I never understand podcasts that get interesting people on their show, and then proceed to hijack the conversation themselves, basically interviewing themselves instead of the guest
Dude is a Nobody Amateur interviewer with definitely NO education in journalism or anything relevant. Worst thing to happen to UA-cam was a flood of talentless hacks creating content.
If a president was serious about figuring this shit out, he may not be able to force the intelligience community to read him in, but he could easily threaten Lockheed Martin with cancelling all their govt contracts. that’s the majority of their revenue and I’m pretty sure you can do that w an executive order.
@@froilangonzalez963 You don't know what you don't know about where Lockheed is with these black programs. Their contracts will never be cancelled because their black projects are too important.
Gov't: "We cannot, with any degree of accuracy, ascertain what exactly is flying 500ft above the nuclear warheads at this time." Same Gov't: "Who's turn to steer the remote control car on Mars that sends those 4K images across the solar system in real time?"
Dude. My god. Look up the Nimitz video and you’ll see why they can’t track them. Our military has already informed the public about these UAPs but apparently after a couple short months everyone forgot
@enricopallazzo2987 it is the beginning of a Psyop, not only does the Gov't know what these are, the Gov't is piloting them. You can't send 4K color images from Mars and only have blurry black and white images 5 miles off the Nimitz. This is the next "false flag" operation to sell the public that we have to find another war.
It MIGHT HAVE BEEN NICE, if the audience could have seen that page with the teardrop UFO in that book. It would have been easy to turn the page to the camera, so we could have a look.
Anyone with any basic uap knowledge should know the story well...its the podcasts too ignorant to mention it that isn't cool...should be basically mentioned every time talking about uap evidence
The assertion that the United States has developed man-made aircraft resembling Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) is supported by historical evidence of secretive military programs and advanced aerospace projects. These initiatives have often led to public sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena, which were later revealed to be cutting-edge human-engineered technology.
@eriklarsson3188 Sure.... What makes you think that? There were Germans who came to American who were, indeed, geniuses, but "Germany" itself never shared anything...
2:00 Close, but not quite. Gravity control is something that is achieved through the utilization of what they are really hiding, which is the energy source. There is a lot of public documentation about this, but you have to know what you're looking at to make sense or use of it. 6:52 Try the 40's.
@@vwk3851 A few quotes to give you an idea: Richard Feynman: "One teacup of empty space contains enough energy to boil all the world's oceans" Ben Rich (former director of Lockheed Martin's Skunkworks): "We now have the technology to take ET home" Robert Oppenheimer: "Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds" (context: made around the time of the development of the nuclear bomb, but if you know the science then you know he's not referring to the nuclear bomb directly)
@@itranscendencei7964 it’s hard for even the smartest of us to recognize a completely different framework or blueprint when it comes to vocabulary and scientific terms. when you say energy all they can think of is replacing their petroleum engines with another type of specific resource like electricity or mercury or wood or sugar. But whatever it is, they still want to harness and use. It’s like telling someone who’s watched football for 50 years, who’s never seen baseball. And then trying to explain how the game baseball works with no pictures or videos.
People are so quick to dismiss the fact that it could be extraterrestrial life but the native American Indians have been talking about this forever because they are taught about star people
Most people believe they exist but why you would use native indians as a example to believe is baffling. Europeans have older cultures and are way more forward thinking, same with All asian countries and pretty much the rest of the old world.
@@MGJazz52 - I’m literally in awe of Jesse Michel’s intelligence. He’s absolutely one of the smartest people making this kind of content. I legitimately have a hard time keeping up with some of his videos that are more focused on the physics of the phenomenon!
The government and powerful people would never participate in a conspiracy for their own benefits, never 👽 They have every americans best interests in mind 🛸trust me bro.
@dionysis84 yes exactly that...I've seen it with my own eyes...myself and my father and his father before him have dealt with these beings for generations...I know it sounds crazy but I promise you it's as real as you and i....
Salvador Pius(savior of the world) patented lighter than air craft a few yrs ago for all of us to read and copy, strange that he isn't mentioned here, also Stavatti aerospace Niagara Falls .
Lately, I've been fascinated by videos of drones interacting with mysterious orbs. Strangely, when drones approach these orbs, they start flashing red, and some even plummet out of the sky if they get too close. It’s almost as if these drones are purposefully seeking out the orbs for reasons unknown. But here’s the thing-while everyone’s focus is on the drones, I can’t help but wonder if following their movements might reveal something deeper. Could they be actively tracking these orbs, and if so, what are they trying to uncover
So far the best explanation is the guy benny johnson posted a guy who is a ceo of a military drone company. He said he thinks they are trying to find something perhaps a missing warhead that disappeared. That actually would explain a lot but its also terrifying.
People travel across the world to observe and research on the smallest things. Stop trying to dismiss aliens based on that weak ass take stupid. also people believe they’ve been here all this time so technically they wouldn’t be “traveling hundreds” but I don’t believe that.
Why assume we are the ONLY sentient species in this world? This world, is very very very OLD. Many have come, and gone. We will NOT BE THE LAST! Oceans contain SO MUCH LIFE, is it really so far fetched? It's most the world, oceans I mean!
Gravity is just a name given to how our planet works stuff in the air falls to the ground.... Gravity... When I throw something up in the air it falls back down, do u have a different outcome? It's literally a assigned word to it basically but technically your correct.
Danke, Sie machen eine gute Arbeit. Meine Theorie nach Burkhard Heim zum Antrieb der Ufos: Bewegt man ein elektrisches Feld, erzeugt dies Elektro-Magnetismus. Bewegt man Masse, erzeugt dies ein Quantenfeld. (Kreisel, Quecksilber, Wolfram, hohe Drehzahlen..) Ist das Quantenfeld stabil genug, so das es eine Phasengrenze erzeugt zu dem Quantenfeld, in welchem sich unser Universum befindet, schirmt dieses erzeugte künstliche Quantenfeld die Trägheit und Gravitationseffekte des kosmischen Quantenfeldes zu 100% ab, welche das gewohnte universale Quantenfeld uns vermittelt. Es existieren keine Gravitonen, diese Theorie wurde schon von Burkhard Heim verworfen. Der Druck und die Eigenschaften des universalen Quantenfeldes, in welchem sich unser Kosmos befindet, drückt die Massen zueinander hin aufgrund gegenseitiger Wechselwirkungen. Die Trägheit wird ebenfalls durch das Quantenfeld vermittelt, welches wie Honig an allem zu kleben scheint, was sich bewegen möchte oder abgebremst wird. Da Masse nichts anderes als hoch verdichtete gebundene Energie ist, wird nebenbei um den Flugkörper noch ein elektromagnetisches Hochspannungsfeld generiert, welches der Umgebung Wärme entzieht. Den gleichen Effekt kann man im kleinen Experiment erreichen, in dem man Quecksilber in einem Torus beschleunigt, da Quecksilber immer vom Minuspol zum Pluspol fließt, können so hohe Drehzahlen und ein starker Masseeffekt erzeugt werden. Alles in der unmittelbaren Umgebung dieses kleinen experimentellen Torus welcher mit DC angesteuert wird, fällt nicht mehr gerade Richtung Boden, ein kleiner Tennisball und ebenso ein Schraubenzieher machen beim fallen einen Bogen, als würden sie von dem Feld, welches der Torus erzeugt, abgestoßen. Eine mit DC Elektromagnetspulen erregte Supraleiterscheibe reduziert das Gewicht über ihr um bis zu messbare 4%, da damit ein schwaches Quantenfeld erzeugt wird, welcher den Gravitationsdruck des Kosmos, welcher das Testgewicht auf die Erde drücken will, vermindert. Da reicht bereits eine Autobatterie für dieses Experiment. Würde man stärkere Elektromagnete nehmen, steigt der Effekt nicht an. Kaskadiert man jedoch das System, dann steigt die Gewichtsverminderung an. Die Nasa weiss es, die Nasa tut es, die Tic-Tac Ufos sind womöglich das Resultat davon. Sie sind Computergesteuert ohne Pilot, eine Fernsteuerung würde womöglich nicht funktionieren, da nichts durch die Phasengrenze der Quantenfeldblase hindurch kommen würde. Es sei denn, das Feld wäre intermittierend. Mit Dank an Max Blank, Burkhard Heims Arbeiten und allen nicht dogmatischen Hobby-Quantenphysiker. Beste Grüsse von einem Ufo Wissbegierigen, der sich 1975 am Murtensee an einer Diskusscheibe eine Kälteverbrennung an der Hand geholt hatte, weil er dachte, er könnte das Ding mal anfassen, dass da 1 Meter in der Luft schwebte. (Mit 2 Zeugen die dabei waren, ich war damals 16 Jahre jung) Wir haben 2012 kleine Experimente gemacht mit sich schnell drehender Masse. Im Umkreis von etwa 30 bis 50 cm konnte kein Gegenstand mehr gerade zu Boden fallen, das Quantenfeld in welchem wir leben und sein Druck wurde verzerrt durch das schwache Quantenfeld, welches wir erzeugen konnten. Jeder kann dieses Experiment wiederholen, er muss aber an seine Sicherheit denken und sich gut schützen. Das Gehäuse um den Experimentalkreisel wurde sehr kalt, unter null Grad, und es hatte sich elektrisch aufgeladen mit einer hohen Spannung bei nidrigstem Strom. (0.300 mA bei 140 Kv DC) Grüsse Beatus
"R" clearances is a South Korean designation. The US does not have an "R". The "Q" is for nuclear that he references though. A comparable to an R in the US would be a SAP.
For us supposedly knowing ET technology since the 50s-60s, we sure as heck haven't done anything good with it..... And gravity control? They sure didn't use any of that on the space shuttles of the 80s! What good is it then??? ZERO!
16:00ish min. Compartmentalization. This is not novel. This is exactly how all classified programs work. Take the SR71 program. Even the pilots didn't know what was up. They got in the plane, and were told to turn left, turn right, go up, go down and that's the limit of their knowledge of the plane. they had zero idea what it was for, that it was stealthy, that it was going to be the fastest jet ever created. Classified work has to be this way...
For a spaceship to have interstellar capabilities it would have to be huge to make it. Just think how often stuff breaks down on you. They would have the same troubles. You would need multiple redundant systems. There's just too much to go wrong. And it's just too far.
That’s only if they think like us. If their intelligence is superior to ours then they may not have the same issues we face here on Earth as humans. Open your mind a bit more and imagine the most unbelievable technology and intelligence you could ever imagine truly exists. ❤
@Darren-t6f Yes...I think government contracts and trillions secretly given can buy the best physicist, scientists and engineers in the world. I've had 2 CE-5 contacts. Spielbergs "Close Encounters" was an actual event .. different location ,story padded of course for Hollywood.. but our military reached out to contact and it happened.
7:38 Julian.. They were never "stuck in Huntsville..." WVB and the rest weren't all set up here in Huntsville until 1950 when the ABMA made Redstone Arsenal home to rocket and missile development. It wasn't called the ABMA until 1956, but I'll use that anyway, as it's best known. Prior to that, the US Army Ordnance Corps via Op. Paperclip brought them to Fort Bliss, TX, where they with the Army had been since they arrived in the US since September 1945. So, VonBraun was in the US working for half a decade before he ever stepped foot in Huntsville. Other Nazis arrived at differing dates, and people forgot...it wasn't just *rockets* they came to work on. Multiple types of research were worked on by Nazis once in the United States. There is SOOO much misinformation and honestly disinformation about that operation, their roles once here, and much more. I was born and lived here in Huntsville my entite life and maybe thats why it baffles me people still think Paperclip was some super secret thing revealed 5 minutes ago. People are just ignorant to their own history I guess. Im not denying the Nazis werent evil, heinous, demonic soldiers hellbent on destroying humanity. Just saying the ones that ended up here isnt all its said to be, and that means good or bad, nobody stops to ask the people who lived with them and grew up in the same town. Ive got three generations of family who grew up here, lots that work with NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center, as well as dozens of friends in multiple DoD contractor fields here as well. This is a beautiful town with rich and yes wild, obviously, history that nobody wants to look at. They just hear Alabama and Huntsville and think KKK rednecks and Nazis... we couldn't be further from that here. Have there been evil people here? Racist people? Absolutely, sadly. But evil is everywhere you can see, and the places you can't. We can equate a place and its entirety of people as evil because a few pieces of human garbage lived there also. Love conquers evil. It might take time, but she always wins the fight. Bless you guys!
no such thing as gravity, Ed Leedskalnin explains all this in his book “Magnetic Current”. This is not new age, this was written in the 40’s/50’s after he built Coral Castle. Everything is just electro magnetic energy, that’s why they had static electric balls on the antennas and why the ships in the Matrix movies move like they do. Spin or torque vectoring creates pull or static. Electricity is what connects us via that static. In Physiology we call it ground force reaction, same reason your hair is static when you drag your feet…etc
@ i forgot a really important part; the more mass, the more electromagnetic static or pull it creates. “gravity” is just euphemism to explain a phenomenon science can’t explain. i realize a lot of my words are generalizations of their true meanings. It’s the only way to explain it in laymen’s terms without getting too into physics and/or electrical engineering which i myself am not qualified to dive into.
Either they come from another world or this one..just a different reality or demintion. Government is hoping they go away so they can come up with a story and move on
I’ll have to see intelligent life elsewhere before I’m convinced of it. I still love watching the topic. There’s a story about a military base where they were doing missle tests and the officers that went out to collect data on the debris….one of the two was abducted disected and dumped back on the missle range back in the 50s or something like that…..the other officer ended up in mental hospital….that story??? Is that story made up or supposedly happened? It’s been on a few documentaries saying about the same stuff the guest is saying…so I s the story true or bullshit? Thanks liked
In this day of electronic ease we don't use our imagination anymore. Just take a moment and imagine an infinite universe and an infinite amount of time. Of course there are others "out there " i don't know what they look like or how they travel.,but its a mathematical certainty they exist.
We can send people to the moon and read a license plate from space. But we just can’t figure out whose drones those are😂 I believe em, dont you?
You raised a good question.
They are gaslighting the American public this has a fishy smell to it
No one can read a license plate from space stupid 😂
They know. They don’t like the answer
do as you’re told.
If people are afraid of aliens ask yourself what they would do differently than what humans already do to eachother.
Be a thread to the western world
make u sick
Eat us?
@@vincentobrien788too much salt 🧂 😂😂😂😂
Good point
I never understand podcasts that get interesting people on their show, and then proceed to hijack the conversation themselves, basically interviewing themselves instead of the guest
Dude is a Nobody Amateur interviewer with definitely NO education in journalism or anything relevant. Worst thing to happen to UA-cam was a flood of talentless hacks creating content.
If a president was serious about figuring this shit out, he may not be able to force the intelligience community to read him in, but he could easily threaten Lockheed Martin with cancelling all their govt contracts. that’s the majority of their revenue and I’m pretty sure you can do that w an executive order.
And, give them to whom? It's almost a one horse race. Not many alternatives.
@@e.l.norton Maybe Space Force? But if you don't threaten the cancellation of their government contracts, you're not going to get anywhere.
Tesla lol😂@@e.l.norton
@@froilangonzalez963 You don't know what you don't know about where Lockheed is with these black programs. Their contracts will never be cancelled because their black projects are too important.
Money 💰 talks!
Gov't: "We cannot, with any degree of accuracy, ascertain what exactly is flying 500ft above the nuclear warheads at this time."
Same Gov't: "Who's turn to steer the remote control car on Mars that sends those 4K images across the solar system in real time?"
Enough said.
News Flash.....ITS US!😂
Dude. My god. Look up the Nimitz video and you’ll see why they can’t track them. Our military has already informed the public about these UAPs but apparently after a couple short months everyone forgot
@enricopallazzo2987 it is the beginning of a Psyop, not only does the Gov't know what these are, the Gov't is piloting them. You can't send 4K color images from Mars and only have blurry black and white images 5 miles off the Nimitz. This is the next "false flag" operation to sell the public that we have to find another war.
@@enricopallazzo2987because they were all full of it
It MIGHT HAVE BEEN NICE, if the audience could have seen that page with the teardrop UFO in that book. It would have been easy to turn the page to the camera, so we could have a look.
My expressed thought too.
I agree with you.
However, to play devils advocate. Could it be a copyright issue, as to why it wasn't shown?
Socorro NM is my hometown. Very famous story. My elders knew Mr Zamora. So cool to hear it mentioned here.
Anyone with any basic uap knowledge should know the story well...its the podcasts too ignorant to mention it that isn't cool...should be basically mentioned every time talking about uap evidence
Appreciate it 👍
Aliens saw us crash a toy helicopter on Mars.... now theyre here to show NASA how its done.... 🛸 👽
The assertion that the United States has developed man-made aircraft resembling Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) is supported by historical evidence of secretive military programs and advanced aerospace projects. These initiatives have often led to public sightings of unexplained aerial phenomena, which were later revealed to be cutting-edge human-engineered technology.
Why would they be seen in Canada, England, China, Russian and other countries then?
@@lyndamcrae The same reason the U-2 and SR-71 flew over many of those countries.
The Germans gave them the tech.
No man-made craft can accomplish what the UAPs can do!!!
@eriklarsson3188 Sure.... What makes you think that? There were Germans who came to American who were, indeed, geniuses, but "Germany" itself never shared anything...
I love the detail of the ball cap on the man outside an antigravity ship. That case has had me wondering almost as much as the 2004 Tic Tac.
The background picture while listening to this guy is gold
The Frank Sinatra lighting a cigarette one? I think that's from the original Oceans 11 movie.
Damn youtube should just look in here for 80% of the bots
We now have the TECHNOLOGY TO TAKE ET HOME ~ Ben Rich 1987 UCLA
He actually never said that. It's a common misunderstanding.
2:00 Close, but not quite. Gravity control is something that is achieved through the utilization of what they are really hiding, which is the energy source. There is a lot of public documentation about this, but you have to know what you're looking at to make sense or use of it.
6:52 Try the 40's.
Interesting. What do you suppose that energy source is? Gravitational collapse?Or some process emergent from the quantum vacuum, perhaps?
@vwk3851 The energy source *IS* the quantum vacuum.
@@vwk3851 A few quotes to give you an idea:
Richard Feynman: "One teacup of empty space contains enough energy to boil all the world's oceans"
Ben Rich (former director of Lockheed Martin's Skunkworks): "We now have the technology to take ET home"
Robert Oppenheimer: "Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds" (context: made around the time of the development of the nuclear bomb, but if you know the science then you know he's not referring to the nuclear bomb directly)
@@itranscendencei7964 it’s hard for even the smartest of us to recognize a completely different framework or blueprint when it comes to vocabulary and scientific terms. when you say energy all they can think of is replacing their petroleum engines with another type of specific resource like electricity or mercury or wood or sugar. But whatever it is, they still want to harness and use. It’s like telling someone who’s watched football for 50 years, who’s never seen baseball. And then trying to explain how the game baseball works with no pictures or videos.
Okay bub you got the secret to anti gravity? How's that treating you?
This is like listening to your senile grandfather tell a story...All over the place.
People are so quick to dismiss the fact that it could be extraterrestrial life but the native American Indians have been talking about this forever because they are taught about star people
You can’t dismiss it anymore they’re here and they’re making quite a show of it
What if Chief Fallen Rock has been with them and now smokes their weed the whole time? And wants his land back? 😅
We’ve been told that we are not alone for eons.
And Mexico. The Star/Sky People. They are millenia old, Their wisdom and powers far exceed humans. Mind Body Spirit. 🌌🌎🤔🙏
Most people believe they exist but why you would use native indians as a example to believe is baffling. Europeans have older cultures and are way more forward thinking, same with All asian countries and pretty much the rest of the old world.
Julian Dorey is one of the smartest dudes I've seen. The kid is sharp as a tack!
Jesse Michels walked all over Julian when he had him on his podcast.
@@MGJazz52 Whatchu mean? As in showed him up in intelligence?!? Or dominated the conversation??? I'm not tracking.
That's HILARIOUS! He's a moron.....
@@MGJazz52 - I’m literally in awe of Jesse Michel’s intelligence. He’s absolutely one of the smartest people making this kind of content. I legitimately have a hard time keeping up with some of his videos that are more focused on the physics of the phenomenon!
Omg I love your mug on your desk.. I need 😊
RIDICULOUS!!! Liar who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Repeats other garbage. What a fraud.
The government and powerful people would never participate in a conspiracy for their own benefits, never 👽 They have every americans best interests in mind 🛸trust me bro.
Excellent sarcasm!!
Flying wings look like a teardrop in profile.
My crap looks like a submarine in toliet
Anti gravity looks like a sideways tear drop
the gravity machine is not the secret, its everything behind it that is utterly horrific and terrifying
I agree..I think it comes along with consequences....portals and other scary things
They aren't afraid to tell you theres aliens..they are afraid to tell you some of those aliens are from earths religious books.
@@samualstanley8671like what, fallen angels?
@dionysis84 yes exactly that...I've seen it with my own eyes...myself and my father and his father before him have dealt with these beings for generations...I know it sounds crazy but I promise you it's as real as you and i....
Badger mentality with One ... Worked for me . 😁
Holy hell, this guy was impossibly difficult to listen to. He has gotta work on his speaking skills. What the hell.
Besides the fact that no one knows unless they know. Why do so many people get caught up on who created the tech and what they believed?
Could someone not have told this guy to stop smacking his lips directly into the mic?
Salvador Pius(savior of the world) patented lighter than air craft a few yrs ago for all of us to read and copy, strange that he isn't mentioned here, also Stavatti aerospace Niagara Falls .
julian dorey is one smart dude! love his videos.
Chula Vista is in San diego....socal
It’s legit aliens. 👽 🎉
New subscriber here. Enjoyed the podcast!
Lately, I've been fascinated by videos of drones interacting with mysterious orbs. Strangely, when drones approach these orbs, they start flashing red, and some even plummet out of the sky if they get too close. It’s almost as if these drones are purposefully seeking out the orbs for reasons unknown. But here’s the thing-while everyone’s focus is on the drones, I can’t help but wonder if following their movements might reveal something deeper. Could they be actively tracking these orbs, and if so, what are they trying to uncover
The SR-71 blackbird was decades ahead of its time. Think about that. Yes we have gravity control tech.
Skinwalker ranch is full of ufos!
One underneath it too I bet
Skinwalker ranch has a hyperactive portal 🖖
It's also full of sh..!
So far the best explanation is the guy benny johnson posted a guy who is a ceo of a military drone company. He said he thinks they are trying to find something perhaps a missing warhead that disappeared. That actually would explain a lot but its also terrifying.
This guy is on point.100%
The Julian Dorey Subreddit is the most confusing subreddit I’ve ever seen
My God this guy cant put his thoughts together
We build and test AGV's here in Southern Nevada. It's rather common to witness them hanging out over Las Vegas, all digital piloting...
Ya aliens travel hundreds of light years to get here, then drop some wires to tap into our power grid 😂😂😂😂
People travel across the world to observe and research on the smallest things. Stop trying to dismiss aliens based on that weak ass take stupid. also people believe they’ve been here all this time so technically they wouldn’t be “traveling hundreds” but I don’t believe that.
This guy nailed it 👍👍
This guy is smart. Good guest
High voltage with high frequency is the secret to gravity control
Why assume we are the ONLY sentient species in this world?
This world, is very very very OLD.
Many have come, and gone. We will NOT BE THE LAST!
Oceans contain SO MUCH LIFE, is it really so far fetched?
It's most the world, oceans I mean!
6:09 Chula Vista is in Southern California
Correct. I’m in Oceanside !!
Cool stories and stories about stories bro.
Where can I watch the whole video?
I say let's wait and see. All this talk of War. We may see things cannot be explained.
Makes sense they would have inherited the knowledge of Di Gloke from the Nazis.
Gravity is a hypothesis... Still no proof if gravity is real
Gravity is just a name given to how our planet works stuff in the air falls to the ground.... Gravity... When I throw something up in the air it falls back down, do u have a different outcome? It's literally a assigned word to it basically but technically your correct.
Danke, Sie machen eine gute Arbeit.
Meine Theorie nach Burkhard Heim zum Antrieb der Ufos: Bewegt man ein elektrisches Feld, erzeugt dies Elektro-Magnetismus. Bewegt man Masse, erzeugt dies ein Quantenfeld. (Kreisel, Quecksilber, Wolfram, hohe Drehzahlen..) Ist das Quantenfeld stabil genug, so das es eine Phasengrenze erzeugt zu dem Quantenfeld, in welchem sich unser Universum befindet, schirmt dieses erzeugte künstliche Quantenfeld die Trägheit und Gravitationseffekte des kosmischen Quantenfeldes zu 100% ab, welche das gewohnte universale Quantenfeld uns vermittelt. Es existieren keine Gravitonen, diese Theorie wurde schon von Burkhard Heim verworfen. Der Druck und die Eigenschaften des universalen Quantenfeldes, in welchem sich unser Kosmos befindet, drückt die Massen zueinander hin aufgrund gegenseitiger Wechselwirkungen. Die Trägheit wird ebenfalls durch das Quantenfeld vermittelt, welches wie Honig an allem zu kleben scheint, was sich bewegen möchte oder abgebremst wird. Da Masse nichts anderes als hoch verdichtete gebundene Energie ist, wird nebenbei um den Flugkörper noch ein elektromagnetisches Hochspannungsfeld generiert, welches der Umgebung Wärme entzieht. Den gleichen Effekt kann man im kleinen Experiment erreichen, in dem man Quecksilber in einem Torus beschleunigt, da Quecksilber immer vom Minuspol zum Pluspol fließt, können so hohe Drehzahlen und ein starker Masseeffekt erzeugt werden. Alles in der unmittelbaren Umgebung dieses kleinen experimentellen Torus welcher mit DC angesteuert wird, fällt nicht mehr gerade Richtung Boden, ein kleiner Tennisball und ebenso ein Schraubenzieher machen beim fallen einen Bogen, als würden sie von dem Feld, welches der Torus erzeugt, abgestoßen. Eine mit DC Elektromagnetspulen erregte Supraleiterscheibe reduziert das Gewicht über ihr um bis zu messbare 4%, da damit ein schwaches Quantenfeld erzeugt wird, welcher den Gravitationsdruck des Kosmos, welcher das Testgewicht auf die Erde drücken will, vermindert. Da reicht bereits eine Autobatterie für dieses Experiment. Würde man stärkere Elektromagnete nehmen, steigt der Effekt nicht an. Kaskadiert man jedoch das System, dann steigt die Gewichtsverminderung an. Die Nasa weiss es, die Nasa tut es, die Tic-Tac Ufos sind womöglich das Resultat davon. Sie sind Computergesteuert ohne Pilot, eine Fernsteuerung würde womöglich nicht funktionieren, da nichts durch die Phasengrenze der Quantenfeldblase hindurch kommen würde. Es sei denn, das Feld wäre intermittierend. Mit Dank an Max Blank, Burkhard Heims Arbeiten und allen nicht dogmatischen Hobby-Quantenphysiker. Beste Grüsse von einem Ufo Wissbegierigen, der sich 1975 am Murtensee an einer Diskusscheibe eine Kälteverbrennung an der Hand geholt hatte, weil er dachte, er könnte das Ding mal anfassen, dass da 1 Meter in der Luft schwebte. (Mit 2 Zeugen die dabei waren, ich war damals 16 Jahre jung)
Wir haben 2012 kleine Experimente gemacht mit sich schnell drehender Masse. Im Umkreis von etwa 30 bis 50 cm konnte kein Gegenstand mehr gerade zu Boden fallen, das Quantenfeld in welchem wir leben und sein Druck wurde verzerrt durch das schwache Quantenfeld, welches wir erzeugen konnten. Jeder kann dieses Experiment wiederholen, er muss aber an seine Sicherheit denken und sich gut schützen. Das Gehäuse um den Experimentalkreisel wurde sehr kalt, unter null Grad, und es hatte sich elektrisch aufgeladen mit einer hohen Spannung bei nidrigstem Strom. (0.300 mA bei 140 Kv DC)
Grüsse Beatus
"R" clearances is a South Korean designation. The US does not have an "R". The "Q" is for nuclear that he references though. A comparable to an R in the US would be a SAP.
Seriously didn’t even get through the outro without hitting me with another ad.
For us supposedly knowing ET technology since the 50s-60s, we sure as heck haven't done anything good with it.....
And gravity control? They sure didn't use any of that on the space shuttles of the 80s! What good is it then??? ZERO!
Apparently there's 97 different aliens but who ok or who not🤔
What is the name of the book.
“The majestic document” has been thoroughly debunked MANY TIMES, once by Stanton friedman
🎼here 🎵come 🎵the men in black🎵
Narrative defenders 🎵
16:00ish min. Compartmentalization. This is not novel. This is exactly how all classified programs work. Take the SR71 program. Even the pilots didn't know what was up. They got in the plane, and were told to turn left, turn right, go up, go down and that's the limit of their knowledge of the plane. they had zero idea what it was for, that it was stealthy, that it was going to be the fastest jet ever created. Classified work has to be this way...
Its human technology, we are only aware of past technology when in reality future technology exists in the present
We have such big EGOs !!!@@😮😅😊
Time and Gravity are like ying and yang
Phoenix and Dragon
19:15 he says it about Ben Rich, so I should have waited until the end to comment 🙂↕️
For a spaceship to have interstellar capabilities it would have to be huge to make it. Just think how often stuff breaks down on you. They would have the same troubles. You would need multiple redundant systems. There's just too much to go wrong. And it's just too far.
That’s only if they think like us. If their intelligence is superior to ours then they may not have the same issues we face here on Earth as humans. Open your mind a bit more and imagine the most unbelievable technology and intelligence you could ever imagine truly exists. ❤
After what's happening in Gaza, would it be safe to say we can replace " Natizis with Zionist?
teardrop, or like a bicycle seat...
Chula Vista is in Southern California
dont be the fish dont be the lure be the line that see's both ends.
Roswell crash retrieval 1947. Lockheed/Raytheon 1st reversed engineered test flight 1954.. Imagine what could be amassed in 70 years.
Oops - commented before you all got to this.
@Darren-t6f Yes...I think government contracts and trillions secretly given can buy the best physicist, scientists and engineers in the world. I've had 2 CE-5 contacts. Spielbergs "Close Encounters" was an actual event .. different location ,story padded of course for Hollywood.. but our military reached out to contact and it happened.
7:38 Julian.. They were never "stuck in Huntsville..." WVB and the rest weren't all set up here in Huntsville until 1950 when the ABMA made Redstone Arsenal home to rocket and missile development. It wasn't called the ABMA until 1956, but I'll use that anyway, as it's best known. Prior to that, the US Army Ordnance Corps via Op. Paperclip brought them to Fort Bliss, TX, where they with the Army had been since they arrived in the US since September 1945. So, VonBraun was in the US working for half a decade before he ever stepped foot in Huntsville. Other Nazis arrived at differing dates, and people forgot...it wasn't just *rockets* they came to work on. Multiple types of research were worked on by Nazis once in the United States. There is SOOO much misinformation and honestly disinformation about that operation, their roles once here, and much more. I was born and lived here in Huntsville my entite life and maybe thats why it baffles me people still think Paperclip was some super secret thing revealed 5 minutes ago. People are just ignorant to their own history I guess. Im not denying the Nazis werent evil, heinous, demonic soldiers hellbent on destroying humanity. Just saying the ones that ended up here isnt all its said to be, and that means good or bad, nobody stops to ask the people who lived with them and grew up in the same town. Ive got three generations of family who grew up here, lots that work with NASA at Marshall Space Flight Center, as well as dozens of friends in multiple DoD contractor fields here as well. This is a beautiful town with rich and yes wild, obviously, history that nobody wants to look at. They just hear Alabama and Huntsville and think KKK rednecks and Nazis... we couldn't be further from that here. Have there been evil people here? Racist people? Absolutely, sadly. But evil is everywhere you can see, and the places you can't. We can equate a place and its entirety of people as evil because a few pieces of human garbage lived there also. Love conquers evil. It might take time, but she always wins the fight. Bless you guys!
This guy tells a good story .lol
He enjoys bullshitting
It's possible those ufos are scared that Russia will shoot their rocket at us trying to protect them selves . Maybe it's a sign we need to be alert
If humans were building them then they'd have been weaponized and we'd have seen them in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc etc. We didn't
Not if we're still in the testing phase.
Imagine what they got from 1966. till today, when they promised hotels on the fkn Moon in 1969. but we got jack shit up there now. Officially.
Total and utter NONSENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shouldn’t the mug say ‘Flying saucer - static mug.’?
I have been watching the phenomenon for 50 plus years. Where are the crashed units? Where are the aliens? The Grey people?
Your watching in the wrong places
Chris Bledsoe
And where are the monkeys they sent to the moon 50 years ago
Im pretty sure ive heard others say we figured out gravity control before dna was discovered in '53? Idk theres so much crap out there 😂🤣
keksberg files jon podesta is in it , weird
no such thing as gravity, Ed Leedskalnin explains all this in his book “Magnetic Current”. This is not new age, this was written in the 40’s/50’s after he built Coral Castle. Everything is just electro magnetic energy, that’s why they had static electric balls on the antennas and why the ships in the Matrix movies move like they do. Spin or torque vectoring creates pull or static. Electricity is what connects us via that static. In Physiology we call it ground force reaction, same reason your hair is static when you drag your feet…etc
i agree
@ i forgot a really important part; the more mass, the more electromagnetic static or pull it creates. “gravity” is just euphemism to explain a phenomenon science can’t explain. i realize a lot of my words are generalizations of their true meanings. It’s the only way to explain it in laymen’s terms without getting too into physics and/or electrical engineering which i myself am not qualified to dive into.
I wanna see bros hairline why is he always wearing a hat. That's what the government is hiding..... THE HAIRLINE
They better Free Dr Malachi Z York... He explained all this information in his books from the 1990s
No he didn't. Lol. He was too busy messing with kids
Show us the picture!
Don't be a Gomer
It's not a picture, it's a digital mockup...😂
@@Ron-m8e Explain.
@@franklinholt8054 Aware of that and his work since appx /94.
Either they come from another world or this one..just a different reality or demintion.
Government is hoping they go away so they can come up with a story and move on
How wonderfully awesome of you to share a pic ... would have been nice if you showed the rest of us. So I'm stopping right here. BYE now
tl 197 interestin after a quick search
I’ll have to see intelligent life elsewhere before I’m convinced of it. I still love watching the topic.
There’s a story about a military base where they were doing missle tests and the officers that went out to collect data on the debris….one of the two was abducted disected and dumped back on the missle range back in the 50s or something like that…..the other officer ended up in mental hospital….that story??? Is that story made up or supposedly happened? It’s been on a few documentaries saying about the same stuff the guest is saying…so I s the story true or bullshit? Thanks liked
I think it's not true...
Boy he looks like his Dad
I like ur Pgh hat
Play players - Go freedom - World staert Drione ! Play !!
A real sh*t interviewer.
I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I listen to this guy closely, he seems to want to sound like Joe Rogan. Idk just saying
is that Julian made up to look like Sinatra?
In this day of electronic ease we don't use our imagination anymore. Just take a moment and imagine an infinite universe and an infinite amount of time. Of course there are others "out there " i don't know what they look like or how they travel.,but its a mathematical certainty they exist.
Do you know why this is after the election and Trump tried other people you figure out yourself before for him
Recorded this tonight. I'm not sure what to make of it .ua-cam.com/users/shorts1dvsiQ6dhyA?si=qvbH3mh1TF2A5-A7
Love Julian’s guests but the way he acts like he knows so much about every topic is honestly really annoying.