would you feel if Khosrow criticized you all the time in front of others. He doesn’t. Very rarely does he complain about you to his family and friends.
bei 7.06 wow Nilofer👋👋👋👋...du bist so wunderschön und jung mit einer Hose und Schal. Ich habe dich zuerst nicht erkannt. Musste es mir 2x ansehen. So viel besser als mit so einem Kleid.
الحل لمشكلتك تجلسي عند امك كم شهر لتتعود ديانا علي الفطام وبعدها ترجعي بيتك انتبهي تخسري بيتك واولادك وجوزك
Πολύ καλά κορίτσια πόσο πρωσεχουνε τα μικρά τα αδέλφια όλο καθαρίζουνε και τα παιδιά τα εχεται πολύ καθαρά η μαμά σας είναι πολύ καλή και πολύ λογικια η μαμά και τα κορίτσια Εναι πολύ ενωμένοι ωραία οι κογενεια και πολύ βοηθάνε μπράβο το σπίτι το έχουνε πολύ καθαρό
Cara Nilufer avete tu Korsow torto e ragione entrambi cercate di parlarvi e avere più dialogo purtroppo vedo che nella tua società c'e' molto un atteggiamento maschilista come picchiare le donne no no no ma nonostante tutto Korsow mi sembra anche un bravo uomo
El bebé es lo importante ahora, toma fuerza con tu familia .
Do not listen to criticism or slander. Hosrow is not a loving husband. He is only forcing Nilufer to babysit Diana. He does not build houses, he goes to town all the time without propane gas or oil refills. They don't even take Nilufer to the hospital. Nilufer has returned, but please support her anytime.
Sorry, but I totally disagree with you. Khosrow has always taken Nifuler to the doctors. The appointment he did not take her to was not a doctors appointment it was a check in to get her vitamins and to find out what she needed to do next. When she asked Khosrow to take her he already had plans that day to take the truck to get building supplies for the house she insisted on. He said he would take her on Wednesday. But she called him a liar in front of his family. Since she didn’t want to wait a day he had someone else take her. She was not sick, or hurting. He always makes sure she gets what she needs. Yes, he is forgetful, but that doesn’t make him a bad husband. Nifuler doesn’t show good judgment a lot of the time as well with Diana. Many of us have been concerned about the poor judgment she displays. I don’t expect either one of them to be perfect, but she needs to quit having such a sour face, and acting like she can’t stand her husband if she wants him to support her. The most important thing a man needs from a woman is respect. Nifuler never shows that to Khosrow. If she would talk calmly to her husband without criticizing him I think he would do anything for her. Who wants to be around a woman who doesn’t talk to you when you speak to her, and who treats you like she hates you. She was like this before he meant the woman in the park. She couldn’t even smile at her own wedding. She acted like she didn’t want to be there, and definitely didn’t want to be marrying him.
@ I do not want you to agree with me. How about you stop the many comments of criticism every day? You are not the person who raised three children. If you comment on my site, I will delete your comment immediately.
@ Aren't you ashamed to make critical comments every day?
Super Antwort 👍👍👍👍👏👏👏👏@@yokoyoshi-y4t
There is definitely something wrong with you NILOFART!😂
Нилуфар иш килишни синглисидан урганса буларкан
Que agonia pra banhar uma menina.
A menina Diana é incomoda com quem fala alto perto dela.
E tem medo de pessoa que ela não conhece.
Questa bambina, Diana è molto capricciosa, piagnucola in continuazione, direi un po antipatica! Del resto la madre......
Diane, tell your mom to teach you how to say some words instead of you crying all the time she should sit down and play with you and teach you things how to talk not just to carry you walking around visiting people tell her to sit down and play with you and talk to youso you can start learning how to say some words
С начала эти каналы смотрела и смотрю из за нули фери из за диану, я не обвиняю нули фер я как мать поддерживаю нули фер, и как бабушка люблю диану. Просто не выходи из твоего домо, дом не только его, если что ты их всех выгоняй
Please get Diana some nice educational toys so she doesn't have to carry around shoes. Why do you always have one shoe on her?That's so crazy.
Нилуфер, Вы очень правильно поступили, что обратились к нам, Вашим зрителям и всё спокойно объяснили нам о Вашем положении и Ваших чувствах.
Это было очень правильно!
Спасибо Вам за это.
Это делает Вашу историю и Ваше поведение более понятным и Вы заслуживаете много симпатии Ваших зрителей.
Это хорошо, что Вы сейчас находились у Вашей мамы, Вашей семьи.
Это придаст Вам силы, духа и покоя.
Это пойдёт Вам и Вашей дочери Диане только на пользу.
Вы очень молодая женщина и конечно Вы получаете Ваш жизненный и семейный опыт.
Позднее и с годами это будет Ваша мудрость.
Как у Вашей мамы.
Ваша мама дорогая Нилуфер очень мудрая , умная и сильная женщина!
Берегите себя!
Желаю Вам здоровья, благополучия.
Я сама тоже мама трёх прекрасных дочерей разного возраста.
Поэтому хорошо понимаю Вашу маму и её переживания о её детях.
С уважением и приветом
к Вам из Германии
I don’t feel like she deserves a lot of sympathy from the viewers because she is not being honest. When Khosrow has tried to stay home she has kicked him out. She wants him to go to the city to earn money. She even said she doesn’t want him home. Diana is a difficult baby. I have 30 years of teaching difficult children, and have a lot of experience in behavior management. I get upset with both you and Khosrow because you constantly reinforce Diana’s crying. 90 percent of her cries are for attention and she wants her own way. You have to start saying no to her when she constantly screams at you. Sit her down with her toys and go about your business. Do not give into her cries if they are only for attention which is what most of them are for. You will find if you do not reinforce her crying it will stop. If you always give her attention every time she cry or no reason she will keep doing it, and you will be a very frustrated mother like you are now. You have to he the one in control not Diana.
Спасибо Вам большое, за очень правильный и чувствуется профессиональный ответ.
Я с Вами во всём и абсолютно согласна.
Я тоже учитель и работаю уже 36 лет с детьми и людьми от 0 - 80 лет. Во многих странах.
Всё что Вы написали уважаемый правильно.
Остаётся надеяться, что Нилуфер хоть немного прислушается к советам людей.
С уважением 🍀
Плохо штукатурите. Стену надо вначале смочить, а раствор должен быть чуть жиже, тогда будет гладко ложиться, а у вас получается заплатками.
نیلوفر دخترم حرفات را زدی خوب کردی اما کمی به عقب برگرد گفتم و باز هم میگویم خسرو اشتباهاتی دارد قبول باید خودش دکتر می برد ولی یادت می اید چندسن بار گل برایت آورد چطور پرتش کردی چندین مرتبه کفش ، دمپایی آورد خیلی خشک تحویل گرفتی اینها را یادت بیار چیزهایی است که نباید جلوی دوربین مطرح بشود و شما باید خودتان بدون فیلمبردار حل کنید خوب فکر دخترم ، من هم بک زن هستم متوجه می شوم منظورت ولی شما هم کمی ظریفیهای زنانه داشته باش و پیش همه خسرو را گاز نگیر یاحرفهای زشت نزن
نیلوفر اکثر مردها اینطوری هستن درکشون کمه مواظب خودت باش استراحت کن اینقدر دیانا را بغل نکن❤
Elle marche toute seule si elle tombe elle va se lever toute seule un moment elle va devenir autonome,arrêtez vous tjrs derrière d’elle,elle ne se pas grandit si tjrs tout temps derrière d’elle
What is Nulifer unhappy about now?
Nulifer no one said marriage is easy. Khosrow may be stubborn, but you are too. Maybe you should not be married and stay together. Sometimes two people just are not right for each other. Now you will bring another baby into the world and I wonder how Diana will act. You should prepare her. Buy her a baby doll and show her how to take care of it. Diana is not an easy child right now, and you have to teach her no when she hits and throws things. She can't have her way, which you have been doing. Your brother and sisters are do well behaved. Your mother must have done something right with them and taught them well.
Nilufar arrêtez de vous plaindre non?
Regardez le comportement que vous avez ?
Arrêtez de prendre les gens pour des cons.
Vous criez sur kosrow même s'il a tort à vos yeux on s'explique. APPRENEZ À LUI PARLER ET NON CRIER.
Quand tu es chez ta mère, travaille un peu ce sont les autres qui se tapent les corvées.
Être enceinte n'est pas une maladie.
닐루파 언니 는 닐루파 하고 얼굴이 똑같네요 닐루파 가 하는 말은 충분히 이해가 됩니다 닐루파는 남편의 통화에 트라우마가 있습니다 코스로가 수시로 몰래 통화 하고 ATm 기 에서 돈을 인출하고 공원으로 가서 애 딸린 여자를 만나는걸 직접 목격 했으니까요 코스로 의 행동이 좋은일이든 나쁜일이든 닐루파를 속였다는게 분노 하는거지요 그럼에도 코스로는 여전히 닐루파 에 성실한 남편이 못돼고 있는거 같네요 닐루파는 정상적인 가정주부 이고 여자로서 충분히 할수있는 행동 입니다 하지만 닐루파 이혼 하지 않고 가정을 유지 하려면 코스로와 진지하게 얘기 하고 서로 지켜야 할 선을 정하세요 닐루파의 스트레스 는 뱃속 의 아가한테도 안좋고 디아나 한테도 영향이 있습니다 마음 을 편히 가지세요 닐루파 화이팅!
I disagree. I think he is being faithful, and there is no proof that he is cheating. He made a mistake by meeting the woman in the park without telling Nifuler about it. He apologized and asked for her forgiveness. She is unable to forgive him. Nifuler has been dry aggressive towards Khosrow. I feel that she should apologize for this. Why does she never apologize or take ownership of her mistakes. No one is perfect. I don’t like it when she criticizes Khosrow without ever owning up to her faults. It takes two to have a disagreement, and both need to discuss the problem and apologize to each other. If they just keep pushing these disagreements under the rug without talking about them things will never get better.
Вы пишете наверное о Нулефар жене Хосрова ?
When Diana is crying she’s asking her to drop down u keep talking and finally u get a hit from her with her slippers…see wht the kid needs …handle her according to her needs rather than carrying her often….nilufar u need to handle Diana more smart ….let her be independent…when she’s crying u either carry her or dump her with food ….see y the child cries…may be she’s with drawn from moms milk or may be she’s has some pain or discomfort in her body…kids express only tru try to understand and parent her well and behave well with khosrow….❤
Bonjour tout le monde Nulifer vous êtes trop chouchouter avec votre fille ,elle marche maintenant ,il faut que vous laissez se débrouiller toute seule si vous tjs porter dans les bras c normal elle fait des caprices pour que vous porter
Μπράβο Μαμά είσαι πολύ αξία είσαι αξία γιατί κανείς δουλιες ανδρικιες με τα κορίτσια μαζί αξία αξία είσαι χίλια μπράβο
I understand Nilufer and I don't blame you. I know how hard with toddler alone in the middle of nowhere. I hope Khosrow will change his approach.😊
Something not right with Diana, she has always loved water and baths . It seems shes in pain somewhere, or going thru the terrible twos very early.
У Нулифе есть еще сестра?
كل ابناء قناة ديانا متشابهين بالشكل حتى ديانا ❤
Why does Diana carry around shoes
She likes them. She will have a lot of shoes some day😂
She doesn’t have any good toys to distract her away from the shoes.
she acts just like her mother, so stubborn
Diana la llorona salvaje, solo sabe pegar, llorar
If chucky had an " evil" twin!😅😂😅
C'est de la faute à sa mère, chuky numéro 1.
La petite ne voit que ça de la bagarre et des cris de la part de sa mère
Jeden postřeh..kreslíte pravou rukou a Dianu krmíte levou rukou a jde vám to velice špatně..nevkládáte jí lžíci pořádně do ú druhé..vy i vaše rodina velice špatně snášíte kritiku..u vás musí být vše super a náhle je problém..Diana nechodí a pláče..nemůžete se chlubit a v tom je pes zakopaný..začnete se mračit na celý svět,místo abyste sebrala všechnu energii a oddala se zcela dceři,začnete házet nezdary jeden na druhého..žena si musí umět poradit..muži většinu dne pracují mimo domov..nezoufejte a pracujte na sobě a vašem vztahu..často býváte krutá.
Why have my comments been removed.
سلام ديانا الجميلة
Elle va le faire devenir fou cette femme ses parents devraient la secouer et lui faire comprendre qu elle est mère de famille et épouse et plus un bébé capricieux comme sa fille et surtout qu elle va être encore mère je pense que je vous suis pour lui mais elle non épouvantable cette personne
olyan öntelt vagy de egy gyereket nem tudsz nevelni azt hiszed ha ölbe hordód akkor te vagy a jó anya ? Olyan okosnak hiszed magad. Szerinted a faluban miērt nincs barátnőd?
Why are you fixing a home that isnt yours???? You should be fixing your own house to get out of that one....or that is what you said????? Owner of that house wont give you what you put into it
Diana diana que mal enseñada
Se bañan con un vaso de agua, y en los patios gastan cientos de litros
Y esta sigue con la chillona en los brazos pues que ya no camina oh ya se atrasó porque no la deja caminar esta señora Niloufer dejo de ver el canal por un tiempo y luego vuelvo y sigue lo mismo lo mismo ya me cayeron gordos
Yes, Diana knows how to walk, but she gets few opportunities to walk because her mother is obsessed with carrying her around as usual.