MUSIC ANALYSIS: Theme for The Boy and the Heron - (地球儀) by Kenshi Yonezu

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • The musical effect achieved using the bagpipes, piano, and his voice is just top tier!
    This was a superb theme that was written perfectly.
    🔸 View the original video here: • 米津玄師 - 地球儀 Kenshi Yon...
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    #theboyandtheheron #Reaction #DrumRollTonyReacts


  • @DrumRollTonyReacts
    @DrumRollTonyReacts  Рік тому +49

    This was such a different version of Kenshi Yonezu 🎵
    Video Question: Have you already seen 'The Boy and The Heron'?

    • @jetman2045.
      @jetman2045. Рік тому +7

      Yes, saw it in theaters 2 days ago with some friends.

    • @corrinflakes9659
      @corrinflakes9659 Рік тому +5

      Yeah, saw it last Saturday, day after my birthday. It took a roadtrip to see, but actually worth it.

    • @bakechan2732
      @bakechan2732 Рік тому +3

      Yes, in Tokyo.

    • @reiya409
      @reiya409 8 місяців тому +2

      Kenshi songs are always innovative, rather than follow any certain genre, he went to challenge every single of them instead😅actually, it will be great if you can make tierlist of his songs. My recommendation will be Eine Kleine, Shunrai, Peace Sign, Mad Head Love, Fireworks(ft. Daoko), Pale Blue, Canary, Campanella, Kanden, M87, Moongazing, Shinigami, Spirit of The Sea, Orion, Loser, Flamingo, Lemon, Paprica, Pop Song & Lady. There are still a lot I might forgotten some of them😅.
      FYI, his song Paprica was the reason why Miyazaki entrusted him to make ending theme song for The Boy & The Heron. Paprica was originally wrote for Chindren group, Foorin and chosed as cheer song for Summer Olympics 2020. This song was performed by various artists on NHK. It also use as background song for morning exercise in radio or tv.

    • @derenggefu802
      @derenggefu802 6 місяців тому

      Watched it once and about to watch it again. It's a movie that makes me FEEL and also makes me THINK. Not a lot of movies do both afterwards

  • @Twoseconds001
    @Twoseconds001 Рік тому +213

    He said when Miyazaki sensei heard the song he cried and also it took it 4 years because they to do lots of changes, the song really fits the movie very beautiful movie by the way

    • @alexandreghibli
      @alexandreghibli 8 місяців тому +1

      I believe it does portrait Miyazaki's life in a beautiful way. I'm also in favor of diversity in music structure instead of repeating the same chorus 3,4,5 times....

    • @Twoseconds001
      @Twoseconds001 8 місяців тому +3

      @@alexandreghibli Kenshi is a very hard worker when it comes to music and he's a God here in Japan a very respected artist same with Yojiro Noda from Radwimps. They've never made any bad songs

    • @alexandreghibli
      @alexandreghibli 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Twoseconds001 True, also love Yojiro’s compositions, specially his soundtrack on Your Name, such a masterpiece.

    • @Twoseconds001
      @Twoseconds001 8 місяців тому +2

      @@alexandreghibli Yes but people tend to forget he also compose songs for movies also, check out "The last 10 years" it's a Japanese movie you'll like it

    • @alexandreghibli
      @alexandreghibli 8 місяців тому +2

      @@Twoseconds001 I like most movies I watch where the music is good most of
      the times 😅So if you say the music is good I’ll try 😊👍

  • @kawazu_ya
    @kawazu_ya Рік тому +165

    Fun fact about the creaking noises from Kenshi Yonezu's interview:
    When creating the initial demo for Hayao Miyazaki, the movie director, he aimed for studio-level quality, yet he encountered noise issues, including the distinct piano pedal creak. Later, when recording with a real deal piano, it felt lacking. He experimented a lot but nothing satisfied him. In the end, he made an attempt recording with the piano at the family home of Yuta Bandoh, the co-arranger, because there was an old piano that had been used since Yuta Bandoh mother's generation, in a very ordinary household, without any soundproofing set up or anything. It wasn't as if it even received any special maintenance, yet when he recorded with that piano, naturally noise and the creaky sound of the pedal got in there. Eventually, they decided to keep these sounds in the final recording.
    Edit: You can hear the song without the creaking noises in live concert version he uploaded on his channel

    • @b0unce805
      @b0unce805 Рік тому +19

      That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing that info

    • @froilanm_
      @froilanm_ Рік тому +2

      I thought that was his chair thats creaking lol😂

    • @michaelhendri1468
      @michaelhendri1468 9 місяців тому +1

      I thought it's the voice of spinning globe, great fun fact!

    • @S_Carol
      @S_Carol 7 місяців тому +1

      Some of the best piano recordings I've heard are those where you can still faintly hear the pedal move and the pianist breathing in before a phrase.
      They really don't need to always be removed, particularly for softer music like this.

  • @Bobbias
    @Bobbias 11 місяців тому +42

    Man, Kenshi has a real talent for writing incredibly beautiful melodies. I can't think of a song of his I've heard that doesn't feature a great melody. Even Kick Back, where the vocal melody is often not the focus at all features some really gorgeous melodic choices.

  • @YouMayKnowMeAsNate
    @YouMayKnowMeAsNate Рік тому +21

    I love how it feels like the singer is singing each word with very intentional power and feel, adding so much than just the notes you hear

  • @suiii8299
    @suiii8299 10 місяців тому +20

    One of the purest and greatest talents Japan has ever produced in the music industry. Goddamn proud of him

  • @GreenBean123.
    @GreenBean123. Рік тому +38

    hearing this song in the credits of the movie made me cry

  • @kienoduy7194
    @kienoduy7194 Рік тому +57

    Hope you’ll react more songs from Kenshi Yonezu. He can sing, write songs, he sometimes illustrates his cd covers, he can dance, he also did a whole music video. Such a talented artist.

  • @abhinavperim2462
    @abhinavperim2462 Рік тому +37

    Another song you should definitely check out from him is "Lemon"... Its the most viewed japanese MV but thats not why i recommended it... Its a beautiful song

  • @黄信号とまれ
    @黄信号とまれ Рік тому +32

    The Japanese title of this film is "How Do You Live? It was made shortly after the death of a great director whom Hayao Miyazaki cherished as a rival and close friend.

  • @cl3ric
    @cl3ric Рік тому +40

    It's truly a beautiful song. It gives you a moment to appreciate small things in your life. I love it

  • @cn2490
    @cn2490 Рік тому +17

    Kenshi Yonezu sounds incredibly soulful. Real love it.

  • @fernallystudiozzz
    @fernallystudiozzz 10 місяців тому +6

    It really is a great song and it was sooooo cool to listen to it at the cinema

  • @rainshadow378
    @rainshadow378 Рік тому +25

    Kenshi going from KICK BACK to this is absolutely outstanding and amazing

    • @ep6808
      @ep6808 8 місяців тому +1

      He's honestly such a genius

  • @AttackRunRepeat
    @AttackRunRepeat Рік тому +15

    Since the first day I heard this song I cry every time I listen to it. Especially after reading the lyrics, losing someone you love is hard.

  • @성이름-q9k1g
    @성이름-q9k1g Рік тому +62

    Fun fact: The bagpipes sound in this song is a sample of the bagpipes sound used at the memorial service for Queen Elizabeth II of England.

    • @DrumRollTonyReacts
      @DrumRollTonyReacts  Рік тому +13

      Why tho? Is there a significant reason in the movie? Where did you read this?

    • @성이름-q9k1g
      @성이름-q9k1g Рік тому +49

      here is translation that comment about bagpipes
      "While I was making the song, Queen Elizabeth passed away and I got to see a video of her funeral. One of the passages featured a solo from the Queen's personal bagpiper who woke her up every morning. There was a scene where a bagpiper played while playing in a symmetrical angle and slowly went inside and disappeared, and I felt a lot of empathy while watching that. I placed the bagpipes video on top of the demo sound I was making and listened to it as a test, and the scales matched. I found out that the bagpipes instrument only has a few set patterns of scales, and the scale of the song I was making happened to match one of them. I thought I had no choice but to include bagpipes in this one. Originally, I was going to go with just one piano, but after that experience, I felt like I had to include it because it had something to offer."@@DrumRollTonyReacts

    • @DrumRollTonyReacts
      @DrumRollTonyReacts  Рік тому +12

      @@성이름-q9k1g 👀

  • @kiliannmoussu1760
    @kiliannmoussu1760 Рік тому +10

    If you liked this song there is another one from the same artist, named Tsuki Wo Miteita - Moongazing
    This one is in Final Fantasy 16 and sound very good too.

  • @hachi1497
    @hachi1497 Рік тому +26

    There are many more songs by kenshi yonezu that I would like to see your reaction to. I recommend spirit of the sea.

  • @tsuenji
    @tsuenji Рік тому +12

    If you want another amazing experience then I really think that you should definitely react to his another song called "Spirits of the Sea"
    The music is just so beautiful.

  • @ep6808
    @ep6808 8 місяців тому +4

    Really enjoyed your reaction, I love learning and also feeling validated in my love for certain music 😂 I hope you'll react to more of his stuff. He has over 100 songs under his real name, more under the vocaloid name hachi, and it's a very deep well of variety and genius

  • @Dummybuns
    @Dummybuns Рік тому +40

    I love Kenshi Yonezu so much 😭❤️✨

  • @shadu8534
    @shadu8534 Рік тому +9

    If you liked this you should absolutely check out one of his most popular songs Lemon. It's a lot more of an emotional piece like this one so I think you would like it!

  • @kei07210
    @kei07210 Рік тому +10

    Are you familiar with the animated films of Hayao Miyazaki? This song is from his latest and last work, an animated film.
    It was written by Kenshi Yonezu at the request of Hayao Miyazaki. When the song was first performed, Hayao Miyazaki was moved and thanked him profusely. The music made the world of the film even more compelling.
    You have the power of music, and you will convey it to us through your power🍀🍀

  • @b0unce805
    @b0unce805 Рік тому +27

    I’m not crying, you’re crying.
    Lol great song and very different sound from Kenshi. The percussion becoming a bit more involved each chorus and the crosssticks was a nice touch.

    • @SnailHatan
      @SnailHatan Рік тому +1

      My crying? What about my crying?

  • @sky6159
    @sky6159 Рік тому +8

    “About bagpipes”🎵
    As others have said,
    Kenshi Yonezu talks about bagpipes on UA-cam “Kenshi Yonezu -Spinning Globe Radio”🎶✨

  • @user-yc9rc5el2l
    @user-yc9rc5el2l 10 місяців тому +6

    When I heard this song for the first time, I was moved to unspeakable emotions and I cried、、、
    I would be happy if he could give us a reaction video ^_^ as his best known songs such as Lemon, Spirits of the Sea,kanden, are also very good.
    From Japan, いつもありがとう😊

  • @Joseph_413
    @Joseph_413 Рік тому +8

    It's so relaxing and making me cry

  • @HECATESHINO-yc9kf
    @HECATESHINO-yc9kf 11 місяців тому +7

    I can say Ive seen many commentary channels but most of them are just boring just watching either very minimal commentary or none at all. At least there do are some like you who do really comment on it, know what they are talking about and gives an honest reaction.

  • @megg734
    @megg734 Рік тому +10

    The original title of this movie is "How Do You Live?”
    Please also give us your reactions to Godzilla's theme!

  • @ねこ-m3
    @ねこ-m3 11 місяців тому +6


  • @pofficial3345
    @pofficial3345 Рік тому +16

    The movie is just as good as the music, you should definitly check it out ! Glad you love Kenshi for his amazing work

  • @asinicw9906
    @asinicw9906 7 місяців тому +5

    I recommend kanden, spirits of the sea, pale blue also by kenshi yonezu

    • @reiya409
      @reiya409 7 місяців тому

      Man,,, Pale Blue is my most favourite song of him, while Kanden was the first ever song I got to know from him

  • @garbage-virus6583
    @garbage-virus6583 Рік тому +2

    Hey! have a question, I'd be absolutely curious to hear your thoughts on Link Click OP 2
    Im not sure if you read this but i love your reactions to the anime openings alot and I absolutely think this ones a masterpiece.

  • @daenopher
    @daenopher Рік тому

    the intro of this reminds of like Bon Iver and alike. Very melodic, very musically focused, but still slow enough to get entangled to while listening.

  • @ciberquimia
    @ciberquimia 6 місяців тому +1

    Please analyze Sayonara Mata Itsuka

  • @wisnoetammami
    @wisnoetammami 8 місяців тому

    hey man, I think you should also check the OST composed by Joe Hisaishi, especially "The Great Collapse", I think you'll love to break it down

  • @tokusatsu-miblo8297
    @tokusatsu-miblo8297 11 місяців тому +2

    If you could, please try reacting to some tokusatsu songs? 2000-present Kamen Rider Openings are good, I would recommend Kamen Rider Drive opening and maybe Gotchard

  • @HuyVũLại
    @HuyVũLại Місяць тому

    pls react to spirit of the sea by kenshi yonezu plssss
    it's such a good songgg!!!

  • @faikromid1970
    @faikromid1970 Рік тому +1

    I know that this doesn't have to do with the video but i suggest u to check bocchi the rock, both opening, ending and the 14 musics

  • @SnailHatan
    @SnailHatan Рік тому +1

    Would be cool to see some A Silent Voice OSTs on here 🔇 👂

  • @Loyal695
    @Loyal695 Рік тому +1

    Please react to UNMEI NO HI - TAMASHII VS TAMASHII dbz Soundtrack ♥️

  • @prodbymaki
    @prodbymaki Рік тому +2

    please react to new Ado album “Uttatemita”