תמיד שאני רואה אותך בסירטונים האלה הלב שלי נצבט. הוא נצבט על זה שאתה צריך להילחם ועוד במצבך על זכויות בסיסיות ועל החירות הפיזית והנפשית שלך וכמוך . והמדינה עד שהיא זזה כבר תגיע המלחמה הבאה.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
עידו נורא כואב לשמוע אותך ומצער לשמוע שזה המצב שלך, לא חדש שהמדינה מפקירה את הלוחמים שלה כי גם אני לוחם לשעבר ועברתי לא מעט וראיתי כמה פעמים מפקירים אותנו בשטח, אבל אל תדאג כל העם איתך וכל מי שקצת מבין יכול לראות שאתה כולך לב שנתת את כל כולך ועל זה צריך להחזיר לך כפל כפליים, תודה רבה לך אחי היקר שאתה נלחם במצב שלך עבור כולנו וחשוב לי שתדע שאנחנו לא נוטשים לא אותך ולא אף לוחם אחר... ובאשר ל Leelusi 2018 B ari תפסיקי לצאת על כל אחד שמראה תמיכה וקצת הבנה ולהיות כלבה ורעה כלפי אנשים שמראים אנושיות שכואב לנו לראות לוחם יהודי אח שלנו שככה סובל ולאף אחד מהמדינה המושחתת והמעוותת הזאת לאף אחד לא אכפת, או שבכלל את סתם שונאת את הצבא ויותר גרוע בכלל שמאלנית ואז בכלל אין מה לדבר איתך אבל אם את לא כזאת, ואין לך מושג מה הבנאדם הזה עבר או עדיין עובר אז פשוט תעשי טובה תסתמי את הפה שלך ותשבי בשקט כי את סתם יוצאת על אנשים בלי שום מחשבה ובלי היגיון והכי גרוע בלי שום אנושיות או אכפתיות אז אם את לא מראה טיפה מאחד ממה שציינתי אז כמו שאמרתי תסתמי ותהיי בשקט
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Вселенная так устроена, что нами сделанные дела в отношении других людей , возвращаются бумерангом. Если этот человек убил 40 человек и уже почувствовал всю боль, которую причинял другим... 🤦♀️🤦♀️Страшно представить , что после ухода в иной мир , душа его будет испытывать вечную боль. 👆👆
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
עידו גל אחי היקר בריאות שלמה , סתם חשבתי לומר לך דבר שלמדתי על עצמי אל תצפה מאף אחד שיבין אותך זה לא במציאות לצערנו אך אחד לא יכול להיכנס לנעליים שלך אפילו דקה ,אדם יודע מרת נפשו , רק האדם עצמו ולא כל החוכמולוגים שהורגים אותנו עם כל מיני כדורים ארורים ,ולכן אחי היקר בעולם הזה אין מי שירפא אותנו רק מי שברא אותנו ומימנו הרחמים ,רק הוא יודע מה אתה עובר ,ישועות ורחמים ...
Да, милый Дани... Лишь силой воли над своим разумом, занятиями , самообучением , изучением процесса, который претерпевает душа, тело, мозг...можно побороть расстройство личности. И любящим , терпеливым окружением. К сожалению...часто... жизненные потребности , дороговизна жизни , безразличие и ...даже...отторжение таких ребят обществом могут лишь усугубить состояние. И всякая пакость , помогающая ещё больше свихнуться от этой жизни столь доступна... Надеюсь, что у парня хватило сил противостоять разрушительной силе душевного хаоса...Мне так жаль...Такой красивый парень , ему бы жить , любить, детей красивых растить...Как он сейчас, вы слышали? Берегите себя. Тучи черные над страной...опять... Берегите себя, ребята!
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Страшно представить, как душа этого человека будет мучаться в ином мире🤦♀️🤦♀️Если в земной жизни он уже чувствует всю ту боль, которую причинял другим людям 👆🤦♀️
אין דבר כזה לראות את הסרטון הזה ולהשאר עם עיניים יבשות. כואב הלב. שאלוהים ישמור לנו על החיילים שלנו שבלעדיהם המדינה שלנו לא שווה כלום. בעזרת השם שהמטרה שלך תתממש. אתה בן אדם גדול מעורר השראה. תודה לך שלחמת בשבילנו ובזכות החברים שלך ובזכותך יכולנו להיות עם לב שקט כשיש מלחמה.
@@dr_wi883 *without *semitic *using please use ur brain so you can identify your spelling mistakes. Your spelling skill is so garbage. I can tell youre chinese dude
They're not antisemetic they're leftists/liberals and they are arabs as well and our brave fighters find themsleves fight for their country but dont get any help from what their protecting and its very sad
@@orel6996 hahahahaha.. thisbis first time i hear israhell soldiers are brave.... they kill kids,and people who are not even armed,and old people... im sorry but you are on the wrong side Palestinians are the brave one... from the river till the see PALESTINE will be free. Inshallah
Please cut that out. People have been saying that for thousands of years maybe lets accpet that it is up to us to change things not be lazy and say God is watching
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Well, you reap what you sow. This is what killing and wars does to people. Hopefully this is a lesson for all other IDF criminals and killers and cowards...they send you to fight wars for nothing and then you turn into this big mess. I hope you heal and that God forgives you.
@@anabmohamed5606 he doensnt fill "guilty" as youre saying he feels sorry for his friends he lost in combat and maybe there was a friendly fire incident which happens a lot.
Did he kill innocent people?if he did,he will have said that in court to the ministers because he confronted them about what he did and what happened to him afterwards
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
יושב שם בוועדה מיכאל דור יועץ שר הבריאות הלוחם המהולל שנשא את המאג על גבו בפלוגה המסייעת בג'אבל חרתה לא תבינו מה יושב במוח של הלום קרב מה הוא חווה בכל נשימה ונשימה ניגמר לי המילים צר לי לי וכואב לי עליך אחי הצעיר גל וחבריך ההלומים תאמין יבוא יום נקם ושילם והם ישלמו בילדיהם נכדיהם ישלמו יש דין ויש דיין והוא לא אוהב שמתעללים בילדיו הגיבורים תפנימו חלאות
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
אתה גיבור ישראל ומגיע לך כל שתבקש! מאחל לך שתוכל סוף סוף לחזור לחיים הרגילים שהיו לך לפני שהכל התחיל, ושרק תתקדם קדימה תצמח ותתפתח. שהמאבק שלך יצליח במהירה אמן
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Он же сам признался, что убил 40 человек. Не будьте таким наивным человеком. Вы что не видите, какую боль он испытывает в земной жизни, а в ином мире , страшно представить, как его душа будет мучаться 👆👆
ask forgiveness you'll feel calm and free from the family member of the one who comes in your dream brother if his family is alive,, you have been cursed from a very different perspective I'm talking which most people can't understand. Do ask forgiveness from the family you'll be free!
Basically we all are on his side,The fact he has to fight for his own rights as a person with active Post Traumatic stress disorder instead of getting a good treatment is sickenning.
@@kyjolitvprem1134 I hope more Israelis stand up to their government it only starts with one person and the people can build on that good luck friends 👍
@@monsieurpatate1573 this a war.. you are talking about... We aren't killing people because why not, we defend ourselves and we have the absolutely right to do so..im not saying killing people is good.. but we don't do it just to kill them we want to defend our family and cities like any other country in the world if we had peace no one got hurt ... But this isn't the situation here...
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Лишь надеюсь, что парня не закрыли в Абарбанель... Не знаю...если бы была у таких ребят возможность... находиться в тихом месте, где лишь природа ...Я не знаю...есть ли возможность... вернуться к себе, если твоя психика претерпела изменения...Обратимо ли необратимое...Мне так жаль...Мне очень жаль...Где сейчас Идо, что с ним?
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
כן אני מצדיק אותך כן מצדיק אותך באמא שלי אתה צודק המדינה לא יודעת לתת במחלות האלה אחי רק תרופות ועוד תרופות ועוד התרופות בירת משפילים אדם גיאורגי מטעם חולה רכב תרופות התרופות התרופות בלי בלי אחי שומר בדיקת מקצועית לי כמו שצריך טיפול למחלה הזאת😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Dear brother....forget the past...just embrace islam...you will be cured...do help yourself...those people could not help you...they are just human...come to Allah spiritually ...u will fell safe no matter how yr conditions are... dont hesitate.. come
yh ur right, all that so they can kill innocents mercilessly including the elderly and infants, the same place that throws grenades in mosques whilst people are causing no harm but praying, the traditions that allow them to enter someone's house and call it their own and when the owners defend themselves they kill them and label them terrorists. You are either a 15 year old, or your an ignorant. I say ignorant because a rational human would never side with Israel if they really looked into what is going on. Great army my ass
כואב הלב! הם חייבים לקבל את הטיפול הכי טוב שיש! טיפול של חברי כנסת וראשי ממשלה. הם בעדיםות עליונה! נתנו את החיים שלהם ואת הנשמה בשבילנו ובשביל המדינה! מתביישת שחיה במדינת זבל כזאת!!
@@Meryem_5431 hij is getraumatiseerd door alles wat hij moest doen als soldaat,hij heeft nachtmerries over wat hij allemaal heeft gezien,en nu laat de Israëlische staat hem in de steek hij krijgt nauwelijks behandeling en is nu verslaafd aan zware medicatie. Volgens hem is hij niet de enige,weinigen komen er eerlijk vooruit,maar meeste zijn getraumatiseerd de regering van Israël probeert hun onder de tapijt te schuiven de wereld mag dit niet weten en horen
איך יכול להיות שאין טיפול במדינה הזאת איך יכול להיות שעכשיו אלפיי אנשים עכשיו שונאים את המדינה בגלל עידו גל רזון כואב לי לראות אתהסרטון אבל זה נכון הסרטון הזה הוכחה לכל אלה שאמרו לי ולעוד אלפי אנשים לא להתגייס למה צריכים לשמוע את כל זה אין מה להגיד חוץ שמדינת ישראל אוהב אך ורק כסף מדינה של זונות ומאחל לכל אחד מהכנסת וכל אחד מאחל מוות איטי כמה שיותר כואב שיכאב שיבינו את עידו כל עוד אנשים חיים המדינה חיה יותר טוב בגלל שיש את הקטנים שהם משלמים להם אנשים שעובדים שעות קשות סובלים שוברים את הגוף שלהם בשביל לשלם כסף לאנשים שלא עושים כלום חוץ מלסבל אליהם מדינת ישראל מדינה חופשיה חופשית שטקה מדינה של שלום איפה זה איפה החופש איפה השלום איפה הכבוד והגאווה של המדינה המגעילה הזאת איפפההה כוסראבק ערס איפההה
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
that is the biggest difference between us killer. you will see photos of us soldiers playing soccer with palestinian kids, giving them food.. do you have ptsd at hamas? doesn't seem like it...becasue everytime a child is killed you guys go and serve candies. we have ptsd you know why? because we are humans, because even killing a terrorist will effect us, this is the jewish heartand the jewish soul for you. one of my friends at my service shot and killed a terrorist, that held a weapon and shot innocent people, he still have nightmares to this day. I remember he called me when it was done, I congratulated him for the fine work. you know what he told me? he told me terrorist or not, I have taken a life, and im in pain. go tell that in the media savage.
@@jonathanez9236 i also do see you attacking muslkm woman praying,pushing old man... you see i dont bealive media i bealivr my brothers and sister who spred the news from Palestine,live videos... nothing you say or do can justify killings every day,arresting kids.. common you know it to. You have ptsd from hammas but out of 100 rocets from hamas maybe 1 falls on occupied (by zionist) palestinian theritory while every you send kills palestinians.. do you think they dont have ptsd?? Diffrence betwen them and you is that they are more brave with stones in their hands than you with all that wepons.
@@jonathanez9236 are you crazy? you guys have killed and slaughtered palestinians for 70+ years. You call arabs terrorists, you guys are "Christ Killers", "Pigs". Go back to europe. They are the one that killed 6 million of you? Go back instead of stealing someone else's land and killing them. Your genocidally episodes have been documented and now you are trying to make us feel sorry for a war criminal because he have PTSD? Fuk that, i hope he never recovers from it for all the killings he helped carry out.
Ask the the families of the Innocents people that you'd killed ..to forgive you , then look for the real love ,,, which can give you the power to survive in the best conditions of life. I feel sad for you although the crimes which you've done 🇩🇿🇩🇪
And yet many of you support new soldiers being sent like him to go and do the same things even worse that made him what he is today. An IDF soldier with PTSD and those same people who sent him are refusing to help him literally lying and smiling in his face while he has his outbursts. Support that.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Хотелбы знать что он говорит и какие мысли у евреев насчёт ПАЛЕСТИНЫ.Хочу знать мнение людей,хоторых пришли в ПАЛЕСТИНУ С ПРОСЬБОЙ ПРИНЯТЬ ИХ И МОЛИЛИСЬ ЧТОБЫ ИХ ПРИНЯЛИ. ХОЧУ ЗНАТЬ МНЕНИЕ ИЗРАИЛЬТЯН
תמיד שאני רואה אותך בסירטונים האלה הלב שלי נצבט. הוא נצבט על זה שאתה צריך להילחם ועוד במצבך על זכויות בסיסיות ועל החירות הפיזית והנפשית שלך וכמוך . והמדינה עד שהיא זזה כבר תגיע המלחמה הבאה.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
@@tahrbenhamouda8917Well said my brother... Jazaka ALLAHu khair.
אוהבים אותך עידו,
בע'ה שתנצח את הקרב האמיתי שלך ותחזור לחיים טובים ובריאים.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
עידו אתה מלך
עידו גל רזון אחי היקר אני בוכה יחד איתך אתה צריך להבין שאנחנו חיים במדינה של זונות
עם חוקים שלאף מדינה אחרת אין .מאחל לך שלווה ובריאות אח יקר
משה כהן 1
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
אני ממליץ לרופאים לנסות על עצמם את התרופות שהם ממליצים. קודם שהם מציעים אותו למישהו אחר.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
פשוט כואב לראות את זה
זה מאוד קורע את הלב...ממש הייתי חסר מילים כשהקשבתי לו!! لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
עידו נורא כואב לשמוע אותך ומצער לשמוע שזה המצב שלך, לא חדש שהמדינה מפקירה את הלוחמים שלה כי גם אני לוחם לשעבר ועברתי לא מעט וראיתי כמה פעמים מפקירים אותנו בשטח, אבל אל תדאג כל העם איתך וכל מי שקצת מבין יכול לראות שאתה כולך לב שנתת את כל כולך ועל זה צריך להחזיר לך כפל כפליים, תודה רבה לך אחי היקר שאתה נלחם במצב שלך עבור כולנו וחשוב לי שתדע שאנחנו לא נוטשים לא אותך ולא אף לוחם אחר... ובאשר ל Leelusi 2018 B ari תפסיקי לצאת על כל אחד שמראה תמיכה וקצת הבנה ולהיות כלבה ורעה כלפי אנשים שמראים אנושיות שכואב לנו לראות לוחם יהודי אח שלנו שככה סובל ולאף אחד מהמדינה המושחתת והמעוותת הזאת לאף אחד לא אכפת, או שבכלל את סתם שונאת את הצבא ויותר גרוע בכלל שמאלנית ואז בכלל אין מה לדבר איתך אבל אם את לא כזאת, ואין לך מושג מה הבנאדם הזה עבר או עדיין עובר אז פשוט תעשי טובה תסתמי את הפה שלך ותשבי בשקט כי את סתם יוצאת על אנשים בלי שום מחשבה ובלי היגיון והכי גרוע בלי שום אנושיות או אכפתיות אז אם את לא מראה טיפה מאחד ממה שציינתי אז כמו שאמרתי תסתמי ותהיי בשקט
אתה צודק בכל מילה.. מקווה שתרגיש טוב עם ישראל איתך
מלך. פשוט מלך.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
אוף כמה שזה כואב
קורע את כל הבפנוכו
עידו אתה מלך העולם. מצליח לבא חשוף ולצעוק את השתיקה של כולם. תודה על המלחמה שלך עבור כולנו
איפו הוא עכשיו?
Вселенная так устроена, что нами сделанные дела в отношении других людей , возвращаются бумерангом. Если этот человек убил 40 человек и уже почувствовал всю боль, которую причинял другим... 🤦♀️🤦♀️Страшно представить , что после ухода в иной мир , душа его будет испытывать вечную боль. 👆👆
Вы о хамасниках также думаете? Или это персонально? Из каких источников вы познали о строении вселенной?
@@alexkessel5980who is the colonizer ? You analogy has no meaning
@@selim996 I am not sure... understand what you asked about, Selim.
איזה גבר
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
עידו גל אחי היקר בריאות שלמה , סתם חשבתי לומר לך דבר שלמדתי על עצמי אל תצפה מאף אחד שיבין אותך זה לא במציאות לצערנו אך אחד לא יכול להיכנס לנעליים שלך אפילו דקה ,אדם יודע מרת נפשו , רק האדם עצמו ולא כל החוכמולוגים שהורגים אותנו עם כל מיני כדורים ארורים ,ולכן אחי היקר בעולם הזה אין מי שירפא אותנו רק מי שברא אותנו ומימנו הרחמים ,רק הוא יודע מה אתה עובר ,ישועות ורחמים ...
Да, милый Дани... Лишь силой воли над своим разумом, занятиями , самообучением , изучением процесса, который претерпевает душа, тело, мозг...можно побороть расстройство личности. И любящим , терпеливым окружением. К сожалению...часто...
жизненные потребности , дороговизна жизни , безразличие и ...даже...отторжение таких ребят обществом могут лишь усугубить состояние. И всякая пакость , помогающая ещё больше свихнуться от этой жизни столь доступна... Надеюсь, что у парня хватило сил противостоять разрушительной силе душевного хаоса...Мне так жаль...Такой красивый парень , ему бы жить , любить, детей красивых растить...Как он сейчас, вы слышали? Берегите себя. Тучи черные над страной...опять... Берегите себя, ребята!
Пусть твое сердце заполонит тревога и страх, а твои глаза никогда не найдут отдыха во сне. Амин
עצוב עד מאוד !!!
מלך! עידו אתה פשוט מלך!
כאב הלב . לאן הגענו.
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Страшно представить, как душа этого человека будет мучаться в ином мире🤦♀️🤦♀️Если в земной жизни он уже чувствует всю ту боль, которую причинял другим людям 👆🤦♀️
אין דבר כזה לראות את הסרטון הזה ולהשאר עם עיניים יבשות. כואב הלב. שאלוהים ישמור לנו על החיילים שלנו שבלעדיהם המדינה שלנו לא שווה כלום. בעזרת השם שהמטרה שלך תתממש. אתה בן אדם גדול מעורר השראה. תודה לך שלחמת בשבילנו ובזכות החברים שלך ובזכותך יכולנו להיות עם לב שקט כשיש מלחמה.
There's no war you guys a killing innocent people.
What war stupid they are muslim people not terrorist
so israeli gov is anti semitic for not listening to the pstd soldiers eh? awesome
You got no brain how anti semtic how? Please do not write things witout useing any brain
@@dr_wi883 *without *semitic *using
please use ur brain so you can identify your spelling mistakes. Your spelling skill is so garbage. I can tell youre chinese dude
They're not antisemetic they're leftists/liberals and they are arabs as well and our brave fighters find themsleves fight for their country but dont get any help from what their protecting and its very sad
@@orel6996 hahahahaha.. thisbis first time i hear israhell soldiers are brave.... they kill kids,and people who are not even armed,and old people... im sorry but you are on the wrong side Palestinians are the brave one... from the river till the see PALESTINE will be free. Inshallah
@@dr_wi883 you got no brain, i can tell because you don't know how sarcasm works
God is watching bet on it
Please cut that out. People have been saying that for thousands of years maybe lets accpet that it is up to us to change things not be lazy and say God is watching
God is watching bet on it👌👋💓
Christ is king
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
לראות ולבכות
Well, you reap what you sow. This is what killing and wars does to people. Hopefully this is a lesson for all other IDF criminals and killers and cowards...they send you to fight wars for nothing and then you turn into this big mess. I hope you heal and that God forgives you.
he was ambushed by 4 rpg units just like he stated in the other video , those are not innocent people.
@@IsraeliTrancer Sure. Saying this is more convenient than challenging your views. "Those" ...why does he feel guilty then?
@@anabmohamed5606 he doensnt fill "guilty" as youre saying he feels sorry for his friends he lost in combat and maybe there was a friendly fire incident which happens a lot.
@@IsraeliTrancer Sure, why not. What a convenient narrative.
מלך צודק בכל מילה
Stop the war. Ur fight is dirty. U kill innocent people. U will get haunted and PTSD
Did he kill innocent people?if he did,he will have said that in court to the ministers because he confronted them about what he did and what happened to him afterwards
גיבור אמיתי , אתה הגאווה למדינה הזאת.
ב ו ד י ו ק!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Free 🇵🇸
אלוף עם ישראל מאחוריך
אמן שאלוקים יהיה איתכם בכל מלחמה באשר היא
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
פשוט נכון אין מילים אחרות
יושב שם בוועדה מיכאל דור יועץ שר הבריאות הלוחם המהולל שנשא את המאג על גבו בפלוגה המסייעת בג'אבל חרתה לא תבינו מה יושב במוח של הלום קרב מה הוא חווה בכל נשימה ונשימה ניגמר לי המילים צר לי לי וכואב לי עליך אחי הצעיר גל וחבריך ההלומים תאמין יבוא יום נקם ושילם והם ישלמו בילדיהם נכדיהם ישלמו יש דין ויש דיין והוא לא אוהב שמתעללים בילדיו הגיבורים תפנימו חלאות
כואב הלב
wow He spoke up!
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
מלךךךךךךך מאוהבתתתת
אני בוכה💔
צודק ב 100 אחוז
עידו נסיך יפה אתה
💩 🇮🇱
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Ido s been fighting to be heard since 2007. I hope he is better now.. Anyone knows his situation at the moment?
האמת שבא לי להוציא את הבן שלי מקרבי אחרי שראיתי את הסירטון של עידו.
אורלי פרץ...אם את יכולה לשכנע חייל לא להיות קרבי...אשריך...אני ממשפחה שכולה ורק מכבדים את המתים...אבל כשחייל חוזר מהקרב זה רוח מהלכת...זה לא חיים
עידו גל רזון אלוף ישראל,גאה בך אח יקר כל הכבוד!
וואי וואי וואייי איזה קשהה
אתה מודל לחיקוי פשוט מצדיע לך
אתה גיבור ישראל ומגיע לך כל שתבקש! מאחל לך שתוכל סוף סוף לחזור לחיים הרגילים שהיו לך לפני שהכל התחיל, ושרק תתקדם קדימה תצמח ותתפתח. שהמאבק שלך יצליח במהירה אמן
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Он же сам признался, что убил 40 человек. Не будьте таким наивным человеком. Вы что не видите, какую боль он испытывает в земной жизни, а в ином мире , страшно представить, как его душа будет мучаться 👆👆
מצמרר. אתן עושות דבר חשוב!
All of you gonna suffer this way even worse.
ask forgiveness you'll feel calm and free from the family member of the one who comes in your dream brother if his family is alive,, you have been cursed from a very different perspective I'm talking which most people can't understand. Do ask forgiveness from the family you'll be free!
40 families
אתה מלךךךךך
8 שנים לזכר המחלקה בצפת
לראות לבכות איתך אחי
הבחור מדבר בחוכמה למה לא שומעים לעצות שלו?
Poor lad
Somebody translate some comments for me thank you
Basically we all are on his side,The fact he has to fight for his own rights as a person with active Post Traumatic stress disorder instead of getting a good treatment is sickenning.
@@kyjolitvprem1134 I hope more Israelis stand up to their government it only starts with one person and the people can build on that good luck friends 👍
@@kyjolitvprem1134 thats the price to pay for killing innocents
@@monsieurpatate1573 this a war.. you are talking about... We aren't killing people because why not, we defend ourselves and we have the absolutely right to do so..im not saying killing people is good.. but we don't do it just to kill them we want to defend our family and cities like any other country in the world if we had peace no one got hurt ... But this isn't the situation here...
@@gamingiltv8489 same as the americans you defend yourself by attacking
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
Лишь надеюсь, что парня не закрыли в Абарбанель... Не знаю...если бы была у таких ребят возможность...
находиться в тихом месте, где лишь природа ...Я не знаю...есть ли возможность... вернуться к себе, если твоя психика претерпела изменения...Обратимо ли необратимое...Мне так жаль...Мне очень жаль...Где сейчас Идо, что с ним?
מבין אותו, חווה אותו.
אני איתך אחינו
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
כן אני מצדיק אותך כן מצדיק אותך באמא שלי אתה צודק המדינה לא יודעת לתת במחלות האלה אחי רק תרופות ועוד תרופות ועוד התרופות בירת משפילים אדם גיאורגי מטעם חולה רכב תרופות התרופות התרופות בלי בלי אחי שומר בדיקת מקצועית לי כמו שצריך טיפול למחלה הזאת😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
120 שקי הבשר הרקוב יכולים ללכת כפרה על הרגליים שלך!
Dear brother....forget the past...just embrace islam...you will be cured...do help yourself...those people could not help you...they are just human...come to Allah spiritually ...u will fell safe no matter how yr conditions are... dont hesitate.. come
Fack u Mohammad
both of these replies are dumb as hell
A criminal. a heartless criminal
העיקר תתגייסו ....גאוה...אבל כשצריך עזרה ...נעליים....מדינה מתפרקת מנוהלת על ידי הפארמה...ועוד עדות...החסון...בכפיה...מדינת חלם
*Vote for Netanyahu and your children will be like this*
השתיק אותם
אין ולא תהיה מדינה פח כמו המדינה שלנו
I am surprised this takes place in Israel, a country with such a great army, army traditions and military knowledge...
yh ur right, all that so they can kill innocents mercilessly including the elderly and infants, the same place that throws grenades in mosques whilst people are causing no harm but praying, the traditions that allow them to enter someone's house and call it their own and when the owners defend themselves they kill them and label them terrorists. You are either a 15 year old, or your an ignorant. I say ignorant because a rational human would never side with Israel if they really looked into what is going on. Great army my ass
Killing civilians is a fucked up act ... He said that he killed someone and still haunts him in his dreams
כואב הלב! הם חייבים לקבל את הטיפול הכי טוב שיש! טיפול של חברי כנסת וראשי ממשלה. הם בעדיםות עליונה! נתנו את החיים שלהם ואת הנשמה בשבילנו ובשביל המדינה! מתביישת שחיה במדינת זבל כזאת!!
Veel beterschap gewenst Ido gal 🇮🇱🇸🇩🫶🏽Peace
Groet vanuit maroc en Nederland ✌🏽
شنو كيقول؟
Are you frome morocco?do you speak arabic? Can you explain what he is saying?
@@Meryem_5431 hij is getraumatiseerd door alles wat hij moest doen als soldaat,hij heeft nachtmerries over wat hij allemaal heeft gezien,en nu laat de Israëlische staat hem in de steek hij krijgt nauwelijks behandeling en is nu verslaafd aan zware medicatie.
Volgens hem is hij niet de enige,weinigen komen er eerlijk vooruit,maar meeste zijn getraumatiseerd de regering van Israël probeert hun onder de tapijt te schuiven de wereld mag dit niet weten en horen
@@Meryem_5431 I live in Holland and iam morrocan I have jews Friends I speak Arabic but can’t wright I send you english translation
@@H82107 ok
Şüphesiz ki Allah tuzak kuranların en hayırlısıdır.
PTSD Is Gods way of saying " Stop That Please " we are not to be doing this to each other , it is built into most of us...
לא עלינוו רק בשורות טובות
No one hears the words when you shout you just hear the noise. Israeli's for shouting hey!
poor guy !
دم اهل غزه اهل فلسطين العرب المسلمين البشريه كلهم كلهم بيدكم ملطخه
איך יכול להיות שאין טיפול במדינה הזאת איך יכול להיות שעכשיו אלפיי אנשים עכשיו שונאים את המדינה בגלל עידו גל רזון כואב לי לראות אתהסרטון אבל זה נכון הסרטון הזה הוכחה לכל אלה שאמרו לי ולעוד אלפי אנשים לא להתגייס למה צריכים לשמוע את כל זה אין מה להגיד חוץ שמדינת ישראל אוהב אך ורק כסף מדינה של זונות ומאחל לכל אחד מהכנסת וכל אחד מאחל מוות איטי כמה שיותר כואב שיכאב שיבינו את עידו כל עוד אנשים חיים המדינה חיה יותר טוב בגלל שיש את הקטנים שהם משלמים להם אנשים שעובדים שעות קשות סובלים שוברים את הגוף שלהם בשביל לשלם כסף לאנשים שלא עושים כלום חוץ מלסבל אליהם מדינת ישראל מדינה חופשיה חופשית שטקה מדינה של שלום איפה זה איפה החופש איפה השלום איפה הכבוד והגאווה של המדינה המגעילה הזאת איפפההה כוסראבק ערס איפההה
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
I hope he lives a loooooooooooong life suffering inshallah
that is the biggest difference between us killer.
you will see photos of us soldiers playing soccer with palestinian kids, giving them food..
do you have ptsd at hamas? doesn't seem like it...becasue everytime a child is killed you guys go and serve candies.
we have ptsd you know why? because we are humans, because even killing a terrorist will effect us, this is the jewish heartand the jewish soul for you.
one of my friends at my service shot and killed a terrorist, that held a weapon and shot innocent people, he still have nightmares to this day.
I remember he called me when it was done, I congratulated him for the fine work.
you know what he told me?
he told me terrorist or not, I have taken a life, and im in pain.
go tell that in the media savage.
@@jonathanez9236 i also do see you attacking muslkm woman praying,pushing old man... you see i dont bealive media i bealivr my brothers and sister who spred the news from Palestine,live videos... nothing you say or do can justify killings every day,arresting kids.. common you know it to. You have ptsd from hammas but out of 100 rocets from hamas maybe 1 falls on occupied (by zionist) palestinian theritory while every you send kills palestinians.. do you think they dont have ptsd?? Diffrence betwen them and you is that they are more brave with stones in their hands than you with all that wepons.
@@jonathanez9236 are you crazy? you guys have killed and slaughtered palestinians for 70+ years. You call arabs terrorists, you guys are "Christ Killers", "Pigs". Go back to europe. They are the one that killed 6 million of you? Go back instead of stealing someone else's land and killing them. Your genocidally episodes have been documented and now you are trying to make us feel sorry for a war criminal because he have PTSD? Fuk that, i hope he never recovers from it for all the killings he helped carry out.
Ask the the families of the Innocents people that you'd killed ..to forgive you , then look for the real love ,,, which can give you the power to survive in the best conditions of life.
I feel sad for you although the crimes which you've done
יש לי המון מחשבות...עבל אין לי מילים...
اعمل عمل صالح يعوض الذين قتلتهم الله سيسامحك فقط ان كفرت عن ذنبك ضميرك سيرتاح والا كلا ستنتحر دمهم طبعا بيدك واسرائيل كلها بدم الدم بيدكم كلكم
#freepalestine, 🇵🇸
אורלי יגר מקללת את אחמדינג'אד
צריך להראות את זה לכל נער שמקבל צו ראשון!!! או שלא יתגייס או שיתגייס אבל יהיה גובניק ויעבוד או ילמד משהו להיות לוחם זה שווה לתחת !
It’s because he has killed innocent people and he has to answer the real Allah so sad 😢
Please translate it...
Turn on caption.
@@ladydiana885 Those captions suck big time. It's not translating exactly what he speaks.
And yet many of you support new soldiers being sent like him to go and do the same things even worse that made him what he is today. An IDF soldier with PTSD and those same people who sent him are refusing to help him literally lying and smiling in his face while he has his outbursts. Support that.
הלם קרב...שווה למאה
אחוז נכות
באג נוירולוגי...ק צ ר
עיצבי. ....די עים התמימות
Only English comment
עדיין רלוונטי
This is an honorable Israeli. Perhaps he is one of the descendants of the pure prophets David, Yahya, Moses, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel), upon them and upon our master Muhammad... May God’s prayers and peace be upon them... This honorable one when he said the truth, yes the truth... that those of the Palestinians who killed them come to him at night and ask him why did you kill us? These ignorant, ungrateful people did not believe him... and what is worse is that they will dispute him before God on the Day of Resurrection... and God knows best.
شو بحكي هاد؟
Seni de kandırmışlar. Uyanın...
Хотелбы знать что он говорит и какие мысли у евреев насчёт ПАЛЕСТИНЫ.Хочу знать мнение людей,хоторых пришли в ПАЛЕСТИНУ С ПРОСЬБОЙ ПРИНЯТЬ ИХ И МОЛИЛИСЬ ЧТОБЫ ИХ ПРИНЯЛИ.
Он убил больше 40 палестинцев...и он не может нормально жить с этим
He is an animal. that needs a tranquilizer to claim down.
No he is not don't say that. He is a man who was abused by his country and he is letting them know
@@aapp953 which country do u mean😂😂😂
@@aapp953 israeli government at it's finest
@@swacks7960 I would say the finest being where the IDF soldier set himself on fire in front of the ministry of defense building .
Killer !!!