• @2WARDEN2
    @2WARDEN2 7 років тому +45

    > "You can't bring games back from the dead. They have to be good by today's standard."
    *AoE2HD clears throat from back of the room*

    • @QCLagstone
      @QCLagstone 7 років тому +15

      Brood War IS good by today's standards, it's better than most other games out there in fact. Better than SCII at the very least. What's bad about Brood War?

    • @ZWCoolkid
      @ZWCoolkid 7 років тому +1

      That's the thing I don't get. He doesn't specify one thing that is wrong with Brood War other than being vague. It's an exceptional game, that, if released today would definitely be something like a 'pixel art Indie Darling' that would win a ton of awards and inevitably get a competitive following.
      Except for the fact that there almost certainly just wouldn't even *be* such a thing as eSports without Starcraft Brood War.

    • @KaiserMattTygore927
      @KaiserMattTygore927 7 років тому

      which basically translates to, we need to keep making ACTION GAMES THAT CONSTANTLY GET FASTER AND LESS STRATEGIC EVERY YEAR, YEAH SONIC FAST!!

    • @bananian
      @bananian 7 років тому +3

      John Doe
      sc2 removed too many randomness and variety that aoe2 has such as resource spawning or the types of resources available. Nothing is exactly the same in aoe2 in a map so it actually feels like you are managing a town in the middle of a natural landscape.
      sc2 has to give up all those elements in an effort to create a sterile environment in the name of fair competition.
      That made build orders too predictable and forces the opponent to use the same predictable strategies.

    • @QCLagstone
      @QCLagstone 7 років тому

      +bananian I'd actually argue that SC2 has less randomness in it than Brood War simply due to the fact that the BW meta has been the same for the last 10 years. SCII also has a lot more room for suprise tactics with unusual unit combinations.

  • @fila365
    @fila365 7 років тому +109


    • @ZombieRommel
      @ZombieRommel 7 років тому +12

      Lol thanks, this really annoyed me also.

    • @yugen
      @yugen 7 років тому +4

      What are you talking about? He already said Broods Swords.

    • @will_of_europa
      @will_of_europa 7 років тому +3

      lol Brood Wars sounds like a cheesy C movie title

  • @blustersan
    @blustersan 7 років тому +450

    I think that the real reason for starcraft 2 declining ( and the whole RTS genre ) is rising of MOBA games. Because mobas are simplier and dont have steep learning curve like all RTS games, they tend to attract more players.

    • @Mgranadosv
      @Mgranadosv 7 років тому +31

      And they are also free. As much as I have always loved Blizzard, they charged for Stracraft II and a monthly fee to play it online, which eventually hurt it and was removed a wee bit too late.
      RTS had the flaw that you could actually do a writeup of a game plan, put it online and it worked 90% of the time. Removed the whole strategy part of the game.

    • @DarkRaptor99
      @DarkRaptor99 7 років тому +19

      Moba's just destroyed the RTS gaming market. I think blizzard realized a remake would do better than SC3 right, and significantly less time and cost. I was huge into the SC/BW scene on Kali and I bought SC2 , but I got so bored I didn't bother with even buying legacy of the void.

    • @Vivi_Strike
      @Vivi_Strike 7 років тому +13

      I gotta agree. I bought a Starcraft 2 battle chest a year ago because i like RTS games like DoW, CoH and AoE but i still haven't even installed it. I'm afraid of the steep learning curve and after i bought it my friends told me that people usually play the multiplayer competitively and serious rather than casually laid back. I don't wanna be yelled at constantly for not playing at a similar level to esport players.
      TLDR; I dont play because I'm anxious of the community.

    • @decap008
      @decap008 7 років тому +3

      A good rts could bring it back. But it needs a layer of ai programming and abstraction from intensive 300 apm micro. Warhammer tw was really close apart from the crappy micro needed and lousy MP support.

    • @PyroMancer2k
      @PyroMancer2k 7 років тому +8

      RTS has always been a bit of a niche genre and in order to make an E-Sport out of something it has to have a HUGE draw. South Korea was sort of the exception as they really dove into SC. I don't really think RTS are in decline even though SC2 might be I think they are pretty much where they have always been it's just MOBA has more mass appeal so it's stealing all the attention. Much in the way action and fps games have in the past.

  • @NerdilyDone
    @NerdilyDone 7 років тому +20

    Dude, you're driving me nuts. It's "Brood War", not "Brood Wars." Why do you keep calling it that?
    Also, I think you don't understand Starcraft as a franchise. Specifically, what the older gamers want. People have been complaining about the "rock, paper, scissors"-type gameplay in SC2. For example, you have to have a certain specific unit to counter another specific unit. As opposed to SC/BW, where you can try and make things work even if the units in question aren't ideal.
    Yes, SC2 has introduced some things that are helpful. However, if the Korean gaming scene is extremely reluctant to pick up SC2, then you can be certain that "outdated, clunky gameplay" is a reference to the sequel more so than the first. I mean heck, since when does the opinion of the masses of South Korean gamers not matter? If they prefer one over another, then maybe, just maybe, the reason is not nostalgia-blindness.

    • @starghost99
      @starghost99 3 роки тому

      Thank you. I haven't played the game in probably a decade and I cringed every time he said "brood wars"

  • @miloinindo
    @miloinindo 7 років тому +30

    Starcraft 2 streamlined a lot of functions but it also removed the skill necessary to play. Early SC2 did well because it was exciting to see the creative ways people would play. The problem was that Blizzard decided creative play was cheese and cheese was bad. This meant they kept patching everything away until the game became mass army meets mass army. The game went from a very tight skill based game to one of nuance and eb and flow.

    • @miloinindo
      @miloinindo 7 років тому +5

      BTW, doubt anyone remembers me, but I was Lord_Eldin in SC: BW. I played semi-professionally, including one TV appearance in S. Korea back in the summer of 2000. When SC2 came out, I, of course, dove into it. However, I was/am married with a job and kids so I only played amateurishly for fun after the kids went to bed. (I'm Dogsi) But, I did still manage to make the top 100 a few times. The reason I am bringing this up is to illustrate that I do have a fairly good understanding of the game.

    • @tranquil_dude
      @tranquil_dude 7 років тому +2

      My thoughts exactly too !
      It's not the way SC2 was built, but how it's being "supported", that's been taking the fun out of the game.
      I would add though that Blizzard clearly DOES want players to go wild with their creativity.
      One can see it, for e.g., in the power of the new map editor, which practically allows one to turn SC2 into any game one wants, and all the amazing things that users have done with it.
      The problem, I think, is that there seems to be this belief that in order to be an acceptable esports, multiplayer SC2 must be constantly and "perfectly" balanced by the devs themselves, but this adhering to this belief has backfired on them.
      OK, I'm not an esports organizer or games developer myself, so that's just my speculation, not a matter of fact.
      All I hope is that Blizzard realises the root of the problem, instead of, say, just immediately believing every complaint about how BW was inherently and completely a "better" game than SC2. (since caving in immediately and thoughtlessly to all the complaints about "balance" is, I think, what exarcerbated the problem with multiplayer SC2 in the first place.)

    • @taragnor
      @taragnor 7 років тому +5

      I don't really think the problem with SC2 was the streamlining so much as just the poor unit design. I mean with Brood War, Blizzard was more or less hands-off when it came to the meta, where as with SC2 it seemed like every choice they made was this master plan to try to shape the meta in a way they wanted. One great example is what they did with the drop meta in SC2. They just made drops utterly insane with speed medivacs, widow mines, sieged tank pick-up, baneling drops, invulnerable nydus worms and warp prism ranged pick-up. Nothing in SC2 felt like it evolved naturally, it was just too engineered to feature certain strategies. Then it became a matter of one band-aid fix to try to solve the ill-thought out changes. Protoss got a nexus cannon simply because there wasn't any way for them to stop this crazy speed-drop game they thought up (as well as how weak they made gateway units since they wanted protoss to be all about force fields).

    • @oneonly2762
      @oneonly2762 7 років тому

      Jesus I feel old now.
      Sorry to bug you if you don't mind me asking, but did you ever rub shoulders with or play against Grr...?
      I know it's nowhere near relevant now, but could you also tell me how the meta was back then, out of academic curiosity?

    • @miloinindo
      @miloinindo 7 років тому +5

      The meta depended a lot on where you played. In N. America at the time, Zerg was dominant because of their ability to switch production so easily. Protoss, my race, could win but it was more about micro. You had to switch perspectives a lot more and keep pocket temps to defend against mutas. To me though, this was when the game was "funnest" as there was a lot of diversity in play and things were constantly being discovered. For instance, I remember one match of Grrr vs.... forget the other guy, want to say Pillars but I actually know it wasn't Pillars... an Asian guy though... anyways, Grrr was being out microed early on but through clever positions of his zealots with some pillars on the map, he was able to create artificial choke points, allowing his zealots to take on a huge swarm of zerglings with no losses. However, there wasn't really a true "meta" yet. Meta really emerged with the Koreans.
      This style of play changed with the emergence of the professional Korean players. I remember my first match against a pro Korean. I was Protoss and he was Terran, a match that I was previously almost unbeatable at. I played an aggressive tech style (funnily enough, relied on a quick carriers or reaver drops, depending on the map). Before I played the Koreans, the vulture was basically relegated to a defensive unit and was useless against protoss. However, their ability to micro them changed all of that. In a straight up fight, a single dragoon can take on a lot of vultures. However, they had the APM (which previously wasn't something focused on in N. America) to allow them to actually move the vultures in and out, causing frequent animation cancels on the dragoons attacks. The first guy basically just massed vultures and overhwlemed my dragoons with vultures and blew through my base, dropping mines where dragoons spawned and sniping my probes. While I did figure out how to position buildings and units as well as to manage my fire to mitigate the micro, by the time I caught on, the match was over. That was pretty much how all of my matches went there. While in N. America I could take games off anyone, I didn't win a single match in S. Korea.
      Boxing mutas, splitting marines, etc. The Koreans speed based play allowed them to simply do things that we in N. America weren't even thinking about at the time because we didn't have the speed for it to be an option. The gap was huge and while "foreigners" were able to close the gap a bit, they were never able to catch back up as the meta became centred on S. Korean players. It created a situation in which the meta was driven by the Korean players and so the foreigners were in a state of perpetual catch up.
      Yeah, I played against Grrr, Pillars, Maynard, etc. I beat all of them at least once. Pillars was the weird one in that he wasn't that good when we played on Kali (it was like a private server) but he was a beast in live tournaments. I played Grrr a few times in tournaments but never got a game off him. I qualified in the top 64 in KBK to play live in S. Korea but lost badly when I was there. That was also basically the passing of the gauntlet from the Canadians to the Koreans.

  • @Medytacjusz
    @Medytacjusz 7 років тому +10

    So many people arguing for the "one true" way of playing. Why is it so hard to comprehend people have various needs and play for different reasons in many different ways? Yet people are constantly looking for superiority of one factor - whether it's competitiveness, sales figures or what have you, something must prove that there's ONE RIGHT WAY to design a game and other are failures.

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому +4

      Great comment!

    • @farazsworkshop
      @farazsworkshop 7 років тому +2

      Good point. But it's simple and goes beyond gaming..
      Do we need an iphone 17? Is not having iphone 17 the cause of humanity derping into the void? It's mindset that is the issue. On every front we need to slow down and reflect. The gaming industry is no different. We must enjoy and take care of what we already have. Before taking the next step forward.

  • @spartan2ification
    @spartan2ification 7 років тому +5

    I decided to get the remastered version the second I heard about it. My favoritest game in the universe, but with updated graphics and compatibility so I can actually play it on my machine? I'm so fucking down!!! As for Downward's argument, If you want to play starcraft 2, play starcraft 2. When you remaster an album, you don't add songs that aren't on that album, so why would you add gameplay mechanics to a remastered game? The word you're thinking of is "Reimagined"

  • @Weroupolmitneir
    @Weroupolmitneir 7 років тому +23

    Brood War!

  • @ruwagrong7537
    @ruwagrong7537 7 років тому +36

    Im just happy because i can finally get on BattleNet with starcraft 1
    2v2v2v2 BGH anyone

    • @avanhokie
      @avanhokie 7 років тому +2

      im down.

    • @AndrewChedid
      @AndrewChedid 7 років тому +2

      hell yeah!

    • @yugen
      @yugen 7 років тому +2

      lol gtfo with BGH.

    • @weweedboy
      @weweedboy 7 років тому

      Ahahah BGH really sucks also like fastest maps, going for ladder 2vs2 yehaaaa

    • @Josho4096
      @Josho4096 7 років тому

      norman baum been playing fastest for last few years, check me out at west coast USA on battlenet, handle is marine.SCV

  • @MrZuriax
    @MrZuriax 7 років тому +9

    If a D4 is on the way it should go back to the gothic look of D2 and not the WoW look D3 has. As a kid nothing was scarier than Andariel and the Inner Cloister while D3 was utterly goofy looking at times.

  • @BeefyBoulders
    @BeefyBoulders 7 років тому +10

    brood wars, brood wars, brood wars... Drives me crazy

  • @MrCommentingGuy
    @MrCommentingGuy 7 років тому +5

    This video should be titled: I have no idea what i'm talking about.
    Real talk though. If they can't handle the original starcraft, then games got a little too easy...

  • @Illuminati089
    @Illuminati089 7 років тому +9

    the problem is starcraft is way better than starcraft2. outside of the modern tech graphics polish and streamlining it feels bleh compared to the original. I would love the remaster edition hopefully get either a warcraft 3 remaster or a warcraft 4 game soon because wow is trash compared the originals lore wise.

  • @blackheart004
    @blackheart004 7 років тому +4

    "Brood Wars"
    "Frames per seconds"
    herps per derps
    You know nothing, Jon snow.

  • @AdlerSchwadron
    @AdlerSchwadron 7 років тому +39

    you don't even know the title of the game... seriously, you have no clue what you are talking about.

    • @teodorgut6401
      @teodorgut6401 7 років тому +9


    • @KaiserMattTygore927
      @KaiserMattTygore927 7 років тому +13


    • @mvpmvp2980
      @mvpmvp2980 7 років тому +16

      you know you fucked up when the fucking scout of all units calls you out

    • @anordhuscarl8226
      @anordhuscarl8226 7 років тому +1

      that's mojo you shitlord

    • @alecideas
      @alecideas 7 років тому

      Coordinates Acknowledged.

  • @yomghhh
    @yomghhh 7 років тому +6

    I have tens of thousands of custom maps for StarCraft Broodwar. I would love to play these maps with my friends and if a remaster helps me do that, then Im all for it.

  • @yougoplayer123
    @yougoplayer123 7 років тому +5

    Many people in Korea and America still play starcraft one, even to say that there are more people playing one than two. If you ever go into a pc cafe, you'll still see many people still playing it. SC remaster will do very good and its fan base we stay alive for a long time.

    • @teodorgut6401
      @teodorgut6401 7 років тому +3

      I'm European and still playing it.

  • @rayblanco0
    @rayblanco0 7 років тому +12

    Blizzard has a team of devs and designers just for the legacy games, about 12 people that work on bugs and perfomance patchs, and the remaster... in a interview they said that the remaster took 12 months to make and don't take resources and staff from others team, including the starcraft 2. The remaster will rise the korean scene, but i don't think the world scene will embrace the remaster, and Sc2 is in decline as a esport because of the moba, like all rts, but in the end the game is in really good shap, the modding community is grat, a lot of maps on arcade, the Co-op is really popular, and the pvp is played a lot, i never have trouble finding match, i really think it's early for a StarCraft 3, because none of the older Starcraft is really dying, and a third game will not take the top spot of the esport, he will face the same problem of the others rts.

  • @Ashleymaul
    @Ashleymaul 7 років тому +3

    I just want to point that I let some of my younger friends try Starcraft 1 for the first time and they loved it as much as I did back when it was released.

  • @jamesgordy3465
    @jamesgordy3465 7 років тому +6

    So this guy thinks Remakes = Remaster and vice versa. Kinda stomping all over his own words.

  • @gieron666
    @gieron666 7 років тому +19

    Diablo 2 remaster will be worth it because the people that are left in Blizzard and worked on Diablo 3 seem to not understand what made D1 and D2 great. Item stats, character progression, the look of Diablo 3 and the philosophy behind updates that game gets remind me a lot of WoW and i assume developers that work on it worked on WoW previously. Blizzard doesn't know anymore how to make a good Diablo game so yes i'd rather have D2 remastered over another WoWanized Diablo game. I would even want to see a Warcraft 3 remake just to play the campaign again. Current blizzard just cant bring the gritty atmosphere their older games had. They make everything into a casual friendly cartoon these days.

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому +3

      That's definitely true

    • @bjugler
      @bjugler 7 років тому +2

      Gieron Ssj I can't agree with you enough! The atmosphere is huge. SC1 had a great atmosphere and SC2 is a cartoon. It's like the original Terminator vs Inspector Gadget. I still play SC1 for the campaign because of the atmosphere the game had. And SC2 never even tries.

    • @Spacefrisian
      @Spacefrisian 7 років тому

      At least Diablo 3 didnt turn out as different from 1 and 2 as Sacred 3 did from the 2 parts that came before it.

    • @Henkz85
      @Henkz85 7 років тому +5

      I agree fully. I even enjoy the graphics in WC2 more than WC3 because I don't like how everything turned into a cartoon.

    • @illidur
      @illidur 7 років тому

      SC2 wasn't nearly as bad atmosphere wise as D3. I enjoyed the SC2 single player and had fun online when it first came out. Diablo 1/2 were both very gory and disturbing, so 3's lack of atmosphere was even worse.
      Also what OP said... D3 didn't feel like d2 at all. The lack of fun loot and skill trees is a big WTF. I also feel like they won't make a good Diablo again. I would definitely pirate it before risking a penny (thanks scene).

  • @zar304
    @zar304 7 років тому +5

    actually the remastered version is made in only 12 months

  • @gundam4730
    @gundam4730 7 років тому +2

    There is one issue that you didn't cover. SC2 had/has a map curation system while SC1 didn't. AKA Blizzard has pulled a lot of custom maps from SC2 for whatever reason. SC1 did not have this as maps are only transfer via user to user in game rooms.

  • @ShinryuZensen
    @ShinryuZensen 7 років тому +1

    Sometimes the only reason you need a remaster is because the game is so old that it won't run on newer machines, and not everyone of us has the physical space to have multiple pcs for multiple generations games.
    And that's also the reason why console gamers LOVE consoles retro compatible.
    Since consoles are usually in the living room, it's INSANE to have all consoles hooked up on you tv. It's a feature for collectors. Most gamers want to play all the games they bought in just ONE console.
    Same for PC, since it's the very definition of multiple capabilities.

  • @Mystline18
    @Mystline18 7 років тому +6

    Banjo Kazooie and Diablo 2 hold up though.

  • @maniacalcoast2742
    @maniacalcoast2742 7 років тому +3

    Honestly I don't see anything wrong with this, Blizzard needs some time, Starcraft 2 was a beautiful piece of work and in my opinion worth all the time it took between expansions and the wait of WoL. I'm pretty sure the remake is a good idea for a buffer until the next Starcraft since I have no idea how to continue with the way LoTV ended and I'm pretty Blizzard needs some time to think

    • @thinhvo3893
      @thinhvo3893 7 років тому

      Maniacal Coast it more than old fan, especially Korean fan and Starcraft elites, couldn't let go of the classic. They try to act like the old clunky mechanics of the original with an unfriendly UI that exist only to make elites feel good is some how better.
      Now, sure SC2 may seem more "casual" than the original Brood War (even though to everybody else standard, SC is anything but casual). That is true. And many people claimed that there are more people playing Brood War then Starcraft 2. While I do not doubt that, I would like to see how many people actually play the game as in melee map competitively vs custom map. It like playing warcraft 3. There are a handful of people play it, but the rest of this people have dedicated themselves to the custom community rather than competitively. Let see
      If Starcraft remaster would recapture the Esport back to Korea. I can bet you, it will not.

    • @adamp8761
      @adamp8761 7 років тому

      Thinh Vo there are 150 000- 200 000 playing 1v1 this season in sc2. you can check stats on

    • @thinhvo3893
      @thinhvo3893 7 років тому

      Adam P I'm not denying that. However can you possibly believe one Starcraft remaster kick in then suddenly people start to play Starcraft again? Market like Korean have lost interest in Starcraft when MOBA come about. Esport was a failed industry until riot pick it up and raises it again. Starcraft 2 just happened to be a victim of a dying genre. The game itself wasn't the problem. Quite frankly to many outside of the Starcraft elites, Starcraft 2 was a great game, quite stellar compare to the original. The biggest problem that SC BW players just isn't willing to embrace change.

    • @adamp8761
      @adamp8761 7 років тому

      Thinh Vo I'm not denying the fact of Starcrafy 2 declining slowly but surely. however You said You would like how many people actually play mellee games in Sc2 /BW. i do not have stats to BW but i knew of RankedFTW so i just answered your question in my comment i supppose

  • @sjolson68
    @sjolson68 7 років тому +2

    As you rightly mention, Brood Wars really was not a game for the casual player. I agree this is a puzzling decision and perhaps a sign that the creative force that was Blizzard is now in decline even after their relative success in a new paradigm for them with Overwatch. I'd also be concerned that they end up trying to make the remaster more "accessible" and trade the relatively small revenue of the serious player for the larger revenue stream of the casual player as they did with WoW and D3.

    • @avanhokie
      @avanhokie 7 років тому +1

      They have said there will be no tangible gameplay changes, I think this is a response to the growing Brood War gaming scene in Korea, which has rebounded in the past 10 months with some of the most popular gamers (Who are Korean celebrities) coming back and streaming Brood War. Korea is making SC1 popular again and I think Blizzard is capitalizing on this. For example, after Brood War was seemingly dying in 2011-2012 with SC2 arrival, many top players left, but now the legends are returning (Flash, Jaedong, Bisu, Stork) and new starleagues (AKA 1v1 leagues) are forming.

  • @Edax_Royeaux
    @Edax_Royeaux 7 років тому +1

    The story in BW is absolute gold compared to the crap in SC2. There's a serious dark tone and grit in that game that would do well with modernized graphics, perhaps with talking heads with proper lip sync. But I absolutely do not want to see any of the art style from SC2 bleeding into this remaster, this game stood on it's own for so long for a reason. Even the soundtrack of Brood War is miles ahead of most games today, so I hope those in charge keep the old spirit true for this game.

  • @alex2792
    @alex2792 7 років тому +8

    Brood War is the greatest game ever made by a country mile. It came out before my senior year in HS and I still play it in my 30s.

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому


    • @canan7008
      @canan7008 7 років тому

      Same here, just started the campagn again, couse it´s awesome and to recall the old buildings and units. =)

    • @JeyvaSa
      @JeyvaSa 7 років тому

      alex2792 i think that broodwar age extremely well..... i downloaded the free version and had a lot of fun with my old friends..... but i really miss the party system from sc2 and the ladder..... too many pros

    • @jfmhunter375
      @jfmhunter375 7 років тому

      Melee :)

    • @tokiwartooth4404
      @tokiwartooth4404 5 років тому

      Try Mass Recall. The official SC2 Editor is freeware and can be used offline. Mass Recall is freeware.

  • @redvik7223
    @redvik7223 7 років тому +21

    my mom played brood war back in the game and i watched her play now i am going to play and have my kids watch me+

    • @KaiserMattTygore927
      @KaiserMattTygore927 7 років тому +4

      I remember watching my dad play it on the N64, I've been playing it ever since.

    • @redvik7223
      @redvik7223 7 років тому +11

      what can i say we were born to cool parents

    • @Clystron426
      @Clystron426 7 років тому

      boris man - Cool. How old was your mom when she started playing Brood War? :)

    • @redvik7223
      @redvik7223 7 років тому

      30 y?

    • @cwadeh1
      @cwadeh1 7 років тому +1

      That's cool. I first watched Brood War at a friend's house in 98, I was 22. I'd spent a lot of time in his home over my younger years and I just got hooked on the game but I wouldn't say I was great, but IT was fun! I bought it and when I played it at home on my Dad's computer He would watch me often and that was fun too. Now at 41 I still enjoy playing and my Daughters ( 9 and 10yrs old) are learning how to play little by little. I'm excited for this remaster and will definitely be getting it for us, lol.

  • @bobdonda
    @bobdonda 7 років тому +1

    I'm generally not a fan of remasters and remakes, but BW is a rare exception. A game that was this iconic deserves to be played again.
    I can understand that purists and pros would like to see everything remain the same except for the graphics, and that's fine. But personally I would strongly prefer to see an optional mode of the game that features SC2-style controls (but no other gameplay changes). BW's gameplay is incredible, but far too much time and effort goes into group units and struggling to control them for my tastes. Simplify that and we'll have the best version of BW possible... one where people under 100 apm can still functionally play the game, but only the pros can master it.

  • @DavyDevil666
    @DavyDevil666 7 років тому +2

    Well this is going to be a very interesting time for the SC scene. I'm someone that will not go near Brood War with a 10ft pole, personally I believe that a lot of the love for SC:BW is all rose tinted nostalgia . Clearly there's a demand for it and perhaps the Korean scene will lap it up and make something of it. I don't think it will help the scene overall though, trying to get people to watch and understand SC2 is hard enough but it at least gained an international audience unlike SC:BW, call me a cynic but I cannot see the remaster getting better viewership (outside of Korea) than SC2.
    The next major thing about it is the quality of pro players. Most moved over to the SC2 scene and are older now, I wonder how likely it will be that these pros are able to go back to their peak performance in Brood War, its objectively a more demanding game. Also most of the new blood in the SC scene will have likely have the majority of experience with SC2 and would have to learn BW from the ground up.
    Is this a bad idea from Blizzard? No. Giving their audience options is good, there are way too many players that complain that X or Y was better in BW, I say let them have it just how they want it, either people will be happy and will play the remaster or get some perspective and go back to SC2. Fans and Blizzard alike have spent far too long trying to make SC2 a kind of Broodwar 1.5, and while I agree that the current version of SC2 (which has faster mining out bases, and a lack of deathball vs deathball strats) is a better game than when it released, there will always be people who are unhappy with some aspect of the design. Despite this I believe that SC2 is simply a functionally better game than BW and in the long run will be seen as such.
    If the remaster ignites a massive SC movement in both player base and viewership then I'll happily eat my words, unfortunately I don't have the skill or patience to put up with BW user interface and sadly have not been able to enjoy watching classic BW games because of this and I don't think that will change with the remaster.

  • @gabyferreira4774
    @gabyferreira4774 7 років тому +3

    I like remasters, but not every game should get a remaster. There's quite a few games out there that, while extremely popular when initially released, would be ruined in terms of perception if they were indeed to receive a remaster.
    Yes, it's great to get nostalgic about games one used to play for hours on end, but people do often ignore the fact that one is constantly growing as a person and as a gamer. It somewhat makes sense to remaster games that were released perhaps in the last ten years because the disparity in expectation is not that great, but not even every single game within this time period would make a great remaster and thus even fewer games released within the last twenty or thirty years would make exciting remasters.
    That said, I am rather excited for the Street Fighter 2 remaster.

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому

      I didn't about the SF2 remaster. Turbo edition included im sure?

    • @gabyferreira4774
      @gabyferreira4774 7 років тому +1

      Neither did I. Indeed!
      Edit: Should of probably included that it's for the Switch. I'm not sure if other versions are coming out too.

  • @ProBangers
    @ProBangers 7 років тому +3

    brb, going to Best Buys and JC Pennies

  • @VuNguyen-uu6tb
    @VuNguyen-uu6tb 7 років тому +1

    I feel that the original Broodwar is still the best because of the fact that it can bring out the "real" ambience, atmosphere to the players. The remastered one is somehow plastic, making us feel like we are playing a game for children. If they want to bring something new to the Broodwar, maybe some more classes of units would help, but of course at the same time remains the balance among the races.

  • @lancelindlelee7256
    @lancelindlelee7256 7 років тому

    I'm curious, would the unit sizes and the damage penalty to by certain attacks to certain units still be left in the manual? Or would it be added to the UI?

  • @tech6985
    @tech6985 7 років тому +3

    for some games i just really wish they would be remastered like wasteland or xcom apocalypse. Because those games can definitely use some improvements.

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому +2


    • @Jozero05thesilent
      @Jozero05thesilent 7 років тому

      Enclave grunt count me in for any of the old X-coms...

    • @tech6985
      @tech6985 7 років тому

      You can kinda say that open X-com is a remake. But with apocalypse you have the entire faction system that i haven't seen in a other games.

    • @taragnor
      @taragnor 7 років тому

      Honestly I'm not sure I could go back to playing the older XCOM's after playing the new remakes. The remakes are just incredible to the point I'd prefer they just continue to make sequels in that style.

  • @TanKLoveR
    @TanKLoveR 7 років тому +97

    I am extremely biased about this because I have been playing Brood War since I was 13 years old (now 30), I've been on and off playing BW and watching the BW proleague in many ways for a very long time. As such, I feel that they don't need to change anything about the core gameplay, they tried to cater to kids and casual gamers by simplifying the game in SC2 and failed, so now they can only try to come after the hardcore BW players.
    If they change BW too much with the Remaster it would make no sense, all those people who would like that are already playing SC2, the rest would be left disappointed, so they have to keep it mostly intact to please the rest of us who can't even tolerate watching the nonsense that is SC2, this includes A LOT of korean fans and players.
    I welcome this Remaster, simply because they left the gameplay intact while improving the online features of the game which have been needing an overhaul for a long long time. I'm really looking forward to this, I will definitely be keeping an eye on this and if they really deliver on what was shown so far I will be buying it and play it. I agree with you that BW is an old and very difficult game to get into, but that's just what it is, they already tried to make it more approachable with SC2 and that failed, so I'm glad that instead of trying to fix the hot mess that is SC2 they instead turned their eyes to bringing BW to modern pcs with modern online features.

    • @Shattered-Realm
      @Shattered-Realm 7 років тому +10

      surely they can add simple things which are missing from SC1 that were in SC2 the ability to shift que buildings. auto rally fresh workers to mine, the ability to select more than 12 units at a time... Give me the SC 2 UI in Brood War, and I can do with my paltry 80 APM what pro's using SC UI could do with 300 APM. This wouldn't affect balance at all you just wouldn't need to multitask 800 things per second with 400 APM.

    • @TanKLoveR
      @TanKLoveR 7 років тому +14

      No, it would change the balance of the game, if you want those things play SC2, that's what it's there for, for casual players who don't like BW or think it's too difficult. They are trying to cater to hardcore fans and you're asking them to dumb down yet another game to please you? go play SC2, period. No BW fan wants any of those changes, they don't want ANY changes to the core game play, we like it just the way it is.

    • @Shattered-Realm
      @Shattered-Realm 7 років тому +11

      I played BW for the better part of a decade don't speak for all BW fans. and a UI update would not change anything. bad players would play a bit better cause their low APM would stretch further pro's with 300 APM well their ability to micro and do simultaneous coordinated multiproged attacks would be qually improved. At it's core starcraft isn't a n00b freindly game anyway casual players can jump into both but in the competitive esports arena you have pro's practicing 12 hours a day for months to be able to win big tournaments.

    • @bridgetgaribaldi5149
      @bridgetgaribaldi5149 7 років тому +14

      A game being clunky doesn't mean you require more brainpower to play it. The people playing games today are likely no less intelligent than you were back then, but not used to having to navigate interfaces like that featured in Brood War. What's this myth that 12 unit selection mechanics somehow make a game more indepth? The game was mainly about macro and army movement. Being able to select more than 12 units simply means you're less restricted in how you divide up your units for micromanagement.

    • @TanKLoveR
      @TanKLoveR 7 років тому +4

      And what is wrong with a game where only the most dedicated can shine? why does everyone have to feel like a bad ass while playing? I'm not amazing, I think the best I did in ICCUP was like B- or something a long fucking time ago.
      One of the biggest reasons why SC2 sucks balls as a game to play and/or watch it's because it's too fucking dumbed down, smart casting, multiple building selection, infinitely large control groups, all of these and many many more flaws fucked that game up to the point where it was a fucking bore to even watch. BW is far more engaging to watch because you know every single thing they do requires practice and a lot of dedication.
      If a casual player wants to play BW but think it's too hard then go play SC2 or one of the many BW mods on SC2, why ruin BW as well to make it easy for noob players? I'm a noob player and I love the shit out of BW just as it is, if nothing else just so I can actually have fun watching pro players play it. Every game doesn't have to cater to every single human being on earth, so what if BW it's mostly aimed at hardcore players or pro players, can't we have one fucking niche game that isn't dumbed down for mass appeal? is that so wrong?.
      If they add one "feature" then the next comes and the next and the next, because hey it's "easier" and "more fun" like this than how it was. What next? Hey blizzard is too hard to cast more than one storm at the same time, can we have smart casting?, Hey blizzard is too hard to micro my reaver + shuttle, can we have collosus?. The game is fine the way it is, it doesn't have to appeal to everyone and that is okay, if you don't like it then play something else, why do you have to change a game that people love just so you feel more comfortable playing it?.

  • @WhiskeryMage61
    @WhiskeryMage61 7 років тому +2

    I love remasters, but indeed they are for an older generation... If you did not play the original at the time of their release, they seem overhyped and disappointing.

  • @stringstorm
    @stringstorm 7 років тому +1

    ...Except SC2 pretty much retained that archaic and old gameplay Brood War has had.

  • @mladenkulic446
    @mladenkulic446 7 років тому +6

    Honestly i never played the original Starcraft, but i happy to hear that its getting a remaster.
    So i can finaly play it.
    I would love to see a remaster of the first 2 Diablo games and Warcraft 2 and 3.

  • @PaulXPZ
    @PaulXPZ 7 років тому +49

    I love Starcraft 1 don't get me wrong but what is it about SC 2 that people don't like?? I think it's a great game. The factions are different, they're reasonably ballanced.. there's plenty of variety of units and special powers.. what don't people like?

    • @PhaxtolgiaLetsPlay
      @PhaxtolgiaLetsPlay 7 років тому +38

      Many things. SC2 took away the gritty, dark, serious atmosphere that BroodWar had established in itself. They also took away limited unit control and added a key that lets you pick all units (except workers) at once. Good idea on paper, but in practice it spawned giant blob of A-move deathballs, decreasing the skill floor in a bad way. Heck at the time of development of SC1, unit control limit was put under consideration because zerg was overpowered when they had a 24-unit control cap. This is also apparent when playing SC2 mod "Mass Recall," which replicates SC1/BW in SC2 engine.

    • @JuicyTobacco
      @JuicyTobacco 7 років тому +21

      Also the unit and art design is dreadful, and has too much "WoW" graphics and animations.

    • @SeiShinCasios
      @SeiShinCasios 7 років тому +22

      aaaand the story is crap

    • @thinhvo3893
      @thinhvo3893 7 років тому +3

      The whole graphical design in SC2 is not so more that the game become more cartoonish but like that is how it will look on a modern 3D graphic. That is just how it go. You can't have a game that control over 300 units plus in a fast pace gameplay, complex units ability and show how ask for the graphic some how realistic and gritty without crashing your own damn computer. That is just not how it work ever.
      And the original wasn't gritty because of the style. It is the graphical limitation that made them look like that. Same with what happened with Red Alert 3 and Red Alert 2.

    • @JuicyTobacco
      @JuicyTobacco 7 років тому +10

      Nothing makes sense what you wrote. It isn't "just how it goes", that is the worst excuse i've seen. They had every tool to make another masterpiece, but they wanted publicity and money so they made SC2 more child-friendly and casual, they also wanted to go the "safe route" which really fucked any genius potential. Why would that what you said crash the computer? That doesn't have any logic at all.
      Again you're just throwing your opinions and converting them into facts. No, SC and BW weren't dark and gritty because of the graphical limitations, there are plenty of even older games that were either bright/positive or dark/gritty, BECAUSE THEY WERE DESIGNED AND CREATED THAT WAY, not because of the freaking graphical limitations.

  • @233Hicks
    @233Hicks 7 років тому +2

    Remasters and remakes tend to get confused I think. When something has been remastered then the impression I get is that its fidelity of presentation has been improved, in this case the detail in textures, clearness of sound and display frame rate. A remake though takes the elements that exist and can reinterpret them as well as adding new mechanics and concepts while basing them around the demand and legacy of the original version.
    For Starcraft I played and enjoyed both the single and multiplayer, off and on over the years since it came out. The controls and interface may not have been as accessible as contemporary titles are but I can still play this game with little difficulty.
    Maybe I'm just getting increasingly irritable as the years go by but I don't care if new players find it hard. They can either put the effort in to learn and play the game on its own terms or they can play something else... perhaps Starcraft 2.
    It's becoming ever more clear that the industry - at least the power players are trying to appeal to as many people as they can which makes sense in order to recoup development costs. Thing is, the more they try to broaden appeal and accessibility the less focused it is going to be and able to appeal to people that know exactly what they want. Not all games need to be for everyone.
    Starcraft Remastered I think is one of those cases where it receives a lick of paint but needs to be taken on its own terms. If new players can't manage that then it is fine. There are other titles for them. For the people that want a version of Starcraft that has compatibility fixes that allow them to keep on playing, particularly in the case of South Korea then it needs to be understood that they are the primary market, the rest of the design can and should remain untouched.

  • @hudsonjesse3177
    @hudsonjesse3177 6 років тому +1

    What I'm curious about is, what could Starcraft 3 offer that would be significant (i.e. represent a similar shift Starcraft 2 presented) yet not change the base game (i.e. keep existing Starcraft 1 & 2 players interested)? I've mulled this question a fair amount and I'm not sure there is a lot Blizzard can do to be fresh without changing big pieces of the base game. But I'm sure other have some ideas.

  • @BaranZenon
    @BaranZenon 7 років тому +27

    Ehem.... STARCRAFT MASS RECALL anyone?

    • @Dreamlands15
      @Dreamlands15 7 років тому +1


    • @GOLEM-yf4mx
      @GOLEM-yf4mx 7 років тому +10

      its not rly broodwar ... broodwar on sc2 engine is not broodwar

    • @Flyinghotpocket
      @Flyinghotpocket 7 років тому

      maelstrom/mind control. dark archon spam to counter protoss carrier spam. my absolute favorite.

    • @VArsovski10
      @VArsovski10 7 років тому +2

      That is only campaign mode afaik, ppl want to play multiplayer and show their skills, especially the die hard community original members lol

    • @MrBenMcLean
      @MrBenMcLean 7 років тому +1

      Starbow is basically Brood War multiplayer in the SC2 engine right?

  • @davidzwiers3083
    @davidzwiers3083 7 років тому +4

    They should remaster morrowind.

    • @farazsworkshop
      @farazsworkshop 7 років тому

      It has an Official Overhaul if you're interested

  • @y2kblackout
    @y2kblackout 7 років тому +1

    Brood War is a perfect, balanced game. It's like Chess - a timeless strategy game. You don't change perfection.

  • @ivynbean
    @ivynbean 7 років тому +1

    The problem was that scbw was the pinnacle of ultra competitive rts games

  • @jacooosthuizen3593
    @jacooosthuizen3593 7 років тому +57

    Starcraft 2 is fine for me i dont need starcraft 1 remake but all good points! Diablo 2 on the other hand would be fucking epic in a remake! Just not into diablo 3 style :/

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому +4


    • @jacooosthuizen3593
      @jacooosthuizen3593 7 років тому +2

      Downward Thrust i watched a few of these topics but some people say they would like to have a Diablo 2 remake in Diablo 3 engine... but damn i would hate that. The way they doing Starcraft 1 remake would be cool! What is you're view on this?

    • @rogerklotz7737
      @rogerklotz7737 7 років тому +12

      Jaco Oosthuizen Who wants that? As Diablofan i can tell ya i want D2 as it was. Nothing is right wirh D3 its a complete kick in the face for any fan.

    • @mcmarkmarkson7115
      @mcmarkmarkson7115 7 років тому +6

      Fuck remakes. They should concentrate on making new games.

    • @Spacefrisian
      @Spacefrisian 7 років тому +5

      This, its time for Starcraft 3.

  • @AvelierPlays
    @AvelierPlays 7 років тому +4

    Blizzard knows and most of their old fans (like myself) know that their titles in the 90s and early 2000s was what made the company what it is today, we made it grow and become so popular.
    I don't mind the remaster, the original SC is still one of my favorite games and I won't lie, I don't think Ive played it since 2003 or 2004, still, its an old game but out of most of their library it is probably one of the few that still holds up today. Mainly because SC set the standard for RTS that still exists, despite a lack of games in this genre today.
    Honestly SC2 was disappointing (like Diablo 3) it wasn't a bad game but a lot of things just fell short, the gameplay had very slight changes and the story was just garbage.

    • @MarioFanaticXV
      @MarioFanaticXV 7 років тому +4

      Dune II (the first Dune was a point and click adventure game) set the mold for modern RTS games, but let's face it, those before StarCraft are really lacking. Westwood didn't really hit its stride until Red Alert II.

  • @herokiryu2652
    @herokiryu2652 7 років тому +1

    This is a testament to classics can never be remade or made better like Robocop, Predators, Transformers or Starcraft... you either get the old team back again, or disgrace yourself. Starcraft 2 is a colorful PG rated teenage crap... the first one was dark,mysterious and horrific.. now its like watching a cartoon.

  • @nbsmith100
    @nbsmith100 7 років тому +1

    a remaster is always a good thing, the question is, is it worth it to the parent company to do so?
    personally i liked how Bungie handled it with their Marathon franchise- they open sourced the game and let the fans do it (and the fans did it well).

    • @TheClaybones
      @TheClaybones 7 років тому +1

      Source ports are great, playing Doom or Quake in 1080 144hz is just awesome.

  • @Xadar24
    @Xadar24 7 років тому +10

    Appreciate your video but you have little idea about Starcraft in general which i dont blame you for. I have played Sc2 for the last 7 years and watched just as much of it. But as of now, the game is indeed dying and it is noones fault but Blizzard themselves. The game has become incredibly frustrating to play for all levels, pro and casual alike. There are tons of passionate people in this community who would gladly do Blizzards job for free, but instead they stay silent on the real issues and do minor updates that wont bring back players long-term. Its sad because Starcraft 2 has the potential to be the best esport, or at least 1v1 esport there is if they just acted. You really cant help but feel that they want it to die. And now at the time where Sc2 is at its worst, they announce a remake of BW. Maybe they want people to hate Sc2 so they will buy the Remaster? Theres really no other explanation for the actions they took. Pros are fleeing the game going back to BW or simply quitting.

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому

      Well I would disagree, as I played SC for 10 years religiously and SC2 for half of that. Of course SC2 has great potential, but that doesn't mean people want to watch it. :(

    • @decap008
      @decap008 7 років тому +1

      I wanted to love sc2 I really did, it was so heartbreaking. It's actually almost getting to a point worth playing, it needs zoom out ... Dur.... And so 1 units like reavers to deal with bio mass. I actually like the tripods in sc 2 but not at the expense of reavers. Sc2 was just so wrong, some of the mods are coming out are pretty decent like the real scale mod with extra units. Blizzard have fumbled sc 2. I hope they don't cock up sc1.

    • @Xadar24
      @Xadar24 7 років тому +1

      Okay, i didnt know you used to play Starcraft. When Wings came out, the game wasn't huge. It was accessible enough for casuals though and thats why it grew. All big esport games today are possible to get into. Starcraft2 LotV isnt, there are no new people coming. They overpaced the game and most games end due to losing too many workers, nothing meaningful even happens. Hell, even BW is easier to get into at this point, despite its mechanics. Most people who watch are casuals, there are barely any more causuals in Sc2 and hence no people watching.

    • @MitoseNorikoFan
      @MitoseNorikoFan 7 років тому +2

      Stats wins a tournament with protoss.
      Terrans and Zergs: DURRRR ADEPT OP DURRR NEEDS NERF.
      Blizzard: I gotchu fam.
      Protoss is deleted from the game.
      Blizzard literally hates protoss players so they can't complain when protoss players leave.

    • @KaiserMattTygore927
      @KaiserMattTygore927 7 років тому

      +Downward Thrust
      I've played SC1 for 17 years, SC2 for 7 and SC2's devs kept missing chances to make the game "great" every installment, there is no chance for them to make it great. there is 0 potential for this product.

  • @zevooxgames2366
    @zevooxgames2366 7 років тому +7

    Ok so im not happy about this whole Starcraft Remaster.. Im afraid that they will change more than they say and that changes will go deeper than we think... Most people will say don't be afraid everything will be just better.. I know "new' Blizzard and i don't believe them! If you played in this game like 10-15 years ago then ok cuz all changes that they will make will be ok with you.. But! If you've played in this game for last 20 years and you are active, competitive, multiplayer gamer then you must be afraid... this is "THE GAME" for me and i don't want for them to change anything or to give me remaster.. Old version is perfect and i don't need any changes... I would stock up on old versions of a game with all older patches cuz you don't know what will they do.. When all players start using remaster they will do something to keep you playing only on their servers and from that point they can do everything in next patches and they will release 118 patch soon..They already have shown us that they can't make another great Starcaraft cuz SC2 cant compete with old one in love that players have for the game.. All changes that they make in SC2 compared to SC are bad
    for me that's why i wont return to SC2. Also i hate changes like changing name to Blizzard app.. This is shit!

    • @Illuminati089
      @Illuminati089 7 років тому

      well if u dont like it dont buy it and keep the original.

    • @zevooxgames2366
      @zevooxgames2366 7 років тому +1

      If they change something in Remaster it will also change original....

    • @AdlerSchwadron
      @AdlerSchwadron 7 років тому +2

      watch the developer interview, they cleary said, that they won't touch anything gameplay related. the one thing they change, that may have impact on the gameplay is the field of view. but we have to see about the impact of that.

    • @zevooxgames2366
      @zevooxgames2366 7 років тому +1

      Im playing in 4:3 view so yeah impact will be significant...

    • @AdlerSchwadron
      @AdlerSchwadron 7 років тому

      yeah everybody is, but if you look at the actual increase, it doesn't look that significant. since jaedong, flash, stork and bisu tested the game and didn't complain about it, im kinda hoping, it won't be an issue.

  • @Mashi437
    @Mashi437 7 років тому +1

    its Ironic when you think about it, the remaster is basically for a niche group of people, who also happen to be a big player base of the game..and while I can't blame Blizz for doing this in a practical money making mindset, I cant help but feel if ideals like this take off its just gonna be more of a set back to new content. I just hope it doesn't trend, I really want to see Blizz try new things in the coming years.

  • @ashrasmun1
    @ashrasmun1 7 років тому

    2:36 can someone PLEASE tell me where is this music from?

  • @armesisp3201
    @armesisp3201 7 років тому +190

    Blizzard - *We like money*

    • @MrTooawesomeforaname
      @MrTooawesomeforaname 7 років тому +31

      Armesis P that's what a company is made for.

    • @kwazooplayingguardsman5615
      @kwazooplayingguardsman5615 7 років тому +7

      Armesis P what would they pay their game developers? nice letters?

    • @PeeepsiCola
      @PeeepsiCola 7 років тому +9

      Would you prefer they let StarCraft die? Believe it or not the micro transactions in SC2, and the Remaster of SC1 are keeping the SC Universe alive. I'm fine with these things.

    • @Vinzenzx
      @Vinzenzx 7 років тому

      +Frost Sanctum Micro Transactions in SC2? for real i played today and i don't see any of that
      i think you are refer in some DLC?

    • @PeeepsiCola
      @PeeepsiCola 7 років тому

      Do you understand what a Micro Transaction is?... I've seen people freaking out because StarCraft 2 put in skins, voice packs, portraits, and... I don't know what else they threw in. I think it's under 'Collections' or whatever they named it.

  • @DownwardThrust
    @DownwardThrust 7 років тому +86

    Hey guys, this video discusses both remasters and Starcraft. I've always called Broodwar 'Broodwars' so I hope it doesn't bother any diehard fans out there :P **I'd encourage watching the whole thing before commenting as the topics build upon one another.**

    • @Coretnor
      @Coretnor 7 років тому

      One thing PC gaming runs into I think is a lack of visible tech generations. Part of the reason I never bothered with SC2 was because at the time I didn't have the time or resources to invest in a new PC that I could be sure would give me a good experience. Whereas I know what I'm getting if I see "PS4" on the box.
      I don't know if developers worry about that, but as one of the purely nostalgic players out there (esports wut?), as much as I've wanted StarCraft and Diablo II remasters, I'm not going to run out to buy a new PC or other components for them.

    • @MaxiTB
      @MaxiTB 7 років тому +13

      I think you missed the point a little bit. True, Starcraft 2 can't compete in views with something like DotA2, but it still brings in a solid number of viewers compared to a lot other competitive games out there.
      However, Broodwars is nothing like Starcraft 2 - that's like comparing Counterstrike to Halo. Broodwars "lacking UI" (which by the time the game was released was one of the best UX you can get in an RTS) and restrictions are where the compelling nature of the game is. It takes zero skill in SC2 to box 50 units and march them across the map with auto-attack on - in Broodwars you not only need a lot more (limited) action groups, you have to sync them up and take care of attacking manual on their way, no, you also have simple path finding and odd unit behavior. All those things increase the micro management a lot, which means you have to set priorities. Starcraft 2 on the other hand lacks those restriction, decreasing the skill curve in high level play a lot and leads to a snowball effect, because tiny mistakes can mean you will never recover again.
      In other words, while Starcraft 2 is a game for the masses (as in mass gamers not mass everyone), Broodwar was a game for athletes.

    • @bridgetgaribaldi5149
      @bridgetgaribaldi5149 7 років тому +2

      More like it was a game for people to masturbate to themselves over because they could navigate clunky mechanics. Don't get me wrong, I played it for nearly a decade, and the controls were second nature to me. But the strategy was in what you did with your economy and army, not trying to juggle limited 12 unit control groups.
      Being able to select two hundred units in SC2 only means that you are now less restricted in how you divide up your units to micromanage them. It's about ease of use for something that shouldn't be a matter of fighting the controls when you should be fighting your opponent.

    • @Coretnor
      @Coretnor 7 років тому +5

      It was a game that required you to develop tactics as well as strategy. You can use words like "restrictive" and "clunky" to disguise your point, but "ease" is the one you're obviously concerned about.

    • @bridgetgaribaldi5149
      @bridgetgaribaldi5149 7 років тому

      I didn't say that, nor is it true. I'm saying that being worried over adjusted mechanics because the game would somehow be less impressive is ridiculous, because no amount of massive control groups or auto-mining can help you learn certain timing windows or what units to produce, how much to produce, and what to tech. If people can more readily create different prongs to attack on more than one front with, as their opponent I wouldn't be whining about how easy it was for them to do it, because it's a matter of controls and not the tactics used during the game.

  • @RaynorsProphet
    @RaynorsProphet 7 років тому +1

    Every time he says "Brood Wars" my eye twitches

  • @yugen
    @yugen 7 років тому

    One thing is for sure, that old Protoss music is DANK AF

  • @kyotheman69
    @kyotheman69 7 років тому +4

    think remaster is waste of time, they better off making new SC game and just dumb down the UI, make much easier to play or make it style of Moba basically what's killing RTS games in general.
    D2 needs remaster, D3 is shit doesn't compare to older games

    • @KaiserMattTygore927
      @KaiserMattTygore927 7 років тому

      God, almost no BW fan (and many SC2) fans would touch that trash.

    • @Alex06CoSonic
      @Alex06CoSonic 7 років тому

      As a SC2 fan, I would not ever touch that game.

    • @bananian
      @bananian 7 років тому

      they need to make a new game, period.
      sc is overexposed and became stale.
      they need to go in a different direction.

    • @Alex06CoSonic
      @Alex06CoSonic 7 років тому +1

      Why I think StarCraft 3 (or a totally new RTS set in a different universe) is more of a possibility than a WC4...
      - StarCraft 2 as an eSport is getting stale. The scene is getting tired of it and wants to move to BW or have something new. Some, if not many, would even say "it's dying". Not sure a remastered BW will re-ignite that fire. Strangely enough, the community leaders, youtubers and media that went to Blizzard's StarCraft community event seemed to hint that the StarCraft franchise has a bright future...Even Blizzard employees have said that, IIRC.
      - The game still doesn't satisfy many fans and pro players. Some units would require removal or massive changes. It's better to start anew without being hindered by having to keep old units in. That way, you can scrap everything and do it right.
      - David Kim move onto a new project (most likely an RTS, from what was hinted)
      - In 1 year, it's StarCraft's 20th anniversary.
      - WoW is still going strong and it doesn't look like Blizzard wants to end WoW's story to make an RTS that most of the MMORPG crowd might not even want to play (given the image they have of SC2 as a hard to master, frustrating, esports game). They're better off making new content and then somewhere down the line, making WoW 2. They won't want to alienate their WarCraft crowd. Many will not want to play it just to see how the story evolves in WC4. Plus, knowing what happens after WoW's final expansion might ruin the fun of playing WoW to discover what happens in the next expansion. Best way to solve this is if the events if a WoW expansion coincided with those in WC4 (IE same battle from different angles or different battlefields in the same war). But even then, that would require too much effort on Blizzard's part and Blizzard does not do complicated stories.
      - StarCraft BW is a 20 year old game, even if remastered, with limited controls.
      - They can make a new game with what they learned from SC2 and fix those issues from SC2.
      - I could be wrong, but it seemed like the WC3 scene died down and interest for WC4 is not as large as interest for SC2 once was. SC2 Co-Op has lots of interested people and SCBW is making somewhat of a comeback as well.
      - There was a leak late last year, about a potential StarCraft 3 storyline involving the UED, Niadra and her brood, as well as the Tal'darim.
      - They stopped making campaign missions for StarCraft 2, deciding to focus on multiplayer and Co-Op. At the time they did announce this decision ("we changed directions, we're not going to put out more mission packs after Nova"), I had a feeling that it was because they moved the story team onto a new RTS project, most likely SC-based. The few that remain are working on the new Co-Op missions that have come out since that announcement...And it has taken them far longer than for the first 2-3 Co-Op missions, which does hint at a downsizing of the team (because most of them moved to a new project).
      - They (Blizzard) were also looking for some RTS developers, recently, on their website, weren't they?
      Co-Op content is still on-going, though. Strangely enough, Co-Op content would make a good basis for a new WarCraft game, except...(read below)
      - Ironically, Co-Op has heroes and less units per "faction" or hero, like...Yep, WarCraft 3. Co-Op's formula could go well with WC3 or a potential WC4...However, Co-Op content for SC2 is still receiving development. Singleplayer content, not so much. So why make something that competes with what Blizzard already has?
      - David Kim and a few others from SC2 moved on to a new project (which should hint that it's highly likely that this new project will be an RTS)
      - Many fans, pro players, casters and what not, are making or have made balance/multiplayer mods for StarCraft 2. The more recent and more popular ones that come to mind are Vanguard, SC2BW, StarCry, HeptaCraft, Starbow, ShockCraft, and so on...So there's interest in using StarCraft's fast-paced gameplay and re-iterate to create a new game from it, one based on SC2, but upgraded.
      - They might want to compete with Dawn of War III. That way, it could prevent Blizzard from losing the RTS genre to Dawn of War and not be able to put out more RTS games and rake in money from them.

    • @mvpmvp2980
      @mvpmvp2980 7 років тому +2

      a lot of the crowd in mobas just dont have interest in rts. its easy to become really attached to mobas and be blind to their flaws. some would come back to a good rts but yeah ur not going to win the dumbing down war with mobas theyre the original dumb down game.

  • @gaboceron100
    @gaboceron100 7 років тому +4

    hmm you said nothing through the whole video

  • @blackice9088
    @blackice9088 7 років тому +1

    I can understand a company overhauling the graphics, but if the game was fine otherwise, they should leave it alone.

  • @GutsTheBeast
    @GutsTheBeast 7 років тому +1

    Blizzard and Rockstar need to take risk they make so much money but yet rarely they bring any new idea or mechanics to their games

  • @0liverwarren
    @0liverwarren 7 років тому +30

    The fact you keep calling it "Brood Wars" makes me realise you really have no idea what you're talking about. So stop giving opinions on things that you have no deep understanding of.

    • @shawnmacdonald9722
      @shawnmacdonald9722 7 років тому +6

      I fogot that you never make mistakes. Whats it like being a robot? How hard has it been interacting with these things called human beings? When you are doing everything with absolute perfection, it must be frustrating. He added an S to a game name that wasnt there. Shut the fuck up you whiny bitch. You are probably one of those people that pretends like you didnt understand someones story because they got one detail wrong about it.

    • @0liverwarren
      @0liverwarren 7 років тому +9

      Shawn Macdonald why are you even defending him? He's standing on a soap box giving a firm opinion whilst also demonstrating he is completely unfamiliar with the topic he is talking about. How arrogant do you have to be to post long opinion videos on topics you haven't researched or have any experience with?

    • @shanewright2898
      @shanewright2898 7 років тому +7

      so he knows nothing about what he is talking about because he added an s to the name?
      Great argument

    • @oliverwarren1074
      @oliverwarren1074 7 років тому +2

      @Shane Wright I'd love to explain why but I have to go and post a video about hockeys.

    • @Selrisitai
      @Selrisitai 7 років тому +2

      >Adds a letter to a title.
      >Clearly knows nothing about the game.
      What an idiot.

  • @WhiteBeard640
    @WhiteBeard640 7 років тому +30

    I always watch the whole ad so you could get paid for this great content!

    • @DownwardThrust
      @DownwardThrust 7 років тому +9

      Aw thanks a lot! Means a lot to me that you comment on my vids as well. :)

    • @ReasonMakes
      @ReasonMakes 7 років тому +2

      That's a dedicated fan right there. I feel like direct donations would make much better use of time though, right? Does Downward have a Patreon or?

    • @hanshugo726
      @hanshugo726 7 років тому

      Wait... do youtubers dont get paid if I skip the ad with the button that sometimes pops up after 5 seconds?

    • @MenaceRx
      @MenaceRx 7 років тому

      Hans Hugo nope

    • @itsmetheherpes1750
      @itsmetheherpes1750 6 років тому

      it does not matter of you watch it, it matters if you click the link on it.
      so... you might have wasted a lot of your time for nothing.
      just watch 1/3 of it then click on the link, then skip add.

  • @kdhlkjhdlk
    @kdhlkjhdlk 7 років тому +2

    Because they fucked up by splitting it into 3 games.

  • @m0b1usace
    @m0b1usace 7 років тому +1

    I agree with you about Blizzard and remastered games, EXCEPT when it comes to SC1. I don't think you realize exactly how significant SC1 was to the e-sports industry. For a game that was never changed, it was amazingly balanced. Every unit was strong and used in tons of different strategies. SC2 on the other hand ebbs and flows with what is strong. SC1 has an amazing history that honestly SC2 just can't overcome. SC2 was plagued with huge balance issues, gameplay issues, and pseudo-forced metas. It really comes down to this, SC1 was designed to be a great game. SC2 was designed to mimic an older game with new mechanics. SC1 is simply a stronger game in all respects except for being less new player friendly and certain AI (looking at you goliaths and dragoons...). The remaster is a way to boost SC popularity. SC2 tried to make itself harder during LotV by changing tons of passive abilities to actives, but ultimately its still only trying to mimic a better game.

  • @sartr593
    @sartr593 7 років тому +3

    I think we need Warcraft 4 more than Diablo 4.

    • @ihsankamil6279
      @ihsankamil6279 7 років тому +2

      flame sartoris Blizzard already fucked up the Diablo Fanbase, now they're gonna fuck up Warcraft's too?

    • @exile1454
      @exile1454 7 років тому +1

      I think they fucked up Warcraft fanbase first with wow

  • @syntaxed2
    @syntaxed2 7 років тому +8

    The hard truth:
    Activision Blizzard Irvine is not Blizzard North.
    This new blizzard has only 2 original universes to its name - Overwatch and that kid card game.
    All other universes were created by the original team of blizz north.
    Blizz Irvine couldnt even deliver proper sequels, diablo3 and sc2 were predominantly seen as secondgrade updates.

    • @BroadwayRonMexico
      @BroadwayRonMexico 7 років тому +7

      That's not true at all--Starcraft and Warcraft were made by Irvine, not North. Blizzard North just made Diablo I and II.
      Chris Metzen was the lead designer for SC1

  • @astrangeriremain
    @astrangeriremain 7 років тому +1

    I started starcraft 1 for the first time yesterday and it felt like a new game, I'd say the game aged well.

  • @Wesley-ri7ok
    @Wesley-ri7ok 7 років тому +1

    Personally I always found Brood War to be a more entertaining game to watch simply because strategy varied more than a massive death ball and a bad engagement for a player.

  • @itsJoshV
    @itsJoshV 7 років тому

    There has to be a reason football, baseball, basketball, etc haven't gone through incredibly large changes over all these years. Maybe researching that might have us some interesting insight into whether or not games need to get constant over hauls *if* they have a game as well received as SC was.

  • @Nekrocow
    @Nekrocow 7 років тому +1

    StarCraft is to RTS games what Chess is to boardgames. That's why they have to bring it back.

  • @snapjustice3373
    @snapjustice3373 7 років тому

    They didn't spend much time on the remaster. In an interview with one of the developers of the remastered game, he said that him and a small team spent about a year developing the remastered game.

  • @reeven1721
    @reeven1721 7 років тому

    Starcraft is *special*. Even just 3-4 years ago, it was still *the* RTS we played in dormitories and LAN parties. Not Age of Empire 3, not Starcraft 2, not Warhammer 40k. Just good ol' Starcraft. Its mechanics are timeless. It just *works*. In my opinion Starcraft/Broodwar is the quintessential, definitive RTS. It has all the features it needs, and none that it doesn't.

  • @migfabri1971b
    @migfabri1971b 7 років тому

    One of the reasons people "love" old games is the difficulty. Old games were trying to imitate what was the arcade scene. Where you were supposed to stay alive just for a few seconds if you were a beginner. Getting to play well, or to finish a game would take a lot of effort, and when you manage to do so, it would be very rewarding too. That was something that you could brag about.
    Today's games are just the opposite. You simply can't lose, it's like watching a movie that plays for itself.

  • @knellycornnan5132
    @knellycornnan5132 7 років тому +1

    The original Starcraft looks like lots of fun, but Starcraft 2 is what I am really into. Kinda sad that these people aren't giving SC2 a chance, but hey what do I know. I am far from being even an average pro.

  • @p3l1k44n1
    @p3l1k44n1 6 років тому +1

    What always pleased me the most from starcraft 1 is the graphic art style. I just love this art style. I'd buy any game made today if it had this art style. Also the voice acting in starcraft 1 is 10 times better that what sc2 has.
    Over all starcraft is just more impactful.. The brutal sound of zealot swords. Or the sound of crackling gunfire. Everything is just perfect on starcraft 1.. Only thing that was annoying is the stupid pathing and oversized hitboxes..

  • @haarmegiddo
    @haarmegiddo 7 років тому

    Whats the music in the background?

  • @hopperthemarxist8533
    @hopperthemarxist8533 7 років тому

    The necessity of working for profit as opposed to actually innovating something new demonstrates the inflexibility of markets when it comes to priorities. The vast majority of actual innovation is through the public sector. This would be true of a planned economy in which computer gaming companies have actual plans that don't reflect on need for profits

  • @nuchinuchitekton7730
    @nuchinuchitekton7730 7 років тому +1

    Starcraft is a classic , and I am not that old.
    The remaster would be nice, and Starcraft 3 NEEDS to come ;(

  • @somebody6433
    @somebody6433 7 років тому

    I had this same debate yesterday with a coworker. We were both avid starcraft players back in the day and he excitedly told me about the remastered. I was more skeptical because I don't think a game like starcraft would age well.

  • @shmookins
    @shmookins 7 років тому +1

    I thought SC2 was the SC1 remaster/remake because I didn't seem to have anything new...
    Oh, well. The WoW company doesn't interest me at all. I'm a single player not a multi player gamer.

  • @phon14593
    @phon14593 7 років тому +1

    Well I personally, as I was growing up with SC1 quiet literally, have fondness to the game regardless of how clunky the mechanic is or how shitty the graphic looks. I am an average joe who is not very decent at competitive game so I aim to just go through the campaign and maybe play some 3v3 hunters. We Koreans have been itching for better alternatives and since SC2 was a major flop, SC:R is probably the only chance to revisit the old gem.
    p.s. I can confirm everything Downward Thrust has said in the video and for those who want to understand the whole thing better, I recommend you to read TB's explanation.

  • @fmlAllthetime
    @fmlAllthetime 7 років тому

    The only "quality of life" changes that Brood war could use, imo, from a guy who played for years, is the ability to select more than 12 units (maybe just double), idle workers tab and the ability to set more than one building to a hotkey. If they had continued with the amazing story, updated graphics and those three changes changes I guarantee you there would've been nowhere near the hate that SC2 got. Most people in the US played UMS anyways, most people didn't play to ladder hardcore if my memory serves me. Those three changes along with an updated map builder and a better Battlenet would've been great. I waited a decade for SC2 and dropped it within a month... if they had just done these few simple things I would've stayed for years like I did with BW.

  • @Shuizid
    @Shuizid 7 років тому +1

    While it is most certainly about money, remasters do offer one simple thing: a good game in better graphics.
    I don't know the south korean market, but I do know, that SC1 was very unintuitive and hard and while this is a downside for normal players, it is an upside for pros. A hard game needs more skill to master. And as far as I remember, it also is still one of the games with the best balance ever. This has ups and downs on it's own, but it essentially mean, Blizz is making a hard but balanced game and ofcourse one that also has a large fanbase due to either that or simple nostalgia. Regardless, if there are people who want it, making it is a reasonable decision.

  • @ExValeFor
    @ExValeFor 7 років тому

    what's the background audio? I've heard it before and it's driving me madinsane

  • @AJRestoration
    @AJRestoration 7 років тому

    Because starcraft is one of the world's BEST selling game, and it still kicks ass so why the fuck not!

  • @dorout1
    @dorout1 7 років тому

    To those who believe that SC, D2, or WC3 fanatics want these games to come back due to nostalgia, you cannot say that. Experiencing these games, when new, during peak times with an overflowing battlenet was unique. One simply cannot load one of these games up today and judge from there. You had to be playing these games when they first came out to understand what a core player went through. It is nothing like SC2, HOTS, Hearthstone, or even modern WOW expansions--not even close--during their launch.
    Not only did people like myself get to experience this amazement in gaming, but we also had the experience of watching technology unfold right in front of us. Contemporary technology behind a monitor has pretty much reached a huge milestone and maybe a climax with 4k+ resolution. Back in 2000 everything was still moving forward and there were so many aspects to gaming and technology that was constantly being improved.
    Just imagine the awe-shock of experiencing going from the D1 engine to the D2 engine *FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!* Or, the same could be said about any of the other games--WC1 to WC2, WC2 to WC3, SC1 to SCBW, D1 to D2, D2 to D2LOD. I have never experienced anything like I did back then compared to today. I wish everyone could experience what I felt because it was surreal. Words cannot fully justify the feeling and the experience.

  • @FRoZeNShAdY
    @FRoZeNShAdY 7 років тому

    I loved hearing Starcraft was getting Remastered. This game is my childhood and led me to Warcraft 3. It is only a matter of time before we see Warcraft 3 Remastered.

  • @Geminias
    @Geminias 7 років тому

    Yeah. I'm glad you covered it. My gut reaction when i heard of the remaster was that Blizzard was trying to make up lost ground in E-Sports.
    Brood War, for it's clumsiness, has a great story line and the units are very straight forward. I also feel like competitive play is more balanced - partially because of the pathing.
    Outside of the science-type units and battle cruisers - characters don't have tons of abilities you have to micro. Without these abilities to extend marine life specifically - you have to transition to higher tiered units. A.k.a. - tanks, goliaths, battlecruisers, carriers, dragoons, hydras.
    The special abilities like irradiate become clutch for the advanced player - without doing something over powering like using a single oracle to destroy an entire mineral line. Heck, even the lurker drop (mineral line) is easy enough to block for a more casual like player.
    Blizzard has said over and over that they want abilities on as many units as possible, and that they want the game to be fast/dynamic. Sadly, if you're not already very good at reacting to a ton of abilities - this just makes it harder for the casual player to transition into a more competitive play style.
    2 pts. to anyone who remembers the main complaint with Warcraft 3 in comparison to Brood Wars.
    Finally, blizzards handling of all their game communities sucks ass. When someone complains about a balance issue and you respond publicly, that "You just need to play better" - you create a super toxic experience.
    Especially in comparison to the brood wars era team which actively listened and responded. One example of this was when zealots went from 60 shields 100 health to 60 health 100 shields.

  • @ricardogarcia7886
    @ricardogarcia7886 7 років тому

    I think it'd be perfect if Blizzard had an option to improve the UI for single-player games, like raising the limit of units you can control, adding more place hotkeys instead of just f2-f4, while keeping the restrictions for multiplayer games to conserve fairness. If both players use the remaster, then the restrictions could optionally be lifted. Best of both worlds, but I guess having the remaster isn't bad. I mean, it's better than nothing.

  • @StealthBlackHand
    @StealthBlackHand 7 років тому +1

    How can you gather all that information about starcraft and not even know the expansion is called Brood War and not Brood Wars

  • @hairylou8075
    @hairylou8075 6 років тому

    As someone who wants to replay the single player campaigns it IS _incredibly_ annoying with the stupid path finding "AI", not being able to remap my arrows keys to awsd, being able to zoom in/out at least a little bit and other small "modern" things. It would've been nice if we could have both, "true" pvp game play and improved single player experience.

  • @johnheffington681
    @johnheffington681 7 років тому +1

    Remaster is out and it's amazing. Glad they didn't change how it plays.

  • @XSquibX
    @XSquibX 7 років тому +1

    It's funny. People keep saying they would play BW for competitiveness or SC2 for fun, but my favorite thing to do in BW was fight all ai on large maps, sometimes with a friend. I hate the ai in SC2... I loved the dumb ai of SC1 where they'd just keep bum rushing a reasonable force into your well planned trap >=]
    I legitimately never even played ranked in SC1... mostly played ranked in SC2... lol

  • @scottall71
    @scottall71 7 років тому

    I am aging myself, but SC Brood Wars is where all the magic was. I played that for countless hours back in the day, and the only reason most couldn't play it anymore was because technology and most PCs changed. I still have the original discs but what do I play it on?? Since SC2 came out, yes, there's hi res glossy graphics, but the feeling is gone and I have not felt the races or new units were balanced. I think it's a good move to resurrect this masterpiece, and probably the only move worth making as coming out with something new or different is completely experimental. I appreciate the small percent of nostalgia, but I think the original gameplay was perfection. The video keeps saying that there was a difficult GUI and steep learning curve (what??) lol I never thought that, as soon as you learn the hotkeys, just build your forces and get ready for battle! I hope the South Koreans embrace it and StarCraft sales improve. With the technology improvements (network play-essential, clearer pixels, no lag issues) this could be the best, smartest remaster ever. There's an entire generation that is unaware of where this game's roots came from!

  • @sananaryon4061
    @sananaryon4061 7 років тому +2

    People are never happy about anything. That's a more true law than the law of gracity