+Harry Goodwin You've missed his point (and of course it is not in this video). His money allows him to fund his own campaign, instead of taking money from and being influenced by lobbyists, special interests, and PACs like all the corrupt professional politicians.
***** With all the liberals gone America can return to its former glory. America is more likely to become a police state with all the shit soup obama is stirring up
@@paulwarden7744 lmao at least he preserved the economy and kept it at a steady rate unlike Biden who’s destroyed people’s live. But oh no! Not some articles about how mean he is! What has trump destroyed except your shallow little ego?
+Raffaele Colucci DONALD TRUMP you of all people want to get hold of AMERICIAS purse strings you have gone bankrupt investers lost money thousands lost there jobs the people you hurt with no regret you could not manage a public toilet
He did a lot of great things for america. He freed POWs from North Korea after obama refused for 8 years to free them. [RIP Otto Warmbier] He passed a bill the allowed the FBI to help find over 500,000 missing native americans [who are the highest demographic for sex trafficking due to a lack of census.] he paid out of pocket to keep the government and banks open during his OWN impeachment. He made us energy independent. i could go on and on but no one ever seems to want to listen. oh, also, Obama got a peace prize for disarming Ukraine, but when Trump tried to give those weapons back, he was impeached again. and never forget, all the people who pushed the russia collusion lie were on hillary's payroll.
That moment when you realize he’s one of the few presidents in recent years that actually made a name for himself before becoming president and didn’t slither out of a corrupt family into spotlight.
Alex Fishman And to be a good president, you have to be smart. Being likable doesn't mean much of anything when it comes to politics. Tell me something, do you want a likable, kind, president who goes on the late night show and other interview shows? Or do you want a smart, serious president who spends his time working his ass off for his country?
Kasparovwannabe In this society. People like to hear about the nice things from the nice president, but are too scared of the truth from the smart "Asshole" presidents.
+Alex Daniels Hes a light years better candidate than Hillary Rodham who only has voters because shes a woman and her name is Clinton, and light years better than comrade Sanders with his free money falling from the sky and $10/gallon gas.
Excellent point, as today, November 28th, 2019, the greatest human idiot known as President Donald Trump, has posted a picture of himself to his Twitter account featuring his own head, airbrushed onto Rocky Balboa's body! The man is an absolute lunatic!!
I think it's because people think he might get this country out of dept. other than that I can't think of any other logical intelligent reason because if Its not that then it's probably because they wanna see how much he'll fuck up America or because he's funny
+the one and only You're really correct there. My dad is voting on Trump just cause he's a businessman, which to him means that Trump could get the US out of debt, but he doesn't really think about how bad Trump's downsides are. Honestly, I think Trump's too sure of himself.
Zac Gorenc nah... We have three branches of government for a reason. Fortunately, they're not yet completely obsolete. The last ones (save Clinton, perhaps) have been so bad, that I think trump would actually do a better job managing our budget and helping create opportunities for jobs (IE reducing roadblocks to getting things done, as well as keeping jobs within the country)
It would be interesting if he won. Interestingly horrible. And clinton would make the USA not look discrimitive towards woman, so gotta look at all angles. Im a democrat personally and i believe clinton should win.
I'd even say that ... when a brother & a sister are alone at home, they shouldn't make love; otherwise #NoBrainDonald would never have been *conceived* ... ;)
Sorry but I am ashamed of America, there were many good and not so good presidents but what the Americans did to this president will have to be rebuilt for many generations.
i know I am not speaking all of europe but for many here it's simply impossible to understand how someone like him is even allowed to seriously run for president. He is not to be taken seriously as a person, he'd have no chance here to rise within a party. politics here aren't perfect but THIS ?! how can anyone really want him to lead their country ?
There's a fundamental difference in political parties though. His party absolutely doesn't support him. But that doesn't matter in America. All that matters is that he gets a larger disparate set of misfits voting for him than any of the other dozen or so candidates.
+mathewheffley121 then you definitely have to change something in your politics. This is a catastrophe. Who the fuck is even voting for this pig. I wouldn't be surprised if he started the third world war
+LadyStarkgaryen No, I do not speak for all of europe, i'm not in the european parliament, but someone portraying himself in media the way trump does, would not stand a chance in german politics (or in most european countries for that matter) and taking people in though that means trouble is better than letting them drown.
+David Wright The refugees wouldn't have had to leave their homes, if America didn't have such a "respectable military force". Remember who started war and dooming the Middle East.
He sounds like a bully to me. Doesn't seem to care for others at all.. People like him don't change. Oh yea cause he's a business man or so i guess that makes sense.
I would vote for trumps! why ? because im not from America... you americans live too good ... so with Trumps as president ... you will be fucked up ... Glory greatest country , make mother Russia proud
Ethan Harner WOW. What a "fragile" man. He cares about being called a millionaire instead of a billionaire, but he doesn't care about ppl who struggle to get by day to day.
"Part of the beauty of me, is that i'm very rich" then you cut before he gets to explain his position. That's just immoral and deceitful. It's good that hes rich because that means that he'll be independent. He does not have to sell himself to private interest groups and big corporations in order to fund his presidential campaign. I'd much rather have a man who bought himself into the white house, than a man who sold his way there. He's not a professional politician, he's a business man. That's why he was attacked even by his own party. Hes not one of us that's for sure, but for once there is a candidate who is not one of them, that doesn't happen very often. How can you liberals not understand the appeal of Donald Trump. I mean fuck, i'm not even American. I live in one of the worlds most socialist countries, and trust me: SOCIALISM WILL RUIN YOU! Socialism and multiculturalism does not work and you can definitely NOT afford it, if he was running in Sweden, i'd vote for him.
Donald is trying to take away American citizenship from immigrants and after he's in office, any children BORN in America from immigrants families will be sent to their countries, he's going to separate our country and destroy it. I was born in America and my mother and soon to be born sister will have to go to El Salvador and I'll be an orphan, just like the other 11 million Hispanics. But only because he's "different", he has a chance? Are you fucking kidding me? He's racist. And Homophobic. All of America will revolutionize for our fucking Freedom that was based upon our country. I hate republicans FOR THIS VERY REASON. Every single Democrat and even his own Republican Party is against his bizarre idea to strip away families and deporting them all. His ideas into making this country rich, all I can think is more and more factories and building that will crush our ecosystem even though he doesn't even give a single fuck about it, as you can see. I swear, I'm going to Canada.
Maybe if you see the campaigns or even the fucking news, you'd know he WILL deport immigrants and ANY children born shortly after his Presidency. Trump also stated to building a 900 length yard wall (Maybe less, can't quite remember the miles) to permanently keep Hispanics out of America. A man from Univsion, Jorge, even tried to stand up for our fucking race but he was kicked out of the Interview room for "speaking out of line" but then Trump's assistant invited him back in, Trump still claims to deport all immigrants. So yes, more 11 million Hispanics will be Orphans, including myself. That's exactly why us Hispanics are fighting for OUR freedom that we deserve because we worked to get ourselves a DECENT job and to support our families. Yet nope, Trump can care less and maybe if you even watched or read the interviews, you'd know that.
He doesn't believe in climate change. Why is no one even mentioning that? If the U.S. doesn't lower its emissions (given that they emit more Co2 than any other country except for china) the whole world is gonna have a huge problem.
Gary Phillips So securing our borders. Bringing jobs back, replacing Obama care to fit everyone. And huge tax cuts for the poor and middle class, hitting ISIS unpredictably instead of containing them isn't putting America first? No. We are all fucked if Hillary is elected. You got it the other way around. She wants Obama all over again and will import 10 million more Muslims as soon as she is elected. And hell knows what else she will do. She is a hardcore criminal and should be in PRISON.
@@CoasterMan13Official Trump created a booming economy before the plague hit, record low unemployment, more ppl working, jobs coming back to the US, border security, and many many more
Brick Top you I had that same picture. Snatch! that's a great movie. We should call his campaign : "Trump; or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb"
***** lol.. you are funny. Republicans "These politicians are completely worthless! Elect me and I'll prove myself right!" Funny. Why would you elect a government that hates government? Why elect and corporatist that is for corporatism? Government should work for the people... not the enemy of people.
***** No need for ground troops? Never has there been a war with no ground troops. Technology is progressive but unanimous. When combat aircraft was invented, ground troops were still necessary. Same with the insertion of tanks, or ICBM's, nukes, drones, whatever. Veteran troops are necessary to do certain tasks technology can't handle. Not yet, at least.
Brick Top we are working on it. I find it moronic that scientists and governments are trying to implement movies into reality. Smart artificial robot death machines. Giant robots to fight to the death in arenas. Robot cops. I mean haven't these people seen Terminator? Holy shit... if these "smart" people do not wise up we are fucked.
+LimeGreenZebra! That won't be a problem because there won't be any foreigners existing after his presidency. Just think of what stupid war will erupt from Mr. Trump just talking too much.
listen both of you these "foreigners" or aliens, these people come to our country bring drugs, and crime they're fucking aliens. they came here illegally. our economy sucks already. trump will clean the us up. fucking liberalist democrats we need a republican you panzy ruin the country. theyre fucking disgusting aliens that break the law and wear those hijabs. for example disgusting liberalist go rant on your anime forms. hes our next president
listen both of you these "foreigners" or aliens, these people come to our country bring drugs, and crime they're fucking aliens. they came here illegally. our economy sucks already. trump will clean the us up. fucking liberalist democrats we need a republican you panzy ruin the country. theyre fucking disgusting aliens that break the law and wear those hijabs. for example disgusting liberalist go rant on your anime forms. hes our next president
+novideos.corp He seems like a pretty good guy to me. His hair sucks though, but I don't judge people by their fashion sense. Unless it is way out there.
Dov Greenspan Most people who are rich, also don't give a heck.. It's just that he has a big mouth too, doesn't think before he speaks, which also can get him in trouble. He's just like most rich people, using the rest of the population to make them richer.. just keep squeezing out of us the few pennies we have left.
overthehills_faraway haha yeeeeesssssssss. Try not giving a fuck. But I mean truly not giving a fuck. Not like wearing retarded backwards upside clothes of blasting your music loud or any of that crap. A poor person has to worry about money if he wants to live at least decently (unless he's living in a totally self run economy by himself somewhere away from society) but this guy can do literally whatever he wants
dayswithnathalie i promise that he won't be that bad, i've had to deal with Obama the last 8 years and i felt just like you do now. but if you keep on acting like he's hitler he always will be to you. just like i now know that obama isn't that bad
+Mariana Cabani I believe people are scared after seeing what's currently occuring in Europe with immigrants and the like. Maybe also fed up with Obama's socialist policies. Or simply don't like Democrats.
This video was made in 2013 but 99% of viewers are watching in 2015 or 2016 because of his campaign. I'd like to know from watch mojo viewers, do you love him or hate him. I'm a republican but very much dislike him.
+Michael Higbee Democrats love him because if he gets the nomination, Hillary Clinton will most certainally become President. The fact that even a large portion of Republicans already don't like him, that won't speak well for the GOP vote at the general election. Ted Cruz wouldn't fair much better, as general elections are won by who best moves to the centre. John Kasich seems to have zero momentum behind him, I think he should drop out and live to fight another day and support Rubio, as with Jeb Bush bailing out, it's very clear he's the GOP establishments last and only hope. Hell, Kasich would be a great running mate for Rubio, but the only way to stop Trump would have a GOP/Tea Party joint ticket.
+Sun draak : I have sons and daughters. I'd rather my children borrow from me than from the banks, you moron! They are kids and I earn for them. Hell, I'd give my money to my kids. At least Trump's father taught him great business sense and loaned it to him instead. Oh don't be jealous just because your father wasn't financially worth shit.
Yep, the video is on Donald Dumb, a door-to-door carpet seller type with multiple Chapter11s on his back and a stream of lawsuits. But his 4th grade level speech is the best part.
If Donald Trump secures the Republican nomination - an increasingly likely prospect - the party will implode and the US will cease to be a constitutional republic in all but name. Not that any of that will matter to Trump
I don't know why people don't like him for a President. Just think about it, it will be the most comic 4/8 years ever.....he'll bring back standup comedy to its golden age...& he'll crush GWB legacy as the most stupid president ever. I'd say give him a chance, it's a lost cause anyway, what difference does it make, at least America, and the world for that matter, won't be short of laughing.
ame7272 You can't expect people who are glancing over the comments to understand sarcasm when people honestly think like this. I'm dead serious. Some people on the internet take nothing seriously and are going to legitimately vote for him. It's scary.
+George Emdin And the circlejirk continues... Seriously though, I think people support Trump because they're fed up with politicians doing jack shit after promising ti fix crap. If memory serves, one of the big thing Republicans wanted to do was to repeal Obamacare, and after getting a majority in Congress, they've pretty much done jack shit. Same thing goes for immigration. Trump seems like the kind of guy who doesn't give a fuck about politics, being PC, or whatever. He also seems to speak his mind, no mater what he's thinking. This really seems to be appealing to people who are fed up with political bullshit and want their politicians to get off of their lazy asses and start fixing the problems we have. In my honest opinion, if the election comes down to Trump vs Clinton, Trump will probably win. IF it comes down to Trump vs Sanders, I'd say that maybe Sanders would win, but I don't know. There is a pretty strong stigma against socialism in the US (I would say that most Americans disagree with many of the principals as well), and I'm not sure if Bernie can overcome that. Also, these are just things that I've picked up from here and there, plus a few impressions I got from the guy.
+unicornz_of1ove Lol. That's because he goes for models! The wives. Naturally they where able to pop-out a looking-like-model daughter. But the son... I think not so much. And that goes fot he IQ either.
+Eric Hanson yes, and no if you are super wealthy. his plan will create a lot of well paid jobs, watch some of his videos he knows what he talks about.
+Eric Hanson No. Making minimum wage higher doesn't create jobs. It creates demand. Demand for skilled workers only. That means people who are lazy and unskilled will be cut off and easily replaced by a robot that can do your job for a fraction of the cost.
I honestly think this guy would be a great comedian- not a great president. You know who would make a good president? -that's right, Deez Nuts. #DeezNutsforPresident
+Hedin Gregersen I already know your point of views by just looking at your profile picture. It's not just what he says about Mexicans, it's his views on woman, the economy and spending the countries money on the wrong things.
No. It means that he is corrupted. That's why we don't hire business men to run the country. That's why he's befriending all the axis powers. He wants it all
lmfao, are you a troll? Like where do you get this stuff you psychopath. XD What cult do I belong to, The cult of Physics and medical sciences? Oh you probably mean the actually traveled the world, and knows Trump has no idea what hes talking about cult". You have no self awareness to sit here and say other people are in cults, when you actually support the idea that a multi billionaire, who grew up a spoiled child, doesn't have any political background, and dose a 180 on all of his viewpoints in less than a year, should be president. You my friend are the one in a cult, The Trumpers.. By the way I don't "believe" in the word hypocrisy means anything other than what it means : the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. Couldn't be a better word to describe Mr Trump...ConfrontationalRealist
You should probably learn more than a few words before you try to make an argument. I'm assuming your in 7th or 8th grade though, so that's alright, glad your not old enough to vote.ConfrontationalRealist
The very real rich people like Ellison, Gates have never said they r very rich. "a tiger does not stand in the forest and say: "I am a tiger" (Wole Soyinka, Nobel prize)
Erebt Tbzhhy They just rode stock prices up. Very lucky of them. Trump actually built his fortune, piece by piece, and did it again after having to start over after the 1991 recession. He's the kind of guy who could be dropped naked and penniless into any society and would become rich after a while. Even Buffett never created anything of value.
+Pranx But Trump did it the American Way, riding his father's coattails. www.vox.com/2015/9/2/9248963/donald-trump-index-fund And you're saying Gates and Ellison never created anything of value? They created companies based on products that were innovative and successful, therefore prompting people to invest in their companies.
I'm kidding you. All of them are lucky scammers, Trump included. He'd have more money today if he had simply put his inheritance in an index fund in 1974. And no, Neither Gates or Ellison created anything of value in proportion to their current wealth - anymore than Queen Elizabeth II deserves her wealth as a figurehead. Just dumb luck.
WatchMojo, you're fired.
You're fired!
+Sebastian Mouser ????????????????
You gotta admit, he makes for great entertainment
Oh yeah
Yeah, whatever he says coming from his mouth is a joke :D
+WowAnime I love watching all his interviews because you never see it coming
+WowAnime Lol that's exactly why he can't win
+DarthYoda27 He is a leader, a great one, he's proven that time and time again in his businesses
His entire defence is that he is a billionaire. That sort of behaviour is disgusting.
+Harry Goodwin You've missed his point (and of course it is not in this video). His money allows him to fund his own campaign, instead of taking money from and being influenced by lobbyists, special interests, and PACs like all the corrupt professional politicians.
+Chris Lewis but he did get money and asked for nine PACs so he has nothing good about him
+Harry Goodwin A genuine product of the USA, I'd say.
+Harry Goodwin Your profile picture is disgusting
+Chris Lewis Feel the bern.
My favorite Donald Trump moment is when he called Kim Jong Un " Rocket Man "
You know, a small part of me wants this guy to be President, just to see how fast he'll fuck everything up.
+Schwatvogel Same
+Schwatvogel implyng it's not fucked up already.
+Schwatvogel No matter how badly he fucks up, there's always the legislative branch to babysit him.
+Schwatvogel It's like a morbid curiosity
Can I get likes for hating Donald Trump?
Sebastian Jørgensen if he does,half of the population of the us will be in canada.do u like that?
+John Dhar That's where idiots belong. Canada's already full of them so they'll fit right in.
Vote Sanders democrat
If he becomes president I'm moving to Canada.
ExphyL please take the liberals with you
***** With all the liberals gone America can return to its former glory. America is more likely to become a police state with all the shit soup obama is stirring up
ExphyL Scott Walker aka Walker the Wanker is my state's governor. I'm still trying to find a way to be able to move to Canada.
Reymond Fuentez You are the reason I am ashamed to be American.
***** Don't feed the fucktard. You'll only make it demand more.
"They were actually thinking of running for president" well now he is president hahahah
Trump the Chump
Not anymore
MAGA 2020
@@rugbyelite1361 oo
Please don't let this guy become the leader of the free world..PLEASE!
Hot Donkey Since the free world is no longer America, he won't be.
Hot Donkey Please don't vote please America will thank you so much..
Hot Donkey you said "free world" lololol
Hot Donkey You think America is free? LMAO
Love or hate him, he's entertaining lol.
@@paulwarden7744 My words aged like a fine wine. You're just bitter.
@@paulwarden7744 what you on about? His words aged perfectly lmao
@@paulwarden7744 lmao at least he preserved the economy and kept it at a steady rate unlike Biden who’s destroyed people’s live. But oh no! Not some articles about how mean he is! What has trump destroyed except your shallow little ego?
Well that's why we love him 😘
@@paulwarden7744 because you don’t look at both sides of the story. That’s why you believe it. You know for a fact he was better than biden
the fact he was involved with WWE I can't take him seriously!
+Raffaele Colucci Fuck you!
+John Cena fuck you too john!!!! your brother matt was once my boss lol
+Raffaele Colucci Did you guys have a 3some?
+Raffaele Colucci DONALD TRUMP you of all people want to get hold of AMERICIAS purse strings you have gone bankrupt investers lost money thousands lost there jobs the people you hurt with no regret you could not manage a public toilet
+Raffaele Colucci michelle obama was dancing to uptown funk in the ellen show
That moment when you realize this was made in 2013, and now , somehow, he is the president of the US.
Because he’s freakin awesome
@@fishinnewengland4807 ong
He did a lot of great things for america.
He freed POWs from North Korea after obama refused for 8 years to free them. [RIP Otto Warmbier]
He passed a bill the allowed the FBI to help find over 500,000 missing native americans [who are the highest demographic for sex trafficking due to a lack of census.]
he paid out of pocket to keep the government and banks open during his OWN impeachment.
He made us energy independent.
i could go on and on but no one ever seems to want to listen.
oh, also, Obama got a peace prize for disarming Ukraine, but when Trump tried to give those weapons back, he was impeached again.
and never forget, all the people who pushed the russia collusion lie were on hillary's payroll.
That moment when you realize he’s one of the few presidents in recent years that actually made a name for himself before becoming president and didn’t slither out of a corrupt family into spotlight.
That moment when you realize none of these crazy moments didn’t lead to either of his impeachments
To run for president you must be likable. That's one attribute that he will never have.
Alex Fishman I wonder if he'll change his tune during his presidential bid. I look forward to the debates, and hope he's in them.
Alex Fishman edit: double post. sorry. Can't delete this comment.
Alex Fishman And to be a good president, you have to be smart. Being likable doesn't mean much of anything when it comes to politics. Tell me something, do you want a likable, kind, president who goes on the late night show and other interview shows? Or do you want a smart, serious president who spends his time working his ass off for his country?
Kasparovwannabe In this society. People like to hear about the nice things from the nice president, but are too scared of the truth from the smart "Asshole" presidents.
If Trump wins, I'm moving to Vietnam. Communism has got to be less overbearing than a country being led by Trump
No one freakin cares if Trump was a rich snob. A president wouldn't brag about his possessions
+Andrew Bui Just Curious...What do you think a country run by Hillary would look like??
Serious Question I swear lol
tes420 Honestly I haven't given Clinton a lot of thought XD
Andrew Bui
Well...you probably should since she is the one the establishment wants no matter what we think ;)
+Andrew Bui Have fun, comrade!
Please tell me Americans aren't actually considering this guy for presidency.
some retards are going to vote for him. I read a comment that said " Donald Trump will make this country white again" wtf!
This is the reason Americans are stereotyped as idiots.
***** hahaha I know!
+Alex Daniels Sadly, some idiots are voting for him.
+Alex Daniels Hes a light years better candidate than Hillary Rodham who only has voters because shes a woman and her name is Clinton, and light years better than comrade Sanders with his free money falling from the sky and $10/gallon gas.
2022 and still this video shines.
He got my vote.
+Colin McGreevy Because He's amazing.
+phyfts you really have to be kidding me is this sarcasm?
+Dark Heart No sarcasm here, This country is going downunder
And why is that?
How quaint this video seems now. Most of these wouldn't even make a top 50 list of his crazy moments today.
Excellent point, as today, November 28th, 2019, the greatest human idiot known as President Donald Trump, has posted a picture of himself to his Twitter account featuring his own head, airbrushed onto Rocky Balboa's body! The man is an absolute lunatic!!
@wangson and now it’s crazier
No kidding. And the crazy just keeps on coming. 5/9/20
today, every moment in donald's life is a crazy moment because he's not right in the head
So sad but so true
Don't you guys think Donald Trump would be a person who would purge XD
Lol he'd be the guy who makes The Purge a real thing.
If the purge was real..... I would use the bathroom and not flush!
+Tick- Tock Rebel
I know.....
+Tick- Tock congrats.
A very ol adage, "Self praise, is no recommendation"
Seriously, why are so many people voting to Trump?? Just because he is funny?
He kicks ass
he is funny because of hi stupidity
I think it's because people think he might get this country out of dept. other than that I can't think of any other logical intelligent reason because if Its not that then it's probably because they wanna see how much he'll fuck up America or because he's funny
the one and only I am from the UK but knowing trump he might affect this country. Plus he is a racist bastard.
+the one and only You're really correct there. My dad is voting on Trump just cause he's a businessman, which to him means that Trump could get the US out of debt, but he doesn't really think about how bad Trump's downsides are. Honestly, I think Trump's too sure of himself.
+Fede Rico omg XD
+Fede Rico HAHAHAHA uhhh i cant belive were thinking about having this guy for a leader
WILL GET PEOPLE BACK WORKING AND MORE 4 USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+Fede Rico that too funny
If he gets elected president, the world has ended.
Or maybe, you just need to leave the face of the Earth, sounds fair.
Zac Gorenc nah... We have three branches of government for a reason. Fortunately, they're not yet completely obsolete.
The last ones (save Clinton, perhaps) have been so bad, that I think trump would actually do a better job managing our budget and helping create opportunities for jobs (IE reducing roadblocks to getting things done, as well as keeping jobs within the country)
He looks like someone who is gonna start world war III
It would be interesting if he won. Interestingly horrible. And clinton would make the USA not look discrimitive towards woman, so gotta look at all angles. Im a democrat personally and i believe clinton should win.
Hewes Robertson
what's this about making the u.s. look "discriminitive"? I don't get why this is an issue we should consider.
He was spot on about being the greatest president in history hands down
Still a better presidential candidate than Kanye West.
+Maxed Out Productions and Hillary Clinton
+Maxed Out Productions
Yes. Yes, he is!
+eco Eco Donald 2016 will change america for the better, for everyone.
I'm voting for Kanye
K4real1000 your crazy man
The craziest moment was when Trump was born
fuck abortion
I'd even say that ... when a brother & a sister are alone at home, they shouldn't make love; otherwise #NoBrainDonald would never have been *conceived* ... ;)
To an orange orangutan.
Donald Trump:
"I've got 7 billion dollars in the bank"
I own the banks :)
+DyzyneGT Obama owns the banks? More like the banks own obama.
+SR Ghost that was crappy
+DyzyneGT ... you have no clue how the world works do you...
+DyzyneGT ... both the above are incorrect:
- "the donald" doesn't have 7 billion dollars, and
- obama doesn't own the banks.
The banks: I owe 20 trillion dollars to other countries! ;-;
Sorry but I am ashamed of America, there were many good and not so good presidents but what the Americans did to this president will have to be rebuilt for many generations.
Donald's hair has 7 billion dollars?
His hair is a bag?
It has a small loan
Durnald Tramp it hasnt been easy for his hair
+Durnald Tramp My father gave me a small loan of 1 million dollars.......OMG SAME HERE!!!!
+HolyLegendz So he turned 1 million into 4 + billion, that is a success. Why u even mad honey?
i know I am not speaking all of europe but for many here it's simply impossible to understand how someone like him is even allowed to seriously run for president. He is not to be taken seriously as a person, he'd have no chance here to rise within a party. politics here aren't perfect but THIS ?! how can anyone really want him to lead their country ?
+LadyStarkgaryen in the Netherlands we hate him ;)
There's a fundamental difference in political parties though. His party absolutely doesn't support him. But that doesn't matter in America. All that matters is that he gets a larger disparate set of misfits voting for him than any of the other dozen or so candidates.
+mathewheffley121 then you definitely have to change something in your politics. This is a catastrophe. Who the fuck is even voting for this pig. I wouldn't be surprised if he started the third world war
+LadyStarkgaryen No, I do not speak for all of europe, i'm not in the european parliament, but someone portraying himself in media the way trump does, would not stand a chance in german politics (or in most european countries for that matter) and taking people in though that means trouble is better than letting them drown.
+David Wright The refugees wouldn't have had to leave their homes, if America didn't have such a "respectable military force". Remember who started war and dooming the Middle East.
Donald Trump is such a humble person.
Said no one ever.
+dezmpo Exactly one person ever.
go watch this video will get trump elected.
said by me
Better than Hilary, better than Burnie too...
Well done, Rosie
He sounds like a bully to me. Doesn't seem to care for others at all.. People like him don't change. Oh yea cause he's a business man or so i guess that makes sense.
you're fired
+Andres Celano thank goodness
I would vote for trumps! why ? because im not from America... you americans live too good ... so with Trumps as president ... you will be fucked up ... Glory greatest country , make mother Russia proud
+Papyrus the skeleton no, glory to finland
+Papyrus the skeletor Glory to Arstozka!
He said somewhere he would date his daughter if she wasn't his daughter and before he said that he complemented her for her body.
***** Indeed.
dafuk man...this guy is sick
+the 0taku It is gross if he did it in a Pervert way.....but if you say that your daughter is beautiful it's a compliment
+Yuvi Singh haha you believe everything you read on the internet
+Kader Mapel ur a Donald Trump supporter?
When he sued for being called a 'millionaire'.
Ethan Harner hahaha omg seriously? I'm googling that. Hilarious
Ethan Harner No. Just no. He actually did that? Someone actually did that?!
Sir Fur
When you screw with Trump you face the consequences.
You lie about him and he will sue you.
Ethan Harner WOW. What a "fragile" man. He cares about being called a millionaire instead of a billionaire, but he doesn't care about ppl who struggle to get by day to day.
my favourite Donald Trump moment is when they announce he's been voted out of the white house
lol, I'm assuming you mean after his next term? Now that his only competitor is Biden, he has a real good chance at getting reelected.
@@jantheking7028 fuck do you mean EDP FOR PRESIDENT 2020
@@taniawhisenhunt14 Who is that, everyone keep saying it but I don't know what that is.
@@jantheking7028 biden 2020. recent polls have confirmed Biden has over 85% of black vote. He's winning
"Part of the beauty of me, is that i'm very rich" then you cut before he gets to explain his position. That's just immoral and deceitful. It's good that hes rich because that means that he'll be independent. He does not have to sell himself to private interest groups and big corporations in order to fund his presidential campaign.
I'd much rather have a man who bought himself into the white house, than a man who sold his way there. He's not a professional politician, he's a business man. That's why he was attacked even by his own party. Hes not one of us that's for sure, but for once there is a candidate who is not one of them, that doesn't happen very often.
How can you liberals not understand the appeal of Donald Trump. I mean fuck, i'm not even American. I live in one of the worlds most socialist countries, and trust me: SOCIALISM WILL RUIN YOU! Socialism and multiculturalism does not work and you can definitely NOT afford it, if he was running in Sweden, i'd vote for him.
Donald is trying to take away American citizenship from immigrants and after he's in office, any children BORN in America from immigrants families will be sent to their countries, he's going to separate our country and destroy it. I was born in America and my mother and soon to be born sister will have to go to El Salvador and I'll be an orphan, just like the other 11 million Hispanics. But only because he's "different", he has a chance?
Are you fucking kidding me?
He's racist. And Homophobic.
All of America will revolutionize for our fucking Freedom that was based upon our country.
I hate republicans FOR THIS VERY REASON.
Every single Democrat and even his own Republican Party is against his bizarre idea to strip away families and deporting them all.
His ideas into making this country rich, all I can think is more and more factories and building that will crush our ecosystem even though he doesn't even give a single fuck about it, as you can see.
I swear, I'm going to Canada.
Your stupidity makes me laugh.
Sean Allen Explain to me what of what i said was stupid, and why. Then we'll see who's really stupid.
Maybe if you see the campaigns or even the fucking news, you'd know he WILL deport immigrants and ANY children born shortly after his Presidency. Trump also stated to building a 900 length yard wall (Maybe less, can't quite remember the miles) to permanently keep Hispanics out of America.
A man from Univsion, Jorge, even tried to stand up for our fucking race but he was kicked out of the Interview room for "speaking out of line" but then Trump's assistant invited him back in, Trump still claims to deport all immigrants.
So yes, more 11 million Hispanics will be Orphans, including myself.
That's exactly why us Hispanics are fighting for OUR freedom that we deserve because we worked to get ourselves a DECENT job and to support our families.
Yet nope, Trump can care less and maybe if you even watched or read the interviews, you'd know that.
He doesn't believe in climate change. Why is no one even mentioning that? If the U.S. doesn't lower its emissions (given that they emit more Co2 than any other country except for china) the whole world is gonna have a huge problem.
Shouldn't this video be 69 years long?
that's what I was wondering.
Just shows how pathetic the Republican Party is for letting a guy like this represent them
What's so pathetic about making America first? You sound pathetic.
+OWmyDragonBallz He's not going to make America first. You guys are all fucked.
Gary Phillips So securing our borders. Bringing jobs back, replacing Obama care to fit everyone. And huge tax cuts for the poor and middle class, hitting ISIS unpredictably instead of containing them isn't putting America first? No. We are all fucked if Hillary is elected. You got it the other way around. She wants Obama all over again and will import 10 million more Muslims as soon as she is elected. And hell knows what else she will do. She is a hardcore criminal and should be in PRISON.
And at the same time the Democrat party has a scumbag who's under FBI investigation for a 4th scandal. You're such a fucking idiot
+memie lol xD You only proved my point even more dingleberry. Rip America
Talks like a truck driver... xD Savage!! xD xD
I love our president
@@MaroonGoon8629 I don't care if they're funny, or mean, as long as they're doing their jobs. That's all that matters.
@@CoasterMan13Official I think he did a pretty solid job as president
@@MaroonGoon8629 no, he did a horrible job as president.
@@CoasterMan13Official Trump created a booming economy before the plague hit, record low unemployment, more ppl working, jobs coming back to the US, border security, and many many more
I'm not even American. But I love this guy!
I don't think you would want him in your country.
Me 5oo
someone has to make a DonaldTtrump horror movie
+Sky TheOwl OMG LOL
Madable bing bing bong
+Sky TheOwl when I read "bing bing bong" I shit in my pants.
It would be when he becomes president.
The news broadcasting his run for president is pretty damn close
"And number 1, he became president of the united states of America."
Grrr I hate him
That is a crazy moment but in the good way.
Currently I'm not sure, but he hasn't done anything wrong so far.
so many triggered libtards
His arrogance. I love it
I'd love to hire a hit man on this dude
why don't we hire one? :)
+Levi Ackerman Internet tough guys over here.
He would just pay the hit man even more than you did to come back for you.
You ought to be careful what you post online.
Hit up Suge Knight
He's going to sue you now. Oh noes.
I just have this picture of D. Trump being elected and the minute after inauguration nukes start flying everywhere.
Brick Top you I had that same picture. Snatch! that's a great movie. We should call his campaign : "Trump; or how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb"
Dan Underwood Ahaha it would be befitting, he does sound like a really wacky Kubrick character.
***** lol.. you are funny. Republicans "These politicians are completely worthless! Elect me and I'll prove myself right!" Funny. Why would you elect a government that hates government? Why elect and corporatist that is for corporatism? Government should work for the people... not the enemy of people.
***** No need for ground troops? Never has there been a war with no ground troops. Technology is progressive but unanimous. When combat aircraft was invented, ground troops were still necessary. Same with the insertion of tanks, or ICBM's, nukes, drones, whatever. Veteran troops are necessary to do certain tasks technology can't handle. Not yet, at least.
Brick Top we are working on it. I find it moronic that scientists and governments are trying to implement movies into reality. Smart artificial robot death machines. Giant robots to fight to the death in arenas. Robot cops. I mean haven't these people seen Terminator? Holy shit... if these "smart" people do not wise up we are fucked.
His hair has 7 billion dollars?
No....I bet he's used 7 billion dollars on it.
He's only worth 4 billion
No he only worth nothing cause he's shit
Luke Amendolara It's a tax thing.
Luke Amendolara yeah, he hides the 7 billion in his hair. People get surprised when he reaches up there to pay for things.
WatchMojo, this needs Part 2! And 3 and 4!
All the way to part 10000
If we elect him to lead our country, we can't be offended when foreigners call us giant idiots. It'll be true.
+LimeGreenZebra! That won't be a problem because there won't be any foreigners existing after his presidency. Just think of what stupid war will erupt from Mr. Trump just talking too much.
Melon Lord You're right. His little temper will erupt chaos on Earth.
listen both of you these "foreigners" or aliens, these people come to our country bring drugs, and crime they're fucking aliens. they came here illegally. our economy sucks already. trump will clean the us up. fucking liberalist democrats we need a republican you panzy ruin the country. theyre fucking disgusting aliens that break the law and wear those hijabs. for example disgusting liberalist go rant on your anime forms. hes our next president
listen both of you these "foreigners" or aliens, these people come to our country bring drugs, and crime they're fucking aliens. they came here illegally. our economy sucks already. trump will clean the us up. fucking liberalist democrats we need a republican you panzy ruin the country. theyre fucking disgusting aliens that break the law and wear those hijabs. for example disgusting liberalist go rant on your anime forms. hes our next president
joe boom uuuuuuhuuuh, I ALMOST comprehended that.
Go get a job.
Donald trump is like those evil animated stereotpical businessmen.
Evil animated stereotypical businessmen are like trump
No, Trump's name should NEVER go first.
He seems like a pretty good guy to me. His hair sucks though, but I don't judge people by their fashion sense. Unless it is way out there.
3 years later he is president
Hannah Burris 4 years later he wont be our president
Matthew Jimenez lol
S**t, you're right. This sucks
Ryan Friedman I know
Amen an going to make good won bitch!
I find this hilarious that this was published in 2013.... but now look at the 45th President!!!😂😂😂
Where's the vomit GIF when you need it?
Haha I love how he's rich and doesn't give a fuck
At least He's sassy...
Dov Greenspan Is that a lot different then being poor and not giving a fuck?
overthehills_faraway Yes.
Dov Greenspan Most people who are rich, also don't give a heck.. It's just that he has a big mouth too, doesn't think before he speaks, which also can get him in trouble. He's just like most rich people, using the rest of the population to make them richer.. just keep squeezing out of us the few pennies we have left.
overthehills_faraway haha yeeeeesssssssss. Try not giving a fuck. But I mean truly not giving a fuck. Not like wearing retarded backwards upside clothes of blasting your music loud or any of that crap. A poor person has to worry about money if he wants to live at least decently (unless he's living in a totally self run economy by himself somewhere away from society) but this guy can do literally whatever he wants
Trumps hair look like sushi haha and he looks like bread.
Nice 3 year old joke!
joke? I didnt know this was a 3 year old joke lol
seriously, why are so many people considering voting for him?
I'm not sure if they are be sarcastic or not, I can't put my finger on it.
+Mariana Cabani because they're tired of bullshit politicians who don't do anything, and his policies are good too
+the great gustav the third (mitchell) please don't vote for him. i don't want to live on this planet, if he is the next president
dayswithnathalie i promise that he won't be that bad, i've had to deal with Obama the last 8 years and i felt just like you do now. but if you keep on acting like he's hitler he always will be to you. just like i now know that obama isn't that bad
+Mariana Cabani I believe people are scared after seeing what's currently occuring in Europe with immigrants and the like. Maybe also fed up with Obama's socialist policies. Or simply don't like Democrats.
His ego is better, than his Bank Account.
Kanye West is Trump's long lost son.
***** Don't get why you'd write "Except":
This video was made in 2013 but 99% of viewers are watching in 2015 or 2016 because of his campaign. I'd like to know from watch mojo viewers, do you love him or hate him. I'm a republican but very much dislike him.
+Akane Matsuyama same dude
+Michael Higbee Democrats love him because if he gets the nomination, Hillary Clinton will most certainally become President. The fact that even a large portion of Republicans already don't like him, that won't speak well for the GOP vote at the general election.
Ted Cruz wouldn't fair much better, as general elections are won by who best moves to the centre. John Kasich seems to have zero momentum behind him, I think he should drop out and live to fight another day and support Rubio, as with Jeb Bush bailing out, it's very clear he's the GOP establishments last and only hope.
Hell, Kasich would be a great running mate for Rubio, but the only way to stop Trump would have a GOP/Tea Party joint ticket.
republicans are all assholes js
+FleuhilHD Agreed ! Clinton will win ! I guarentee it !
my father gave my a small loan of a million dollar????
+Sun draak : I have sons and daughters. I'd rather my children borrow from me than from the banks, you moron! They are kids and I earn for them. Hell, I'd give my money to my kids. At least Trump's father taught him great business sense and loaned it to him instead. Oh don't be jealous just because your father wasn't financially worth shit.
Thats what I was thinking
Well in New York it is a small loan, especially in the real estate area
Love him or hate him, that raccoon joke clapback was solid
meanwhile in 2016 - Trump really is a president xD
I thought it was a dream. Oh no, its real.
wait like 3 weeks he going to get shot
the way things are going on his 2nd day i dont think it will take that long
Why does everyone hates donald duck. He is a nice guy.
Oh wait, wrong guy.
+Axial Playz "hate" not "hates"
Yep, the video is on Donald Dumb, a door-to-door carpet seller type with multiple Chapter11s on his back and a stream of lawsuits.
But his 4th grade level speech is the best part.
haha donald duck
If Donald Trump secures the Republican nomination - an increasingly likely prospect - the party will implode and the US will cease to be a constitutional republic in all but name. Not that any of that will matter to Trump
*Rosie, guess what?*
Umar Farooq ahaha👍
Maybe "Russia? I am from Russia.
TimurChampion vodka
*You're Fired*
"I'd look her right in that fat ugly face of hers and say "you're fired""
One of the best presidents of this recent era.
Can u do the top 10 clinton scandal please
Clinton, you are fired
It'll be hard to find 10 if you don't include conspiracy theories.
How about the top 12,888 lies Donald Trump said in the last 2 months?
Rainier Paradise why trump is ehhhh TRUMP
How about you give me one lie that Donald Trump has said? He is actually known for his brutal honesty.
I don't know why people don't like him for a President. Just think about it, it will be the most comic 4/8 years ever.....he'll bring back standup comedy to its golden age...& he'll crush GWB legacy as the most stupid president ever. I'd say give him a chance, it's a lost cause anyway, what difference does it make, at least America, and the world for that matter, won't be short of laughing.
+ame7272 Yeah, that's cute, but in the long run we would all be screwed
Apparently this is sarcasm. My bad. Make it obvious next time please.
Sarcasm is a foreign language indeed, to some people.
ame7272 You can't expect people who are glancing over the comments to understand sarcasm when people honestly think like this. I'm dead serious. Some people on the internet take nothing seriously and are going to legitimately vote for him. It's scary.
I see.
watching this video, I can't fathom why he has supporters lmao
+Addison M ikr they're fucking idiots.
+George Emdin
And the circlejirk continues... Seriously though, I think people support Trump because they're fed up with politicians doing jack shit after promising ti fix crap. If memory serves, one of the big thing Republicans wanted to do was to repeal Obamacare, and after getting a majority in Congress, they've pretty much done jack shit. Same thing goes for immigration. Trump seems like the kind of guy who doesn't give a fuck about politics, being PC, or whatever. He also seems to speak his mind, no mater what he's thinking. This really seems to be appealing to people who are fed up with political bullshit and want their politicians to get off of their lazy asses and start fixing the problems we have.
In my honest opinion, if the election comes down to Trump vs Clinton, Trump will probably win. IF it comes down to Trump vs Sanders, I'd say that maybe Sanders would win, but I don't know. There is a pretty strong stigma against socialism in the US (I would say that most Americans disagree with many of the principals as well), and I'm not sure if Bernie can overcome that.
Also, these are just things that I've picked up from here and there, plus a few impressions I got from the guy.
good explanation mom!
+Addison M im one of them , i love this guy, only the weak hate this guy
+Marco Vaz *only the logical
20/20...hold my beer for that top 10..
it's funny how his wives and daughters look like models and then there was him
oml lel
+unicornz_of1ove Wealth is a beautiful thing
Finally one comment that isn't that offensive and is actually true, I don't vote for Donald trump but my mom does
+unicornz_of1ove Dude nice one xD
+unicornz_of1ove Lol. That's because he goes for models! The wives. Naturally they where able to pop-out a looking-like-model daughter. But the son... I think not so much. And that goes fot he IQ either.
He's got my vote in 2016
AwesomeOne0911 Your an ignorant moron. Donald Trump is a dumb fucked idiot. That's why we call him Donald "The Clown" Trump.
I guess being a successful businessman and being billionaire makes u a idiot yea sure keep thinking that
AwesomeOne0911 I hope you're joking
Your a piece of shit.
AwesomeOne0911 Yeah, he's a successful businessman all right. 3 of his casino's are closing.
Is Bernie Sanders the best option for the U.S.?
+Eric Hanson FDR 2.0
Noe Vazquez Is that a good thing?
+Eric Hanson yes, and no if you are super wealthy. his plan will create a lot of well paid jobs, watch some of his videos he knows what he talks about.
Noe Vazquez I'm not well paid so I should probably vote for him if I want to be paid better?
+Eric Hanson No. Making minimum wage higher doesn't create jobs. It creates demand. Demand for skilled workers only. That means people who are lazy and unskilled will be cut off and easily replaced by a robot that can do your job for a fraction of the cost.
His Ego’s so high you can’t even see the end from the Burj Khalifa
Ukraine is losing
@@jb894 first of all, didnt ask, 2nd that doesen't mean i can't support it.
@@thatgreenscorpion8221 go fight in Ukraine if you love it so much. I don't like nazis unlike you.
@@jb894 says the guy who clearly dosen't know that Zelenskyy's jewish.
@@thatgreenscorpion8221 I know that turd is Jewish. There were Jews in hitlers rank too. The azov battalion are neo nazis. Fact.
These are all great moments in my eyes #TRUMP2016
Agreed! #makeamericagreatagain #TRUMP2016
Both of you guys should shut up
+Adham Why
whos watching this in 2016
Not you
+Kathryn White yes I am nerd
+ThePieguy321's channel ok
Donald will run... out of money
I hope so
+Evelyn Paz Not if he gets Elected President lol
So will Bernie
+Evelyn Paz Doesn't he do this every few years anyway?^^ (ironically phrased, yet actually true)
I want to know what is his beef with Rosie.😂😂😂😂 Love this man. His best moment was beating Killary to the WH. "They never thought she would loose".
I honestly think this guy would be a great comedian- not a great president. You know who would make a good president?
-that's right, Deez Nuts.
Kanye for President
+Jagged bacon got em
I think it was in South Carolina, but there was atleast 1% of people that voted for Deez Nuts. I couldn't make this up if I tried.
+Jagged bacon kanye west
It's deez nuts, incorrect answer
I just wonder if he would really paint the white house gold ???
kshamaf thatd be kinda lit tbh
In 2236, no one will remember the "white" house, only the historians will know that the GOLD HOUSE was called White house some far time ago.
They will look at these days before Trump and say what happened
omg please no
He would if he could.😂😂😂😂
Donald trump . Role model of ppl who like Golf and DISLIKE small potatoes
Lukas Re south park haha xD
***** nah i mean the character not the inteligence
Lukas Re yep ill edit it
+Erin L. Miller Sensitive much?
+Jake s. Obama loves golf...therefore Trump is Obama's role model. Suck it, Democrats and Republicans.
He loves making fun of people. But when someone makes fun of him, he gets upset and becomes a cry baby.
He becomes a pussy...short for pusillanimous.
Him for president... ok... *lol man you've got to be kidding me*
Uncommon Loon We need money out of politics. You can make a difference.
#BernieSanders #LastHonestPolitician
robsan21 Yes, but we need a politician, not a short-tempered businessman who fires people for a living.
Uncommon Loon Umm? Im not in support of Trump. Vote Bernie Sanders
#Bernie2016 #LastHonestPolitician
robsan21 yes vote Bernie!
Don't worry Trump won't win America is stupid but not that stupid #Bernie2016
This guy is hilarious i just wish he wasn't racist
He actually is, i guess his ego is so big that in some weird way makes him funny
+Hedin Gregersen Could you go and check what he said about Mexicans besides illegal inmigration, do it and then come back.
+Hedin Gregersen I already know your point of views by just looking at your profile picture. It's not just what he says about Mexicans, it's his views on woman, the economy and spending the countries money on the wrong things.
Donald Trump is like the Eric Cartman of all presidential candidates.
+Greyhound he isnt
why is it so importent for him to tell people how rich he is ?
the reason for suicide is trumps face
No. It means that he is corrupted. That's why we don't hire business men to run the country. That's why he's befriending all the axis powers. He wants it all
Bach as it's the only thing he has
Because it's all he has
Kylie Robinson because he's american
OMG he is a disaster
+Simply Ceciliq xD no he doesn't
+George Emdin wat?
+Simply Ceciliq *than
+George Emdin maybe not sometimes but he's the best candidate I think even though he's. a douchbag I think he'd make an aight president
Born to bowhunt I'm confused. Are you for or against Donald Trump?
This guy cares only about money.
Vagian Tuerous Cause being born into tons of money and assets, and going bankrupt 4+ times is "understanding business".
Nice vague comeback, gotta love when people have to rage because they don't actually have a chance at a debate.
I understand hypocrisy.
lmfao, are you a troll? Like where do you get this stuff you psychopath. XD What cult do I belong to, The cult of Physics and medical sciences? Oh you probably mean the actually traveled the world, and knows Trump has no idea what hes talking about cult". You have no self awareness to sit here and say other people are in cults, when you actually support the idea that a multi billionaire, who grew up a spoiled child, doesn't have any political background, and dose a 180 on all of his viewpoints in less than a year, should be president. You my friend are the one in a cult, The Trumpers.. By the way I don't "believe" in the word hypocrisy means anything other than what it means : the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform. Couldn't be a better word to describe Mr Trump...ConfrontationalRealist
You should probably learn more than a few words before you try to make an argument. I'm assuming your in 7th or 8th grade though, so that's alright, glad your not old enough to vote.ConfrontationalRealist
I particularly laughed when Trump said Rosie talks like a "truck driver" while he himself is talking like a "truck driver!" Classic.
What I like about Trump is there no filters he’s gonnna speak what his heart desires
The very real rich people like Ellison, Gates have never said they r very rich. "a tiger does not stand in the forest and say: "I am a tiger" (Wole Soyinka, Nobel prize)
Erebt Tbzhhy They just rode stock prices up. Very lucky of them. Trump actually built his fortune, piece by piece, and did it again after having to start over after the 1991 recession. He's the kind of guy who could be dropped naked and penniless into any society and would become rich after a while. Even Buffett never created anything of value.
+Pranx what the hell are you talking about? Gates built his own fortune from the ground up.
No he didn't. He rode the stock prices up. The right time and the right place, with the right technology, largely borrowed/copied from others.
+Pranx But Trump did it the American Way, riding his father's coattails.
And you're saying Gates and Ellison never created anything of value? They created companies based on products that were innovative and successful, therefore prompting people to invest in their companies.
I'm kidding you. All of them are lucky scammers, Trump included. He'd have more money today if he had simply put his inheritance in an index fund in 1974. And no, Neither Gates or Ellison created anything of value in proportion to their current wealth - anymore than Queen Elizabeth II deserves her wealth as a figurehead. Just dumb luck.
I'm pretty sure 2016 is just a big meme
Still is
It's a friggin nightmare. Someone wake me up.
Let me tell you about a lil something called 2020. If only you knew.
oh chile 2020 is just painfully cringy
2020 just makes me wanna end it
10: _"It's not whether you win or lose, it's whether you win!"_ WTF kind of advertisement is THAT!?
This needs to be updated with another 10 for 2021.
Trump is so ridiculous I'd think he is a character from GTA that is a parody of rich people in America.
Good evening, my name is Donald J Trump. And in case you're wondering, the J stands for Jenius. 😏
My favorite was when he didn't know what the stripes on the flag meant. Do we really want a president that ignorant of American history?
we have a president that ignorant in history
It was on the Colbert Report. A comedy show, that heavily edits those segments.
brian feeney Only idiots watch that show.
I love how this was entirely made before he was president.
I know, and they voted for him anyway....
I would pay a small loan of a million dollars to see Donald Trump shave his head.
Use trumpattack.us it's only a dollar and you can tell a trump supporter whatever you want anonymously
If they have wireshark, they can track your ip, therefore it's no longer anonymous.
actually he would just have to take off that thing living on his head
Just use cheeky hacks.
Oh America, are you guys okay?
no :'(
We need help Alice!
We need help out of this grave we've dug ourselves into.
no, we have Obama.
His ego is so big he thinks being unfaithful means turning away from the mirror.
WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT RUDY IN A DRESS SKIT!?!? Donald just motorboated him. Very niiice.