Best HeroQuest House Rules to Make the Game Harder or Just Improve Gameplay



  • @falsehero2001
    @falsehero2001 2 роки тому +67

    The best thing about Hero Quest is the house rules.

  • @mikehansford5597
    @mikehansford5597 2 роки тому +27

    Another idea would be on any turn that Zargon does not have minions on the table, he rolls for a wandering monster to appear several spaces away from the party, the new creature could appear from a near corner that is not occupied by a hero, or a vacant doorway. Could add some suspense, and encourage groups to move along, as just because it's clear now, doesn't mean it's going to stay that way.

    • @ddis29
      @ddis29 Рік тому


    • @WhiteRhinoPSO
      @WhiteRhinoPSO 6 місяців тому

      While this is an interesting idea, I feel like it could be a little too much. I enjoy there being a bit of down time between combat encounters in the game, even if my hero players tend to use it primarily for stacking up outside the next door in preparation for the next breach and clear.
      Hopefully, the Encounters deck from the AxianQuest card system will make things a little more interesting: Each turn that Zargon has no monsters to control, they roll 1d6 - on a 5 or 6, an Event card is drawn that have a bunch of different effects. The card I think about the most when talking about this system is the Earthquake card, which causes 1 body point of damage to each hero unless one of them chooses to sacrifice an Earth spell card.

  • @jbenoitjr1
    @jbenoitjr1 2 роки тому +13

    Just got Heroquest for a Father's day gift. Played it last night for 3 hours. It's absolutely amazing. My daughter played Zargon and absolutely made it difficult to play, but i made it through the 1st quest.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      That is awesome!

    • @GoldenSunAlex
      @GoldenSunAlex 2 роки тому +3

      If you've just got it, Avalon Hill have made an alternate opening quest available online, seeing as they thought that 'The Trial' was a bit too hard - it's worth doing even if you've already done the trial imo.

    • @jbenoitjr1
      @jbenoitjr1 2 роки тому

      @@GoldenSunAlex Thanks for the info. I will definitely check it out. Happy gaming my friend.

  • @David-mx1os
    @David-mx1os 2 роки тому +15

    I like the LTK house rules and will use them in future, plus some of my own. Those being
    1) movement is D6 + 4, rather than 2D6
    2) Descent like time pressure mechanics, plus options to use some of the LTK monsters - basically to give the DM more agency in the game
    3) extra rules for each of the heroes to give them some more character and set them apart from each other
    Edit: my extra rules for heroes are:
    Barbarian hero abilities:
    1) Mighty blow - when rolling to attack with a melee weapon, the barbarian can count one black shield result as a skull result.
    2) Adrenaline rush (mind point skill) - whenever the barbarian kills a monster with a melee attack, roll a number of D6 equal to the hero’s mind points. If the barbarian player scores a 6 on any dice, the barbarian recovers 1 body point.
    3) Frenzy (once per quest) - once per quest, the barbarian hero can make a move and 2 attacks in his/her turn instead of a move and 1 attack. The barbarian player may attack, then move, then do a second attack while using frenzy.
    Dwarf hero abilities:
    1) Disarm traps - the dwarf player can disarm traps without a toolkit and has better success odds (see rulebook)
    2) Sturdy (mind point skill) - once per Zargon phase when the dwarf hero is attacked, the player may use sturdy to boost the dwarf’s defence against that attack. Before Zargon and the dwarf players roll any combat dice, the dwarf player rolls a number of D6 equal to the hero’s mind points. If the dwarf player scores a 6 on any dice, then any white shields rolled by the dwarf to defend against that attack count as 2 white shields.
    3) Treasure hunter (once per quest) - once per quest when searching for treasure, the dwarf player may look at the top 3 cards of the treasure deck, choose one, then shuffle the other 2 back into the treasure deck.
    Elf hero abilities:
    1) Hybrid spell caster - the elf can use 3 spells per quest and use any equipment without restriction (see rulebook).
    2) Parrying blade (mind point skill) - whenever the elf hero makes a melee attack, roll a number of D6 equal to the hero’s mind points - if the elf scores a 6 on any dice, then the elf can use his/her parrying blade ability for their melee attack this turn. Roll the elf’s combat dice to attack a monster as normal but any white shield results are ‘banked’ and can be used when the elf defends against attacks in the next Zargon turn. Each banked white shield can be spent during an elf defence roll to allow the elf to convert a skull/ black shield result to a white shield result - one banked dice allows one result conversion in Zargon’s turn. Any banked white shields cannot be carried over beyond the next Zargon phase - use them that turn or lose them.
    3) Elven herblore (once per quest) - once per quest, as a free action, the elf may restore 1D6 body points to himself/herself or to an adjacent hero
    Wizard hero abilities:
    1) Expert Spell caster - the wizard can use 9 spells per quest but has limited access to equipment (see rulebook)
    2) Magic missile (mind point skill) - as an attack action, the wizard can choose to zap a monster with a magic missile (ranged attack). The wizard rolls a number of D6 equal to his/her mind points, for each 6 rolled, the attack causes 1 damage. Additionally, the wizard can boost the attack by discarding up to one spell card to add an extra point of damage to the attack. Declare this before rolling any dice. Zargon can prevent damage to the monster by rolling defence dice as normal.
    3) Meditate (once per quest) - once per quest, the wizard can skip their turn to meditate and recover spells that they have used this quest. The wizard player declares they are meditating - they cannot move, perform an action, or defend, until their next turn. The wizard player chooses either fire, water, earth, or air and recovers all spells that he/she has cast this quest from that element. Note, the wizard must choose an element he/she started the quest with, not the elf’s spells. If the wizard meditates, then in the following Zargon turn, he/she rolls no defence dice against monster attacks

    • @taylorfield4686
      @taylorfield4686 7 місяців тому

      I’m gonna use these rules. Do you have any other abilities for the expansion heros. Like Knight, warlock etc..

    • @David-mx1os
      @David-mx1os 7 місяців тому +1

      @@taylorfield4686 Hi Taylor, I wrote up some ideas for 3 of the other heroes at the time but I wasn't 100% sure about them so I didn't post them on here.
      You're welcome to take a look at those ideas and adapt them as you see fit - here they are:
      Bard hero abilities:
      1) Bard spellcaster - the bard hero can use 3 bard spells per quest, plus 1 extra defence dice when using non-metal armour without a shield.
      2) Encourage (mind point skill) - the first time another hero destroys a monster during the hero’s turns, the bard can immediately use the encourage skill as a free action. The bard rolls a number of D6 equal to his mind points - if the bard player rolls a 6 on any dice then the hero that achieved the kill regains 1 lost body point.
      3) Swashbuckler (once per quest) - when attacked by an adjacent monster, the bard may cancel that attack (before any dice are rolled) and immediately do an attack against that monster (in Zargon’s turn). The Zargon player may roll defence dice against that attack as normal.
      Warlock hero abilities:
      1) Warlock spellcaster - the warlock can use 3 warlock spells per quest, plus she can use a wand to make ranged attacks. Same equipment restrictions as the wizard.
      2) Pact magic (mind point skill) - the first time each Zargon turn that another hero (not the warlock) loses a body point in the same room/corridor as the warlock, the warlock may use pact magic as a free action to strengthen her next attack. The warlock rolls a number of D6 equal to her mind points - if the warlock player rolls a 6 on any dice, then she gains +1 attack dice if he/she attacks next turn. The warlock can use this ability even if she is ‘weakened’.
      3) Drain essence (once per quest) - as an action, the warlock can do a 3 combat dice attack against an adjacent enemy. If the monster is destroyed by this attack, the warlock restores up to 3 body points.
      Druid hero abilities:
      1) Druid spellcaster - the warlock can use 3 druid spells per quest. The druid cannot wear metal armour.
      2) Nature’s blessing (mind point skill) - while searching for treasure, the druid is also able to draw small amounts of life energy from any plant life, fungi, and moulds in the area. If the drawn treasure card isn’t a hazard or wandering monster, then the druid hero can also roll a D6 for each mind point she has - if any results are a 6, the druid may restore 1 body point (up to a maximum of one per treasure search). The druid can use this ability even if she is ‘weakened’.
      3) Spirit guide (once per quest) - as an action, the druid hero can commune with nature spirits to stealthily scout a room or corridor on the map that has not yet been revealed, however the druid must be able to see the door to that location. The Zargon player places on the board all monsters, furniture, doors, traps, and secret doors in that location (but no information about treasure). If no heroes move into that location, or attack the monsters in that location, then they are not alerted and Zargon cannot move them in his/her next turn. However, in any subsequent Zargon turns, he/she can move them normally.
      I didn't get round to writing rules for the other heroes

    • @taylorfield4686
      @taylorfield4686 7 місяців тому

      @@David-mx1os Wow thank you for back to me so fast. I’m trying to use your character cards/ abilities and the LTK rules to make a more unique and harder game. (:

    • @taylorfield4686
      @taylorfield4686 7 місяців тому

      @@David-mx1os and if you have any other rules you can think of the help, I’m open to add them if you can of.

    • @David-mx1os
      @David-mx1os 7 місяців тому

      @@taylorfield4686 You're welcome, I hope you enjoy them

  • @gregjohnson4193
    @gregjohnson4193 Рік тому +7

    We play that if your health reaches 0 you are dead, no drinking a potion and all is well. This makes the heros think more about using a potion before entering a room if their HP are low. It also keeps the accumulation of healing potions to a minimum. Otherwise their is no fear of death if you use the original rules and have a healing potion.

    • @lestodante
      @lestodante Рік тому

      Totally agree!! That's the way it should be!

    • @darthkek1953
      @darthkek1953 9 місяців тому

      It's always better to give player options that limit things, and quick permadeath isn't for everyone. Here's an alternative: you can use a healing potion at 0 BP but it only brings you to 1 BP. That way if a player mismanagers you will likely to get 2 potions out of their stockpile rather than have a player sit around all game waiting for all the survivors to finish!

    • @NickGoesHiking
      @NickGoesHiking 8 місяців тому

      💯 this is a rule I enforce, seems stupid they can scoff a potion at 0

  • @off1k
    @off1k 2 роки тому +4

    Some simple rules I used back in the day based on UK set, that's what we had here in Australia.
    1) heroes could only search individual furniture pieces for treasure, not corridors or empty rooms. Every furniture piece was a treasure card plus whatever quest treasure. I remember having a sub rule that a hero could roll 2 movement dice and if they score equal or under their Mind Points then they could pick up another treasure card.
    2) secret doors and traps are a separate search, I can't remember if that was the base rule already or adjusted rule.
    3) free attack on heroes if they flee a fight, eg: if adjacent to 2 monsters and decide to run or move to better position away from monsters then each monster has free attack roll and the hero can defend.
    4) Monsters auto picked up dead hero gold, weapons and armour if no heroes in room or corridor, heroes had to announce they're picking up and was their choice to share or not if multiplayer.
    5) players could only buy in equal amount to available equipment cards per round. ie: 1 chain mail card = only 1 player can buy for that round, can't remember if that was normal rule or not.
    7) throwing weapons could be picked up from dead monsters.
    8) miss an attack or cast spell to change weapon or pick up thrown weapon, free to move before or after, could be done with enemy around if you had the guts.
    9) wandering monster chance every round, DM must roll 2 movement dice and score under the quest wandering monsters movement, could place anywhere on explored map, only really good if you had the expansions.
    Can't remember any more, I think some of these rules would make the US version quite difficult because of the multiple body points and extra traps.
    I picked up Mythic Hero Quest but haven't had the chance to play it yet, should be good when I get the chance.
    Think I'm going to have to check out that LTK site you linked, looks very interesting.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      Those are great rules! I wonder if On average the rule about treasure cards in furniture would give out more or less treasure to the heroes.

    • @off1k
      @off1k 2 роки тому

      I actually cant remember, what would you prefer more or less?
      I remember I made my own board game after I purchased Hero quest back in the day as a teen, it was more linear, easy to play but fairly tough, it was solo or multiplayer.
      Made treasure cards, monster cards for different areas of the board (it was 2 large boards) it was out door theme but had an optional dungeon section and a must do castle section iirc, you needed certain keys to get access to everything in dungeon but the loot was huge, also had two towns on the pathway with different markets for each so characters could buy potions, weapons, armour etc. Players could team up and help each other or not, had XP and rolled for loot, each monster/battle card had all the info.
      Spent quite a bit of time making it, wish I still had it drawn up somewhere.
      Only played 1 night and my friends at the time thought it was much better than Hero Quest, have no idea what I did with it.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      @@off1k I am not sure. I am sure the hero players would like more, but that Zargon would like less!

    • @off1k
      @off1k 9 місяців тому

      Since I've come across this video again I have an update for my house rules :)
      I will be using these rules for my next run but I am still tweaking some rules so some won't be listed or may not even bother.
      You will need a polyhedral set of dice or at least a d12 and d20.
      Official Heroes: Movement
      Basically it's Humans (1d6+5) Elves (1d6+6) Bard & Dwarf (1d6+4) Wearing Plate Armour (1d6+3)
      Barbarian: 1d6+5
      Bard: 1d6+4
      Druid: 1d6+5
      Dwarf: 1d6+4
      Elf: 1d6+6
      Knight: 1d6+5
      Monk: 1d6+5
      Rogue: 1d6+6
      Warlock: 1d6+6
      Wizard: 1d6+5
      Any character with Plate Armour: 1d6+3
      When no Monsters or environment enemies (special tiles like boulder) are on the board, all Heroes (including Plate Armour) may move up to 10 squares.
      One Hero can only search for treasure once per furniture piece and must stand adjacent to furniture piece, player then draws a treasure card unless there's a quest item found.
      ==[Second Chance Draw]== A Hero can draw a second treasure card if they can roll equal to or under their Mind Points with 1d12.
      No Second Chance Draw if Hero draws a Wondering Monster card.
      Cannot search treasure for empty rooms.
      When searching the Weapon Rack, Hero draws card from shuffled Equipment Deck (unless there's a quest item) until they find the first Weapon or Armour card instead of drawing a treasure card. No second chance search allowed.
      When searching Alchemist Desk, Hero draws card from shuffled Equipment Deck (unless there's a quest item) until they find the first Potion or Scroll card instead of drawing treasure card. No second chance search allowed.
      If you have the Alchemy card deck from 'Rise of the Dread Moon' expansion, Heroes can craft certain potions from certain treasure cards they find at the Alchemist Desk.
      Remove 'Hazard!' treasure cards except poison traps, also remove 2 Wondering Monster cards.
      Heroes can carry no more than 4 potions and 4 items (Weapons/Armour) beyond what they are wearing.
      Scrolls can count as an item or potion.
      Heroes can carry and use X number of Scrolls equal to their Mind Points.
      Between quests Heroes may purchase items from the merchant, number of available items will be different each time.
      DM will roll 1d4+1d6+1d8+1d10+1d12+1d20 to determine amount of items available, shuffle Equipment Deck take top X number of cards for Merchant.
      8d6 is another option but I find there's a more varied result with polyhedral set.
      This is based on Core game and ALL expansions, may need to adjust amount of dice suitable for amount of equipment cards available.
      Each card equals one purchasable item.
      Heroes can sell equipment/items/potions for half their value. Any unused Potions found in the treasure deck can be sold for 75 gold each.
      Starting Spell Cards for Wizard and Elf
      Wizard and Elf start with spell cards equal to their Mind Points.
      Wizard can select any cards from Air, Earth, Fire and Water Decks, Elf selects cards from Elf Spell Deck from 'Mage of the Mirror' expansion.
      If you don't have 'MotM' expansion then both the Wizard and Elf select from any element spell decks one spell at a time taking turns (Wiz starts) equal to their current Mind Points, meaning the Elf can select 4 spells as a fresh Hero and the Wizard 6 spells as a fresh Hero.
      ONCE per quest the Wizard can replenish half of their USED Spells (rounding down) for the cost of 3 Body Points and 3 Mind points. The DM will shuffle the used spell cards and the top X number of spells cards are the replenished spells.
      Hero Elf characters (Elf, Rogue, Warlock, Elf Mercenaries) have the ability to move through Monsters.
      The Rogue can Move, Action, and finish Move if they choose to when passing through Monsters but cannot 'Ambidextrous' skill.
      EG: Roll for 10, move 5 squares through a monster, attack, then move back 5 squares.
      Goblins, Skeletons and evil Elves have the ability to move through Heroes.
      Cannot use Crossbow or throw Daggers & Hand Axe's when adjacent (all 8 squares around the Hero) to Monsters, changing weapon costs an action or movement.
      Thrown daggers and Hand Axes are retrieved from dead enemies for successful hits after combat has finished (room or corridor cleared), failed thrown Daggers and Hand Axes are considered lost or damaged.
      Dungeon Master Wondering Monsters
      DM has a chance to add 1 'Wondering Monster' every round (up to 4 in total at any one time) providing there are monsters already on the board at start of DMs turn.
      If successful the DM places the WM at starting wooden door or stairway and moves immediately.
      DM rolls 1d20, score of:
      20-09 = fail
      08-07 = Goblin or Skeleton
      06-05 = Goblin or Orc or Skeleton or Zombie
      04-03 = Goblin or Orc or Abomination or Skeleton or Zombie or Mummy
      02-01 = Goblin or Orc or Abomination or Skeleton or Zombie or Mummy or Dread Warrior or Gargoyle.
      It seems like a lot but it won't change the game too much as it's still pretty simplistic imo, speed of the game will be almost the same.

  • @hathorliderc
    @hathorliderc 3 місяці тому +1

    I actually follow 3 house rules when playing Hero Quest
    1.) No set order for Heroes - Instead of having the heroes go in a set order (like the rulebook says), I let them go in any order they choose. This encourages them to further strategize their approach to monsters and traps.
    2.) Unthreatened Movement - This house rule was added in the DLC quest "Into the Northlands" which basically means that if there are no monsters visible on the board, each hero can move up to 8 spaces.
    3.) If there are no monsters visible on the board and the quest objectives are complete, they're given the option to end the quest and mark it as "completed", or if the dungeon isn't fully explored, to explore further and collect any treasures they may have missed.

  • @jamesmorgan3623
    @jamesmorgan3623 Рік тому +3

    Great video. Our main house rule was to allow the heroes take their turns in any order. To increadse the difficulty (using the UK version) was to allow monsters to defend on white skulls - to make them more challenging but without any extra admin.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  Рік тому +2

      Thank you. That is an easy change to increase difficulty. I have not heard people mention that one yet. Good one!

  • @nexusofice9135
    @nexusofice9135 3 місяці тому +1

    So there are a few differences in the US and UK rules. How healing potions and spells are used are important.
    What I do as DM is I allow the automatic use of a healing spell if available upon death. Potions on the other hand are "use em or loose em" rules. It controls Hero potion stockpiling and ad makes them use potions in between battles more often. Not knowing what is around the corner and being prepared is a better way to get them to use more potions.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  3 місяці тому

      I like that too. It makes players think ahead.

  • @TruthStalker93
    @TruthStalker93 Рік тому +3

    We created what's called... a "doom roll." Oooo~Oooo. What it means is if a player challenges the DM (Zargon), he/she provides said player with a specific yellow die and only a One must be rolled to succeed. An example of this would be: a hero with a projectile weapon (such as bow) technically has a monster in their line of sight through a doorway however, the DM may claim the shot is impossible so the player can call for a Doom Roll.
    This house rule has made for some fun times playing HQ and it all started when we had this random yellow die and thought "what could we use this for?"

  • @pst5345
    @pst5345 Рік тому +2

    my monsters opened doors immediately. Goblins fleeing to rooms with big dudes from day 1

  • @djpandemic369
    @djpandemic369 2 роки тому +4

    RE: Lack of hasbro support for expanded rules, check out the "free" online quests, "Online Quest 00 - New Beginnings" & "Online Quest 02 - Into the Northlands" they both contain additional rules (and clarifications) at the end of each quest. Into the Northlands introduces animal companions (in this case a wolf) that really seems to enhance solo games or ones with less that 4 players.
    I hope they eventually make a published compendium of the online quests and additional rules in a more formalized format.

  • @Phsstpok
    @Phsstpok 8 місяців тому +1

    It is always fun to see how sooner or later people are unhappy with the BOARDGAME rules set of a gateway-game like heroquest and implement houserules until they end up with a ROLEPLAYING GAME rules set. My advice concerning house rules: KISS - keep it stupid simple. You don't like roll to move? Take the average. You want to search a room more often? Like said: search per furniture in the room - once something. If your house rules ever expand to something you need to write down to remember, maybe switch to any other simpel roleplaying game - OSE, Dragonbane, DCC. Of course, if you have fun to expand and develop your own system, have fun... but, don't be surprised when you it lose the Hero Quest vibes.. because that's what you were aiming for .. possibly without knowing it. For further reference I recommend the video of Inside the Box concerning Hero Quest here on UA-cam.

  • @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork
    @TokuAndAnimationNewsNetwork 2 роки тому +4

    Some of these are pretty cool. The XP card is ingenius as is the two dice idea when using a Potion of Healing.
    Given how we always feel the dice are against us, we have decided that if you are attacking and end up with all matching dice (so all black shield or all white shield), you can reroll. Same with defending. If all of your dice land on the skull or all are the black shield, you can reroll.

    • @theinsomniac4life
      @theinsomniac4life Рік тому

      I don't like the two dice rule for Potion of Healing, at all, for a few reasons. First, the guaranteed 4 points from the healing spells or the sometimes found healing potions make them obviously superior. Second, with a 1d6 the average heal is 3.5, and with 2d6 it's 4.5. Further, only 25% of the time will the result be

  • @Ultimatelylate
    @Ultimatelylate Рік тому +2

    for the wizard, should have some equipment for magic staffs

  • @PlanetZoidstar
    @PlanetZoidstar Рік тому +1

    One House Rule I am considering implementing is with the 'Wandering Monster' card.
    Mainly that the WM doesn't get a free attack when it is summoned in. I think it being there and needing to be dealt with is bad enough as the Hero basically fumbled their turn on an unlucky Search For Treasure roll.
    Especially for the Wizard who could potentially get killed near-outright if the ATK-DEF rolls go in the monster's favour, since they'll have to defend twice before getting to do anything.

  • @carpetsnake83
    @carpetsnake83 2 роки тому +6

    Hasbro hero quest
    General gameplay
    Players can
    Search-still say what search
    Primary action-Use main weapon
    Secondary action- use throwing weapons, drink potion, cast spell
    Up health by one
    Monster abilities
    Goblins-back stab extra attack from behind
    Goblins Sharman cast fire balls attack at range unlimited
    Orcs swords and axes- rage if take damage attack twice
    Orcs Hammer mace- stun can stun a player miss a turn if hero takes damage
    Abomination with spear attack diagonals
    Abomination with nothing- siren screech attack mind point instead of body
    Male mummy- sand storm does aoe stun
    Female mummy- cast stone skin on other monsters
    Male zombie- revives on 4 or higher on being killed
    Female zombie-restore restores hit points if does damage after taking damage
    Skeletons immunity to magic
    Skeletons with shield- shield bash moves hero back one square on hit
    Dread warrior mace- performs thunder an aoe stun
    Dread warrior with sword performs lighting aoe damage
    Gargoyle- conclusive force aoe stun that push hero back one square
    Book case- scroll
    Weapons rack cupboard - throwing weapons
    Alchemist table- potions or scrolls
    Throw in traps and secret doors to blank rooms on map and stuff with monster/s to mix up game play for experience players
    Barbarian abilities
    Rage attack twice as long as he sees a monster
    Counter if he takes damage he can attack back instantly
    Critical strike- rolls all skulls with dice gains another primary action
    Snare can trap a monster forcing it to miss a turn
    Nimble saving throw on traps
    Marksman-one bonus attack die with crossbow
    Reload- if hits all 4 with crossbow can shoot again
    Gets all spells
    gets all elf spells
    Backstab extra dice if attacks from behind
    Monster hero’s
    Goblin equal to dwarf
    Orc equal to barbarian
    Dread warrior with wizard spells
    Chaos soccer with chaos magic
    They fight
    Barbarians wizards bards dwarfs warlocks elf’s guardian Kinghts and men at arms to kill mentor

    • @azuretigers5562
      @azuretigers5562 2 роки тому

      I love this and will try that on my next gameplay

  • @williammoore9794
    @williammoore9794 2 роки тому +4

    I had two suggestions for house rules, but these are based on the UK game. First is to give body points to some/all of the monsters. The other is to let everyone (heroes and monsters) use the same shields to defend (as later happened in Battle Masters).
    The later expansions (the Ogre Horde and Wizards of Morcar) were more deadly, but the heroes got henchmen which swung it back to their advantage (and also gave them something else to spend their gold on).
    Incidentally, I believe the difference between UK and US rules is because the designer believed the 8 year old UK players it was marketed at would not co-operate with each other. This is why the UK spells can be used against heroes and why there are fewer monsters with no body points and no chaos spells.
    I'm not entirely sure why they thought this - it never occurred to me or anyone else I played with to attack the other heroes.
    I suspect the US version of HQ was beefed up because it was essentially competing with D&D (and perhaps a higher recognition of RPGs in general in the US market?).

    • @leanderquest
      @leanderquest 2 роки тому

      European versions were released prior to the US version and all had monsters with just 1 body points, fewer traps, more gold in the treasure deck and fewer monsters per quest. The US version was released later and received the game was way too easy...

  • @JeffWitty
    @JeffWitty 2 роки тому +3

    Love the video. Sorry I am late to the party on this channel, subbing!
    My suggestions:
    1) thrown daggers and hand axes can ONLY be recovered after if it hits the creature. All misses could be treated as the weapon is lost or too damaged for recovery.
    2) if crossbows are used in melee range (directly to the front/back/side of a creature) and the shooter misses (3 non-skulls), the weapon has malfunctioned/jammed/broken string and cannot be used for the remainder of that quest. Weapon is “repaired” in between quests only.
    3) when a player is plugging up the doorway to hold back the creatures AND other players are attacking diagonally thru the doorway - Zargon can choose to have a large living creature (Orc/abomination/gargoyle/dread warrior) to perform a charge. The charge causes the blocking player to be pushed back to one unoccupied square. The charging creature does no damage, instead, moves into the unoccupied space. The charge attack is the same as a normal attack, Zargon is essentially replacing damage dealt with a tactical move on the creatures part.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      Welcome! Glad to have you. Thank you for the ideas!

    • @smartgenes1
      @smartgenes1 2 роки тому

      @@EHeathRobinson I was just contemplating having something like a push back where multiple monsters can attempt to push back the player, so it could be large monster/multiple monsters. Probably not undead, which arguably have weaker strength.

  • @scopeh2006
    @scopeh2006 Рік тому +2

    Only just seen this video and was completely surprised to see my joke about free parking made the video 🤭🤭
    In seriousness, Dave Fenner's homebrew rules are great. I have taken a lot from it but the one which I have further simplified and brought into the base game is spell recasting.
    Once the wizard has cast a spell he can opt to recast it again in the same quest in exchange for 1 mind point.
    To add an element of risk, there is a chance of failure though.
    The wizard then rolls 3 combat dice. If he rolls anything except for a black shield the spell is successful and he loses 1 mind point. The spells effects then take place as if he had used it for the first time.
    If he does roll a black shield the spell fails completely, and he loses the mind point anyway and the spell is not cast.
    The wizard cannot re-cast a spell if he is reduced to 1 mind point or less.
    You can tweak this a little and make buff spells only require a single combat die and cost no mind points.
    This way usually useless spells like pass through rock gain some usefulness.

  • @SgtRenny
    @SgtRenny 2 роки тому +3

    I can't believe no one has mentioned Dungeon Crawl from Smackwell Games. Yes, I know it is now a complete game on it's own, but it was designed using Hero Quest as a base so it's still simple and fast (10min and the players know everything they need to know) but it has a LOT of depth, the dungeon master has a "rage" system to make it become an actual threat and everything is delightfully balanced, way better than many other AAA games out there.
    I'm converting the base HQ campaign to work with those rules for my group (story and general layout of the quests from HQ, number of monsters, items and some clever ideas from the dungeon crawl campaign) and we're having a blast. Best 15$ I've spent on a game ever and if you have HQ you already have everything you need to play.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      I have not ever heard of Dungeon Crawl. Thank you for pointing it out. I looked that up and will check it out.

    • @SgtRenny
      @SgtRenny 2 роки тому +2

      @@EHeathRobinson Gaminggeek did a very good explanation of it by doing a short playthrough here on youtube if you want a fast overview on the most important things.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      @@SgtRenny Thank you. Will look.

  • @JonCombo
    @JonCombo 11 місяців тому

    On Zargon's turn he draws treasure cards, which he can save for later use. You can go further and have reinforcements available for gold, spawn them at the player starting location.

  • @justinscott7546
    @justinscott7546 Рік тому +3

    Definitely a bit late on commenting but here I go.
    Just recently starting playing HeroQuest with some friends and had quite a bit of fun. Though my older brother (DM) decided it might be best to have some house rules to be a bit more advanced.
    The biggest house rule is gaining gold on kills.
    Normal enemies: After killing a enemy, roll 2D6 and keep the higher dice roll.
    Special enemies: will have +5 gold added to your roll.
    Bosses: will have +10 added to your roll but will differ depending on the boss. (Up to DM)
    Now sure its not a whole lot but gaining some gold on kills helps out in the long run for players that don't search rooms for treasure offten.
    Also makes wondering monsters at least worth something if you draw that card.
    Another one is "Cleaving"
    If a player rolls max damage that has 2 attack die or higher and the enemy fails to block, any adjacent enemy next to the one you are attacking will take leftover damage.
    Example: *Two goblins are in front of you*
    Barbarian rolled 3
    Goblin in front failed to block and takes the killing blow.
    The Goblin adjacent gets the remaining damage on the die (2).

  • @stuarthill5309
    @stuarthill5309 Рік тому +1

    I play as Morcar / Zargon. These rules are on the basis that I play more as a DM to provide a challenge and enjoyable game rather than trying to win.
    The heroes do power up very quickly - here's how I kept up the challenge:
    Monsters with shields (defend on "good" shields)
    Monsters with spears to allow diagonal attack (and sometimes shields)
    Monsters (skeletons or orcs) with bows (2 dice attack). Great for the end of a long corridor to give a sense of tension.
    The elf retired to be replaced by a halfling (2 dice ranged sling attack). Otherwise same stats as elf, but no magic. Adds a bit of tension when wizard is selecting spells as one set will not be used.
    I'm happy to add a couple of monsters if it's going too easy and dial back with the upgraded monsters if the heroes are getting too bashed to keep the game enjoyable, but still challenging.
    I will allow heroes to move up to next junction or door without rolling. Or retrace their steps without rolling (unless there is a good in game reason not to).
    Initiative roll on entering a room with a plus "X" modifier for the side with more figures. For example if one side has two more figures they get +2 on their D6 roll.
    Search for traps and secret doors is one action (one of my versions has these as separate actions).

  • @gatophantasma
    @gatophantasma Рік тому +2

    I used to double the health total of boss enemies.

  • @emperorwang0861
    @emperorwang0861 2 роки тому +2

    Adding windows. A player (or monster) may pass through a open window as he normally would on movement, but traversing a window counts as an action and no other action can be taken on his turn.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому +1

      That is a completely new one to me. I have never heard of someone mention windows in HeroQuest before.

    • @emperorwang0861
      @emperorwang0861 2 роки тому

      @@EHeathRobinson it's one of quite a few house rules I added. I run a homebrew hero quest campaign that is roleplay-forward. I involve overworld maps as well, and non dungeon settings like taverns with NPCs and monsters that speak and offer the characters choices. Etc. But still Hero Quest enough to be Hero Quest

  • @kjwinston77
    @kjwinston77 2 роки тому +1

    Here is one thing you could do. If you have a full group and a pet (character) like a dog. They would "sniff" out the traps before hand or artifacts and / or treasure. Movement is long range but can go in circles.

  • @JonCombo
    @JonCombo 11 місяців тому

    We had level ups for each time you completed 10 of a thing. 10 quests, 1 level up, 10 kills, 1 level up, killing 10 of a specific monster, killing 10 named monsters, killing 10 named monsters of a certain type of monster, etc, up to you if you want to allow those to max out at one set of 10, or just get it once, like a mini quest.

  • @WhiteRhinoPSO
    @WhiteRhinoPSO 6 місяців тому

    I've been toying around with some House Rules of my own that I think make sense, and add a little something to the game.
    Firstly is the idea that equipment takes up particular slots: this means that a hero can only use a single weapon, a single shield, a single piece of body armor, a single helmet, that sort of thing. I don't think this is explicitly said in any of the base game's rules, but it just makes sense to me. I also included the Warlock in a lot of the different items or equipment that are labeled "Wizard Only," because most games seem to similarly lump them both into the same sort of class structure.
    Another idea was to make the Barbarian more interesting. In the base game, his only real upside is his starting weapon (which other heroes can later buy) and having a single body point advantage over the Dwarf. For my own house rules, I decided to enable the Barbarian to wield a two-handed weapon in a single hand, which would allow them to also use a shield. They would also negate the -1 movement dice penalty for wearing plate armor. This makes them a better defensive option as a lead for the party while still allowing a Knight hero to work well as a defensive support due to their own skill cards.
    I've got a few ideas for other heroes, like a Rogue, Hunter, and Shaman, but I haven't really had the chance to test them out in any real capacity. I'm also waiting to see how well my AxianQuest card decks will improve and expand upon the basic gameplay. This video did give me a few good ideas for additions to my game, such as the spider and snitch monsters, so thank you for deciding to make it!

  • @Deadduck2pt0
    @Deadduck2pt0 2 роки тому +1

    If you have more than 4 heroes, or very well armed heroes, turn all (or some) doors into double doors. This adjusts the "Hordor" mentality. Add that to giving monsters staffs, diagonal or minor ranged attacks, and you can bring in some much needed frustration.

  • @PrincessAmi9756
    @PrincessAmi9756 Рік тому +1

    Optional house rule: After a Heroquest, quest completes, your characters go back to the 'Inn'... and have to play a round of Red Dragon Inn. No real reason, RDI is just a really fun board game.

  • @infantiltinferno
    @infantiltinferno Рік тому +5

    The best house rule for adults is quite simply _beer._ This readily available beverage substantially curtails overly defensive play, solving any and all balancing issues for veteran players.

  • @rogerbennett
    @rogerbennett Рік тому +1

    Mostly I rebalanced the monsters a little bit.
    First off, add an orc archer. Same stats as orc plus ranged attack.
    Attack of opportunity, when you leave a square where you could be attacked, you are attacked.
    These two changes make tactical positioning more important.
    I switched the skeleton to Attack 3, Defend 1, and gave the Zombie two body points. So one is a high-attack and one is hard to kill. At 2:2 and 2:3 the two monsters were basically identical before, but now there is tactical decision making on which to fight. Lastly all undead cause fear (roll -1 attack dice when attacking them). This makes them more fearsome as a late game monster.
    A bunch of other rules, some new items and spells, but the monster rebalance alone makes a good tactical shift.

  • @azuretigers5562
    @azuretigers5562 2 роки тому

    @Heath Thank you so much for this video - - this is ENLIGHTENING

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      You are very welcome! Glad it was so helpful!

  • @leftistadvocate9718
    @leftistadvocate9718 Рік тому +1

    I’ve DM’d the game twice now
    And I’m convinced dwarf needs something extra. In the trial there’s no dread/choas magic and there’s no traps. The dwarfs special ability and mind points are useless which makes him objectively worse than the barbarian.
    Might give the dwarf the ability to place down a trap once or the ability to dig through a wall once (place down an open door frame)

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  Рік тому +1

      You are right that if there are no traps then that does rob the dwarf of a key part of his usefulness and he does become a worse barbarian. But there are traps in other quests.

  • @JonCombo
    @JonCombo 11 місяців тому

    If you wish to make it harder, you can just add 1 to the monsters stats, or have a skill setting, plus one skill gives the monsters plus one stats, to all stats (or whatever you like), to balance it, you can have more gold given, or a draw extra cards when getting treasure, discard all but one.

  • @holzbergerpeter4480
    @holzbergerpeter4480 5 місяців тому

    We try a " fear" role next time. First room contact with undead heroes cant firstattack when an evil shield is rolled on 2 dice. "Terror" is rolled by gargoyle for instance with 3 dice.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  5 місяців тому

      Oh, that is interesting! Adding some psychology to the game!

  • @wallywest604
    @wallywest604 2 роки тому +1

    I have been working on a new hero inspired by my favorite race in DND the Lizardfolk. Let me know what you think. I tried very hard to make sure they were fun and exciting without overshadowing the original 4.
    Body points 7
    Mind points 2
    Starting weapon: Short sword (2 attack dice)
    Starting armor: Thick skin (3 defense dice)
    Armor restrictions: can only use shield, bracers and helm
    Skill cards
    Hungry Maw: Berserker may play this card on their turn to add 2 attack dice to their next attack; as they attempt to bite into their enemy. Berserker then heals body points equal to damage dealt.
    Leaping Lizard: Berserker may play this card on their turn to
    Instantly move up to 6 spaces. They may over enemies, traps and furniture; but may not move through anything that counts as a wall. This counts as their movement for their turn. They get this card back after killing an enemy.
    Battle Cry: Berserker may play this card on their turn. As they howl in rage, they inspire their allies for the battle ahead. All heroes you can see (including you) gain 1 attack and 1 defense dice until the end of their next turn.

  • @raymondtolle5883
    @raymondtolle5883 10 місяців тому

    I'm more of a roll Dexterity to hit and roll Strength for damage GM. So I'm working out a way to incorporate these along side the Mind points.

  • @wadelatchaw9770
    @wadelatchaw9770 2 роки тому +1

    Well gold becomes worthless later in the game, so you can buy rerolls, the price would depend on how your search works only 1 player can search for treasure in a room, can all players search for treasure in a room. The amount of rerolls you can have is set by your mind points.

  • @ddis29
    @ddis29 Рік тому +1

    to add challenge for a strong party, add more monsters or replace weak ones with stronger ones. i suspect this is common.
    i have a take on the "orc captian". i would make an orc shaman. it has one chaos spell (get more use out of those fun cards). by having it just one, and it's cast on the first turn, there is nothing else to remember. after that it's just a regular orc. i guess you could use this with any monster, but i kept it to goblins, orcs and mummys.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  Рік тому

      I like the idea of the orc shaman with a single Chaos spell. I agree that they were very underused in the base game.

  • @Captaincaveman28
    @Captaincaveman28 2 роки тому +2

    Allow the elf and wizard to spend mind points to buy back used spells. I put the costs for buying back at.
    Air: Tempest 1 MP, Swift Wind 2MP, Genie 3MP.
    Earth: Pass through rock 1MP, Rock skin 2MP, Heal Body 3MP.
    Fire: Fire of wrath 1 MP, Ball of flame 2MP, Courage 3MP.
    Water: Veil of mist 1MP, Sleep 2MP, Water of Healing 3MP.
    This gives the wizard a bit more punch, but he must also beware of the hazards of lowering his mind points. Obviously the elf and wizard have to maintain a minimum of 1MP. All MP are regained at the start of the next quest.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому +1

      Buying back spells with Mind Points appears to be a very popular house rule! I like your variable cost scheme.

    • @Captaincaveman28
      @Captaincaveman28 2 роки тому +1

      @@EHeathRobinson it seemed to be a fair trade off cost wise. It prevents the wizard from casting Genie on every monster in the quest, but still gives him a good kick of power.

    • @smartgenes1
      @smartgenes1 2 роки тому

      @@EHeathRobinson Interesting idea, maybe the non-wizard players needs some equivalent though, I'm thinking of skills/talents... These could have some BP or MP application?

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      @@smartgenes1 Giving a non-magic user something to do with Mind Points could also be a good idea.

    • @JonCombo
      @JonCombo 11 місяців тому

      Sleep doesn't get discarded anyway. Atleast in the version I have. Very useful for undead.

  • @dragonman1080
    @dragonman1080 2 роки тому +1

    I made my own version of The Witch Lord quest pack because I did not have a copy of Milton Bradley's version. but now I do but the opening to my version that I wrote became obsolete when I got a copy of Milton Bradley's version, so I had to rewrite the opening to my version. Basically, you end up going up against the Witch Lord twice because after you defeat him in Milton Bradly's version you have to fight him again because you (the heroes) failed to kill him, and he fled to his palace where he is regaining his power and will soon build an army of the undead. In my version of The Witch Lord, I have made some of the quests have more than one level. Like if the heroes enter a castle there might be two objectives and the first one is on the first level and the second one is on the second level. I have also made new Artifact Cards using index cards and then cutting them to match the size of the original artifact cards. I have also added new tiles and other elements from an old computer game that I used to play on my AMEGA Computer. The game is called Black Crypt and that game used things like switches and buttons to activate other things as well as what are called pressure plates. They are switches that are on the floor and the heroes' step on them, and things will happen. A monster might appear a door might open or close a secret door might be revealed the possibilities are endless. There are invisible pressure plates too. I also added keys, if the heroes want to open a door, they might have to enter a certain room where there is a piece of furniture or a monster that has the key to open the door. And there are these new blockers called magic fields they are also from the Black Crypt AMEGA game, and they are blockers like the blocked squares that keep you from going down a corridor or entering a room. The magic fields can be controlled by the switches and pressure plates or if the heroes kill a certain monster or find a quest objective a magic field might vanish or appear again the possibilities for their use are endless. Sorry that this is so long, and I hope you find it interesting and thank you in advance for reading my comment.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      That sounds like a tremendous amount of work, but I love it. As you can tell by this channel, I love diving into boardgames like this, improving them and making them my own. It sounds like you did that with HeroQuest and had a great time with it.

  • @mkh2op833
    @mkh2op833 2 роки тому +1

    also if there are no obstacles traps, or monsters the heroes dont need to roll to move . speeds up the game

  • @ludovicmistral5529
    @ludovicmistral5529 8 місяців тому

    We add the possibility to sell stuff for half price .
    When a hero or monster is on low furniture like a table or chest or throne he attacks with one extra dice.
    Spells and arrows can be shot over the dwarf.

    • @GPORTER43
      @GPORTER43 3 місяці тому +1

      Selling stuff has been added to one of the expansion pack, I believe it's the frozen horror

  • @Duke_Blitzein
    @Duke_Blitzein Рік тому +1

    I remember seeing your post in the group! Hahahahaha.

  • @PaulDavies4
    @PaulDavies4 2 роки тому

    I brought Hero Quest out of the attic many years ago to play with my wife and 3 children, children are 22, 20 and 17 now and we all still play. I was lucky as I have multiple sets and even bought stuff off eBay long before people were collecting them and prices went crazy. I even used to repair cheap and broken sets of Hero Quest and SpaceCrusade to sell on Ebay.
    I created many new expansions for my family to play over the years.
    The best house rules we play involve combat.
    When one character attacks another use the black shield on the dice as critical hits, they count as though 2 skulls have been rolled. Skulls count as1 skull, and white shields count as zero. This is for the attacker and defender, simply take the total scores away from each other to see who loses body points. Obviously the attacker uses his attacking dice, and the defender uses his defender amount of dice. This makes the game a lot quicker.
    Additionally players can equip a Shield or Orcs Bane in their off hand. So essentially you could wield a Spirit Blade and Orcs bane, totalling up the dice, obviously having 2 attacks per go, if one target is Orc, we also have an additional rule that the Orcs Bane allows diagonal attacks.
    We have also created new heroes for the game some of these have been based off the old PC game Warhammer Dark Omen, We also have Vlad Von Carestein who can use Necromancer spells from the Wizard of Morcar expansion. We have a fun thing in the game where Vlad can summon a Mummy or Skeleton using his spells if he kills a living monster, however my wife often gets the bone wand and controls the Mummy and Skeleton to attack her daughters, even those they all play heroes. We made special treasure cards including the Von Carestein ring, which brings Vlad back if he dies with 1 hit point , he can also drink the blood of his kills restoring 1 hit point each time.
    If someone rolls a double on the movement dice they can pick a treasure card, if they don't need any they can get a Genie card. This enables quick upgrades.
    Players can also move, attack, and search in a single turn, and searching covers everything as opposed to treasureor traps and secret doors.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      Those are very interesting house rules. Thank you for posting. I have have not ever seen someone try to use the different dice symbols to try to incorporate critical hits before. Very interesting!

    • @PaulDavies4
      @PaulDavies4 2 роки тому +1

      @@EHeathRobinson Thanks, the heroes normally defend with 6 dice and attack with 5 dice, or 6 against undead.
      We have other rules, the tv must be off and no phones in the room as people get distracted waiting for other people to take their turns.
      Everyone also takes a treasure card each turn, we have a lot of trap and wandering monster cards, so its about 50/50 for good or bad luck.
      The Orcs Bane as an off hand weapon is a good one as it allows duel wielding, this makes the game more fun

  • @jonatanendrise5341
    @jonatanendrise5341 Рік тому

    I’m asking u cuz it seems to me your very knowledgeable of the game

  • @mikehansford5597
    @mikehansford5597 2 роки тому

    I've been thinking about this since watching this video the first time, aside from the creatures you can find at Ye Olde Inn, another thing that can ramp up the difficulty is that some monsters (or special/named monsters), they can roll defense on white shields instead of black. Again, this can be scaled up or down as Zargon sees fit.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      Having some monsters defend on white shields would be an easy way to power them up.

  • @dimitristripakis7364
    @dimitristripakis7364 Рік тому +1

    To make the game easier = Heroes can play in any order.
    To make the game harder = Once you come in contact with a monster, you may not move away from him until he is destroyed.
    Fun monster = Skeleton Wizard. A Skeleton who draws two random Dread spells as soon as he comes into play.
    Fun hero = Mercenary. You pay some gold to have them around for next mission only.
    Have fun!

  • @kingkujoe
    @kingkujoe Рік тому

    Shuffling the treasure deck each time the players searched for treasure.

  • @azuretigers5562
    @azuretigers5562 2 роки тому


  • @sfc3439
    @sfc3439 6 місяців тому +1

    Damn your mom is awesome af, props to her.

  • @accessyourinnerlight971
    @accessyourinnerlight971 2 роки тому

    You should look into Bloody Eye Games' "Broadsword" to see how the rules of Heroquest might be developed further as well. I borrowed a few ideas from both Heroquest and Broadsword for my Savages and Sorcerers game.

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      I probably should check that one out. Thanks!

  • @mkh2op833
    @mkh2op833 2 роки тому

    i have around 48 custom monsters i have also currently 11 custom bosses. a 12th boss im working on is an orc shaman who has 7 move 3 attack 9 body 4 defense and 5 mind. he casts summon orcs x2 ball of flame x15 and can cast tempest x3 but can cast it twice per turn .

  • @BossTripp1
    @BossTripp1 Рік тому +1

    I need these house rules... where do i get them? Nvm... see them

  • @xreev0x
    @xreev0x 2 роки тому +2

    Gold is a joke in HQ. We implemented that rule that the hero that lands the killing blow loots from the monster xd6 in gold (where x = the defense of the monster which was killed). This way heroes get enough gold to start making purchases after only a few games.

  • @MrJormun
    @MrJormun 2 роки тому +1

    id propaply add that thrown items only get destroyed if you roll the bunny result

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      That could be a good idea. I know that the "lost when thrown" standard isn't something that is very popular.

  • @keithhunt8
    @keithhunt8 11 місяців тому

    Great video.

  • @ForrestFox
    @ForrestFox Рік тому

    Wizard should have a reusable spell like Magic Missile lvl1 (1 combat dice), that can be upgraded to Magic Missile lvl2 (2 combat dice) for a cost of 150gp. No limit in how often the wizard can cast it.

    • @JonCombo
      @JonCombo 11 місяців тому +1

      You can just make a custom set of spells. Have the magic missile spell return after a round, or a certain roll - say roll 2 dice, if it's under your mind points, it is returned.

  • @kjwinston77
    @kjwinston77 2 роки тому

    Simple ...Simple...Simple. HQ was to be simple. Instaed of making rules up like XP points (which I like till you have to keep track of them) when you return to home(always the tavern) that is where you can assign XP. the more XP the more reward for the next quest. I add jewels (small ones ) to keep track and they are worth more every time you come back. Theses can be attached to the Artifacts and / or furniture searched. So much easier on the DM to track what is going on. Zargon approved.

    • @smartgenes1
      @smartgenes1 2 роки тому

      I like that better, I want to reward some D&D creativity.

  • @Blaklyon0
    @Blaklyon0 2 роки тому +1

    Everyone has different house rules... Because, every house is different. but are there particular set of universal house rules that, everyone goes by?

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому +1

      I don’t think the rules that EVERYONE goes by, but the rules to speed up the game as far as the hero movement goes, when there are no traps or monsters around, seems to be the closest I’m hearing to universal.

  • @p.j.02
    @p.j.02 Рік тому

    A problem I have with the game is that there is no incentive for killing monsters so experience for kills is nice with a simple level system

  • @jonatanendrise5341
    @jonatanendrise5341 Рік тому

    Hello I’m new to hero quest I was wandering how do u use hero quest but with dnd quests trying to use it like the expansion hero quest already has

  • @GuruChaz
    @GuruChaz Рік тому

    I heard someone say that rolling 2s is an outdated mechanic. Has that been fixed yet?

  • @rolfkraulein2903
    @rolfkraulein2903 Рік тому

    The Haunt is a very good idea, i'll use it for a Catacomp or Cemetery Mission. But where can i get the PDF?

  • @splatcave3145
    @splatcave3145 2 роки тому

    "My mother had the Snitch"......she can get cream for that dontcha know 😂😂😂

  • @BlueRonin44
    @BlueRonin44 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for reading a Reddit thread to us

  • @warface4881
    @warface4881 Рік тому

    I've been more concerned with making it easier at the beginning. Starting everyone with a healing potion and a helmet.

  • @_MikeJon_
    @_MikeJon_ 9 місяців тому

    So here's a question, could you make it so more than 4 heros can play? Like adding more monsters and traps or is that too complicated?

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  9 місяців тому +1

      You can. We used to do it all the time because there were more family members then heroes. We would just "wing it" by adding some monsters here and there. Nothing complex or official.

  • @dreamleaf6784
    @dreamleaf6784 2 роки тому

    maybe a good trap idea. chance to find trap. rather then automatic

  • @littilittiti1272
    @littilittiti1272 8 місяців тому

    Is there a posibillity to download the new cards?

  • @aaronpinder7071
    @aaronpinder7071 Рік тому

    With regard to rules as written, does using an item card of any kind count as an action on a player's turn?

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  Рік тому

      We have never played that using an item on a card is an action. It never says anything about that. You can, for instance, drink a potion and then attack.

  • @jayandreas1131
    @jayandreas1131 2 роки тому

    1:10 Snitch? Wasn’t there something called a sentry in the original, or was that in Advanced?

  • @sportster1200xl
    @sportster1200xl 2 роки тому

    Can you post a link, or add a link in the video to the House Rules PDF mentioned?

    • @EHeathRobinson
      @EHeathRobinson  2 роки тому

      Here is the LTK Variant rules link:

  • @plezmybob
    @plezmybob 2 роки тому +1

    I still can't believe you didn't buy the new game.

  • @stevethenorthernsonstorie1406

    love HQ but i try to in corporate more Warhammer elements more specifically underworlds the two games mess well and give more dynamic game play in the tradition keep it simple stupid ore just play underworlds better yet play warhammer

  • @argyrispouggouras3378
    @argyrispouggouras3378 Рік тому +1

    The faster people realize Hero Quest is a game for kids (in the 80s) the faster we'll drop the discussion of how "bad" it is and how to "improve" it. Hero Quest has great components that you can use to make your custom dungeon crawler. But it won't be Hero Quest any more. A lot of the ideas proposed are already implemented by the later GW dungeon crawlers such as Advanced Hero Quest and Warhammer Quest, who are pretty much the evolution of HQ.

    • @clwnthr
      @clwnthr Рік тому +2

      Which most people can't get their hands on though. So it's either "improve" HeroQuest, or buy a newer game like e.g. League of Dungeoneers.

    • @stephenolder4552
      @stephenolder4552 10 місяців тому +1

      People realize this, but there's nothing wrong with coming up with house rules to make the game more enjoyable for older players. Whatever works for your table/audience. If you don't enjoy these discussions, then don't click on videos about these topics

  • @imalive4u169
    @imalive4u169 2 роки тому

    I actually dislike the dice roll movement because it's too random which makes it impossible to use strategy in advance. And it's too unrealistic as the characters have a random movement between 2-12 spaces while monsters have fixed movement spaces so a dwarf could potentially move faster than a goblin which has a movement of 10 spaces or an elf moving slower than a mummy of 4 spaces. Based upon the mercenaries from the frozen horror I would say the heroes should have a base movement of 6 spaces. If one of them is wearing plate mail armor reduce their movement to 5 spaces which is a better alternative than a random roll of one dice 1-6 spaces. As for the swift wind spell change it to double movement so 6 spaces would be 12 spaces of movement.
    This makes goblins, orcs, and dread warriors movement faster than the heroes able to catch up with the heroes to overtake them while zombies and mummies are slower than the heroes making it difficult for them to catch up to the heroes because of their decay being undead adding a realistic element to the game.

    • @smartgenes1
      @smartgenes1 2 роки тому +1

      I don't mind it, it make sense that in a situation of a underground dungeon characters are not going to have a fixed movement: not knowing surroundings, fear or panic, running, injury etc. Combat is not fixed so why should movement? Players just have to add in the factor that they may make a poor roll when devising strategy,

    • @spyseahorse4277
      @spyseahorse4277 Рік тому +1

      @@smartgenes1 agree, when you can't move far enough to help a friend adds to the drama and rolling 12 + swift wind spell such fun 😄

  • @joel6376
    @joel6376 2 роки тому

    >the wizard needs more
    the wizard can buy the staff, bracers and cape thing. 2attack 4defence. Seems pretty ok?