I don’t know what is going on in this world that we are coming to UA-cam to get a great sermon!! Thank God for Bishop Patterson knowledge coming from UA-cam.
Yes he left the mana from heaven ,non of Gods ppl In this earth grave they’re in Paradise ,the spirit in Glory . He’s shell may be there just as any of our love ones that went on to Glory . Keep living righteous before our Savior and we one day will reign with him 🙌🏽🙏🏽
My God, we need his teaching and preaching in 2024, but thank goodness for UA-cam!!! Thanks for posting, continue to Rest In Paradise Bishop, truly a man after God’s heart!!🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽♥️
We definitely need this kind of preaching in 2024. I love to hear Bishop Patterson preach,. He is gone to Glory, but he left many powerful sermons that still touches soul
Full Gospel Holy Temple Dallas Texas Apostle Herman L.Murray. I felt the same way God Bless you my sweet sister. Pray hardest when its hardest to pray 🙏🏻
I love Bishop Patterson's. Preaching he always brings forth a good message even in death. A great spirited man. May he always rest with the ankles of GOD
Its really really a sad day in time. Since Bishop Patterson passing the body of Christ has fallen so to almost non existence. There will never be another man after Bishop to hold Gods standards to such of an importance. Its amazing how his words are still effective today in 2024.
Another true man of God and ministry is Apostle Herman Murray in Dallas, TX...Full Gospel Holy Temple, a flat foot preacher of the Word....come back and let me know
Amen Blessed be to God, and Thank you Father for these scriptures and these Godly Sermons from Bishop Patterson, I know he's Preaching in Your Church Holy Spirit Amen, Father God🙏🙏🙏💞
Remember Paul said : whether it comes this way of gain or sincerity. But that its spread and Jesus will prove truth to them that want life and life more abundantly. We should criticize how or where the word is being delivered. EVER !!!
I listened too this great man off God because these preacher out here now wow judge not butt lord what we see on tv my God i don't want know part's off them
Arneta c Allen Carmen aca. Prayers 🙏 love ❤️, 💜 daughters ❣️📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝, sons, mother's father's, brothers sisters uncle's aunt's cousins friends all creations and creatures God said was good ❤️. Love ❤️. Arneta c Allen Carmen aca 💕💕🙏. Thank you for sharing this with me to share with others. Aca. Allen.
Still listening in 2024, and blessed by the word of God!
I don’t know what is going on in this world that we are coming to UA-cam to get a great sermon!! Thank God for Bishop Patterson knowledge coming from UA-cam.
It's the only place right now where the true word of God is preached.
@@phylisswright4847 amen 🙏🏼
Amen I agree! Nobody preaching anything worth listening to these days in these entertainment churches! 😏
Yes Jesus is coming back I believe in his promise hallelujah 🙏🙌
Thank God for Bishop Patterson gone but never forgotten he speaks from the grave
I am from jamaica and i listen this preacher allmost every day i cant get enough of his preacher
Enough of his preaching
I used to be a member of his church.
I moved away a couple of years after his passing.
This man soothes my soul and body with his preaching explains it and delivers it well. Even from the grave. Thank you. Jesus for him even from glory
Yes he left the mana from heaven ,non of Gods ppl In this earth grave they’re in Paradise ,the spirit in Glory . He’s shell may be there just as any of our love ones that went on to Glory . Keep living righteous before our Savior and we one day will reign with him 🙌🏽🙏🏽
God knew we needed this message today. Thank You Jesus!
My God, we need his teaching and preaching in 2024, but thank goodness for UA-cam!!! Thanks for posting, continue to Rest In Paradise Bishop, truly a man after God’s heart!!🙌🏽👏🏽👏🏽♥️
🙏 Amen
We definitely need this kind of preaching in 2024. I love to hear Bishop Patterson preach,. He is gone to Glory, but he left many powerful sermons that still touches soul
Full Gospel Holy Temple has the same message just a different messenger.
Full Gospel Holy Temple Dallas Texas
Apostle Herman L.Murray. I felt the same way God Bless you my sweet sister. Pray hardest when its hardest to pray 🙏🏻
Yessssssssss Sir Amen Amen Amen Jesus is coming back I'm going to be ready I shall see Him in all His Works
My father would love him this Bishop is amazing he knows about bibles l love him good preacher bless him
Many’s Thanks 🙏🏼
I love Bishop Patterson's. Preaching he always brings forth a good message even in death. A great spirited man. May he always rest with the ankles of GOD
Its really really a sad day in time. Since Bishop Patterson passing the body of Christ has fallen so to almost non existence. There will never be another man after Bishop to hold Gods standards to such of an importance. Its amazing how his words are still effective today in 2024.
The earth will neverrrrrrr be without a true spokesman of God's word, unless the rapture takes place.
To God be the glory! Amen 🙏🏿
Another true man of God and ministry is Apostle Herman Murray in Dallas, TX...Full Gospel Holy Temple, a flat foot preacher of the Word....come back and let me know
One of the best PASTORS who speaks the truth of God's word
Thank you Father God, Jesus is coming. I will be ready. Up at 3am What A Word!!!!
This sermon put a Godly fear in me, and I praise Jesus for it. Fear can be good in some aspects Proverbs 19:23 and Jude 1:23.
Jesus Is Coming Back 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Get ready get ready get ready Jesus is coming
Still listening to G.E Patterson in 2024 . He was a great teach, preacher with anointing.
Yes Jesus will return . Get ready to see our Savior!🙏🏾🙏🏾
Thank you Jesus Thank you God Glory to God
Always encourage me to hear his voice as if he was still here proclaiming God’s Word to God’s people.
Glory to God hallelujah I thank you Jesus
Stay in prayer. God has taken his hands off the United States. So stay close, to Jesus.
Sista, my sista the devil is a lie!!!!...and the USA is a part of earth, the earth that the Lord holds in His hands
Bishop G.E. Patterson, True Preacher and Man of GOD...R.I.H.P. Pastor
Amen Blessed be to God, and Thank you Father for these scriptures and these Godly Sermons from Bishop Patterson, I know he's Preaching in Your Church Holy Spirit Amen, Father God🙏🙏🙏💞
I listen to the late great GE Patterson frequently GOD'S word will remain the same for generations to generations forever and ever All eternity 🎉
The messenger sleeps but the message lives on. I needed to hear this and have been asking God to bless me to live a life that is pleasing to him.
Glory glory glory to the most high God!!! He blessed my soul!!! 2024
If you not ready to meet Jesus in the air you are in a world of trouble! Words my late Grandmother would always say
Grandma was right!!! Lord Jesus help us all to be READY!!!
Yessssssssss Lord Jesus Amen Thank you God hallelujah Heyy_yyy Heyy_yyy Heyy_yyy glory to God
💒 Glory Alleluia To Our Omnipotent King Beloveds🦅
Thank God for his blessings he is a great bishop Patterson ge love him so much.
ACTS2-38 THE ONLY PLANED OF Salvation!!!
Hallelujah praise God hallelujah thank you God Glory to God hallelujah yes Heyy_yyy
Yessssssssss Lord Jesus Amen Thank you Jesus
Glory to God yes Sir
Amen Bishop I'm glad I said YES LORD and praying for my family thank you Jesus
Glory to God hallelujah
Yessssssssss Lord Jesus
Be encouraged I am
❤ Jesus Christ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏, is the 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹, beginning the end..... Allen.
My goal is Jesus to be with him thank you in advance I want to be ready
A good sermon with good news.
Amen Jesus is coming back again
Why isn't there a Bishop Patterson app?
The true unadulterated word of God! Straight Truth and Facts!!!❤
Praise the word of the Lord Jesus Christ forever 🌅 the word of the Lord Jesus Christ is the tree of Life 🌴
Preach holyhost haleluyah
Lord help me to remember what u. Done for us. Every body is not going to be dead
Praise the Lord Jesus is coming soon soon soon. Bless the Lord O my soul 🙏 pray 🙏
I really hope that we can l;ove like Jesus and do as he says in Matthew 7:12: "Treat others as you want to be treated."
Thank you Jesus 🎉🎉
Wonderful message and insight 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jesus is coming 🎉🎉🎉
Preach 🔥
Amen 🙏 2024
Amen Amen Jesus is coming back
Amen. He is coming again.
Remember Paul said : whether it comes this way of gain or sincerity. But that its spread and Jesus will prove truth to them that want life and life more abundantly. We should criticize how or where the word is being delivered. EVER !!!
My God My God Jesus is coming back halleljah 😩😭
Jesus today Amen
I listened too this great man off God because these preacher out here now wow judge not butt lord what we see on tv my God i don't want know part's off them
My Bishop always.
Preach Bishop Patterson
God is really. Coming soon😅😅. Smilng
This a real. Màm. Of. G0d ❤❤😂❤
Sunday October 15, 2000 Tape 1098
Arneta c Allen Carmen aca. Prayers 🙏 love ❤️, 💜 daughters ❣️📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝📝, sons, mother's father's, brothers sisters uncle's aunt's cousins friends all creations and creatures God said was good ❤️. Love ❤️. Arneta c Allen Carmen aca 💕💕🙏. Thank you for sharing this with me to share with others. Aca. Allen.
My conduct on this side is where I live afterwards
That what Jesus Christ said
Jesus Christ brought in to be question that all
You don’t hear preaching like this anymore
When have i see you hungry when have dee sick when have i see you with out clothes when you did to mine little one you did to me