I am not a Djokovic fan, a Roger fan, or a Nadal fan. I am a TENNIS fan and I respect the sport and all of its players. I may not like a player(s), but I respect the sport.
This was published before the recently concluded, French open which made him the ONLY man in the Open Era to win each slam twice! That itself is a foremost achievement in the sport’s history.
@@Aceing87 And the best part - it’s not even the end of this crazy miraculous ride yet!! Although i don’t jinx it or anything, but IF he goes all the way in the Wimbledon he will only 2nd man after Nadal to win 3 grand slams in a season all on different surfaces (pundits dubbed it - surface slam, which is upgraded version of channel slam!) Then he can become the first one ever to win every single elite tournament in tennis if he also wins olympic gold (although i admit this one is probably the most challenging one…50/50 chances of happening!), currently he won each of the main ATP tour elite level event at least TWICE (Olympic isn’t included in this!)! And if he follows that with US Open victory he will achieve not one, but two huge things at the same time - beat Fedal’s record of 20 slams and then complete his ultra rare Calendar Year Golden Slam and he’ll be the first man EVER to do it and join Graf as only 2nd person in general to achieve that!! And if that wasn’t enough he can also finish the year for the record 7th time surpassing Sampras’ 6 for good! And even THAT isn’t everything! Lol If he somehow on top of it all raises ATP Nitto trophy in the end of the season - he will tie Federer for the record 6th there, but the most important he will upgrade his Calendar Year Golden Slam into Calendar Year Super Slam, which was achieved by NO ONE at all!! Lol Imagine if he goes all the way and achieve every single one of those things in a season?! Lmao
@slight breeze Nadal hasn’t beaten Novak on a hard court since 2013. 8 years!!. Yes Nadal is the GOAT on clay, but Djokovic is better on grass and HC. Djokovic is the superior player across surfaces, Nadal is a great champion though, no question of that.
@Slight Breeze Look again 👀 "some pages left..." I don't wanna be disrespectful to Fed and Nadal because they are the greatest in tennis sport too. Novak said yesterday that he is not gonna stop, still hungry for trophies. No reason not to believe him! So let's wait and see...in the end numbers will tell!!! Stay safe✌️
@Slight Breeze You are talking like Nadal have 10 more slamas then Djoković. Nadal is only two slams ahed, in all record statistics, and that's mean nothing. Number of victtories doesn't mean shit in any category, or debate. Novak is the GOAT allredy, but when he surpas Nadal, Roger in GS, then he will be a undesputed GOAT, and that's it, and that day is coming prety soon.
Novak's story is incredible, People don't remember that he was the 3rd wheel, you tell anybody he was gonna be where he is right now in the 2000s people would call you crazy. Sure he was good and maybe will win a few slams, but not a dominant force in tennis history like Fedal. For that, as an original Fed fan, I tip my hat to you Djoker. You've earned it, if anyone were to take the the goat crown from Roger it's gotta be you
Agree with everything you say he was the 3rd wheel behind the other two up until 2011 when he had that real breakout year with 3 slams At the start of 2011 Fed was on 16 slams Rafa was on 10 with Novak only one at the time so your point is correct he had to come from way behind and now he is only two behind both
Not me though, supported him since 07’ and since then itself I’ve felt that his potential was as great as Fedal or even greater. Am seeing it for a decade now since 11’ 😊
@@waileonglum2738 my cousin was on the same boat, he had massive bragging rights to me for years until I'm converted from a diehard Roger fans to a big 3 goat fan 🤣
Him being the 3rd wheel made me root for him, so when he won 08 aus open I was sooo excited. Then I watched him more and really really like seeing him play. I didn't think he will be this legend, I'm so happy for him and wish him the best. Idemo nole 🔥💪
I cried watching this video, the intertwined moments of young him vs future him is just so emotional. People would see this and think all you have to do is be motivated and determined. But what they don't see is how disciplined he was. His dedication and work-ethics brought his dreams come true. You will see a man like this once in a 100 years. Someone who was watching him since 2009 regularly, and remembering all the great and not so great moments with him, it's amazing. I am so grateful for him, and me living in his era, its outstanding. I am coming from Serbia, and we are small country, not having many world class athletes, this is just a dream honestly. I cannot wait to tell my kids and grandkids about him, how i stayed until the morning to watch his US Open matches, how i got up early to watch his AO matches, how i nearly collapsed from his AO2012 final match. And how i went crazy and got drunk when he defeated Nadal at RG2021. Just praying to God to give him health, strength and motivation to go on for a couple more years. Greatest of all time, Novak Djokovic.
1. Most number of weeks at no 1 positions for male player 2 only male player to complete double Golden Masters.. Federer and Nadal don't even have 1 complete Golden Masters 3. Better head to head record against both Nadal and Federer Novak Djokovic -- The greatest of all time #nolefam @djokernole #novakdjokovic #311 #djokovic
@Slight Breeze Apart from Rod Laver no one has won multiple majors on all surfaces. Rafa has 1 Aus Open, Roger 1 RG. So its something that has not been. Winning all Masters is impressive cause Roger failed to win two of the three on clay while Rafa struggles in Paris.
@Slight Breeze Rafa has an olympic gold so that is definately an advantage over Novak no doubt but Golden Masters is really something, no need to downplay that.
@@muhammaddawood4382 golden masters for me bigger deal to win Novak has won every single one plus ranking points included no ranking points in Olympics and is not the pinnacle of tennis maybe in other sports but not tennis but still nice to win of course
9:35 The comparison between Child Novak and Adult Novak in parallel is the MOST AMAZING AND BRILLIANT THING you did on this video! It shows how hard Novak has worked to get to this point!. "Respect!"
Been following tennis for years. And I can say that Novak is the only World #1 tennis player that I see that can make fun of himself. No one ever does! That speaks volume of this man's character and level headedness.
@@joeypierantonis7576 Yeah it is. I am a Fed Fan who also thinks he's the best player, but to make statistical GOAT, he needs the slam record, so we'll have to wait a few years until that happens ...
@@armstrongtixid6873 no problem for grand slam record.... soon or later this coming from NEMESIS also.. NADAL is still very active but i don't think he have enough gasoline in his engine for this marathon race... NEMESIS is fully prepared and waiting for all
Being No. 1 has always been his dream. Of all his achievements, i think the Historic no. 1 surpasses the importance of Grand Slam numbers, Masters and everything else. This will be his record for a long, long time. What a champion!
@@Rohit-yb5nf Nadal who sits at 209 weeks nr 1 is far from being considered the Goat. Nadal is far behind when it comes to year end nr 1, WTF tourney which includes only top 10 players, Nadal has won zero times while Djokovic has 6. Furthermore, huge majority of Nadal slams/masters are just clay, much less of a complete player compared to Djokovic and Federer. The fact that Nadal lost 7 of his last matches against Federer doesnt help his legacy either.
@@Rohit-yb5nf I didnt forget about it, its just that its one title compared to many hes missing to complete on versatility against Djokovic and Federer. Nadal is considered the clay Goat, if he wants more than that, Nadal will have to regain nr 1 title or atleast win WTF where only the best can enter, top 10.
Because of the era he's played in, his Tennis is overlooked. NOW he has one of the biggest records in the sport. With good health the next five years he will easily pass 20 Grand Slams singles titles too
French Open 2021 will be pivotal in tennis history, if Nadal wins he breaks the 20 barrier and leaves Djokovic far behind, if Djokovic wins, not only does he take Nadal's greatest chance but also puts him in 1 away from the undisputed GOAT position. And this is happening in just a few months... If you're 35-40 years old tennis fan, congrats, you just witnessed 20 years of tennis history that won't repeat.
There is something very special about Novak, when he is playing so interesting to watch and when he talks about tennis so interesting to listen and he always speaks high about other players. Good role model for new generations of tennis players💞💞💞💞
What a record. Who knows how much longer Nole will continue as world #1. Hard to think that Federer's weeks as #1 record was beatable. It's amazing what he has done for the sport and on that note what the big three have done for the sport for the last decade and a half.
Very proud of this man and his attitude and genuineness about him. He admits he is not perfect when he makes mistakes or when his anger gets the best of him, and he role models what it means to learn from ones mistakes and use them to improve both professionally and as a person. 💯 🇨🇦. It is a thrill to watch any of Nole's matches. 💚 👍. A well spoken man with a gentle sense of humour!
Always believed in you Novak Djokovic! Really well done for defying all odds in such a tough era with 2 other GOATs.. In the end there can only be 1 to rise above everyone else! Best player in the history of tennis for a long long time.
At 5 years he had a solid forehand and backhand and movement.He was born and destined to be a tennis player (Not just a random tennis player but Number 1)
What a great tribute to Novak's achievement. Even sweeter when he came to the party late and then overtook them all. He's done it despite adversity. What an incredible human being. Love him!
Remarkable story of great champion Novak Djokovic.. he was under the war but he shines and keep making history. World number one for the longest weeks and more Grand slams and trophies to win .. Go champ make more histories. Keep it up God bless you and protect you
He will be greatest of all time. He has a genius for the game and huge talent. He can be very funny. He can make mistakes. He is from a country with difficult history. He is a champion. He is the greatest of all time!
May glory continue to carry you. May your kindness and great heart be like humanity, which itself has a good effect on all these children. Who wants to play sports
The 25 dislikes are from those that can not graciously congratulate champions success. Bitter people in the world are odd. I’ve Never gone Federer’s or Nadal’s videos to dislike them, such an odd thing to do. Congrats to Novak! I’m am so proud of him!!!! 🏆
You can show cute puppies or just say good morning and you will get a few dislikes. That's internet. But in this case I don't think it's coming from tennis (rival) fans. Mostly. I'm pretty sure it's mostly about politics. Not long ago there was a blood bath on the Balkan and I've heard people berating their countrymen for praising the "enemy". I think it's stupid. Then again, exhibiting patriotism (/Nationalism) can be off putting. And Djokovic is not merely flag waving patriot (nationalist) As I understand, he has made some comments. (political) Something that top athletes should avoid as much as possible -I think. But the culture he's coming from is very patriotic. Neutrality or indifference can be perceived as betrayal. I don't think that's a problem for Number one.:)
@@Aleksamson I am from the Balkans. He’s patriotic and yet has also done well to bring the Neighbouring counties together; supports Croat and Bosnian players. He gets the hate for being Serbian from the west. Btw there is a difference between being patriotic and nationalist, he is patriotic and there’s nothing wrong with that. Each player is representing their country which they are proud off. Serbia 🇷🇸 🤩🤩🤩🤩 trophy 🏆
@@JeliOra It's ok to generalise sometimes and you could say that the west hates religious extremism /Isis or authoritarian regime like N.Korea. But you can't say that the west hates any nation specifically. I'm sure there are people from the west that hate Arabs, Chinese or Serbian people but what makes you think that The west hates Serbs? Because of the bombing in 90's ? Are you talking about Americans? English, French...? Or the whole western world hates Serbian people? Sounds like a strange combination of victim mentality and self -aggrandizing.
@@Aleksamson if you become and amputee and complain about not having 2 legs 🦵 then are you guilty of ‘victim mentality’ - is that how it works? 🙄 Those that experienced hardship due to traumatic political events, are allowed to acknowledge them- the should’t be SHUT UP or SHAMED by ‘victim mentality’ shamers. If you’re uncomfortable about this, you probably hadn’t had much hardship in your life. Your empathy is certainly limited.
Ashish, you're entitled to change your preferences whenever you want. If you want to admire to the greatest tennis player, then you can change your mind as many times as you want. They will work hard to gain your respect and preference. Big hug from Peru, South America.
@M B bro I have been following fed for more than 12 years but he is an emotion for me but still love him no matter what but now I cheer for all three except when they are not playing each other but will always be on fed side if they play each other. No problem in saying Regardless of numbers for me all three are goats. We should admire each of them for any of their achievements and this commemorative is simply about that . Nole has done something extraordinary by achieving this milestone so my heartfelt congratulations for him. And I am not among those obnoxious fan who will hate other two for their shitty mindset. I love tennis so love all 3 titans
@M B fed will win Wimbledon and Olympic this year. Just believe in him. And he will win by defeating nole in process. Australian open semifinal a got hampered by his injury and in wtf he won and in wimby 2019 everyone knows nole got lucky so I think fed will have his revenge this year . But Let’s enjoy our majesty now.
What do you mean "multiple GS on all courts"? He has only won once at R Garros, same as Federer, and Nadal has only one Aus Open, so how is his record better than theirs?
@@michelez715 he didn’t say Novak’s record was better than Rogers or Rafas.. where did he say that in his comment? When all is said and done at the end of their careers it will be Novak as the greatest though.
Novak's history will b like no other I remember him saying I am tired to lose n from that day things begins to turn for him I am truly happy for him n I love watch him play his never say die attitude hope he wins all grand slams this year 2021 it's my dream for him
I remember 2006 when a little-known Novak said that "I wanted to become number one. It doesn't have to happen now, but someday in the future." At that time of Roger-Rafa rivalry, that statement could have been perceived as a little far-fetched. I was surprised that such a young talented tennis player had that much confidence. But somehow I believed that this could come to pass. And here we are. Novak broke already one record. The next ones are a matter of time.
Let's be honest guys... Novak has been the real #1 from 2011 - 2021 (excluding 2017) *Fedal Year* But if Djokovic had been healthy in 2017, he probably could've completed the CalendarYear GrandSlam. Just look at 'the before & after years 16 -'18 that's All 4 Grand Slams + Finishing both years off in ATP Finals. My brother Roger will always be my favorite ❤️ but NO1E is the greatest tennis player of all time 🐐 🏆
From his childhood dream of becoming no 1 to the reality he did what he said total dedication and hard work behind what he achieved till now ....nole the best and the greatest of all time .....
A credit to tennis and all of sport generally, on and off the court. If kids want a role model about how to dedicate yourself to realising a dream and develop a strong work ethic, follow Novak. He could have retired years ago with the vast majority of records broken, except for the GS, but because his love for tennis is so insatiable, it's only a matter of time, not withstanding injury of course (fingers crossed), that the GS record is equalled and/or broken. His country should be extremely proud of one of its citizens.
Svaka cast sampione. Nek ti da bog jos toliko titula,a bice ih. Najbolji ikada! Gadjajte nas bombama mi vracamo medaljama! Koliko sam samo srecan,a nema ko nas ne mrzi na ovom svetu. Zapusi usta svima majstore !
I'm a Nadal fan but I can't help myself from being proud of this man and what he has achieved. Such a champion!!
Both are amazing and true GOAT
I am not a Djokovic fan, a Roger fan, or a Nadal fan. I am a TENNIS fan and I respect the sport and all of its players. I may not like a player(s), but I respect the sport.
@@pharmavinay goat cannot be 2... can be like this, tennis goat is novak no question of course but on clay goat is nadal...
@@pavledjelic2903 Tennis GOAT is Rafaa not Nole if u want DJoker is tennis wolf or something
There is no such thing as Greatest of all time. Novak is the most successful of his generation. Thats all
So happy for this man, constantly defying expectations and breaking records.
He's will and perfection are impossible to imitate, he's unique!!!
Defied expectations to win the French
This was published before the recently concluded, French open which made him the ONLY man in the Open Era to win each slam twice! That itself is a foremost achievement in the sport’s history.
@@Aceing87 And the best part - it’s not even the end of this crazy miraculous ride yet!! Although i don’t jinx it or anything, but IF he goes all the way in the Wimbledon he will only 2nd man after Nadal to win 3 grand slams in a season all on different surfaces (pundits dubbed it - surface slam, which is upgraded version of channel slam!) Then he can become the first one ever to win every single elite tournament in tennis if he also wins olympic gold (although i admit this one is probably the most challenging one…50/50 chances of happening!), currently he won each of the main ATP tour elite level event at least TWICE (Olympic isn’t included in this!)! And if he follows that with US Open victory he will achieve not one, but two huge things at the same time - beat Fedal’s record of 20 slams and then complete his ultra rare Calendar Year Golden Slam and he’ll be the first man EVER to do it and join Graf as only 2nd person in general to achieve that!! And if that wasn’t enough he can also finish the year for the record 7th time surpassing Sampras’ 6 for good! And even THAT isn’t everything! Lol If he somehow on top of it all raises ATP Nitto trophy in the end of the season - he will tie Federer for the record 6th there, but the most important he will upgrade his Calendar Year Golden Slam into Calendar Year Super Slam, which was achieved by NO ONE at all!! Lol Imagine if he goes all the way and achieve every single one of those things in a season?! Lmao
Novak has chance to make a new history in TENNIS WORLD for 7 x numbet 1..
History is written here! Still have some pages left...🐐👑🇷🇸
@slight breeze Nadal hasn’t beaten Novak on a hard court since 2013. 8 years!!. Yes Nadal is the GOAT on clay, but Djokovic is better on grass and HC. Djokovic is the superior player across surfaces, Nadal is a great champion though, no question of that.
@Slight Breeze Look again 👀 "some pages left..." I don't wanna be disrespectful to Fed and Nadal because they are the greatest in tennis sport too. Novak said yesterday that he is not gonna stop, still hungry for trophies. No reason not to believe him! So let's wait and see...in the end numbers will tell!!! Stay safe✌️
@Slight Breeze
You are talking like Nadal have 10 more slamas then Djoković.
Nadal is only two slams ahed, in all record statistics, and that's mean nothing.
Number of victtories doesn't mean shit in any category, or debate.
Novak is the GOAT allredy, but when he surpas Nadal, Roger in GS, then he will be a undesputed GOAT, and that's it, and that day is coming prety soon.
@Slight Breeze you are right.But he can reach 20 grand slams till the end of the year,But Nadal can not reach 312 weeks on first place....
Novak's story is incredible, People don't remember that he was the 3rd wheel, you tell anybody he was gonna be where he is right now in the 2000s people would call you crazy. Sure he was good and maybe will win a few slams, but not a dominant force in tennis history like Fedal. For that, as an original Fed fan, I tip my hat to you Djoker. You've earned it, if anyone were to take the the goat crown from Roger it's gotta be you
Agree with everything you say he was the 3rd wheel behind the other two up until 2011 when he had that real breakout year with 3 slams At the start of 2011 Fed was on 16 slams Rafa was on 10 with Novak only one at the time so your point is correct he had to come from way behind and now he is only two behind both
Not me though, supported him since 07’ and since then itself I’ve felt that his potential was as great as Fedal or even greater. Am seeing it for a decade now since 11’ 😊
@@waileonglum2738 my cousin was on the same boat, he had massive bragging rights to me for years until I'm converted from a diehard Roger fans to a big 3 goat fan 🤣
Him being the 3rd wheel made me root for him, so when he won 08 aus open I was sooo excited. Then I watched him more and really really like seeing him play. I didn't think he will be this legend, I'm so happy for him and wish him the best. Idemo nole 🔥💪
@@santiwang5798 and the most relatable out of the 3 of them 2
Congrats Nole, to achieve this in this competitive era is a massive accomplishment.
The hardest accomplishment so far!
@@gfsrghjjiu lol 😂 your funny we know what that means
@@gfsrghjjiu 40-15 Federer earns his nickname forever hahahaha
And this 40-15 Federer calling "" Lucky shots "" back in 2011 U.S. open....
I cried watching this video, the intertwined moments of young him vs future him is just so emotional. People would see this and think all you have to do is be motivated and determined. But what they don't see is how disciplined he was. His dedication and work-ethics brought his dreams come true. You will see a man like this once in a 100 years. Someone who was watching him since 2009 regularly, and remembering all the great and not so great moments with him, it's amazing. I am so grateful for him, and me living in his era, its outstanding. I am coming from Serbia, and we are small country, not having many world class athletes, this is just a dream honestly. I cannot wait to tell my kids and grandkids about him, how i stayed until the morning to watch his US Open matches, how i got up early to watch his AO matches, how i nearly collapsed from his AO2012 final match. And how i went crazy and got drunk when he defeated Nadal at RG2021. Just praying to God to give him health, strength and motivation to go on for a couple more years. Greatest of all time, Novak Djokovic.
1. Most number of weeks at no 1 positions for male player
2 only male player to complete double Golden Masters.. Federer and Nadal don't even have 1 complete Golden Masters
3. Better head to head record against both Nadal and Federer
Novak Djokovic -- The greatest of all time
@Slight Breeze “golden masters isn’t that a big deal” clown , Rafa Should complete 1 and let’s see
@Slight Breeze
Apart from Rod Laver no one has won multiple majors on all surfaces.
Rafa has 1 Aus Open, Roger 1 RG. So its something that has not been. Winning all Masters is impressive cause Roger failed to win two of the three on clay while Rafa struggles in Paris.
@Slight Breeze
Rafa has an olympic gold so that is definately an advantage over Novak no doubt but Golden Masters is really something, no need to downplay that.
@@muhammaddawood4382 golden masters for me bigger deal to win Novak has won every single one plus ranking points included no ranking points in Olympics and is not the pinnacle of tennis maybe in other sports but not tennis but still nice to win of course
Olympic has somewhat of a prestige with it. Golden Masters truly is Impressive. No one has ever been able to do it.
Closest Player to Tennis Perfection. Idemo!
9:35 The comparison between Child Novak and Adult Novak in parallel is the MOST AMAZING AND BRILLIANT THING you did on this video! It shows how hard Novak has worked to get to this point!. "Respect!"
@@gfsrghjjiu hahaha, 14???
@@Smileater 13*
@@gfsrghjjiu I think you mean 15, but nevertheless. I have so much respect for Federer and Nadal, Both and Novak are icons of the sport.
I love the transition from Nole kid to Nole supreme athlete at around @1:48 . That movement combo is done exceptionally well.
Been following tennis for years. And I can say that Novak is the only World #1 tennis player that I see that can make fun of himself. No one ever does! That speaks volume of this man's character and level headedness.
Excellent observation.Plus he's the most entertaining Number 1 as well, and the more intelligent. He's the most empathetic as well.
Tell that to Fedtards.😂😂😂
@hpfmee Excellent comment! I couldn't agree more!
Even Andy Roddick had a good humour but no one beats Novak either in the game or humour
@@Smileater tbh Andy Roddicks the funniest to me but Novak is right up there too
Big congrats to Djokovic and the folks working with him for an amazing historical record! Fitting for the G.O.A.T.
I am a fed fan but man Djokovic is actually just the best player tbh. This guy has got everything!
Wow! That is rare!
@@joeypierantonis7576 Yeah it is. I am a Fed Fan who also thinks he's the best player, but to make statistical GOAT, he needs the slam record, so we'll have to wait a few years until that happens ...
@@armstrongtixid6873 no problem for grand slam record.... soon or later this coming from NEMESIS also.. NADAL is still very active but i don't think he have enough gasoline in his engine for this marathon race... NEMESIS is fully prepared and waiting for all
@@trumpameri1638 I know ... but before people start calling him the undisputed GOAT, we have to wait until he gets that record.
@@armstrongtixid6873 but how can we called GOAT to a tennis player who hasn't got any GOLDEN 1000 Master Title???
Even though i'm a staunch Nadal fan, i doff my hat to Djokovic. What he's been able to achieve is incredible.
Respect for you.
Respect for you. We love tennis
The Dislikers of This Video simply can't be 'Tennis' fans!!
disappointed fed and nadal fans.
Absolute Fed fan here, but also absolutely love what Novak has brought to the game.
@Slight Breeze A great achievement indeed! I believe Novak's has many more big wins...all in due time!
@Slight Breeze so if Djokovic wins more slams than him u will accept right
Say that fed has grace
Nadal had injuries
Hope u don't have excuses
@@sidtrip1 Thank you Siddhartha. Yes, not all Fed fans are so ungenerous in their praise and you've proved it!
Being No. 1 has always been his dream. Of all his achievements, i think the Historic no. 1 surpasses the importance of Grand Slam numbers, Masters and everything else. This will be his record for a long, long time. What a champion!
Relax. Weeks at no. 1 will be irrelevant if he loses the slam race to Nadal.
Nadal who sits at 209 weeks nr 1 is far from being considered the Goat. Nadal is far behind when it comes to year end nr 1, WTF tourney which includes only top 10 players, Nadal has won zero times while Djokovic has 6. Furthermore, huge majority of Nadal slams/masters are just clay, much less of a complete player compared to Djokovic and Federer. The fact that Nadal lost 7 of his last matches against Federer doesnt help his legacy either.
@@rickyismyuncle4485 "Huge majority of Nadal slams/masters are just clay"
Huge majority of Djoker's slams/masters are on hard 😏
@@rickyismyuncle4485 I like how you completely forgot the Olympics single 🥇 that Nadal won on hard courts (that too after beating Novak)
I didnt forget about it, its just that its one title compared to many hes missing to complete on versatility against Djokovic and Federer. Nadal is considered the clay Goat, if he wants more than that, Nadal will have to regain nr 1 title or atleast win WTF where only the best can enter, top 10.
Because of the era he's played in, his Tennis is overlooked. NOW he has one of the biggest records in the sport. With good health the next five years he will easily pass 20 Grand Slams singles titles too
In era of great he is the greatest. What a pleasere to see this unfolding in front of our eyes. GOAT. Salute.
that transition at 1:49 is so sweet
Born winner he wanted to be the best from day one yet another record broken 2022 he will break the slam record
Maybe on the slam part
@Slight Breeze exactly
@Slight Breeze but if he doesn’t win this year it will only get harder
@Slight Breeze this year maybe thiem or djokovic but it’s hard
French Open 2021 will be pivotal in tennis history, if Nadal wins he breaks the 20 barrier and leaves Djokovic far behind, if Djokovic wins, not only does he take Nadal's greatest chance but also puts him in 1 away from the undisputed GOAT position.
And this is happening in just a few months...
If you're 35-40 years old tennis fan, congrats, you just witnessed 20 years of tennis history that won't repeat.
Bravo familia Djokovic & friends. 🐐 🐐 🐐
He had hardest path to get where he belonged way earlier, never appreciated enough but this way more sweet. Go Novak Djokovic, God of tennis 🏆👏👏👏👏
Big 3 passion for the sport is just incredible. Look how happy nole was when he won his first title.
Chutiye woh fashion nahi passion hota hai
And now he even has 20 slams, calendar slam loading !
What a champion 🏆
Greatest of All Time !!!
There is something very special about Novak, when he is playing so interesting to watch and when he talks about tennis so interesting to listen and he always speaks high about other players. Good role model for new generations of tennis players💞💞💞💞
Well said Rhonda. I totally agree.
So much love all the way from Nigeria 🇳🇬
Greatest of all Time 👑🇷🇸🐏
Proud to be Serb. Thank you my idol ❤️
What a record. Who knows how much longer Nole will continue as world #1. Hard to think that Federer's weeks as #1 record was beatable. It's amazing what he has done for the sport and on that note what the big three have done for the sport for the last decade and a half.
Very proud of this man and his attitude and genuineness about him. He admits he is not perfect when he makes mistakes or when his anger gets the best of him, and he role models what it means to learn from ones mistakes and use them to improve both professionally and as a person. 💯 🇨🇦. It is a thrill to watch any of Nole's matches. 💚 👍. A well spoken man with a gentle sense of humour!
Always believed in you Novak Djokovic! Really well done for defying all odds in such a tough era with 2 other GOATs.. In the end there can only be 1 to rise above everyone else! Best player in the history of tennis for a long long time.
Revisiting this after he wins Roland Garros 2021!! Absolutely Amazing!!!
Player Of The Year number record 7 is coming, and iso is Laureus Sportsman Of The Year number 5 (joint record with Federer…)
what a legend
At 5 years he had a solid forehand and backhand and movement.He was born and destined to be a tennis player (Not just a random tennis player but Number 1)
What a great tribute to Novak's achievement. Even sweeter when he came to the party late and then overtook them all. He's done it despite adversity. What an incredible human being. Love him!
Agreed. And Love him? Me too! :)
Remarkable story of great champion Novak Djokovic.. he was under the war but he shines and keep making history. World number one for the longest weeks and more Grand slams and trophies to win .. Go champ make more histories. Keep it up God bless you and protect you
Bravo ATP for giving Novak recognition .
He will be greatest of all time. He has a genius for the game and huge talent. He can be very funny. He can make mistakes. He is from a country with difficult history. He is a champion. He is the greatest of all time!
313 weeks GOAT position sealed.... and also very important NOVAK DJOKOVIC is unstoppable force and still counting... always counting
You’re number 1 now! My goat!
O jogador mais perfeito que já existiu, Djokovic é o rei do tênis. 💪🤴
May glory continue to carry you. May your kindness and great heart be like humanity, which itself has a good effect on all these children. Who wants to play sports
The 25 dislikes are from those that can not graciously congratulate champions success. Bitter people in the world are odd.
I’ve Never gone Federer’s or Nadal’s videos to dislike them, such an odd thing to do.
Congrats to Novak! I’m am so proud of him!!!! 🏆
I totally agree with you. Novak has win these titles fair and with hard work.
You can show cute puppies or just say good morning and you will get a few dislikes. That's internet. But in this case I don't think it's coming from tennis (rival) fans. Mostly. I'm pretty sure it's mostly about politics. Not long ago there was a blood bath on the Balkan and I've heard people berating their countrymen for praising the "enemy". I think it's stupid. Then again, exhibiting patriotism (/Nationalism) can be off putting. And Djokovic is not merely flag waving patriot (nationalist) As I understand, he has made some comments. (political) Something that top athletes should avoid as much as possible -I think. But the culture he's coming from is very patriotic. Neutrality or indifference can be perceived as betrayal. I don't think that's a problem for Number one.:)
@@Aleksamson I am from the Balkans. He’s patriotic and yet has also done well to bring the Neighbouring counties together; supports Croat and Bosnian players. He gets the hate for being Serbian from the west.
Btw there is a difference between being patriotic and nationalist, he is patriotic and there’s nothing wrong with that. Each player is representing their country which they are proud off.
Serbia 🇷🇸 🤩🤩🤩🤩 trophy 🏆
@@JeliOra It's ok to generalise sometimes and you could say that the west hates religious extremism /Isis or authoritarian regime like N.Korea. But you can't say that the west hates any nation specifically. I'm sure there are people from the west that hate Arabs, Chinese or Serbian people but what makes you think that The west hates Serbs? Because of the bombing in 90's ? Are you talking about Americans? English, French...? Or the whole western world hates Serbian people? Sounds like a strange combination of victim mentality and self -aggrandizing.
@@Aleksamson if you become and amputee and complain about not having 2 legs 🦵 then are you guilty of ‘victim mentality’ - is that how it works? 🙄
Those that experienced hardship due to traumatic political events, are allowed to acknowledge them- the should’t be SHUT UP or SHAMED by ‘victim mentality’ shamers. If you’re uncomfortable about this, you probably hadn’t had much hardship in your life. Your empathy is certainly limited.
arguably the greatest journey in tennis
I think my loyalties are slowly shifting from fed to nole
Ashish, you're entitled to change your preferences whenever you want. If you want to admire to the greatest tennis player, then you can change your mind as many times as you want. They will work hard to gain your respect and preference. Big hug from Peru, South America.
@M B bro I have been following fed for more than 12 years but he is an emotion for me but still love him no matter what but now I cheer for all three except when they are not playing each other but will always be on fed side if they play each other. No problem in saying Regardless of numbers for me all three are goats. We should admire each of them for any of their achievements and this commemorative is simply about that . Nole has done something extraordinary by achieving this milestone so my heartfelt congratulations for him. And I am not among those obnoxious fan who will hate other two for their shitty mindset. I love tennis so love all 3 titans
@M B fed will win Wimbledon and Olympic this year. Just believe in him. And he will win by defeating nole in process. Australian open semifinal a got hampered by his injury and in wtf he won and in wimby 2019 everyone knows nole got lucky so I think fed will have his revenge this year . But
Let’s enjoy our majesty now.
@@AshishKumar-on2ud Majority of the Nolefans are actually converted Fedfans.
Champion Guy... Inspiration for many youngsters around the world.. You deserved it Nole... Still lot to achieve 🥳🥳🥳
Not to mention that Novak won multiple Grand slams on all courts. Truly legendary!!
What do you mean "multiple GS on all courts"? He has only won once at R Garros, same as Federer, and Nadal has only one Aus Open, so how is his record better than theirs?
@@michelez715 All surfaces*
@@michelez715 he didn’t say Novak’s record was better than Rogers or Rafas.. where did he say that in his comment? When all is said and done at the end of their careers it will be Novak as the greatest though.
@@craigmills3583 And that's the hard reality that Fed and Rafa fans don't like. I forgot to mention that 😅
@@michelez715 well now his record is better haha because he has 2 RG
My hero. Thanks for giving me a so much inspirations.
Novak's history will b like no other I remember him saying I am tired to lose n from that day things begins to turn for him I am truly happy for him n I love watch him play his never say die attitude hope he wins all grand slams this year 2021 it's my dream for him
He did it against big rivals, media, crowds... Hi is the less loved of the big 3 by far...
He is a true champion! I hope he win golden slam this year!
Now they use the crowds & media to block him again. Politically by vaccine rules
Amazing Novak Djokovic!!!
Hard work, that‘s it! Congrats Nole!
I remember 2006 when a little-known Novak said that "I wanted to become number one. It doesn't have to happen now, but someday in the future." At that time of Roger-Rafa rivalry, that statement could have been perceived as a little far-fetched. I was surprised that such a young talented tennis player had that much confidence. But somehow I believed that this could come to pass. And here we are. Novak broke already one record. The next ones are a matter of time.
You’re the best Novak🏆🏆🏆
How were you able to find a clip where Federer is actually almost admitting Novak's greatness? Such a rarity.
Awh come he's only been salty during heartbreaking losses, and even he's learned from it. Why don't you learn too?
You are the goat now! 20 grand slams!
Amazing Champion Novak. Keep it up as number one and grand slams winner.. God bless you and protect you
"I want to be Number 1 all my life". 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💯- young Novak Australia 🦘 and Wimbledons greatest player🌱🌱
bellissimo, emozionante, un viaggio fantastico!! GOAT Nole !
An incredible achievement from Novak Djokovic.
Amazing music and amazing video ... very emotional and motivational
1:48 that transition tho
9:35 The comparison between Child Novak and Adult Novak in parallel is the MOST AMAZING AND BRILLIANT THING they did on this video!
@@Smileater so true.
Double career Grand Slam, double career Golden Masters, not too bad.
Triple ;)
your smile makes me smile too , man! May GOD bless you forever! G.O.A.T !
He won all 4 grand slam at once. That record will never be broken 🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿
Each one has unique records..Rafa Roland Garros record will never ever be broken
2 Golden Masters is also extremely difficult. Nobody else has even one.
@@dzrdza I don't say it is easy one..every records are difficult..So respect all records..Each has create their own records
@@dzrdza If he wins Monte Carlo and Cincinnati again he'll make it 3x
James Akinnola, Rod Laver won all 4 GS titles in a calendar year, and he did it twice, 1962 and 1969, so what record are you talking about?
I have been loving Nole since 2011 before he reached no.1. Now I am still loving this brilliant player more & more
What an incredible achievement? The king of all tennis courts. He slayed the kings of clay & grass
Great video. Novak will certainly go down as one of the greatest to ever pick up a racket.
Let's be honest guys...
Novak has been the real #1 from 2011 - 2021 (excluding 2017) *Fedal Year*
But if Djokovic had been healthy in 2017, he probably could've completed the CalendarYear GrandSlam.
Just look at 'the before & after years 16 -'18 that's All 4 Grand Slams + Finishing both years off in ATP Finals.
My brother Roger will always be my favorite ❤️ but NO1E is the greatest tennis player of all time 🐐 🏆
im novak fan but federer will always be the greatest for me
@@kenchan5968 Roger or Novak?
AMAZING tribute for Nole. I
love it so much. Subscribed!
I wanted this video to never end. 😭
Simply the BEST!
Hi is so strong true GOAT
Can't stop repeating watch this video.
Very well made video.
Good job ATP. 👍
Congrats Nole!
You really deserved it.
Goosebumps #TheBestEver
Absolutely love this man. He’s achieved so much and taken tennis to a new level and the best thing is there’s even more to come! G.O.A.T.
From his childhood dream of becoming no 1 to the reality he did what he said total dedication and hard work behind what he achieved till now ....nole the best and the greatest of all time .....
Class video and Novak is the true GOAT
This is why I love Novak Djokovic.A true 🐐 in every sense.
There's no an adjetive for your achivements Nole just that you are the best!!!
A credit to tennis and all of sport generally, on and off the court. If kids want a role model about how to dedicate yourself to realising a dream and develop a strong work ethic, follow Novak. He could have retired years ago with the vast majority of records broken, except for the GS, but because his love for tennis is so insatiable, it's only a matter of time, not withstanding injury of course (fingers crossed), that the GS record is equalled and/or broken. His country should be extremely proud of one of its citizens.
G GOAT greatest GOAT of all time... NEMESIS is fully prepared and waiting for him on Wimbledon 2021...
Congrats, great Djokovic!
My dearest djoko😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
This is amazing. He's amazing.
The best!!!!!!!
Dear Novak you are the best Player in the Word ♥️ G.O.A.T.
Congratulations dear Nole ♥️
"And when Novak saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer."
Svaka cast sampione. Nek ti da bog jos toliko titula,a bice ih.
Najbolji ikada! Gadjajte nas bombama mi vracamo medaljama!
Koliko sam samo srecan,a nema ko nas ne mrzi na ovom svetu. Zapusi usta svima majstore !
Idemo Nole .вперёд братуха
Mind blowing 🤯
Novak Djokovic is the Greatest Player of All Time and even the Fed and Nadal fans deep down know this.
Novak we love you, thank you and we are very proud of you 👏🇷🇸❤️
Какой Новак красивый !!!!!!!
Who is here after Novak's 10th AO win in 2023 GS#22!